Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 15, 1866, Image 3

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local Column. BT TUB EDITOR. BOY WASTED. A good intelligent boy, who has learned to read well, will be employed in the En terprise ofhee, either as an Apprentice or for a shorter term. A boy having some experience in the business would be pre ferred, but this is not made a condition. PRISTEIPS FEE. Walost the opportunity of acknowledg ing. last week, the receipt of a handsome package containing the printer't fee from the nuptial ceremonies of Dr. S. S. Adams and Mrs Julia M. Fisher. For particulars see publication elsewhere. They have our best wishes for future prosperity and bap pi ness. HORSE THIKF KEf.tPTI'RED. A -little excitement was created in the Southeastern portion of the town on Satur day, by the firing of a pistol. On enquiry, it was ascertained that policeman Speer, was endeavorin - to arrest a negro named ‘Washington, who broke jail a few weeks ago, where he had been incarcerated for stealing a horse from Mr. W. G. Ponder of this County The thief refused to be ar rested. and said he would die before he wonld go to jail, but not finding the po liceman a very gentle hand to deal with, attempted to escape by flight. He was overtaken however, and again imprisoned to await his trial. - . ■ - KXTE\SIO\ OF ntl> STREET. We are gratified to see that the Council are moving in the matter of the opening of Main street at its southern extremity. We understand that citizens interested in pro |.H in that quarter of the town have pro posed to make up ?1200 of the cost of the street property of T. J. Mcßain, and be lieviug i hat .the present is the most auspici ous time for carrying out the project, we hope all parties concerned will press the matter forward, But it must be remem bered, i hat the burden to be imposed upon the Council, does not end with the pur chase of T. J. Mcßaiu’a property; that ob stacle overcome, the Railroad presents it self and must be crossed either by an ex pensive bridge, or by digging away the earth in an eight feet cut. Either of these plans will be expensive, and we hope those citizens who are 10 be m sf benefitted, will consider the matter and increase their con tributions. Tne property of some of them will be doubled in value, and they should therefore be very liberal. By the opening and extension of this -treet, the adjoining land- oi Air. S. A. Smith, will be thrown imraediaielv .pun the main business streets of the town, and thus brought into market at greatly increased value. This being a tisd fact, it is expected that he will re lieve the corporation of as mueh of the taxaiion as the increase of the viju* qf: b.s. property will warrant. A liberal public spirit should characterize the-conduct of idi concerned, and we have na dtvribt that such a course will carry out the wors with ease and dispatch. VST In spea king of Galtaghan’s Pills, which are advertised in our columns, the Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser says: ••The .-access which has attended the sale and manufacture of Gallaghan’s Pills has in ii % i .he proprietors, Messrs. Blount & i- city, to go extensively into ia* -. i.-.uess. Tue certificates ol numbers of weii known citizens have established a good reputation for the curative quali ies of the pills, and they are fast fit ding their way into every city and town in the South mid West. Mets-rs. B. &H. have secured as a traveling agent in Florida and Geor gia. Mr 1). C. Mclntyre, who goes well recommended, au<l they will soon send re liable men to every other part of the coun try. The proprietors of these bills are well known gentlemen of integrity and worth, who would not engage in putting off upon the people a patent medicine humbug. The advertisement and certificates else where in this paper are sufficient to give character to.the medicine.’’ ti’rocfetliiigs of Council. e* j, . . —Oo*i.j coi xt 11, ROOVI, -a, 1 * £ , , THOMASVitLE, Aug. 13, 1866. Council met to-day at Regular Meeting. Present his Honor the Mayor; Aldermen Stark, Tooke, Bower and Stegall. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. A communication relative to the opening and extending of the lower end ot Main or Jetiersou streets, signed by a respectable number of the citizeus interested in that portion of the towu, was presented to Council. After deliberx ion Council adopter the following resolutions; the first ottered by Alderman Bower and the last by Alderman Stark. Resolved, That the petition of citizens, just presented to Council, be received and referred to the Street Committee ; and that they be instructed to confer with ihe citi zens interested, and report to Council at the second regular meeting from this time. ResoUed further. That his Honor the Mayor be requested to instruct the Sur veyor, at present employed in surveying the town, to make out a rough estimate of the expenses which will be necessary to carry the wish of the petitioners into ef fect. The time for receiving assessments for Town Property, aud of Street and Poll Tax, Ac., was extended to Saturday the 25th instant. An Ordinance to prevent Goats from running at large in the town, was read the first time and ordered to take the usual cout se. An account of J. L. Walcott, for one dollar, was presented and ordered to be paid. His Honor the Mayor presented an ac count of two dollars, a necessary expense itr getting off an idiot pauper, which was also ordered to be paid. Council then adjourned. WM. CLINE, Clerk. W. Hoopf.r Harris, J. L. Gaines, Late of Nashville, Late of Asheville, Teim. No- Ca. R. R. Ac R. M. Bearden, Late of Macou, Ga. Harris, Gaines & Cos., WHOLESALE GROCERS And llealers in Liquors. Tobacco and Sesars, Grocer's Drugs and Spices, AND OENERAL 20 BEAVE3 STREET. L F. Choice, ) \eiv l'ork Late of Mtlledgeville. Ga \ REFERENCES: - Remington At Son, Thomasville, Ga. Tiar'feway Ac McKinnon, “ “ McQueeu Ac Mitchell, “ u Jal y 11 28-3m* ESSENCE Jamaica Ginger, for sale by W. P. CLOWER &CO EG leave to assure their old friends and custom- a ers, that they have not diminished aught of , their zeal in the DRY GOODS TRADE ; but arc now, as ever, prepared with a full stock to give entire satisfaction. Our Spring and Summer stock of Staple anti Fancy Dry Goods, IS SUPERB, AND CONSISTS OF ALMOST EVERY ARTICLE IN DEMAND. We are now receiving and will continue to receive large supplies of MEM lIDI FOR MEN AND BOYS. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, M Fashionable Jewelry! We have just received a LARGE LOT OF Mattijng;, CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS OF ALL KlNDS—together with Carpenters’ and Farmers’ Tools, Cutlery, Wood Ware, Tobacco, Coffee, Tea, Sugar, And many other things too numerous to mention. tiCS=> CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. E. REMINGTONS & SON. May 2 18 “mcE niCMiiEir ANDREW JOHNSON nAS jti st declared the war at AV E-VO? THAT THE REBELLION NO LONGER’ [EXISTS, AND THAT TIIE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE AT PEACE AGAIN! I. KUBITSHEK & BRO., ISSUE THIS, Their Proclamation To the citizens of Thomasville and adjoining country, that we are receiving (and will continue to ieceive), the largest and best assorted STOCKS OF DRY READY MADE CLOTHING, H O M ESPXJKT S, Boots and Shoes, Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Hats, Fancy Articles, Notions, &c., &c., Ever Opened in Tlioniasville! OUR STOCK HAS BEEN PURCHASED FROM THE LEADING AND CHEAPEST HOUSES IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, For