Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 20, 1866, Image 4

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SCRANTON. SMITH S Cos < , | ?< H ‘ BBS AN D ComiTiissioii Merchants, ggVATTOAIT GA We wouiJ V happy tc see our former •alrens and friend*, •*** piblic r*l'v t ©urs-oreAf thehead of the Hay ■ ■ - . I'l’l t lip* * ~ ,1 v., tMfritr c ico-- i oc naFvJ iu r<- Planter* Cotton or any other produce, pnu soil vn the most favorable terms and fill their orders at tb> fcwtd market price* and return to Ihwr. the sales 0 property D. T. SCRANTON, ftr the late fir® vs Scranton & Johnon WM. 11. SMITH, Os the late firm of Bbß k Smith. J. L. LARGE. •Os Savannah. Georgia. TIN SHOP! rk “F has now opened a. >. wholesale wd M*ai 8h PP<>- . , u |, ; ! . do all kinds of TIN \NU SHEET IRON W<*KK RL rxrfviicG, &c. •faff*' Guttering and Roofing done in the , hir * I; r. FUDGE. \pt 14 l-'i-ly. f Honfin f'onnl . . Y!l u E ‘•- t-tyiU>’ >if . “nd til ‘ ‘ -•-■ ii , • : v He then-fm- pt-ty- fi-v in girder grant! m.’ lea\ i,, ijnv;; fS ‘. , |AV * S ail’ “ lit < i .’ ‘ . * / \M''v ;,ni f t !■'. A : • • - ‘ i • Inary oncit Thma* Cwwntt . ■ . ■ 1 .loii- j. u> js* and iiiora a , i* v- ...■* : ” fii-rof - ©AY at.d aj. in rfnfr bantu! •’ t ever 1 : • 1 i* f (. / JjL Cj 1 2' ’ ’■'* *?-■ C v. ( V : * T , 1 ‘ t !* ‘ ... •V, V, . 1 • ~ • • . v \mii * fOuitnHry. JuK 2, 1066. tl •’ T'M K I < f MRM ? Pit,,,,,- 4 OUH.t .• ‘ t? 10 •%*■%> f v *Cba*. l£ W - i:. W HlueV a minor t # : ft- rw j; Pr !t. Of^CnV ; r> h*!t’ \- Sir* 0 3- ,l # Ordinarv OSfBI V I (littfk f ounts. To the UoL’ v:.b!c Qrdi? nr oi* giii I Conner, ill application f Wiliam 1 irTinson* , \ >pM ,p; e\ ? ] t’><* c<sj •* l.alvr- TANARUS, • v g bald Count y, deceased. *bew~ u WmlcSl C^HuuJ^A .ft., t * T 4 y r t t T • l • • - ‘ •• 1 ‘i; (ill LI Vi • ■v-fi • H- W. fnt a; plks so ‘care to self ;he at rc - ,vu ■Jjjaat * - , Per JOEL NIOfiOLLS _Av l m OKOI % Th<'n:i. < ouitlT, 7 f . Z.i. ■ K 1 THE petition of A. r W UMm ! ’ i ‘ . rt > . f i.c ‘ nit’ —lie thercf.v pofi*’ t?is atul pray? for ;,i: or ter of the Court granting leave J r t ..Tat ae ir. duty boumi wiil . t ver pray t:, a. p Wright, .ym r. - rORCIA- r , C'-unfj. Court of o dinrrrtr, J,,/ v -2, \m. UPON heirine the foTcaointr ne’itlrni i* ie ordered bv the Court tha’ said ’Vtition „nd this order “be published in Sootbern Kr-. . i *o once every two week-- ;• two nnm:-, H ll TO( IK K. OfirßCl.t Thottin. founlv. THE Petition of IViHiam P firtVn, Ad .. .. stnawon the estate of George W. Brown, 1 dweeamd, skeweth. that e has fully dwhar. his duty ms such a>'d now prays that tee I ,\t Pee required hy la” be given, that he nu’v ! o .lism’ssed from satd tiils’itnstmtion and as * • duty t ound wili .vo p’ v W P GROWN Adm’r • p ( ~) pc; j i y. ,/ •, Cos rtuf OrJiiutry. S+pt. 3,1866, UPON hearing the foree-n- Petition, it ,s -dereti