Newspaper Page Text
Loss In New York City' Estimated at
6 Millions
coliol except for arti-tic gcibntiflc
or mechanical pnrpos»«. or upon
a physicians prescription. The
records of the various places
where alcohol is Bold show that
a considerable amount is sold for
arts sciences mid meohamoo.
Whether or not nil of it sold ,for
those purposes roaches the requir
ed eioi, wo do not know. Hut that
there uro n grout many uses to
which it might be put. is shown
by the’following hsl of mamiftic-
tured articles, it being u.-ed in
making aniline colors, bicycles,
blacking boots anil shoes, 'brass
beds, brass fixture-, hnritil
kets, cabinet work, carriages, cars
(railroad), cartridges, celluloid
and xylonite, chemicals,, colors,
dontal goods, dyes, embalming
fluid, electrial apparatus, Haver
ing extracts, fulminating powdor,
furniture, gas fixtures, hats (straw
and felt)^molding (picture), or
gans, perfumery, pharmaceuticals,
photographic materials, pianos,
Rochester,,.N. Y., Feb. 26.—
The worst- conflagration iu the
history of Rochester started short
ly belore 5 o’clock this morning
in the basement of the. Rochester
Dry Goods Company store. The
fire was discovered tooii after it
started, Imt the flames spread so
rapidly that before the depart
ment could arrive the ontire
building was ill flames.
Assistant Chief Jaynes at once
sounded a general alarm and later
Chief.Little alixingthat the fire
\vhb beyond the control of the lo
cal department, sent appeals 'or
help to BnlTalo and Syracuse.
Nearly five hours later four summ
ers arrived from Syracuse.
Within an hour after the dis
covery of the fire, the flames spread
to the big granite buildiDgoccupi-
edby Sibley, Lilt say & Carr and
hundreds of business nnd profes
sional oflices.
I Thu extreme cold made fire
fighting extremely dillioult and
dangerous. The ladders were coat
ed with ice. Assistant Cheif
' Jaynes was hit iu the hoad by fly-
' ing timbers and seriously hurt.
1 At 10:80 tho loss was estimated
1 at four to live millions.
Several engines arrived from
Bull’alo at 11 o’clock. At that
‘ hour the tiro was still burning
briskly, hut. Chief Little believed
the flames could be kept under
control, ns no wind was blowing.
’ Tho firemen usod dynamite early,
but its use was soon abandoned.
We are selling Indies’ Shoes that formerly sold
for $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50, for
$1.75 Pair
in is is a collection or smsii lots from this sea*
son’s selling—are NEW GOODS ||nd are worth
twice the price—but the lots are broken and we
want to close them out.
We are also selling one lot of Men’s Hand Sewed
Shoes at only that formerly sold
for $3.00 and $3.50. Some few of theln are $4.00
and $5.00 ones. If your size Is in the lot you will get
Veterinary Hospital of Dr. J. C. Schwencke
A Genuine Bargain
We are HEADQUARTERS for SHOES for the
County.- We have got a good lot of $1.50 and $2.00
shoes in that box at the front that we are selling for
rattan goods, silver plating,
smokeless powder, shellac varnish
sulphuric ether, (spirit), vegeta
ble alkaloids, wagons and whips.
It is also used in automobiles,
yachts, launches nud for small
power plants, in rural and farm
engines and motors for all pur
poses, also for boating and light
ing, for preserving and a Inrge
number of domestic uses. A 50-
horse-power aloohol engine is be
ing mnnufnotured in Germany
and the Russian navy is using
alcohol boat moters up to" 1)00
So tho A. K. so grateful to the
thirsty Ethiopian palato is nlso
important in othor brunches than
the E[>icnreau.
Our Valentine
Vellow IPlne.
We furnish IT, either SOUGH or DRESSED, and that too of the VERY’ BEST.
uew, the words we speak ore snre)y TRUE. We are too
10k yon np, but If you want the best of any thing in our
and tlie old man will do the rest.
Out by the Crate /factory on Bouton ror. l. Visitors are welcomo, day or uiglit.
Among Foremen on Entire Coast Lino
I System says the President
The DURABLE Fence, vjj
None so STRONG. ll
All large wires. 1 .I'H’f
Highest EFFICIENCY. ■ 2E 1#
There is a bill introduced in
congress by the Hon. Walter P.
Browulow, of Tennessee, and the
Hon. Jacob H. Gallinger^ momber
of tho senate from New Hump-
shire, appropriating $24,1)00,000
ou the part of the national gov
ernment as nntionnl aid in build
ing wagon roads. This money is
to bn appropriated among the
way employes, a letter iu which it
is stated, iu reference to the strike
among tho men of that depart
ment, the management of tho road
wishes to state, plainly the situa
tion. --
There are, it is stated, only six
teen vacancies among tho fore
men of tnis department on tho first
You will find a fresh lot at J. B. SMITH’S
Rure goods, Correct weight, Prompt delivery.
