Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, July 25, 1866, Image 3

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i nnm X su, EG leave to assure their old friends and custom- IsJB ers, that they have not diminished aught of ; their zeal in the DRY GOODS TRADE ; but arc now, as ever, prepared with a full stock to give entire satisfaction. Our Sprin- and Summer stock of staple anti Fancy Dry Goads, IS SUPERB, AND CONSISTS OF ALMOST EVERY ARTICLE IN DEMAND, \V> are now receiving and will continue to receive large supplies of HMD! MMI (MEM, FOR MEN. AND BOYS. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, j§§ Fashionable Jewelry! We have just received a liARGfi LOT OF O arpeting, MatttnßTt CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, HOUSE FUR NISHING GOODS OF ALL KlNDS—together with Carpenters’ and Farmers’Tools, Cutlery, Wood Ware, Tobacco, Coffee, Tea, Sugar, And many other things too numerous to mention. CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. E. REMINGTON & SON. May 2 18 ‘PEACE PROtLAIMEDr ANDREW JOHNSON ms ,it DEd.iß'n tiik WAb at \> KNU: THAT TIIF RKBRI-MOV !VO hONOGR EXISTS, AND T H IT THE AXERieiX PEOPLE ARE AT PEACE AG AIN! I KUBITSHEK & BRO., ISSUE THIS, Their Proclamation To the citizens of Thomasville aud adjoining country, that we are receiving (aud will continue to teceivc), the largest amd best assorted STOCKS OF DRY c3L US HEADY MADE CLOTHING, X-X O 3VX BSPTJ3MS, Boots and Shoes, Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Hats, Fancy Articles, Notions, &c., &a, THver Opened in Thomasville! OUR STOCK HAS BEEN PURCHASED FROM TIIE LEADING AND CHEAPEST HOUSES IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, For the- Cash Strictly! Consequently, we arc enabled to sell as cheap as any house in South-western Georgia, and we are DETERMINED to do it. We invi-e all to give us a call. We will take pleasure in exhibiting our stock, and feel assured that we can give satisfaction to all those who may favor us with their paronage. We invite the Bodies especially to cali and examine our rich and splendid assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS NEW AND SPLENDID STYLE OF Spring and Summer Cloaks, Latest Style of Hats and Trimmings, &c,, &c., &c. Our Stock consists in part of Prints, Lawns, Organdies, Fine English Bareges, Gtenadines, Black and Fancy Silks, Foreign and Domestic Gingham Mantillas, Lace. Paints, Hoop Skirts, Ladies’ Umbrel las and Parasols, Head Netts, Empress’ Coil Cambrics, Cassimeres, Cassinets, Broad Cloth, Doe Skin, Kentucky Jeans. Cottonades, Drilling, Linen, Duck, Bed Ticking. Stripes. Our assortment of White Goods is rich and varied. Mulls, Bishop Lawns, Muslins, figured and plain, Brilliants. Dimity, French Cambricks, Spring Lustres. Gents Ready Made Clothing of all descriptions, Boots and Shoes, a large assort ment, including Boys', Misses aud Children's; also a fine lot of Ladies’ Shoes of all grades. Domestic Goods of all descriptions, including Spun Yarns, all sizes, Osnaburgs, bleached and unbleached Homespuns. Hosiery of all kinds. Stationery, &c. Wool and Cotton Cards, Trunks, Ya ises, Matting, Oil Cloth, Umbrellas, Coffee. Pepper, Spice, Flour, Soda, ollins’ Axes, Trace Chains. Hoes, Colt’s Pistols, Double Barreled Shot Guns. Table and Pocket Cutlery, Mirrors, Tin Ware, Cups and Saucers, Pitchers, Plates, Glass Tumblers, Goblets. <£c. Also, a fine lot of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. A splendid assortment of Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, &c. Our thanks are tendered the Public for tlieir very liberal patronage heretofore, and we pledge ourselves to merit a continuance of the same, *,,019 *■ KUBITSHEK cfc 88.0. Fletcher Institute TIIE Exercises of this School under the im mediate control of the undersigned, will be resumed on viondar. 