Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 06, 1866, Image 4

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SCRANTON. SMITH & Cos. GROG EE S * V T> Coinmis sion Merc li a nts, g a UAH’N A IT. GA Wo irctTil I t \>nr fbrmer . . i j [ [ t \}; r., [ d _ t\ e - , , — . i f" >o** * r ‘ TTY QDrtPI 11Y nln'l . I> F. FUDGE h-i- tv w opened a K | nil lrir 1 f . svrY. : .Kiri li. f work, rtr £ rj\ 1 Roofing .f'.710 in the v . .__•. \ .. r* I’l'D/"'r and . r . r i M ir, Apr II IMy • : OJSGI ‘ Thantaa < mm. • 1 f’ ; ‘ < trrli Ufj r >'t s 1 !/11 ■ • (if Josep! Miller. I Bhetfrtb Hint (tiu MKS MILLER Ada r ’ . ••• Pt tffll i! . I'■ vr i - \v - • ‘. ; * • t *.V . ( 111 MV nil. to< >ki:. Ordinary. ( oilllll . f Ordiu C. ■ • ■ v 11 V. if A V. . ■ ‘ consists a! 1 in (lonfed . . • ■ .iv". I “'nr. 1 ‘will ever- Guardian • ■ • • • :v.. ... ’ ••• \ • • 1'..- H. HTf >< IKE, | fiFOnKI t-Tlima* ComMv ’ ’ vv 1 ‘ . ; • - . 1 >: i: t■■ • - ’ • • . * ray ‘ ■ - ■ ‘ • • . ..... ■ .. ;!v 1 1 1 ST ,J , |„„ • . . • - ■ . . ... . . ■ ‘( >[ O'. . ’ • • • . - . I jii ‘■ in Surfutnikur iifivt wititin r ■ ■ • ‘ ■ . - lion .• I\. . >i • ! ■ ‘V’ • ■ . \\ i..... . . • < X ‘ Terms of sale ras.ii - li J WARD Two Months Aoticr. I M 11.1. an; (v to the honorable Pimp of f ty.d I, J I. MORGAN. ; ,T u]v *ll rr,] * AthnV “ r ’‘ ! I—Rrosli* Conn!'. ’ .... . “ J * 1 “ I, Adi ■ ist . of tlH* ostii.c of J. TV A relief", deceased, makes j ■ ’ • ’ ‘ . ‘ ■ ’ • ■ Ms. • - y ’ • OrOßfilA— Tkomaa rnnn. ‘ ••t said County, are to make pavn the nndersigmed, and those haring claims I against him Will present them in “form and | . • I. M SUTTOX • :r: • Adiii'r. J WFORO! \—ThninnA 4 on hit ALL persons interested are notified that two ! months from this date, and on the First Mon ’ ‘ rober next. I will apply to the Hon - | re.. Court of Ordinary of said Count v. for ; ot . r if I out” granting leave To selT the Lands of William P. Carter, deceased. ALEX. CARTER, ang S-lod Adai’r. Os OnftlA~Erhol> f flimiy, WHfvC: *> John MeTerrell, Adraimstra m'• MeTerrell. late of said countv , * ,avin 2‘fiWd his petit ion in this Court, .! f!ors Diamiaskni from said estate, this ere fore to admonish all concerned. to be and ar near at my office within the time pro v: a.,- hy law. to show cause if anv they can ‘■’ v saia letters stionkl not be granted. Given aa.termv luuid at . dice, this Angnst 1. Irkki TIIOS. It. CLAYTON rg INda Ordinary. rC PERn tllAi. L - Extra <77 ± Florida W’nter. F.stmct F‘ml Liiv; ami X'.- 1 : Bk'tvtnns’ Cere os, Zvln Haisammn. Tri •lerons, Kathation. India Rubber. Hornaiai ‘o Dreenng and Fine Combv Children s •j -yvl Ividit.''’ Indie Rubber Tnck t otni -s. ! >pr i,o. w p CLOWE.R & CO.. . Apotheearreo Hull firORG! < onntr C art of Ordinary Antrnst loth. lS6f- WHEREAn. Lebb . Dekie and Elias Fotch mates apt.bcation to tio, C..rm for Letters of st ration on- Uts rs liit. Ft*’ • - b iiinbsiM,! .: ~f ~ by w;li or otherwise *—All l*erji.ii.s inxereated are notified to file their objections m said (>vur ntheruwe smd lent re will +c erante<l in tmJ oi the law. AngSOdW M H T ’,', ‘ K: FURMTURE rpiTE ? ha ] % Shop in Thnmieville for the Manufacture JL iU * 1 . J FURXITURE, >fakn<r and FttroLshicg Cofhns/Ac., &c. J second door from the Prini- In? office, on Jeffersorr street. L. J SPITZ, i I Jan 1 3m NOTICE To Even body %J “'e the imdersiyiird can now say to the GRIND CORN,, • r vc rvrehased anpr.gire and mill ■ f sufTiciont power to do po<Td Work, and ’ the wnv vou have to prove it is to bring ronr Corn and sec if you do not get good j Meal.ln connection with our Mill we will make Furniture to order. Sash, Blinds, Doors, llip, Dress, Tongue and Groove Plank.