Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 15, 1866, Image 4

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SCRANTON. SMITH & Cos. Ct-ROCERS AN 1> Commission Merchants. SAVANNAH, GA. C ‘ TVe would be happy to see our former pa rens and friends, also, the public gene ral'v. at our store at the head of the Bay, opp’ rite Jefferson Street. Savannah, Geor gia. We would be hnpyy to receive from Planters, Colton or any other produce, and sell on the most favorable terms, and fill their orders at the lowest market prices and return to them the sales of property. D. T. SC KAN TON, Os the late firm of Scranton a: Johnson. WM. H. SMITH* Os the late firm of Rabun & Smith. J. L. LARGE. Os Savannah, Georgia. April II TIN SHOP] F. FUDGE has now opened a ) m wholes ile and retail Shop, oppo- | si e 11 . er. -t Ofice, on Jackson Street. He is now prepared to do all kinds of TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK, RE PAIRING. cYC. I Guttering and Roofing done in the best styleb]t B. F. FLDGE. Apr 14 ‘ j .. x ITK OF GEORGIA T ioiu:i P Can’itT.- Two r.■ • >rirli- r du'e. nppli to t ! < Jonrt Os <i dinary 1 >f- d(\ unt v. f>r leave to sell all the Lands | > . ing t■ the estate of E. R. Young, late of ; said County, deceased. P. S. BRANDON, W. J. YOUNG, June 27d>m •Kx.t-nn>rs. j GEOIM- I.% —15 rook* Coimtf. To all whom it may Concern : WHEREAS, Mrs M E. Dukes applies to j rr— fm letters of Administration on the estate i of Eli ih Dukes of saia County, dec'd: —Th*-s<- : iin* tliin fire to cite and admonish all parties | to tile their übjections witluu the i.• pri-rrihed hy law, otherwise said letters , v.’ ■ led and granted to the applicant. j ■ J. G. Met A EL, July 18-30d Ordinary. j (iEUKG lA l tioinas County. T ‘ ’ ... Court of Ordinary of said < T HE Petition of S R. Robison, Administra tor in the estate of R. It. I.vans, deceased, s’ “\v h that said estate consists in part of Laie i-.'and that it is necessary to sell the same !>r Divisi n and Distribution. He now makes ! r. nto nil said Lands, and prays that \ t mi. arv notice may be given, and as in duty bound will prav, etc. Si li ROBISON, Adm’r. f: £OR ( i IA — T'ho mas Cos u n ‘y. Court of Ordinary, July 14.1866. UPON hearing the foregoing Petition, it is o . dbv the C"itrt that said Petition and this i,Tiler be published in the Southern Enterprise once tverv two weeks for two months. H. H. TOOKE, .July 18 ‘2m Ordinary. GEORttlA —-Thomas County. Totlo Ordinary of sa‘d County. THE Petition of Janies E. Dyson, Executor of tiie estiite of Thomas Dyson, bite of said < Vut/y. deceased, shewetli, that iris import ant to the inteiest of said estate that the same * ■ \v- a-id up and distributed at as early a day a , -i! 1 -■. and he therefore prays your honor t is ve .im;, :e of. this his application to sell the r al property belonging to said estate, and that it no objection is tiled, that your honor will r nit to him tire order as prayed for. ALEXANDER & LOVE. Alt ys lor executor. < lEORGIA — 7 homas Conn'y. ■ C rt of Ordinary , July 2. 180(5. UPON hearing the foregoing Petition, it is ord >ri .1 by the Court that said Petition and this o: i- :• be published in the Southern Enterprise ... |\v j eeks for two months. H. 11. TOOKE, July i 10d Ordinary. (ilt)KblV—Colquitt County, ( art of Ordinary, July Term, 1866. WHERE AS, Jeremiah B. Norman, adminis trator outlie estate of James M. Norman ; Jer ’ • ■ B N r: an, administrator op the estate -t W am McCall; Seaborn Weeks, adminis t .nor on the estate of Joseph Castleberry, have in pi oper form applied to me to be dis missed from their said administrations:—Notice is her. by given to all parties interested to file t ir . potions in Court, otherwise letters of •; su ssion will be granted said applicants at thj Fed ■ . ■ 1 ISAAC CARLTON, July 18 6tn Ordinary Gl'OltGlA—Coliiuilt County. WHEREAS, Benjamin Weeks applies tome for the Guardianship of the persons and pro ] fy of Hosanna Seaborn JNancy ,L, Dan iel a: i David B Weeks, minor heirs of David \\ ks, and, ‘tiscdNotire is hereby given to rested to tile their objections in 1 n so Letters of ’Guardi flash ip will be granted the applicant on the first Monaav in September next Given under my hand this the second day-of July, 1866. P- 0 WING, Julylß-40d D C. C- O. GEORGIA—CIiach County. SIXTY days after date application will be i e.lo to the Court of Ordinary of said County, l >r leave to sell lots of land, number Four Hun dred and Forrv two (442) m the 11th District, ; * I win County, and number One Hundred and Sixty-one (161 in the sth District of App ling C.