Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, August 23, 1866, Image 4

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SCRANTON. SMITH & Cos. GROCERS AS D Commission Merchants. SAVANNAH, GA - j We would be happy to see our former pi- n- and friends, als . ‘the public gene rally, at our store at the head of tbe Bay, •pposite Jefferson Street. Savannah, Geor - 1 -• . We would be hapyy to receive frcm intern, 1 iCtoa or any other produce, and s 11 on the most favorable terms, and fill t.:. .r oraers at the lowest martcet prices .. :n -he sales of property. D T. St.’RANTt N\ Os the late firm of Scranton & Johnson. WM. H. SMITH* Os the late firm of Rabun &. Smith. J. L. LARGE. Os Savannah, Georgia. April 11 6m TIN SHOP! T') F. FUDGE now opened a |) retail Sh >p, oppo -uie i'o.', Once, on Jackson Street. . EL! IRON WORK, RE ■ i I flag J in the • . . .. . • . • . lly SHERIFFS SALES. UyiLLbeeoW before the Cowt Heindoer, of T 1 nuuville, on the first her between tie mri haM • • ng proneitv --.i wit r. 1 , Two Hundred and Thirty ] • ‘. . • H No’ • . Hand rad tod-Ten, in the 13th Distr t , N • ■ r, administrator on tLe estate of A . • • . So Dece Term - , . G. WILfU>.V, j 1 mi- - • Sheriff. \ mri. S TAKEN UP! ■ rF.ii !•: a-;ent nruiiAr r fa a.L ■C - ..a, Min i. t !1 County, Ga. 3V ‘I. 8 “:h i.i'/v ('oliimt: * MULE t!u.: has been stolen from Thomas -V < M. : • i ( ‘imtv, Florida, lias he ;i r. covered trom the thief, Cyrus Ramsey, iwdi ins escape. The Mole :..y : -- . n I thp owner is roq idled t me forward. prove property, pav charges and costs, when the Mule will be delivered to him. T. S. COLQUITT. Agent. 1* S —Parties claiming must come with the very best of references and vouchers of eharae ter for honesty, and that they are not of the Poney and .Mule Club, which must be pro d evil satisfactorily before their chums will bet rd T. t>. COLQUITT. Agent. July 35 • 30-tf ’ UlOKfilA—Ktheb County. WHEREAS. John McTerrell, Administra i of David McTerrell. late of said couaty, .; -a--d. having filed his petition in this Court, L- i Itisuur.-e in fr >m saiJ estate, this therefore to admonish all concerned* be and appear at my office within the time p.‘v- • - • l by law. t > si <*\v cause if any thev can, ■ - ■ • . b.rwv hand at nttiee, this August I. 1566. Tll< . 13. CLAYTON, Wig |5dH Ordinary IJORTV DAYS Notice to Mell I,and. lVv authoritv froth the honorable Court of < ti dmfirv of Thomas Comity, I will sell on the first Tuesday in October next, within the legal h . e, bet re the Court House door in Thomusville. ‘lid County, the Lands belong g to W. J., Lvers. deceased. Terms made i. \vn autae dav of sale. ‘ AV. G. LEWIS, Adm’r ang 15 60d <. l Oiihl l—Clinch County. WHEREAS. William Is. North having filed his petition in this Court for Letters of Disrnis - e.i front Ids Administration on the estate of John Knolls, late of said County, deceased : Th.-w are therefore to cite and admonish all , -neerned, to tile their objections, if any they aye, otherwise said letters will be granted in terinsof the law. H. MORGAN, ang 15 dm Ordinary. CTOItC IA —T, on tides fountt. To all whom it may Concern. WHEREAS, Henry Briggs having applied the estate 61 Jei n.l: Underwood. det-'d?—Thi* is therefore ■ ‘ rested, t< • file then ebji ns, If any. within ‘the time prescribed by law. wby said letters should not be granted. ■ WM SMITH, ang l-'JOd Ordinary. I< I.OltC, I A—l.ounties County. UNLESS go >d cause to thecontrarv is shown <■:: or before the first Monday in September xt. the administration of the estateof Mteh ael Burke, will be vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other tit and proper p>- ‘on. Given under mv hand this2sth dav of July, 1866. WILLIAM SMITH.’ aug l-JUd Ordinary. G 1’ O KG I %—Clinch Couuty. WHEREAS, Frederick Douglas makes ap jfa ation for Letters of Administration on the * -of Jar..i s Dour las, late of said Conntv. ...-I and ; —T .