9th Proximo, the beginning of the Second Term, for the seholas tie year 1866. Rates of tuition as heretofore, and payable quarterly in advance. The several departments are provided with faithful and efficient teachers. A thorough Classical aud finished education is within reach of all. The Principal of the Institute can but tender histhank-to an appreciative community, which; within the brief period of one term has in creased the patronage of his school tenfold. With a profound sense of the responsibility resting upon him. his every effort will be di rected to the advancement of his pupils, mor ally and intellectually-. Patrons are requested to be prompt in enter ing their children at the beginning of the term J. E BAKER, Principal. June 27 20-6 t _^SODA CfOLD and sparkling, with choice Syrups / Commenced drawing for the season. Also ICE kept constantly on hand and for sale by JOHN STARK. 80D£ water; WITH FINE SYRUPS AT ■ W. P. GLOWER & GO’S DRUG STORE. May 9 • . 19-ts NEW BOOKS! npHE Prison Life of Jefferson Davis, by A John J. Craven, M. 1) “ Bill Arp “So Called,” (a side show to the Southern side of the war.) • • Religious; €hn,mten I.\- Hf.\vf.k “ Suffer little chib dren to coine unto me and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heavens”—Matt, xix, 14. The Rock of Ages, by Edward Henry Biek erstetli. The Law of Ood —Phirrmr. Jacobus on the New Testament, Matthew, Mark Luke, John and the Acts. Bible Dictionary. Poetical. Campbell’s Poems. Tennyson’s Poems —The Lady of the Lake. Lucile, bv Owen Meredith. BEVILL A WRAGG. June 27 26 3t FUBMSHYOUR HOUS . riNHE undersigned have at great trouble and J expense completed their splendid stock of HOUSE Ft RAISVHNG GOODS expressly for the Thomasvillemarket, and now present to the public the only bouse in the place devoted exclusively to that branch of business. Our stock consists of almost every article needed in our line together with IMIDIUKS &. ( 4ltl*E\TEilS TOOLS. Our house is replete with Yankee notions of utility- the latest inventions and improvements in all kinds of ware, furniture, tools Ac. Ac. OUR SILVER WARE is superb and needs no recommendation. A full assortment of the latest improved COOKING & OFFICE STO VES at the most reasonable prices. We also repair and FiC'ITHC TIN W ARE of all kinds. In fact, our stock is complete in every de partment Come and examine for yourselves, A. Ali. SMITH. may 30th GROCERIES, AND TIN WARE! At K. R. EVANS’ OLD STAND, jV. xt door to I. Kubitskek $• B> o. AINSWORTH & SANFORD KEEP constantly on hand a large and se lected sro-k ‘of GROCERIES, HARD AND ‘PIN WARE, consisting of Flour, Bacon, Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Cheese, Butter. Syrup, Salt, Soap, Soda, Starch, Candles, Pepper, Allspice, Ginger, Snuff in Jars aud Bottles, Raisins, Dried Figs, Apples and Peaches, Pot ash, Oysters. Cream Tartar. Yeast Powders, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Hardware Stoves. Hoes, Nails, Axes, Spades and'Shov els, Trace Chains, Pocket ml Table Knives, Haines, Collars, Well and Water Buck ets, Cotton and Wool Cards, Screws, . Brads, Locks, Drawing Knives, Files, Ac. Spun Thread, all lumbers, TIN WARE! 10T OF FRENCH CALF-SKINS. All of which will be sold low for CASH or BARTER. Hides, Wool, Ac.i bought. 11. B. Ainsworth. 11. 