bv the Own that *,id Petition and ■ ia order he pnblhhed in the Southern Knter _ rise six luontne. in ternn of the law. 11. II TOORE. Sept t’’tun Orduisrr FOROlA—Tkemn< Coutirt. r- rs of OrMnrrr,,, t>vf. lit. |W6 ELIZA H GROWN makes ■pplirarion to i • Court for letters of t tuardianeb’p tor Uic ! :-m propertv an <l of A C. Brown, ; mh Brown Mcrv I Bty>vm and S. W. tewti. * -nor? of said (Witr:—Alt Torsions ‘created are notified to file their ohiactions Court. o‘"rrn-iseiwl letters wit! h,. .-ranted i sera’s of the taw H IT TOOKE. j ‘■'■ot €-30.; Ordinarr. ’ 1 —■■ l - —i I'INE Enffli&h Mustard—for sale r b Z w r CLOWEB & CO. ugl> ts FrRMTFRE ! r ~ iUft ha? a j ■>..,. i-cfTte, P't thf’ Mtoifkutie I’l RMTUUE, Mr;k t’- -’.nd FofT -; htnrCoH’ is, Re , ,u. i f( pdtoend fro® the Trint , itsg Oflicc, on Jefferson street. r * l-J ‘srirz. ! Jan 1'( . ‘ ; Ini i not Foe To Everybody We (helmderslgneil can now say to the Poblie that we are readr to GRIND CORN, ’ TT-eha.-ed an engine and mi:; f sufiicient rower to do pood Work, and ihv wav you have to prove it is to bring ! yoisr Corn and see If you do not'get good K tl.ln * ‘ rmection with our Mill me will i'!. Rip;, l'ress, Tongue and Groove ‘. !‘i it, ’ ‘ > ‘ ** • , ■ : •■’ v • h ne.-i : • TAYLOR & If RLE. thanks ’ ■-> . • • A. M IXji Y G R( >0 RR ! ES. A Fninil • I timcrHr. 4 heap for Cash I the et end ■J i , . I! .■ v. : . | G ROC E R I ES • Os nit l*errijlion ..< ■ - ■ n’ • ‘ ’ di v A HR {>o K s . ,7 • _. C6m • C H. WlUliCOX.Superintend T. H WILLINGHAM WHOI.ES ALisi ’ I i't Congress p ,pj *it. tutipp his. WAV AVN Air €1 ■ t >r 4-vcr'r Strainer..!! fc v, .. • jillSll §J “VfilßH. TOBACCO a-r< Ac. ;e attention given to Os lei -a room panted with remittance. ipr llT2(i SCRANTON SMITH & Cos Keej consl&ntly on han 1 , Choice old ERANl'l£>. V\ 11 iS K i 1 > wir ns GIN.&c, Ai l c very variety of O-Toceries • ■ • Strictly &i wholesale ts. the Trade, an 1 wc t 1 : 1 *:.” ourselves that we van make it, to the interest of Dealers topAMwfi*r> os At the headef Bay street opposite Jeffcr- Apr ll* Cm M. FERST & CO.. WHOLESAI.h liE'U T’ ‘ ; WINES. LIQUORS, ®E<: Mf** +'\NCY AROfFRISk. OARMntN Ac., a ‘’ - •’ .5 “ ; i,p ■ f y, 1 I* tl < ('* |}o ( OTOBFBB STBtK t , J SHO f'iii'st'ii Savannah. Ga. Ami i 18 6m fiEOßCll—C'liuth SIXTY days after dete applk-ation will be mode to the Oi'irt.of firdinary of said Cen ut v. for leave p> sell lots of land, number Poor Hnn , dred and Fotry two (41?) in the l!th Oirtrict ot Irwiu County, nnd mnnl'er One Hnndrcd and Sixty-one (lRl) in the sth District of Ann ling Comity, belonging to the eststeof JEhaa I Uat ok, late of said County, deocii-’- and LVVINA 1H MATTOX July IS-fidd Adia's (•fOlli.l Cl siiniii'. County Whereas Hugh Mclntyre Administrator of Daniel M. In tyre havimr filed li )s . in this Court for letters of dlsmis-ion front his’ ; administration. This