Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, February 26, 1904, Image 3
THOMAS CO. DIVISION MONU MENT' COMMITTEE MEETS. Mr. Tim Pittman’s Houss Entered By Thief—Watch and Money Stolen. Sub Committees are Appointed Over Hhe County. Captain Triplett Elect ed Chairman. Central Committee. Work of Soliciting Funds for Gordon Monument to Begin Today. As Was announced several days ago in theTimes-Enterprise, Judge W. L. Calhoun dfAtlanta appiont- ed a committee in .Thomasville for the raising of funds to assist in building a Cordon monument. The committee met yesterday in the office of Mayor Roddenbery and formulated their plans. Cap tain Triplett was made chairman of the central committee and sub committees Were appointed every district in the county. These committees are as follows. R L Vanlandingham J B Craw ford Walter Davis Cairo; E E Wilkes M H Atkinson G L Dvren Meigs; J E Stephens Allen Bull och J H Anderson Ochlockonee; B H Pope John Ingram C G Ak- ridge Akridge ; Major Wheeler. H C Copeland J BThomas Metcalfe; S M Beach Wm Dickey Jno E Dickey; Duncanville; W Z Brant ley J M Rushin D H Parker 'Bos ton; ft L Red fearn J B Rountree Dr Sanchez Barwick; W I.‘Adams J F Harris Pavo; N E Finn Frank Carter Robt Lunsford Merrillville; Mayor Bell Wm Miller Dr Jones Coolidge; The following address was is sued to the people of the county; The undersigned having been appointed a committee to assist ~ in raising funds for the erection of a monument to Gen’l John B. Gordon, appeal to the citizens of the town and county, and ask for a liberal response, ” No where in On last Sunday morning.between eleven and twelve o’clock, some one entered the residence of Mr Tim Pittman, on Crawford street and took therefrom a gold watch worth $76 and $4 00 in money. The family were at church, all except Mrs. Pittman Mrs. Pittman went out into the garden for a few minutes, closing the front door. When she return' ed she found the door open and looking into her daughter’s room she found considerable confusion. The bureau drawers had been emptied upon the floor of the room and a watch and $4.00 in money were gone. The money was in small change Th« watch belonged to Miss Pittman gift from her father, and cost about $76.00 The young la- die’s name'iu full was engraved upon the inside of the case Ou Monday morning the watch was found on the back Verandah having been returned during the night. It is presumed that the thief, when he discovered the name on the inside of the watch, decided that it would,not be safe to try to dispose of it., therefore he returned it to its owner. The'affair has been kept very quiet, in the hope of finding .some clue that might lead to the gnilty party. RUSSIAN REVOLT. Pandemonium Reigns In the Csuca- eue and Disorders Md5r Spread. Moscow, Feb. 18.—The revolu tionary party is vigorously at work. At Rostoff pandemonium reigns, and affairs in the Cauca sus are very unsatisfactory. T he government is apprehensive of an extension of the disorders, and the Georgia, or in the entire country, j governors therein have been spec- was General Gordon held, in j ially instructed on the subject, higher eBteem, than in Thomas-' ville and Thomas county, and wo feel sure that our people will con tribute to the .noble work which has been inaugurated General Gordon was loved in ^Georgia as few men lmve been; not only in Georgia but throughout this whole Southland, and not ouly throughout the South but thous ands and tens of thousands of brave geperous men who were the blue have paid touching and ten der tributes to the muii who did ,' perhaps more than any other man to bring the two sections. into close and friendly relations. He was broad ns the whole country, and his great heart embraced alike . South, North, East and West. It was his great life’s work to preach reconciliation, to heal the wounds made by war. For this a grateful people will always re vere his memory. John B. Gordon illustrated the highest type of Americnu mauhood.He never turn ed bis back on frieud or foe. Con federate veterans will cherish his memory until the last one has - gone to the great Beyond. Subscriptions in any amounts will be received by any of the committee. John Triplett Chrm'n. S A Roddenbery Foudren Mitchell 1 H W Hopkins J. T. Culpepper. NO CABINET MEETING. Tho President Called Off Masting as a Tribute to Hanna. Washington. Feb. 191—By di rection'of the President, no cabi net mooting was held today. Four cabinet members are absent from the city, and the President con cluded it would he a fitting trib ute to Senator Hanna not to hold a meeting. . * , Married at Dixie. Mr. T. J. Cross and Miss Sallie Stewart were joined in matrimony at the home of the bride in Dixie Brooks county, at nine o’clock Thursday morning. i Mr. Cross is a