Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, February 12, 1904, Image 7
tftiti&ritofeBpfeisE, tfrioiiASVfuJ, ftiioRoiA, tfEBRtTARV irf, idol. AT CARDS. Miss CulpaoperlEntortainsi In Honor of Miss Shepherd. Oue of the most enjoyable social events of the week watt the card pt rty at which Miss Aramiuta Culpepper en tertained in honor of her guest Miss Pauleue Shepherd, last Tuesday after- uoon. The game of the afternoon was six handed o ochre, and thirty Thomas- ville ladies enjoyed Miss Culpepper’s charming hos|>itality. The first prize was won by Mrs. Edward Buckley the ione hand prize by Miss Noll Pringle, uid the consolation by Mrs. Lillian E. Finn. Ainon* those present were Mesdames W. II. Hammond, T. E. Blackshoar, H. O. Smith, Cox, Bell, B. H. Wright, Dismuke, Sears, Clifton, Finn, Jemison, Havens, Heath, Buckley, Scott, Vauglm, .Terger, R. Q. Mays, Merrill, Misses Shepherd, Sue Culpepper, Helen Miller, Nell Pringle, Annie Pringle, Tomlinson, Oa886l8. The active members of the Y*. M. C. A met at the Association Bnilding aud chose the following directors: For 3 years—Jas. Watt, W. A. Pringle, J. H. Merrill. For 2 years -J. L. Turner, Fondren Mitchell, W. M. Hardy. For 1 year—L. H. Jerger, E. M. Smith, H. F. Lawson. We are selling Ladies’ Shoes that formerly sold CO. S5 nn nnrf Ct pa fnc $1.75 A Pair Drove to Boston. A congenial party drove to Boston to see the “Old Muid' This is a collection of small lots from this sea son’s selling-are NEW GOODS end are worth twice the price—but the lots are broken and we want to close them out. We are also selling one lot of Men’s Hand Sewed Shoes at only $2,OOi that formerly sold for $3.00 and $3.50, Some few of them are $4.00 and $5.00 ones. If your size is in the lot you will get Convention" at the Opera House on lMt Friday* They returned afterthe perform nnco, and rejwrt a most eni joynble drive, and a good entertain ment. Those who went were Min Ju lia Davenport, Mias Lila Bnroli, Capt. John Triplett, Messrs. Ernest Mallard and Qeorge Heel.' Veterinary Hospital of Dr. J. C. Schwencke h located on Broad street, opposite Piuey Woods Hotel, is an up-to-date Hoe* pital for sick horses, mules and dogs. Up-KnUte implements for performing all kinds of operations on animals. Examination free. Board at cost. Address J. C. chwencke, D. V. ,, Thomasville, Ga. A Genuine Bargain HANNA DOING WELL. We are HEADQUARTERS for SHOES for the County. »We have got a good lot of $1.50 and $2.00 shoes in that box at the front that we are selling for And Will Probably Coma H.r. as Soon aa Poaalbla. O. Wi KIRBY, V. F. and Gen'l Mgr. Wtii. McKAY, Sec’yand Tress. Washington, Peb. 0.—A bulletin issued this morning Bays that Senator Hanna rested well last night. His tem perature is 101, Mb pulse 83. In addition to the above press dis patch. Mr. Hanna’s Thomasville rel atives have reeeived reassuring advices from Washington as to the Senator’s condition. Dr. M. H. Hanna left yes terday afternoon for Washington, bat he went more for the purpose of looking after Ills brother’s business affairs than because of fears as to her condition. Members of the senator's family here state that tlioy think It probable that ho will bo brought to Thomasville os soon as ho can travel. Ml-U «oo {be here. Have you dqno that little repairing on your h uaeorbarn? Perhaps you 'contemplate building anew, or if you have, ho ’ about that fence? Harn’t lmd time to tell you what we Here doi g, beeu too busy. Our patrons are talking for us. We «'sh tol tank them onn and all, not only for their business, but for tl iirkii l words. We k< ip an open house. You are always'welcome. If you can’t ip ire th time during the day, come after dark; you will bo repaid. Every hing in Mr. Fred T. Reed, of Chicago, is in the city, visiting relatives, Mr. Reed is a brother of Mrs. J. T. Culpepper, and Mr. Jas. Reed and Mrs. W. H. Brandon. Mr. Reed visited Thomasville last yesr, and is ardently welcomed again by every one. Dr. Wheaton and Mr. Ford, of St. Paul, have been hunting for the post few days on Judge Hopkins’ planta tion. They brought book with them two fine wild tnrkey gobbets, on their return to the city Friday morning. NO DECLARATION. Yellow Pine that, is'worfh ? KIRBY PLAINING MILL CO. JSut War In tbs East Sssms Certain to Corns. I have bought an unusually large stock of SPRING Goods whioji will bepiu to arrive soon. In order,to make room for these goods, I am willing to close out all Fall and Winter Hoods at a sac- ‘ riflee. I had rather have f“ACT for them than to carry them over to another season, LU-JI Now, in order to make these - goods more attractive I will add some staples at prices lower than you ean buy such goods elsewhere: . ‘ St. Petersburg, Feb. 8.