Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 25, 1866, Image 2

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(L : JU. C. BBYAN, : : i : Editor. .THOMASVIJL.L.E* GA.I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 18G6. NOTICE TO THE PRFIN, Montgomery Adetrtiscr, FeUna /’>/•. tter. Mobile As--’ - ■ aod .■ and (8. C.) Courier , copy advertisement, “ Xotice to DutrTbuicesf signed MC. Bmi ! .b, AJm’r, three, and send this office. . 4af-Attention is directed to the Com* mission Car l of M. V. Henderson, Savan nah, Ga. tn.i.\CiE OF SCIIEDII/E. The-trains on the Atlant.ic & Gulf-Road, -Kill hereafter leave Thomasville at *3 o’clock A. >l.—arrive, at Savannah, <3.10, P. M.. Leave Savannah 7 A. M , arrive at Thora asville 6.10, P. M. • LIVE OAK t O.VAEt'TIO.Vi The Live <>ak Connection between the Atlantic i Gulf.and the Pensacola & Geor gia Railroads has been completed, a'n 1 the first train was announced to go through on Monday last. V.'* congratulate the people of Florida upon the completion at this important enterprise, and predict for them greater ; in the future: Placed ia railroad communication; with t.he im portant city of Savannah, they wiLl enjoy commercial advantages heretofore unknown to them, and, although us of this section have no taste for the Live Oak Connection, yet we have pleasure ia the good fortune of our neighbors. DEATH OF Dr. T. 11. t.IPEKSi, Vie learn from the Florida pipers, that I)r. T. 11. Capers died on the night of the 15th instant, of Carbuncle on the neck. If was Presiding Elder of the Tallahassee Circuit, and no man, says the Floridian, enjoyed the love and esteem of his flock, to a greater degree than he did. Dr. Capers was well kuovvn in Thomasville, where he was pastor of the Methodist Church during the year 1.865. II is friends here deeply regret his death, and tender their heart felt sympathy to his bereaved family. ■ ILR**K A THOMAS. These gentlemen, general agents at Sa vannah, tor the State of Georgia, are now offering to the people of this section, through their Agents at Valdosta, Messsrs. Pendleton k Rountree, “ Wilder’s Patent Salamander Safes—the oldest and best fire proof Safes in the world; The Nonpareil Washing Machine, the greatest Labor Saving Machine in the world; Family Soap, manufactured at the Chemical Works in Savannah, and unsurpassed, by any manufacture in the United States.’’ We have tested this ourself, and find it to be all It has been represented to be. “Ho race L. Emory & Sons, Improved Cotton Gin and Condenser,” offered for the in spection of planters, and believed to be the very thing needed; “James Metcalfe & Co’s Oils, Lubricating Head Lights and Machinery Oil ” ; Lastly, the Mapes Super phosphate of Lime, which, applid to corn, cotton and garden vegetables, has always given the highest satisfaction. Fertilizers are much. needed in this section, and we hope our farmers will introduce them. THE NORTHERN ERECTIONS. Election reports from the States of Penn sylvania, Ohio, Indiana. lowa aud Michi gan, show that the Radicals have carried all these States ; but the Northern Conser vative papers tell us, that notwithstanding the Radical majorities, the Conservatives or Democrats, are greatly encouraged,, by the fact, tiiat so far from having lost in the fierce struggle, they have greatly reduced the Radical majorities, despite the enor mous expenditure of money by the Radi cals to carry the elections. . Iti Pennsyl vania. the chief point of the struggle, the Radical majority is represented at less than 10,000, showing a clear loss of 12,600 votes. The Radicals in that State, also ■elected a majority of the Legislature, and the Conservatives will feel the loss.of Mr. Cowan, U. S. Senator, whose time will ex pire on the fourth of March nest. In Ohio, the Radical majority is very large, but it is said, not so large a? in 1864. The Radical majority in Indiana is set down at from 12 to 15,000, while lowa and Michigan were nearly all on one-side. From these figures it is argued that the President’s policy is sustained by the peo ple, and that the- country ought to feel en couraged. Tire leading Democratic pa pers of New York believe, that wlieu the official reports of the elections arc obtained from all the States,they will show a Demo cratic gait), and assures us that the results of the recent elections were as favorable to the President's policy, ns we had a right to expect, and adds, that it is now demon strated, that the strength of the two par ties in the most, populous States is so nearly balanced, as to relieve the