Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 15, 1866, Image 2

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deepest, auJ trost reliable source of subsistence and of wealth. Whatever the General Assembly can do to en courage aod foster this branch of in dustry. I earnestly urge upon them. , They aro themselves chiefly of this rlass, and may be supposed to com- | prehend.lta wants At tbe same time, doub'tles* they will be disposed to do | all they can, legitimately, to promote tbe introduction and development of other indujtrial pursuits. (tntcrpnse L. C- BRYAN, : : : Editor- THOMASVILLE, GA.: -j ••. THURSDAY, NOV’BFR 15, 18GG. I=aTThe crowded state of our columns forbid the publication of many things we had intended, but the reader will bear ) with us. ’ i-. - —rw— MOTH THAT tliy. A freedraan, calling himself Dennis Jackson, carries a License as preacher in the Methodist Church, although he has been expelled on the charges of dishonesty and falsehood. This is to warn the public that he is neither a preacher nor a mem ber of the Methodist Church, and his Li cense has been forfeited, by expulsion. JOSEPHUS ANDERSON, Pastor. —•••—— Jfcaj“our thanks are due Hon. B. B. Moore, Senator from this district for im portant State documents, and other valua ble information relating to the Legislature. Mr. Moore intimates that the “ Relief” question absorbs the minds of the legisla tors anil will receive full consideration. He also expresses the opnion that the County Court will be abolished or amended in such a. manner as to relieve the people of the burden it now imposes. CONCERT AM) 81’PPER. We are requested to announce that the ladies of the Methodist Church in Thornas ville are preparing, and will give a Concert an 1 Supper at the Court House, on Mon day night, the 19th instant, the proceeds of which will be applied to the building of a Parsonage for that Church. The liberal patronage they heretofore received at the hands of a generous public, when called upon to aid the enterprises of the Church, induces them to hope that they may still enjoy that high favor, and meet with even greater success in this most laudable un dertaking, The tables will he abundantly supplied with the richest of the season, as •well as the more solid and substantial ar ticles of food; while tlie Concert will re ceive all the attention necessary to render it in the highest degree entertaining. The well known accomplishments of the young ladies engaged in this department, as well as the great ski il of the veteran musicians, who ever generously contribute their aid in good works, are amply sufficient, we imagine, to recommend the Concert to the lovers of vocal and instrumental music. As the object of this enterprise is to raise money, there will be no free or complimen tary tickets issued. Admission to Concert, . . SI.OO Admission to Supper, . . 1.00 Children half price.J CIAVIPIO.\ & FKEE.HAV. T* uj plonaiire to recommend tbe above firm to those of our readers who buy Groceries in Savannah. They are staunch Southern men. Mr. Freeman, from Macon, Ga., where he is extensively known, and. both, men of thorough business capacity, See advertisement in another place. B*as"“Messrs. A. &. R. Smith ha ve just received a large lot of new stoves just from the foundry and of the latest patents. They have also received many other things too numerous to mention. Read their new ad vertisement, attention of farmers and others is directed to the card published to-day, of Messrs. A. Dutenhofer & Cos„ Shipping, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, at No. 74, Bay Street, Savannah Gn. Their inducements are liberal, and the firm is composed of gentlemen of high standing, with much ability and experience. Nlrosrs. I hi RITNIIFK Jt It ICO. The magnitude of the business transact ed by this firm, may be estimated by the extent of their advertisement. Liberal minded men always succeed best whatever profession they choose, and the reason is obvious. They are appreciated by sensible people and patronized because of their lib eral views. When they freely receive, they freely give and reciprocate all good offices bestowed upon them. This is the secret ot success. It puts all their customers in a good humor, and good humor will always loose the purse strings. Misers and other narrow minded persons are the reverse of this. They are “ penny wise and pound foolish.'