Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 06, 1866, Image 4

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Metallic Burial C JS es. r pHK undersigned ha* now 0,1 *“• ad and for i nale in Thomasville, a large number of Pi.k'i rlrf ,*c Bartftl 4'*r*, of all *— WOOD C'OFF i?fs i. descriptions. Ti>*n f* Aon delivery ISAIAH I’ EEKLB Aft g is - ■ . g. ‘ Cmmtr. \ K r ,mMr V> an order 0 f tb C<*M of Or 6 narv of *>d County. w ,n be *td Sefiore the C door, in Th >tnarvi!le. on the first Tuesday in December ’ j*xt. all J lands be •rnc'-ne to the estate o*- Dixon ¥ TVrre. late inty, deed .to wit —Lets of Land Xmber Uiree hnnd: ed and icoTr (340;. three .. and forty .me ‘4l ffir*e hundred . sorts tF* I. hm- l-.vn4rt*i ami . e!l , f nine *379), an and three hnarfre i and eighty > each containing 250 acres, more or les ’ ITjh District of said’ County, and w ill t fu.)d a* follow* Number 34<i will M ~ ..rate, on wl.ieh i* a dwelling house out Gin house and SrWw. and o acn * an .. r nil; ttlMO untan DU and 34‘2 V ill he ■her, on which also, is _a dv.elliug ■ Gin ho ,*• . Screw and £■- • - • . i r r ""i ■ , will be •eld ‘.aether -partly>-enlt, ration V ■ at the un** piflcc, * ißlf mt^r , i'n'LsC Number Ten 10‘, in said District. Terms on dav of sale. M C. SMITH, Adm r., • aiaWA A. PIEUCS, Adw’x. oii • ~ td t;l:OROH Thname '••■y 1 xreentiTi’ to an order of the honorable ri ofOttftnarv of snidConnty, v.ill be sold U-fore the CoMriln-Ve door, in rhomasville, on the first T'-'V ,n IVrember next all the lands belonging nslhecWat. of Daniel Mr.n eer late of said Ownly dec and, towH t-Ljote \ ,-bes thfe*r <4i, and thirty-nine (J 9), in the TwHUy third Ibstrict of said County, •'[’hew Ms contain ’-£* acres etich, good dwell •iii > house and out houses on each, with cleared landstindercultivation, and will lie sold separ gr. iv Te nus oa the day of sale ’ M. C SMITH, ftctll td Adrn’r with the Will annexed tHAKiiIA-ThomM Csaaly. a credible to an order of the Court of Or -4<n*ry of said Countv. will lie sold before the TNmrthouse d'srr, in Thomasville. on the first Tuesday in December next, all ‘he lands be ■ lunging to the e! ,tiite of Kinchen Ward, late of said County, dec'd, to wit: —Part of Ix>t Number one hundred and thirty-one (131), ■confatninsr 125 acres, more or less, in the 14th District of sail! County—dwelling house, ont ■ buildings, and 50 acres of cultivated lands—ad jiriniug the plantation of the estate of Sheldon . Swift and others. M. C. SMITH, Adm'r. . Oft-11 td with Will annexed. 4 F0R451 A—Thomas County. Agreenble to an order of the Court of Or dinary of said County, will be sold before the Courthouse door, in Thomasville, on the first Tuesday in December next, all the lands be t niL'iagtotbe estate of, late of fetid County, deed, to wit. —150 acres of land, ‘mire or less, as the portion drawn by one of tie Legatees'of the estate of Randolph Revels —having on the premises a dwelling house, outhouses and 7.) acres of cleareii land, under a high suite of cultivation. Said I*and situated in the 23rd District of said County, and ad joining the lands of William Murray. Terms on the day of sale. M C. SMITH. Del 11 td Adm’r. 4. K O IMS ■ A—Thomas 4'*uiity. Agreeable’to an order of the honorable Court, of Ordinary of swid County, will be told before the Courthouse door, in Thomas ville, on the first Tuesday in December next, nil the lands belonging to t.h;- estate of John McCoy, of sail County, deceased; —Two hundred and seventy-five (275). acres, more of -175 acres in a'high 'state of cultivation g ] corn and cotton lands—adjoining the;- of Robert KoddenberrYand others, in the !>;-trii t of said Countv. M C SMITH. o.tlltd. Adm’r t;i:OR(*l.l-Ttims Oawtv. \grcenblc to ah order of the. Court of Or liinarv of said County will be sold before the Courthouse door,, in Thomasville, on the first, Toesdav in Decamber next, all the lands be longing’ to the estate ol Floyd II Revels, late of said County, deed, to wit:—Lot of land Number eighty-five (85), containing 250 acres, | n: re or less, in the 23rd District of said Conn ie lfto acres in a goml state of Cultivation— adjoining the lands of William Murray and .