-.ntv. belonging to the e tate of Eliza Mattox, late of said Countv, deceased. LAVINA M. MATTOX. July 13-GPd Adrn'x. GFORGIA—CIinch County. IILRL VS. Wi liam Clifton makes appli cation for Letters of Administration on (he es tate ot Peter AlcGuill. late of said County, j d*'. - ! —rhesr are therefore to warn all , p -rsons concerned, to tile their objections if any ’ ‘ey have. ot. • rwise said letters will be grant ed iu terms of the law. 11. .MORGAN. J n]ylß-30d Ordinary. t LOItGI A—Thnnia< Comity. T’f 1 - honorable Court of Ordinary of said iHE I ■ ■ >n t M. f. Smith. Administrator * ■ estate ot.Mary Horne, deceased, st ew r it he !ia> fully discharged his dutv as ich administrator,and now makes application r Duanisaioa from said administration, and prays that the usual citation may be given in ’ ot tiie law, and as in dutv hound will 1 1 ’ y- etc. AL C. SMITH, Adtn’r. G£Olftl{A—Thomas County. .Court of Ordiuary. July 11.1866. I'PON bearing the foregoing Petition, it is ■e -,-d by ibe Court that said Petition and this . ,1, r he pnblisht and in the Southern Enterprise iu terms of the law for six months. H. H. TOOKE. July 1 S-6m Ordinary. GEORGIA—T lioma-, County. To the Hanoi able Court of Ordinary of said County . THE undersigned, your Petitioners. Execu t t'rhe 1 ist wi!! <>f Kindred Braswell,dec’d., - hewetit that said deceased died p -Sessed of Lands and that ir is necessary to sell the same, for the purpose of paying the “debts of deceased. : 1 for distribution among the legatees of said v --1 -• —Petitioners ;iierefore petition and pray for an order of said Court, granting them leave to sell said lands, and as in dutv bonnd will ever pray. etc. SAM’L G. BRASWELL CASWELL BRASWELL, Executors. GEORGIA —Thomas County. Court of Ordinary, June 4. 1866. Upon hearing the foregoing Petition, it is o tiered bv the Conrt. that said petition and t is order is published in the Southei n Enter ; nae once every two weeks for sixty davs ’ H. H TOOKE . Jane 6 60d Ordinary. FURNITURE Jfe M US. I rpHE undersigned has opened a Skopin 1 in Thoraasville, for the Maunfactuie and Repairing of FURNITURE, Making and Furnishing Coffins, &c., &e. hop second door from the Print ing Office, on Jefferson street. L. J SPITZ. Jan 1 8m IST O TI O JE2 To Everybody / % Vie the undersigned can now say to the Public that we are ready to GRIND CORN, as we have purchased an engine and mill of sufficient power to do good Work, and he way you have to prove it is to bring your Corn and see if you do not get good Meal.ln connection with our Mill we will i make Furniture to order, Sash, Blinds, Door-, Rip. Dress, Tongue and Groove Plank, make Coffins to order with heat ness and despatch, we will also take con. it acts for Building houses. - TAYLOR & DEKLE. I feel thankful to the Public for their, liberal patronage extended to me fore, and hope I may merit a continuation of the same. ISAIAH DEKLE. LAWRENCE HALL r the liberty of informing .the public I that he is now receiving and wilt keep constantly on hand at his old stand near the Post Office, the following articles : Bacon, Flour, Sugar, Syrup, I.a rtf, toffee, Rice, Salt, Candles, Spice, Pepper, Copperas, Shoes Hals and CANDIES. ALSO :~PO W DEII, shot A CAPS, PINS, NEEUI.ES, thread, BUTTONS, RAISINS, TIZST WARE, And many other things too numerous to men tion. may 16 dm r A MID “ST Gs XT OC JETTIES. r | HE undersigned are now offering Family I Grocrrio Cheap for Cash, at the stand | of David Harrell. I They are also preparing to receive a large lot of GROCERIES Os nil Descriptions, ! at the same place, which they intend offering j to the public upon the most reasonable terms, i for Cash or Country Produce: JOSHUA TAYLOR. JAS. A. BROOKS. Feb 7 ■ 6-6 m