* They cannot see beyond the nar row limit prescribed by their parsimony, and consequently, never “cast their bread upon the waters.” As evidence ®f the facts laid down, compare the large adver tisement of I. Kubitshek & Brother, with the splendid run of custom they now ex hibit. -*- - r E. D. B.HVTHE A CO. We take plessu~e in introducing to our readers this week, the .firm of E. D. Smythe A Cos. Enterprise should be encouraged, and especially should we give high consid eration to those who invest their capital for our benefit, and lead in enterprises best calculated to render us independent of other sections. By reference to the large advertisement of this firm, which we publish to-day, it will be seen that they are not only otfering the largest stock of Crockery, China and Glassware, ever offered before in the South; but that they import thetr stock direct from. Europe, and are thus enabled to sell at ac tual New York prices, and cheaper than most Southern men buy in New York, be cause there are no profits to be paid Im porters and Jobbers. If now, therefore, a Savannah firm can sell these wares to our people at New York prices , would it not be a ■’root, a,-.*-;no- a f time ana'money to purchase at home? These gentlemen propose and have done so already. If any should doubt it, let them examine the wares and compare toe prices, and they will find that E. D. Smythe & Cos., are men of their word and fully able to do all they say. As to the stock they have on hand, we have personally inspected it, and believe their Wares equal to the best imported to the United States from Europe, while for the quantity they have on hand we have no estimate. Let our merchants and deal ers look well to their interests at home, be fore they go abroad to purchase. IVEW EOT OF FLOTR. We were prevented last week from giv ing m.tiee that Mr. A. F. Franklin, propri etor of tbe great Produce and Provision Store, had received another large lot of excellent Flour, fresh from the celebrated Stovall Mills, at A"gue<, Ga. *IO.W. PETER E. 1-OVE, One of our most esteemed fellow-citizens died at Ins residence in this place, on Thursday morning last, after a short ill ness, in the full assurance of a “ blessed immortality beyond the grave.’’ We knew him as a man of mature age only, and cannot therefore speak of his early life. He was Judge of the Superior Conns of the Souhtem Circuit for a num ber of years, and retired from the Bench I in 1858 or ’59, to become & Representative ■ cf the first Congressional District in the ‘ Congress of the United States. He with drew from Congress in January, 1861, af ter the Georgia Convention passed the i Ordinance of Secession, and during the 1 war was a member of the State Legislature for two years. Since that time he bas been actively engaged in professional pur- . suits. In these several positions, Judge Love discharged the duties incident there- , to, with fidelity to the interests of his con- i slituents and with honor to himself. But it was in private and social life that his excellencies shone most conspicuously —an nff-ctionate husband, a kind and indulgent ( father, an exemplary member of the Bap tist Church and a devoted Christian. Upon all questions that arose, whether public or private* whether they related to Church or State, his influence was cast upon the side of morality and moderation—there was nothing violent or vindictive about him, ! either in temper or conduct, but always calm, self-possessed and moderate, he -| sought both to know and to do the right. Such was our friend, whoe death, we in common with the community mourn. Let us imitate his virtues, and like him be pre- j pared, so that when the inexorable messen ger death, shall call for us, we shall be ready to obey the summons in “ full assu- i ranee of hope.” A VISIT TO BAVAWAII. We spent a few days last week in the city of Savannah, meeting and conversing with old acquaintances, and looking after our advertising interests in that city, as will be seen by reference to our advertis- I ing columns. On our way down, we fell in company with Col. C W. Styles, editor of the Quit man Banner, who was also bound for the city on a similar errand, and liking each other pretty well, we did not part company until our return. We are