-make Coffins to order with neat nc“s and desmteh. wc will also take ccn . TAYLOR ft DEKLE. I feel thankful to the Public for their > liboral patronage extended to me hereto*, fore, and hope I may merit a continuation . ‘ ISAIAH DEKLE. 1 3F 1 3VX X li XT &SOGERIES. r IlJ! 1. - rticd : .v,. r.nw otferim.- I'snnitv I Wrwrrir* < I r< Be • the Mbkl ■■ ■ ■ . * receive a large . GROCERIES Os all llrwripliaiiM, • t 1 ’ *■ which thev intend offering ’ •; •nv>n ! !'•• inns* reasonable terms for Cash or CotmferjPitiWhk JOSHUA TATIjOR, i J.\s. A DROOKS. ‘ Fe’ 7 ft-bill 1 C. H. WILLCOX, Superintendent T. H. WILLINGHAM, ’ WHOLESALE I I't fonrrfs* &- 37 St. .I’lllieu Sis., SAV AXIVAH, ASA., ! K ;ep constantly on hand, and receiving per every Steamer, all kinds of N i r) .f) ft ‘f I‘s) fi?SB Yi ] UlLl k) uJJdidm si t. UP. TORAfCO, Aw.. Ac Prompt attention giver. rsaccona- j ;tv with remittance. npr 11 12m SCRANTON. SMITH & Cos. Keep constantly on hand, Ciioioe old BRANDIES. WHISKIES, WINES, GIN, &e., And every variety of Groceries . - A’.- - I!AY, PORN, OATS and BRAND, v vA- legal ‘ to the Trade, Bnd wn *’ *•’ rr ourselves that we can make it to the interest of Dealers to patronize us. ’ opposite Jeffer son “I met.. • | Apr 11 . fim M, FERST & CO., WHOLESALE DEiLERS IX WINES, LIQUORS, SEbARk. F.lVt’V i;RO( Fim>. I’.HMIIKS, Aw.. Aw., | rT’Also on hand, a. large stock of TO- 1 BAft'O’*. [ No. f'O ( STREET, j #; cnnli^;^;; Savannah. Ga. • April IX 6m i *■ EORtS I A—4'linrh 4'OMOly. SIXTY days afterdate application “will be 1 A nary .>f said Count v. • 1 ; and number Four Hnn -1 tWO 1 II;i the 11th Distri,-; of Its n Ootmtv. rtUd nnmber One Hundred 1 ’ I S'xy “ I'd ‘in the ath District of App -1 ng CVnmty, belonging to the estate of Eliza * MiitloX, late of said Countv, deceased. LAY IN A M. MATTOX, July l-r,Pd Wl FORl* f A—l.onndrt C'ounty. Whereas Hmjh Mclntyre Administrator of Daniyi Mclntyre having filed his petition in thi* Court for letters of dismission from his a dmini stra f ion. Ti ■* i* theivfore to admonish all concerned * to show cause if any they can why said letters ‘ should not be granted at a regular term of this C' i urt, after the ftxnirat.on of six months. Given under my band and official siimature 1 thb 15th dav of fiav I'V.f,. ’ WILLIAM SMITH M >- ISfni Ordy. - V -M i ; uj : TAKEU UP! OFFICE AGENT BUREAU R F. & A. L. Camilla, Mitehell County, Ga. | Tn nU vhatn it m/rv Concern,: VAll LE that has been stolen from Thomas I County or Madison Countv, Florida, has i l>cer! recovered from the thief. I’vms Ramsc v S Freedman who made his escape. The Mule is in my possession, and the owner is required to come forward, prove proper* v, pav charges i ami costs, wfien the Mai’-will be delivered u> bi T S. COI.IIUITI . Avent, P b—Parties plnim ne must enme with tlie very best of references and vouchers of charae- j ter for boucstv, and that thev are not of the i Ponev and Miile Club, which must he pro ! duced satisfactorihr beftirc therr cbiims wiil be j Heard T.’ S. COLQUrri’. Ago:.;. , . : ffittf <; fOitCIA— Clinrh 4'ouui* , A* Hl-.UEAS. W idiam B. North having filed I Ins petition in this Conrt for Letters of Dissiis- 1 sion from his Administration on the estab* of i John KnoUs, late of said OowtT, deceased : ! These are therefore to rite ami admonish all I concerned, to file tlieir objectioit*. if any thev j have, otherwise said letters will be granted i'u terms of the law . H MORG AX, ’ 1 ang I-> bni Ordinary, UORTV l> IVS Mot ire to Sell Dr ti m.norablet mirt of tii dinary of 1 hiima* ( onnty, 1 will sell on the 1 flrstTni’lidav in Octotver next, within The loan. * hours of sab before the Court House tf.wir"in > Tliomssyillc. Riid ('otmty.thc l*long mg to W J Evers, deceased Terms nuule f known on the dav of sale. W G T/EWIS, Adrn r Eras ISO MS HAVE TUMBLED! • IT Hipro never a Greater Tumble in the Prices of all Kinds of Gol>. as you ran see by X 7 ”isitiHS iS tlie Store of J. SCHTFF Xf BRO.. WHO HAVE NOW A FULL STOCK OF Spring and Summer Goods, srcn as : Barasres, Orsrandies, Bnl*es, I’rints. Jarofiets. Swiss Hlan -ioohs, Brilliants. Fmhroirtereii Bands and FtlsrinsDi. Inlanf’s Robes anand Silk Tlantillas. Lace Point. Straw Blais, AND NUMEROUS OTHER ARTICLES. We have also a fine assortment of SUMMER CASSIMERE AND READY MADE CLOTHING. LADIES* AND &IKYS SHOES & BOOTS, HATS. TRUNKS, WINDOW SHADES. LOOKING GLASSES, ITMTjI ITT TAP A tort PAHAROT 5 *, / , ■j . .. ... , t.'U- uaieOjL.’ Vw C. A GOOD STOCK OF JEWELRY AND WATCHES, ALL OF WHICH WE OFFER. AT Tlie Uowest Price! Come and See for yourself before going elsewhere! N. B.~Just received a <?ood lot of CHOICE FLOUR and FAMILY GROCERIES of all kinds. Api i. : - lu . ts ‘ Joy to the world i THE INTRODUCTION OF PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER ! TO THE SUFFERING HUMANITY OF THIS AUK. Has Relieved more Pain, and caused more Real Joy (ban any other One tiling’ that. can be named ! • Is a Balm lor every Wound ! •mt'wctHHmehd its tree; the Apotheeary finds it first . called for, and the Wohlesale Druggist consjders it a leading article of is trade. ‘ ■ All tlie Dealers in Medicine speak alike in its favor; and’its deputation as a Medicine of Great Merit” . • ’ Vi-’tne is fully and permanently established. and it ’ • • . Tlie Great Family Medicine of the Age f. ILUNTEER SHOULD HAVE A BOTTLE. IN CASE OF JDI)EN ‘AT. . TAKF.X /V77-.7Y.V.1 / LT IT CURES ■ ach, General Debility. Nursitjg p Mouth. .Canker, Liver Complai At, Dispepsia or indigestion. Cramp at . . • Diar.rhoi a and Ip-ii ■ . • ‘ TAKEN’ EXTERNAL LI >ns Boils and Old Bores set ■ Bruises and Sprains, ling of The Joints, Ringwori ad Tetter, Broke ■ fin 1 R heunin:. -, ‘ •'’ K IT.T.FR token intern all v should be administered with milk or water, and or made into a eyrup with molasses. For A COU(j n J BRONCHITIS, rr few dr ten will be more affective tha T. gargle the throat with a mixture of Fain fuller and’ the relief is immediate and cure positive. IJFOBfiIA- Thonin C'nnmy. . 