-. se are therefore to cite and ad monish all concerned, to show cause, if any 1 ey have, why said letters should not be v ranted, otherwise said letters will be “ranted i.iterui~ of the 1 1 .v. at the next regular term of this Court. Given under my hand and offi ial signature office, this July 25th. 1866. h. Morgan. ang l-30d* Ordinary. tiPOlUll V —Thom a*. County. Cj ‘of Ordinary; July 21, 1866. WHEREAS. The estate of Patrick Whid den, deceased. i- without a legal representa tive —All persons interested are notified to file t ; ions in said Court,otherwise .Letters ct Administration will be granted to the public istra’.oron the first Monday in September next H H.’TOOKE, July2s 30d Ordinary, <1 liOlthl.t—l.ounties County. To all whom it may Concern SUSAN TUCKER having filed her Petition in proper form to me, praying for Letters of Administration, with the Will annexed, on the estate of Jordan Tucker, late of said County, deceased:—This is to cite all creditors, lega tees, next of kin and any others interested, to be and appear at the September term of tbe Court of Ordinary of said County, and show cause, if any they can. why said litters should m be granted. Given under uir hand, this 24th d...v of July, 1366. WILLIAM SMITH, ang 1 -30d* Ordinarv. GEORGIA —Brook** County. To all Concerned. WHEREAS. Berry Wells, administrator on the estate of Hardy V. Folsom, dee’d. makes application to this Court in proper form, for a u!m barge from said administi ation :—These arc therefore to cite and admonish all persons at interest, to file their objections as required by law. otherwise said Letters of Dismission will tie issued and “ranted the applicant. In testi mony, wiuiss.'. etc., this Jnlv 24. 1366. J. G. McCALL, ang 1 -30 P Ordinary. GEOBOI A.— Thoiuan Con hit. ALL persons interested are notified that two months from this date.and on the first Monday in October next, I will apply to the honorable Court of Ordinary of said County, for an order of Court granting leave to sell the Lands of Morris Carter, deceased. HENRY CARTER ang 8 4*\l Adm’r CO’ll’Ol MI Fluid Extract Itiarhu. Prepared by w P ( LOWER A CO. Jan 31 stf Apothecaries Hall furniture 71 HE undersigned has opened a Shop in in Thomasrille, for the Maunfactuie and Repairing of FURNITURE, | Making and Furnishing Coffins, &c., Ac. i second door from the Print ing Office, on Jefferson street. L. J SPITZ. Jan 1 Srn j NOTICE To Everybody %J / We the undersigned can now say to the Public that we are ready lo GRIND CORN, as we have purchased an engine and mill of sufficient power to do good Work, and ‘he way you have to prove it is to bring y. nr Com and see if you do not get good 1 Meal.ln connection with our Mill we will make Furniture to order, Sash, Blinds, j - Dooxa, Rip, Dun, TongUe and- Groove , Plank, make Coffins to order with neat nt -and iespatch, we will-also take con. tt acts for Building houses. i TAYLOR & DEKLJE. 1 feel thankful to the Publics for their liboral patronage extended to me hereto-. . fore, and hope I may merit ; of the same. ISAIAH DEKLE. FAMIIiT GROCERIES. r | HE undersigned are how offering E a mil* 1 Groceries Cheap for Cash, at the stand T of David Harrell. • They are also preparing to receive a large , lot of GROCERIES Os nil Drscriptious, at tbe same place, which they intend offering to the public upon the most reasonable terms. , for Cash or Country Produce. , JOSHUA TAYLOR. JAS. A. BROOKS. Feb 7 6-6 m C. H. WILLCOX. Superintendent T. H- WILLINGHAM, WHOLESALE Gr roc e rs, 143 Congress A 57 Ml. Jiilien Mis., SAVAYXAII, fiA., Keep constantly on hand, and receiving per every Steamer, all kinds of MM KM! 3, MEBAKM, TOBACCO. Ac.. Ac Prompt attention given to Orders accom panied with remittance. apr 11 12m SCRANTON. SMITH & Cos Keep constantly on hand, Choice old | BRANDIES, WHISKIES, WINES, GIN, &c., And every variety of G-roceries —Also, — HAY, CORN, OATS and BRAND, Strictly at wholesale to the Trade, and we flatter ourselves that we can make it to . the interest of Dealers to patronize us. At the head of Bay street opposite Jeffer son street. April 6m M. F E RS T & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, MEGAUM. FAVCY GROCERIES, CAY DIEM, Ac., Ac, [ypAlso on hand, a large stock of TO. RACCO’M. Wo. 130 CONG RE MM MTREET, House in New Yokk. ) So vnnnnVi Gn •AttO Canal