C. H. WILLCOX, Superintendent T. H. WILLINGHAM, WHOLESALE o-rocers, 1 43 CongrcM ,V 57 St. Julicu Sts., SAVANNAH, GA., Keep constantly on hand, and receiving j per every Steamer, all kinds of P.TDffjlPWWj'jT'uPiyi Ir Ail U li Jj n J tig) 3 SECJARS, TOBACCO, Ac, Ac. Prompt attention given to Orders accom panied with remittance. aprlll2m SCRANTON. SMITH & Cos. ’ Keep constantly on hand, Choice old | BRANDIES, WHISKIES, WINES, GIN, &c., And every variety of Groceries Also, — HAY, CORN, OATS and BRAND, Strictly at wholesale to the Trade, and we flatter ourselves that we can make it to the interest of Dealers to patronize us. At the head of Bay street opposite Jeffer son street. Apr 11 6m M 7 F ERST & C 0 .7 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, BEGAIIB, FANCY GROCERIES, CAN DIEN, Ac., Ac., rp-Also on hand, a large stock of TO BACCO’S. No. 150 CONGRESS STREET, Hmrss in New York, > Qovmmnk C -MiO Canal Street, \ SaVannail, UR. April 18 gjjj THE BAINBRIDGE C bait sni) Compass. T HE completion of the A. &G. Railroad .-■- In Tboinasville, together with the general ■ inclination of tli public mind in that direction renders the Biiinbridge “ Chart & Compass ’’ an excellent advertising medium to the busi ness men of ThomasviUe. It also commends itself as a family paper, to all who desire to in troduce into their households a paper devoted to the best interests of society, the Church and the State. Terms'f Subscription : —Three Dollars a year. Advertising rates the same as those of the Southern Enterprise. Agents at Thoinasville:—Bevill & Whagg June 20 25. t f G EOKGI A— Brook* Counlf. WHEREAS, J. F. Darracott makes appli i cation to this Court for Letters of Adtniuistra ! non on the estate of Langdon Turnbull, late of said County, deceased:—These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties concerned to tile their objections within the time prescribed by law. In testimony, witness. Ac J. g. McCall, July 4 30d (j fj q GEORGIA —It rook. County. To all whom it may Concern .- WHEREAS, Mrs. Nancy Groover applies to me for Letters of Dismission as the Guar dian for the minor heirs of Josiah Groover, dec'd'T—These are therefore to cite and admon ish ail person*at interest to tile tlveir objections within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said letters will be granted the applicant. J. g. McCall, July 4-30d Ordinary. HAVE TUMBLED! there never was a Greater Tumble In the Prices of all kinds of Ciocds, as you can see by Visiting nK ttLo Store or J. SCITIFF $ BRO., WHO HAVE NOW A FULL .STOCK-OF Spring and Summer Goods, SUCH AS . • • Barages, Organdies, Robes, Prints, Jaconets, Swiss Yau sooks, Ifrilliants, Embroidered Bands and Edgings, Infant's rtobes and Ladles’ Lace Collars & Sleeves, Silk Hlaniillas, Lace S’olut, Straw Hats, AND NUMEROUS OTHER ARTICLES. We have also a fine assortment of SUMMER CASSIMERE AND READY MADE CLOTHING. LADIES’ AKD S-IKYS SHOES & BOOTS, HATS, THUNKS, WINDOW SHADES, LOOKING GLASSES, . UMBRELLAS -A© PARASOLS. •: • A GOOD STOCK OF ■ ■ ’* “ . JEWELRY AND WATCHES, ALL OF WHICH WE OFFER AT Tljlo Lowest Price l Come and See for yourself before going elsewhere.! N. B,—Just received a good lot of CHOICE FLOUR, and FAMILY GROCERIES of all kinds. - • ‘ April 18 16 ’tf. JOY TOTHEWORLD! THE INTRODUCTION OF - DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER ! TO TIIE SUFFERING HUMANITY OF THIS AGE, Has Relieved more Fain, ami caused more Ileal Joy than any other one thing that can bfe named! ‘ . ‘ ... Is a Halm for every Wound ! Our first Fhysicians use it, and recommeud- its . use the Apothecary finds’ it first among the Medicines called for, and the Woh.lesale Druggist considers it a leading article of is trade. Ail the Dealers in Medicine spea-k alike in its favor : and its reputation as a Medicine of Great Merit and Virtue is fully and permanently established, and it is The Great Family Medicine of the Age! EVERY VOLUNTEER SHOULD HAVE A BOTTLE, IN CASE OF SUDDEN AT TACKS IN DISEASE TAKEN INTERN AT L Y IT CURES . Sore Throat, Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc.. Weak Stomach. General Debility, Nursing Sore Mouth, Canker, Liver Complain*, Dispepsia