Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 11, 1866, Image 2

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%o!.iluT)i tt : nt trp rise L. c, BRYAN. : t ! Editor . THOMASVILLE, <SA.: ¥fKJKSDA¥, 0< rOBFR 11. 1506. nucmvi .notice The .Rev E P B* • • . • ’ ’ • • • next • \* • . The.Mrotlns of Planters To htw been held on Satnrday. -fith-inst., Waa postponed'on account of the inclem ency of the weather. There will be &’ meeting at .the ‘Co.urt’ House. on Saturday next. 13th in. tafit. ‘ ■ B®"‘McQueen . fol ell. renew their ad vertisetnern t.his week, and notify the jMiblic that their new stock of goods fa-now < a bud sad ready for sale. • It'is a food place to trade as—bur friend Hubert ft ay* ihert. teF 1 vt tention is directed to the ‘adver tisement ofT. J. Mcßaio. It i-a good sign jto see “uncle Jeff’’ again commence bn>i. P is a -ign that the. country is proa periDg and that there i- money to be made. ■ AroUOITIC —Onr mden will b-ar ‘With’ oa awhile, if we give epsoo id advertise ments ins’ead of reading matter. The lime he r < when, for want ofadveriise ments, we gavt-you s we furnished you a paper at a continual ion, it i-. but fair that we should be re p u i, even at this 1 ite day. We had intend ed to g-o to Savannah, to represent .our advertising interests in that city,, but it turns out that wc have nor r om enough for those at home, arrl w upon enlarging the Enterprise, to ne*l the emergency. Those who owe us are earnest- J lv requested. to bear.this in mind,, and forward with the'money, without er solicit! n, ■ • . nH utfoifUod. pleasure to refer the reader in to-day’s issue. It large advertisement of Messrs. Goldberg. ‘ The app'earanee of their advertisement in print] is a grand triumph of the press, over parsimony and a littleness of soul, for, at* though they have long been patronised by •community whose interest and prosperity this paper has ever diligently’ labored to promote, they have never before appeared in its columns .as patron*. At lasi, how ever, they acknowledge the potency-of the press, and t< congratulate them upon hav ing rh.o scales removed from their eyes. The enterprising spirit of oar merchants Is •ufhcietjtly “ nnifeste 1 in our -c. dumirs. and Vre now take pleasure in chronicling the names of Messrs. 11 x L. Gol Iberg among them. S W*4b W -■■ - HARD 4 WAV A Ui KIWOV. It affords us much pleasure-topresent to our readers, this week, the splendid.adverb risement es those gentlemen. In ‘times they figured extensively in these columns, fnJ their name was pitent as a ebarnr to summon customers to their e aimers; ..but a wave-of revolution swept ever the country, and like most of us they were swallowed -up'in the vortex of finan cial ruitv. 1-t was only for awhile with'them, however, for ere long their heads were tees manfully strugg e water, and now they have reached the shore and are once more straight upon their, feet. In this manly posture they now stand with outstretched arms and invite their old cus tomers to return—fully assuring memos all the accommodation of former day*.. - * • *> ■ nm oitTies, : On Our .first page w* publish an article on this subject, signed “Justice.” . We do so •imply'that 1 t -gy be heard. The question, however, is not to be settled by newspaper articles, nor will it need to be settled by any*other action of after the fail elections. The Radicals will settle it for us after the fashion of the monkey and the cats in the fable. ■ # W*Wi I— PROPift; ptßnitsFD. . . Mr. A. F. Franklin, proprietor of the Tiiomasvillc Produce and Provision store, desire* to purchase Ground Peas. Beeswax. Dry Hides a'n 1 Tallow : for which he will pay the highest cash prices—give him a - call.. - ■ ’THOMAS COI ATV O\GY. ■ . We notice that the county authorities are putting in circulation their bills of ere tit, which h tve been.issued for the payment of the-county debts, and are redeemable in national -currency, and receivable at all times in payment of county taxes. We think the measure a very good one ; it ena bles the business of the c rapty to progress, satisfies creditors and pays the public and bt. The county is in a solvent and thriv ing eonditi >o, sodas 1 >ag as her prosoerity y.nues; her bends will be’ good inve-t ----ment. C. J Muonerljn ’ of Decatur conn y. written an article to the B tin bridge Ayi, in Which he states that ar raagenents have been made to ship cotton New Orleans at the east es $i 50 per Me. The editor of the JLrgut ■hows by the figures, that cotton can be shiped from th-e same point to Savannah, for ? Set bale, less than to New Or, leans-. Which will the planter choose, a home, or a foreign port 7 ■ [.FOR THE SOOTHERS- EST E KFRISK.