Street, ] aillian, UR. April 18 6m GEORGIA —Brook* County. WHEREAS. J. F. Darracott makes appli cation to this Court for Letters of Admhiistra lion on the estate of Langdon Turnbull, late of said County, deceased:—These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties concerned to tile their objections within the time prescribed bv law. In testimony, witness, &c. J. G. McCALL, July 4 30d O. B C. I.KOItbIA Brook* County. To all idiom it may Concern: WHEREAS, Mrs. Nancy Groover applies to me for Letters of Dismission as the Guar dian for the minor heirs of Josiah Groover, deed These are therefore to cite and admon ish all persons at interest to file their objections within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said letters will be granted the applicant. J. G. McCALL, July 4-30d Ordinary. GEORGIA— CIinch County. SIXTY days after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said County, for leave to sell lots of land, number Four Hun dred and Fotrv two (442) in the 11th District of Irwin County, and number One Hundred and Sixty-one i lfil) in the sth District of App ling County, belonging to the estate of Eliza Mattox, late of said County, deceased. LAVIN'A M. MATTOX, J uly 1 Shod Adm'x. GEORGIA —Clinch County. W HEREAS. W illiam Clifton makes appli cation for Letters of Administration on the es tate of Peter McGuill. late of said Countv, deceased:—These are therefore to warn all persons concerned, to tile their objections if any they have, otherwise said letters will be grant ed in terms of the law. II MORGAN, July 18-3Qd Ordinarv. GEOR..lA—Loundcs County. W hereas Hugh Mclntyre Administrator of Daniel Mclntyre having filed his petition in this Court tor letters ol dismission from his administration. This is therefore to admonish all concerned to show cause if any Uiey can why said letters should not be granted at a regular term of this Court, after the expirut on of six months. Given under my hand and official siirnature this 15th day of May 1866. WILLIAM SMITH, | May 16-6 m Only. STATE OF 6EOBBIA Thom n a County. —Two mouths after date, appli catirm will be made to the Court of Ordinarv of said Comitv. for leave to sell all the Lands belonging to Inc estate of E R Young, late of said County, deceased. D 8 BRANDON W J YOUNG. June 27 2m Executors HAVE TUMBLED! aI T there never was a Greater Tumble In the Prices of -W all kinds of Goods, as yon can see by ViSitins gjfe tlie Store of J. SCHIFF N- BRO., mJ . • i-. . • • WIIO HATE NOW -A FULL STOCK OF . Spring and Summer Goods, .: SUCH AS: • Itarasres. Ortrandles, Robes, Prints, Jaconets. Swiss \an sooks, ISrilliants, Embroidered Bauds and Edgings, Infant’s Robes and Gadies* Lace Collars &. Sleeves, Silk mantillas, L.ace Point, Straw Hats j AND NUMEROUS OTHER ARTICLES. We have also a fine assortment of SUMMER CASSIMERE AND READY MADE CLOTHING, LADIES 9 AHD ©ENTS SHOES & BOOTS, HATS, TRUNKS, WINDOW SHADES, LOOKING GLASSES, : AND PAMSOLS. * ... A GOOD STOCK OF . JEWELRY AND WATCHES, ALL OF WHICH WE OFFER AT ‘ Ttte Lowest Price! Come and See for yourself before going l elsewhere! N. B.—Just received a good lot of CHOICE FLOUR and FAMILY GROCERIES of all kinds. April 18 .16 ts ■ JOY TO THE WORLD! THE INTRODUCTION OF PEHHY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER ! TO THE SUFFERING HUMANITY OF THIS AGE, Has Relieved more Pain, and caused more Real Joy than any other one thing that can be named ! Is a Balm for every tVvund! Our first Physicians use it, and recommend its use-; the Apo.thecftry finds it first ” among the Medicines called for, and the WohleSale Druggist considers it a leading article of ;-is trade. All the Dealers in Medicine speak alike in its favor ; and its reputation as a Medicipe of Great Merit and Virtue is fully and permanently established, and it is . The Great Family Medicine of the Age t EVERY VOLUNTEER SHOULD HAVE A BOTTLE, IN CASE OF SUDDEN ‘AT* TACKS IN DISEASE TAKEN INTERN AT LY IT CURES Sore Throat, Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc.. Weak Stomach, General Debility, Nursing Sore Mouth, Canker, Liver Complaint, Dispepsia or