the Cash Strictly! Consequently, we are enabled to sell as cheap as any house in South-western Georgia, and we are DETERMINED to do it. We invite all to give us a call. We will take pleasure in exhibiting our stock, and feel assured that we can give satisfaction to all those who may favor us with their paronage. We invite the Ladies especially to call and examine our rich and splendid assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS NEW AND SPLENDID STYLE OF Spring and Summer Cloaks, Latest Style of Hats and Trimmings, &c., &c., &c. - - ‘ Our Stock, consists! in part of Prints, Lawns, Organdies, Fine English Bareges, Gienadines, Black and Fancy Silks, Foreign and Domestic Gingham Mantillas, Lace, Paints, Hoop Skirts, Ladies’ Umbrel las and Parasols, Head Netts, Empress’ Coil Cambrics, Cassimeres, Cassinets, Broad Cloth, Doe Skin, Kentucky Jeans, Cottonades. Drilling, Linen, Duck, Bed Ticking, Stripes. Our assortment of White Goods is rich and varied. Mulls, Bishop Lawns, Muslins, figured and plain. Brilliants, Dimity, French Cambricks, Spring Lustres. Gents Ready Made Clothing of all descriptions, Boots and Shoes, a large assort ment, including Boys’, Misses and Children’s ; also a fine lot of Ladies’ Shoes of all grades. Domestic Goods of all descriptions, including Spun Yarns, all sizes, Osnaburgs, bleached and unbleached Homespuns, Hosiery of all kinds, Stationery, &c. Wool and Cotton Cards, Trunks, Valises, Matting, Oil Cloth, Umbrellas, Coffee, Pepper, Spice, Flour, Soda, Collins’ Axes, Trace Chains, Hoes, Colt’s Pistols, Double Barreled Shut Guns, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Mirrors, Tin Ware, Cups and Saucers, Pitchers, Plates, Glass Tumblers, Goblets, &c. Also, a fine lot of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, A splendid assortment of Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, &c. Our thanks are tendered the Public for their very liberal patronage heretofore, and we pledge ourselves to merit a continuance of the same, X. KUBITSHEK tb BRO April 18 16 t'f FOK BRANDY Peaches! \\ r HITE BRANDY suitable for Brandy ii Peaches,foffsaleby J- aI'ARK. NEW CHEESE MORE new Cheese, prime quality, for sale by JOHN STARK. TURNIP SEEDS FOR Fall Planting, received and for sale by JOHN STARK. POKTFR AND AI.E—6O dozen ol Ale and Porter, received and for sale bv feb 21 8 ts JOHN STARK.’ TO BHOKKBB!—A fine lot of PIPES, and a large and fine assortment of SMOK ING TOBACCO —some very choice brands— received and for sale by feb 21 8 ts JOHN STARK. SNYF F ! SNUFF!!— Lorillard’s and Rail Road, Scotch and Maccabov Snuffs, in Jars, Bladders or Papers, for sale bv feb 21 8 ts JOHN STARK. Fletcher Institute rpiHE Exercises of this School, under the im -- mediate control of the undersigned, will be resumed on ."Holiday, 9tta Proximo, the beginning of the Second Term, for the scholas tic year 1866. Kates of tuition as heretofore, and pay able quarterly in advance. The several departments are provided with faithful and efficient teachers. A thorough Classical and finished education is within reach of all. The Principal of the Institute can but tender his thanks to an appreciative community, which within the brief period of one term has in creased the patronage of his school tenfold. With a profound sense of the responsibility resting upon bim, his every effort will be di rected to the advancement of his pupils, mor allv and intellectually. Patrons are requested to be prompt in enter ing their children at the beginning of the term J. E. BAKER, Principal. June 27 . 