11. Sanford. April 25 17-ts A. J. MILLER & CO., FURNITURE WARE HOUSE, 13S Broughton St., S.tVAWAH. GA. GTX ew Work made to order. HPRepairing. Bell Hanging, Mattrass Ma king and Upholstering at short notice. A. J. MILLER. D. FALVEY. April 18 3m GEORGIA —Brooks County. SIXTY’ days after date application will be made to the honorable Conrt of Ordinary, of said County, for leave to sell the Real Estate of J. B. Archer, late of said County, dee’d. J. O. MORTON, July 4 60d Adm'r. GRAND CLIMAX! Great Fenian Excitement ! 111 ’ • iiji ififii tmmmmt iojimm HOSTILITIES COMMENCED In New Brunswick! BUT, still greater Excitement now prevails at the Store of H. WOLFF § BRO, On account of their tremendous sales, of Dry Goods at greatly- reduced prices. They have lately received and are constantly receiving the most overwhelming sup plies of all kinds of • • • - . jfantj Hitb Staple Ilrn (foebs, .Such as, Bleached Goods of all descriptions, Prints, Gingham?, Muslins, Lawhs, Bareges, Grenadines, Silks, Silk Mantillas, Lace Points, Shawls, Hats and Hair Nets ; all kinds of White Goods, Yankee Notions of all descriptions. wmm Piece Goods, such as Linen and Marseilles, Italian Cloth's, Dr.ap Dete, Cassi ’ meres, Broad Cloths and Doeskins, Hats and Caps, Boot* and Shoes, : Jewelry o-f all descriptions.- .. • • . ‘• CROCKERY & GL CSS WARE, .• CUTLERY of all kinds, TOBACCO and SUGARS- In conclusion We would say, that wc have tremendous heavy stocks of BROWN SHIRTINGS and SHEETINGS, TOBACCO and SEGAItS, especially Tobacco. • All of which foregoing described goods have been, carefully selected by one of our firm, while in New York, and bought with the CASH, at the Lowest Prices; and as we are selling all our goods strictly for CASH & CASH ONLY! We can afford to sell the same at a very SMALL ADVANCE-. Tile Ladies are especially invited to call and examine our stoek, as we will be very glad to show our goods to them, should they even not buy any. We would tender our.thinks to our patrons for their patronage heretofore, apd would assure them, that we will endeavor to merit the same in future. . . Count a y dci cliailts would do well to call and examine our Stocks, as we could give them great inducements to buy of us. • Stock Qf Tobacco is unsurpassed in quality and quantity.- H. WOLFF & BROTHER. April 25 17 t*m E.REMINCTON & SONS MUSKETS AND CARBINES^ For the United States Service. • Also, Pocket and Belt Revolvers, Manufacturers of. tih is Pistol*, ■ JHi nmrAT \rT,’pC! BTUT T?C! Repeating Cnlies,- Revolving Rifle*,; tfHIL Rei V ULY rjKOj mi -Rifle niirl Shot Run Run-el*, And Gun Materials sold by Gun Dealers and the Trade generally.- Iu these- days of Houses breaking and Robbery, every House,. Store, Bank, and Office, should have one of. •. : lIIHSMB’i ; Parties desiring to avail themselves, ot the late improvements in Pistols, and superior work manship and form will find all combined iii the New Remington Revolvers. Circulars containing cuts and description of our Arms will be furnished upon application. . E. KE tIINtSTON A SOVS. llion, i\. V, * . MOORE & NICHOLS, Agents, June 20.25-3 m No. 4U Couriland St., New York. NEW MILLINERY Establishment- THE undersigned beers leave to call the at tention of the Ladies of Thoniasville and vicinity, to the splendid assortment of Sew Millinery Goods Just received anJ for stile by her, at her res deuce, near the Presbyterian Church, I am also prepared to Cut, F it, Vl like and Trim Dresses, in the latest fashions. Mrs. BUDD. May 16 3m GEORGIA —Flinch County, To all whom it may Concern. WHEREAS, Rebecca Bennett makes appli cation for Letters of Administration