Indigestion, Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Bowell Complaint, Painters’ Colic, Asiatic Cholera, Diarrhoea and Dystery. TAKEN EXTERNALLY IT CURES Felons, Boils and Old Sores, severe Burns and Scalds. Cuts, Bruises and Sprains, Swelling of the Joints, Ringworm and Tetter, Broken Breast, Frosted Feet and Chilblains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia and Rheumatism. TAIN KILLER taken internally should be administered with milk or water, and sweetened with sugar, if desired, or made into a syrup with molasses. For a COUGH and BRONCHITIS, a few drops of sugar, eaten, will be more affective than anythnig else. For a SORE THROAT, gargle the throat with a mixture of Pain Killer and the relief is immediate and cure positive. fiEOßOlA—Thoinn* County. To the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said County: THE Petition of Nancy Roddenberrv, Ad minisU'atrix on the estate of Henry Rodden berrv, deceased, sbeweth, that there are in her hands lands, the property of said estate, and that it is necessary to sell the lands for Distri bution and to pay the debts of deceased: —He therefore petitions and prays for an order granting leave to sell said lauds, and as in duty bound will ever pray, etc. NANCY RODDEXBERRY, Administratrix. GEORGIA—Thomas County. Court of Ordinary, June 22, 1866. UPON hearing the foregoing Petition, it is ordered by the Court that said petition and this order be published in the Southern Enterprise once everv two weeks for two months. H. H. TOOKE. July 4-2 m Ordinary. _ 1 (•CORCiIA —Thomas County. To the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said County THE undersigned, your Petitioner, admin istrator oti the estate of Edward Bryan dec’d., sbeweth, that lie has fully discharged his du ties as such, and now makes this Ins applica tion for a Dismission and discharge from said trust, and prays that the citation issue in terms of the law. and as in duty hound will ever pray, etc. M. J. J. BRYAN, Adm'r. GEORGIA —Thomas Cbnnty. Court of Ordinary , June 6th, 186 G. UPON hearing the foregoing petition, it is ordered by the Court, that said Petition and tliis Order, be published in the Southern Enter prise once a week for six months. H. H. TOOKE. June 2ti-6m Ordinary. GEORGIA —Counties County. WHEREAS, Dennis Witherington. Guar dian of the person and property of Nancy, Ra chel, Mary, Surrena, Elizabeth. Moisey &l Jasse Witherington, minors ot said County, having fullv discharged his trust.applies to be dismiss ed from his Guardianship:—Therefore all per sons concerned are hereby notified and required to appear at my office, on the first Monday in Apnl next, and show cause, if anv they have, i why said letters of Dismission should not be ! granted. Given nnder my hand and official signature, this 22d day of February, 18f>6. WILLIAM G SMITH, Feb 28 9-6 m C. C Ord. . GEORGIA—CIinch Count.. To all trhom it may Concern : WHEREAS, David administrator of N. J. Higgs. Robert Higgs and William Burkhalter, late of said County. deceased, bav j ing tiled his Petition in this Court for letters j of Dismission:—This is therefore to admonish 1 all concerned, to be and appear at my office | within the time prescribed ny law. to show canse if any they have, why said letters should not he granted Given under my hand, at office, this July 2,186*1 II MORGAN. July 4-6ni Ordinary KGOUCiIA —Thomas County. To the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said County : THE Petition of Pleasant Hutchison, Ad ministrator on the estate of . John \V. Davis, deceased, sheweth, that there are lands in his hands, the property of said estate, and that it is necessary to self the same for distribution of said estate and to pay the debts thereof. He therefore petitions and prays for an order granting leave to sell said lands, and as in duty bound will ever prav, etc. PLEASANT HUTCH ISON, Administrator. GEORGIA Thomas Connty. Court of Ordinary, June 22, 1866. UPON hearing the foregoing Petition it is ordered by the Court that said petition and order be published in the Southern Enterprise once every two weeks for two