■ rs Terms on thr day of sale. M C SMITH, Oct 11 td Adni’r. bi:aHfll.l~Th*mn> 4'a.inty. Agreenhle to an ortlcr of the Court of Or ditiarv of Raid Countv, will he sold before the Courthonse d<x*r, in Thomasville. on the first Tuesdav in December next, all the lands be- Miging to the estate of John Revels, late of cud County, dec and. to witlso acres of land, more or less, ns portion drawn by one of the heirs of Randolph Revels—situated in the 23rd District of said County, ad)oining the lands of Thomas West—so acres cleared. Terms on the dav of sale. M. C. SMITH. Octlltd Adm’r. j RFORRU-ThMiu County. Agreenhle to an order of the honorable Court of Ordinary of said County, will he sold before the Courthonse door in Thomasville, on the first Tuesday in December next, all the Lands belonging to the estate of John A. Igne, late of said County, deed, to wit: Lot Num ber two hundred and sixtv-nine (269),contain ing 250 ai -*:s, more or less, in the Twenty-third District of Nid County—partly in cultivation, and adjoining the lands of James F Hall, Nel son Miieheli and others. Terms on the dav of sale. M. C. SMITH, Ost 11-td Adm’r. GEORGIA—-ThtnM County. Igrronblr to an order of the Court of Ordi nary of said County, will be sold before the Courthouse door, iu Thouiasville, on the first . Tuesday in December next, all the lands be- ! hanging to the estate of Marv Atkinson, late of ■ said County, dee’d, to wit:—lt Number two Hundred and twenty one (221), and half of Lot Number two hundred and fifty-nine (-'>9). con- Aainiag 375 acres. more ->r less—with 100 acres of cleared laud—dwelling and outhouses Said land situated in the ISth District of said Coun ty. on Big Tired Creek. Terms on the day of sale. M. C. SMITH. Oet 11-td Adm'r. GSOKCM-Tlmui •uatr. ; Agreeable to an order of the honorable Court of Ordinary cf said County, wiil be sold before the Ceovth-juse door, iu Thoinasviile,. County, withiufthe legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, eighty ” acres of Land, more or less, with a good dwelling house and all necessary outbuildings j attached —•‘SO acres of which is cleared, ready i for cultivation—adjoining lands of Eva Davis i and others—good coni and cotton lauds in said County Sold aathe property of C. W. Branch, deed. Terms on the dav of sale. M C SMITH. Oct 11-td Adm'r. Adminfttrator’s Sale. Right for Sale. Us ILL be sold to-fore the Court House door in Thoumsville. on the First Tuesday in 1 >U< ember uvxl, tue l J tut Bight of Maw v ‘ Celebrated . , CTTON PRESS. This Cotton-Press is well known throughout , country. wthe cheapest, least dangerous, osid most expeditious invention vet brought „ to use for Packing Cotton without Steam. Presses of this Patent may every where be * -en in this section, and the great favor they have heretofore met. is sufficient assurance i that the pure i laser of the Patent Bight will se cure for itunaeil and bis portentv a constantly ***“■ L. K MAsSKV, D P. MASbEY, •* t m Ash” r. on OBER, 1866. Fall <fc Winter GOODS. W> •• r to thw Public a Fiue Asoort- DRY GOODS, GROCE RTFS, CONFECTIONARIES, &c. Also, a well selected stock of READY MADE Clothing* BOOTS AND fcHOES, HATS cfc CAPS, . 