Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 01, 1866, Image 2

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Swtbfrn Enterprise o L. & BBYAN, : : : : Editor. THOMASVILLE, GA.: TiIURSDAY, NOV’BFR I, 1866. We call attention to the advertise ment of Mrs. James Russell, offering her residence for sale - . . - • •> ‘ —■■■■■ - Mclmire desire? us to inform her frieu 1? and former patron? that ?he has returned to Thomasville. an*l nay for the present he found at the Railroad Hotel. Her advertisement will appear next week. ‘'■ - - - invite the special attention of farmers ami others, to the advertisement of Messrs. E. M. Bruce & Cos., Commi-siou Merchants at Savannah, Ga., published in this issue. Our worthy fellow citizen, Dr. Robert J. Bruce, is the agent for this firm in Tho”nasville, and has been supplied with ample funds for liberal advances. i— ■ •- • “ “ Support of thr Ministry—We publish on our first page to-d.iy, the “ Plan for raising money for the support of the Min istry.” adopted by the Bainhridge District Conference of tlic Methodist Church. The plan is substantially the same as that adop ted early in the present year, with the con sent an I advice of the Pastor and Congre gate.n, by the board of Stewards of the Methodist Church in Thomasville. Let it be carefully read and understood by ad concerned. Beviral. —An interesting meeting has just closed at Col. Rockwell’s School House, near Philadelphia Methodist Church, in this County, during which fourteen per •on? joined the Methodist. Church, and sev eral Others the Presbyterian. This meet ing was conducted by the Rev. M p . Giles, of the • rooverville Circuit, assisted by Rev. Josephus Anderson of Thomasville. —— - -4 * *• ■ * ■More <iool Meeting?.—Our Missionary Bapti-t friends have been holdiug an As sociation near Boston, in this County, and also the Primitives, at Antioch, the latter just closed—the toriner. last week. Both, we understand, had refreshing times, Tai oil Colton I* rod need in 1N0.5 I’lieoiistitutionnl. — Mr. Jas. T. Flewellen informs the Columbus Enquirer, that lie lias the opinion of one of the ablest lawyers in New York city, also the opinion of able lawyers in this State, that the tax on Cot ton produced in 1865, or any previon? year, is dearly uneonstitutioual, nod he advises owners of said Cottou to refuse to pay the. tix. The War in Xontli Amnion.—On the Ist of September the Allied moved up the Panama river (o attack Fort Curnxate, an out post of Fort llunatu, I’aragua. They came upon a masked battery and were re pulsed. On the second, battle was renewed when the Iron Clad Rio Jeneiro, was blown up by torpedoes and toe whole crew peri sh ed. Wonirn of 111 Fame.—Upwards of fifty women of ill fame perished by the founder ing of the ill fated Evening Star. “The wicked shall be cut off,’’ &c. Meeiinu of thr l,<-gi?inlurr.—The Le gislature of Georgia meets to-day, and as the Constitutional Amendment will proba bly be the first measure taken up for con sideration, Georgia will speedily add her dissent to that of Texas. u Repudiations or Relief for the people will probably be the next question considered, and here, many are expecting the Legislature, in violation of the Constitution, of rigin and of honor, to pass a sweeping measure ut terly obliterating all their old debt obliga tion. These will be disappointed, if there is any wisdom in the Legislature. Never theless. the Legislature should, and, we have no doubt will, provide the best remedy for the relief of the people their wisdom cm devise under the difficulties attending the nature of the case. IIII.TON A KAXDEI.L. One of the largest Grocery firms in Sa vannah.are out again in a large advertise ment b fore the people in this section, and we call the attention of our readers to the e vine. MEHMRN. A. RRSt IIEK A CO. Th - enterpri-ing firm of Savannah, re view tb* ir adverti-ernent in to-day’s issue, an i off-T the same great advantages to t ii- r- of dry g od-. When you visit .’ jvannah, don’t forget to give them a call. MI. •***. DKEVRK A ISAAC 1: ! tie ti'le of a tie w firm just opened in ‘I - tic and now prepared for trade, , - 1 J • •.r advertisement. Ml IV VOI It SIPPIJEA f ---\ ’ Vi iglin, of the firm of Ains r ■ ‘■, i- now about to ■ ■ e Sortl eat. an 1 will pur ;• .>■<-. -. ppin--for those desiring V . - well known as a gentle • ,• .< •-! > oiii iing, thoiough bu irgt experie at i. Ee of Jep ,ri u;. • 4 • • •. . ? I ‘ll‘KOll 111 VI? IV to IVV. • • ’ eit ; we inhabit, and it ttiitig whi ?aid ■ ■ • subject of OH! - bat we think a brief * ■ ••- * t-j- ■ -i I,!i ■ .> • -i I iht-i <- bti- been 110 > iof .* t* i. bu> • feel sure that the pop netting period, • >’ • i la evi-iy <li - ri He w •. i% •••.