public mind of it]>prilkcntion arising from the danger of Fadieal measures. So long as one-half of the Northern people arc opposed to confiscation, hanging and disfranchise ment, the South has nothing to fear. So far, the elections show, that the Radicals constitute less thau one-third of the popula tion of the United States, and yet they arrogate to themselves the government of the whole. In a conflict of arms their weakness would soon appear. We don’t think note, dial they will impeach the Pre sident, Tilt.4l. OF till. DAVIS. Tli correspondence between the Presi dent, the Attorney General, and the United States At'ovney fur the District of Vir ginia, relating to the trial of Mr. Davis, has been published, and is a clear and full exposition of the whole affair. It shows that O’ ief Justice Chase has had it in his power for months to try the great prisoner, but for reasons best known to himself has declined to do so. The President has been auxioup for the trial—Mr.- Davis also, and ti,e pen;.’ of the Mouth and North iuipa - j u i yet the been three r o-jjiTO'-. l by the Chief J..stice that the trial w.d take place next Spring. The Chief je ignores the Constitution, violates h.s oath of office, and postpones the trial, some say, because he was as strong for s.e’. c'i -.u :i Mr. and knows he will be exposed by the Counsel of Mr. Duvii whenever the trial a .. T. Greely of the New lork Tribune, speaks in siton* ’ tint p Mponomenf. and •.. - • n eminent unliig officers for thur wrung aui i*j isriee to the prisoner. CT Vll, A I 111 OKI T 1 ENTIRKf.V ‘“''"'MU’ > -■ < %U 0 2 ■>%; Gen Mickle* declares that the State Courts are now open u, all persons with •eui distinc . in, ami that all cases civil and criminal in which 0* parties are civilians “ “ **"•* over to the state tribu: xW m but we profess m know something about smokihg tobacco - %< any rat, our u a judge and •* **>■ 1 of La-te-ka, that Jugt„ gave firm a ftw days ago. -a- „ 00 ,j as he ever smoked, and the cheape-d in •own Try one box, and if vou don’t get aayther. u wii! be because Jeff hasn’t got it. E Lsup so, and U e knows. Tfe .l I N GKOBI. IA lfg. W. Jones, of Liberty County, Geor gia. corresponding with the Southern Cul lira: r. gives his-experience in the cultiva tion of the China Tea Plant, and gives it as his opinion, that it can be-cultivated with success in all the Atlantic and Gulf Stares, from North Carolina tp Texas- Mr. Jones has given much attention to the sub ject, iud in’a lenghty communication’, de tails facts which shows a thorough acquaic-’ tance. with the subject. He contends that ! the hills and slope's of the.Eegionindicated, • as well as the low lands nearer the sea ‘ coast, the former of which have been worn ‘ out under the cultivation of Cotton, may ! now be turned to good account by the cul tivation of Tea. ’ • .’ • ■r . t COTTON TAX .1 Nt OTITt. .- TIONAE. lion.-Charles J. Scott if Willcox County, Alabama, recently addressed a lette'r tq Hob. Keverdy Johnson, one of the greatest constitutional'lawyers in the United States, to the following effect: . lu’ your opinion, is -the act of Congress ’ imposing a three cents tax- on cotton con stitutional ? And would .the Supreme , Court of the United States so decide in the ’ event the question Was carried before it ! for adjudication ? . .- | Mr. Johnson replied as follow*: New York, Sept.. 20, 1866. Dear Sir :—Your note.'o.f. the. 3d, is re* c-eived here- The q-uestiou you ‘have put Jtome I have heretofore cQusidered. ‘My . opin'ion'is-that the tax of three ceats, im posed by the act of Congress y.ou refer to, is unconstitutional, and I b-elie-ve the j eourt will so decide. . ‘ .1. ‘ Very respectfully, ‘ ’ . Your obedient servant, • lleverdy Juhxsox. • —.— : — RADICAL. atOEDIEISN DISWATI*- JTEO, A Fittsburg correspondent of the N. Y. Herald says the Radical Soldiers -are great - i ly displeased with Spoon Butler’s declura . tion, that more would be required of the ’ South than the adoption of the Coustitu i tional Amendment, and declares that they will not support his measures. I The N. Y. Evenmng Post, also, an iufluen ; tial Radical paper, sees danger in the con [ tinued leadership of Thud. Stephens, and calls on the Tribune to know whether it in tends to continue its support of him as leader of the House. The l‘ost says the Republican party knows the policy of Ste vens will ruin its prospects, if forced up on it, aud the people are solictous to know whether the Tribune and Other leaders are. determined on that course.’ “THE LOYAL GOVERNORS.” The Governors of the Northern States are purchasing arms. Their agents are l silently moving about and buying up all , the arms offered for sale in the markets: B~ownlow has promised to inaugurate civil war in Tennessee, on the constitutional amendment question and this is to be the signal for openly arming against the South. - —*-♦ ••- J£g?”“Tlie proceedings of the District Meeting occupy pretty much all our avail ! able space. We hope the preachers will ! learn to condense more, or the press will j have to refuse to accommodate them.”— J Jiainbridge Argus, 13 th hist. Who told you to “ accommodate ” them, I brother Russell ? Except one or two re ports. your Publication was gratuitous. Gopey's Lady’s Rook.—This excellent Magazine for November is upon our table, filled as usual with interesting reading matter, elegant fashion plates, &c., &c. [FOR THE SOUTHEII.X ENTERPRISE.] Editor Enterprise: — Dear Sir: —Please i permit me to inform the Tax Payers of the 25th Division, particularly of Thomas County, through the columns of your pa i per, that a stern sense of duty, from which j there is no escape short of a violation of ; ray oath of office, or a resignation thereof, I has compelled me, since the completion of my “Annual List” for 18G5, on the 31st of August, to assess the income of a num ber of persons in this Town and County, “on the best information obtained,” and add twenty-five per cent, to amount of tax and forward for collection. All defaulters in my Division are being treated in this way, and the assessments forwarded j monthly. There is still an opportunity for those who have not already been as sessed, to make returns and save twenty five per. cent. Very respectfully, yours, . ‘ T. S. HOPKINS, ■ • ‘ • Ass’t Assessor. • Proceedings of Council. COL'XCIfi BOON, • ThOMASVILLK, Oct. -li, 186(1. Council met this day in regular meeting. Present his Honor the Mayor. Aldermen Tooke, Bower and Stegall. The minutes of last meeting were read. Col. J. L. Seward, on behalf of the Mar shal, addressed Council on the amendment of the first line, 71 h section, on page 14. j The action of the last meeting of Council i on this amendment was thereupon recon- I sidered, and the section restored to its | original reading.* His Honor the Mayor laid before Conn- I cil the Maps, Reports, &c., made by Maj. J. A. Maxwell, the late Surveyor of the Town. The Maps were presented in a highly finished state, which, with the reports , were received by Council with much satis faction. A bill for $5.30, in favor of G. Wilson, Jailer, was passed and ordered to be paid. Council theu adjourned. WM. CLINE, Clerk.. t ! *This action of Council makes it the 1 duty of the Marshal to collect the Town I Taxes in future. The Clerk, in justice to I himself, deems it proper to state, that lie Commenced the collection of the taxes at the request of a majority of the Council, without being benefttted to the amount of I one dollar by it. He is entitled to two t- and a half per cent, upon-nll t -> - ± aia - Preasffrer, ana whether he ■ receives it immediately from the Tax Pav er or the Marshal can make no difference to him. l uion f.rngue of America—llyitcri ou* Spcml Nocliiigs, I he Radical lie publicans of this city are holding secret political meetings, in ! connection with which there is much that is mysterious, and which calls for the attention of law abiding citizens. I It would appear that the system of se- I cret organization, inaugurated in the West, has bem introduced into New \oik, and now almost every nieht in the week secret Radical meetings are held.—JVeic York World , 9 th. Poor men are not allowed to work in the Harrisburg car factory unless they vote for negro suffrage. KOI! SAIJI 4 FINh NEW CARRIAGE—with Har j -V 8 complete at OST. Apply soon i m McQueen & much ell. ; Oct 18 42-if gig- To-day we had the-.pleasure of a visit from Mr. Thomas, of the enterprising, ••go ahead firm of A. Rescuer X Go., Sa vannah, Georgia, -wholesale dealers in Dry Goods. Mr Thom *.s informs us that their stqc.k is now complete in every variety of Domestic and Foreign Qoods for the Spring’ , Trader suitable-to this market—being Cx pressly selected for the same—also, a full line of Cloaks, .Sacques, Basques, Shawls, ‘.Hosiery, Gloves, >!cc. “A friend in need is a friend indeed,” and we- strongly- re commend our'friends, Merchants, Planters ’ and others, requiring Dry Goods, to call at 13 Barnard Street, corner of Congress Lane, and examine-their stock'aud prices ’ before purchasing', which we have no doubt will prove satisfactory to all. Makeanote so you will not forget the address—\. Rescuer .