Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, February 05, 1904, Image 5

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Wm. HoKAY, Seo'yaod Tress. Bell Telephone.. lo 50 Batch & Son..».........If 00 Butch & Son.. ..........*.,, 400 J TSpangler.... t 84 R Thomas $00 Henry Aniold ,,; i t 00 Evam & Sod. 15 47 A B Milton Jy 40 J BGrant ....... 875 JW Hightowef 1,5*3 jo LBBouchelle 3 73 M (II Mash 1 38 JF Parker .. 33187 Oscar Maddox 340 WB Linton ■ 7000 JPCay 615 rY T Mardre 365 W A Pringle 1 45 B Griffin 35 oe B. Singletary, bridges.., 18600 Tbosrllle Real Eat. 8c In. Co 1,560 ot J. T. Pittman & Son, p'r house 33 ij A J Cumbest 1700 I R Nathans 3 41 TJHigbt... 13965 T J Hight t*6 35 C H. Young 7 50 A J Stanaland 3500 Board adjourned. J. S. Montgomery, E. M. Smith, . Secretary. Chairman. February 8i 1964. Board! mat in regular seaaloh. All present. Minatee of lost meeting rood and ap proved. Commissioner Bryan reports that ferrymait employed at Hadley’s Ferry at fll.OO per month bad quit and an* other man hat been employed at 811.60 per month.- The board appeored his action. Committee on encroachment of Hall road granted farther time. Citation ordered on petition for new road beginning at W. W. Detles, also on the new rood beginning st J. M. Pitohers and ending near J. M. Hall’s. The time of payment of subscription to the Georgia building at St. Louis left at discretion of ohaiiman Smith. Boston district Thomas Adams, re signs as road commissioner. Resigna tion aocopted and H. B. McRae ap pointed. Way* district, J. M. McKinnon re signed J, T. Sherrod, B. O. Johnson and H. J. Moon appointed. Pavo district, Ira J. Simms and J. O. Renfrew read oomminlonen having moved oat of District, J. J. McCann and John Williams appointed in their Vhone 264 . We are selling Ladies’ Shoes that for $3.50, $3.00 and $3.50, for f soonjlio here. Have you done lhat little repairing on your e or barn? Perhaps yon contemplate building auew, or if yon , how about that fence? Hiivu't had time to tell you what we doing, been too busy. Our patrons are talking for us. We wish to thaok them one and all, not ouly for their business, but for Aheir kind words. ? f' We keep an open bouse. You are always welcome. If you can’t ■pare the time during the day, come after dark; you will bo repaid. Everything in , This is a collection of small lots from this •on’s selling—are NEW GOODS and are w twice the price—but the lots are broken and want to close them out. We are also selling one lot of Men’s Hand Se Shoes at only ^3.00, that formerly for $3»oo and $3.50. Some few of them are $ and $5.00 ones. If your size is in the lot you will Genuine Bargain Yellow Pine that isjworth 9 KIRBY PLANING MILL CO. Same old man, same old place; out by the Crate Faetory. Com pas Olives A are said to be A The Atlantia Coast Line train num ber thirty-five now carries email car running between Wayoreas and Bain- bridge. Formerly the train carried on ly through moil, and gave no local ser vice whatever. This censed ootuider- able complaint from people In towns along the roads who desired quick matt communication, and In answer to their request the car was put on. It will be of greet convenience to ThomeaviUe, as it affords this city an additional daily matt from Quitman, Boston and towns east of ben, and to Cairo, Pina Perk, Balnbridge end towns to the west. You will find a fresh lot at J. B. SMITH’5. Thomasville district, T. P. Apple white’s resignation accepted and Adam Arnold appointed. County- Surveyor submitted plan showing city lots belong ing to oonnty. Boms of these lots are oocnpled by other portico. The oonnty attorney li instate'ed to Investigate and Pure goods, Correct,weight,; Prompt delivery. Sroceries. his investigations, Oonnty physician makes following re port: Healthful conditions prevail at poor honoe and the jail. At the former, one has been received and none died or been discharged. I have made weekly visits to both place#. L. B. Boncbette, K. D. The following retolution was offered by chairman Smith and adopted. Resolved That % this board heartily endorses the bill introdnoed in the Na tional House of representative by the Hon. W. P. Brownlow, for the estab- meat of the Bureau of Pnblio Roads, and requests oar representative, Hon. J. M. Griggs to give his support to tame. John F. Purker, county treasurer, mode the following report for the month endingjan. 