indebted to the Colonel for many favors curing our stay in the city, for, his extensive acquaintance with persons places and things, placed it in his power to render us essential service, which he did with great cheerfulness and courtesy. He is perhaps, better known in Savannah, titan any o'her man who does not live in the city, and the crowded state of his columns, with Savannah advertise ments, will attest the opinion entertained of his paper by the business men of the city. We also had the pleasure of meeting Mr. 8. W. Mason of the News Jlerald, to whom we return thanks for courtesy, and | regret that he was confined by illness to I his room on Friday. We have no room to discourse at length, upon the many agreeable conversations witli old and newly formed acquaintances, however pleasant it would be—nor may we now relate i he charming incidents met with and expected to give interest to the pen of an editor, who has visited the city and had a “ good time generally.” We have only space to remark that Sa vannah is a prosperous city, notwithstand ing the Merchants express discouragement at the prospect of trade during the present season, and think Cotton is too slow in coming in. They are impatient to be rich , and desire to make a fortune in one season. A man should be satisfied if he grows rich during a life time, for only then can he prove j | whether he be worthy of riches. Let him r \be honest, patient, industrious, economical i and persevering, and although he may not , grow rich in one business season, nor ac . | cumulate tbe fortune of a Rotchschild, a , j Stewart, or an Astor, he will reap the re j ward of his labor, and die satisfied in the end. We recommend this course to the t j Savannah Merchants—be content—your , city is growing—your trade is growing— and as your splendid railroad system is ex ) | tended, and the adjacent countries devel . I oped, if you be good and honest business men, you will, by patience and perseve j ranee grow rich in good time. ’ SCREVEN IIOISE. Our thanks arc due the proprietor, Mr. Geo. McGinly, for courtesies to the press ■ during our recent visit to Savannah. We i were pleased to find him busily engaged in nlteriug, arranging, and otherwise im proving the establishment, and bending al lis energy to make the Screven a first class hotel. The front has been changed from Bull to Congress street, and we no , ticed that anew and splendid set of fur niture had taken the place of the old. The rooms and furniture afford every comfort . and convenience, while the tables are ever ’ supplied with all that market can afford or appetite could desire. RAILROAD ACCOM.IIORATIONS’ On our trip to and from Savannah, last week, we chanced to take passage on the new and splendid passenger car attached to the train conducted by Mr. O. W. Jack . | son. Ilis uniform court* sy, and strict at r teution to the comfort of passengers, to gether with his gentlemanly bearing and experienced skill as a Conductor, attracted our attention and put us in a good humor with the Atlantic & Gulf Road. Improve ment is everywhere visible along the line, and gives ample assurance, that continued increase of prosperity in the country will, j ere long, render this road one of the most accommodating and paying institutions in j the land. SLOAN, 8T l It list A- STEGALL. These gentlemen, who represent the let ter 8, as well as the respectable cities of , Macon, Rome and Thomasville, have form ed a partnership in the city of Savannah, as will be seen by reference to their Card, for the mutual purpose of serving the pub lic as Cotton Factors and Commission Mer chants. Col, Sloan of Rome, Ga., Capt. Stubbs of Macon, and Dr. Stegall of Thomasville, unite in their firm the interests of three wealthy .sections of the State, and as all of them are well experienced in busines, have been successful.