1 mforellas. Yankee Notions, &r., &c., Ac. ’ The Ladies are particularly invited to exam ine our Goods, as we have many articles to please them. We will exchange any thing we have for Country Produce Os all Kinds, t , ! Lpon favorable terms, and have effected ar ! rangement* by which we will be in constant Of all goods in our line. McQiicon & .Hit* lu 11. Oct 11 41 if Executor's Sale. | N pnrßimnceof and by virtue of a Decree of A the Hotlttrable the Superior Court of Thom 1 as Countv, will he sold before the Courthouse door in Thomasville, Thomas CoUntv, Ga., on the First Tuesday in December next, between the nsual hours of sale, the following property belonging to the estate of John Walden, dec'd, to wit The plantation known as the Peyton Walden place, consisting of Lots No. 272,273, 248 and 233, in the 18th District of, originally Early, now Thomas County—some six hun dred acres cleared land, with good Gin House j and Screw, and seven negro houses. Also, lots in the Town of Thomasville, known ; as Nos 5 and 6, in lUock 2, Column I—No. 41, Block 2, Column 3. No. 72, Block 1, Column 4, No. 92 and 93, Block 6, Column 4, No. 106, Block 5. Column 5, Nos. 114, 115.116 and 117, Block 3, Column 6, No. 118, Block 4, Column 6, No- 119, Block 1, Column 7, No. 120, Block • 2, Column 7, North East Section of the Town. Also, the place known as the Gray Place. Also, 3.4, 5 and 6, in Letter X, and 2 feet extending through said Letter X.. Terms made known on the dav of sal >. . . ANSEL DEKLE, - Oct 46M ‘ Sor’g Ex'r. STEAM SAW GRISTMILL For SAlo* r J3IIE undersigned now offers for sale'liis t JL Steam Saw and Cxist Mill, near Thomas viiic. xiK>wn as tin Graves Min—in cdtopß?re running order and now sawing, with the labor of three hands, from 2500 to 3000 feet of hint her per day. Stock Carts. Too Is, Oxen, and i all other implements for carrying on the busi- ] ness, sold with the Mill. I’rice sl-sfto Cash • ! If not sold by the first of December, this 1 ofler will lie withdrawn. E O. THOMPSON. Sept 27 *39-2m Hi xx in ber FOR SAXjEJ. ? 5000 ft of good Pine lumber for side at my steam saw and grist mill jiear Duncanville. I am also prepared to grind corn in any qnantitv. May 30 ROBERT RAINES. C. H. WILLCOX, Superintendent T. H. WILLINGHAM, WHOLESALE Grocers, 14.‘l 4'ongrenx A- 57 Si. Jnlien fills., SAVANNAH, 6.4., Keep constantly on hand, and receiving per every Steamer, all kinds of fiIOHOTS, SEC4RS, TOBVOfO. Ac., Ac. Prompt attention given to Orders accom panied with remittance. “npr 11 12m TIN SHOP! BF. FUDGE has now opened a , wholesale and retail Shop, oppo site the Post Ofice, on Jackson Street. He is now prepared to do all kinds of TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK, RE PAIRING, &c. tsTGuttering and Roofing done in the best style by B. F. FUDGE. Apr 14 15-1 y GEORGlA—Thonifi County. ON the First Monday in December next, I will apply to the honorable Court of Ordinary of said County for an order of Court, granting leave to sell the Lands of Morris Carter. dec'tf HENRY CARTER. Oct 4-td , , , Adm'r. GEORGIA—Thomas ~Coitnty. AGREEABLE toanorder of Court I will : sell before the Courthouse door in Thomas . vilie, sai-1 County, withiu the legal hours of sale, on the fi’st Tuesday in December next, the lat uds of Morns Carter deceased Tennscash. HENRY CARTER„ . < >ct 4-td • ... Adm'r. 47EOKCIA—Echols ‘County. —Vn~ , rliii'n: fldnimMra^ tor of David MeTerrell, late of said e,unity, decea*d. having tiled his petition in this Court, I for Letters of Dismission from said estate, this is therefore to admonish ail concerned to lie and appear at my odice within the ‘time pre served bv law. to show cause if anvthevcan why sui-i letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this August 1 1566 THUS. B. CLAYTON, aug 15-6 m Ordinary. \VAGGM AVS DIARRHOEA MIXTURE. An infallible specific for incipient Cholera. Prepared bv W. P CLOWER A CO.. May 16 Druggists. BRYANT’S Cholera Mixture — A specific for incipient Cholera, for ■ale by W. r. CLOWER & CO. HARDAWAY & M’KINNON. WE HAVE RECEIVED AND SHALL BE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK SUCH ARTICLES. AS • ARE NEEDED. AND USEFUL, KM Biff HI NtfllHHl f)l Nlf ■.—A ND— :. .