Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, February 12, 1904, Image 2
- Is to love children, «nd no home can be completely Brownie Has the joliiest vacation. have been held every Sunday afternoon and they hare been moat helpful and instructive. The avenge attendance baa been 41, and peat good baa malted from the work. The Bible ■tody clam nnder*Ur. J. O. Wardlaw baa been well Attended and lnkrea log. Special at tention haabean paid the phyiioal work, although the work haa of neoeeatty The Brawnlow bill aaka for an appro priation from the national government of fit,000,000, for the Improvement of highway*. Them seems to be no good reaaon why tho government ahonld not take op thla movement. For many yean it haa expended liberal anma of moaey for the betterment of riven and liar bon. In many oases the jpenlu ac- oompliabed have been oommendable. Tin great majority of people an never benefited by them Improvements, di- roctly,, for^liey live at a distance from the water way*. Almost every one would derive great beurflt from better road*. The highway* are the natural feeder* to railway*, and improvement* on them materially increase both inter*tato and international commerce. If onr govern ment lun aeon fit to be liberal In river and harbor work, It la reaaonable to ex pect tint the building and maintalnance of public highwaye moat demand the «am« attention- There ia an Interde- pondanoy here whioh cannot be over looked by thoaa who analyae thi* qoe* tion aright, NEW COLUMBIA QRAPH0PH0NES lo the people who than their nelgh- tary Banter aaya:' The aim of thia department it to pat a man in ooodltioa to do hi* beat work, and to enjoy life to the fnllcat. The purpoae it not to make a bulky frame and enable, one to lift much and kick high. It goe* beyond thia and doe# it* beet work with the heart, long* and etomaoh. Weil developed 'mosolea go with tliia, bat their tine li not the meat- are of benefit. The >ocial work haa been a factor in the development of the whole work. A number of aooUIa have been given, and all largely attended, at time*, testing, the capacity of the building. Theeooial *ptrit permeate* every department and all the work. Tho ladle* have been a very efficient force in its development. One of the moat Important feature* haa been the boy* work, which ha* been remarkably tuootaaful. . On the whole the Aaeooiat'ou may well fell proud oTlta paat record. But with the lnoreued development oomea inereaaed responsibilities, and It la the duty of every eltlrenjof Thomarrllln to aid the amooiatlon to aaphare of wider lufloeno*. For *15.00, *00.00 and *80.00. Several hun dred Disc* to eelnot from; ntao s good selection of Musical Uerchandiao, Sheet Unaio 10c. up. A No. 1 Guitar for *0.75. Mandoline *0.00' up. Banjoe *0.50 op, ete„ can be found at Tako your oholoe. v man robbed - a railroad other day and a* yet no , haa Mma out for the and the people who are g” will toon be barking gi-lOc-' • If the democrats want to put a young men's ttoket in the field, why there is nothing the matter with Hearet, of Now York, and Hardlfck, of Georgia, aaya facetlout exobange. But there would be a good deal the matter with the Complete Treatment, perfect cure, 25c TAYLOR STEAM ENGINES COMPLETE GINNING OUTFITS country after Willie and Tommie had been In charge for four yean. Senator Mark Hanna la greatly liked In Thomaavllle. Ill* relative* who re dd* here have deal* much for Thomaa vllle and are nnlveml favorite* with our people. The.Timea-Btnerpriaewlahee a speedy recovery for their distinguish- Newly _ Equipped Boiler Works Machine Shops and - Foundry ' The Thomaeville Timre-Enterpriae a*ya that peoan oultoie la going to re ceive* good deal of attention In South Georgia this year. Well, the peoan la all right and ita cnltnra ahonld reoeiva more attention than aver.—Darien Ga- MILL SUPPLIES 0IH* Mmmmn, I Ur. M. A. Brigge haa beeu'elected mayor of Valdoeta by a majority of M over J. G. Steven*. The cltiaena want the new elty offioert to bond the town for *>5,000 to buUjl a new echool houae. Valdoata ia prograadve. Tom Wataon la apokeo of aa a guber natorial and senatorial candidate. The pale, tiekly hoe of popullam still o’er- •preada the polltioal aky in hla vicinity, Ha will have to watt 10 yean in quar antine before he omn hold offleo. ID DECISION. don of the Supreme ed State* In the own against North Carolina How doth the boay oaiididato, . Improvo eaoh ahlning hour. He goe* about from plaoo to place, To jower, and jower, and lower. taken with regard to the torgia bond* held by Henry were repudiated, Georgia did not re- i*nliato a debt, beoanae the bonda wore not only fraudulent, but the oondltlone upon which they were issued, one of them Wing th* building of the Bruns- wick and Albany Railroad, were novur complied with. Oontrollar General \V n glil aaya thia fact alone would liavo r Invalidated these bond* In auy court, if It had not already boeu dono by tho Legislator* and the constitutional con- Days Was My Life’s Limit. Agony From Inherit ed Heart Disease. Dr. Mites’ Heart Cure Cured Me. One perm tn every four hts a w«ak heart Unless promptly treated ft weak heart will Unless promptly treated a weak heart will easily beosma a dlaeaied heart A little extra strain from any cause is snmdsnt to ningoa this deadly malady, the asott common cauie of sudden death. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure will tone up the heart's action, enrich the blood and improve the circulation. "My trouble began with catarrh and I have always supposed it caused the trouble I have experienced with my heart I had the usual symptoms of sir?pkssness, lost appetite, con* attention, palpitation 11 the heart shortness of breath and p.iiu around the heart and un der left arm. My mother suffered in the same way and 1 suppose mine was an inherited tendency. At one time I was in agony. I suffered so severe y and became so weak that my doctors raid 1 could not live thirty days. At this time 1 had not slept over two hours a night on account -of nervousness. 'Hie least exercise, such as walking about would bring on palpitation and fluttering of the heart so severe that l would have to give . up everything and re:t Nerve and Liver nils cured me of conxtfp.itioa and heart symptoms disappeared tracer the influence of Dr. Miletf New Heart Cere. I am In better health than 1 have been In twelve veers and I thank Dr. Miles' Remedies forit I think they are th- grandest medics on earth end I am constantly recommending them to my friends.^—IUi.L.J. Camtesu, Speaking of the decision, Gov. Tor- roll said: the report of tho de cision in tho preaa dispatch. I do not think U will in nay way affect Goorgin. » frttSflttotim tho North Carolina case WM not purely a question of state sot- f { Thoro tho stafo was part ow- Bar of n ftttrofld and tho bonds ifllolved n the Salt were s*ou red by * mortgaco - wp*B the railroad. la addition to this patat, it *nm~. tha^bouil* in question Send for free sample. P* mre fSatlhla picture la tire term ol a label k bn the tntpjrr of every boula of fcrmiU on jou buy. Scott&Bowne CHEMISTS. 409 Pearl St. N.Y. Me, (a* Si *S druggists. ' an offer of eonunla* wu made which .«WMMB*kStar*Makof the holders of 1 th* howto. U 0*i»»ofQeorgia bonds thaqoeationof atnto aovereignfy pore end simple 1. prints il, strengthened I by the fact that the l-mdawererepudi*. ed end pronounced illegal and noil and void became ol trend In tlie iasuanco of u'„ ■ . They wUl he have to take to Vacant dwelling* are few h-pricid quality. It not only itho ravages of it Indicate* that the 1 alivn ride all over tho elty of PROFIT The matter of feed is of tremendous importance to the farmer. Wrong feeding is loss. Right feeding is profit. The up-to-date farmer knows what to fe^d his cows to get chc most milk, his pigs to get ’ie most pork, his hens to jjtt the most eggs. Science. But how about the children r Are they fed according to l ienee, a bone food if bones are soft and undeveloped, a flesh and muscle food if they are thin and weak and a blood food iff there is anemia^? Scott’s Emulsion is a mixed foLd; the Cod Liver Oil in it ir ikes flesh, blood and muscle, tl c Lime and Soda make bone arid brain. It is the standard scientific food for delicate children. Ever tried 'making pictures from start to finish? It’s fun with the right material. Let us show you) BROWNIE. CAMERAS, $i and $2. Brownie Developing Machine, $2.00. HUNTER, PEARCE & BATTEY, COTTON FACTORS. Over Thirty Years Experience. ... .Expert Handlers of Sea Island as well as Upland Cotton Liberal cash advances against Consignments. , Money loaned Cotton Shippers on Approved Security, Large dealers in e& Island and upland Bagging, ugar Cloth Twiue and Ties.- "Write For Terms. 126 East Bay Street, 8-i-7m Savannah 6aJ Tags "Worth 12 Cent. Every Tag From . EICKOET TOBACCO We will pay yon ) cent for on presentation at our (tore in T homaeville. Hickory Tobacco is good Tobacco . 50 Lbs. • -• Hi d'0f.\ -S?VJ. , Of thi* Splendid Chew will be given away Absolutely Free in Times-Enterprise “Dot Contest.” Subscribe far the Tlmes-Enterprise and gat a count at the Dot* and tty for th* tobacco. C. W. COOPER & CO, QoaUM, Queer and Curloo* Salt Lake City. The late CoL John Cockerell in The Coemopolitan said -There ore three-uni que cities in America, and one of these is Salt Lake City.” It is not only, uni que in its temple, tabernacle and other Mormon churcb{instittitions, but quaint in appearance, with-it, wide street*, im- menu block* and martial row* of shade tree*. It hat, perhaps. more attraction* to the *quare yard than any city in the country, and h* climate, while temper ate all the year roand, 1* particularly delightful in tummer. The Great Suit Lake, witk hi magnificent Saltair retort, where the water ia “deader and denset* than that in the Dead Sea in Palestine is an attraction in itself that people come milee to- tee. There are many cool moantaioand lake retort* near by, also numerous veer pretty canon aid park Strives, and hot sulphur springs Fishing aod hunting can be had In every direction. The trip from Denver to Salt LakeJCity and Ogden, via the Dea- sr & Rio Grande and the Rio Grande Western, la one of unsurpassed pleas ure. Herejnature Is found in her stern est mood and the whole line is a suc cession of ragged canons, waterfalls and picturesque valleys. No European trip can compare with it in graudeur of scenery. During the entire summer there will be low excursion rates to Salt Lake City and contiguous country. It is on the road to thq Pacific coast, il that be your destination. Write S. K, Hooper, G. P. & T. A., Denver, Goto, lor beautifully illustrated pamphlets, 8-1-03-1 imo*. Seed Irish Potatoes, ’ Red and White Onion Sets; Also a complete line of Garden Seed. S. H. PRltE CO. Agents Jacob’s Candies. Just received agency for 1904 of the world-famous Columbia Bicycles —AND— Motor [Cycles.* Also the well known OlevoUnd,Tribune, Monarch and Rambler Wheels, - All products of the worlds best mi* * kers, POPE MANUFACTURING OO. EaiyTerau. WERTZ Sc SON.