Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, March 11, 1904, Image 10

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Entire st6ck just received at i ird & Varnedoe’s. 500 hundred High-Art $1.25 Shirts to go while they are new FOR #100 . Our entire line bf Hosiery, German made, Egyptian thread, imported and domestic, made up in hig^ colorings, medium and plain, from 10c to 65 cts per pair. The best ever shown in this city. — —— ; . We are already receiving our large and complete stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. Nature We still have a few suits in Fall and Winter weights that must go at a price to suit the customer rather than carry them'over. Also a small line of fleece lined anfi woolen un to close at a price. Our 50c negligee shirt is a world beatei at ♦ v \£a,llarcl & Varnedoe- — - ■— Is to%ve children, and no’ home can be completely happy without them, yet the ordeal through which the ex pectant mother must pass usually is so full of suffering, danger and fear that she looks forward tp the critical IfcrfhM.’. -« * v_ h0ttr Wg apprehension and dread. mmaer a rnena, by its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and so prepares the system for the 6 enfeal that she passes through the event safely and with but little suffering, as numbers have testified aad said, “it is _ s-s-Af™ Friend \m CO.. Atfassa. On. Work of the Thoma*villa, Go , Soci ety from OcLl. to March 1,1904* Mower's WOULD YOU LIKE ~ot: HAVE A FIT? The hunting scnaoi) clones March fifteenth Dr, O. D. Bosh name over from Monday. \V. T. Mnrdre woe liore from § Boston on Monday. J. W. Evans was hero from Coolidge on Monday Judge P. P. Dixon was here from Oohlookoneo on Monday. Mr. J. T. Watt came over from WoyeroM to epend Sunday. ' Mr. J. S.‘ Turner of this district was a vilitor to the oity on Satnr- t. M. Dekle of Ozell was „ among the throng of Snlur- y visitor*. Mr. D. J. Franklin of the Bos ton distriat visited Thnnjasville J. U. Anderson was hdre on his way from Whigham to Oalflock- nee Sunday. .IB Utis. Alias Brineon of Cairo was in the ciiy Saturday the guest of friends. Judge C. P. Housell went down to Savannah Saturday afternoon to attend United States conrt. * Mr. J. R. Mite, skw mill man of Pino Park, was a vieitor to the city Monday. Uj ’ Mrs. J. O. Lewis and Miss Gltnoe Pinsou have gone to Tam' pa for a vieit of several days. ' Mr. Charles Williams of Savan nah was renewing old acquaintan ce in Thomnsville Monday. —— Mr T. J. Young, a former well known citisen of this county bht now of Montic.vllu, Fla., is in the oity. Mr. ltert Dekle who is with the National Cash Register Company in Atlanta is at home for a week’s vaoation, Mrs. Ryan who has heeu the guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. Harris on Dawsou street has gouo to|Hot Springs, Ark. Miss Callie Jones who has been the guests of her sisters at the Waverly House for sevoral weeks left Monday afternoon for Afa- laohicola via Jacksonville. Mr. J. J. Cone is making an ac tive canvass for sheriff, and says he is well satisfied with results. He left Monday for a trip to , Pavo end a tour of the county. Rouse has returned at Thomasville and a position aastenogra- the office of the Sieger Co.-Valdosla MORE TO FOLLOW. Say Polltloal Prophets of the Repre sentatives’ Race* Though the primary is a scant six weeks in thefuture there seems to bo considerable talk of new de velopments liofore that time. On* of the county’s foronios^politi- ticiaus said to a Times-Kiiftrpriee representative,* ‘Tne entries have not all beeu made yet. 1 have jnst reoeived a letter from one of the best nieu in the county stat ing that he had been urged to make the race for the legislature that he was anxious tq do so, and asking my advioe.” Another well known politician Handing near said that he had reoeived a com munication of the same nature, Several by danders, questioned the speakers as to the personality of the , geut.emsn referred to. They refused to reveal it, but it is rumored that the mnu is Mr. AUdisou Way Jr., one of the ooun ty’s best yonng men. » There are. fits and fit'; there are epileptic fits and duck fits then conte the common old fits, such as fits of rage, fits of love and fits of melancholy. ' Everybody dm have these fits, but nobody wants them. We Have Two Fashionable Fits FOR SALE, And you are not considered in the game unless you have one of them. When a man has one of these fits, everybody goes into a fit over him, but not the same kind of fit. The ladies go into a fit of admiration, the young men fits of jealousy and the old man has a kind of fit that makes him wonder, why they didn’t have those kinds of fits in his day. Mre. 8. A. Miller Dead. The funerul of Mrs. S. A. Mil ler took place at Meigs Satdrd ty. She died there Friday. She was the wife of Mr. Miller, an em ployee of * the Meigs Variety Works. New Trlel for Drtyfue. Paris, March 6. Tho court of Cassation today grauted the ap peal of Alfred Dreyfus for u vision of his trial at Donnes. Unwinds Have Kidney Tioiile and New Suspect it X Bow Vo Find Out. Fill« bottle or common ghu* with your water and let it stand twenty -four hours; a sediment oj set tling indicates an unhealthy con dition of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the ba?a is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, “ -*• »*- fulfills