months. HH. TOOKE, July 4-2 m Ordinary. (iiGOKtiilA —Thomaa County. To the Honorable Court o) Ordinary of said County : The undersigned, your Petitioner, Adminis trator on the estate of C. H. Young, deceased, sheweth that he has fully discharged his duties as such:—He therefore petitions and prays for an order of said Court discharging him from said trust, and as in duty bound will ever pray. etc. E. K. Y'OUNG, Adw’r- GEORGIA—Thomas County. Court of Ordinary, June Ist, 1866. Upon hearing the foregoing Petition, it is or dered by the Court, that said petition and this order be published in the Southern Enterprise once a week for six months. H. H. TOOKE, June 6 6m Ordinary. KKORdlA—Thomas County. To the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said County : THE Petition of W. G. Lewis, Admimstra tor on the estate of Win. J. Evers, deceased, sheweth, that said estate in his hands, consists in part of lands, and that) it is necessary to sell the same for the purpose of distribution, and to pay the debts of deceased 11c therefore peti tions and prays for an order of Court , granting leave to sell said lauds, and as in duty bound will ever prav, etc. W. G LEWIS, AdtnT. CfEORCrI.A. — Thomos County. of Ordinary , June 15*4, UPON hearing the foregoing Petition, It is Ordered by the Court, that said Petition and Order, be published in the Southern Enter prise once every two weeks for two months. II H TOOKE, June 20 iHkl Ordinary. Forty Days Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALL persons indebted to Thomas Steele of Thomas County’, Georgia, deceased, are noti fied to cotne forward and make payment to the undersigned, and nil those having claims against him. will present them in form and within the t ime prescribed by law P A ITOKN, July 18 WM Ei eentor ’ USE mallichan sPhIS > — CHILLS & FEVER ’v 4 certain cvi^J) PIE.I.S are composed J simply of Vegetable Medicines. They are Cathartic’ Pills, acting upon the Stomach, Liver and Loire's ; coutainiugno Arsenic, Chl omel. Blue Mass, or any other Mineral sub stance. The great advantage the Proprietors claim for these Pills is that, without the aid of Calomel . Blue Mass, or any other Minerals, thov will cure the most obstinate cases of Chills and Fever, Dumb Ague. Periodical Headache, Neuralgia and all affections of a j like character Follow the directions, and you will ‘find they will do all that is claimed for'- them Try box, and their own merits will recommend them eve* afterwards-’ Bp* We have used G u. mohan's Pit.i.s.aud have never known them to fail to core .when the directions were followed, and unhesita tiugly recommend them to ptiblic favor: Han T II Watts, Ex Governor of Ala H Hon T J Judge. Judge Supreme Court of Alabama: j Hon Rob’t Dougherty, Judge Oth. Circuit ‘of Alabama. . Wm: G. Waller, Sheriff Montg men c >-* Alabama.- • Hon Alexander B. Clitherall. Montgomery , Alabama. Col.fits II Weaver, Montgomery, Ala. Cos! Crawford Bibb. Montgomery, Ala. - . J Maj FI. A Banks, Com. Merchant..X. 0.. La. • ■ Geo Mason. Eaq., Mayor,Wetuuipks.,Ala. •’ ‘ Mikel.Woode, Attorney at Law. 306 liroau- ( wav, New York. . . . ■ Diuiiel Sayrc, Grand Sec. Grand Lodge,Ala, • F i A Masons. . . ‘ . BLOI IVT & lI4LG, . Sole Proprietors, ITlontgoincry, Ain., Wholesale Depots, •’ ■ • Harrnl, Ridev & Tompkins, 1 ll Chambers st . N. Y., 8. W Morsdun. N. ,Y.,. Edward ‘• - Wilder 6c Qo., Louisville. Ky.. E J.- .] • . Ilart * C0.,1T. O. Lai, Blount * Hule. Montgomery, Ala. SOLD BY’ • E. SEIXAS. Tliomasvillc., Ga., And all other Druggists. _ • ang 1> ts KEEQSEHE AND . HA* STOVES, i Tea and Coffee Boilers, Glue Pots, Oil Cans, &c. • Gp 1 All the ‘Cooking for a • • ‘GP family may be done ’lfT’ with Kerosene Oil.of . 1 • **p Gas, with less trouble, j f iy ‘ and at less expense, •J cK than by any otlicr.fuel • ’! Each article manufactured by this Company is guaranteed to perform all tlmt is claimed for it. • . . .. lUp 3 Send for .Liberal discount to the Trade.- KEROSENE LAMP HEATER C 0.., 206 Pearl Street, X. Y ‘ July 25 j 3m Great improvement in Sewing. Machines . / Empire SHUTTLE MACHINE . Salesrooms. 