26-6 t C|OLD and sparkling, with choice Syrups / Commenced drawing for the season. Also ICE kept constantly on hand and for sale by JOHN STARK. SODA WATER W I T II FINE SYRUPS AT W. P. CLOWER & CO’S DRUG STORE. May 9 19-ts KTEW BOOKS! I'IHE Prison Life of Jefferson Davis, by . John J. Craven, M. D. “ Bill Arp ” “ So Called,” (a side show to the Southern side of the war.) Religious. Children in Heaven “ Suffer little chil dren to come unto me and forbid them not, for sue!i is the Kingdom of Heaven.”—Matt, xix, 14. The Rock of Ages, by Edward Henry Bick erßteth. The Law of God—Plumer. Jacobus on the New Testament, Matthew, Mark Luke, John and the Acts. Bible Dictionary. Poetical. Campbell's Poems. Tennyson’s Poems—The Lady of the Lake. Lucile, by Owen Meredith. BEVILL & WRAGG. June 27 • 26-3 t ” NEW ESTABLISHMENT NOW OPENED AND READY FOR INSPECTION, By J. C.IIIODC'KINS. Have on hand Double barrel Guns and Rifles, of the best quality, at imported prices by J. C. HODGKINS. ALSO Colts, and Smith & Wesson's Pistols, at the lowest market prices, by J. C. HODGKINS. ALSO The finest assortment of fishing Bobs and Fishing tackle offered for sale in any market by J. C. HODGKINS. ALL kinds of Cartriges and Caps and intend to keep on hand every thing, for sale that is generally kept in a first class Gun establishment by J. C. HODGKINS. Runs & Pistols of every kind Repaired Locks Repaired and keys paten ted to order by J. C. HODGKINS. Thomasville, Ga., apr 11 3m GEORGIA —Thomas County. To the honorable Court of Ordinary of said County: YOUR Petitioner, Administrator on the es tate of Joseph Miller, deceased, sheweth that said estate consists in part of lands, and that it is necessary to sell the same for Distribution : He therefore prays for an order granting leave to sell said lands, and that the usual notice may be given as the law directs, and as in duty bound will ever pray. etc. JAMES MILLER, AdmT GEORGIA—Thomas County, Court of Ordinary, July 18 th, 1866. UPON hearing the foregoing Petition, it is ordered by the Court that said petition and this order be published in the Southern Enterprise once every two weeks for two months. 11. H. TOOKE, J uly 25-2 m Ordinary. GEORGIA— Brooks County. SIXTY days after date application will be made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of said County, for leave to sell the Real Estate of J. J. Edmondson, deceased. I. J. EDMONDSON, Adm r Jnly 11 60d FINE PEKFI.HEB, Lubinbs~ Extracts, Florida Water, Extract Pond Lily, and Night Blooming Cereus, Zylo Balsamutn, Tri copherous, Kathaiion, India Rubber, Horn and Buffalo Dressing and Fine Combs, Children’s Long and Ladies’ India Rubber Tuck Combs For sale by W. P GLOWER A CO., Feb 7 6 ts Apothecaries Hall LATHROP $ CO., 139 & 141 CONGRESS STREET, SAVAXXAH, - - - - Georgia. WHOLESALE ROOMS, UP STAIRS. \I7E baring procured the Stores formertv occupied liv Mosers. XEVITT, I.AI llliOl .V ▼ v ROGERS, and .Messrs. HENRY LATHBOP &. CO., will be prepared September Ist to 15th, to exhibit a large stock of D R Y Gr O O D S, Ready Made Clothing, lli, SASi, !!@,„ AT WHOLESALE Stail’S, We propose to manufacture our Clothing at Home, which'will enable us to offer induce ments equal to the Northern Markets. One of the firm, who has had twenty five years experience in the business in this city, will remain in the purchasing markets, and will devote his time specially to the Southern Trade. COUNTRY MERCHANTS are invited to examine our stock before purchasing.. DWIGHT LATHROP, Late D. & E. S. LATHROP. JOHN W. NEVIIT, “ NEVITT, LATHROP & ROGERS, CIIAS. W. BRUNNER, . HENRY LATHROP & CO. Apr 1 . 31 Cm SAVANNAH HAT STORE. No. 153 CONGRESS STREET, . . ,, - - - Georgia. 