31th 1904: . RECEIPTS. From balance on band as per lost report *3969.78 From' P. S. Heeth, T. C» Gen eral Taxes for igc* 10,590.00 1 For Railroad Taxes 3157.44 < So. Bell Tel. Co j W.U.TeLCo . aa.ty So. Ex Oo 9.18 Cairo Tel Co i 00.70 BoetonTc! Oo...., a.94 Postal Tei Co 10-33 116 E. Jackson itreet. ’Phone 04-2. Bring in your keys to the RED BOX. 1-1 XJhat are jCouely, I I /a 1 O _ XJhat are !7ieady~ to~ wear, I—V A HP ^ XJhat are Stylish, * " ** * ^ XJhat are Cheap in price am Jftiyh in Quality. You will find thes hats at Mrs. J. A. Eppley’i MILLINERY PARLOR, at Hotel Masory, —— And all other kinds of Millinery Hoods. Everything Priced Lot Down. MRS- J. A. EPPLY. Toee and Gilbert Nlcholli aa a - team .against Messrs. Sterling Bookwith end. Welter Fovaigne, tho former toantwip- nlngby onanp, and it wee any one’s game up to the last stroke. One of the. contestants mode the thlrty-ibt holes In MS strokes, a new wooed for the oonree. The link taro now in fine shape lovera of the •port. fifice. I had rather have fACT for them than to carry them over to another season, lUjI Now, in order to mnku these gpods more attractive I will add some staples st' prices lower than you can' buy such goods elsowhore.- Come and See 100 Pcs. Apron Ginghams, reg. price 8c, to go at.. Yd. wide Sea Island, the very best at. > 10 quarter sheeting, unbleached, regular price 25o to go at — Extra good calicoes that others tell at Co, going now at 60 Do*, ladies heavy veete, worth 40c, to go at.. . Our Elegant—Our Superb- line of Confectioneries, Ap ples, Oranges, etc. No store in the city carries a larger stock of these goods that we Fresh Fish and Oysters We also serve you You can always flftd bargains ft my s^dR^ COME and C _____ • _ *■ Him Birtle Crosby has a flourishing sohool st Airline. This is Miss Crosby's eeoond term st thlsplaoa. Miss Agnes Owens of Boston opsnsd sohool at the MoOrow Academy tail Monday. Every Day by Express, with the’very best in.Grocerles. We! Solicit your patronage... E. Sampson 106, E. Jackson St., - Thomasvi Telephone 243. 112 E. Jackson Street, THOM, disbursements. For legal indebtedneee of conn- Mis* Lillie Full wood one of Brook* ooanty'e most charming young ladies visited Mends hors recently. Mr. and Mrs. Button Sullivan of Loo Florida psmed throngh hero last Jwoek enrunto horns from Moottria, when they have been visiting relatives. M Complete, consisting of For building and repairing - court house, jail, bridges, fer ries sod other public im provements For sheriff's, jailer’s and other officers'fees................ For coroner's inquests For bailiffs st court, non-resi dent witnesses in criminal station- Thoroughbred Chickens. Barred Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte EGGS. Price $1.00 per setting 15 eggs. C. W. COCHRAN & BRO-, - Thomasville, Ga. esses, servant hire, cry, and the like... For jurors at court... For support of the poor of the county For insolvent costs For other lawful charges...... Cash—Balance on hand....... If you need anything in my line, conn and an d if I do not sell you cheap enough^yi the other fellow sell cheap. Remember the pi FARMERS’ FRIEND 817.93a-J4 Respectfully submitted. |no. F. Parker, County Treasurer. Report ot Judge Hanseil: Following accounts ordered paid: E. M. Smith 851 H. C. Copeland ‘51 J. D. Barrow. ............ 51 W.A. Pringle 51 J. Q. Bryan 5 < judge C. P. Hanseil 83 , L. B. Bouchclle prof, services no < Joe Callaway.....* 15 < J. S. Montgomery 10 < Ellison Broom pauper. 5 ( Gordon Hsttiway pauper 5 ( P. A. Adams, pauper 7 < E. Carter, pauper 5 ( Redden darter, pauper 5 < P Haskins, pauper 5 c Horse-Power BEST QUEEN OLIVES. BEST BRANDS PICKLES. BEST BRANDS COFFEE, let Canned Goods— ALWAYS ■BEST Georgia Cane Syrupy Biakesiee MTg. Co Birmingham, • • Ala., U. S. A [3*122 South Brood. ’Phono IV 8.—I am agent for the BLAKBLEB Gueeoli want one, mo me. Our line of candies The Best Is Superb. Brands of Cigars.