7’ the Honorable OmtH-cf Ordinaryof taid County: TITE Petition of Nancy Roddenberry, Ad * ministratrix on the estate of Henry Roddon berrv. deceased. sheweth. that there are in her hands lands, the property of said estate, and that it is necessary to sell the lands for Distri bution snd to pay'the debts of deceased —He therefore petitions and prays for an order granting leave to sell mid lands, and as in duty ! bound will ever prav. etc. NANCY RODDENRF/RRY, Administratrix ’ GEORGIA—Thomas County. Conrt of Ordinary, June 22. T 866. FPON hearing the foregoing Petition, it is ’ order be published in the Southern Enterprise onee every two weeks for two months 11. II TOOKIv July 4-2 m Ordinary. —Thmn C'nnntr To the Honorable. Court of Ordinary of said TIIE undersigned, votit Petitioner, admin istrator on the estare of Edward Bryan deed., shewetl>, that he has fully discharged bis du ties as such. and now make? this his applica tion fora Dismission and discharge from said trust, and prays that the citation issne in terms of the‘law, and as in dnty bound will ever pray, etc. M. J. J. BRYAN. Adin’r. 1 GEORGIA—Thomas County. Court of Ordinary. June 6 lk, 186(1. FPON hearing'the foregoing petition, it is : ordered by the Court. that said Petition and this Order, be published in the Southern Enter prise onee a week for six months II II TOOKE, June 26 fim Ordinary. (tFOltbl I—l nninlrv Cnunly. WHEREAS, Dennis Witherington. Guar dian of the person and proierty of Nancy. Iti chel, Mary. Surrena. Elizabeth ‘Moisey ,V das Witherir “ton, minors n+ said f'onntv. having fully discharged his trust, applies to be dismiss ed from bis Guardianship:—Therefore all pe ons concerned are hereby notified and rearmed to appear at my office, on the first Menwv in April next, and show canse. if anv they have, why said letters of Dismission should not be granted Given under tnv hand nod officiul si i/uatnn, th is 2~~’d day of February. 1866. WILLIAM G SMITH, Feb 28 9-fim C. C- Ord. RBOBOIA—CHnvfc ( ouiilr. To all mham it may Concern: WHEREAS, David O'tjnin, administrator of N. tl. Higgs, Robert Fnggs and William Bnrkhnlt er. lain of said County, docetutt .!. hav ing tiled his Petition in this Court Tor Ijetter* of Dismission-t—This is therefore to admonish all concerned, to be nnd appear at My office within the time prescribed by law, to show canse if any they have, why said letters should not be granted Given nnder m hand, at office, this .Inly 2. 166 If MORGAN. July l-'lni Ordinary CIGOR6I.I —Thnunx t oimii. ... Conn ’ TlTf Pel ion of Pleasant Hutchison Ad Uic estate “I .lolm W Dav,.-, deceased, sheweth, that -there are lauds in his hands, the propertv of Raid estate, and that it is necest irv to sell the same for distribution of. said estate and to pav the debts thereof, -.He therefore petitions and prays for an order - I dot v bound will ever pi PLEASANT HtTTCHISON, Administrator. (!T r ()]?< lA—Thomas Coni ‘ ■ < • ‘Hit of Ordinary..lime 22,. l^d'C FP< |N > heat ngtht for oin; Petitihn . I order-• 1 to- ti... Court that said petition an ’ ■ ■ n Hi,- Soul hern Ellti ! I two weeks for two months H. H. TOOKE, - Ordinary. 