■ ‘ , ‘ OCCUPY OUR SAME OLD STAND. • • * • WE KEEP A FUEL SUPPLY OF STAPLE AND DRESS GOODS, HARD ‘W A-iSFZ. E3 9 CROCKERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, ■ jaa -tssm —AND— ‘ FAMILY GROCERIES. WB HAVE ARRANGED TOJSUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH The Finest FLOUR IN THE UNITED STATES, Direct from the Mills at St. Louis, Missouri. We warrant it free of Yankee Beans and Peas, and from Wheat niade in 1806. * We will do our best to make you feel easy and cheerful, and will sell yotl as Cheap as we can alFord. We buy tor Cash and are sell at Small Profits. HARDAWAY & McKINNON BST'We have no Pictures of Steamboats, Rail Road Trains. Tele graphs, and Big Houses with Flags, to attract notice, but WE HAVE THE GOODS and intend to sell them. -Oct 11-if • THOMAS IU L Id” Produce and Provision Store . AUG. F. FRANKLIN, PRODUCE & PROVISION DEALER, and . . . . • ■V; 00 m IHAIIT, :: Jeff Ml Bain\ Itiiiiding, . - . _ , * Thomawville, CJa. will pay the highest Cash Pi ices or- give. Goods in exchange for all descrip tions of Country Produce. Come and see me before disposing of. what you have. A word lo the wise is sufficient. • • Sept HT-TJ-lm (•FOlififA —Tliotmi; County. ; To the Honorable flic Court of Ordinal y of said County. THE Petition of W. F. Taylor, administra j tor on the estate of H. J. M. Hutto, deceased, , sheweth, that he has fully discharged his duty I as such, and now makes application fora Dis ! mission and discharge from said administration j and prays that notice may be given in terms of tlie law. W. T. TAYLOR, Adui’r. j GEORG lA—Thomas County. Court of Ordinary, Sept. 25, 1866. UPON hearing the foregoing Petition, it is ordered by the Court, that said Petition and this order be published in the Southern Enter : prise in terms of the requirements of the law. 11. H.TOOKE. Sept 27-2ni Ordinary. ‘ “ ■ OFR(< I A—Thomns County. I To flic Honorable Court of Ordinary of said County : THE Petition of William I’. Bnwn, Ad ministrator on the estate of George W. Brown, deceased, sheweth, that lie has fully discharg j ed liis duty as such, and now prays that the j notice required by law be given, that he may I he dismissed from said administration, and as ’ in dutv bound will ever prav. etc. W P. BROWN, Adm’r- I GEORG lA—Thomas County. Court of Ordinary , Sept. 3. 1866. i UPON hearing the foregoing Petition, it is ! ordered by the Court that said Petition and this order be published in the Southern Enter prise six months, in terms of the law. H. II TOOKE, Sept 6-6 m Ordinary. (•FORRlA—Thomas County. To the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said I County - The undersigned, your Petitioner, Adminis i tratoron the estate of C. H. Young, deceased, j sheweth that he has fully discharged his duties I as such: —He therefore petitions and pravs for : an order of said Court discharging him from j said trust, and asin duty hound will ever prav. etc. E. R. YOUNG, Adm’r I GEORG I A—Thomas County. Court of Ordinary, June Ist, 1866. Upon hearing the foregoing Petition, it is or dered by the Court, that said }etition and this order be published in the Southerp Enterprise j once a Week for six months. H. 11. TOOKE. June 6 6m Ordinary. FKOR6IA —lt molts Comity. AA44J-.REAS, J. O. Morton. Administrator i ot tlie est a.e of’ ,J. I>. application to me for Letters Dismissorv from said administration These are to cite and ad- ! monish all parties at interest, to tile their ob i jections within the time prescribed by law-, ; ! otherwise said letters will lie granted the ap ’ plicant. J: G. McCALL. July 4 6m (). pj. C. IwFOKlalA— Thomav Comity. ALL persons interested are hereby notified, i that on the First Monday in December next. I will apply i<> the honorable Court of Ordinary of said Contitv for an order granting leave to sell the Lands of II .1 M Hutto of said County, deed. . W.M T TAYLOR, i Oct 4-td Adm ‘r, Notice —Two months after date I shall apply to the Court of Ordinaryof Echols] < oimty. forleave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of John W. Fletcher, late of said County, deceased _ ROBERT J. LEVAU, (rt 1 end”■ Adm'r C*i I 4 ’ O lA—Thomnft County. To the honorable Court of Ordinary of raid County : I HE Petition of M. C. Smith, Administrator . on the estate ol Mary Home, deceased, shew- I ethi that he