or Indigestion, Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Bowell Complaint, Painters’Colic, Asiatic Cholera, . . Diarrhoea and Dystery, TAKEN EXTERNALLY IT CURES Felons, Boils and Old Sores, severe Burns a;d Scalds; Cuts, Bruises and Sprains, Swelling of the Joinis, Ringworm and Tetter, Broken Breast, Frosted Feet and Chilblains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia and Rheumatism, TAIN KILLER taken internally sin uld be administered with milk or water, and sweetened with sugar, if desired, or made into a syrup with molasses,- For a COUGH and BRONCHITIS, a few drops of eug-ar. eaten, will be more affective Thar, auyt.linig else. For a SORE THROAT, gargle the throat with a mixture of Pain Killer and the relief is immediate and cure positive. •• G EORGIA —Thom ns County. Court of Ordinary , June 22nd,, 1866. WHEREAS, L M. Sutton, makes applica tion to this Court for Letters of Administration on the e tate of S. B. Grace, deceased r— All persons interested are therefore northed to tile their objections in Court, otherwise su’d let ters will be granted in terms of . the require rnents of the law. H . H. TOOKE, July 1 :ind Ordinary. GEORGIA —Thomas County. To the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said. County: THE Petition of Nancy lioddenberry. Ad ministratrix on the estate of Henry Rodden berry, deceased, sheweth, that there are in her liandfs lands, the property of said estate, and that it is necessary to sell the lands for Distri bution and to pay the (lebts of deceased lie therefore petitions and prays for an Order granting leave to sell said lands, and as in duty hound will ever prav, etc. NANCY EODDENREBRY, Administratrix. GEORGIA—Thomas County . Court of (Ordinary. June 211, 1866. UPON hearing the foregoing Petition, it is ordered by the Court that said petition and this order be published in the Southern Enterprise once every two weeks for two m >nths. H. H. TOOKE, July 4 2m Ordinary. GEORGIA —Thomas County. To the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said County. THE Petition of Daniel Mclntosh, adminis trator on the estate dt John A. Mclntosh, Sr., deceased, sheweth. that said estate consists in part ot Lands, and that it is necesSarv t > sell the same for distribution : Petitioner therefore prays for an order of Court granting leave to sell said lauds, and as in duty hound will ever pray, etc. D. McINTOSH, Adm’r. GEORGIA—Thomas Coun'y. Court of Ordinary. July 2, 1806. UPON hearing the foregoing Petition, it is ordered by the Court that said Petition and this order be published in the Southern Enter prise once everv two weeks for two months. H. H. TOOKE, July 4 40d Ordinary. GEORGIA—CIinch County. To all whom it may Concern: WHEREAS, Juniper Griffis applies to me for Letters of Guardianship for the minor heirs of Charles Griffis, late of said County, dec’d : This is therefore to cite and admonish all con cerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they nave, why said letters should not be gi anted. Given under my band, at office, this July 2,1866. H. MORGAN, July 4 30d Ordinary. COtlPOl VD Fluid Extract Bachn. Prepared bv W. P CLOWER A CO , Jan 31-stf Apothecaries Hall. Adniinisttaioi's Sale. A Vri LL be sold before the Court House door, * * in Loundes County, on the lirst. Tuesday in August next, within the nsnul hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot number Seventy-one, in the Fifteenth District of formerly 1 rwin, now Loundes Coun ty, well improved, containing Four Hundred and Ninety Acres, less the widow’s dower. Also, oue Town Lot in Valdosta. Sold as the property of Archibald Mcintyrv late of Loundes County, dec’d. Terms on the day. ISAAC JESSUP, June 20-CI and . Adm’r. • KOICC 1A —Tlioiiiiim Connly. To the. Honorable Court of Ordinary of said County: THE Petition of Pleasant Hutchison,-Ad ministrator on the estate of John W. Davis, deceased, sheweth, that there are lands in his hands, the property of said estate., and that it is necessary to sell the same for distribution of said estate and. to pay the debts thereof.. lie therefore‘petitions and prays for an order granting leave to sell said lands, and as in duty bound will ever pray, etc. PLEASANT 11 I TCH ISON, Administrator. (i E ORGIA — Thomas County. Court of Ordinary, June 22, 1866. I*PON hearing the foregoing Petition it is ordered by the Court that, said petition and order be published in the Southern Enterprise once every two weeks for.two months. 