i therefore to admonish all com l mod • sliow cause if any they can tvhv said letters shonld not he granted at a rcgnlar term of this Court, after the exp’rat on of six months. Gi'on under my hand and official signature this loth day of May iSud * , “ILUAM SMlia. . Ma> ’ lfv6m _ Only. A NT TT TL, K TAKEN TJP! OFFICE A GENT BURE AT R. F A A L Camti.i.a Mitcliell County, tia. jo oU irr'p> it tnay Oonrer/t: \M f liE ih:- f hn? N*or stolen frotn Tbomaß ( ■oon t y r M ifii*4oii Onmtv, F*onda . bc ‘n fWnr th* thief, CVros K ini?< v I'VMdin&L whoiQade hie escape. The Nfoie ip in nir pAfNccgion find the ownerio i ! to come forward prove property, pr-v etiarges .s . co.’ s. when t r- M . w; be .hdivered t,’ ’ *• T > CinXJUITT, Agent. P. dabniiftr antot feme wit ’ tin very besy r.f references and vouchers of rharar ter for honesty, and that thev are nor of the ; Poney and Mnk> <’hd. which mint be nro ’ du.}eo satishtotori! v before their t lairos will be T. b CtOLUITTT Agent. .Inly < „„„,r WHEREAn lYi;! T? North having filed tii> jtetinon m th T,< Ooiirt tor 1 ,<• t *el ‘.’? n tr ,T ’ 1 h ’” Adminis-rarion on the estm- .if 1 i Knol.s. la’eof s I mse are there *t -n , ir- .... ;..; n<|>ißk -j, cencerned f tile their objections if aw'-.- have, otherwise e; terms f me •„ B Mftßi, \ \ ‘ aag to 4 „ CBMTI IMls Astin tn vi| | ni<<( * < Irdinsiry of Thomas County, I will sell on the i first Tuesday in October ncist within ihe legal ••!’ 8..1e>. ht-io. < 4>ort House door m". TbtttnHsville said Coonty. the lands ing k> W J Ever. deceased Terms made ■ known on the day of sab . W G LEWIh, 4 \ i” ’ aog R ‘6od J t. IIEIIIIIim A Sill. their zrai in the I*H\ •;<_* l t T !i;\l'K; but arc < 1 >prip an ! Sntmner stock of Staple aitil I'itiirv Dry Goods, is superb’ nd consists of almost every , ALTO E 8 IN DEMAND i Wo ftro now receiving and will continue to receive large supplies ol ■n i\-fvv *a. i\-(fc, ■ ©tf MBSSJ3Sff(a JilsiiiSi.iL) _ ilLii .Uj. J_ si j._J U FOR MEN \\ 11 80l ri. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS &L. SHOES, A Fasliioiinlilc Jewelry! We tlfete just ne. c . LARGE tiOT OF Carpeting, Matting, w AP P ¥£ f A AKD GI.ASS WAKK.- HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS OF ALL KlNDS—’together with ( ‘r, vi >< m t ( .ts arid. Fannel*s Tck>ls, Cvuerr, Weed WUrc, Tebaceo. € offee, Tea, Suarai . , \0 1 net ’r ci her Mi - - t>. i ijoC^GALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELTES. ’ 1 E. EEMINGTONf& SON. I -May 2- ‘lB ■ JOY TO THE WORLD ! PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER ! i TO THE SCf FT i ING HU. •c,:u he uau.'w- - . ‘ l* a Balm ror ewmry Wviind! tiiieo it ■ it i.; : - - nvii-.1. ... u.mih,.,. .... n. •> • ’ •- ■ ■ ■ .0 of <I it II .... . The < • ea* I'tuiHlv ncilirlne of the Ag BO .'XA ‘; ■> IN DISEASE • • ... . /•• TLI; ¥*4/ LY TT Cl RES, General Debility, 5 gn* jij out!, i-.nj.i'i i.