-and are well known, it is fair to presume that they will receive as they merit, the. confidence of their fellow citizens in this section. f • • —i FCRMTIKE HOLME. When vou visit Savatpahj fyil. 1 pay a special visit to the magnificent Fur niture establishment of S. 13. Harrington, at the upper end of Brouzhton Street, I where he is constantly receiving and sup plying the demand for all kinds and quali ties of fine house furniture, t\e visited his establishrarnt last week, and speak ad visedly, when we sty, we know of no house j in the State, where furniture can be pur chased on better terms, and perhaps, no other offers so many advantages in the va riety of style and elegance of finish. See advertisement elsewji^tre. THE CIRCI’S, The public procession of Dan Castello’s ! Great Show passed through the city yes ’ terday morning. The heralds, marshals, Knights, and crusaders, all appropriately costumed, presented a gay and novel ap pearance. The procession was hea led by Eckhart's Cornet Band, the musicians, dressed in showy red uniforms, were drawn on a grand triumphal car by three span of magnificent horses. The elfin ponies, mules, and trained acting horses, followed by a painted collosal vehicle containing a Live Lion looming upon lire top of the car riage created quite a furor. The circus gave their fourth psrfonnsnci last night. So far their tents have been filled with immense audiences, numbers of people yesterday evening had to be turned away from the doors for want of room. The feats of horsemanship by Meddles, Holloway, Lemoine. and Madame Castello are beyond comparison, while Mr. Watson performs some extraordinary feats as a champion rider. The trapeze exhibition by Messrs. Hannon and Powers were the best of the kind we have ever witnessed, their feats of agility and daring, sending a thrill of horror through the immense au dience. The performing of Mr. Burnell and his two beautiful children was the finest and most perfect act of the kind we ever witnessed. The first clown, Dan Cas tello himself, keeps the audience in a per petual grin with his witty jokes and amus ing antics. Asa clown he is certainly the life and soul of the show. Before tte close of last night’s performance, the cara van with four ferocious lions was intro duced, and Herr Lengel went through his dangerous and startling feats in the cage with them. Two more performances will be given, one this afternoon at 2, and the other this evening at 8 o’clock, which will be their last appearauce in Richmond.— Richmond Enquirer. . - COUNCIL ROOM, Thomasville, Nov. 12, 1866. Council met this day in regular meeting. Present Hon. P. McGlashan, Mayor, Alder ; men Bower, Stark, Tooke, Taylor, Stegall and Reid. After reading the minutes of the last meeting and approving the same— Ilis Honor the Mayor laid before Coun cil the substance of a bill presented to the Legislature, now in session, by Hon. Wra. D. Mitchell, granting to the Mayor and Council of Thomasville, if sanctioned by an affirma'ive vote of the citizens the privilege of taking stock in the South Georgia and Florida Railroad, to the amount of one j hundred thousand dollars. The bill was approved by Council and ordered to be returned to the Honorable llepresen ative with their sanction. Alderman Stegall, fr m the Committee, 1 on Cemeteries, reported that he had con tracted for rails sufficient to fence the New 1 Cemetery, and that the work would be ■ completed without delay. Council determined to open the street running parallel with the branch, south of the street leading to the Depot, provided | the owners of the land through which it passes will contribute the same free of ex- I pense. The Ordinance establishing the New Cemetery was taken up, read the first time, and ordered to take the usual course j Mr. J. 11. S. Davis had two month’s time | allowed him, from this date, to remove a wooden shed in the rear of his Bakery. Council then adjourned. WM. CLINE, Clerk. j - - ----- —-= MARRIED, At the Presbyterian Church, on Thursday, ! the Bth inst., bv the Rev. A. \V. Clisby, Mr. AV. 11. Engek. of Savannah, to Mrs. Janie A. Bryant, of this place. A. & R. SMITH, THOMASVILLE, GA. DEALERS IN House Fui-nisliing Hardware Silver I'lated Goods, GLASS, CHINA AND EARTHEN WARE, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, TIN AND WOOD WARE, CAR RIAGE MATERIALS: Hollow Wai’e, Cooking Utensils of every kind. A well selected stock of splendid STOVES just received from the Foundry. ! Nov 15 ‘ 46 ts Administrator’s Sale. ’ VI7ILL be sold at the late residence of Jno * t Futch, deceased, on Thursday, 6th of | December next, the following property, to wit : 6 head of Horses and Mules, 50 head of Cat tle, Wagons, Carts, Oxen and Sheep j 100 head of Hogs, Corn, Fodder, Farming I Tools, Household and Kitchen Furniture. Buggy, four Stands of