prominent and highly respected citizen of Pelham and his bride is a popular and charming young lady of Brooks county. Mr. Cross and his bride passed through the city yestorday after noon en route to Pelham, their future home. The Timea-Enterprise extend* congratulations. Buying Imprgvsd Machinery Thomasville hardware dealers report n large business in improv ed farming implements this sea 1 - son. They say that they are sell- iug more of these goods than ever before. This means that Thomas coun ty farmers are prosperous and that they are getting more and more up-to-date in the matter of using labor-saving machinery. The first meeting of the newly elected hoard of, directors of the public library was held Friday afternoon. The meeting was at tended by seven of the board and no little enthusiasm was shown. Oflicers of the board were to he elected for the ensuing year. Mr, J. H. Merrill has been president of the library for a number of years and his resignation from- the board of directors made a new problem. Captain Triplett, one of.the new members, was elected to the position. Messrs. Albert Riley and Lonis Jerger were re elected secretary and treasurer re spectively. Capt. Triplett has al ways taken groat interest iq the library as he has in all other pub lie institutions and the honor con ferred upon him is a most de served one. Miss Etta Read was re-elected librarian. Miss Etta Read has held this position for many years nutil she has become thoroughly identified with the library’s every interest. A general discusson was engag- ed in, and ways and means of bet- of tl tering the condition of the insti- tion considered. The meeting yas adjourned until next Friday aftbrnoon, when the ladies will he psked to join the directors in a meeting for the further consid' oration of betterments. To Ravarsa Route No. 1. Postmaster Dismuke has receiv ed permission to change rural mail route No.i, beginning March 1st. Beginning at the postoffice, the carrier will go thence east and north to intersection of Irwins, ville road at Badger’s, 2 1-2 miles; thence west and north. Qn Hall’s road to Chastain road at Sinithjs; thence east,to Hadley’s store; thence south on Irwiusville road to Gibson’s still; thence southeast to Dillon station; thence south and west to Herring’s; thence west and south to postoffice. This ohange will please some and displease some. BALTIMORE LOSSES. Many of tha So-ealled Fire-Proof Bulldlnge Carried No Inauranco. Pelham Journalltea. Miss Kate Cooper will be over from Thomasville today to spend Sunday. Mr. Martin Cooper and baby will accompany, her and spend a week here at Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Cooper 8. Mrs. W. R. Thigpen who has been visiting Mrs. R. M. Light- foot on Hand Avenne, visited friends in Thomasville Sunday. Mrs. F. O. Morrison went down to Thomasville Sunday to spend a couple of days with friends. To Plant 100 Acres In Cano. Mr. E. B. Parker, who recently purchased the Dr. McTyer place near town, will plant 100 acres in sugar cane this season. He is al ready preparing his ground and getting things in shape. This will mean, under favora ble conditions, more than 1,000 barrels of syrup. We wish Mr. Parker good look in this his first experience with Georgia syrup. Baltimore, Feb. 19.—The Bal timore underwriter paper, iu' its issue tomorrow, says that the to- tal gross loss of the insurance companies iu the recent fire was $82,864994. Six million falls on local companies. Developments show that but-few of the so-called fireproof.buildings carried insur ance.. -- - Rode the GoaL I \ - Ten dr more new members 'ode the Odd Fellows’ goat Friday 1 night We mean that they were initiated into the mysteries of that popular order. , The Odd Fellows in this city are increasing their numbers rap idly. ' The much talked' of Charity Hospital Ball has beeu arrauged for the evening of Friday MarMi lltli at the Piney Woods [hotel. The charity ball last year net ted some $700 for the hospital and i^ is hoped that the efforts of the committee this year will result no less satisfactorily. The Publio Hospital is one of Thomasville’s most successful oharitable institutious. The work it has already accomplished will staudfor along time as a monu ment to those who have labored so earnestly for its life. This work has now entirely ^[outgrown the limitations placed upon it by lack Of funds. The pay patients alone are now defraying half the expeusosof operation, and many more patients could be|received if there were'only room for them The white ward particularly is al most always crowded. The object of the Hospitaljboard iu sqekiug to raise more mouey is to enlarge these quarters. It is possible.that a German will be danced the latter part of the evening on Maroh 11th. At any rate, the ball will be mode a bril liant social affair, and will be largely patronized by both visi tors uud homo people. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has home the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infbnts and Children—Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Fare* goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, • Tho Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Elks Entertainment Will Be Held Thursdsy Night Mereh 3rd. K3S The Elks had such a sociable session at their New Years’ enter tainment that they are not satis fied.' They swear nothing will satisfy them but a repetition of the same thing or something sim ilar. It has been decided, therefore, to play a return engagement. The ohief difference between the com ing party and the past one will he a master of fair faces. March the third has been settled upon as a day auspicious only for stags and accordingly the ladies will be toasted at a distance. A number of very entertainiug schemes have beeu devised for the delectation of the raoe of Elks and several of the chief stags are ready to give their ’personal guar antee to the show—that there will not be a dull minute. PLAY GOLF. Masers. Nichols and Fovargue Pay ing In Tournament "TAKE Six Da vs and Eat Anythin? You Want’ kal6la (Qjjltalizeri Mineral Water.) •* Positively Cures Stomach Tro Constipation, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Kidney,'Liver and Bladder Troubles. FOR SALE AT DRUG STORES. Correspondency Solicited, and Samples mailed to any address. KALOLA COMPANY, Manufacturers- SAVANNAH, QA • • • - - • " • . . '■ : V wM - ■ ARE YOU SORE? USE aracamp Relieves Instantly or Money Refunded. SORE FEET, BUNIONS. Prevents Swe Bot4«nlyIn2Se.,Sfe. AtLOOBottlaa. AtaHi pbioje Company. HANNA’S BODY Was Consigned to Earth In Clavs- land Friday. Cleveland, O., Feb.—19—The people of Cleveland paid homage today to the memory of their first citizen, Marcus A. Hanna, and the state, at large added its trib ute of respect. Many citizens distinguished in private and offi cial life in all parte of the coun try lent, their presence at the cer emonies preceeding the consigning to earth of the remains of the late senator. The last rites over the body were held this afternoon at St. Paul’s Episcopal church. Daring the service Cleveland was silent. The oity street rail way and steam road stopped five minutes at 1 o’clock. Mr. E. L. Rollins, merchant, of Adel, waa in the eity Satnrday. Messrs. Gilbert Nichols, golf instructor at. the Thomasville Golf Club, and W. Fovargne who occupies the samejposition at the County club, are iij J Florida ota tournament. The contest is one of profes sionals and about twelve entries have been made, embracing most of the leading professional golfers of this section of the south. - First they play at Palm Beaob, and afterward,both gentlemen will -go to Magnolia, Fla., to play in another golf tournament. They will be gono about one week, and it is more then probable that they will bring home trophies. It purifies the blood by eliminating tl- .vnste matter and other Impurities and t- destroying the genns or microbes tl. infest the blood. It builds up the bit, tiy restoring and multiplying tho red o. ,-usclea, making tha blood rich and rt it restores and stimulates the nerv -nusing a full free flow of nerve Iu. - rJirmighout the entire nerve system. I (speedily cures unstrung nerves, nervon- ■ css, nervous prostration and nil d-s—n-" f .heeiervoua system. BRANCH STOflE. Phllnps A Crew Will lOpen ,‘up| Muele ■ HoueelHere. Phillips & Crew, of Atlanta and Savannah, have arranged to open a branch house here at once. Mr. C. C. Cocroft will be in charge of the business, and his location will be in the same store room with the soda fount of E. L. Al derman Mr. Cooroft is an ex perienced musoial man, and it is a well Assnred fact that he will moke the business a success. He will carry • full stock of all grades of pianos. ' MALES TOM A New sclcitnie Discovers {•rue R-I-P-A-N-S' , Doctors find good prescription For mankind. BLOOD and NERVES. The 6-oent packet Is og salons. The family contains a supply for a y gists sell them. CHICHESTER'S PENNYRi MALARIA. i: YD ALES TONIC Is • specific for u. —is of Malaria. It acta on a new prin it kills tha microbe* that product ; iiaria. The causa being removed tin - I.-C quickly disappear*. RYDALEf >:C Is guaranteed to cure tho mt«; t-n.-iate cases of Malarial Fever, Chill; ,.i fe'.-ver. Ague, etc. We authorize al :-3 handling our remedies to refunr purchase price fa*-’every bottle <r - DALES TONIC that does not givt •eitf actions * HICKORY. N. C. No news being' good new* we shall take it for granted that beby Panama is having tip top health, panding the cut ting of her lint teeth. 4