Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, February 12, 1904, Image 4

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    we might be' overwhelmed by a tide
of immigration.
Three core of fine beef cattle Were
•hipped from Camilla to Jacksonville
have sold sevSnty-five head for $1,800.
Beside* this there-were eliipped from
Camilla to Albany on the same day a
car of porters,
-b Ota werth firing?' HerepEed:" »
Brandt upoo the DTffe" Chauncty wil
r\Wla ®5-"-S%-S;s
cooked food in yew stomach vraoro
exaggerated. bat M ns reason it oat
Lard is made from he* fete. Th?W hn't the msrtrtesnlj’ Mmsl
is the world, aad why should any more digertiblsthanfat
pork? It lent You are simply taking chances when you use lard ia
eoeldng; if it doesn't harm you, you're lucky.
The tart sborteninc In the universe is Cottclene. It Is made from
refined vegetable oil and choice tart suet There s no tatrredieidaiapj
it but srStJe pure, wholesome end digestible. No ^er eborteiiBW
will do the work of Ct^olene. You mutt either use Cotteltae in
inferior product. Which are you'going »o dot
Guard against substitutes Cottolene eonwe only in tin
pails (three sizes) with a red label end band. In the center of the
Mel la our trade mark—a steer's bead in cotton plant wreath. Cot*
tolane is not open to contsminstion as b bulk lard; the quality ia
alwsys uniform ned gnsrantasA -
Ask your grocer for a pail of Cottolene end start yourself on the
right road to successful cookery.
U$B U LESS. Cottolene being richer then either lard or eookng
butter, one-third less is required.
TTRTTO Strt «ft $•*■«* »•!.»» fcSSrjLf'LSS
is the Temps Bey Hotel at Tampa, Fla.
The only wood worirabout the hotel ia
found in the window caaements,, and
floor-boarding. Host of the floor material
jie steel and cement. The hotel lias never
had a dollar of Insurance upon it, though
it cost many thonaande to build it.' Ita
•rtfety ia eecnred by the isolation from
Wther buildings. It seems to have prov
ed by recent events that no building
is fire-proof when in close proximity to
other bnlldiiige. Every kind of raato-
riel snoropibs to the, flsmos and heat,
when it is long continued and comes
from all aides ^
people who MUST have the thing* yon
are offering for sale. '-They will-bay of
you, too, if you make it raflicteotly in-
Secretary Shaw says no young^man
should work for liliu, and a great many
young men agree with him am) add. pot
for anything else.
Secretary Hay got what lie ciino to
Georgia for a fresh supply of nerve-pow
er. Now watch it work !—Miuon Telc-
grofilU C
If you are a manufacturer, distance
: yonr competitor by making a little bet
ter goods than be makes Out down
the cost of production and undersell
' him a little. Look after little things
- as well as big tilings, and look after
'' them yourself, everlastingly eternellr
1 and always. The ability of the public
to oonsume your output increeee is ever
growing; keep just ahead and don’t let
; tlwm And out that they can possibly got
1 along without yonr product.
If yon are a fanner yobr opportuni
ties are unlimited It doesn’t cost
ranch to raise chickens and ’eggs
are fiardly ever below f)0 cents per doz
en in Thomaeville even In rammer, and
in winter tliey bring from BO lo 80 cents.
Chickens bring from SO cents to 40 cents
the year roood. It doesn’t ooet more
than 18 cents per bushel to false sweet
potatoes and they have been selling
here all the year at^rocn 60 to 80 cents
per boehel. A little care and trouble
will enable yon to have a fat pig or e
fat yearling for the batcher every week,
and both will yield yon a big profit
Yen can soil ate good profit ten timoe
as mooh baoon and lard aa yon can
rrako. Tbeje are eoven livery stables in
this city, and every one of them have to ,
boy corn and hay and oats, and they
have to get most of It from the west.
Why not supply them from your farms?
The new year is etUl lnlte infancy, let
The Chicago fire attended over a
greater area than tho Baltimore confla
gration bat the buildings consumed were
not as valuable. ,
The Baltimore Ore call to mind a
story told of Joseph Medill. the veteran
Chicago editor. Just before the Onlesgo
fits lie pointed with pride to his new
newspaper building and told Henry
Watterson, his visitor that the building
was Are proof. Of ooorse it burned in
the groat eonflagatkm and Hr. Watter-
•oh was unkind enough to remind film
of his former boertaaytng: “1 thought
Tills time neat year] the] politicians
will be breaking the loo—that £is tiie
With chronic indigestion and nervous
debility,” write# F. J. Green, of tan-
caster, N. H. “No remedy Iielmd me
until I began using Electric Bitten,
which did me more good than all the
medicine 1 ever used. They have also
kept my wife In excellent health for
yean. She says Electric Bitters are Just
splendid for female troubles! that tliey
are a grand tonto and invigorator for
weak, ran down women. No other
tnedldne can take lte. place in dor fam-
ly." Try them. OrnV BOo. Satlsfa>
mean hell fire-proof. Very tew of (be
Baltimore structorea eeem to have with
stood this tart named kind of Are.
