Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, February 05, 1904, Image 3

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TIMKS-BNTKBPIUSE, THOMASVIIXE, GEORGIA, FEBRUARY 6, 1904. WAR AVERTED. And many other painful and serious ailments from which most mothers llldlllb voided by the use of ■nnn'p I Afli This great remedy Eg*j? gyV Bg ipS V? jj I* a God-scnd to women, carrying I® H M £ JSa PCSS B them through their most critical ■ ordeal with safety and no pain. No woman who uses "Mother's Friend" need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is also healthy, strong and — — ____ _ __ good natured. Our book “Motherhood,” is worth Mm MB | §0SP Cl' its weight in gold to every BBBilfl V woman, and will be sent free in plain PRIPIIII envelope by addressing application to f 3 f W M Bj r'.Vi |fl Bradfletd Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga. B |B I imlvMM RUSSIA’S REPLY SATISFAC TORY'TO ilAPAN. Taps About War Crists in Bast and / Rumored .Settlement.' Cable Advlco from Tokio Statta that Conditlona Have Been Agreed Upon by Oppoeing Countries In the Orient. foes Not Believe That Definite Answer Has Been Made- Talks on Panama Question-Expresses Views of War’s Effects on Wheat and Cotton Market—The Secretary is Enjoying His Stay Here and Improving in Health. The Thomasville correspondent of the New York Herald was informed Friday night by that paper that cablegram ad- rices from Tokio state v that. war between China and Japan will be averted. The reply made by Russia to Japan was sat isfactory to the latter country and the Herald states that there will be no war. Negotiations hare been in progress for a long time and different proposals have been made and each in tom rejected until this last reply of Russia to the Japanese govern ment. This news was received late last night and is doubtless authentic. Dispatches earlier in the day were as follows: London, Jan. 29.—‘The Japanese min- ThatL. H. Jerger has on hand a beautiful line of^silver goodssuitabfe for gifts or souvenirs, and that he is selling them at prices that will astonish you. Call and see them. L. W JERGER, JEWELER, South Broad Street, Thomasville Ga Secretary Hay was eeeu at Green wood. Col. O. H. Payne’s home Satur day afternoon and asked for a state ment in regard to tho rumored settle, ment of the war crisis in the East “I netrer discuss matters of this kind away from Washington,” said Mr. Hay, ■ "but I do not believe that this Informa- tt in it definite enough to call for any stateument from me at this time. It is improbable that Japan has received the ootnmnuication from Russia which is pointed to as the basis of the rumored, Begins Operations at Pelham t^ext Weak Relieve* Instantly or Money Refunded. Muscular Rheumatism Sore Muscles, Sore Joints and Neuralgia. The only External Remedy which wlH Sweat Out the Fever and Inflammation. ldsslyfai3Sc. t ate. stgLOOBctri—. ’ AtaUsssaPrsnlsts, The city of Pelham will after next Wednesday boast of her second railroad. On that day the initial run of the Flint River and Northeastern railroad will be mada. A train will ran from Pelham to Tioknor, a distance of thirty miles, on that day. For a time no passenger schedule will be put on and only freight trains will nin. The new road connects TAKE ix Dins and Eat Anything You Warn” KALOLA (Orystalized Mineral Water.) I have office hours nil day long at my store and just love to have you come to me with your troubles. f Are you iuj trouble about that OLD STOVE, top all crar ked; is it a good ba ker that wt n’t bake? Well, come tell me about it and I will show yon a remedy for it and the . COST IS SO SMALL and so easy to meet that you wont kriow that it is going on.. C. B. QUINN. Do you want a Purse, Pocket- Bill Book? arc "LIFE SAVERS," aiding development of organs and bod\ dv equals them. Cannot do harm—life becomes a pleasure. $ MAIL. Sold by Paiterson Drug Co. DR. MOTT’S CHEN land, Ohio. AJJOOUGH IS ONLY a SYMPTOM A cough is not a disease but a sympton Come and sea ns, for we have the complete line ever brought to The ville. of disease. A cough til ways indicates that either the throat or lungs are af fected. When the mucus lining of the throat or lungs becomes inflamed the irritation causes coughing. Don't neg lect a cough. It may be the sympton of serious throat or lung disease, liydales Elixir kills the germs that cause the trouble, soothes the irritated mucus membrane, gently stimuluos the nerves that coutrol the respiratory organs and thus helps nature to speedily restore nor mal conditions and healthy action. J W. Peacock J. W. Peacock Relies Onres Colds, Coughs, Catarrh and Grip. Just Breathe It. Hyomei is natqre'j own method for coring catarrh, oolds, coughs and dis eases of the respiratory organs. It is the only natural treatment for the core house when a cold wave is coming, yon need not fear