—The Japa nese minister, Mr. Knriuo, it making preliminary preparations for his de parture from St. Petersburg. The Rus sian reply has been handed to the Ja panese govoanmont by Baron Derosen, the Russian minister at Tokoi. F. R. Dean, of Balnbridge, Is in the oity. Mr.,Dean is the yonng gentleman who Invented a telegraph key, and had his device patented. He received several thousand dollars in ehth and is getting In royalUee every day. Mr. P. M. Bealer who hat been the guest of his brother Rev. Alex W. Beal er, has returned to hit hou|e in Atlanta. Sat J old man, same old place; out by the Crate Factory. Conpas Olives c said to be 100 Pcs. Apron Ginghams, reg. price 8c, to go ,nt. fl Yd. wide Sea Island, the very best at. 1 10 quarter sheeting, unbleached, regular price 25c to go at 1 ."1 Extra good calicoes that others.sell at Oo, going now at ..... ,.1 60 Dos. ladies heavy vests, worth 40c, to go at. ... i Yo i will find a fresh lot at J. B. SMITH’S News comet from Gall Texas that Mr. Morris Williams, a former Thom- asville boy who went then for his health is rapidly recovering. Pure goods, Correct weight, Prompt delivery. ORANPJURY. B D Hartsfield. H G Gannon, las McKinnon, W S Bullock, E E Wilkes, 1 M Pilcher, IB Wight, W B Fambrough, I W Carroll, TJ Ball, Wm McMillan, R G Stone, JB Way, T T Thompson, Srocerios. You can always find bargains at my store COME and C Mr. Herbert Clapp lias recently’ pot into commission on Lake Iamonla a small sail boat which he had shipped from New York. It is adapted for duck-hunting as well as pleasure sailing and it known as the "Barnegat sneaker." It is a type of boat much used along the New York and New Jersey coasts. 116 E. Jackson street. ’Phono frl-2. The Best Brands of Cigars. C ur line of candies Is Superb/ THOMAS f!2 E, Jaokson Street, My Fall Stock is now $4 Complete, consisting of |||*g£. Z“hat are jCouoly, 1. Tjhat are Steady* to* wear, | A nn ^ Vhat are Stylish, , 11 » M Zfhat are Cheap in price and! 71 in Quality. \ ou will find thes hats at Mrs. J. A. Eppley’s JL MILLINERY PARLOR, at Hotel Masury, —^ id all other kinds of Millinery Goods. Everything Priced Low i MRS. J. A. EPPLY. Mr. John W. Masury made a run from Thomasville to Tallahassee one day last week in his 34 horse power an- immobile. IH Collins, Thomas Wight, B F Williams, W H Culpepper, A B Milton, M McGregor, A L O Stephenson, CfR Griffin, B W McManeus, I A Green, TJ Mumlord, W L Adams,T'ville L C Varnedoe, I S Norton, L A Varnedoe, A J Owens, 1 S E Wilder, N H Sasser, ' W E Stanaland, C F Sanders, J’AjParramoie. PETIT JURY 3sd. WICK. The round trip was made in less than 4 hours running time. D M Adams. J H Wheeler, J W Castleberry, T J Crow. Mr. J. Heywpod Hall who is we l known in Thomasville has gone Into business in New York city. For the past two years he has been at Shelby N. C. in the cotton business. need anything in my line, come and see me If youfj and if Ido not sell you cheap enough I will mac the other fellow sell cheap. Remember the place Feinberg^'s Among the pleasant social events of the week was the card party at which Mrs. W.' H. Hammond entertained a number Of her friends on Saturday af ternoon. W T Forester, O F Stubbs, ID Foy, W R Mitcnell, M A McKinnon, W N Harmon, J M Bullock, J R Wilson, E R Singletary, i,L M Long. W R Culpepper, S B Singletary, W L Akridge, J W Dillon? P G. White. H T Vann, J M Blacksbear, Jr. J A Vann. K P Wight, W W Burney, t W Home, T pW er ’ Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Spain of Quitman liave announced the engagement of their daughter Marie, to Mr. Herbert W. Stubbs of Quitman. Both young peo ple are well xnown here. J. L. Turner and O. E. Martin dale went over the river on a hunting expedi tion Friday morning. Miss May Mannington, of Iamonla, was here Friday on her way home from Pelham. J. J. Mise, a prominent Pelhamlte, spent Friday In Thomasville. W W Beasley. I F Wheeler, C W Cooper, L R Rehbcrg. I I Vanlanding W E Beverly, BEST QUEEN OLIVES. BEST BRANDS PICKLES. , BEST BRANDS COFFEE. Royal Scarlet .Canned Goods —ALWAYS —'- BEST Georgia Caw Syrupy T L White, J J Johnson, J W Franklin, J H Carter, S J Sims, A J Davenport, GUANO E S White, FOR SALK—Seven-room dwelling, with ball,-large lot, a little out, but within the oity limit#., Prioe $150.00 oath, and |1&53 a month for 88 months. Os 11 and see us before buying; fST 122 South Brond. ’Phone 131- P. S.—I am agent for the BLAKELEE Gassolini; wa.t .as, x.e me. EVANS & SON.