^ fmnmmi firk cmkuit. • • A- a regular meeting bf Neptune Fire Company, the following [Resolutions were unanimously adopted:. - Rssoi vkd. That the thinks of- Neptune- Fire tptl N 1, are hereby tendered the public, for their libera! p'at'ron&ge. oh the occasion of the Tableaux for if? heaefLr. in be. it iDifuia• Swam That eirr thanks arc miaeatty due \;ind are also hereby tendered Mrs. Keidund the Young ladies who contributed So largely, by their energy hod perseverance, ta the success of •th'en'ertainment.- • lIMMn FrantTR’ That these. Resolu tion! be published in the ;?authern'Enter prise. S-A. J.EFFtRs, Foreman. Lebb. Pek{.e, SeNy. • [fob the -sovTmnts tntlpSMtl’ , Mr. Editor:—We penned a brief com-- tnunication in- your paper, a .few week® since, relative to .extending Main Street— all favoring extension, bift differing ns o the means of carrying out the project. That a certain'/nr would fie the chief bene ficiaries ivery bodv kneic, and.yet know it. hence, we contended, that, those who were - - ben fitted, should shoul der. the. bulk of the expense, whilst thre Town willing to respond to a moderate tax. for the same object. And tuck hut fen the policy adopted and note car ritd c'ut : and with which we are all -satis fied.’ W'e also comrlained of the marked reference g : ven to certain poc i m sf the •own, to the entire negle t of other parts, he two ideas were embodied in our com unica'ion Injrou- last ‘tne two scaastmteations : arpear. purporting to be a reply. “ Street reply may go for what it is worth, without comment. Rut t-Progre?-.. Whooe malignant heart and scurrilous !an r guage betrays the author, avoided.a manly ; reply, and reports to an r.ngentlemanly and contemptible abuse of a personal char | acter, which doubtless proves hiUi to have ‘made more “ Progress v by far in such 1 dirty work, than be has ideas of town itp -1 provem-en’s.’ I will therefore by i with -that contempt it deserves, as well as , the miserably contemptible source from ’ Whence it etnana T ax Patvaa. p. 8 Were 1 betting, 1 Would wa : per the finest .hat in town, that- “ Progress ‘ is -the “cat’s paw,” whilst the real author ■sneaks behind the curtain.. T. P. . 4 U ♦ w-’ - Proceeding:*. of Conitcil. coixni, room. Tioitrmu, Oct. fi, Iflfß Council met this day at a regular meet ing, Present his .Honor P. MeGlasban. Mayor; Alderfnen Taylor, Tooke, ctegall and Bower. . . •The minu.tev of last meeting were read and confirmed. A petition from E. J'. Young. to be per muted to'erect.a wood building on hi- lot opposite the jail, was- re ii. < n motion or laid on the table until it can ‘he acted an by a full board. The’ subsiirute for .section .11th of fb.e nse Ordinance, read the first time at the last meeting, was called up. read a second and third time, and passed. An account of H. M ‘Butler, for one dol lar. was presented and ordered to he paid. An account of .Lewis B. Hadley, for twenty-four dollars, was presented and ordered to be paid. Another account of Lewis B. Radley, for nine dollars was referred to the Finance Committee. The plot of Cemetery wasrefered back to the Surveyor, -with a respectful request to plot off divisions with 6 and 7 and return it to the Mayor with as little delay as the ■ nature es -the east admit j and bis H or tho Mayor was-authorised and respect fully req ced. at his discretion, to bring the lots into .market., and to aj point ah early day to have them sold by public out cry. at a minimum price of not less than twenty dollars. • • • Ordered, that an adjourned election be held on Saturday next, for one -Alderman, to fill the vacancy.occasioned by the Pe ri gnation of Col. A. M. -Sloan. ‘ Council then adjourned. WM. CLINE, Clerk.. InAther l.fttrr from (gen. (Smut—He. pi'll* llinictf ItTfiht in Polities). flatter*. . Gen. Grant is certainly determined that nobody shall unduly commit him to the support of any ‘ political party. A tew days ae© he pretty effectually ■snubbed the Rads known as the ‘‘Roys in Blue,” at Pittsburg. Now he slaps at those, who make him out a suppor* ter of the President’s policy.’ in the following tart letter : Headquarters Y Armies of he United States, [ • • Washington, D C.,S©pt. 19. j To Brev ; Brigadier-General IP S. Billy er, New York City: i see from the papers that you have •been making a speech, in- which you ! pledged me to a political party. I am : further in receipt ofa letter from Gen eral Gresham, ot Indiana, in which he says that hie opponent for -Cot gross had published an extract lrom a letter ! received from. you. io which you pledg | eJ me to the support of President | Johnson, and as opposed to thw election I of any canidate who does riot support his policy. You, nor no other man is authorized to apeak for me in political , matters, and 1 ask you to desist iu the | future. I want every man to vote ac cording to his own judgment, without influnee from me Yours, & c ., U. 8; GRANT. A true copy : Ada-m BaDRAU. Ociuocrntic nml Conservrtirc Vic-torv. Wilmington, Del.. Oct 3—At an election for judges and inspectors of election, held throughout the State yesterday, the Democrats and Oonvsef ratives triumphed New Castle county onh Republican county, gives 4UO majority for the Democrats and Con ! servatives—a gain of 1,300 on the vote of Lincoln in 18G4. in this city they carried two wards and gain 156 on the vote for .Mayor a few weeks ago. De mocratic majority 1,500 in the State. Nf w Yo i: k,. October 3.—Cotton ‘ quiet at 42 a44 cents. F our dull and. ■lrcroping. Wheat nominally lc lower. Pork steady at So 87 a SB3 50. Lard steady at 16J a -lSjc Goid 47#. — Sterling unchanged. ‘ * Santa Anna's office whs crowded yesterday with parties anxious. to enter the service ut. Mexico. It is said that •a firm here has been commissioned to buy sitx steamers for the .Liberal ser vice. Three banking; houses in this city have taken Santa -Ann a. V loan vs five millions; . . ■ Several citizens of Georgia . h >ve sued L .1’ Brashear. Treasury Agent, so-r seising 90,000 dollars’ - worth -of ; cotton'in February last. Brashear was , bail in 70.0'JU dollars. Little Delaware, which is never wroiiit except w-hcR deceived of o\ v er : wed. is right side up and strikes the first blow North for the. Constats* tios and the Union. All :.ono;r to her precious little fell,.and may her .giant ’ sisters'follow-her patriotic example. .. . feirProf. A. T. Bledsoe-, A- M . { LL D., late CH the University of Vir i sinin; and well knowD in America a-nd | in Europe as an author and scholar, 1 i about to commence th-e publication. [i® B r•. ..of a pcriodica! so be eall j std The Southern Review, it will be ; a-quarterly, of 250 pages .octavo, and ■the first number is to be issued'm Jan. ; uary next. • POST OFFICE HOURS. IBEG leave to inform the citizens pf Thom asville. that no person or persons, will he allowed to outer tha Post . Office helijnd the I ratlines const-noted as • the proper | bounds and that the office w !1 he open for the delivery of the u ’een the following, hours, and no < then.: From 8 o'clock until J. 2 O'clock. A. M. From 1 o'c til 5 o’clock. P. ‘M-. | ‘ The Office will also be open every night, i One Hour, after the arrival of the Train. ‘ • • JOHN, F. HALL, 1 Or* il ?d Aw tP M ‘ iiphm Haunt la Thomasville and the surrounding Country. A Yew War just commenced in the* South a?ain*it all high pric'e>* of Good*, a* Will be seen by calling cither of . B. & L. GOLDBERG’S |■■ ’ stoa si e, . . Where ybu will find'all birds of Goods Sold-ar XE” IORK CG6T and EXPENSES— .I ‘ Consisting in part of tl-e follovring'artielc- :• ! f u ifor * or ilt. Kivm* tvft dfscriptiot. oh am, othfr KIM)* Ol URI (toon* M’Knt D l> I A>t> *££ FOR VOIRSEI-VES: . Ladies Dress Goods, all varieties, Gents Furnishing Goods, new style j ALSO —Silks, French Merinos, All Wool Delnincs. Alapacns. oaxoßrStripoa, Irish , gooteh Plaid, Muslin Delaines, French, English and AntO i'.can Prints, .Flan- Opera Flannel, Balmoral Skirts, Ac., &o. A full-stock of the Latest Styles of CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, SHAWLS, SON TAGS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, VANDYKES.. NELIAS.-and all-kinds of WORSTED KNIT GOODS. Also, the Latest Styles of Ladies Hats, Ribbons, Trimmings, Flow | ers, Ac., Ac. . • • • • . STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS,‘CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CUTLERY OF EVERY KIND. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, ‘ . WATCHES AND JEWELRY—in short, every other article . which veu may wish,-can be found at either of ! r. a. Ij. GOLDBERG’S Stores—-One at the old Stand,'the other next door to John StarkN C'oßfeetlonary. COME AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE In aonclorion, we would return bur thanks for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon us in times past, anil now ask a continuance, of the same at the Cheap Store of . . B- & L. GOLDBERG* • The Very I.atest \ews-4'lton Hiding! Cotton needed very much by the manufactories— highest’ pri- CES EVER OFFERED IN THIS TOWN FOR COTTON— CALL ON US . BEFORE SELLING TO ANY BODY. 11. A L. Coldbe-rg’. October 11 41 tt NOTICE. rT*FIE citizens of Tbomasville and adiacent L country, are hereby notified that the Map Morel Hill Cemetery, on the Irwinvijl# Road, near Town, is on view at Mi sere E Remington \ Son’s Store, and the Lots therein specified will be sold at Pablic Auction, on Wednesday, 24th of October inst.,at the Court House.. Br order •P, McGLASTLAN. Mayor. WM CI.tNE, Clerk.. L _ Oct I 1 -Jt OCTOBER, 1*66. Fall & Winter ! GOODS. . U> offer to th-e Public- a Fine Assort- Uli ll t of DRY GOODS, ’ GROCERIES, CONFECTIONARIES, &c. Also, a well selected stack of i ■ ■ READY JI IDE Clothing, .BOOTS AND SHOES, . t nibrc lliis, Yankee Yollons. Ac., Ac,, Ac, The Ladies are particularly invited to exam | ine oyr Goods, as wc have many articles, to please them.. _ We will exchange any thing wc have for Country Produce Os all Kinds, Upon favorable term's, and have- effected ar rangements by-which we will be in constant ’ receipt of all goods in our lin, Mcijufen At MMcML - Oct 11 • ” i have on hand. and are constantly re it serving, the-best make of’ . Northern Buggies. Those desiring any thing in that line, wifi do well to give us a call before purchasing else where. We soli Low for the Cash. • IC. C. SMITH IN SOX Oct 11 ■ 41 ts CONFECTIONARY family'grocery. \S another evidence of the groat irnprove nhnta j on la Tb< T.J.Mc- Briin has again commenced business. ■ He. will bo'found at Numbers 4. & 5. Bruce's Range, on-Main Street.. Cull and see him. He.will meet you in his ! u.-ual good humor with air honest face, and j will keep on band all articles usually kept in a ■ Confectionary and Provision Store —at the pnoea . . ■ 1 ,r *'t 11 ‘ ‘ . 41-lm Extract from Minutes of the In ferior Court GfeORfSIA— Thtinuia County.’ Inferior Coi-rt is Chambers, ) ■ • • Tbomasville, Oct. 2,1866. j tTT is ordered that a Tax be levied-as follows. I 1. to meet the demand-sand claims against the i County, viz ? ... J . One hundred per cent, on the State Tax, for. •j County purposes . Fifty pet cent for the Small Fox expenses . One hundred per cent o> pav for Provisions ; purchased to feed Soldiers’, families before the j .surrender of the.armies, and during the veSr - j •• Fiiteen per pent for Poor Tax.. • . . r ii Hardaway, j: i. r. 1 ‘ • • HENRY MITCHELL, J. t.e. ■ ANSEL Dfi&LE, j i. e. Libb. Diku. c. i. c. ■ Oct H ‘ , ■ . ’ SDd • TAX NOTICE* TIIL following are my appointments for the purpose of collecting the Taxi - .; Thom as County, viz ; ‘ ; • . • •, Glasgow, 17th October, 1866. ■ ■ Statmu.,lßth October. • Boston, 19th October. Ochlockonee. 23rd October. I • Thomasville, 20th October’ .; Murphy’s. 24th Octobe 17tli District. 3oth October. ‘ ‘ r ■ lffih District, 3i.-t October. i Duncanville, *rd November. T Oe* 1! *f 8 A DICKFT GREAT INDUCEMENTS To I’pisonii who wih to Invest their Capital! . AT T l’ will offer for sale on Thursday, the Ist it day of .November next,- at -Depot and- Station Number 20, S A & G. Railroad, a mini berof Busiuess and Sendt nt Lota. Said Sta tioti is 12 miles by Kail Road west of T lions asville, and the contemplated plane f r the Junction of said Road with a Rail Road to Albany, Georgia. Number 20 is surrounded by a prodm-tire and healthy section ot country, and will be a desirable place for. bum less •Persons desiring to eng-'ge in business, will find it to their interest to attend Ticrms or Bant —(tae-third cash, with bond for titles. The.lemuinder payable on the 15th day of January neat, when a Warrantee Title will be made. JAMES H HAYES, H. H. TOOKE. Oct 11 11 td NOTICE! k 8 the undersigned.has quit his business as . J\ Watch, Clock and Jewelry Re airer, in TANARUS: om sville, he would respectfully say to all those who have AVatchee, Clocks or Jewelry in his oare, that they will find them at his dwelling house, where they can be bad by paying the bill —with the exception of four Watches namely .