attacks of Bronchitis. Pneumonia, Cough, Colds, etc. Rydsles Elixir taken when attack begins, never fails to check the progress of the dis ease. It is equally successful in ohroni cases of throat and long disease. J. W Peacock.. Books Far Library. Mrs. J. O. Strawbridge has presented the Thomasville Publip Library with a number of volumes, 93 in all. Theliter- atore is of s high class, some of it notion and some travel and biography. This splendid gift will add greatly to the library and all boek-lovsrt will join in enjoyment and appreciation. A Bad Sorap. ~ Willis Lewis, a well known oolored man, was seriously Injured in a light With Walter Wade anothernegroTbure- day night and may die.' Wade beat Lewis with a scantling and after knock- tag him down, kicked him in the aide with such force that several ribs wen broken. Lewis is in a badly battered eo jdltton and may not recover. 1 1 | ) Ospt. E. M. Smith went tojCairo and returned Friday. } 13,W Miles for S25.H. The Atlantic & Birmingham Railway has placed on safe at its principal Ticket Offices 1,000 Mile Tiekets at rate *25.00, good over the following Lines: Atlanta A Birmingham Air Line R’y; Atlanta, Knoxville & Northern R’y; At lanta A West Point R. R; Atlantic & Birmingham B’y; Atlantic Coast Line R. R; Charleston A Western Carolina R’y; Georaia Railroad; LotUsville A Nashville R R; Nashville, Chattanooga A St. Louis R’y; Rtohmond, Fredericks- bug A Potomao R. R; Seaboard Air Lins R'y; Washington Southern R’y; Western A Atlantic R. R; Western A Atlantic R. R; Western Railway of 11,1m,. These Lines comprise lt,000 miles of This tiokst presents Ike chftapgjffi* 1 ’ 1 * most convenient form of travel. H. O. HoFadden. General Passenger Agent. E. M. Mallette, the real estate agent, has sold to Gandy A Mallette tbs Un derwood place on east side of Oennty line Road jnst beyond the Ochlockonee river. The tracts contains 440 acres and it will be Improved by the purchasers. The Pelham Journal brings tbs news that Mr. J. B. Half of that city, who is well known hero as stenographer far J. L. Hand, has resigned bis position and wiU Work to the civil Krrl03 at prove it. : •*' l -•‘kivA&fr settlement; and in the natural course of events it will not be known for a week or more whether the amended promises will meet Japan’s approval ” “If one couutry determines npou war ot course war is unavoidable. In inter national relations it does not take two to rnako a quarrel, and aggressive ac tion upon the part of either of tfcf parties at issue will naturally precipi tate a conflict.” He was asked wliafc effect upon the cotton and wheat markets of this conn' try a declaration of war in the east would produce. “I do not believe that it would have any effect whatever upon the size of next soason’s crops or the prices these products will bring in tho markets of the world.” ••Yon do not think a Russo-Japanci-e war would increase the output or cop- sumption of these commodities?” he was asked. “1 do not think it would.” “Doubtless you noticed in today’s paper the announcement that Colom bia proposes to organize an expedition . againet Panama?” “Really, I never discuss matters of •tate away from Washington, I *hop« Colombia will realize, however, that such un attempt must be useless and fruitless. The independent status of Panama is too well recognized to ad mit of its subjugation by Colombia.” Mr. Hay asked with quite a show of interest for tho latest news from Gener al Reyes and as to whether or not he was still in this couutry. He lias been reading the Georgia newspapers since coming south and referred to the posi tion cf the Atlanta Constitution and many other Georgia pajiers, this one in cluded, on the Panama matter. He declared it to be the sensible view, as well as tho best advised from a purely party standpoint. He stated that this should not be made a partisan question. ‘The state department,” ho said signifi cantly. does not play politiefv Any question before this branch of the gov ernment is considered from a national standpoint and business interests of tho country are always considered. The Panama Canal is a matter of vast im portance to the south commercially.” The Secretary had just returned from a drive with Col. Payne. He looks much better and stronger than when he ar rived here. He said “I am thoroughly enjoying my stay in Thomasville, and am feeling much better.” The latest dispatch from Tokio last night bears out the correctness of the Secretary's view. It is as follows: Tokio, Jan. 30.