-• gis i . •■ w dwi:'ling Imu Lev sc? - • --■ ■ ■ -! . i.t • n .21 1 aoi i-j in - ■ ijf UvSM. f Still . altojfr iief < ? •. i!t. ‘•/ t.r I.b’-Htae I ’ ■ • ’ • • • ‘•; ■ ’g ■ /'l,’ !■ :!O to. ’ ‘ - . ..... f r ‘I, r I w . !,* |,e ‘‘ ’ ■’ * * - Vi .me 11411 • ■ U. ft J Hut**, b 4 1, i ‘ . . j, e - j o . | e * an I lie 1 * - /•- * *• *<> 1 1. y | roprt - * *- t 1 ‘-jf t* • ■ 1, i i-.toglil ‘ “ I o ‘!'< tlp / 1 *“ r w *of a*i liiipovlog “ **“ ■*” f*.liti Itimli ( ihi wo / ‘‘j ’■ •?’ * ‘ otqrtHlHy I .• ••• I|p i *■ *’ •• 1’ -*-V *-‘-4 1 •iafnl pinf, 1 - r 1 1 • tin it ...... . VO of lilv in. tv*, I I IU t pus .'I ’ - f 14 to tint of tii# latg? *lty t coi uvr tjl tli ii|.| un i j l * ‘* ‘iii: M Hji Ot *O-1 I ~01,1 il ( ’ ‘- 1 ’ • touch IMllllf jly SMij iv j rio.local good. The tiii a . .- 1 ■ 1.1 pub 1 iu tuttaiued Ui uud virtti has I ’■ - ! ..I .I. -L ,£\ _ J 1 ton p. ..petty ot I • <l.v <lll * i.. 1 b . ituiifvij or>.r .< v- 1 other bluokr and a acts t'etuc <-ry j.urvuav*d ia bcauulul gryuads aud splendidly laid off in lots, walks, carriage : , ways. &c. These lots are do be sold to the 1 highest bidder, and will rot only pay the ; original cost of the entire groun 1: but will > also furnish a large surplus fund to be ex pended in laying out and ornamenting the Cemetery. These are important points gained, and the Mayor and Council deserve ranch credit for th* able manner in which they met and | overcame the numerous difficulties a? they ( arose. Let the succeeding board follow in 1 their footsteps, and unflinchingly perse vere in the good work, and we shall lack but one thing to make Thomasville what her geographical position entitles her to be—and that one thing, i the Railroai to Albany. This question must not be allow ed to slumber. Our interests demand its construction, even if it should cost us half , our wealth. Money subscribed to the building of this rail road is not thrown away, or lost in speculation j. but money iriretted to return the owner handsome divi dend*, and to double the value *of alt the property he now hold?. JfEff METIIOOIST CUI Rra. Our Methodist friends, aod all others who may feel inspired by their liberality, or Christian zeal or duty, to aid us in the construction ot anew Methodist Church in Thomasville, are informed that we, the edi tor of this paper, are now taking subscrip tions for that purpose, and sincerely hope, that the brethren, sisters and friends, will meet us in a spirit of liberality. Some have already nobly done their duy, bu’ ! few have yet been callel upon. Let all contribute to the extent of their ability, i he building of this Church is an absolute necessi y, and the work has been entered upon advisedly and with the determination to complete it. Those who are not mem- I bers of any church, are generally tegirded as the subjects of all. and are consequently i expected to contribute liberally to each, j If they do not like this position, they can j easily avoid it by immediately repenting | of their sins and “choosing whom they ! will serve.” If every individual belonged j to some church, we should never lack funds to build handsome churches. But we have heard of some persons who belonged to no church, and yet professed 1 to be very liberal to all. In a few instances such persons have been liberal to all the chuiches in their neighborhood, but we have known other*, who nvtJe fortunes among these people, an 1 yet met the ap plication of eich church for money, with a plea of the large amounts they had contri buted to the others, at an apology for (heir parsimony. Now, We believe it is the boun ilen duty of every man who thrives and ac cumulates wealth through the patronage of .a community, to contribute liberal’/, not ! parsimoniously, to the support of all their r laudable enterprises and institutions, no matter whether they meet his views or not. ‘ And we hold further, that men who will |. not show this much gratitude for a liberal I patronage, are unworthy of that patron- I age, and the public could bestow their j favors where they would be turned to no | bier account. VO IMPEACIIMEAT. The Savannah Republican, a Radical j mr nal. quotes from the Boston Traveller , a “thorough going Radical paper,” that there will be no “ impeachment” of the Pre sident. The Traveller says the country is weary of the bitter strife, and that the trial : for impeachment would outlast the term of 1 the President, and consequently, instead | of quieting the country, make matters ; worse. The Republican argues that tlie ■ excitement has toned down considerably i i during the past few weeks, and that fliere | is every where discoverable, a disposition ] ■ to do away with the rancorous spirit which 1 characterized the speeches of the Radical ! leaders, &.C. The gre it majority of the I dominant party, continues the Republican, are determined to oppose any such move as that of impeachment, &c. How these fellows have come down since j the l ite elections. They were victorious, what are they afraid of? The truthcomes out their small majorities. They are very fussy and very violent when overwhelming in numbers, but grow “ beautifully less,” in lone as in nutnbets, when danger ap proaches. * • - * stsj~The Baltimore troubles are in course of ami .able setilement. Generals, Grant and Sherman had an interview with the President on the 26th ult: The election in AYest Virginia on the 25th ult., shows a gain for the Constitu tional Amendment. Boreman was elected Governor and Hubbard to Ccngres?. Gen. Lafayette McLaws, of Ga., has been pardoned by the President. gsjy' r> ov. Jenkins has appointed Hon. David A. Vason, judge of the S. AY. Judi cial Circuit. Hon. R. A. Clark, resigned. - ■ jroß THE SOUTHERN ESt EttrKlSE.] ItEPI ttl ATIOIV. Leon County, Fedridy, Ocr. ’66. Mr. Editor n—l never fit t ut too er thre tellurs too the press an uary one of - them • got in. llowsometer, 1 will rite another an tri you. One of them was too Jes Davis too stop the war an he would’ni. do other was to Mister Dyke uv the Floreedean to put nil the rich men in the military ser vice uv the Confederacy, lie also refused too respond to the request. I siw sum men readiu in your paper, (other day, jest like one you gin me, an 1 j lost it afore 1 got home, or 1M a marked 1 lie place, and got by hart evry word, tur j it was all bout repuderation , an 1 herd one sa ! it would tuin 1 lie poor men an t'aten the Lawyers - so I got closer so l Could hear it all, and l found that he was a siinpathctic man that rot 4 the j eace in your paper,'an I kotiklitde that lie is either a poor man that dont owe nobody, or a rich man that owes ery body. By the wa. Mister- Edi tor. did you ever no eny poor luen to owe ht/ drlt [ lliorl nobody would trust poor men, whoo works hard an makes but litllo. The man that gits tru-t is the man that 1 ules fine bosses, drives fine buggies, drinks tuie tickers an smokes line aegars. lie < to bo try mu'iy when ho wants too, on Ins piomise too pay interest, nu when the ineny 1* doou lie pays it oil’ in repuderation. But etil he exeUitnes that it we dont repu let ate 11 will ruin I lie poor men—wipe out ,11 an - •* ‘ , ~ Tint too, IhJ -1.-e>pects too Hive by that opera shtill, the property be bus akquired from bis ilestlino! tuibur, without payin fur it. H iii’ ti 1 1 tbe best, A|istor Editor, a stab in ibe bank or in 1 In* Itummack f Dont hold tbe in in tliaiH ruiinin in pursuit uv p aii. r no allnu 1 lie out! iluiis Hein to; turn ■•0 him with I lie dnlly weapon—that* foul ld.y no *o i? repuderallon. 1 cant sa that 1 lie men n own dels are all poor men, but min thing I can ?a is, thn burnt I rule to pa 1 |,etu in 1 liihh par Did you ever see a imui 1 bit did’nl uwo any body, that wur tin a Ivor ,in of repuderation T No, ner you never will. • Tl h mi that the war has 1.- till linl 1 ■ truin pain llirr drts. atx! that inn In I MW, but |)A oil yOU eon —that? the . . n.i i o .10 .! ■ -n—> Let the-low ex 1, 1 pi mull fur you 100 live on, but work I. .. i\, an you will not only pa your just deif tint y. u’l iniproove nit make your • iiuniry pros perns too. Thats tbe wa the min done who* lent you tbe mony yon want tioi rt puderaie Repuderation tares loon one aide all bl|;U Up (Ollier, all UU lariUUatly, it Wilds up lb* rung side, fur it upholds the men that dont work, sn (hit are now livin on property tha bought an never -pa le fur. Reptidrration wil be the’. . Mri (kr offit, au ilia wil deklare that w man wil be 1 : hand es thadon: reMtentawbal if every body owes mony. whoo in the wurld do tin owe it too? Tlie riteria your paper things : he noes wher the poor man’s hart is. but 1 your humble survantdus kno that the rich man's hart lies at the bottom uv of his j pocket, whur it palpertates whenever he i thinks of non-repuieration. - j Mtstur Editur, es you find out that re puJeration rnt/s< come, to save the country, the poor men, an 100 starve the lawyers, doo rite an let me know, so that I may cum too town an by myself rich on a credit, an be redv to pa off my ere liturs in repudera j tioa. ’ _ SEBH- Proceedings of Council. COI’.WIIi ROOM, Oct. ‘29, l-t>6- Council met this day in regular meeting. Present lion. P. McGlsshan, Mayor, Alder men Bower, Stark, Tooke, Taylor and Ste- . ’ gall. i The minutes of the last meeting were ! read and approved. The rules being suspended, on motion, < seconded and carried, the 2d section of the ! Ordinance to authorize a Public Wei 2 her of the Town of Thoaiasv'lle, was altered to