on the es tate of Phelix Bennett, deceased All persons interested are notified to lile their objection in said Court, otherwise said letters will be grant ed in terms of the law- H. MORGAN, July 11-30d Ordinary. GEORGIA —Clinch County. WHEREAS, William Tombl'.nson applies to me tor Letters of Administration on the es tate of John Tonjblinson, late of said County, deceased These are therefore to cite and ad monish all persons cotcerned. to file their ob jections, if any.they have, within thetiine pre scribed’ hy law, otherwise said letters will be granted at the next regular terra of this Court. Given under my hand at office, this July 9th, 186& H. MORGAN, July 11-30d Ordinary. GEORGIA —Brook* Comity. WHEREAS, I. J. Edmondson, Administra tor on the estate of J. J Edmondson, deceased, makes application to this Court for Letters of Dismission from the estate of said deeeas-d : These are therefore to eite all persons inter ested, to tile their objections as required by law, otherwise said letters will be granted to the applicant. In testimony, witness, Ac., July 2,1866. J. G. McCALL, July 11 30d 0- B. C. GEORGIA —Broolio County. WHEREAS, N. R. Spprgler, Guardian of E. J. English, a minor, applies to this Court for Letters of Dismission from such Guardian ship :—These are therefore to cite and admon ish all and singular, the parties at interest, to tile their objections within the time prescribed by law. otherwise said letters Will be issued to the applicant. J. G- McCALL, July II 30d O. B. C. All persons having ctemands against the es tate of Solomon Newsopi will present them duly proven, and those indebted to said estate will please make immediate pavtaeut to THOMAS B GRIFFIN, Adm r. WAGGMAN’S DIARRHEA MIXTURE. An infallible specific for incipient Cholera. Prepared bv W. P CLOWER A CO., May 16 Druggists. JAMES 111 TER INSURANCE oo3vii-A.ig"3r, HOWARDS) VII. 1.1?, V I RG I N I A . Chartered Capital, $1,500,000 ! THIS old, tried, and solvent company deals liberally, pays promptly, and asks pat ronage.. See below, to which many others similai. could be added; Richmond, Ya., February 15, 1866. “In the month of December, 1865, we had cotton burned which was insured in the James It i ver Company, and its part of loss, amounting to one thousand seven hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents, was promptly paid as soon as proof, See., was forwarded, and over two months before it was due under the policy. Such promptness merits patronage. A. Y. STOKES & CO.” AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. References required of applicants. E. RE MINK TO IV St SON, Agents. Thomasville, Ga. Mar 14 II ts VOTICE to DEBTORS find CREr XV DITORS. —All persons indebted to the estate of Thomas Dyson, late Os Thomas Coun ty, deceased, are hereby required to make im mediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them in terms of the law. JAS E, DYSON, June 20-60d Executor. Forty Days Notice to Sell Land. AGREEABLE to an order of the honorable Court of Ordinary of Thomas County, July Term, 1866, will be sold before the Court House door in Thomasville, said County, on the first Tuesday in September next, within the legal hours of sale, 130 acres of Land—a part of Lot Number 38, in the 14th District of Thomas County—sold as the Home Place pro perty of Jesse Ward, deceased. Widow’s dower excepted. Terms of sale cash. 11. J. WARD, July 11-404 Adm’r; Two Months Notice. I WILL apply to the honorable Court, of Ordinary of Clinch County, Georgia, for leave to selDFour Lots of Land, belonging to the estate of John Williams, Jr., late