& Cos., 13- Barnard .Street, corner i Con-gress Lane, Savannah, Georgia, near l the old established Drug Store es A.- Solo mons k Cos., and .opposite the wholesale , Grocery Store of A. & L. Freidenfierg. Laurel Hill CEMETERY. rpHE public are respectfully notified that 1 ’the Grounds nf -Laurel Hill Cemetery ai-e partly laid out and open, for inspection. ’ All interested in securing Choice Lots are re quested to view the same before purchasing The-public sale of Lots bv Auction, rs post poned until Alondav. rlie-ftth inst., at 10 o’clock •A. H.. at tire.Comt.H.ousi?, or at the Cemetery Grounds, if intending purchasers so desire. Bv order of the flavor. .’ octas-lt ’ IVJi CLINE, Clerk. - JEFFERS & SON Have the BEST A <WCVtIUfH{ f IP ILY . GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS IN THOMASVILLE ! WHICH TREY SELL ©MAP FOB ©ASH, EgrNo Spirituous Liquors kept. Note this Ladies. oct 25 4:po t ZSoonographs ARE pronounced by all to be the Finest Pic tures ever made. >soom>ga*a|)lsss ARE warranted not to Fade! s^oonograpiis ARE taken only at JEFFERS’- GALLERY, by Prof. I’HiGpi.v, the Inventor. Photographs TAKEN in the highest style of the Art. at JEFFERS’ GALLERY. ‘ Ferrotypes BEAL !Ib l LTA COLORED at flic bnvr Price of One Dollar each, at JEFFERS’ GAL LERY. . _ Prof. THIGPIN IHE great Artist, is engaged for a short time only at .JEFFERS’ GALLERY. oct 25 M. Y. HENDERSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, (REMSHAUT’S BUILDINGS.) Foot of Rurnnrd Sl„ Mnrnnnnh, Cia. DEALER IX Hides, Wool, Deer Skins and Bees Wax. The highest Cash Prices paid at all times for any of the above articles. oct 25-1 Ot * —JLs OFFICE GEX’L SUPERINTENDENT, > Atlantic & Gulf Rail Road, > Savannah, Oct. 15th, 18GG.) gpBSBCfi. “ ‘-->v r |MIE Florida Branch Rail Road will he 1 opened to the Public on Monday next, the 22tul inst. Arrangements have been made insuring di rect and .speedy communication by this route between Savannah and all stations on the Pensacola and Georgia Rail Road, Florida Central Rail Road, mid Florida Rail Road. 1 hrough rickets will he sold between the following places, viz : Savannah and Quincy, Tallahassee, Monti ct>“?’ Madison, Lake City and Jacksonville. I nomasyille and Quincy, Tallahassee, Mon ticello, and Madison. Mailison and Quitman and Valdosta Freights between Savannah anil all points on Pensacola A’ Railroad ami Florida ceiitnu Kan Road wilf sTi.p tu . rates and without breaking bulk. 11. S. HAINES, 25 Geu’l Sup t. uSTOTICIe. COLLFCTOU’S OFFICE, ) l nited States Internal Revenue, > First District of Georgia, 4th Division. ) Quitman, Oet. 22,1866. KNOW all Men by these Presents, that I, or Deputy Collector 11. F. Mabbett, will be at Thomasville. in the County ot Thomas, ou the Second Tuesday in November, and re main three days, for the purpose Os collecting the Internal Revenue Taxes. All persona who have made returns to Assistant Assessor T. S. Hopkins, iu the County of Thomas, are re quired to make payment at the above men tioned time and place. Failing so to do, will be subjected to ttie penalties of the law ALEX. X. WILSON. Coi r. 11. h ■ MABBETT; De-p’v, oct 25 ‘ 2t f! LOltClA—Thouiaa County. Court of Ordinary, Oct. 18, 1866. WKeren*. C. E. Evans makes application to this Conrt for Letters of Guardianship for the persons, property and effects of James F, Julia E, Addie. \\ illiani and Fanny Evans minors of It. li. Evans, deceased .—All per sons interested are notified to tile their objec tions in Court, otherwise said letters will be grauted the appilcant iu terms of the law. 11. H TOOKE, oct 25 30d Ordinary. Notice to Distributees. X"-the Heirs .at Lave and-Distributees of the estate pi’ .Mary Atkinson, of Thomas Cpun ‘ .tr and State of ‘Georgia, deceased : ‘Am the Kepresentati ve of said estate, it is necessary that I should know the names, resi dence and number of betn wddhtrilmteei, le gaily, of said deceased : —Tou .are therefore notified to furnish me with the desired Intor mation, bv or before the first Monday, in Jan uary,. 18w. which ‘ information is necessary, before a division of said estate can be-ha-d. • . • M. C. SMITH, Oct 18T ‘ ■. Adm’r. ■ TINWARE. At Wholesale and Retail. rpllh undersigned are now■ manufacturing 1 Tl.