read as follows : Sec. 2. Be it further ordained by the j authority afotesai 1, That the duty of the : ■ sail Public Weigher shall be, to carefully weigh all Cotton brought for that purpose ; to the Town of Thomasville, and keep a i correct register of the weights and the owner’s name; and, when so required by i die owner or persou having control of the Cottop at the time of its being weighed, j legibly mark said weight on said Cotton : with the initials P. W. directly over said ; { weight. An account of Dr. E. Seizas for 83, and ; J. Schiff £ Bro„ for sl, were presented I and ordered to be paid. 11 i 3 Honor the M yor laid before Coun cil the Maps of the Town and Cemetery, which were ordered to be framed for pre , servaiion with a substantial.oTk-frame and plate glass, and put in charge of the .Mayor. On motion it was ordered, that the Clerk | shall, for the time being, be charged with 1 the sale of the Lots of Laurel Ilill Ceme i terv nnd shall sell the same at not less j than twenty nor more than forty dollars per lot, according to size and situation, until directed otherwise. On motion, the time for receiving Town Tuxes was extended to the 10th of Novem ber next, ; Council then adjourned. WM. CLINE, Clerk. - • • • r _ Humors —Important if true, Mew York, Oct. 1 12. — The Tri bune's Washington special says: At the last Cabinet uieetioir it was i resolved to demand payment at-the ‘ hands of the British Government in full for all the outrages committed by the rebel privateers, which were fitted out in England, infractions to carry out this decision were sent to Mr, Adams la-1 Thursday. The Govern- ‘ ment will not agree to a compromise on | the subject j It is also stated that it has been de j termined to recommend to Congress ; 1 that we pay the French claims on Mexico, and receive Mexican t rritory in exchange, probably in the neigh ! borhood of Gttayamas. New York, Oct 22.—The Wash- J j button correspondent of the Times says: The Mexican question at last draws ,to a complete and positive solution. I | shall be disappointed it before this let t< r is printed there is not at least a semi-official announcement that the immediate withdrawal ot the French I and Maximilian from Mexico is a fixed ’ fact. The causes of his solution have ; already been foreshadowed. It is briefly i the assumption of a protectorate by this Government over Mexico, which i shall guarantee the French claims, and j in compensation therefor the Mexican S Government cedes the peninsula ot } Lower California and other territory to the United States. -. •- - - Important Announcement from Gru. tral Sheridan. New Orleans, Oct. 26—Gen. Sheriu in has addressed a letter to C* 1. Sedgwick, cotmuantiingat Brownsville, instructing him to warn all adherents of any party or pret ‘tiding government of Mexico that they wilj not he per mitted to violate the laws between the Juarez Liberal government of Mexico . and the United Sut s. These instruc tions will be enforced against the ad herents of. the Imperial buccaneers, , representing the so-called Imperial ■ Government of Mexico, and ‘ also against the Ortega, Jfanta Anna and , other factions. T'u L ist Steamship Evening Star n Death Trap. —The New York cor | respondent of the Charleston. Courier says the feeling of that city against the owners of the Ust steamship is that of intense indignation. •• It. was notorious.” says the writer, that she was unseaworthy ; that a part of l er hull was rotten; that she was ineffi. oicntly manned, and she was short of bouts. La t January the passengers to New Orleans bad an indignation meeting on board and denounced the Company for their meanness in provi ding for the comfort and safety of their customers Yet in spite of all thi the company continued to niri the death trap, and knowingly hurried into die jaws of one u' nQTrfred human beings who went t - pne s with, the ship in the gde of wvik. The neiMfnpers are urg ing the relatives of the victims to pro secute the company for damages. — There is no quesdon that there was culpable neglect, and there is not a ■ iu \ in die land but w tint. grar.t the plaintiffs a heavy verdtet. •Mr. Jones have i pot a match ? , ‘Yes, sir,—a match for the and. vd; there she is. mixing up dough.’ Joi cs pott ted to hia wila, and * tu’ t . r . iLe trout door. Ihe last we saw o! .L-nes he.was ‘kiting’ it down the road, hotly pursued by a red he.vle 1 lady with a cistern pole Poor Jones. —■-*’ • -. •— ’ The rnly living dccend int of Christopher Columbus lives at Rome, aid is to visit Aim: ca next year lie i& described as a genial man of sixty. Popular <Soreran"ot in America I! I n*l ra •'!. The following ta’ le, says r'ie I’hil i ’,'•l. •• Age ” shows at the prnwnt time the working of.uniyers I suffrage in the United States. There are to day in favor ot the policy of Preai ient Johnson, as regards the restoration of the Union, these numbers : in the Sovtftb • . .1,500,000 voters. In the North. , , 2,000,000 “ Total. - . 