1 RFOItl.l \ —Thmn> t onne Toth, Honorable Courtaf Ordinary of tai* ( ‘(7l. b Tin- undersigned,.your Petitioner. Adminis tratoroh the estate of C- H Young, dfaeoaacd, sheweth that he iuiß fully discharged his duties as such: —lie therefore petitions and prays for an order of said Court discharging trim from said trust, and as in dnty bound will ever pray, etc, E. I. YOFNG, Adin'r- GEORG lA Thomas Con itiy. Court of Ordinary. .Time Ist. 1866. Upon hearing the foregoing Petition it is or dered by the Court, that said petition and this ! onier be published in the Southern Enterprise 1 onee u Week for six months 11 IT. TOOKE, June 6 6m Ordinary. — | RFOltlil t—Thomni ( nimlT. 1 Tathn Honorable Court of Ordinary of said ‘ Count tj : I THE Petition of W. G. Lewis. Administra tor on the estate of Win. J. Evers, deceased, | sheweth. that said estate in bis hands, consists i in part of lands, and that it is necessary to sell t tJie same for the purpose of dist ribution, and to t pay t iie debts of deceased :—He therefore peti i turns and prays for an order of Conrt, granting ! 1 leave to sell said lands, and as in duty bound * will ever pray, etc. W. G. LEWIS, Adnt’r. ; * GEORGI. 4 County. Com t of Ordinary. .Tune I bfh, 1866. FPON hearing the foregoing Petition, It is j ! Ordered hv the Court, tlmt said Petition and > i >rder. I*, published in the Southern Knter -1 pnaconcc every two weeks tor two mouths. 11- II TOOKE. * June go tied Ordinary. Forty Days Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALL person-* indebted to Tbomnp Steele of Thomas County, Georgia, deceased, nre noti fied to conic forward and make payment to the undersigned, and all those having claims [ against hiiu, will present them in form and j within the fitno prescribed by la w. D A HORN #H l* 1"<! Executor tALLIGHT S Pi llm v. _^/cFOR CHILLS & FEVERI Cd. c fRTAIN ■ (IALIiWUAN’S 1¥1,1,s are compos J 1 simp vot Cathartic Pills , acting upon the Stomach, • Lircr and ftnire's ; containing no Arsenic, Cal- I omel. Bine Mars, or any other Mineral sub stance. The great advantage tlie Proprietor’ vlaitn for these Pilß is Unit, without the aid of j , Calomel “Blue M'n*s', or any other Minerals, . , {"Chills and Fcvgr. Dumb A true. Wriodical I Headache, Nenraliria tid all altections of a . • I will tin.l they will do fill that is claimed for ! ■ rv one box, and their own merits will I recommend them ever afterwards- ‘ ■ • ! • have sever known tlieui to fait to c.nre when I i the directions were followed, and Hnkesita j f tingly recommend them'To'public foVOE: Hon T H Watts, Kx-G< H >n T -1 J udgt Judge IS . Alabama: 1 . ll.m ILab’t Dougherty, Judge 9th Circuit Os ‘ I AlabitTn • . ‘ Y\ :a G YV aheiSheriff M I Alabama. lion Alexander B. Clitherall, Montgomery, Alabama. C.. 1 das H Weaver, Mont gunnery • Ala. Col Crawford Bibb, Montgomery .Ala. Mat K A Btiti'v- .U.! . a., a;. Ni t 1... ■. Attorney at Law, 206 Broa-d ----1 wav. New Yon. Sure* fraud Sec Grand LoJ F A: A Masons. MLOKTWT At II 41,1-. •<>!’ I'roprielor- rionteoncrv, Ala., Wholesale Depots, . | Harrnl, Ilislev & TompteinH 1 41 Chambers st.,. N. V.. S \V Morsduit. N.• Y.. Edward Wildei a Cos Lonisvilh . 1 • lii rt ACo N (i La., Btouiit A Itni. Mom. • ‘. SOLI) BY ’ F, SEIX.AS TbomasYdi, C ‘ . Andnll other Drugirist ang 15-ts KEHOSENE .AND’ • ■ . / Tea and Coffee Boilers. Glue Eots, Oil Cans. A.e. ■ : . All the (looking turn ‘ ‘• . ‘ • . t a-may In- don. . ’ : .with K.t, i-.