\ \VARK tof. all-kinds, and are prepared to fill all orders, .either by wholesale. I or retail. IIEP AIRING and ROOFING done at. short notice.. • * of the Big Coffee Pot. A. & li. SMITH. Thomasville; Gar. Oct 16 42-ts QWEET ’OPOPONAX FROM MEXICO! Nature could not produce a richer Gerii or Choicer rerfurao. Try it and he convinced. . E. T. SMITH & CO., New York. ARE now receiving a large and-complete Stock of • DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, Hats and Caps, GROCERIES, l ■ Hardware and Cutlery, Crockery Ware, BAGGING- AND ROPE, In fact, any and everything that a Planter or any one else needs, which we are determined to JEJIEjLiZL. -A.S XxO'W” As any house in the place. -. E!IP Call and examine for yourselves. I charge made for showing goods. y#Mlighest market prices paid for Cotton, Wool, Hides and other Country Produce. £ITAIko receiving a fresli lot of SEED OATS AND RYE. C.'jf’At the old stand of Ainsworth & San ford, next door to I. Kubitslu k|und Brother. Oct 18. 42 ts Buggies ! r E have on hand, and are constantly re- T ▼ ceiving, the best make of Northern Buggies. Those desiring any thing in that line, will do well to give us a call before purchasing else where. We sell Low for the Cash. M. C. SMITH & SON. Oct 11 41-ts CiWEJT OPOPONAX ! Ladies, in their morning calls, carry joy and gladness, when perfumed with Sweet Opoponax. Oct 18 3m Administrator’s Sale. • KOKti 1.4 —Tliomnn County. Agreeable to an order of the Court of Or : dinary of said County, will be sold before the Courthouse door, in Thomasville, on the first ■ Tuesday in December next, all the lands be longing to the estate of Murdock McKinnon, late of said County, deceased, to wit: Two Lots of Land, numbers not known, hut known as tiie place whereon resides the widow of said deceased, in the Grooverville . District of j said County,-Consisting of 981) acres —widow's I dower.excepted. * ‘ , Terms on the day of sa'e. M. C. SMITH, Oct 18-td . Admr.’ SWEET OPOPONAX! The only ele gant Perfume. Is found on all toilets, ! and never stains the handeerohiet. Oct 18 3m . Extract from Minutes of the In ferior Court • GK9KCIA —Thomas County. Inferior Codiit in Chambers, > Thomasville', Oct. 2, 1860. j IT is ordered that a Tax be levied as follows, . to meet the demandsand claims against the I County, -viz: • ‘ One hundred per cent. On the State Tax, for County purposes. Fifty per cent, for the Small Pox expenses. One hundred per cent, to pay for Provisions purchased to feed Soldiers’ families before the j surrender of the armies, and.during the -year 1855. • • Fifteen per cent, for Poor Tax. ft. H. HARDAWAY, j. i. r. HENRY MITCHELL, j. i.c. ANSEL DEKLE, j i. c.’ I Lebb. Dekle, c. i. c. . : Oct n • / ‘■ 30d ; \T OTI C C T< IYKBTOKS A VI) 1 JLvl CREDITORS- —All persons indebted to f the estate of Francis Kearse. late of Thomas County, deceased, are required to make pay ment to the undersigned, and all persons hav | ing claims against the same, will present them in terms of the law. M. C. SMITH, i Oct 18-40,1 Ailin'r. (< FOKGI A—'l'lioina< County. ON the first Monday in December next, I will apply to the honorable Court of Ordinary, i of said Jomity, for an order granting leave to sell the land of Patrick Whidden, dec’d, of said county. J- HANCOCK, | oct 18-2 tn Adm’r. fiKOKb 1A —Tlimil;ih County. Agreeable to an order of the honorable | Court of Ordinary, of-said county, will be .’ ■* before the Courthouse door, in Them -*^ V 1 e > f..” 1 E- i bonrs sale, oil the first Tuesday in December the Lands I of Patrick Whidden, dec’d. Said land adjoins the lands of JaniesHancock, dec’d Terms of sale, cash J. HANCOCK, oct 18-40d Adm’r. AS C OKAS lA —Thoiuiui Con uty. ON the first Monday in December next, I will apply to the honorable Court of Ordinary of said county, for an order granting leave tin Seli the Lands and Home Place of James Ilan i cock, dec and, late of said county. J. Hancock, oct 13-2 m AdinV. AS K OKAS lA—Thomas Comity. Agreeable to an order and by autliorifv of j the honorable Court of Ordinary of said coun tv. will be sold -before the Courthouse door, in Tlioniasville, within the legal hours of sale, the Lands and Home Place of James Hancock, : deceased—about 30(1 acres, with 125 cleared, ! ready for cultivation. The Land is good ! Terms of sale, cash. j. Hancock. oct 18-40d • Adm'r. AS KORAS lA—Erliol* County. WhcTcan, John G. Howell, Administrator , of Jesse Howell, having filed his Petition in this Court tor Letters of Dismission from his administration :—This is therefore to admonish all concerned, to show cause if any they can, why said letters should not be granted at’a reg ular term of this Court, after the expiration of : six months. Given under my hand and ffiocial signature, this Ist dav of October, 1866 THUS. B. CLAYTON, Oct 11 bin Ordinary. THE PLACE It I,EI UlItT If WIT! B. REMINGTON 4 SON