3,500,000 “ They are thus repTe-ented in Con gress : • 1.5 O,GOO voters in the South. None. t, ) . 00 “ “ North. . . 60 3.500,000 voters have.. .60 members. | 2,500,000 ■•* “ ..... . 216, What a beautiful representative ‘sys tem! Hew thoroughly it reflects the rotjoritv of the people 1 Daily we hear the boast that the elections have gone against the President and in favor of his opponents in Congre.-s. Yes! t Thev hare gone against him in a pccu ! liat manner. Ilis 3,500,000 friends have sixty members ; his 2,500,000 ! opjonents have 210 members in the i Feceral Congress! I. is by the light of these figures that we see the victory the Radicals have achieved, —For every twelve or thirteen thousand of their number they are credited with a member of i Congress. The anti-Jacobins, on the j contrary, get a member for every 60,- | 000 of their number. One Jacobin ; counts as much in the basis of repro-< entation a*four Conservatives ! ‘ Gen. Logan a Rsbel.— lt is gene rally known.that Gen. John A. Logan, of lllinoi-, whose furious hatred of the South is nly equalled by that of Beast But er and Brownlow, was for . years in Cot gross a Southern sympa thiser, fightitg our battles manfully’ . against the Abolitionists. It- seems, i too, f at this friendship lasted SVC n . • after the coninencement of the war, as he aided toe South by sending re cruits to her armies and • dually prom ised to joit tient in person. W e gave, some days ag<. a development made by a sister-in-law ot Logan at a pul 1 c meeting, ntiicl to his confusion. The following affidavit is an appropriate se j. quel: State of Illinois , Gif atin . Com fy, >•.'.* —\Vm. M. Davis, of the town of Equality, in the coun y and State 1 alore-aid, being sworn, says that on the 25th day of May, A D. 1861, l left Williamson county under Cnpt. D: Brooks, for the-army of the Confede rate States, and did j >in that army, ! and was badly wounded at the battle ot i Shi lon ; and I farther state th t l went to that army by and under the advice and influence of John A. L'>- j gan *nd bis brother-in-law, H- B i Cunn nghim, who told me that Logan would join us in two or three months, i j or in a short period of time. \ (Signed) VY . M. Davis. i Su! scribed and sworn t', this 2d Jay of Octoner. A. D. 1866, before me. (SignoJ_> it. I>. Pearcf., J. P The Radical Programme. w endcll Phillips, has made another ; speech, n which he claps spurs to th ; sides of the tardy Radicals, and tells them wh:t the country expects of them at the joining session of Congress. Here is \ paragraph, from which the rest ma\ be interred : What, then, is to be done ? These ’ men must be sent back to congress to enact a iaw that will render it impos sible lot any Southern State to c< me 1 back into Congress before 1869. Con gress may go back and sit down in the 1 House of Reprasentatives and govern this Repiblie, and exercise t..e right which tie war has vested in it, by j virtue cf two-thirds of the votes of the J North, and govern this Republic; and ! in order to do that, very first act 1 of that House i< to impeach the Pres ident of the United States. Away with questiot sos admitting that State or the other, then rejection or accep tance of this or the other amendment; the object of the Congress of the U ni ted State-, should be to govern this Re public. And in order to do that, the fir?t step is t> impeach the President of the United States, and while the . trial is going on remove him from hu • • office. Impeachment is worth noth ing without the removal of the Pres ident u.til his .innocence is establish ed. To have the head of the nation, by his own avowal, the head of a re bellion, in possession of the national . [ strength while he is tried, is a. farce lt'is to be h"p* <i this the people will ■ never exhibit in the face ot C h risen - I dona.'. Let tire Hoosj of JJRcpresenta tives impeach the President .and place the F.'residetit of tl e Senate in the ol- | fiee, and then we will “fun the ma cliluv.” ■ Tie Restilt of Negro Suffrage. —• The v ineinnati Enquirer pa's the tol ■ lowing a- me of the results of- Radi calism-: There are wfc negroes than wh ffi; tbc>.SC&tfes oTTf)uth Carolina ‘and — There are nearly as many in Georgia Alabatna and l>m si ana. I hiek BCSW suftr: ge. tlltllfuW, we cou'a not avoid having and. - in tVn._r. ss th--. . States, together with negro Governors and State officers ! 3mk of a negro oec •pving the place of Falhqun. nr Berrien, , r of in the Senate of ! the United States 1 | tinrn; . 