ei pain in tl and every part of the urinary passage It corrects inability to hold wate and scalding pain in passing it, or Ink effects following use of liquor, wine q beer, and overcomes that unpleasant tit cessity of being compelled to go oftei. IF YOU WILL CALL AT OUR STORE, you can get an up-to-date Spring Fit. They arc here waiting for you. CALL FOR The A. B. Kirchbaum fit, or the Hart, Shaffner & Marx fit, ^tlier is guaranteed. * The Cost of these Fits is Moderate. Number of visits made, 90. Number of visits received, 50. Number of prayers made, 91. Number of Bible readings, 94. Number of meetings conducted, 28. Nnmber of papers distributed, 291. Number of hour, spent in study, 80. Number of hours spent in visit ing sick, 20. Number of hours spent iu in dustrial school, 60. Number of hours spent in spe cial service, 258. Number of sick visited, 22. Nnmber of garments given, 90. Average attendance sewing scool, 15. Children put in school, 6. We have had a very Interesting Hewing class, having as many aB 24 in attendance frequently, but owing to sickness in many of the families the children have drop ped out for a- time. In these clu-ses the children are taught to sew, both with the machine and by hand. Lessons are given iu rafhi work, cutting and mounting pictures etc. The children are Ip'sy and happy and enjoy the work. The Vashti Home was dedica ted to God Oct. 18, 1903. Six weeka after the dedication the first girl, 11 Hie Johnson, of Pavo, Gn„ entered the home. A short time afterward two girls were sent tis from Viennn, Ga„ Henrietta and Lee Blow. The next girl came to us in January from Brunswick, Gu , Alice May. The first of February Nora Gibson was sent in from Memphis, Tenr.. making five i - i all. God has won derfnliy blessed this work and we feel that this is indeed an opon door of opportunity. That the work is greatly needed has been made plain by the number of ap plications that have been received in the short while sjnoe the home was opened. God is blessing the work and we press forward with renewed faith and seal, praising Him for what He has already wrought and looking to Him for still greater blessings in the fu ture. Annir M. Hkath, Deaconess. You Can Have One For from $10.00 to $25.00, According to the length of time you want the fit to la:t. Louis Steyerman, Corner Broad and Jackson Sheet, Ttomasville, Georgia. % night. times during the extraordinary effect of Swsmp-Root is soon realised.' It stands the highest for its wonderful cures ot the most dis tressing esses. If you need s medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent end oue-dolUr sires. You may have s nmole bottle end a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer Sc Co., Bine- harnton, N. Y. When writing mention this paper and don't make eay mistake, but remember the came. Dr. Kilmer 1 # Swamp-Root, aad JO* address, MnghimtPa, N. Y. Wanted. Wo would like to uak, through the column of your papor, if them is any ireon who has used Green’s August lower for the cum of indigestion, Dys ipsia, and'Liver Trouble# that lias not on cured—and we also mean tlieir re mits. such aa sour stomach, fermonta tion of food, habitual costiveness, ner vous dyspepsia, headaches, despondent feelings, sleeplessness--in fset, any tronble connected wftli the stomach or liver? This medicino has been sold for many years iu alt civilized countries, and we wish to correspond witli yon and send yon one of oar books free of cost. If yon never trie* August Flow er, try a 25 cent bottle list. We have never known of ita failing. If so, some thing more serious is the matter with you. The 25 cent size has just been in- treduced this year. Regular size 75 cents. / . G. O. GREEN, Woodbury. N. J. 8 H. PRICE OO. The Bank of Pavo is a young institution not is one of the best in the state. Ita statement ap pears in another column. Lester Cone returned to Atlanta Tuesday, For Coronor. I take tills means of announcing for re-election to the office of coroner of Thomas oonnty subject to the action ot the primary. If elected I will give the duties of the office the same careful at tention that they have heretofore re ceived at my hands. I appreciate tho support that my friends have always given me and their many kind exp sions of satisfaction. Thanking all supporters and hoping for a renewal of the support. I am faithtnlly, Curs. GiNDY. For Sheriff. IJhereby annoauoe myself as a candi date for re-election to the office of slier- iff of Thomas county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If re-elected I will continno to giro the office my personal attention and will discliarge its duties to the - best of toy- ability. T. .T. Right. For Sheriff. I heaeby announce myself as a candi date for Sheriff of Thomas oonnty, sub ject to the action of the Democratic pri mary, and solicit the support of the To tem of the county. II elected I will give my personal and undivided atten tion to the duties of the office and will discharge tltoae dories to the'best of my ability. J. J. Cone, tf For Representative. I hereby annonnee myself as a can didate for representative subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If re-elected I pledge myself to a faithful performance of all the duties of the offl- My past reoord in the office is open to inspection and relying upon this I submit my claims to tiie voters of the comity and solicit their snpport. John R. Singletary} The guests at the Raudai! House presented Mrs. Randall Tuesday with a handsome bell. It is said, that they were ouly re placing one that had been broken in a vain effort to awaken the lots risen. 