Bees, Sugar Mill and ! Boilers. Horse Mill, Cotton Gin. Banks Sweet Potatoes. Sugar Cane, Sugar, Syrup, and many other 1 articles too numerous to mention. At the same time and place will be rented j the Plantation for one year. | Terms made known on the day of sale. GEO. G. GIBBS, Nov 15 td Adm’r. ©SO Eeward! STOLEN from my horse lot. 9 mile 6 west of Thomasville, on the night of the 12th 1 inst.. Two Sorrell Mules, rather under medium ! size, four years old last Spring ; both active and pert, and in good working order; marks : of gear on both of them. Each one of them is branded on the right shoulder with a figure 2 ; on the smaller Mule the brand burnt a liitle. too much, and made it rather like a scar. I have good reason to believe they were stolen bv two young white men, being assisted bv two colored men. Any information will be thankfully received by addressing me at Thom asville, or upon their delivery I will pav Fifty Dollars A. SPEARS. Nov 15 46 ts Administrator’s Sale. Agreeable to an order of the Court of Or dinary of Thomas County, Ga., will be sold before the Courthouse door in Thoinasville, on ! the first Tuesday in January next, the follow ■ ing property, to wit: l n,c -m nnd two (•>) in 1 square letter Y. in the Town of Thomas*. known as the place whereon airs. Rice now resides—sold as the property of Charles B- An drews, late of said County, dec’d. Terms on the day of sale- A.’ P WRIGHT. Nov 15-t.i Adm’rl HOlSi: AMD LOT FAR SALE rrtHE undersigned is authorized to sell the 1 handsome dwelling House and Lot. situa ted on the Grooverville road, formerly occu pied by Mrs. Julia M. Fisher. This is a desir able place for a small family, and may be pur chased on good terms. For further informa tion apply to Mrs. Dr. Adams, or the under signed. Nov 25 ts L. C. BRYAN. GKORUIA —Clinch County. AVhcrcas. Nancy Williams applies tome for Letters of Guardiauship, for the minor heirs of Elias Willi ims. late of said County, deceased, all persons aie hereby notified to file their objections, otherwise said letters will be granted in terms of the law. Given under myliand this November 12, 1856. J. L. MORGAN, Not 15 30d Dep. Ordinary INFORMATION WANTED! THE place to find the largest and best assort tnent of Family Groceries and Provisions is at JTBFFKB* ft som The place to get the Best Green and Black Tet is at JKFFEB* A The place to aet the Best Rio and Java Cof fee is at JEFFERS * SOM’B The place to get the Best Onions, Insfa Po tatoes, Cabbages, Ate., is at JEFFERS A SON’S. 5000 lbs. CHOICE BACON, just received and for sale low at JEFFERS Sc SON’S. Choice Sugar Cured Hams at JEFFERS Sc SON’S. 1500 lbs. best Cream Cheese at JEFFERS A SON’S. Pork and Beans at Jeffera Sc Sn •. Apples, Oranges. Nuta, Raisons, Citrons, etc., at Jeffers Sc Son’s. Pine Apples, Fresh Peaches, Peas, Green Peaches, Oysters, Lobsters. Sardines, etc., at Jeffers Sc Son’s. Genuine Collins’ Axes, Nails, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, etc., at Jeffers Sc Son’s. Large Lamp Chimneys at Jeffers Sc Son’s. GENTLEMEN You can get the best S gars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco at Jeffers Sc Son’s. LADIES;—You can visit Jeffers & Son's Store, as there is no Spirituous Liquors kept, nor used there. Mr. E. B. BROWS Is engaged at Jeffers & Sons, where he will be happy to meet his old friends, and all want ing anything in the Grocery ai.d Provision line. New Buckwheat Flour at Jeffers Sc Son’s. Self-Rising Flour at Jeffers Sc Son’s. Mackerel, Codfish, Herring, etc., at Jeffers A Son’s. Cheap Crockery Ware at Jeffers & Son's. Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call and examine the large and splendid assortment of Plain and Fancy Groceries just received at JEFFERS & SON’S. Nov 15 It CHAMPION & FREEMAN, WHOLESALE GROCERS! Corner Bay and Drayton Sts., Savannah, *. : : Georgia. rSSMKK:. -W. <WO ARE offering on liberal terms, a large and well selected Stock of GROCERIES! To which they invite the attention of dealers and consumers in SOUTHERN GEORGIA. Nov 15 3m A. DUTENHOFEK, JNO. M W. HILL, Os Savannah. Os Jefferson Cos., Fla. A. DUTENHOFER & Cos., SHIPPING, FOR WARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ‘ ■ NO. 74 BAY STREET, Savannah, : j : Georgia. Liberal advances made on consignments of Cotton for sale in this City, or to our friends New York or Philadelphia. Ragging and Rope constantly on hand at lowest pi ices. Also, Reard’a Patent I.ock Iron Cot ton Tie. Correspondents in N. York, Bearden & Cos. Correspondents in Philadelphia, Claghorn, Herring At Cos. Nov 15-6 m V OTIC K—Administrator’s Stvic.