has fully discharged his duty as ; such administrator, and now makes application for Dismission from said administration, and prays that the usual citation may he given in terms of the law, aud as in duty bound will | ever pray. etc. Al. C. SMITH, Adm’r. GEORGIA—Thomas County. Court of Ordinary, July 11. IKfifi. I PON hearing the foregoing Petition, it is ordered by the Court that said Petition and this order be published in the Southern Enterprise in terms of the law for six months. H. 11. TOOKE, July 18-bm Ordinary. C ■'] O Clinch Count}. To nil whom it may Concern : WHEREAS, David O’Quin, administrator of X. ,1. Higgs, Robert Higgs and William Burkhalter, late of said County, deceased, hav ing tiled his Petition in this Court for Letters of 1 lismission :—This is therefore to admonish nil concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted Given under my baud, at office, this July 2,lßbti. II MORGAN. July 4 fun Ordinary (•IJllttiilA boundra County W hereas Hugh Mclntyre Administrator of Daniel Mclntyre having filed liis petition in this Court for letters of dismission from bis administration. 1 his is therefore to admonish all concerned to show cans*; if any they can why said letters should not be granted at a regular term of this Court, after the expirat on of six months. Given under mv hand and official signature this loth day of May 18(50. ’ WILLIAM SMITH, May 16-6 m Ordv. KO Rfi IA Thomas County. To the Honorable Court of Ordinary of raid County: THE undersigned, vonr Petitioner, admin istrator on the estate of Edward Bryan dec’d., shewed*, that lie Ims fully discharged his du ties as such, and now makes this his applica tion torn Dismission and discharge from said trust, and prays that the citation issue in terms of the law. and as ill dutv bound will ever pray, etc. AL J. J. BRYAN, Adm’r. GEORGIA — Thomas County. Court of Ordinary, June &tk, 1866. ‘ —[ I ‘ ‘ II the fc J!*Vr j, ; j ’ i _ .• iA petition, ordered by tlie < onrx, that said Petition and tliis (Irder, be published in the Southern Enter prise once a week for six months. , 11. H. TOOKE, June 3U-6m Ordinary. hE®KCßA— Clinch County. WHEREAS, William B. North having filed his petition in this Court for Letters of Dismis sion from his administration on the estate of John Knolls, late of said County, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all ! concerned, to file their objections, if any they | | I ave, otherwise said letters will la- granted in ; tenusofthe law. 11. MORGAN, aug Id tan Ordinary. CIMEET OPOPONAX FROM MEXICO! The most elegant and essential per sonal requisite fora lady, “ Extract of i Sweet Opoponax ” E. T. SMITH & CO., New York j APOTHECARY W. ?. CLOWER & CO., “DRUGGISTS. Have renovated and refitted the Store next to Young's Hotel, for the purpose of es tablishing a First Class Drug store. The new firm ask for a share of patroii age, and invite the attention of the citi zens to their well selected stock of Medicines, . Fancy and Toilet Articles, . Soaps and Perfumery. Fine Green'and Itlac*k Teas, Kcrosine (Lamps ;ind Oil. m i: stiffs. c Together ofith every other article ushally kept ift a well appointed Deng Store. • . ‘ /.'A jftkians’ Prescription* carefully I .prepared . • 4-ts | Jan 24 • . •_ DRUGS • ffiiiiiiiss. r|Yhe undersigned having purchase-! the I elegant Drug Stor-e ol l>r. Little."take pleasure in announcing to the people o ThomasvilLe, and the. country generally, that they have just received a full supply of fresh Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Stationery, et., etc. ('all and examine for yourselves By strict attention to business, courte ous and honorable dealing'with our cus tomers we hope to merit and receive a'libe ral share of patronage. WINN & CASSELS. James Ji. Winn, Samuel J. Cassels. jan 17 ff FRESH DRUGS! Dll P. S. BOVVER has just returned from New York and Philadelphia, with.a large stoek of FRESH MO RELIABLE BISS. Purchased with a great deal of care from the