9> m ■ 9 9 Hats, Caps and Straw Goods. Wholesale Room, IIP STAIRS. Retail Department, FIRST FLOOR. Constantly.on hand, Mens’ & Boys’ Felt, Wool, Dress Silk, and Cassimere Hats, of all the late stvles, Cloth, Scotch, Velvet and Glazed Caps, Socks, Gloves, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Paper and Linen Collars, Umbrellas, &c. Ladies’and Misses Hats and Jockey’s, of all styles—trimmed and untrimmed. Mv facilities for purchasing these Goods are unsurpassed, and I can sell them as low as they can be jobbed or retailed in any of the Northern or Eastern markets. A residence in this city from boyhood, and an active business experience of over fifteen years, gives me confidence in appealing to my fellow citizens in town and country for their continued patronage. • Aug 1-ly S. M. COLDING E.REMINGTON &SONS MUSKETS AND CARBINES, A • 1J * 1 ” r ™ • For the United States Service. Also, • Pocket and Belt Revolvers, Manufacturers of Repeating IMstola, jfffwffl T>T?T7YYT YTT'DC! PTI7T TT C< Kepeating Canes, Revolving Rifles, ’ ULV JjivOjllll LL>7j Rifle and Shot Gun Barrel,., And Gun Materials sold by-Gun Dealers and the Trade generally'. In these days of House breaking and Robbery, every House, Store, Bank, and Office,’should have one of iiin©i©Fi. Parties desiring to avail themselves of the late improvements in Pistols, arid superior work manship and form will find all combined in the New Remington Revolvers. ‘ Circulars containing cuts and description of our Arms will be furnished upon application. E. IIEIIIKGTOIV & SONS, llion, IV. Y. MOORE & NICHOLS, Agents, June 20-25-3 m ■ No. 40 Courtland St., New York. NT I: W •’ MILLINERY Establishment. THE undersigned begs leave to call the at tention of the Ladies of Thomasville and vicinity, to the splendid assortment of Hew Millinery Goods Just received and for sale by her, at her res dence, near the Presbyterian Church. I am also prepared to Cut, E it, Make and Trim Ireses, in the latest fashions. Mks. BUDD. May 16 NEW STORE. NEW GOODS, McQUEEN & MITCHELL HAVE just received and will continue to re ceive a general assortment of GROCERIES. With a small stock of mm in Bonus, Which they propose to sell to the public on very reasonable terms for the cash. June 20 25 ts Lands for Sale. 1750 “acres OF EXCELLENT LANDS. GREAT BARGAINS OFFERED. I NOW offer for sale my two plantations, on the most reasonable terms. 1000 acres of Pine and Hanwioek Land, 12 miles from a depot on the Fernandina & Cedar Keys Railroad, in Marion County, East Flo rida. 300 acres of this land are cleared. 750 acres in Decatur County, Ga , live miles from a selected depot on the line of the Atlan tic <fc Gull Kail Road. These lands are line— composed of oak, hickory, and pine mixed. On this place there are 300 acres under a high state of cultivation—good fence—good water, and a good dwelling and necessary out-build ings. The whole convenient to water mills, churches, and good society. I will sell these lands at extremely low pri ces. If you don’t believe it, make me an offer. Any person wishing to purchase, may address me at Sofka, Decatur County, Ga., or L. C. Bryan, Thomasville, Ga., who is authorized to represent me. Indulgence may be given in part. J. I. ‘CONNELL. June 6 23-ts GEORGIA —Thomas County. To the Ordinary of said County. THE Petition of James E. Dyson. ExT of the estate of Thomas Dyson, late of said Coun ty, deceased, respectfully sheweth, that there are a number of lots of wild uncultivated lands belonging to said estate,lying in counties other than the county of Thomas, and that it will be greatly to the interest of said estate that said lands be sold at private sale. Your petitioner therefore prays your honor to give notice of this his application to sell said lands privately, once a mouth for two months in the Southern Enterprise, and if no good and valid objection be filed, that your Honor may grant the order as prayed for. ALEXANDER & LOVE, Att’ys for Ex’r. GEORGIA — Thomas County. Court of Oidinary, July 2, 1866. UPON hearing the foregoing Petition, it