5.26 Broadway, N. Y-, 2.30 .Washington St., Boston, 021 Chest nut St., Philadelphia. Patented February 14, 1860. THIS MACHINE is constructed on entirely new principles of mechanism, possessing many rare and valuable improvements,having been examined by the most profound experts, and pronounced to be. Simplicity mtl Perfection < oinbini-d. It lias a straight needle, perpendicular action, . makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither lilP nor IIAVEL, and is alike on both sides; performs perfect sewing on every description of material, from Leather ’ te the tinesl Nansook muslin, with cotton, linen, or silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. HaviugneitherCAM or COG wheel, and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, anu is Emphatically a lVoiueltsss Machine ! It requires FIFTY PER CENT, less power to drive it than any other machiiie in the mar ket. A girl twelve years of age can steadily, without fatigue or injury to health'. Its Strength and wonderful Simplicity of Construction renders it almost Impossible to get out of order, and is GUARANTEED by the -company to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who may desire, to supply themselves with a superior ar ticle, t j come and examine this L n rival led. Machine’. ■ One half hour's instruction is sufficient to enable any person to work this machine to their entire-satisfaction. Agents wanted for all towns in the United States, where agencies are not already estab lished Also, for Cuba, Mexico, Central find I South America,to whom a liberal discount .will [■ be given. . • EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE MF C CO.. 536 Broadway, N. Y T . July 25 * ■ . 6m ■ G DOIBI I A—Thomas County. ! To the honorable Court of Ordinary of said | County: TIIE Petition of S R. Robison, Administra tor on tlie estate of li. K. Evans, deceased, ! sheweth that said estate consists in part of ; Lands, and that it is necessary to sell the same I for Division and Distribution. He now makes 1 application to sell said Lands, and prays that the necessary.notice may be given, and as iri duty bound will pray, etc. §. R. ROBISON. Adai r. GEORGIA —Thomas County. Court Os Ordinary, July 14, 1866. ‘ UPON hearing tho foregoing Petition, it is ordered by the Court that said Petition and this order be published in the Southern Enterprise once every two weeks for two months. H: H. TOOKE, July 18-2 m Ordinary. 6K01C61A —Colquitt County. Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1860. , WHEREAS, Jeremiah B. Norman, adminis trator on the estate of James M. Norman ; Jer emiah B. Norman, administrator ou the estate of William McCall; Seaborn W eeks, adminis trator on the estate of Joseph Castleberry, have in proper form applied to me to be dis missed from theirsaid administrations: —Notice is hereby given to all parties interested to file their objections in Court, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted said applicants tit the February Term of Court ISAAC CARLTON, July 18 6m Ordinary CCOKGlA—Colquitt County. WHEREAS, Benjamin Weeks applies to me for the Guardianship of the persons and pro perty of Rosanna. Seaborn J., Nancy J., Dan iel and David B. Weeks, minor heirs of David Weeks, deceased Notice is hereby given to all parties interested to tile their objections, in Court, otherwise Letters of Guardianship will he granted the applicant on the first Monday in September next. Given under my hand this the second day of July, 1866. P. 0. WING, July 18-40d D.C.C.O. (•IIOIUiIA Tim tuna County. To thr honorable Court of Ordinary of no id County: THE Petition of M. C. Smith, Administrator on the estate of Mary Horne, deceased, shew-, eth that he bap fully discharged his dntv ap pueb administrator,and now makes application for Dismission from said administration, ami prays that the usual citation may be given in terms of the law, and as in duty hound will ever pray, etc. M. C. SMITH, Jdm'r. (i EOROIA —- Thnman Con nty. Court of Ordinary, July 11, 1866 UPON hearing the foregoing Petition, it is ordered by the Court that said Petition and this order he published in the Southern Enterprise in terms of the law for six months. H H TOOK!?. Jnlv 18.6 m Ordinary. 