Anew business
^ Coolidge.’
Ill natured fliuga denote smftll on-
lurr<l folks. Don't make them*
Get- Prices from
' /
him before
For senator of the sixth district it Is
now praotioally certain that Hon. W. 8-
Wert will have no opposition. Under
the rotation plan long In vogue in the is Lowndes' time# to famish
the senator and Colonel West some time
ago announced his Intention of aspiring
far the honor and for the presidency of
the annate if elected. Ool. O. U. Smith
is said to have thought of entering the
race alsol but it is understood that he
haa stated that he would not boa can
didate, bat would actively rapport Ool-
ooM West. This leaves the field to the
Fire, Life, and Ac
cident Insurance
Agency. ‘
of Taft is now secretary of
hoping Ids head ls-not fat.
o ought to have lower
undthorolsa way to get
Thomas villi
A stock brooders convention will be
held la Jacksonville on March Itnd and
Yfird. This convention Is deemed necee-
•ery In view of the growing importance
of the oattle industry in Florida and
South Georgia. It is probable that a
permanent organisation will be formed.
Delegatee from Thomas oonnty will be
/ Let us insure yonr
< And
. v roperty.
j. 0. Bell, Managsr.
T. J. & H. Megahee,
,'ci’sn’t always beloi
- . . . „
Quest education.
Judge Parksr ia enjoying a postal card
boom for prsaidant. Tho editor of the
Tlmse-Enterpriw reooiyeda card asking
that we allow his name tobenasdasa
member of “the National Executive
Committee to iHwniwMt elect Judge
Alton B. Parker far pneldent." Just
wait till yon era onnnnms than.
Willie Hoaret h
Chairman E. T. Brown has fixed the
of the Gxecu-
tivo Committee for Monday, February
29th. The oommtttee will the
dates far the State Convention. The
committee will name the dates for the
•tats primary and state convention.
Tho general opinion la that the primary
will be held the latter part of Hay.
Thomas oaonty’s primary will doubtless
bs held on the same date Oapt. John
Triplett la one of the throe members for
the second congroeetonal district.
I: We are enlarging our boslt
*ve in u stock of the celebrate
Ln Akron
The following new industries were or
ganised daring ths wsek Jut closed:
Tlfton, raw and [Jm||ti| mills Quitman,
yam mill; Wajcroas, planing mill;
Graves, saw mill; Moultrie, planing
mill, dry kiln; -Osdartown, telephone
Judge J. L. Sweat of Wsycross, re
cently appointed brigadier general com
manding the Sooth Georgia Brigade of
tho Georgia Divison, United Confeder
ate Veterans, has issued his first order
since ananming command. Ho 'ha^
made two appointments. Captain O. A.
Sheldon of Wayrross has been , made
adjutant general of the brigade and Ur,
TWnsaaivlllc's future depends largely
mb manufacturing In tenets. We see
i way for her to support a much larger
relation without increasing her man-
Matas Wright will not oontest] for the
congressman's place in ths seventh dis
trict vacated by Judge Maddox. Ths
Stragglers will be Gordon Leejand Frank
W. Copeland. In the meantime no one
haa heard of Jim Qrigge quitting.
An oft repeated sentence theee hut few
( 4|gn has boon “I hops tlie Japs will Uek
'haa’* Than is no doubt that llw little
taow^ area have a strong hold on Amor-
Our Work
T. P. Raveuul of Savanoalre Judge ad
vocate. '
Eyory broozo that blows tliis way front
tlie western part of the county tells of
a warm fight for the legislature that it
in stores ■ .-I ’
i OTl - j
LOST Hid GltlP. ;
■PK the ewimary (lutiiw tlht buMiie.-S
Tablets are whnt lie neo-la one doe?
usually will, two always will restore
. The voters of Worth county will de
cide on March 16th whether they .want
ilia court house removed to Sylvester or
left whore it It, at Isabella. ■
bat Representative McRee
will have three opponents
Iron to again don the legis-
One of them will pe Mayor
Carriages, Buggies and Wagons
Repaired, Painted and Trimmed,
Editor Holder will start Ids afternoon
tpprjn Rome.tnrtead of in Atlion9.
ne' 'MOulririe. A'faw
pcoita' wandered of)
ltd* and forbids (lie
of the streets. After
tor Infants and Ciiildren.
Th« Rlod Yon Hairs AHriys Boogbt
I ttys light pod the
stunt in effect, salistnc-
cooomioal, 80 chocolate
a convenient box, 18c.
•eulh Bread Street, Thenuevflta tat.