is ordered by the Court that said petition and this order b published in the Southern Enterprise for two months, in terms of the law. H H TOOKE, July 25 2m Ordinary. JAMES RIVER INSURANCE COMPANY, 110 WA RDBTILLE, VIRGINIA. Chartered Capital, $1,500,000 ! rjMITS old, tried, and solvent company deals 1 liberally, pays promptly, and asks pat ronage. See below, to which many others similai. could be added : Richmond, Va., February 15, 1866. “ In the month of December, 1865, we had cotton burned which was insured in the James River Company, and its part of loss, amounting to one thousand seven hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents, was promptly paid as soon as proof, <fcc., was forwarded, and over two months before it was due under the policy. Such promptness merits patronage. A. Y. STOKES & CO-” AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE, References required of applicants. • E. REMINGTON Sc NON, Agents, Thomasville, Ga. Mar 14 J 1 ts VTOTICE (o DEBTOKM mill f KE -i-M DITORS.—AH. persons indebted to the estate of Thomas Dyson, late of Thomas Coun ty, deceased, are hereby required to make im mediate; payment, and those having claims against the same will present them in terms of. the law. . JAS E.-DYSON, June 20-60d. . ’ Executor. Forty Days Notice to Sell Land. AGREEABLE to an order of the honorable Court of Ordinary of Thomas County, July Term, 1866, will be sold before the Court House door hi Thomasville, said County, on the first Tuesday in September next, within the legal hours of sale, 130 acres of Land—a part of Lot Number 38, in the 14th District of Ihomas County—sold as the Home-Place pro perty of Jesse Ward, deceased. Widow’s dower excepted. Terms of sale cash. H. J. WARD, July 11-40d ■ • Adin’r.. Two Months Notice. I WILL apply to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Clinch County, Georgia, for leave to sell Four Lots of Land, belonging to the estate ot John \\ illiams-, Jr., late of said coun ty, deceased. • i. L. MORGAN July 11-60d Adm'r. GEORGIA —Brooks County. AV HERE AS, J. O. Morton, Administrator ol the estate of J. B. Archer; deceased, makes application to me for Letters Dismissory from said administration These are to cite and ad monish all parties at interest, to file their oh jections within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said letters will be granted the ap- P h ™ nt - J! G. McCALL, July 4 6m o. B. C. LsTotice. ALL persons having claims for Provisions, (Corn and Bacon) furnished to feed sol diers families, for the year 1866, and used after the surrender of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, will hand them in to Lebheus Dekle, properly au thenticated as to dates and amount. Those failing to hand in their claims by the Ist of September, 1866, will be debarred R. H HARDAWAY, J. I C HENRY MITCHELL, J I c ANSEL DEKLE, J. I. C JllDe 20 25-1 It GEORGIA— Brooks County. SJX I A days after date application will be made to the honorable Court of Ordinary, of said County for leave to sell the Real Estate of J. B. Archer, late of said County, dec’d. r i . J °- MORTON, Jlll - V Adn'r. WAGGMAN’S DIARRHOEA MIXTURE. An infallible specific for incipient Cholera Prepared by „ W r CLOWER <fc CO . M>’ l* s Druggists BUCCIES! HARNESS! Saddles! BRIDLES! IT ED Oak Haines, Calf Skins, Shoe Pe^ V Lining Skins, Oak and Hemlock, Sole and Harness Leather. Shoe Findings, of all sorts Courli aii<l Carriage TRIMMINGS, SUCH AS, Black Enamelled Leather, Dash Leather, Lin ing Nails, Carriage Knobs, Apron Hooks and Rings. Saddle Cloths, Whips. Bitts and Spurs, Trace Chains, Breast Chains,- &e., kep; constantly on hand at low prices, to suit the times. All work warranted that leaves our esiab lishment. Call and Me before pnrcliasing elsewhere ‘ No