11- II.TUOKE. July 4-2 m Ordinary,— Colquitt County. Court of Ordinary, June 23, 18*16. WII EKE AS. The estate of I). J. Norwood deceased, is without a legal representative:— All persons interested are there sere notified t > file their objections in said Court, otherwise letters of administration will be granted there on as the law directs. ISAAC CARLTON. July 4 3Pd Ordinary. GEOKtil.V—l,onudes County. Whereas Hugh Mclntyre Administrator of Daniel Mclntyre having filed his petition in this Court fur letters of dismission from his administration. This is therefore to admonish all concerned to show cause if any they can why said letters should not he granted at a regular term of this Court, after the expirat on of six months. Given under my hand and official signature this loth day of i[ y 1866. WILLIAM SMITH, May 16-Cm Ordy. Forty Days Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALL persons indebted to Thomas Steele of Thomas County, Georgia, deceased, are noti tied to come forward and make payment to the undersigned, and all those having claims against him, will present them in form and within the time prescribed bv law. t> A HORN, July 18 40d Executor (.Ol K 451 A—Tliomn* ( ounlr. To the Ho no raLle Court of Ordinary of said County : THE undersigned, your Petitioner, Admin istrator oil the following estates, to wit : Estate of l>ison V. Pearce. Murdock Mc- Kinnon, Floyd H. Revells, John 11. RevelU, J. H. M. Gardner, C \V. Branch, Jno. A. I.ane, Jlarv Atkinson and Jonathan G. Miller, and as administrator with the will annexed of the Estates of Daniel Stringer and Kinchen Ward, deceased, sheweth, that u portion of the same consists of lunds. and that it is necessary to sell said lands for the purpose of paying the debts of deceased, and for distribution among the distributees and legatees thereof, lie there fore 1 prays for an order of Court, granting leave te sell the same, and as in duty bound will ever pray, etc. 51. C. SMITH, Adui r. GEORGIA —Thomas County. Court of Ordinary , June IDA, 1360. UPON hearing the foregoing Petition,-it is Ordered bv the Court, that said petition and this order be published in the Southern Enter prise, once everv two weeks for sixty days. 11. U TOOKE, June 13-02w60d Ordinary. <EOIC4>IA —Thomas County To tht honorable the C urt < f Ordinary ofiai 1 County. The undersigned your petitioner, sheweth that the estate of Sheldon Swift, deceased, nj his handsus . administrator, consists in part of Lauds and that it is necessary for the purpose of a division among the dis tributees thereof to sell the same. Peti tioner therefore makes this his application for an order granting him leave to sell the Lands of said deceased, and as m duty bound will evei pray. J. I. PARKER,. . •Adm’r. GFOIIGII Thomas County. Court of Ordinary May 18<>6. . Upon hearing the foregoing Petition, il ls ordered by the Court t-has -said'Petition and tide order be published in the South ern Enterprise once every- twa weeks for two months. H. 11. TOOKE, slay 30 COd . 1 * Ordinary.’ t. lOltt.lA—Thomas County. To the Honorable Court oj Ordinary of sa'id’ . County : . The undersigned, your Petitioner, Adminis. trator On. the estate of C. H. Young, deceased, shetveth-that he lias fully discharged his duties as such He therefore petitions add prays for an order of said Court discharging him i'nitn said trust, and as in duty brand will ever pray, etc. . E.- K. Y’OUNG, Adm'r. GE ORGIA Thom as County. Court ol'Oitdiaaiy, June Ist. 1866. Upon hearing the foregoing Petition, it is or dered by the Court, that.said [u-tilion “and ibis order !u- published in the SOMIWtU Enterprise once a week for six months. M. 11. TOOKE, .June 6 6th Ordinary. • <iI!OI{GL4---Xhomn Co.mity. TANARUS” the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said County .