best, manufacturers in the country—embracing every article in the Medical Department— which he proposes to sell on as good terms its can be had in this market. lie would call particular attention to his large supply of . FANCY ARTICLES, Such as. Soaps, Cologne, Perfumes; Pomades, Cosmetics, llarr and Tooth Brushes, Combs,’ &.C., till of which lie can sell at reasonable • prices, considering the finality of the articles. He bas some preparations which will restore* •to the bald head a beautiful'suit of hair, turn gray its healthy and natural color, and restore the bloom of vonth to the faded visage He would call special attention t his large slock of Phalon's Night Blooming Cereus. and Laird’s Bloom of Youth: ( a Call. • P. S. BOWER. • June 20 ‘ • . • 25-ts THG.[FO!,I.OWINK IN THE K.EY ‘ TO THE • Mysterious Sign! The. W stands for worst off of any in town, To sell at small profits, and put prices down. The T for nnited. untiring in trade United in business, united indeed. The s for sue ess, which is sure in t he scheme: Silver and shinjtlasfers, which sustain the machine. The T stands for trials encountered at first, By great, opposition,"which mast can i ‘er Sc, list. The J stands for Justice which to all men is due; The folks arc mistaken who think its for -Jeic.’ I he like old Brownlow’s, of iron is made, To run down high prices, and roll in the trade- The spokes to the centre the felloes will hold ; The axle's not made yet, hue’s just ready to mould. Then T conies again. and here stands tor true, To our country, ourselves, and. our patrons, to you. The O only comes in to make out the show. To direct the good people where all ought to go. The E stands for friendship, we’d have you all know, And is the principal motto of Barlow & Cos. The T you will see is the last of the rhyme, Os George P. Barlow’s mysterious sign. W. U. S. T.J. @T.O.F. T. A Cos. Nov 1 4 4-ts OFFICE GENT, SUPERINTENDENT,) . Atlantic & Gulf Rail Road, > Savannah,'Oct. loth, 1800-5 SmiU lli! -!L V.-IJL#4:/aUJQL HPHE Florida Branch Rail'Road will be A opened to the Public on Monday next, the 22nd inst.. Arrangements have been made insuring di rect and speedy communication by this route between Savannah and all stations on the Pensacola and Georgia Rail Road, Florida Central Rail Road, and Florida Rail Road. Through Tickets will be sold between the following places, viz: rsavannan and Quincy, Tallahassee, Monti cello, Madison, Lake City and Jacksonville. Tiiomasvilie and Quincy. Tallahassee, Mon ticello, and Madison. Madison and Quitman and Valdosta Freights between Savannah and all points on Pensacola Georgia Railroad and Florida Central Rail Road will he shipped on through rates and without breaking bulk. 11. s. HAINES, oet 25 4 1 Gea’l Sup’t J. L. VILLALONGA, COTTON FACTOR fIRIARBiIB MB COMMISSIOI Merchant, No- 94 Bay Street, jan l-ts SAVA XXAII, GA. BRIGHAM, HOLST & CO., COMMISSI! MB IfASBil \A ;rn fXT V XTrriQ •mjCtJtllillAjM JL O, H. llkigham, ) SAVANNAH, C M. Holst, 5 c. h. otMSTEAD.y Georgia aug 8 bin M Y HENDERSON. COMMISSION MERCHANT, (REMSHART’S BUILDINGS.) Foot of Kaniiird sit., Narnnnah, <>a. DEALER IN ‘ |. Hides, Wool, Deer Skins and Bees Wax. Toe Cash Prices paid at all times for ■ any of the above articles. oct 25 1 (Jr Smallwood. Hodgkiss & Cos. COTTON Fa c t'o x* s j . . A .ID . G E NEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, # Xo lO Beaver St,, Sew l'ork. 8 1 ■” “ ’ J. L. Sm uT.wood. formerly Smallwood, Karl & Cos., mid J. L. Smallwood fcCo. Thus. H. Hodukiss, Georgia. X Hodgkiss, G. XV. SoiTt. Florida. : > |gg^4oo., D. H.Pool*, Georgia. ) New York. . We are prepared through Resident Aar's rs to Adraarr on and Mt-ll A ottoir in all the, Southern- *orJ. or‘.forward from These ’ l*rl t >rw York or l<i t rrpool Djrrrl. .mt our friends may prefer. ‘ . . Our lynaoetioni in i.ivrrpooi areaadias j Will give our customers all the advantages’ of ■ ; that market. . ’ . |. • Ji'ily 4 ° . . 27-4 y.’ Laurel Hill CEMETERY. r |' , llh ph*rot this, heatitiful Cemetery, in the • A neighborhood of’- Thomasville, is now. completed, and in the hands of the Town Clerk for exhibition. The prices of the Burial Lots range from.twenty to foity dollars, according to size and location. Those who apply emit will have the best opportunity of the choicest lots. WM. CLINE,CIerk . Nov. 1 ‘ 3t. Notice. A. LL persons are hereby forewarned from ■ -V trading for certain promissoi y ; scribed as follows :—One on Taylor .V Dekle, for $lO5 50, dated June 30th, 1866, and made payable to the undersigned ■. one on 1 >on aid Me I Jean for SB6 87,dated dijv 20th, 1866, pavableto the undersigned : one ou Jerry Sew ‘. ani. endorsed by Thomas Bennett, date not known, bnt made payable t<> Thomas Bennett, amount |Bl 86, with a credit of $0.00; one on David Gonlsbv. for $-10 00, date not known, but made payable to William SolomOns : and one on Lowrv Johnson for $(1 IS, date April 7th, 1862,made payable to Abram Graves. S id notes were lost or stolen in Macon. Ga., or ou the cat* near there on the 19th inst. • nov i :iii,r E. O. THOMPSON. ■ t< County.. AGUE EARLE to an order of the Honora ble the Court of Ordinary of said Cottaty, wi 11 be sold before the. Court House door, til said. ’ County, within the legal hoars of sale, ou the first Tuesday in December next. all the Lands •and Real Estate of Thomas .Dyson, deceased, including his plantation in said County and , Home Place in Thomasville. .Terms cash. .■ JAMES D. EYSON, . Sept 13-td Exccnt.or. 17 0 It An I A—Thomas County. To’the Honorable Court of Ordinary of so id County . . THE Petition of LebhcHs Dekle and Elias Fateh, Administrators, with the Will annexed, of the estate of Isaac Patch, deceased, sheweth tlmi saiil estate consists in part of Lands, and that it ts necessary for the purpose of DLltvi bution, that the- same bn sold —petitioners therefore makes application for an order gra: ing leave to sell said lands, .and as in duty bound will ever pray, ere. . .’ • LEBBEUS DEELE, • . ELIAS FIJTCH , . • ‘ 1 . •• Adin’rs-. GEORGIA—Thomas County. . ‘ Court of Ordinary, Oct. 9,1866. UPON hearing the foregoing Petition, it is. of-dered by tite Court th-at said Petition and this order he published in the Southern Enterprise once every two weeks for two months. . ■ H. H. TOOKE, .Oct 11 2m . Ordinary. I •- 1 1 ‘ . . <117<5 S?All.A—A'<s!quitl A nnuly. Court of Ordinary, July Term,-1866. WllEllEAS,’Jeremiah 15. Norman, adminis trator on'tin- estate of James M. Norman ;• Jer emiah B. Norman, administrator on the est:Uc of William McCall; Seaborn Weeks, adminis trator on the estate of Joseph - Castleberry, I have in proper form applied to me to-be dig missed from then-said administrations:—Notice, is hereby given to all parties interested to file their objections in Court, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted said applicants at the February Term of Court ISAAC C A ELTON, July IS (im Ordinary N'A'TIA'I’. —Two months after date I shall apply to the Cos irt ol Ordinary of Echois County, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Jesse A. Swilley, late of said County, deceased. R A SWILLEY, Oct 4 60d* Adm’x. Cjic S-outljcni (Enterprise. L. C. BRYAN. KDITOK -AND I* KO I* It II7TOK. 8171180 It I I*TIO!V TKR tl.l. • o The Southern Entirprise - ’# publish, and weekly at Four Dollars per annum, strictly IN ADVANCE. O Advertisements will be inserted for One Dollar per s.quar, of weJvc hues or lets for each insertion. From th/s rate a discount of 1 ‘Twenty-five per cent, will be made for adver hscmeiits .inserted for then months or under six months , and Fifty per cent, for tree re months or more. AH Advertisements sent to the oftiee n vst In , marked i-itk the number of insert tons desired ‘ or the period Jo be published, ■, and in every instance accompanied with the amount re quired for payment. Marriages and■ Deaths will hereafter be !