-w ■i’ : . . •> n,• c> ■ rump 1 Mot tail prmi-"’ f'< :• ••• < v r- t olic, >-o iftf; • Di&n'hoea and Dystefy • L •'* Tc 1 1 ... ,7 , rt . . ‘ i Etio ’ ••'•.• Bruises r.’ and Sprains. Snetliug of tbe ‘ ; ni? Bingrov •’nd Tetter, Broken Breast Prostc Foot ar 1 ChilhUtins, Tcnihtiehe, Pain in’ the Face, Neurah in and BbmnioiiMm. c . - ■ ‘’ hu :iii “••■••<> with c water an J Wee* ned withs ’v; i’ dcgncT. or W r . .e into a syritn with, molns- i loi a Cot, ■> r I B!-.if\i Tl- ;!f v i(r = o*’ uya: c > nv’ ra. • uu, ‘•-..t. anyll. . A ’ a mixture of Pain Killer aiu j the relief Is immediate and cure positive. : Forty Day* Notice to ScH Land. AtIftEEARLEJo an order < :'trr bon nrv>i.-- ■ Will be . ol<i Vocrt House rto“t in Thomn-ivilh*, said f’-onnrty, On • the'lfrtd *Tnesd;rr hi :•- ntsf-WilMn ) the lepal hoars of saio, 13ft acres of Landr*-a ! part or ! Rnmfeev 38 in the Mrh District cf 1 Thomas County—sold as the Home Place pro perty of Jesse Ward, deceits, and. Widow s 1 dower excepted. Terms ot sole tush. H j. YVATIO. .Inly !l-40d Adi, *• • . Two Months notice. ; f WILL at>ph tSS m hbnttraTflte ( tirtf Ordina -v ofT’fmeh Coinnly, t?corjjio to ,ell Four Lots of lumJ, helotlgfnp to the estate w John Wittiaam. Jr., faro of said coou j ty deceits.* 1. L. MOHOAX. July 11 tj’d Adm’i t;T’Oltr>l % -Thsmnii Count’ Court of Ordinary, August 15tL. 1866 WfIERKAS. Lebb .TYeltle and Elias Futeh. i makes appi-Vaii.-.n t ■ ■ - C< nr f-a 1.- . ■ Administration on the estate, property and ef fects of Isaac Fnteb deceased,filndfiprsed of I 1 by will or otherwise: —All persons interested ate notified to fiV their object,ions in stud round otherwise said letters will be creamed at tonus I ot the law. H H. TGOKE, As. -io | Ordinary OEORGI t-<rhma County. ALL persons interested Wn I t tot two j months from this date, rind on the First Mon day in October next . 1 will apply to the RuG- ! .■rnlde Court of Ordinaiv of said Courty, for an order of CV-nrt arriuiting leave to sell he Lands of Wilretm p Cinder, JprenJifd. ALEX CARTE If fittg 8-40d Adii.’r. and OROI %—Echols County. WHEREAS. John Mi Terrell. A.bninistra-j 1 ‘or of Fbivid MeTcnvil late c said ooon v, ] 1 deceased, hnvfnir filed his petiti ‘nin this Conrt,. j t-” Letter® cf Disaiissior. ivom said c-c th.- ’ is *'ierefore to adifHUifsh all concerned, to bo i and appear at my office within the time pre • scribed by law. to show cause if any they can, why s >.ii letters should not- he granted ftjven . .. TH< B LAI ang 10-6 in Ordinary. ffOßlil *—Rroek’ Coiiiii. WHERI O Morton. Admmtei h esta.c of ,< K. Ar. bet . deceased, niakc;- snrdiwitio” . • r?l t*, ... jeeHtOfts within the time-prescril>ed by taw, otherwip.’ said letters will be rmmed the. H| *ut, J; . McCALL, Jnly 4 6m O B. C. BRYANT'S Cholera Mncture- A specific for incipient Cholera, for sale by W P CLOWER k CO 410K.n Tli—r *u ni > • ,* L-OMi't sys (Jr&mc * ■ ‘ **. •• “ • .