- TIIE Petition of W. G. Lewis, Administra tor on the estate of Wm. J. Evans, deceased,’ sheweth, that said estate in his bands,.consists in part of lands, and that it is nect ssary to sell the'same for the purpose of distribution, and to pay.the debts of deceased : —He therefore peti tions and pr iys for an order-of Court, granting leavd to sell said.lands, and-us in duty bound will ever pray, etc. . •’ \V. G. LEWIS, Adnl’r GEORGIA- —' ThnmnCounty. Cqu) t of Ordinary , June Ihth-, 1866. UPON- hearing the-foregoing Petition, Tt is Ordered‘by the Court', that said Petition and Order, be published in the Southern Enter prise once every two weeks tor two months. 11. 11. TOOKE. June 20-(Shd Ordinary. CiJEOKGIA —Thoiaad Comity. - To the Honorable Court of Ordinary of. said County: THE undersigned, your Petitioner, admin istrator on the estate of Edward Brvan dec'd , sheweth, that he has fully discharged his du ties as such, and now makes this ajrplicu tion fora Dismission and discharge from said trust and prays that the citation issue in terms of. the law, and as in duty bound will ever pray, etc. M. J. J.’ 15RYAN, Adm’r. GEORGIA—Thomas County. Court of Ordinary , Junt Gttii 1S0(>. UPON bearing the foregoing petition, it ip ordered by the Court, that said Petition and this Order, be published in the Southern Entef prise once a week for six months. 11. H. TOOKE, - June 2ti-6m . . Ordinary. OEOItOIA-'-Thomns Coukity. To the Honorable the Court of Ordinal y of said County. ■ ■ THE undersigned, your Petitioner,sheWeth that the estate of M. C. Grace, deceased, in his hands, as Administrator thereon, consist in part of Lands, and that it is necessary to sell t lie same for the purpose of distribution among the distributees thereof, petitioner therefore prays the order of said Court’ granting leaveto sell said lands, and as in duty bound will ever pray, &c. . L. M. SUTTQN, Adm’r. GEORGIA—Thomas County. Court of Ordinary , May 25/A, .1866. Upon hearing the foregoing Petition, it is. ordered, bv the Court tlmr said Petition and this order be published in the Southern Enter prise, ev.ery two weeks.for two months. H. 11. TOOKE, - . . May 30-60d . Ordinary. GEO KCi IA Tliomna County. To die Honorable Court of Ordinary of said County:’ THE Petition of— administrator otvtbe Estate of C. 11. Young, sheweth that said deceased, died possessed, of Landy, and that if is .uecessnry-to Aetl the same-for the purpose of distribution among the distributees of said estate, be therefore prays for -an order granting him leave toeell the same and as in. duty'bound will eve ‘pray,etc.’. 1 E. R.'YQUNG, Adm’r. GEORGIA —Thomas County. ■ Court of Ordinary, June Ist, 1866.’ “Upon nearing the foregoing'Petition, it is or dered by the Court, that said Petition and this’ order be published in the Southern Enterprise, once everv two-weeks fur two mouths. . 8 H. ItillKE, June 6 60d Ordinary.- G E OKG lA—liOiimlrs Connly. WHEREAS, Dennis WUheriugtori, Guar di m id’ the person and property ol Nancy. Ea ch es, Mary. Surrena, Elizalx tli, Moisey A.Jasse Witlierington. minors of said County, having fully discharged his trust, applies to lie dismiss ed from his Guardianship-—Therefore all per sons concerned are hereby notitied and renin red to appear at my office, on the first Monday in April next, and show cause if aiiy-they have, why said letters of 1 Hsmission should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 22d and iv of February. 1866. WILLIAM G. SMITH, Feb 28 9-6 m C-C-Ord. G EORGIA —l,wnil( > * Comity. WHEREAS, Allen Jones. Administrator of William V. Hill, late of said County, deceased, having tiled bis petition in this Court Aor Let ters of Dismission from said estate: —'I’llis is therefore tu admonish all concerned, to be and appear at mv office within tbe time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. ’ Given under uiy hand, at office, this 24th day of January, 1866. WILLIAM SMITH, Jan 31-m6m Ordinary. GEORGIA—CIinch County. To all whom it may Concern: WHEREAS, David O’Quio, administrator of N. J. Higgs, Robert Higgs and William Burkhaiter, late ofßaid Connty, deceased, hav ing filed, his Petition in this <Joupt for Letters of Dismissron :—This is therefore