of said coun ty, deceased. /. L. MORGAN, ’Jnlyll-60d Adm’r. GEORGIA —Brook* County. SIXTY days after date application will be made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of said County, for leave to sell the Real Estate of J. J. Edmondson, deceased. I. J. EDMONDSON, Adm’r. July 11 604 FINE PERFPJIES, Lubin’s Extracts, Florida Water, Extract Pond Lily, and Night Blooming Cereus, Zylo Balsamum, Tri copherous, Kathuiion, India Rubber, Horn and Buttalo Dressing and Fine Combs, Children’s Long and Ladies’ India Rubber Tuck Combs. For sale by W. P. CLOWER 6c CO., Feb 7 6 ts Apothecaries Hall. BUGGIES! HARNESS! Saddles! BRIDLES! RED Oak Hames. Calf Skins. Shoe hft Lining Skins, Oak and Hemlock, Sole and Harness Leather. Shoe Findings, of all sorts.. Coach and Carriage TRIMMINGS, . . such as, Black Enamelled. Leather, Dash Leather, Lin ing Nails, Carriage Knobs, Apron Hooks and . Rings. . . , ■ • • Saddle. Cloths. Whips, Bitts and Spurs, Trace Chains, Breast Chains, &c.-, kept constantly on hand at low prices; to suit the times. . All work warranted that leaves uur estab lishment. . • Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. No charge for looking around... ‘ JIeIiEAWIIAN A IJTTEE. April 4 ... 14-ts •• . NEW- . • ESTABLIS NMEIIT NOW OPENED AND READY ‘. FOR INSPECTION, By A. f .IHOUtiHIAS, Have on hand Doub]e barrel Gun-s and Rifles, of the best .quality, at imported prices by . - ‘. J. C,. UOpGKINS. • ‘. ALSO ‘• Colts, arid Smith & WessoH > s Pistols, at the lowest market prices, . by ‘ J. C..HODGKINS. • ‘ - also’ • . ■’ The finest assortment of fishing Bobs and Fishing tackle offered for sap l in any market by ‘ J. C. HODGKINS. ALL kinds Os C.artri'ges and Caps and Intend to keep on hand every thing for sale that is gener ally a first class G.un .establishment by J. C. HODGKINS. Guns & Pistols Os every kind Repaired Locks Repaired and key's putten ted to order by .’ J. C. HODGKINS;- Thomas'ville, Ga.,. ‘ apr ll'3ru Ale and Porter JUST received and for sale by WIMi t CASfEIS. Fine branot, no. j, WHISKEY, Jamaica Rum, Holland Gin, Madeira Wine, Sherry Wine, Port Wine, Muscat Wine and Champatrne, bn hand and for sale by YVINN Si CASSELS. MRW. AM.EX'N HAIR Restorer, Phalon's Hair Invigorator, . Coeoaine, Barry’s Tricppherous Lyun’-s Kathaiion and Hyacinthia, for sale bv ’ . • WINN * CASSELS. Soup, Soup s MACCAItONI and Vermacelli, for sale bv ■ WINN .& CASSELS. • IJQIK Ifoxeu B4TII PRICK, tor ?- sale by .’ WINN 4c CASSELS. . April 4 . 14-if Corns Cotton PLANTATION . OFor Sal© Iff MIDDLE FLORIDA, THE LAUD OF FLOHERS!. wjbjftZgfe T AM now offering one - °f the most dcsirabh-JISRgSB; plantations for sale, ever offered in Middle. Flo- r**". ■ iiiU ,i richf, containing • Seventeen Hundred Acres. Os Oak and Hickory, Hammock and. Pine Lands unsurpassed in the State. About 600 acres in- good condition for culti vation, all hammock. The uncleared lauds thickly studded with fine timber On the premises is a comfortable framed dwelling house, with Out-buildings in. good condition, negro cabins for 50 workers, bare?, stables, fodder houses, and, in fact,every thing else necessary for planting purposes and con venience. . ‘ Good Grin House and Screw, Wells or Fine Water, &c. The quality of these lands, theijr situation and condition renders t hem equal to any in the State for farming; and taken altogether, with the moderate price demanded for the place, it is the best opportunity for investment now before the public. For further information address . JAMES A. LINTON,. Tlmmasvilje, Ga.. Or the editor of the Southern Enterprise. May 2 _ 18 ts TAN YARD. Having bought ou-t the tan varr of J. Schiff & Brother, at Thoinasville, and determined to carry oh the business of TANNING, the undersigned wdl purchase. 