charge for looking around, .fIcGLAMHAiV & LtTTLIh April 1 1 1 ts FURNISH YOUR HOUSE. rjtllE undersigned have at great trouble and • 1 expense completed their splendid stock of • ROUSR.FURNISHING GOODS. expressly for the Thomaaville market, and bow present to the- public the only house in the place deleted exclusively to that branch of business. Our stock consists of almost every article needed in our line, together with FARMERS &’ CAIU'EMTE > . TOOLS. Our house ia replete with Yankee notions of utility the latest invention's and improvements • iu alf kinds o/ ware, furniture, tools &c- &. OUR SILVER WARE is superb and needs no recommendation. A full assortment of the lat est improved COOKING & OFFICE STOVES at the most-reasonahle'prk'es. • We also repair and MANUFACTURE TIN WARE of all kind's, • • . In fact, our stock is complete in every .'de partment Come and examine for yourselves.. . ‘ . A. fc S.'SMITH. . . may 30tli groceries; MAUI) AND. TIN WARE! At R. U. R¥ANB> OLD STAND, Next door to I. Kubitskck • $• B -0.. ‘ AINSWORTH & SANFORD KEEP constantly on hand a large and se lected stock of GROCERIES, HARD AND .TIN WARE,-consisting of • - Flour, Bacon’ Coffee, Tea, “Sugar,. Cheese, Butter, Syrup, Salt, Soap, Soda, Starch, ’ Candles, Pepper, Allspice, Ginger,. Snuff in-Jars and Bottles, ’ • . Raisins, Dried Figs, Apples-and Peaches, Pot- • ash,-Oysters, Cream Tartar, Yeast-Powders, Chewing” and Smoking Tobacco! Hardware Stoves, Hoes, Nails, Axes, Spades and Shov els, Trace Chains, Pocket nd Table Knives, ■ Ilames, Collars,. Well and Water Buck . efs, Cotton and Wool Cards, Screws,. -Brads, Locks, ’Drawing Knives,- Files, Avc. Spun Thread, all Numbers, TIN W A RE! Lot of french calf-skins. All of which will he sold low for CASH or BARTER. Hides, Wool, &c., bought.’ H. U. Ainsworth. 11. 11. Sail ford i April 25- 17-t-f • GREAT Corn I Cotton PLANTATION For Sale IN MIDDLE FLORIDA, THE . LAND OF FLOttERS! . Seventeen Hundred Acres Os Oak and. Hickory, Hammock and’ Pine-. Lands unsurpassed in the State. About GOO acres iu good condition fbr culti- ■ ration, all hammock. The uncleared lands thickly studded with fine timber * . ‘ On the premises is a ‘comfortable framed . ‘dwelling house, with out buildings in good’ condition, m-gro cabins for 5(1 workers, “barns, • ■ stables, fodder houses, and, in fact,every thing • else necessary for planting purposes and con venience. • • • • Grood G-in House and Screw,” Wells of Fine Wafer, Ka The quality of these lands, their situation and condition renders them equal to any in the State for fanning -, and taken altogether, with the moderate price demanded for the place, it is the best opportunity for investment now • before the public. For further information address JAMES A. LINTON, Thomasville, Ga.. Or the editor of the i Southern Enterprise. May 2 18 ts TAN YARD. Having bought out the tan yard of J. Schist &. Brother, at Thomasville, and determined to carry oa the business of j FANNING, the undersigned wall purchase 10,000 Founds OF GOOD HIDES, if delivered at David Harrell’s Provision Store, where they will be paid for iu Family Groce ries or Cash lhe undersigned will also give a liberaj price tor ROOD OAK RAKK, for Tanning. JOSHUA TAYLOR, JAS. A. BROOKS. Feb 7 6 6m GEORGIA —Brooks County. NOTICE is hereby given that sixty days after date, I will apply to the Court of Ordin ary of said County, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Mathew Young, deceased. J. O. MORTON, July 4-60d Ex’r. N OTICE.—AII persons indebted to the es tate of James E. Hancock, late of Colquitt County, deceased, are hereby notified to make mmed ate payment, and those having demanda against said estate, will present them in terma ofthelaw ELKANAH JOHNSON July 18 40<i Adm'r with the Will annexed