1 ■ TANARUS: Angel hs been abro .'1 mi i* land anil v.’ \n y have fallen': hut amid thi general desolation, when /.'■ have b rn h- - reared, i: p eoliarlj >ad to see an aged father an 1 mother left alone in the winter, of life, just aa tti had hoped to r- pose ip [the tnu : hew whotli they had reared from infancy, bat who. alas for humar. : p - Fare oet down Is rue prime of early : manhood. Chakles J. Rick died of disease of the 1 Spine, in Edgefield, C-, on the gf/vh of .. _ 27 24-day;*. -He was at har.iinu a we ’ . > a- * ‘ • ii eers; ip wfileb conunand. le had . • —we f : . fllj ttie:lat.e w . as that great struggle was closi g e - died I in the ho-phal, where be had beep left when (he Regiment passed through the State to North Car**tlaa, after the diaas i irons campaign of Goa’l Uood. He left a wife and three children to wt ep for him. • Jamks a. Rice died of Cholera,at C oda Keys, on the 13th of September. 18t>6; ajed 20 years, 9 months .and 9 days. He was a.soldier in the same Company with • his brother : and after having passed thro’ the bloody scenes of the revolution he was called aw iv suddenly, as lie was pursuing tho avocations **f peace. ”V\ ho can ( the mysteries of Providence ? ” Both these young men expre-se.l their willingness to abide th-e decree of the great Judge, reposing their confidence iu Him who never tailed to sustain the believer in . the awful hour of dissolution. They are gone home. Father, mother. ; wife! voir should not. repine.’ You will I sopu be going too; and then who can de scribe the joy of that meeting beyond the tomb ! It is a sa l but fining task, that one who was with them where the leaden hail his-ed. through the writhing atmosphere, and who hea-d with them the horrid din of mad dened armies, should sit down in the calm . autumn evening, and pay this la-t tribute I of respect to those whose lives are with the i. eternal past. Peace to their souls. j . ..***! JOHN C. VAUGHN. . OF the Film of Ainsworth,-Vaughn &; San* . ford will leave soon for the North and Northwestern markets, to make’ purchases qf . Grain au-1 Provisions, and all kinds of goods. Farmers. Mere him is, and ail others who de sire any nek articles bought, aa have it done jon very reasonable terms. . nov l;tt i FOR SALK. ! rjvHE subscriber-having, concluded to move X from Thomasville, wishes to self her refii dence on the comer of Fletcher and Jeffersou streets in this, place. • j For farther particulars call at the Store of E lieuaiiurton &. Son, or on tlie premises. Novi ts ■■ ML .V. RUSSELL. NOTICE. fjpHE copartnership heretofore existing be I tween the undersigned, in the name■ and id w. P. Clowevi: i'ei. day dis solved by taetnal consent, Dr. VYr f‘VI will arrange the unsettled business of th® eon rernaudall indebted ua:t make ■pavineut to him. ‘ W. P CLOWER. W N. VALLEAU. Thomasville, Nov 1. lSiltl. The will continue the Drug bu sh es at the old stand and offers a well assort ed stack of Drugs, Chemicals ami Fancy Ari cles at low prices. He invites his frieuds to pay him a visit.. • • Novl ts W. I’. ( LOWER. Laurel Hill CEMETERY. r j UIK plot ot llii- h rultiful Cem ter* , in tlie 1 neighborhood of litonuisvil e. i- uow co npleted. and iu the hands of the l a .vti Clerk for exhibition. I lie prices of the Burial Lots range .from twenty to to; ty dollars, according to size and location. Those who apply eaily • w 11 nave the best opp -’unitv of the c .••ice.-l lots VVM. CLINE, Clerk. Nov l dt ’• A. RESCUER. A T.I.VLHE IMER CiISA it* CASH STOa 3. No 13 Barnard aircH. Corner Coagreo* Cane, Savannah. - fiensra. BIS .HSR & 03. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and Boat Stic D.*y GdjcF ALSO, Yankee Notions, SYawls N. Cloak- In all the latest stvles- M-ri-hants will fiad it to their advantage in giving ns a call before purchasing : elsewhere. i lor motto **Qa Sa t IS i. Profits!” Novi ts ANEW AND EXCLUSIVE STOCK OF family;: ’ .. • Groceries! THE NEW FlKffi OF BRIYEI * lijUO, Jit ext to Messrs. Ho da way q- McKmnan-, I • •• • 1 .''••■••• •- ‘.. ‘ ARE .JUST NOW .RECE IVI N G ANO • ■ . 1/ ‘• ’■ ■ ’ ‘ ‘ • OPENING ONE OF IRE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCKS OF ‘ FAMILY i GROCEmEe Ever ofifered in Thomasville , It will be to the qdvsnfage of everybody to ‘ go and. • . st f the j;’. • . ‘ 1 best family flour [• . .. ‘ ■ . Before purehnsing- elsewhere. Remember’, next dour - • Messrs, ‘lla-r uw.iy . .A. JleKiun >n. . ‘ . DUEYEIt &IS i( . Nov i . . ts Notice. • . 4LL• . - are hereby forewarned from senbed as follows:—One On Tuy! a i Dekle, for fl oi, dated Jane ban, id 6, an i ■ - a I McLean fr |*s <7. dated July Jth jiff uidersigned: ode <>u Jerry fit s - ard. endorsed by Thomas Bennett date not l ie pavahle to Tho naa Bennett I.amount $’ th a credit of $ ■ 01; one on Oayid Goolsby fw |P 00 date-not knnvii latm id ■ p iva ! • t.. VV ,1., ~ > g io insoa f tr’| I H and ite •'th. ISoi, made pa • 8 ee oi .1 .