< • H v ..l ( shewothti he Ims fully discharged bis do es j as such - —ll* tberi f. r*- petition* andnrayS tax ■ n onfp.r of lionet discharging him iVx-ta 1 *’d trtist, nrul as in dot’ b*Mnd w ; li over pia>, i , . ]£. K Vtl i\o Ami r ■ >!■”■ I “ 7%MNM ‘('ruht-..: C*rtU of Ordinary. June Ist 1866 t. ■ • ■ order'be published in 4sba Hwtbera Emei i rise I gik< awti fc nntxißM) 11. 11. TOOKE. Jarre 6 <.ia Ordinary, (iMOKIJI I —'l'honia* I‘aiiofy To fhr f loiiorablr Court of Ordinary of said County Till. ut:<fei¥igti"d yonr Pi-riiiier, Hiltmu | istrator oa the estate Edward Mr van leo <l, -dreweth. tlut he i fully €b.--hiiru<i hA du ties su* &nch... :d now makes tt,>* ins applica li-in fora Dismission and dis< hat re from said; i trust, ami prays that the citation issue in terms of the .law, and aa ia duty bound will ever pray etc. M. iT. J. BRYAN, AdwT. ijEOR(i) :7> ■■■’** Con Con n f June 6.'.h, 1866. (*PON hearing lie foregoing petition, it ir ordered by >be Court that said Petition and liii- 0ri'..... nr i- ( ed tii t;e M'titnem Enter l prise n< u week tor six months. 1 H. ii. TOOKE. Jnne gu-ti... Ordinary. j *- . ■ <;FOKI>t t— | nnnitn ( oilnlv. WHERE a*. Dennis Witberingtaiß Ouar 1 cfrwn of tire person and property oTVartcv Tla- ! i she! Mary. Summit E Hubert!'Moisey dr Jawe I Witherine'ton, minors <M said County, bavins i 1 fully discharged his trus|, apfdifes no be dismiss- I rd trout hiMintirdranshrpr—Therefore alt per- I mins concerned are hdrebv notified and reontred | to appear at n, v office. on the first Monday in j Apiil next, ami fthow i-ansc if anv they have, i ’ why sal'i tellers of Dismission should not he i"i (> vrn m ill r tnv hand and official ! signature. uus giM div of February, ltstki. WII.UAM O SMITH. 1- ■ ‘ ;s ,|-| m ( . ( . ii Administrator’s Sale. V\ T ILL he sold before the Court House door, | *t at HonierviUc, flinch County, Georgia, , on the first Tuesday in October next., the land? * belonging to the relate of John Wiliams, Jr., i deceased Sold he order of Court of Ordin- ! arv. ’Forms made known on dttf of Male J I, Mil ROAN, Sept (ltd Adm’r.. CFORCiI/t—flinch Feiiup. ALL persons having claims against the es tate of John \\’ illiain.-. Jr., late of said County, deceased, arc hereby notified to present them duly attested, within the time prescribed by law and alt person* indebted to said estate arc requested to make immediate pavment to me J L M< ‘Rt.AN. Sept h-K-d Adui'r ’ U’ usrl j buICHANS P, L I4 V <* for vS- I CHILLS & FEVER] V - Cgn-MH J %W# W * W 4"S A w §■. Ml* !*i iU€i tN 'TV T^; l sft Li elaVtlitr t'.#*- ie that. as d 1 c CiT'rtOHil i.4iier M Win®nil-< 1 wilHtinS *.*• of l ■ Ha i i h*rt -<• . < I | Afabanut Hofi RoVt P ‘ < I Alatviiii,; ■ v o Waltei Sherifl Moi i AlaUitUiH *1 ’ . ■ Col .).