No Wraps!
to hold ,
Moisture j
and cause ij
That is to soy, the At
lantic Coast Lion Railroad Com
pany north of Savannah, and in
cluding the states of North Caro
lina, South,Carolina and Virginia,
has only sixteen vacancies among
its foremen in tho maintenance of
way department.
In Georgia and Alabama, it is
stated there are only seven vacan
cies among tho foremen in the de
partment; of this work. These
115 E. Jackson struet.
spirniosaH Purser" rmewa (Rtndirt Style.)
I Absolutely STOCK PROOF. Vo ou SAVE YOU HONEY on Fanolng.
We have just bought a carload oi
the above Fence to arrive in a tew
days. As we are the only firm in
Thomas county that buy fence in car
load lots We can save you money on
your fence
'Phone 0-1-2.
ceived. This will, therefore,
cause the spending of $48,000,000
for roads nnd will build from 0,-
000' to 7,000 miles of splendid road
and will placo in each stato from
100 to COO milos of fine hard road,
which will not be affected by
frost or spring rains and on which
the farmer cun haul the your
It will be a great ndvantago to
thoso living near it, but it will ho
a far greater advantage to the
whole country because it will
make everyone who sees this rond
and who uses it wnnt more roads
just like it, nnd it will cause more
roads just like it to be built.
While under the Browulow bill
the building of 0,000 to 7,(XX)
miles of splendid rond is a great
thing, yet it seems to many that
(he greatest ndvantago of this bill
is the wonderful object lesson
which 100 to 500 miles of fine road
will produce when built in overy
state of the Uuiou.
Dr. C. S. Sheldou, one of tlio
leading physicians of the city,
says a Madison, Wis., special to
the Chicago Chronicle, hns mndo
the astounding declaration that
appendicitis is contagious. He
says that the disease is of micro-
bic origin and that the only ra
tional explanation of it is that it
is the result of a germ that can be
transferred. The prevalence of
the disease lie believes, substan
tiates his theory. He says there
is an epidemic Of appendicitis iu
this country.. Dr. Sheldon is a
graduate of Yale and has been a
practicing physician for the last
He has been socrota-
The Best
Brands of Cigars.
Our line of candies
Is Superb.
|_5 A T'Q Vhat aro Xovoly,
II/r 1 ^ Vhat are Sleady-to-ivoar,
|_| A r T' Vhat are Stylish,
in /V I Vhat aro Cheap in price and
Jfiyh in Quality.
You will find thes hats at Mrs. J. A. Eppley’s
MILLINERY PARLOR, at Hotel Italy, ——•
' And all other kinds of Millinery Goods. Everything Priced how
j, wlr . MRS. J. A. EPPEY.
every sort in the maintenance of
tho way dopnrlment and, tho let
ter says, may he ahsolutely relied
on in every particular. Tho letter
is signed by President R. G. Er
win, and Mr. J. It. Kenly, fourth
vice president and general mana
ger- '
Would Gall
To tho Colombia Disc Graphophonewhloh is bringing so modi pleasure to
longboat tilts broad land of ours, and whiob yon can on-
re proving everything that have been said of them, an eu-
A number of the newest models can be seen nt
tertainerin the homo.
And Pre.ldantl Put. Panama Treaty
' Into Effoct.
Washington, Feb. 20—Secretary
Hay and Minister ftunau Varilla
this morning exchanged ratifica
tions of tho Panama canal treaty.
Service Is the kind people wont Whan one receive,
the worth of hie money he to aattofled nnd eomee again.
Washington, Feb. 25.—The
President at 11:5u signed a pro
clamation putting tho Panama
canal treaty into effect.
Our Work
Hast pleat# our euotemer*. W# heap none hot ghlfled
men who "knew how."
Carriages, Buggies and Wagon
Repaired, Painted and Trimmed.
Chicago who have been at the
Randall House for several weeks
left for their homo yostordny.
Mr. Duvis said ’‘Thomasville has
the finest climate I ever >nw, I
will certainly came back ne:.i year
and stay longer. I shall putchaae
a tract of land to use for shoot
ing preserves and will probably
build a residence h'ere.”
And Don’t Forget the STUDEBAKER WAGON.
Call and see us before buying.
forty years,
ry of tho Central Wiocon Medical
Association lor many yean.
Joe Stomp; a well known Val-
dostan was in town on Friday*