— ll Will be sold on Thursday. November 29, 1866, at the late residence of Mu.vtiock McKin non, late of Thomas County, dec'd-. all the perishable property of s:*id deceased, consist lng of Corn, Fodder, Hogs, Cattle, Horses, rarunng Tools, with various other articles lermeCash. M. C. SMITH, Nov 15 gt . Adm’r. V OTICE Admioitlrator’s Stale.— il Will be sold on Tuesday, November - at the late residence of C. A’ Brane*’ Thomas County, dec’d, aIL& pro v of said , consisting of House hold ana Mtchen Furniture, Farming Tools, Hogs and Cattle, and various other articles too numerous to m.ntion. Terms Cash. M. C. SMITH, Nov 15 2t Adm’r. NOT 1C E Adiiiinlxtrator’s Saif.— Will be sold on Thursdav, November 22, 1866 at the late residence of Kindred and cheu Ward, both late of Thomas Comity, dec’d, all the perishable property of said deceased, consisting of Hogs, Cows, Com, Fodiier, Farming Tools, Household and Kitchen Fur niture, with various other articles. Terms Cash. M. C. SMITH. Nov 15-2 t Adm’r. GEORGIA—CIinch County. TWO Months after date, from the 15th day of November inst.. application will he made by the undersigned, to the Court of Ordi nary of said County, for an order graming leave to sell lot of land number 514, containing 100 acres, more or less, belonging to the estate of John Tomlinson, late of said County, dec’d. WILLIAM TOMLINSON, Nov 15 30d Adm’r. I. KUBITSHEK t BRO., Hare Just Received 100 Pieces latest style Prints; a large lot of Bagging and Rope Spun Tarns. Homespuns, Slripes, &.c. We will keep constantly on hand a large stock of this class ol gooas. which we nerw offer at reduced? rates at w holesafe and Retail. r Pl ’ includ- We per these good* direct from the Manufactories, ahd will sell at Factory Puces, includ ing Freight. FAMILY GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE. We ate prepared to furnish Merchants and Planters with all descriptions of Family Groce ries, at New York prices, with Freights added. Nov 1 E.D.SMYTHE^Co. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN 9 -Ur- I and GLASSWARE, HAVE on hand (and are constantly receiving additions.thereto) the largest stock of the above goods that Ins ever been offered in the Southern mar ket. Being Direct Importers and Manufacturers’ Agents, we are enabled to offer these goods at prices AS LOW AS THEY CAS U BOUGHT IS TIE CITY OF SEW YORK! Or any other Northern city, thereby saving the purchaser the extra expense of Freight, Insurance and Breakage, and also the double profits of the Importer and Jobber. Lis’s of Assorted Crates, containing only saleable goods, will be sent on ap plication. O ueensware House, 109 Broughton Street, SECOND DOOR WEST OF BULL, SAVANNAH, - - - GEORGIA, Nov 15 3m S. B HARRINGTON, DEALER IN EVERY VARIETY OF Household and Office FURNITURE! MATTRESSES, Spring Beds, cfcc IS RECEIVING 11 HIM Iff MM I A FULL ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE GOODS! SELECTED WITH CARE EXPRESSLY FOR A SOUTHERN MARKET! PRICES AS LOW •V AS ANY HOUSE IN THE TRADE! WAREROOMS, 178 Broughton Street, NEARLY OPPOSITE ST. ANDREW’S HALL, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, % Nov 15 6m NO T I C E— Adminilrotor's Bale.— Will be sold on Tuesday. November 27, 1866. at the late residence of Francis Kearse, late of Thomas County, dec’d., all the perish able property of said deceased, consisting of Cora. Fodder. Hogs,. Cattle, Farming Tools, Blacksmith Tools. Iron Sugar Mill and two good Boilers. Roller and Saw, Gin. Household and Kitchen Furniture, one Road Wagon, with various other articles. The Sugar Mill can he seen at Mr. B. A. Gandy’s, or Rev, R. H. Luckey s. Terms Cash. Also, at the same time, will be rented for the vear 1867, the Plantation on which the dec’d llVed ‘ M. C. SMITH, Nov 15-2 t Adm’r. Lost or Mislaid. \ PROMISSORY* note executed some time during the year 1857’, by Thos Morris, to Dr. B. H. Bobo, both of Madism, County. Fla., for the sum of Forty-five Dol lars. All persons are forewarned from trading for the same. Nov 15-ts A. C. COOPER. RANDELL & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, 