to admonish all concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted Given under mv Land ui office, this July 2.1866. J ’ T , , H MORGAN, July 4-fim Ordinary OISTJLY ifv2o,oo! PROCLAMATION! Extraordinary Inducements To Persons Wanting SEWING MACHINES! THE WILSON SEWIN3 MACHINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY . are now offering to tlie Tublie, ■WILSOIST’S NEW FAMILY MACHINES FOR ONLY TWENTY DOLLARS! Mt is the only First-Class Sowing Machine in th/ otxOKt Unit retails lor it gs than 955 We our y w Mai him: to the Vitblf© With all UlMint- - that can well 1€ coftibined in a /swing. Mathiirt Great labor an<l pain* have Jvu he- Machine intyaw • mt ciiwi in of Sewing *•* mowleoMi bj the beet judges tytend enti>6 . ly .\ii-'vr. ,\:>u\.vuM) ;m\ invented. Wilson's bas All Kinds ojjmimilp, Sj-wivg equally ns well as anjAriic^l'irhino in the market. It will Stitch, Hi Ac Kki.lVli-ck, Conn, liisp. Braid, GatYikr sew ON -rtkl. OATH KB AT THE • SAME TIM E, and ILe.^^m EVLLY. Sfiimon Spool Thread, • (tirectly from the SpL and can be at the unprecedented xßc'd of 4,000 liute. ‘iLns Machine eel stic Loci-St itch, \- it at freijlient intervals of eefyMf ot be w orked or pulled apart. .\’ • Wilson’s / NEW S2O MACHINE .* away, with our vhl shjht # n *'t:<xdle Machines. . It IfM (Me a> tiro old Machine, sod is so adapted that if will stand npdii ally work-Libit*, and rewnin firm W.ij(b<mt Eistoniiig. ’• . > it Feeds the work itself, ■ relFVrs the hands •almost entirely, which oh/ vXtes the neceSHity of using a stand Hint tuailhyfu nrj\” to allow'the operator the nse ot their, hand/ to “gnh\the-worlf. i e - All fuose who hai-e (|%w • on treVSle Machines, will appreciate this im* proveU:\it. as well as all the pcimrtilie i’tE/snbanfl, who U*vXjaL-nle*l that sewing inachines^ropellcd ’ by tlie feiVare -highly-injurious to fcmah* and thou Id iK>t bNused more than one <>r t a da \. Witb WiusonV Improved MACBi'xjftlie operator, can sit erect, fWis preventing in the bach, Inadaind ofigst, tbidiare cWKWPj sto-oKI stjlo J • of Machines. • f ■ . In order to introduce our/Tactnw throughout S the civilized world, decided to oiler the | following ‘ • UnprecedentedMJnducements : To any one ‘by Draft, Postal'MSM? Orclt i\r Kxpress, prepaid, (which they. can • I'Vn our risk, will forward one ] of tlie Wilson Mt mines on ’i for two. weeks, j • and at the time, if they raid the Machine is not, fn'evearirespect, just ws'we mpresrqited it, they .can. r>Amn it to'us, paid tbrougutaad we will refund tiiynMiey. ‘ \ *sg- c/ t this advertisement out and sVid it to us, wif/jOUt address and twksit DBltev> a, 'd r wo w/forward you Machine by return tx\ress. 1 Dir/ctions accomyauy each .Macliihe, from w\ich ! t\ Xmost inexperienced will liud no difficulty j • /anting its use. • ‘ \ | . Each machine • Warranted for Five Years! AGENTS TT AN TE T> On Coimnismoti, or to Work for a rejfnlar Salary. We will semi Private Terms to Agents, with Machine to those who desire an Agency. * A&drfcss all Orders—. . WILSON SEWING MACHINE MAXVFACTURISG CO.,’ • Cleveland, Ohio.- Ut ‘^odjeru'Enterprise.. 1,.’ C. BItYAN, EDITOK AND PROPKIETOR. §1 RM UIPTIOH TERMS. ■ o*—• . ■ The. Soi'TiiKiiX EnTFfiriiisr is pnmskei weekly tit Font Dollars per annum, strictly ’ IN ADVANCE. . ’ . Advertisements will be inserted for One Dollar per square of r eive lines or less for each insertion. From this rite a discount of Twenty fee per criv. wit! hemode far adver tisements inserted for three months or under six months, and Fifty per cent, for five ve ’ months nr more. ‘ ■ All Adrerfrseme.nls sent to the I'ffire n list he marked with the number of insertions desired or the .period to be published, and in every tnsfance accompanied with the //mount re quired for payment. Marriages and Deaths will hereafter be charged for as advertisements. Special or editorial notices will be published .and-charged at double the about rat s. Payments must he made in current fuu-Js. Remittances may be made by Express at our risk AH others must be at the risk of those lAakinx the srime Subscribers names will be dropped.from the list at the end of she term for which the sub