—The government does not, it is said, have any Russian infor mation concerning the character of the Russian note, although it has received various reports, a majority of which say ths reply will be satisfactory. The government of Japan does not antici pate the necessity of the Russian reply far a few days. The presumption that Russia has made a concession doss* not in the least warrant the conclusion that there will be a peaceful settlement of difficulties. with the Georgia Northern at Tickuoy near Doerun. Tho officers of tho F. R. & N. E. By., are T. D, Sale, President, and T. M. Carter, J. W. Byrd, D. M. Rogers and Andrew Baldwin, Directors. Mr. D. M. Rogers is also Manager. Tho road is closely allied yyith tho Higgston Lumber Company. The for- nier secretary and treasurer of this com pany is Mr. W. B. Hutchinson w ho is well known in Thomasville. He has re signed his position and will return to his home in Michigan City, Ind. J. W. Byrd, of Oordele, is his successor.' Marriage Near Cairo. A wedding of interest to Thomasville people took place at Cairo Sunday. Mies Lona Bennett, daughter of Mr. Trailk Bennett, wed JVir. Fentress Walker, son of Mr. Casper Walker. Tho wed ding took place at Mr. Bennett’s /resi dence at 3 p. m. The two families united, are ampng (he best in the county. { Will Go Back to G. 8. <fc F. Mr. W. F. Hodisill, for quite a wl^lo with the T. T. & G. road at tills pinto, aud who later bought the Moultrie Hews, has gone back to railroading. He will take charge of the business of the G. S. & F. railroad at Tifton on Feb. 1st. Mr. Rudisill was stationed at Tifton with the Bame road some years ago and seemed to be pleased to get back to his first love. ot. feterburg, Jan. 29.-—The authori ties here now say that the Russian re ply to Japan will not be transmitted until next week. FLOYD BOUND OVER. Merrillville Marshal Committed for involuntary Manataughor. School Question Settled. A number of the citizens of Coolidge were here yesterday iu the interest of the school at that p^ace.'. It seems that there are two factions and both want the school. Each side appeared before the County Board of Ed ucation Saturday and presented their claims, aud the “west Coolidge’’ folks won aud will get the school. It is to be hoped that both sides will get together and pull togetlier for the access of the school—au institution without which no community can grow and prosper. Pecan Industry Growing. Tho pecan industry in and around Thomasville is growing. Several gen tlemen are making a specialty of this industry and many others are going to try the industry in a small way. Mr. J. L. Turner is putting out ten acres, using some trees that cost |5 each. Mr. J. W. Dillon and several others are having their pear trees cut down and are planting pecan trees in their place. The pecan industry has proven profit able elsewhere. Tho commitment tr»al of J. B. Floyd, Merrillville's marshal took place Fri day morning before Justice John W. H Mitchell, J. F. Mitchell represented the defendant and 8. A. Roddenberry the prosecution. There were five witnesses examined. The evidence went' show that Mr. Floyd shot Jim Hadloy, a colored man, while in the discharge of duties as mar shol of Merrillville. Hadley afterwards died and Mr. Floyd came to Thomas villo aud surrendered himself to the of ficers hero. Judge Mitchell bound him ovor for in voluntary manslaughter. His bond was fixed at'five hundred dollars, which wus furnished.' He will appear for trial be fore the Superior Court at the regular April term. Merrillvllls Visitors. The trial of (Marshal Floyd brought quite a number of Merrillville people to town Friday. Among tliem were N. E. Turner, J. J. Tamer, Robert Luns ford and VV. F. Davis. Prompt Payment Franklin life Insurance Co., Springfield, HI Gentlemen: Your cheek for $3,000.00 in fuH pay ment of policy No. 44743, which my husband, the late Geo. A. Evans, held in your company, has been received. It has only been six days since proof ot death were sent yon and’I wish to thank the company for such prompt- SMALL BLAZE At twelve o'clock Friday night a chim ney in the Mitchell House caught on fire and the department was called out. The chimney wss burned oqt but no damage was done. Positively Cures Stomach Troubles, Constipation, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Kidney, Liver and Bladder; 7 Troubles FOR SALE AT DRUG STORES. Correspondence Solicited, and Samples mailed to any address'. KALOLA COMPANY. Manufacturers SAVANNAH, GA The Thomasville Ice Company : HAS FOR SALE ’aT THE LOWEST PRICES: Wood, soft and hard Coal, Texas Rust Proof Seed Oats, Corn Hay,’and Feed Oats, Cotton Seed Me«U and Hulls, Soda Water and Siphons. ’Phone Number 6 Cut Prices v ■ ON FINE GROCERIES, 17 pounds Saga? $; qo 20 pound. Rice i 00 10 2 pound Cans Tomatoes j oo 3 pound Can Grated Flnespplos ig S^pound Can Pie Apples jq Grit., per peck 35 Dnrkes Sauce, per bottle v ; . jq Campbell Salad Dressing •: ,q There is no use paying higher prices when yon enn get yonr groceries this cheap for cash. W. E. DUREN, 520 Oak Street, Austin’s Old Stand. Phone 525-1. 1 ksssasasaBaoaaBffi—MaBOBSBPBBBBSBBaBBBBssBBPoaal S. II. PRICK CO. : Agents Lowney’s Can Al.’JJH.- J. . ggg