—Mr.-John Cason. hill flO ; Jacob Smallwood, hill sl2 ; Allen Mclntyre, billon Watch arid Clock j*k; llenryHowls, hill $n These are in the hands of Mr. Win. P. Flanagan, for delivery, on paving the bill. Alii w..,. 1. ,< (OCRS ill 11 1 oe wfelfj lu 1.1. Umh or at bis house, that are not taken our by the ‘ first Saturday in November, will l>e sold there after for the bill of Repairs- So let white and black take due notice thereof ‘ anti govern themselves accordingly. • • • JAMES M. GRAY. Pet 11 . 11 At ESTATE SALE. ICfiTTLL be sold at the late residence of Dun Tv can Ray, deceased, ora Thursday, Bth of November, proximo, the toliowing property, tQ wit : Household and Kitchen Furniture. Agricultural Implements. Blacksmith and Carpenter’s Tools. Road Wagon, Carts, Carriage and Buggy, etc... etc. Also, at the same time and place, a lot of about 20 head ot Stock Cattle; some of them excellent Milch Cows. Sold for division among the heirs- Terms on da v of sale- DUNCAN. S. RAY. Oct 11 • . . 41 -5t 44 EO It 441 A— Thniiln* County. AgmUilt ’ to an order of the honorable Court of Ordinary of said County, will be sold before the Courthouse door, in Thomas ville. on the tirs.t Tuesday in December next, all the lands belonging to the estate of John McCoy, of ‘said County, deceased; —Two hundred and seventy-five (2.75)., acres, more or Jess —175 acres in a high state of cultivation — good corn mid cotton lands —adjoining the lauds of Robert-Roddeuherry.and others,'in the 14th District of said Countv’ to. C. SMITH, j Oct 11 td Adm'r. GEOROIA-Tbcmaa County. Agreeable to an order of the Court of Or • diharv of said County will he sold before the Courthouse door, in Thomasville, on the first Tuesday in Decamber next,-all the lands be longing .to the-estate o Floyd 11 Re Vela, late of said County, do I'd. to wit.Lo.t of Land Numlier eighty -five (85 1, containing 25b acres.- more or less, in the 23rd District of said Coun ty—loo acres in a good state (>f cultivation — adjoining tin- lands of William Murray and others Terms on the dav nf-sale.’ M. C. SMITH, . Oct 11 td Adm'r. GEORGIA-Thomaa Comity. Agreeable to ah order of the. Court, of Or dinarv of said County. sold before the Courthouse door, in Thomasville., on the first Tuesday in December next, all the lands be-’ longing to the estate of John Revels, late of said County dec’d, to wit: —lfittacres of land, more or lew, portion drawn by one of the heirs of Randolph Revels —situated in the 2-ird District of said County", adjoining the lands ol Thomas West—so acres cleared. Terms on the day of sale. 3 M. C. SMITH. Oct 11-td, •’ .. Ada/r GEORGU..fhoma GntiiitV. To the Honorable Court of Ordui-nryo-f s-met ■ Cl THE Petition of Lebbeua Dtekle and Elias Fntch, Admit with tbe Will annexed, of tbe estate of Isaac Patch, deceased, sbewetji that said estate consists in part-of Lands.’ and that it is necessary forthe purpose of Distri bution, that the’ same be scud —petitioners ■ therefore makes application for an order grant ing leave to sell said lauds, and a* in duty ‘bound wiLl ever nrav ere. LKBBEUS DEELE, - ; -,. EUAS FDTCH, ’ Uj * ptj County.’ < lourt of O 9.1866. ■ UPON hearing the foregoing Petition, it. is .ordered by tbe <'onrt thatsid Petition and this order he published in the Southern Enterprise once every tw o weeks for two months. H. H. TOOKE, Oct 11 2‘m ’’ Ordinary. TWO viONTfl-fS from date application 1 will bemadeto Echols < Jouil of 1 Irdinary , - fbi leave to s.-n the Lends of the estate of Jas. Touch tone, late qf said County, dec’d ■ . . w\i TOUCHTONE, Oct 11-fifid* ... Adm'r AdoilnHtrator’f) Sale. llTlhh he said-at mv house. ion the Albany vy Road, 3 miles from Thomasville, oh Saturday, 20th inst ..all the CStth- and House hold Furniture, belonging to the estate of N T. Me Math, deceased. TANARUS, C McMATH, •Oft 11 It Adm'r HARDAWAY & MUMPS. ; WE HAVE RECEIVED AND SHALL - BE'CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUE STOCK SUCH ARTICLES AS ARE NEEDED AND USEFUL.’ , * fiifilMff #ft j|fiff If 111 l 111 MM , .7. . -AND— — • OCCUPY OUR SAME OLD STAND. • - - WE KEEP A FUEL SUPPLY OF STAPLE AND DRESS GOODS, haudwapib, CROCKERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, dIMMS 03. Aii : KIDS - - ’ ‘ . ‘ AN D * . . FAMILY GROCERIES; • ■’ WE HAVE ARRANGED TO SUPPLY OCR CUSTOMERS WITH ■ The Finest FLOUR ■ IN THE-UNITED STATES, Direct from the Mills it St. Louis. MifSOUri.. We warrant it free of Yankee Beans and Peas, and from Wheat made i-u 1866. • , - . We will do nir best to make’ vott feel efisy and cheerful, and will sell you AS Cheap as we can Afford, lYe buy for Cash and are prepared to sell at Small Profits.- HARDAWAY & McKINNON. BisjW’W’q have no Pictures of Steamboats, Rail Road Trains. Tele graphs, and Big Houses with Flags, to attract notice, but WE HAVE THE GOODS and intend to sell them. bet 11-ts 441?4R441 A—Thomn-s County. Agrrenfolc to an order of the honorable Court of Ordinary of said County, will be.sold before the Courthouse door in Tnomaaville, on the first Tuesday in December next, all the Lands belonging’ to the estate of John A. Lane, late of said County, deed, to wit; Lot Num ber two hundred and sixty-nine (269), contain ing 250 acres, more.or less, in the Twenty -third District of said County —partly in cultivation, and adjoining the lands- of James F llall, Nel son Mitchell and others. fenas on the day of sale. . M C SMITH, Ost II td Adm’r. GfCOBGIi.-l’kdWH 4’omit. Agreeable to an order ofthe Court of Ordi narv of said County, will be sold before the Courthouse door, in Thomasville. on the first Tuesday in December next, a,! the lands be langing to the estateof Mary Atki isou, late of s-aid County, dec’d, to wit:—Lot NumbertWo hundred and twenty-one (221), and half of Lot Number two hundred and fifty-nine (25hj, con taining 375 acres; more or’ less —with- 100 acres of cleared land—dwelling and outhouses. .Said land situated in the 18th District of said Coun ■tv. on Big Tired Creek. • ■ Terms on the day of sale. . , M. C. SMITH, . Oct II td • ‘ Adm’r. GEORGIA-Thomas Comity. • • Agreeable to an order of the honorable Court of Ordinary of said County, will be sold the Courthouse door, ‘m Thomasville, . ou the first Tuesday in December next, all the lands belonging to the estate, of'Daniel Strut- ■ ger, late of said County, dec’d, to wit : —Lots Number three (3),fouf (4), and thirty-nine in the Twenty third District f said County. These lots contain 250 acres each, good dwell ing house and out houses on each, with cleared ‘ lands under cultivation, atuLwill be sold separ ately- ■ Terms on the day ofxpie. • ’ M. C. SMITH, Octll-td . Adm’r with the Will annexed. ■ GEtIRGIA-Tliomax County. Agreeable to nu order of the Court of Or dinary of said County, will be sold before the Courthouse door, in ThomasviHe, on the iirst Tuesday in December nexr, all the lands be longing” to the estate of Kincbeu Ward, late of said County,:deed, to wit : Part of Dot Number- one hundred and thirty-one (131), containing 122 acres, more or less, in the 14th District of said County—dwelling bouse, out buildings, and 5(1 acres of cultivate'! lands—ad joining the plantation of the estate of .Sheldon Swift and others. • M. C. SMITH,Adm’r. ; Oct 11 td • with- Will annexed, GEORGIA—Thomaa County. Agrcrnbli t<> an order of the Court of Or-. dinary of said County, will be sold before the , Courthouse door, in Thomasville, ou the’ first , Tuesday in December next, all the lands be longing to the .estate oi J .11.M.Gardner-. late of said County, dec’d, to wit. —150 acres of land, . more or levs, as the portion drawn ‘by one of toe .Legatees of the estate of Randolph Kweh —having on tne ‘premises a dwelling house, J .outhouses and acres of cleared land ‘ under j a Ingh state of cultivation. Said Land situated ‘ in the 23rd . istrict of said County, uud id-* joiningtbe lands of I\ illtain Murray. • Tierms ou the -dav of sale. ’ • M. C. SMITH. Oct i 1 -Id • . . . Adm’r. ■ GEObGIA-Thomna County, Agrccnble t<> an order of the Coa>'t of Or dinary of said County, will be so,d before the Courthouse, door in Thomasville, on tbs first Tuesday in Decernb< r next, all the lands be longing to the estate of Dixon V: Pierce, Ute of gain County, deed, to wit: —Lots of Land Number three hundred and forty (Ml), three hundred .and fbrt-Trcne (841), three hundred ‘ami forty two 342), three hundred aqd sev enty nine (379), and.three hundred andeij • :*(- each containing 250 acre? mote or leas, Hi the 17th District of said County.'and will l.u sold as follows. I—Number 1 —Number 34'’ will be sold ■separate, on which -is a dwelling house, out houses. Gin house and Screw, and 75 acres un der cultivation—numbers 341 and 342 