ARK RECEIVING THEIR FALL & WINTER STOCK! CONSISTING OF - AND FANCY DRY GOODS IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS ’ Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Toilet Articles and Perfumery, Notions, Hardware and Cutlery, Tin Ware, . Books and Stationery, Crockery, Queerisware and • Glassware, Paper Hangings, Wood and Willow Ware, House Furnishing Goods, Saddlery & Harness, • . Sewing Machines, Paints, ‘ Oils and Dye Stuffs,. • Groceries, Yiz-:—Coffee', Tea, Sugar, Syrups, Spices, Pre ■ serves, Pickles, Caned. Fruits and Fish, Fine AN ines . • • •• • and Liquors, for medicinal use. And all articles usually'kept in a Variety Store, which we offer for stile on'reasonablo terms. llPThough. we may not be so exceedingly polite , we glad at alljimcs to SHOW and sell our wares. • _ • represent several first class Fire Insurance Companies.- • oct 25-43 To Cotton Planters ’ AND . • • ’ SHIPPERS. E. F. METCALFE. . E. M. BRUCE & CO. JNO. W. CONNOR. E. F. METCALFE & CO , COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. 5, Stoddard’s Lower Range, Bay Street, SAVANNAN, GA. We are now prepared to make liberal Cash Advances on Consignments ot Cotton to the well known and responsible Houses of Messrs. Norton, Houghton &. Co-, New York, and J. 11. Gilliatt &. Cos., Liverpool. To the patrons of the above firms, we maV safely promise the fullest satisfaction in sales and quick remittan ces of balances due. To those consigning to us for sale in Savannah, we promise our prompt and personal attention to their interest. Oct 18 EXECUTORS’ 1 SALE WILL lie sold before the Court House door in Thomasville. Thomas County, Geo., on the FIRS T MONDA Tin !> !'■ OF MB FII next, all the lands lying in said County, be longing to the estate of E. R. Young, dec and, consisting of two Plantations: —One eight miles south west of Thomasville, on the Bain bridge Road, lying on both sides of the Oclr lockonee River, containing thirty-live hundred acres; eight hundred cleared and in a good state of cultivation, with all necessary build ings. . . • - The oilier Plantation is sixteen miles from Thomasville, three miles from No. 18, A&G Railroad, containing forty-one hundred and sixty-five acres, about twelve hundred cleared ami in a fine stnte of cultivation with all lieees sarv buildings. Will be sold’ also, on the first Tuesday in December next, before the Court House door, in Valdosta,- Loundes. County, Ga., the Pbui tation belonging to the estate of said E. R. Young, deceased, lying thirteen miles south of Valdosta, containing twenty-six hundred and ninety-five acres, between six and seven him dred cleared and in a good state Os cultivation, with all necessary buildings. All the foregoing sold by virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Thomas County, Georgia, for distribution, as directed in t lie last Will and Testament of saidE. R. Young, dec’d Terms : —One-third cash, balance in one and two years, with interest, secured by personal Security and mortgage on the Land. D. S. BRANDON, • W. J. YOUNG, Sept 27-10 t Executors. ESTATE SALE. WILL be sold lit the late residence of Dun . can Ray, deceased, on Thursday, Btli of November, proximo, the lollowirig property, to wit: ’ • ’ Household and Kitchen Furniture. Agricultural Implements. Blacksmith and Carpenter’s Tools. “ Road Wagon, Carts, Carriage and Buggy, etc., etc. Also, at the same time and place, a lot of about 20 head of Stock Cattle; some of them excellent Milch Cows. Sold for division among the heirs- Terms oh day of sale- DUNCAN S. RAY’. Oct 11 . • 41-51 Two Moutlis. Notice. ’ GGOKRIA —Thotuas County. ON the first Monday in December next, I will apply to the honorable Court ofOrdinary of said County, for an order granting leave to sell the Lands of William Collins, deceased — wieow’s dower excepted. ELIZABETH n Oct 18-2 m |oi*l nays Notice. <u<KOlt<iilA —Thomas County. A-grecnbl-e to an order umj by authority from the honorable Court of Ordinary of said Countv, will be sold before the Courthouse door, in Thomas\*ille, said County, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in De cember next, the Real Estate and Heine Place of William Collins, deceased—widow’s dower •excepted, Terms on day of sale. ELIZABETH COLLINS, Oct 18-40 - Adm’x. SWEET OPOPONAX! Is the sweetest Extract made. Supercedes all others. Try it once ; will use no other. . oct 18-3 m Executor’s Sale. tiKOltblA —Thomas County. W r ILL be sold before the Courthouse door in Thomasville, on the first Tuesday in December, next, lot of Land Two hundred and