-iie < til.or , .. , - :W .: :’ “t l ■ ril <t less expen . •; o’ than by any otherfut. . “Each article manufactured by this! ottipany is guaranteed to perform all that is claimed for it.. . • ■: Liberal diseOmit to the Tra ! KEROSENE LAMP HEATER CO:, !’ tiiHi Pearl St reet, N . uly 25 •’ • . Empire • SHUTTLE MACHINE Salesrooms .*:f Bro Iwaj V Y.. 250 • VI as: ingtroi.St B !ti I t heat • • . • • ’ Patented Fei’'.lll'. 1 fTITIJSMACHINE is constMtcted on entir. ly . X new principles ot mechanism, possessing many rare and valuable improvements, having Keen exaimtn',l I,y 1 lie most lirolound (.■•xpia ts. and pronounced H> 1,.; • . Mimplivitv mid .••erfection < nniliino, . njnkes the LOCK or SHIITfLE STITCH. \\ :•;■ I, 111 •; I; I U.V Yi.i,. : ■ ■ ton, lint . ..■.••• .. . . . ■■ ; 1 . Ktophatkallf n IVoisrloss Rhwhim! it i nri v Pi.;, cen i • a ’ ’ . ‘•• ’ ‘ . , a-. - sal j-. • ‘ . ’ 1 Mach,,, ‘ ’ . • ’ - all t vns ‘u r s . • • 1 .South America to wlmhji a liberal’(hseomit will lie sri vei . EMPIRE -SEWING MACHINE MF G • . Broadway . . 6m bFOKIi I h —VtaMM I,'onnli . U Ci er. oj i irdinetry aj said County: ■ . ■ ■ .TH E Petitioj of 8- Ii tor on the estate .•( E.-R. Evans, deceased ‘said estate.consists m part, ol i Lands, and that it is net ■ ■ tel In vision and Distribution lie now makes ■ aid'iivat lep j. - ■ .--a Ea’:o-i. a I ‘• • ‘ in dm v hound will i>*.■ v. ei r ■ • O ROBISON, A ■ ! GEORGlA—'Thomas Coni . ■ Gouri ‘>i OvdinMyJttly I!. 1866. UPON hearing tin foregoing Petition r ordered by the ( olij'l tlial .said 1 ‘etition aud-tliis order be published in the Southern Enterprise once everv two weeks for two months H. H. TOOKE Jnly 18-2 m Ordinary. . t.bOßl.l.t—C olquitt ( ountj . Court of (hrdinary. .Tnl-v Term, 1860. WTIEI; K A.v Jeremiah I>. Norman, adminis t rate.- on the estate <d James M. Norman . Jer emiah 1! Norman. administrator on the estate ’ of William McCall; Seaborn Weeks, adminis trator on the estate ol Joseph Castleberry.- I have in proper form applied to me to he dis- I • missed from their said administrations.*—Notice : ’ is hereby given to all parties interested to file their objections in Court, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted said /applicants at i the February Term of Court ISAAC CARLTON, July 18’ 6m . Ordinary. , bt.OKbM-( i<|uiu ■■■ty. WHEREAS. Benjamin Weeks applies to me for the Guardianship of the person-- and pro perty of Rosanna .Seaborn .1.. Nanev J-.. Dan iel and David H. Week.-, minor heirs of David ; Weeks, deceased Notice is hereby given to 1 all names interested to tile their olnei i.tons in Court, otherwise. Letters of Guardianship will , he granted the applicant on the first Monday in September neat. Given nnder mv hand this - the second day of Jul v, IB6ti. V. O WING. DC t M 6FOKIJ I A—'l'linmas I onnff. 7’,. the haunrahh Court oj Ordinary of said * Con nty : THE Petition of M. C. Smith. Administrator on the estate of Mary Horne, deceased, sliew efh that he has fully discharged his duty as i such administrator, and now makes application i for Dismission from said adminis! raUon. and : prays that the usual citation may be given in 1 terms of the law. and as hi date hound will i ever pray, cti M. ('. SMITH, Adm r. GEORGIA—Thomas County. Court rtf Ordinary. Jnlv 11. T 866 FPON hearing the foregoing Petition, it is i ordered by the Conrt that said Petition and this i order be published in tin Southern Enterprise 1 m terms of the law fur six months II 11 TOOKE, 1 Jnlv 186 m y .’ Ortliuaiv GROCERIES, HARD TIN - WAEE! AI li. B. r Vl>v OI.DWTAM), Y AINSWORTH & SANFORD KEEP constantly on band a lame and a lectod stock <>i 6ROC£BIES) llAlii l AND TIN WAKE, consisting of Flour. Bacon t Bul - S Soap, Soda, Stun ‘< ‘ Snutt in Jan and Bottles, Ivinsnis. 1 ivied Figtt. Apples and Peaches, Pot- Ovst.ecs. Cream Tartar, 1 P I • Hardware S . -and Shov ■ i ’o- t aid Table Knives,; ( ..>i art. VVt II and \\ a ter liu< . < . ltrads Un us. linrsv .i. Knive Fn<.- An Spun Thread. iI Bmafeers, TIN W A RE! LOT OF FREKCII CALF-SKINS All of -which will in- acid law for (. ASTI ■ Hides, V\ dm! Ac., bom 11. t£. Ainsworth. 11. 11. Mnnl'ol-il. April S> ’ !> -tI Corn i Cotton PLANTATION . iF-or*. Bale IV MIDI)LG FLOBIBA, THG FA\B> OF I'LOW ERS J | |AM 111>\\ ollc-ri I:'' UC jttfififijL. nlimtntioiiH for Rifle, ever WJ.Sg*- ,„j. i . Middle Flo -1 Seventeen Hundred Acres • i... . ‘ r. ’.l lands nnsnfrpasßed in the • . . nook. Ihe uhek-ared- j... dt •I thn-kfv s- • i lii tun’ On. th’e premises is u comfortable • ■ Ijvi-I. . \v>l ft out lon nihil.: I 11 : cabills- t"! -ill w 111-Hi -■ I'll r e : . . ‘ . ...... . ; ■ else necessary for planting purposes an l cc VellielH . f Good Gin House and. Screw.- Wolls of Fine Watcf.iiC. . . ■ ■. taken altogether, with (In- niodernli m ileirumii’ ’ I . . trinity ini- investment ■ , ” dA.MFS A I .IN • ‘ • . • • TJiomasviii ... ‘ Qr the editor of i . •. v . ‘ ■ •?’ ff bbOltbiA —Itroobv t oiinl., NX >TIi jE is heri by git a fti-i date, I wi I- I'ih to tlk i <>m-i < t <s, oiint v foi leave to sell -the Real. . Est it’ Atilt.* \ It! . it. i : Rj. O. MORTON, Ex'r. • :vr4*Ti t: i-;.— . ■ i> tat< of James E. Hancock, late of t. • tst said estate,-will present thei • . . • ‘ . ‘ KANAH JOHNS! N i. cite s'u.Kii;'Cru ■ (Enterprise.’ Vs. L. C. BEY AN, ‘ i:nn K IR* PPOPKITTOR. WBCBm , nit TERHi*. . I —•—n * —- . IN ADVAUi., lluu.Aii per syuart oj -treivi line* or-les.f(h ..... Kill be modi for adre tinemeutx inserted ths,a>id Fifty per cent, for ’ . ■ ’ to i ... • • ‘ ’ ■accompi . fee onto (ju/rt <i for paymfti . ■ . ■ Marriage* and charged i >r a* adt>< • ... . ■ math r'i*k. All'others wiuoi maknttr r . •. . tint • . ‘from th list at ‘ h • neription has- hern maid. Untcxs . dft com in u location is'/, . • th* “Proprietor South ’ Thom *Svtlli. <; eorgi ucal ißmmnin >. . AH persons having occasion Legal Bah Notices ,'etc.,’ re ‘• • imf b} I law to comply with the following mie- Arhninistratrrrs. K-Trrntnr*. crr (, ilardtcms : i Ail sales of Land by Administrators, Execu- I tors or Guardians. itre required by law to be ■ held on the first .’I uesday i the t ours o; ten o'clo* three, in the afterno< : ‘ winch the property ir- sitnate. Notices ot these sales unis! be given in a public gaaette forty days previous io the day of a . . ■ eraon&l property mast be given i. ten days prevuus to the day of sue. < >r —N otiee to Debtors and i realtors or tin esuue musi • pub)tshi-il foltj .. Co:r” oj