will be sold together, oa which also, is a dwelling house. Gin house. Screw, and 75 Seres of ■cleared land —numbers 375 dud 380, will be sold together—partly'in cultivation. . AlsO, at the same time and pfece, half inter-’ e/t in Lot Namber Tell Itt;. in am District. Terms on day of sale. H ( SM ITH. Adm’r., MARTHA A. PIERCE, Adas’*. ■■ I Oct 11 . , GlEORGI A~Thontn* Connty. Agroenble to an order of the honorable (',,11,1 of Ordinary of said County, will be sold 1 before the Courthouse door. i:i Thomasville. . H:l id Counts. within the legal hours of sale,.on i the .first'Tuesday in December next < 180) acres of Land, more or less, with a good • dwelling house and all necessary outbuildings attached —30 acres of which is Geared, ready f,.r cultivation—adjoining lands of Kvu Darn and others—good corn and cotton lands in said County. Sold as the property ol'( W. 1$ ranch, dec’d. Terms on the dav of sale M C SMITH, Oct 11-td . Adtn'r: GEORGIA Echols foiinfr. Whrrcan. John G Howell Administrator of Jesse Howell, having filed his Petition in this Court tor Letters of Dismission from his’ administration This is therefore to admonish all concerned; to show canse if afty they nan wh v said letters should not he granted at a reg nlar term of this Court, after tile expiration of six months. Given under my turn'd and lliocial signature, this Ist dav of October; 1W66 TtfOS. B. CLAYTON, Oct-11 fim , • ■ 1 >-? ‘v. EXfOfITORS* SALE WylLI, in- sold before the Court Hnnse door T? in ThomasviHe, Thomas County, Geo on the FIRST MONDA ) in DECEMBER next, all the lands lying in said County, be longing to the estate of E. U. Young, dec’-d, consisting of -two Plantations One eight miles south west oi Thomasville, on the-Bain bridge Road, lying on both sides of the Otdi lockonee River, containing thirty-five hundred acres; eight hundred cleared and in a good state of Cultivation, with all necessary’ build ings. The other Plantation is sixteen miles from T.liomasv ilie. three miles from No. IS, A &. G .Railroad, containing forty-one hundred and sixty -five acres, aboiit twelve hundred cleared and in a fine state -of cultivation with all neces sary buildings. Will be sold also, on the first Tiiesdav in, before the Court House d->or, in Valdosta, Louudes. County, Oh . the Plan tation belonging to the estate of said K. R. Young, deceased, lying thirteen miles south of Valdosta, • containing twenty-six hundred and ninety five acres, between six and seven hun dred cleared and in a good state of cultivation, with all necessary buildings. All the foregoing sold by virtue of an order from the Court of < Ordinary of Thomas County, i Georgia, for distribution, as directed in the last Will and Testament of said E. R. Young, deed • Terms : —One-third cast), balant ein one and two years, with interest, secured by personal security and-mortgage, on the Land. D. s. BRANDON, W. J. YOUNG, Sept 27-1 Ot ‘ Executors. STEAM SAW GRIST MILL For Sale, THE undersigned liovV offers for sale his Steam Saw and Grist Mill, near Thomas : ville, known as the Graves Mill—in complete } runninv order and noW sawing. with the labor . of three hands from good to 3Pi;o feet of lum ber per day Stock Carts, Tools, Oxen, and | all other implements for carrying on the busi j ness, sold with the Hill. .Price SISOO Cash If not sold by the first of December, this otfef will be withdrawn . E O THOMPSON. Sept 27 , - • 39-2 m MASSEY’S | COTTON PRESS. L'lIE undersigned :irt : now prepared to re ceive ordersfor the putting op of Massev’t j well-known RPVIKI o it c rTd\ PRESSES. Having made arrangements ‘for the manufacturing of Screws at Macon, ! • . gia, they “'ill now commence operations • as soon as half a dosen ordersmre received, I Orders left with L. C. Bryan at Thotnasvillc,’ will.receive prompt attention. DANIEL MASSEY, J.S MASSEY, j ! P B MASSEY. j NOTK'K.: a LL persons are hereby forewarned against J\ trading fora certain Promissory Note,da- | Ted August 28th, 1866 for Fire Hundred and , “Fifty Dollars, signed by myself and made pay- j able to William Page Having bean induced by undue influences to’ execute s lid note, I hereby repudiate the conditions of flit same, and declare that I will not pay the sgidiwm, ulness compelled by btw.