-... .. c ‘ ii * i- . i*v 1 ! .1* F >). TiP I.MPhON. UAGUINO AND KUPK. 4,'jUPEHI tie • f HEAVY ilv I .~V ii ‘it a 1 I R PE, fftr.a lie by ujvir2i ~i!L > ILL X lilUGti. ■ Till-: FOLLOWING I* TIIK TO Till: My:tßri:us Sign! The W stauds for of of any ill .town. To tell at small profits, and i>ut prices and *wn. Ttie l” for united. untiring in trade; UaUcd in business, unit'd indeed. . • The s* for mmmm, which ># sore in the MhMM; Silver and tkinplatiert , which isdril the machine. The T stands for trial* encountered at first,’ By great opposition, which must canker i rust. The .1 stands for Justice which to ail men’ is ’ The folks are mistaken who think its for ‘Jew.’ The like ol 1 Browulow's, of iron is made, To run down high prices, and pdl in the trade.-. The spokes to the centre the felloes will-hold . The axle’s not made yet. ba’s just ready to mould: Then T comes again. anti here stand# tor true, To our country,-ourselves, and. our patrons. Jo . you. _ I The • only comes in to make out the show. To hired the good people where all ought to g’ > The F -lauds for Jfinidshrp, We'd have you all know, i And i> the principal ni ‘.tto of Barlow At Cos. The T you will see is the lust of the rhyme, Os George P. Barlow's mysterious sign. W. U. S. T.J V T. O. F. T. &Cos I TOWN TAXES rja|U-: time for paving the Town Taxes <-t ■ . I Thonuasville, has been extended to Sut-nr-. davthe 1< th >t Novemh'-r next, Return# may vet lie.nutde Ip jhe Clerk. But all wit ■ fail ,o . ‘ iiutke returns and pay tip liv .the time aforesaid Will’ he double taxed, ami ex.-cu'ioa# forthwith IN M CLINE, C lerk. Nov 1 2t . OFFICE GEN L SUPERLNTEN DENT, A Atuitii 4k lin.r Railß id. ■’ >. t ■ • Savannah, Oct. 15th 1866. j i u ■ -- yjr'* rjpHE Florida Branch- Bail Road will be JL. opened to the Public on Monday next, the 22ud inet. . . Arnurgements have been made insuring >i i. reet ami speedy communication by this route between Savannah and’ all on the j Pensacola And Georgia Rail Road, Florida .1 Central Kail lioad. and Florida ltail lo ad. • • Through Tickets will be sold between the j following places, vix• SaVUUPfib and (Quincy, .Tallahassee, M Kadis n La e CvtJ and Jacksonville. ( . Tiiomasvilie and ijuiacy. Falh-thussee, UoB- j dU ■ ‘ ■ Madison and Quitman and Valdosta Freights between Savannah and all p■ iu'- oq Pensacola & Georgia Railnted and Ki Central Rail Road will be shipped ou thfough. | rates aud without breaking bulk. H. 8. H \1 N act 25 4t . • • ‘ , : - M Y HENDERSON COMMISSION MERCHANT, ULMSIiAKT’S BUILDINGS.) . Fool of Barn iril St,, Navsntiab. Ga. TtF.ILKR IN Hides, Wo .-l, Deer Skins and Bees Wax. The highest Cash Prices paid at all time# h r j anv us the aitove articles. oct *H t j NO LTOE. CILLFCTt>R S ‘ Ul. E, ) ‘ C St itea Intel lal Revenue / First District of Georgia it.. LMvis, a.) Quitman, Oct. 22, 1-466. KNOW all Men by these Presents, that I. or Li. puty Collector 11. F- -VI bu tr. will be at Tuy.uasville iu toe County ol 1 houias. on tee Second Tue.-lay in November, aud re uuii it lye, t epa #e of i ting tiie Internal Revenue Taxes. Alt penons who have made retnno. to Assistant a--c>~ r T > llopuius. in tae County of Thom . are re . quin and to make payment at the above men . ■ ... ties of t ALEX. N. WILSON. Col’r. 11. F MABEL 1 i. Dep'v, oct 2d Medical College i of osoa&iA, /X T* AUGUSTA. ! FACULTY:. J L. D. FORD , M. D.. Profess >r of Institutes . and P fMe ie. . • 1 Jo S.! £ .V £>., Pr ifess rof Obet I - ! i- gee of .W Infant*. ; / P GAi£i7.V, i£ />,; Pr ifese I M it Medico, Tuerapenties: and Medical Juris i prudence ‘ L. A DUG A M. D.. I’: i” >r of the Pi-in ‘ cip'es aitd Practice.of Surgery. CihO W.RA!XS,M.D.,Pi [eaaorof I eq istnr and , ED IV. GEDDIXI J S . Jf. D.. -Profe sot oi 1’ - . nd Pat \ ■ D> SAUSSURE FORD, M.D., Professor of Au ifo :iv. * W. H DOUGHTY, D A- stP: :>:■ - • Vor Os Materia Medica.. JOHN S. COI.UMAS M D . Denoutnt of All itmy.. • ‘ • . . I’he 32d Session will be opened on the , FIRST HONDA Y ia* NOVEMBER next, and contione t mr months . Tne Museum. La- . !• >r.itory. aud Arrangements for Practical ; Ana Unity mi fe winaj to any in tne country. — Clinical instruction regularly imparted at the . jCny Hospital. ‘ . .1 j ‘ ‘ ‘ .FEES: . . j • Tickets for the whole course, ia cur- V. .'. .C.:;.