10,000 JPounds OF GOOD HIDES, if delivered at David Harrell's Provision Store, where they will be paid for in Family Groce ries or Cash. The undersigned will also give a liberal price lor ROOD OAK BARK, for Tanning. JOSHUA TAYLOR, JAS. A. BROOKS. Feb 7 6-6 m County Court Thomas County, JUKE Monthi.-t Term, June 13,1866. Harris lyons, e. r. Yong, r. m. Hail, Sam'l S. Humphries, W. YV. Thurinan, and S. Alexander Smith, having been regularly drawn and summoned to serve as Grand Jurors during the present term of the Court and hav ing n.ade default, It istherefore Ordered, That they do each pay a fine of Forty Dollars i —And it further appearing that Baraev Harrell, l)an ial Dixon, Green YVancy. Geo. Hgrrod, Dennis Williams, James B. Hine and L. E. Williams, . were regularly drawn and summoned to serve as Petit Jurors, they having also made default, It is Ordered, That they do each puv a fine of Twenty Dollars, and that Execution issue therefor, unless satisfactory legal excuses, un der oath, are tiled within thirty davs from this date. W J YCUNG, Judge County Court. A true Extract from Minutes Count#Conrt. LEBBEUS DEKLE, Jane 20-80d C. C. C. GEORGIA—Br*oki County. NOTICE is hereby given that sixty days after date, I will apply to the Court of Ordin ary of said County, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Mathew Young, deceased. J O. MORTON, July 4-60d tx’r. W. lloopf.r Harris, J- L, Gaines, Late of Nashville, Late of Asheville, Tenn.’ No. Ca. K. K. A R.M Bearden, ‘Late of Macon, Ga. . ... Harris- Gaines & Cos., WHOLESALE GROCERS And Dealers in Liquors, Tobacco and.Segrars, Grocer’s Drusss and Spices, ’ AND ’ * • fc l oh))i)issioi) ivleivinuift-s, 20 BEAVER STREET. •L, F. Choice, iKW York. Late of MHledgeville, Ga. ) ■ REFERENCES; . E- Remington &. Son, Thomusville,. Ga. lliirdavvav 4c McKinnon, McQueen &. Mitchell, *’ ’■'*•. Julv 11 ‘ ‘ ‘ ~8-3m NEW STORE. NEW GOODS, McQueen & mitchell H’ AVE just received and.will continue to re ceive a general assortment of G-B.OCEIJEIIEa„ • . With’ a small stock ot‘ . mm M imps, • * • Which they propose to sell, to the public'oi . very reasonable terms for the eash. ’ June 20 ‘ • • . •. ‘ 25 ts Lands for Sale, ; 175015rES OF EXCELLENT LAND; GREAT BARGAINS OFFEkEP I NOW offer for sale niy two plantations, on the most reasonable te ms. .. 1000 acres of Pine and Hammock Land, I ’ miles from a depot on the-Fernandina & t’edaj Keys Railroad, in Marion County, East Flo rida. 300 acres of this land are cleared. 750 acres in Decatur Countv, Ga ; five tjiiles from a selected depot on the line of the Allan tic & Gull Rail Road. These lands are tine— composed of oak, hickory, mul pine mixed On this place there are NOo acres under a high State of cultivation—good fence —good water, and a .good dwelling and necessary ont build ‘ i'ngs. The wholg convenient to water .mills, churches, and good'society. . . . • I will sell tlieije lands at extremely lotv piv ces. If you don’t believe it. make me ah oft* • Any person’.wishing to purchase, may uddu rne at Sofka, Decatur County, Ga.,.or 1,, C. Bryan, Tliomasville,’ Ga., who is authorized t represent Tne. Indulgence, may be given i. part. - ■ .J. I. CONNELL- June 6 . , ■ •’ 2d-ti .Notice. ALL persons.having claims for Provisions (Corii and Bacon) furnished to feed sol diers families, for the year 1866, and used ultei. the surrenderor Gefi. Joseph E. Johnston, u i • hand them into Lebbeus Dekle'. properly .oi thenticated as to dates and amount. Those failing to hand in tlmir claims I>y Ist ol Septciid ,:r, 1866, will tie debarred R H HARDAWAY, J. I O’ . . HENRY MITCHELL, J. IC. . ANSEL DEKLE, J. I. C- June 2(J • • 25-Jlt THE BAINBRIDGE Cliarf snii Compass, rrtHE completion of the A. & G Railroad X to Thoniasvilie, together with t r . enerai inclination'of th public niind in.that direction, renders the Bainhridge r‘ Chart &. Compass ” an excellent advertising medium to the busi ness men of- Tliomasville.’ It also conrmends itself as a family paper, to fill Who desire to in troduce into their households a paper devoted to.tlie best interests'of society, the Church and the State! • . Terpisif Subscription:— Three Dollars a year. rates the same as those of. the • Southenlttiterprise. ’Agents at Tliomasville Bev ill&. \Y kago June 20 . . 25-ts EMPIRE HAIR REST ORER, AN elegant Dressing, . An infallible restorer of Color,/ And a wonderful Invigorator of the HAIR, Prepared hr-- W; P. CLOWER .A CO., ’ Jail JR’ 5-ts ’ Apothecaries Half NOTICE. 7 . AMPknori* Ollier, • • V failed Slates liilrrHiil Kc venae, ,• First District, Georgia-. ) • Savannah, July 3, 1860. THE Assi-stant Assessor of the 25th Division, ’ having seized three -barrels, more or less, of'Whiskey, the property of I’. Shuford and W. A: Addison,, and .a 200 gallon. Still, the pro perty of T. J. Light foot, for violating the In ternal Revenue Laws, it is ordered that said property be advertised in- the Tliomasville En terprise for ten'davs, and that at tboexpirat ion of that time it shall he turned over to. the Col- . lector for confiscation, unless it- is clearly prov-.; ed that said seizure was illegal.’ . C- H. HOPKINS, Juiyll-2t- Assessor, GEORGIA —Jiiooloi CoiiMtf, WHEREAS, J! F. Darracott makes appli cation to this Court for Letters of Admi- ist ra tion on the estate.of Laugdon Turnbull, late ol . said County, deceased: —These Ure therefore to cite apd admonish all parties concerned i. . file their objections within tlie time presenbi. by law. In testimony, witness, &,c. E J. G. McCALL, July 4 30d ■_ O, B. C .’ GEORGIA—Brooks County. To all idiom it may Concern WHEREAS, Mrs. Nancy Groover ap •• to me for Letters of Dismission as the c .... - dian for the .migor heirs of Josiah Gro . . dec’d :—These are therefore to cite .and adn ’ ish all persons at interest to file their object i within the. time prescribed by law. otherwi* said letters will be granted the applicant.. J- G. Me CALL, ‘. July 4-30<i . Ordinary. GEORGIA—Bcooka County.’ WHEREAS, J. O. Morton-, Administrate ■ of the esU,e'of J. B. Archer,-deceased, niak . application to nie for Letters Dismissory fie said administration : — l These are -to cite and a 1 • monish all parties at interest, to file their ob.’ jections within the -time prescribed by law, otherwise said letters, will be granted }he ap plicant. • J: G. McCALL, ‘ July 46m • . f) B C Dissolution of Co-Partnership: lAHE Cos Partnership heretofore existing mi . der the firm and style of RUSSELL A PERHAM. is this day dissolved by mutu consent. All business of the firm will he tied by A. P. Pelham who will continue ness as heretofore at the old stand. ■ - JAMES RUSSELL ■ A.. P. PERHAM. Cuitman, Ga., July 1, 1866.. . og r, • Forty Days Notice so Debtor and Creditors. ALL persons indebted to Thomas Steele. of Thomas County, Georgia, deceased, are not fled to come forward and make payment to the undersigned., and all those having claims against him, will present them in form and within the time prescribed bv law. i> A. HORN, July IMOd Executor