scription lias h in paid, un All communications should le dddressed to', the ‘‘ I‘koi'iuktor Southern’ Enterprise, Thu.MASVII.LE, GEJlkaeiA,” —* O — • “ I.PfiAl, AmKRTINKIIENfs. All persons having occasion to advertise Legal Sales, Noting,;~etc„ are compelled l>y ■ law tocesnpjfy - will*.the following rulesi A .in -cs. /f. rs, F.xeevJirrs, or <Jytndiani: All sales of Land by Administrators, Execu tors or Guardians, are required by law U> he held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the ( ours of ten o’clock in tlie .forenoon, and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in whieh .tbe.propertyis situate. Notices oi these snl.-s must he given iii a public gazette forty days previous to the day of'sale. Sale of P. rsonal Prop< rty .•*—Notices of the safe of personal property most be given at least ten days previous to the day.ofsale. Estate. Debtors and • Creditor* :—Notice to Debtors aud Creditors of an'estate must be published forty days. ■ Court of Ordinary Leave to Sell: —Notice, that application will he made to the Court of Ordinary lor leave to sell Lands, must be pub lished weekly for two months. Administrators and Guardianship :—Cita tions for Letters of Administration must he published thirty days; for Dismission front Administration, monthly for six months. Foreclosure of Mortgage .-—Rules for Fore closure of Mortgage must be published monthly fpr four months. Establishing host Papers :—Notices estab lishing Lost Papers must be published for the full of three montlis. I3TPublications will always he continued according to the above rules, unless otherwise ordered. GEORltlA—Colquitt Count). W lItREAS, Nancy J. Alger, Administra trix on the estate of James K. Alger, dec’d , having tiled her petition m this Court for Let ters of Dismission All persons are hereby notified to tile their objecttons m Court within the time prescribed by law, otherwise Letters of Dismission will be granted to said applicant. Given under my hand aud signature, February sth, 1866. __ , _ ISAAC CARLTON, Feb *1 8 6m Ordinary. SPOONER’S CURE -: : j mt] mmu wmm hm nm umn. i Chills and Fever, Bilions Fever, Intermittent Fever, Remittent fever, Congestive Chills, Anti-Fever AND . AGUE I •’ ••••'■ •: . Diarrhea* .Dysentery, • ‘ ’ Periodical Headache, Dumb Ague.. <y*.*y* /^\ iM | | 4 W A a y ig For Sale by all D'raggist*. . *• • ‘ \Vm. Spooner & Cos. . ’ Nashville,. Tenn* SPOONER'S Immunity againstthe Fevers •and Chills of Spring and Fall, the. Dysenteries and Diarrheas of Summer, and the various Bilious complaints attendant upon the entire year, is what, the South needs and must have before that favored region will attain the. full meed of its great* ness. Emigration thither has been and is retarded for. the lack of it; • and for. the same reason,.cotton raising has been restricted and interfered with M-FEIB & ASM In vievv of these facts Dr. Spooner offers to the people of the Sauthj.and to .Emigrants going thither, his ANTI FEVER AND, AGUE P ILLS-, which have been demonstrated, repeatedly .and . repeatedly, to be an- unerring and never-failing ‘.preventive and cure of all Bilious com plaints incident to the South and West. Try but one ex periment; .the cost is trifling* the result is beyond, any con tingency. It never-has tailed and. never can, while-Physiol ogy remains a science. . !rNr-\ trNrk FlilltSa For Sale by all Druggists. . ‘Wm. Spooner & Cos. Nashville, Tenn. of low, marshy, and’ over flowed regions, or w’here- mi asma prevails, and all . . . • EMIGRANTS TO THE SOUTg • AND WEST, ‘ . *. should not- be, for a ‘ single day, without SPOONER’S ANTI-FEVER AND AGUE PILLS, in order that when they are attacked with Chills and Fever, Bilious, Intermittent or . Remittent bevers, Dumb Ague, Con gestive Chills, Pain in • the Back, Periodical Headache, Diarrhea or Dysentery, (to . which they are constantly lia r ble,) they may promptly and . effectually be .cured, without the loss of a single day’s labor. . Their Success is not contingent upon anything; they will never fail to cure effectually and per manently. For sale by all Druggists. For (sale in Thonutsvfile bv Dr P S BOWER • ■mmammfFmmmAmAmmmmggvz