301 A aO3 B.IV STREET, Savannah, : Georgia. , A large and complete assortment of Groce ries constantly on hand, which are offered at lowest market prices. Special attention to Oidcrs accompanied by Remittances. Nov 15 dm i GEORGIA—CIinch Count}*, SIX T V Days after date, and from the 15th day of November inst.. application will be ! made to the honorable Court of Ordinary, of ! said Connty, for an order granting leave to sell | the lands belonging to the minor heirs of Rich ard Burchalter, late of sai.i Countv. dec’d. „ RACHEL burchaLter. Kv 15-fiOd c. uoKtiun I Notice to Planters. THE undersigned being in connection with a Baltimore house, arc prepared to fur nish planters with all kinds of Fertilizers, at Baltimore prices, freight added. Orders for Peruvi -n Guano, Turner’s Excel sior, or any of the Super-Phosphates should be sent in early. We offer anew Fertilizer at a cheap rate. JAS. R. SMITH &. CO. Ousley’s Station, Ga., Nov 8 45 ts NOTICE TO BUILDERS rixHE undersigned are prepared to fill all or- X ders for Sasli, Blinds, Doors, &.C., At a slight advance on Baltimore prices. They will furnish a list ot rates on application. AH orders for Glass, Putty and Paints filled with dispatch at Baltimore rates. JAS. R. SMITH & CO. Ousley's Station, Ga., Nov 8 45-ts GEORGlA—Thoning County. Court of Ordinary, Oct. 26, 1866. Whereas, G. G. Gibbs makes application to this Court for Letters of Guardianship for persons, property and effects of the minor heirs, children of John Futch, deceased .—All per sons interested are therefore notified to tile their objections in court, otherwise said letters will be granted the applicant in terms of the law, on the first Monday in December next H. H. TOOKE, Nov 8-30d Ordinary. GEORGIA—Loundm County. Whereas, Jesse Hardee applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of C. J: Limeberger, deceased —All persons are here by notified to file their objections, otherwise said letters will be granted in terms of the law. Given under my hand, October 29, 1866. WM. G. SMITH, Nov 8 30d Ordinary. Administrator’** Sale. WILL be sold before the Court House door iu Loundes, on the first Tuesday in De cember next, the following property, to wit: Number 7, Block 14, being 4tfc by 90 feet, as the property of Solomon Newsom, late of said county, deceased.. T. B. GRIFFIN, Nov 8 td Adm’r, GEORGIA—ThonniN Count}. ON the First Monday in January next, I will apply to the honorable the Court of Or dinary of said county, for an order granting leave to sell the Lands and Real Estate of F M. Rawls, deceased. W. 11. RAWLS, Nov 8-2 m Adm’r. GEORGIA—Thomas County. RY authority from the honorable the Court of Ordinary of said County, will be sold with in the hours of sale, before the Court house door in Thomaßville^sf > /’ , ’ W) the first and cash. WM. H. RAWLS?™ 8 Nov 8-40d Adm’r.’ GEORGIA Colquitt Count}. TWO Months from this date, and on the First Monday in January next, application will be made by the undersigned to the Court of Ordinary of Colquitt County, for an order granting leave to sell all the Real Estate of James Isom, late of said Couptv, dec’d. B. E. WATKINS, Nov 8-0n Adtn’r. POSTPONED Administrator’. Sale. On the first Tuesday in. I>ecember next, will be sold before the Courthouse door in Moultrie, Colquitt County, Ga., within the usual hours of sale, 120 acres of lot of land, No. 528, in the 1020 District of said countv — sold as the property of George F. Hearn Jon, dec’d, for the benefit of the heirsaud creditors. Terms on day of sale EADY HEARNDON, Nov 8 td Adm’r. GEORGIA —Thomas Connty, WII.Ei be rented sot the vear 1867. before the Court House door in Thomasville, said County, on the First Tuesday in December next, the Plantation of Josiah Drew, dec’d., of said County, thirteet. miles South of Thom , asville, on the Monticello Road. | G. A. BURTON, Not 8 It Adm’r. E. 0. HILTON, F. M. RANDELL* Savannah. New York. Hilton & Randell WHOLESALE Gr r o ccrs and dealers in WINES, LIQUORS, &c., 103 Boy St., - - - SAVAIVNAI*, Ga. Invite the attention of Dealers to their large and comple’c assortment of Groceries and Liquors, Which they are prepared to offer at the Lowest Market rates. OLD MONONG AIfELA, R YE, AN D BOURBON W IIIS K I ES—constantly on hand. Agf"nfs fot'the celebrated ‘‘ Star Whi.