* H Weaver. Mont.ff.-Hi ‘ . Mai E A Banks, Com. Me Gao 1 < Vs vs - ■ R 1,01 \ I J • i .4 1 Sole Pivprift<trs IHMtgonifr) 4*-* Wholesale Depots . j .. .. V „j, M , . c, J . \\ ..I. . .• . j .■. 1- . * K EROSeS L 3 • • - v. .. • v ! Tea and Coffee Boilers, Glue. Pots, . • • Oil Cans, Jtc. . . • ■ r. \V, i\ ■ IM . • . ... . ‘ Co.til’ll A . v . c ci , ‘ v . Umpire SirUTTIiE MACHINE , V ‘k If • • • r ■'’> ’ I • ,r f'Oillb* 1 ’ f f r*r U >nc ! ‘• -At A'*:lr) !> • • vc^is** if * au're '<tn \vo’V It j ’ . * j CSEOfUaIA- l Heixtn* 4'oitiiij.. • • • ‘ • .... !!*■■■ i ( ■■ y ■ A . ... . . ■ ■ . utbein’ . . ii. u; TO'OliL ,TnTrTR.2m • ‘ “Ordinal \ GI-ORIIH—f oloiiilt l aonty. Conn of Ordrnarv. .Inlv ■ ■<r .H 1 ‘ AS Ii !’ i. \ > .(• r. iai • • V . , . tratnr oh the estat,. o* .lames M Nornism • Jo” emiah I! Norman, adni of William McCall seaborn Weeks*- i tintor on. the e.tai,-. of Jneeph OMMcrn, ■ ■ ’ .... ■ . . Jut vlB 6in Ordiui (i KOHttl A —Thomn- County. ■ J\j th ■’ koil <■ i ■ Cor ■■!,,:■ • Ttttr v tNMiOflf C Smith, Admin:? • ’ uh tiiui tie has tuity discharged bis duty an such nd'w r : ~ n--t- •cow m;.-: ■ for ltiflniiwioß from said administration, ami prays that the usual citation may lie given in ternis of the law, and as in dirv hound wilt ever pniv. etc. M ( * Wlt't’fl Ada (tjLtjltGlA—Thomas CohMftf. Court of Ordinary. JnH 11. 186fi. UPON hearing the foregoing Petitb n ordered hi said Petition and mi order be in the Southern hr.* in terms of the law for gix months. i H. H. TOOKE, July !S_6ni Ordrnarv. 1 Ot'OKFI ( -4 tinrli # minty. To all whom it in cr y COHCi WIIT/BEAS, David O'Vuin, administrator • of N J ifiugs, Kotrert. Higgs and WiUiaiu i Burk ha ter. late of said Count v. deceased, “m.v lug tiled ii*„ Petition in tius C ourt for Dettera ; of IHmuiretion t—This is therefore toadmomsa : ail omicemed to be and anoar at me office within the time prescribed i>_v law, to show why oaidlctters should j not, be granted Oiven under my harm, at i oftto* this .Iwlv 2. Isis, |I MORGAN duly 1 tuu Ordinary | GROCERIES,! . HARD j TIN AVADE! \t K K. WTAJiS* 01. Nl*'Wi | . ! AINSWORTH & SANFORD . eofiKtamtlv on hand k larcr* 1 win we I um'.&ktlhS HARD I C< ■ i - Iris.'Dried! • . . s’ ewii and Si Hardware ; i.;- ■■ i : i‘ ‘(•. i..•• K ‘ it i ■>, VY ,i, •. i 1t... ■ - . . ■■ ..ii.l \\ -'I < Ni'i JilllWfl; P • A souii Tin ral. nil i ‘ i IT T \ W V R ‘E! I • >’ 1 1, IN I II v \i..F-SK!N • • & • j Cl. is, AiimwoHi IS . If >;* •! ird. ’ G HE AT ■Com. 1 (Mon J PLANTATION • Foi j—v . i\ Minnt.r ploriih.mi: LAID OF FLOWERS Seventeen Hundred'Acres ■ ■■ j Hood Hiii House and Screw. Hi lls of Fine TViili i . .N. ‘I t>. .yw t• It.-001,. Cobb’ • • d I M > * * I .alls ©nterpri ‘ KY .7- ; ... i . eilllOK AM) PRdMRir iOK. I *t BIPT))\ I I. i. H S . . . . Ttaenamu, Otoseu.” H (It U inrERTNKIVE^IK. • . . . - • . . . ; ri-.u-. •• ■ pi'uil tvs.,’ : \, , ... ... . ■ . . : . u t h | published tbii foi IVumiissinn r, AiiutUt.