• charged for as advertisements. Special or editorial■ notices mill be published 1 and charged at double th, at,are rut *. Payments must he .made in. current funds. ’ Remittances may be made hy Express at our j risk. All others must be at.the risk of those making the same. Subscribers names trill be dropped from the : tisf at thr end of the term for which the sub scription has been paid, unless renewed All communications should be addressed to the “Proprietor Southern Enterprise, Thomasville, Georgia.” o I.ECSAL AIMKRTTMKMENT*. All persons having occasion to advertise : Legal Sales. Notices, etc... a/e compelled by law to comply with the following rules: ‘ ] Administrators, Executors, or Guardians All sales of Land by Administrators, Execu tors or Guardians, are required by law to he held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the l ours of ten o’clock in the forenoon, and j three in the afternoon, at the Court House in which the property is situate. Notices of these sales must he given in a. public gazette forty days previous to the day of sale. • Sole of Personal Property .-—Notices of the ‘ sale of personal property must he given at least ten days previous to the day of sale. Estate Debtors and Creditors .--—Notice to | Debtors and Creditors of an estate must be published forty days. •] Court of Ordinary Leave to Sell: —Notice j that application will he made to the Court of Ordinary lor leave to sell Lands, must be pub lished weekly for two months. Administrators and Guardianship .—Cita tions for Letters of Administration must he published thirty days; for Dismission from Administration, monthly for six months. Foreclosure of Mortgage .—Rules for Fore closure of Mortgage must he published monthly for four months. J Establishing Ernst Papers .—Notices estab lishing .Lost Papers must be published for the ! lull term of three months. *-t ? 1 uhlications will always he continued according to the above rules, unless otherwise 1 •rdert. 1 SPOONER’S . t, CURE >] wMmmm mm&mmmmMmmma. ’I . ‘ I ; Chills and-Fever, \ Bilious Fever, Intermittent Fever; Remittent. Fever, •• • • Congestive Chills, 1 . • * / ’ . Anti-Fever j • . ATVI> • AGUE Diarrhea, • • Dysentery, . ‘ ■ Periodical Headache, ; Dumb Ague. r.- . f pit i e A JU c/OtAs-? O . . For Sale by all Druggists. Wm. Spooner & Cos., Nashville, Term. of . low, marshy, and over flowed. regions,, o.r where mE asma prevails, and all EMIGRANTS TO THE SOUTH AND WEST, should not be,- for .a single day, without SPOONER’S ANTI-FEVER AND •AGUE PI L LS, in order. 1 that -when they are attacked, with Chills any Fever, Bilious, Intermittent■ or - Remittent Fevers, Dumb Ague, ‘ Con gestive Chills, Pain in the Back, Periodical Headache. Diarrhea or Dysentery, (to which they are constantly lia ble,) they may promptly and. effectually be -cured, without the Loss of a single day’s labor. Their success is not contingent upon anything; they will never fail to cure effectually and per manently. For sale by all Druggists:, SPQOMEB’S Immunity against the Fevers and Chills ot Spring and Fall, the Dysenteries and Diarrheas of Summer, and the. various Bilious complaints attendant upon the entire year, is what the South needs and must have ‘ before that favored region will attain the full meed of its great ness. Emigration thither has been and is retarded for the lack of it; and for the same reason, cotton raising has been restricted and interfered with M-FEVII & AGUE In view of these facts Dr.. Spooner offers .to the people of.the South, and to Emigrants going thither; his A N TI FEVER AND AGUE PI LL S, which have been • demonstrated, repeatedly and repeatedly, to be an unerring and never-failing preventive and cure of all Bilious com plaints incident to the South and West. Try but one ex periment; the cost is trifling* the result is beyond any con tingency. It never has failed and never can, while Physiol ogy remains a science. mvm, For Sale by all Druggists. Wm. Spooner &c Cos. Nashville, Tenn. For aide ia 1 iv>:. asvilie bv Dr R S EOWEfiL.