03STLY, ©20,00! PROCLAMATION! Extraordinary Inducements - • ‘ To Persons Wanting SEWING MACHINES! THE WILSON SEWING MACHINE • manufacturing comp.any • • •’. ‘are now offering to the Public, . J WILSON’S XEW. FAMILY MA(lI IXES ■ FOR ONLY TWENTY DOLLARS I • .'1 \li is the only Pirst-Chiss” Sewing Machine in th/ - mSykvt that mails for less than- $55. “We P re */“ t Oui-Vew Machini to tile T’ubhc .with all mfiQXf*- . pivvcVeiits that can well be combined in SlachuX Great labor and pams have y-enbe stownl lathis Machine to bring it lntyoie Ttiy highest draMi in tin- seal- jr by the’best judges vpt - ly above any invented. Wilson’s, edited &e|fcf? Machine. \ has doing All Kinds ofSramily. Sewing ’ equally as well as in the market. It will Stitch, llrjp. Conn, Bind, BUAin, GaTHKli'ijp SEW-ON AX OATHF.iI AT THE SAME TIME, RLL Y. it uses all Spool Thread, Silk , and Tumic directly from the Spakjf and can bo . run (by stfmn) at the unprecedented sed of 4,000 stitches y?r minute. This Machine the ceb ‘ ebratedr “ / Elastic Lock-Stitch, wVlch can be cut at frequent intervals of every \Mf i/ich, and can not be worked or. pulled apart. • \ Wilson’s. ‘ NEW S2O MACHINE ’Dots away with our old style p ‘’cadle Machines. • It is as largo as the old Machine, and is 80 sdiptod that it will stand upon any work-table,’ and. rCOlfn firm without fastening. * • IT FEEDS THE WORK ITSELF. . * Via relieves the hands almost entirely, wliich oIV. v\tes the necessity of using a stand and treac\le/u or(\ to allow the operator the use of their hand/.to •guiuVhe work. -air. All those who have ope/ated • on trcXTlr Machines, will appreciate this grj/d im- 4 provenitot, as well as all the scientific who 4 that sewing macliinesyJropelled bv the fetVare highly injurious -to fMbales. and Fhould not bVised more than one or tvofhours a day. ‘With TViLsoiSk Improved operator can sit erect, .mils preventing paAs in the barb, . head and chest, TicU are the old style of Machines. . xk f In order to introSkce throughout the civilized world-, decided to offer the following’ \/ UnprecedentedrVnducements :• To any by Draft, postal Moire Urdcs-Vr Express, prepaid, ■ (which they can our risk. iV will forward one of tiie Wilson Mkhines on TiuNk for two weeks, and at the endythat time, if theylid the Machine • is not, in evesrrespeet, just as we it, they can retail it to US, paid we will refund thyfnoney. . • \ jgaj- c/t this advertisement out and i\R<T it to .- ns, wi*/ your address and Twenty Douam, and wo w/ forward you a Machine by return Express. accompany each Machine, from v,\uh. Me/ most inexperienced will find no difliculty\u /arning its use. . ‘ 4 . EACH MACHINE Warranted for Five Years! AGENTS WANTED On Commission, or to work for a regular Salary. We will send Private Terms to Agents,with Machine . to those who desire an Agency- Address all Orders— . ■ 4 . 4 HIX.SOA SEWING MACHINE MANUFACTURING CO., • Cleveland, Ohio. (Tljc ,§-out(;cni tEniciprisc. . ~ ’ L.. 0. BKYAN. ‘ . EDITOR AND PROPKIETOR. 4 Wl 4 B9i* TEIS US. -r—• “O— * . The Southern Enterprise is'published ’ -weeuiy at Four Dollars ]>rr annum strictly ’ IN ADVANCE. . • . . Advertisements will be meerfed for-Onk Dollar per square of welve hues or less for ■ each, insert top. ■ From this rate a discount of Twenty five per cent. wilt he made for adver tisements inserted for three months or v nder ■ six months, and Fifty per •cent ■ for tire ve months or more. All Advertisements sent, to the office n nst he ! .marked with the number of insertions desired or the period to he published, and in every I’ instance accompanied, with the amount re quired for payment. Marriages and Deaths will hereafter he • charged f>r as ad rrrtisrments.