- ; j: s BURTON . Sei>t27 ’ ■4t .G. & Rockwell, Civil and Surveyor. I,and- Surveyed arid I*lnt di'ii'vii in thr'hcHl style ot'.llic Art. Okdkks left with A. P. Wright. TtiomasiiTlii, •Ga . will meet with prompt attention. June ‘2O Ss4f GKOKRI .4—THoimiim I'oiinit AGREEABLE to an oider'of Court. I will sell before the Court House door in Thomas . ville, said County within the legal hours of sale on the First Tneeday in December next, the Lan is of W P Carter, dee'd. Terms cash.’ ALEX, CARTER, I Oct 4td Adm's. Quick Sales and Small Profits! J.SchiMßro. .’ ARE RECEIVING THEIR . Fall nd Winter Stock of DRY GOODS, AND • : Booltt. SUofin, Trunks. Flour, fdfltf. Rice, Tobacco, Leather, m . Sept ; ifitf . Save Your Money \I.I. those indebted to J.” Sclii(T& Brothei from. before and during the war. wls will pay dp before the first of H will be relieved of four years interest, other wise They Will be sued sped collected according t-> law . If von want t • iinr GOOD fllEAl’ CAIJCOKMi FRENCH NERlNfifi, DELAINES, and a irietv of.other handsome HREBB 0001*81, call on .J. BCIIIFF A IM9. A PINE LOT OF CASSIMERE. Satinets and Kent Jeans, you cast find at very low prices, at the (• store us J. KCIIIF* A BR * i ‘ Jf you want fiswim* mm For Ladies or Children, Call at ■J. *: nit r A 880. A good assortment -of BALMORALS, • (Ladies and Children ) xnitvl.B. Bi.tMtrTi of iLb RRARLEYm EL> LIPTIC A\l> OTHER HOOP SKIRTS • ■ are kept- by A. BCHIFF A BROS. [ - If voil want to purchase CLOTHING, For Men and Boy* eall at J. SCHIFF ft .j -BROTHEIi'S. iv ; i have one of the largest [ and best-stocks in the market. If you Wish to j SAVE MONEY come and look J, SCHIFF & BRO. * Keep a good article of • • . Boots, Shoes and Leather,. And will aeU them at the very Unrest prices. - A good assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Jewel ry, Notions, Cotton Seales, And most every'.Uing else kept usually at u i Drv Goods and Clothintr S’-re. Come and see for yourself, and you will I admit that J SCHIFF & (IRQ. Will sell votl Goods Cheaper, or at len* aw Cheap, as any other House South of Mason &. Dixon’s line. oct 4 TOWN TAXES! TA t| now ready to receive the Town Taxes for the year l’Sfifi. tit my office, over Ains worth & Sanford's Store An early-call is re- • spectfully solicited. WM. (.'LINE, . Oct 4-2 t . Clerk of Conncil. Something New! Poreclaiu Zounographs! THE BE ATB'oT IMPKOTI. viEvr vet haim: ■ > r*ii. FIIOTOGKAPKIC ART’ I MR. JEFFERti takes pleasure m iq forming the Ladies .and Qsnttemeu of Thomas ville, that he has effected an engage neat (fora short time only), with Professor To igpin . the celebrated Artist from Memphis, Tennessee, who will introduce his new and original Style tf Picture called P” re el at n'Zn 0.- nographs. the beauty of which cannot be .d* scribed, hut must be seen to be appreciated. Ladies and Gentlemen are cordially invited 1 to call and e xamine these Gems of Art. X- B . —Photographs and I-'errptypea taken as usual. ■ • ryOperatillghours from 9 a. m. till 4 p. tn. ( Vet I- . tt ”7 lAXIkOI T BfMMTMT . Educational Institutions. fIITTF i infm session will begin Xov.lo, 1866, : 1 find elese April 1,1867. Beard ana Tui • tkm SIOO, one-half payable upon entrance. |h - remainder, January 23,1867'. Drawing, Music, and Modern Languages, extra | For Circular with full particulars, -address the Principal, - Rev. E. V. WILLIAMS, ! ■ Oct 42m Chattanooga. Tena I : Executor s Sale. I N pwsnanceof and by virtue of a Decree of the Honorable the Superior Court of Thom as County, will be sold before the Courthouse : door in Thomusvilk*. Thomas County, Ga.. on the First Tuesday in December next, between ‘j the usual hours of sale, the following property belongingto fhdflßstate of Joks WiaiMi, mi's, ito wit Tli- plantation known as the Peyton Walden place., consisting of Lots N>2< 2, 27.1, 248 and 2 .3, in the 18th District of. oripmsUiy Earlv, now Thomas County —some six hun dred acres cleared land with good Gin Boom and Screw, and seven negro houses. Also lots in the Town of Thomasville known as Nos 5 and 6. in-Block 2. Column I—No. 41, Block 2, Column 3. No. <2. Block l, Column 4, No W and 93, Block 6. Column 4, No. 106, Block and Column 5. Nos. 111. 115. 116 and 117, Block 3, Column i, No. 118. Block 4. Column 6, No-119, Block 1, Column 7. No. 120. Block :o’ Column 7, North East. Section of the Town. ’Also, i be place known as the Gray Place. Also! 3. 4. & and 6; in Lett-r X. and 2 feet extending through said Letter X 1 Terms made known on the day of sale. ; ANSEL DLKLL, Oct 4 SOd, Sur'gEx r,