-...: |is 00 MatricVriatam, in currency, -5 00 D asectaona. itt-cnrruucy • 1 ■ “ 1 . j Diploma Fee, in.curreney ; 30 00 L - A.. DCGAi . I lean. Bpt 27 . ‘ • ‘ ,Mtf GEORGIA —Tkoman County. ■ Court of Ordinary. Oct- 18, 1866. . r Whereat. C- E..EvUIS makes application .! tot - 1 1 I .'Lett : • 1 • ship ftr the persons, property an 4 etfe< t- Jim*. ”, Julia K. Addie .W and 4 . Evans, minors of It. II Evans, deceased : —AU per ,d .... interested are notified to file their obje-c ----tiom. in Court, otherwise said letters will be granted the appii.’ aut m te msoftiie law. ’ • • II 11. tOOKE !>t BMW • Ordinary. FOR SALE. 4 FINK NEW CARRIAGE— with Ha?-’ ness complete at OST. Apply .8 on ‘ to McQueen * mitchell. Oct 18 • ‘ 42-ts • C. b. Rockwell; C ivil Engineer and Surveyor. Land* MUrreyed and Pint* drawn iii the bf.l olTlr of the Art. Onsiis left with A. P. Wright, Tbomasville Ga . w;Li meet with prompt attention. ■ June v t 11l -Two oMoiha after date 1 ahal ■ • apply to the Cos nos- Until :Ee Connty foe leave to ‘sell-the lands belonging to tlie- estate of Jesse-A. Swilley. late of'said ■ 1.. . ■ I ’ . li A SWILLEY Oct 16 d* • • . • Ate’s. Cl HILL A N D FEVER cured by > INDIA CIIOLO Li. 1 rsne by j \v. P.- cLOWER £’ CO, BRYANT’S Cholera Mixture— ■ A specific tor incipient Cholera, for .te by W . P, CLOWE.K i CO. lk G. HILTON, ‘ ; F.'M. RANLHII L, . S.n uiniih. New York.’ - - ‘ HILTON * RANDELL . ’ WHOLESALE C3r r <o> o e ic • AND DEALERS IN.’ ‘ WINES, LIQUORS, Ac,, 193 Bar Hi., * k. HA 11 > > All. til. ■ Invite t'he attention of Dealers .to thip . large and complete Ma irtmrat of . • ; . - (G occi ies aud’ Liqudi'H, Which they are prepared'to offer at t F>* Lewes! Market rates • OLD MONONGAHELA, KTE, AND: BOURBON W H UK 1 RS—Constantly oq ■’ hand. - . . . Agents for the celebrated v Star ffW* • “■ ■ ■ ■ -.- . Ha sard’s Qurpovdw itt kegs, half kegs, quarter k ;gs and eases. Nov 1- Cm JEFFERS & SON Have the BEST . , A isorUncut Qf ‘ F A ILY , • GROCERIES ATP PROVISIONS . liy THOMASViLLE 1 . WBtKCB TMEfiT SFf.L cm : r ; :.'. h.’si-fc £►'/’• No hpirlftucms Liquors kept,. Note this ladies. ‘ ‘ • ‘ ‘ • oct 25 ‘ . . . 4s-‘3t ■ ! ABE pronounced by all the -Finest Pie ; ture# ever made. j Zoonos;s , ap!i<i .ARE Fad ;s£oondfiPrtp!p* ARE taken oily at JEFFERS’ GALLERY, by l’r iT H lap I-.! eI: v • ?r.-r. . j : ; * * t'holographs TAKEN the l st style of Art * ! . • JEFFERS: GALLERY. • t 1 rrotypes - “ BE A CTIFCLLY COLORED at the Low fOue.D liar each at JEFFERS i>\L LLUY. Prof. THIGPIN ‘ ‘ THE great Artist s engaged, for'.a ■ - only at JEFFERS’ GALLERY oet 25 Duncan & Johnston, . < rTT( )N FACTORS ‘ AND • . COMMISSION \ i . t 11 ft 11 \ xr r MiiJciliJa civ A i* SAVANNAH, s I t : GEORGIA* I • REFERS TO • ■ ‘’ !C L A TANARUS: M I- re, T • m He, Ga ‘.’ I E Ret / . Dode I. i. s , • J-U! v o . • • 3k- • ’ “. MASSEY’S - ~~ COTTON PRESS. INIIE mdersigned are now prepared to t*. ders far patting np of Musset v Sl’ PKItI Olt ( OTTliv pgESSts. Having utrfde .irraiicnnunt* f or (be inannfa taring -,f Screws at llaeea,. | . • _ ’ • .3 ... . - fa - eceived.. ’,'. ii si • L.C. Bryan at TTtotnaitvills, will-redei tre prompt atteation. ’ • -DANIEL MASSEY. ■ . J. S'. MASSEY, eng 15 ts P- 11. MASSE! . Sale. nr : 4 r> order from the’ Court .of Ordinary of 1) rh mas County, will be sold befory th • i r. H - • ,in the Town of ThoM*- Vifle. during the usual Ixfnrs f Kde, Ofl ths :i r-t in IK-. ember next, the be- U esti . Massey, I being and lying in the 13th District of said <’ unty -, art ■ f Lot 286, part of I<ot 333, part of Lot 311',-all of which are lying in pne body, ’ snd will be sold in parcels to Mitt the purcha se re. Terms mu le known on the day f sale. Sold for-the benefit of the heirs and'eredirors* L. U . MASSEY, Adru"x. • D. 1> MASSEY, AdmSr • ‘ Sept ‘37 • -•- J 033 Acres OF GOOD Ll\l> FOR t!e. i.u Brooks County Ga-. for ‘y $U.i i-O. tS'.-nie of these lands are under a : igl state of cultivatiou —-aith good Dws House, out “house* and every otbei come nience. Freedmen also on tbe place. The best baffpain ever —now is the time • strike—terms half Cash, salenc* secured Apply at this office. Ju-ly 11 ‘ . ‘ ■ , ■ “ Stf Forty Bays Xotice. G tOKGI t.-Th6mn C ounty. WILL the Court H ise door nid i • the legal -• : ..... on .the; first T Ceaday in Decetn •Xl, 1 L ■ I■ • •V> - kqos - -ii see- Pis e, sUs* ; and “. . • . . J. M. HI bST. . Seel -:n-4 ■! ’. : ‘ • ••• • • Adm r. Fully iJayS \*tice. .i:o t; I V —Tiioiua- C ounty. ’ hie C -uH of.CMfinary ot’ said County win he he Conn House door.te Brnsai Vi Lie caid County*, witfain.the legal h.-mra ot k r w“n Xl, • - e Lands and Real Estate i ‘ Joseph Miller, - made kutfwi! on the day es sale. He . i . ie . u , J. MILLLR. se;t, -T 4 •>!; .’ ; . Adin'r. N OTICE —T'V >ntha after date.J shall an IV to the Court of Ordinary of Echols ■y , for leate t* sell.the lands belonging tc. •the estate of John W. Fletcher, late of said County, deceased- • . “ .ROBERT J LEVAR, OcS 1 60d* . Adm'r.