- ■ 4 j Special or editorial notices will be published and charged at double the above rates. Payments must be made in current fuuds. Remittances- may be made by Express at our risk. All others must be at the risk of those L making tie same. ■ ■ Subscribers names will b( dropped from the ■ list at the end of the teem for which the sub. sertption has been paid, unless renewed All earn m ii nlentions should bi addressed to I’ the “ Proprietor Southern Enterprise, Thom-asville, Georgia.” ‘_ 4 . ‘ LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT*. r All persons having occasion to . advertise . [ Ltfgttl. Sales, Notices, etc., are compelled by law to comply with the following rules : Administrators , Executors, or Guardian's: All sales of l.and by Administrators, Execu tors or'.Guardians, are 4 required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the .1 oars of ten o’clock in the forenoon, and throe in the afternoon, at the Court House in which the property is situate. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazette forty days previous to the day of sale. Sale of Personal Property :—Notices of the sale of personal property must be given at least ten days previous to the day of sale. Estate Debtors and Creditors :—Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an estate must be ; published forty days. Court of Ordinary Leave to Sell: —Notice that application will lie to the Court of Ordinary lor leave to sell Lands, must be pub . lished weekly for two months. Administrators and Guardianship : —Cita tions for Letters of Administration must he published thirty days; for Dismission from Administration, monthly for six months. Foreclosure of Mortgage :—Rules for Fore closure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four months. Establishing Lost Papers • —Notices estab lishing Lost Taper* must he published for the full term of three months. tyPublications will always be continued according to the above rules, hnless otherwise ordered. Gl!Oßt;M—Colquitt t'sunl,. M ITT.RKAS, Nancy ,T. Alger, Administra trix on the estate of .Tames It Alger, deed hav uig (iled hei petition in this Court for Lei tern of Dismission —All persons are hereby notified to tile their objections in Court within the time prescribed by law, otherwise Letters ot Dismission will be granted to said applieant Given under my hand and signature, February sth, ’ ISAAC CARLTON, Feb SPOONER’S CLUE | JtJulfl bUfiltlhifi MtMtlvH} m JfMfJ iMiAli'-x Chills and Feveiy ; * Bilious Fever, Intermittent Fever, ‘ Remittent Fever, Congestive Chills, Anti-Fever | * ’ • • AND . ’* AGUE Diarrhea, Dysentery, . Periodical Headache, •Dumb Ague, 7 , j o i. | W • A> a ■ For Sale hy all Druggists. Wm. Spooner & Co >jr Nashville, Tenft* SPOONER'S • Immunity against the Fevers .arid'Chills of Spring and Fall, the D-ysentcries and- Diarrheas v. • • .of Summer,- and the- various ’Bilious complaints, -attendant upon the entire year,, is w.hat the.Sou'th needs and must have . before that favored region will attain the full meed of its great ness. Emigration thither has been and is retarded for the lack.of if; and for the same • reason, cotton raising has been ■ restricted. and interfered with ANTI-FEVER & M In view of these facts Dr. Spooner offers to the people of the South, and to Emigrants •going thither, his ANTI FEVER AND AGUE FILES, which have been demonstrated, repeatedly and repeatedly, to be an unerring and .never-failing preventive and- cure of all Bilious com plaints incident to the South and West.’ Try but one cx . periment; the cost is trifling, • the result is beyond any con tingencyi It has failed and never-can, while Physiol ■ ogy remains -a science. • For Sale by.all Druggists.’ Wm. Spooner & .Cos. . Nashv-ill.e, Tenn. of low, marshy, and over flowed regions, or where mi asma prevails, and all - EMIGRANTS TO THE SOUTH AND WEST, should not be, for a single day, without SPOONER’S ANTI-FEVER AND AGUE PILLS, in order -that when they are attacked with Chills and Fever, Bilious, Intermittent or Remittent Fevers, Dumb Agpe, Con gestive Chills, Pain in the Back, Periodical Headache, Diarrhea or Dysentery, (to which they are constantly lia ble,) they may promptly and effectually be cured, without, the loss of a single day’s labor. Their success is not contingent upon anything; they will never fail to cure effectually and manently. For sale by all Druggists. For nalo in Tlioniapville'by Dr, 1’ S BOWER