sixty-five (265), and fractional lot number two hundred and sixty-six (266), consisting of 277 acres. Said Lands situated near Armo lJa Lake, on the Florida Line, and known as the home place of said deceased. Sold as the property of John M. Ferrell, late of said County, dee’a, for distribution uuiong the Legatees. G. B. STRICKLAND, Oct 18 td Ex’r. ANEW PERFUME! Called Swket Opoponax From Mexico, manufac tured by E. T. Smith & Cos., New York, is making a sensation wherever it is known. Is very delicate, and itsfragrauce remains on the handkerchief for days. —Evening Dulled/ 1, Philadelphia. oct 18-3 m We will keep always on lmnd a full supply of Planters and Merchants may rely on having their orders tilled promptly, at’ the lowest market rates. t3"*Dr. Rob't j. Bruce, of Thomasville, is authorized to pay Taxes and other expenses, and to make liberal advances on Consignments to the above houses. E. F. METCALFE & CO. 42 ts D. G. PURSE. D. R. THOMAS. PURSER THOMAS, mmm, mt mm jui Shipping Merchants, -■Vo. 11l Bay St.. SAVA Will, GA. General Agents for Georgia for, the following well known Companies : Tiic Wilder i*ateiat Salaman der Sale Company, Manufacturing the oldest and best Fire Proof Safe in tile world. Flic Greal liend Scale C’oni’y With a full supply of different.sizes and strles of Scales always on hand, from small Counter ! to largest size Platform. Vonpareii Washing Machine. | Beyond question the BEST Washing Machine now in use, giving universal satisfaction, and ’ supplying it great necessity in its labor saving qualities. . . j Ceoi jria Chemical Works, • OF SAVANNAH. GA. Their superior brand of FAMILY SOAP now offered to the public at a price below Northern Soaps, is warranted equal to the best, gnd fan superior to many. Also, Sole Agents at Savannah, for The Mapes Super-Phosphate of IJtllC. Its application to Cotton, Corn and Garden Vegetables has always been attended with most satisfactory and flattering results. The history of its use South, for the past fifteen years, justly places it in the Front rank of Fer tilizers. I lie Atlantic &. Gulf Railroad Com pany, with great liberality to the planters along its line, propose to carrv this fertilizer at the following rate per 100 lbs": To “No’s 1, IMi and 2, at 15 cents per hundred. A I ‘'i 4^l, at cents per hundred. 5,6, 7 and 7Mi, at 20 cts. per hundred. . 8, A?’* 0 and 10, at 23 cts. per hundred. 10Mi, 11, 12 and 13, at 25 cts. per cwt If, 15, 15am) 16, at 28 cts. per cwt. 17, 18 and 19, at 30 cents per hundred. We will cheerfully furnish pamphlets con taming full particulars of this Super-Phosphate to any one addressing us. . Also, Sole Agents at Savannah for Horace L. Emery & Son’s Impr .ved Cotton Gin and Con denser. •For the first time offered for inspection \ Planters'*’ °—-<* ia. ‘ ,! n is adapt ell to i ‘.i Gong and Short Cotton. The Gin may be seen in operation at Valdosta, with our Agents, Messrs. Pendleton &. Rountree, or at our place in Savannah. Also, Sole Agents at Savannah for James Metcalfe & OILS, of Louisville, Ky. Lubricating, Head Light and Machinery Oils always on hand; at Manufacturers Prices. Along the line of the Atlantic <fc Gulf Rail Road, with Counties adjoining, and Florida, having been appointed Agents for Messrs. Purse Si Thomas, we are prepared to furnish all articles advertised by them, tit their lowest Savannah lYices, with Freight and Drayage to points of delivery along our route, without Commission or any other expense to purcha sers. PENDLETON Si ROUNTREE, . Oct 18-Sm Valdosta, Ga. Administrator's Sale. WILL be sold at my house, ion the Albany Rotid, 3 miles from Thomasville,) oil Saturday, 20th inst., all the Cattle and House hold Furniture, belonging to the estate of N. T. McMath, deceased. T. C. McMATn, Oet 11 -It Adm’r. TWO MONTHS from date application A will lie made to Echols Court of Ordinary, tor leave to sell the Lands of the estate of Jas. Touchtoue, late of said County, dec’d. WII. TOCCHTONE, Oct 11-60d* .Adm’r. GEORGIA—THoimum County. AGREEABLE to an order of Court. I will sell before the Court House door in Thomas ville, said County, within the legal hours of sale on the First Tuesday in December next, the Lauds of W 1‘ Carter, dec’d. Terms cash. ALEX. CARTER, Oct 4-td Adm’r. GREAT INDUCEMENTS To Persons who wish to Invest tlieir Capital! WE will offer for sale on Thursday, the Ist dav of November next, at lVpot and Station N umber 20, S A- A. G. Railroad, a num ber of Business and Reside nt Lots. Said Sta tion is 12 miles by Rail Road west of Tlionj asville, and the contemplated place