'L. F. Patterson and C. W. Ram sey of Bainbridge spent Tuesday ih town. ■ Rev. A. C Stephenson and Mr. John M. Wilson came over from Merrillville Tueedey. For Primary Aetlon. If you will listen, you will hear many of the voters of Thomas county, who are ardent Prohibi- ticnists, expressing their dissatis faction at the condition that the rural districts are in now; with so much drunkenness; and the ease with "which intoxicants can be had. They claim that Prohibi tion docs not prohibit and under the regime of the bar-room there was less drunkenness than now. These people sny they' will never vote for prohibition again. Many of the wet men ere in fa 1 vpr of a Dispensary uudor county Supervision and, a while back, there was talk of candidates run ning for the Legislature on this platform, but that is not discuss ed so much as formerly. There certaiuly much dissatisfaction with the present method of deal ing with this question and if something is not done soon we will have the barroom here with all its fascinations for the youug and its social features. This arti cle is not intended to discuss the merits of any system or to advo cate any change. The voice of the people should be supreme as intended under our form of gov ernment and if the executive com mittee will take the suggestion from me and let the people say in the coming primary what they wish in the matter no doubt the ques tion will be settled for good and we can all unite to upbuild Thom asville and Thomas conuty, for only by presenting a united front, is it possible to present the claims of old Thomas as the leader in in dustrial development. Votxb. For The Legislature. Ijhemby announce myself a candidate for re-election to tlio Legislature sub ject to the Democratic orimary. Hav ing served the people te fh© very boat of my ability iu the last legislature, I feel that I can coufldeutinUy and conscien tiously illicit their support iu the ap proaching primary. J. B. Rountree. For Representative. To the people of Thomas county: Appreciating the past honors yon have confirmed upon me I take this method of announcing that I am a candidate for re-election to the House of Representa tives of Georgia. In the discharge ■'of ray duties in the past as your represen tative I have to .the best of ray ability worked for your interests and the in terests of the whole jieople of Georgia, I again ask yew support. My candi dacy is subject to tho action of tho Democratic primary. Fondren Mitchell. JFor Tafc Collector. I most respectfully announce my sc if as a candidate for re-alection to the of fice of tax collector subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary. In making thla announcement I beg to ex tend my thanks'to the voters of Thotnaa oonnty for their kindnese to me daring' the put and to aolicit a ; con tin nance'of their aapport. P. 8. Hf.rth. For Tax Receiver. I hereby annonnee myself u a can didate for re-election |o the office of Tax Receiver of Thomas county subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If re-elected I will sire the office the ume careful attention as iu the put. I solicit the snpport of the voters of the county. John F. Howard. For County Commissioner. I hereby annonnee myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Commis sioner of Roads and Revenue of Thomas county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. I solicit tho sup port of tho rotors of the couutv. E. M. SMITH. For Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Coramis- misaionerof Roards and Revenues of Thomas coont.v, subject to the action of the Eemocratic primary, and soliot the support of tlio voters. AAw J. D. Burrow. For Ordinary. Desiring first to thunk my old com rades, and friends genornllv, for their fonryenrs gift of the office of ordinary.I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election, subject to Die the Demo cratic primary, promising if elected, to do my utmost to iwrform nil the duties of the office faithfully in fntnre as I have tried to do in the past. WM. M. JONES. For County Treasurer. I respectfnUy annonnee that I am a candidate for re-election as Treasurer of Thomas oonnty, subject the action of the Democratic Primary. I am very thankful to the people for the favors an4 confidence shown me in the put, and pledgo. if elected, my very best and most conscientious efforts to give them faithful, efficient, and sat isfactory service. I earnestly solicit your snpport and friendly co-operatiou. Gratefully and faithfully yonrs JNO. F. PARSER. Elder Lee Hank# of Pelham was iu the city Tuesday. For County Surveyor. I announce my candidacy for re-elec tion to the office of county snrreyor of Thomas county subject to tho action of the Democratic primary. If re-elected I will continue to give the office mv beat attention. I solicit the snpport of the TOters. A. J. STAN ALAND. For County Commissioner. J hereby annonnee myself a earetnt.a. for re-election to the office of Oommis- rioner of Roads and Revenue of Tboznaa oonnty, subject to the action of tha Democratic primary. I solicit tha son- port of tha rotsn A H.O.