- kies.” giafllazard's Gunpowder in keg'*, half kegs, quarter kegs and cases. Nov 1 6m JOHN C. VAUGHN, OF the Finn of Ainsworth, Vaughn A San ford, will leave soon lb:* the North and Northwestern markets, to make purchases ot’ Grain and Provisions, and all kinds of goods. Farmers, Merchants, and all others who de sire any such articles bought, can have it done on very reasonable ifernis. uov 1 -ts MILLINERY; Mists* HcIXTI ItK wishes to nrfovni iter friends and patrons, that she is occupy ing the same rooms she lvid hist Spring at Mr. James .M. Gray V —Comer of Fletcher and Jef ferson Streets. She is prepared to I6emol-l, Klcm h unit Trim Bonnets unit lints,, in the most fashionable style. She will also Cut, Fit uml Tin lie La dies’ Urcsseo, Rnsqnes. Ac. Nov 8 45-ts HOUSS AND LOT FOR SALE, MV House and Lot advantageously sit uated rn Fletc*lierville r rs iwv offbred 1 for sale. The house has six. looms, and! the lot contains three acres of good* land., with a fine Peach Orchard, good well, out houses, etc. Apply to C. S. REID. . Nov 8 45-ts ‘ REMOVAL. JR. S. DAVIS & CO., have remove*!* # their Auction and Commission busi ness to the large and commodious Store nearly opposite the Post Office. Auction sales every Saturda}*. Ladies and Gentlemen having cast off Clothing, can get gcod prices for them. At the same place, will be found, at all times, something good to cat, in the way of Fresh Oysters, Ham and Eggs, Hot Cof fee, and all other g< od things usually kept in a I'rst Class Eating Saloon. ggjfOur Sign will show yon where wo are. Give us a call and see and tistt for yourselves. Our Bakery is also attached to the busi ness, where you can get at short notice, Nice Loaf Bread, Cakes of all kinds, Pics, &c., &e. Come ami Try It. J. R. S. DAVIS i CO. Nov 8 45-ts COOPER. SLOTS & FARRELLY Wholesale and Retail Dealers in 33 O O IKL AND STATIONERY, Corner Whitaker and St. Julian Streets, No. 62 Wnring’s Range, SAVANNAH, GEO It G IA. JOHN M. COOPKR. BAN IS L G. OLCOTT. WII.LIAM H. OI.COTT STEPHEN FAftRH I.T. | Foreign Books imprrted to order at New York rates. Wholesale orders filled at | lowest jobbing rates. nov 8-3 m NOTICE. fI'MIE copartnership heretofore existing be X tween the undersigned, in the name and style of XV. P. Clower & Cos , is this dav dig solved by mutual consent. Dr. W. P- Clower will arrange the unsettled business of the con cern and all indebted must make payment to him. \V. P. CLOWER. W N. VALLEAU. Thomasville, Nov 1, 1866. The undersigned will continue the Drug In*, siness at the old stand and otters a well assort * ed stock of Drugs, Chemicals and Fanc-y Arti cles at low prices. He invites his friends to, pav him a visit. Novi ts W. P. FLOWER, A NEW STORE OPENED IN FLETCHERVJLLE. HARDWARE, Tin Ware and Crockery, Fine Chewing To* baceo, Cheese, Cigars, Candy Raisins and Almonds, Pine Lot New Flour* Just received from St. Louis, Mo., Sugar, Coffee, Meal, CandleN, Laid, ltacon. Spice, Pepper, I*otasl, : And a variety of other things too numerous to ! meat Lob, very LOW lor CASH. 30 kegs ‘lOp, Nails, Cutlery. W. J. PARNELL Sept 6 ts (i!£Uß6rlA—Titomas County. Court of Ordinary, Oct. 18, 1866. Whorrna. C. J’b Eg,""’ application, to this Court for Letters of Guardianship for -1 lie persons, pfc.p.-rtv and effects of Janies F, Julia E, Adiii*. William and Fanny Evans, minors of R. R. Evans, deceased: —All per j eons interested are notified to tile their objec tions in Cotlft, otherwise said letters will be. jjranied Appik'ans in terms of the law. H H. TOOKE, oct 25 30d Ordinary. “bagging and hope. A SUPERIOR article of HEAVY BAG GING and ROPE, for sale by nov l-2t ISEVILL & WRAGG.. 13WO MONTHS* from date application will he made to the Ordinary's Court of Loundes County, for le-uve to sell the Real Es tate of William Knight, late of said Countv, deed WM. C. KNIGHT, ‘ Nov 8-2 m Adm’r. TWO MON “MIS from date application will bo made to the Court of Ordinary of I LoundeaCounty, for laave to sell the Real Es tate of Ishum Walker, late of said County, deceased.. ELIZA WA LK.ER, Sept 27 2m Adrfi’r. SWEET OPOPONAX FROM MEXICO! New, very rare, rich and fashionable perfume. The finest ever imported or manu factured in the United States. Try it and be convinced. ESSENCE Jamaica Ginger, for sale by W. P. CLOWER & CO. GREEN TEA of delicate flavor. For sale by W. P. CLOWER & CO.* aug 23 Druggists,