for the- Junction of said Road with a Kail Road. tx> Albany, Georgia. Number 20 is stirronndcd by a productive and healthy section of country, and will be a desirable place for business. Persons desiring- to engage iu business, will find it to their intere t to attend said sale. Tkkms of Sale—One-third cash, with bond for titles. The lemaimler payable on the lAtli dav of January next, when a Warrantee Title will be made. • . JAMES 11. HAYES, • H. 11. TOOKE. Get 11 _______ ■ • 41-td . OCTOBER, ISGG. Fall & Winter GOODS, tVv Oder to iltv I*ul>lie n I'iw A• lurii t es DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CONFECTIONARIES*. &cl . Also, u well selected •stock of ’ READY MADE Cloth ing , | BOOTS AND SHOES, • HATS tfc CAIPS! Umbrellas, Yankee XetiuMK, jtc., &c., Jtc. The Ladies are particularly invited to exam ine our Goods, as we have many article* tn please them. ■ i We will exchange any thing w* have for Country Produce Os all Kinds, Upon favorable terms, and have effected ar rangements by which we will be in constant receipt of all goods in otir line. &. .11 itcTiell. Oct 11 41 ts Something New! Porcelain ZoonopjrapUs.l TII K KREATEMT IttPHOl K ME.NT VET MtfiE l.\ THE IMIOTOUKVIHIIC AKT! MIS. JEEFEKS takes pleasure in in forming the E- I dies and (iemltrrnsn of I Thomasville. that he has eltertcd ;ui engagr- I meat (fora short time only), with Professor | TiiiGiMN, the celebrated Artist from Memphis, | Tennessee, who will introduce his new ami , original style of Pictnre called Porcelain Zoo-’ j nugrupliH. the beauty of which cannot he fl*. ; scribed, but must he seen to he appreciated, i Ladies and Gentlemen arc cordially invited j to call and examine these (Jems of Art". I X. B.— Photographs and Ferrotypes taken I its tisrml. _ 1 I^*opending hours from 9a. ru..till 4p. rs.. ° ct 4 _ _ ts LOOKOUT MOI ST I Educational Institutions. | TITHE winter session will begin Nov. 15. 1866, ! 1 and close April 1, 1867. Board and Tui i tion slOll, one-half payable upon entrance, th* | remainder, January 23, J 867. Drawing, Music, j and Modern languages, extra. For -Circular with full particulars,-addrev* the Principal, Rev: E. F. WILIJAMK, Oct 4 2tn ChattaniK'ga, TVnn, Executor's Sale. IN pursuanceof and by virtue of a Decree of the Honorable the Superior Court ofTlioru as County, will be sold before the Courthouse door in Thomasville. Tlioums County, (}., on the First Tuesday in December next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property belonging to the estate of John Walden, need, to wit.:—The plantation known as the Peyton Walden place, consisting of Lots No. 272, 273, 218 and 233, in the 18th District of, originally Early, now Thomas County—some six him i dTed acres cleared land, with good Gin Housw and Screw, and seven negro houses. Also, lots in the Town ofThoinasville, known as Nos 5 and <, in Block 2. Column I—No. tl, Block 2, Column 3. No. 72. Block 1, Column t. No.. 92 and 93, Block 6. Column 4. No. 106, Block 5, Colnmn-5, Nos. 114, 115. H(> and H 7, Block 3, Column 6, No. 118,.810ck 4, Column 6, .No- 119, Block 1, Column 7, -No. 120, Block ‘2, Column 7, North East Section of -the Town. Also, the place known as the Gray Place. Also, 3,4, 5 and 6, in Letter X, and 3 feet extending through said Letter‘X. Terms made known on the dsiv of sal.*.. ANSEL DEKLK, * Oct 4-60d • Sur’g Ex’r._ STEAM saw AND GRIST MILL For Sale. r'JTHE undersigned now offers for sale hi* X Steam Saw and Grist Mill, near Thomas ville, known as the Graves Mill—in complete running order and now sawing, with he tlor of three hands, from 2500 to 3000 feet Os lum ber per day. Stock Carts, fools. Oxen, and all other implements for carrying‘on the busi ness,.sold with the Mill. Price SISOO Cash- - If not sold by the first of December, thi* oiler wilt be wilhdrtrwn. • _E Cl TIIOMP§ON. Sept 27 - - 39-2mr ‘ TAX NOTICE. THE following are niy appointments for the purpose of collecting the Taxes of Thorn* as County,- viz: . • Glasgow, 17th October, 1860. Station, 18th October.. _ . . Boston, 19th October. Ochlockonee. 23rd October. Thomasville, 20th October. Murphv’s, 24th October. 17tli District, 30th October. 18th District, 31st October. Duncanville, 3rd November. . . Oct Ii ts S. A. DICKEf. WEET OPOI’ONAX FROM MEXICO New, very rare, rich and fashionable perfume. The finest ever imported or manu factured in the United States. Try it and. be convinced. • • . SWEET OPOPONAX FROM MEXICO \ The most elegant and essential per-, sonal requisite for a lady, “ Extract K Sweei Opoponax.” E, T. SMITH & CO.. New York|