QrJistlJ. Lean to *<• ll f—r Notice that application will be made to the Court if < Irrimarv tor leave to sell iautds, must be pub . Baked weekly for two months. . . Administrator* a-nd ( f uardiaMskip —('it si - tions for Letters of Administration mnst be nuldished thirty days: for ltisnnssion front Adnawiatratinn > moatbij sot aiz mont • • t ‘orrriosvr, of M‘• rtL’tii'. • —Rules for Fore ■ e Mortgage must be publishedmontbiv tor tour tin.t,t hr, K*tfihti*li.insr Ijom i‘apt'r> A .. i hshing Lost Papers must be published for the i full term of three months. E will always be continued ace online to the ahovu rules, unless oUtorwise ...... ti EnilblA A\llhUL.\>.. Nancy J. Alger. Aumtmstne trix on the estate of James R. AJgier, dec’d^. 1 iiavitie hied her netiUon m this Court for Let ■ tors of Lisiuissum:—Ait persons are hereby notified to file their ohieetions in Court within the time prescribed by law. otherwise Letters i of Dismission will be granted to said applicant. ! Uiven under ruv hand and signature, t ebruarv ’ r.tii. I'jf.h ISAAC CAKLTOX. 1 : ’ . SPDQKBS’i CUKE ’ Jf’ftir 1 lolpitlft] W r’vJ HHA Mjfieffil} ■ Chilis and Fever, Bilious Fever, • . Intermittent Fever, | Eemittent Fever,. Congestive Chills, ■i Akti-Fever A>’ I.> AGUE Diarrhea, Dysentery, Periodical Headache, Dumb Ague, Y™\ *y *v v> rIiTH •Aj •AmAJiA^v/p i ‘ For Saie by all Druggists.- Wm. Spooner & Cos., -. ’ Nashville, Tennl ■■■■■■■■■■■MißH9 SPOONES’S : ’ . ’ Immunity against the h evei a ■arid Chillis -of .Spring and Fall,, the Dysenteries and Diarrhe:: or Summer, - and the yarioi • . Bilious - complaints attendant ’ upon the., entire, year,- is what the South needs and must have before that favored region will attain the full meed of its great . . ness: Emigration thither has • been and is retarded Tor t; l* : lack of it; and fo.r the. same reasort, cotton” raising has been ; restricted and. interfered v • tm-mi k HME . In view of .tliese'facts Dr. Spooner offers to the people ’ -of the.South* and to Emigrant . I ’going thither,. -his AN T 3 j FEVER ;A'M D AG U E P I L LS, which • have be c n demonstrated, repeatedly an * repeatedly, te be-an tmerring , “and ’never-failirig preventive, •and cure of all ‘Bilious- com plaints incident” tar the -South . and .West. .Try but-one .. “• perimeijt; the -cost is triti::’ . • tne result is beyond mvy ton j tingency.- ’• It never has fab • and never can, while Physh 1- oet-v remains a science. * imf v / ; W. £ la & . . For Sale by all Druggist L ‘ . Wm. spooner ix C- Nashville, Te ‘ZjiMmmumtiA., i of low, . marshy, and. om. flowed regions, or where : asma prevails, and all . EMIGEAIFTS TO THE SOUTH AND WEST, should not. be; for a single i dav, without SPOONER ‘ ANTI-FEVER ANI) AGUE PILLS, in order that when they are aitacke : with Chilis and Fever, Bilic Intermittent or Remitter Fevers, Dumb” Ague, Cot ■ gestive Chills, Pain; in .the’ Back, Periodical Hea_. Diarrhea or Dysentery, T (t which they, are constanily lia ble,) triev may promptly .a: ’ effectually be cured, witho. the loss of a single day’s labor: 1 Their success is not conting upon anvtmng; tnev win ne v i foil to cure eflectualiv and per manently. • For saie by all Druggists. • ■ . Dr.-P.-S BOWEJ ‘: -. A : t• M viu'e \ . Li>