-oirai ■■!>. niuiislily lor **ix uioi..: - rrl nurt of. M&rtgage ;—Rales for-For.; . i 1 ti.; : tonr /'n'nr /ishinp Is>n/ P/rprm —\ > ixit-t Papers must be puhiiahcct lor the fdll term i>; three montl■ Idieatinns will alwav? hr continuc-d according to the above rules, unless ottin wis* OKOKftlA—f nloHitl ( nnl\ WHLREAS. Nan'-s J. A leer. Artiuisrr,i* trix on the estate 1 of Jumes R. Alger, dec and. liavmir filed her of tirmn >n this Oenrc tor I„et U-ls Oi I iiSEUISctIOU AU pciAutie kklts ileltriV notified to file their objections in Conrt within the time nrem rihod nr law. ntiterwiae Letters ot Insuiif sion will be granted to said applicant. <*tven.ututor xnv band and signature. Rebruarv 9th. t W ISAAC CARLTON. h°h Ordiuar SPOONER’S • CTTItII Cliilis and Fever, .j Bilious-Fever,. , ‘ Intermittent Fever,) , Remittent Fever, j • _ • Congestive Chills, • . .. ■ ■ Anti-Fever ■ AXD AGUE Diarrnea, i Dysentery, Periodical Heaaacho, Dumb Ague. ’. imth > oKMoir Us Wi 1 <v*\ cy y* fv/ /^\ riim A*. tAj O - For Sale by all Druggists. * Wm. Spooner & Co.-, . Nashville, Tenn. SPOONER'S Immunity against the Fevers and Chills of Spring and Fall, the D\ T seriteries and Diarrhe; i of Summer,. and the vanot Bilious complaints attendant upon the entire year, is wha the South, needs and must hove • before that, favored region will attain the full meed of its pre. . O’ ness. Emigration thither n:.. ■ been and is retarded for the lack of it; and for the sum reason, cotton raising has bee restricted and interfered wit: JUm-FBVBR & M In view ofthese facts Dr. bpooner.'offers ‘to the peopk o t the South,-and to pmigrari.: . going. thither; his ANTT - FEVER AND AGUE PILL S*, ’which have been demonstrated, repeatedly and rcncafcdiv, to - be’ an unerr. and never-failing preventive and cure, of all Bilious com plaints incident to the South and West. . Try but one ex periment; tne cost is trifling the result is beyond any. co; . tingency. It never has fai 1 and never can, while Physr ogy remains a science. rxi&s.’ For Sale by all Druggists. Wm. bPooNER & Cos. Nashville, Teni. of low, marshy, and over flowed regions, or where mi asma prevails, and all EMI GRANTS TO THE SOUTH AND WEST, should not be, for a single day, without SPOONER’S ANTI-FEVER AND AGUE PILLS, in ore tiiat when they are attacked with Chills and Fever, Bilious, Intermittent or Remittent Fevers, Dumb Ague, Con gestive Chills, Pain in the Back, Periodical Headache, Diarrhea or Dysentery, (to which thev are constantly lia ble, i tnev may promptly and effectually be cured, without the loss of a single day’s labor. Their success is not conti ngem upon anything; tnev wiii never fail to cure effectually and per manently For sale by all Druggists. Por sale in IbojnanviHe by Sr. P. 8 BOWER ’ and I j <V ifi