Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, March 11, 1904, Image 2

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    ■v*.'# • -I.*"it: '. v .'■•'■-,•<'- v .. •■ . ■■■0 ■ J'
.- -
ta means untruth with some
fflM&j '.'-A v ' >. \
f move mountains, but ad-
i the goods.
neat column is ovine
» satisfactory growth.
t HcwhimvlUe dispensary in 1908
E profit of more than $17,000.
; ]iaiujjui nary plight order an
• curtain with perfect propriety.
will never cease. One of
i’s 4002 candidates has with
i population of Japan is twelve
• as dense bi that of the United
R. E. Don’s weokly letter says that
reports from the Sonth indicate escep-
pSpBiMil "
The only aye .and nay vote taken at
tlie meeting of the State Democratic
Executive Committee, in Atlanta was
on the resolution of Mr. Morris of Cobb
fixi&g Saturday as the day for holding
the state primary. Clark Howell op
posed the resolution, stating that the
date would disfranchise a number of
orthodox Jews. Seeing Jake Mcnko of
Albany in the hall, Mr. Howell asked
him what effect the date woujd have ou
the Jewish voters. Mr. Miuko replied
promptly that his people would not be
pleased at such action, in fact that they
would feel very much hurt by it. The
resolution of Mh Morris - was voted
down by an overwhelming majority.
. People generally have to seek tlicir
own level and spmetime* they hove to
we adiving bell to find It.
“I love yon more than tongue can
may be true when spoken by a
ator Dick of Ohio. Won-
he will want to be called Rich-
) Is room for everybody on the
platform. Even Roosevelt
An old saw. but wortl) remembering:
to your flannels nntll your flannels
e Russians are consoling them
selves with the thought that e bad be*
l makes a good ending.
ere that bloom In the spring
have a greit deal to do with
)nst now.
-.John R. Cooper of Haoon lias with
drawn from the rnoe for a seat in Con-
man who Is np with the lark may
oatou a lark. Appearances
of state Hay is 111 with grippe
Bo should return fora now
of that ThomasvlUe feeling.
Qalllnger has introdnoed a
pay the President #75,000 per
That la Toddlforoas nonsense.
Hoke Smith has issued a strong
sensible Oard declaring against
nungifiy ’■*
mt.i. #.iu
Th4 fellow who con "carry a doson
votes If you will lend him a dollar" will
loan get In his deadly work among tho
nim '
Former president Urover Cleveland
emphatically statu that no negro ever
dined at hit table. Ho never shares his
docks with on Ethiopian.
The Confederate Veterans of Savan
nah have protested against the desecra
tion of Memorial Dey. by ball playing
and other sports. More power to their
A mtn who prefers a olty weokly to
e home paper because "js’s got more in
it," reminds us of a man whe picked
oat the largest pair of boots in the box
become they out no more than a pair
that fitted him, says an exohango.
' The Georgia Republicans are display
ing their regular quodrenial activity
find ore engaged In e strenuous endeavor
to get their elbows on the ’pte counter.
The Macon Telegraph at last an-
nonneu that it considers Grover Cleve
land’s decision not to reek the Democra
tic nomination, u final—It then goes
ahead to discuss very sensibly the ques
tlon Gorman or Parker.And aafs: “The
endorsement of Hearst by New York is
scarcely within tbe range of possibilities,
because neither Tammany-nor- the Hill
influence in the state regard him se
An lntcrutipg communication headed
"For Primacy Action," and dealing
with the prohibition question, appears
in another column. The writer is
well informed and solid dtlien and
undoubtedly there considerable discos-
sionalong the lines he mentions. Read
oommunloatlon and if you agree or dis
tils agree send your viewi to the news
paper- 1 .
The Times-Enterprise has it from re
liable sources tliat the farmers In Math
Georgia are in most excellent shape
with their work. They hare (heir lands
in better shape now than for marfy
yean and ore only waiting for planting
weather. The acreage in cotton will be
very large.
s from the Sixth District and Judge
diaries L. Bartlett will have no op
position. The early primary is the
cause of Mr. Cooper’s withdrawal. He
says that he cannot stump the 'distriot'
in the time allowed.
EVAi the Albany Herald hu this to
say; Jim Griggs 1s as shifty in politics
u tho old deacon of camp meeting fame
waa in prayer, and stranger things havo
liappoued In Georgia politics than tht
landing of Georgia In the Hearst colninn
would be.
'Munching parties,” tho London
Moll says, are the latest outcome of the
new health fad. The guests at snoh
meals ore Invited only on condition that
etch mouthful of food Is chewed thirty-
two tlmu before it Is swallowed. The
rag ohewere ought to be adopts at that
Mti of thing.
LOSS Of Flesl
The day* ore getting longer and are|
giving mare time for discussion about!
When you ain't eat break*
fast, take Scott’s Emulsion.
When you can’t eat bread
and butter, take Scott’s
Emulsion.' When you have
been living on a milk diet and
want something a little more
nourishing, take Scott’s
To get fat you must eat
ht. Scott’s Emulsion b a
reat fattener, a great
rength giver.
Those who have lost flesh
/ant to increase all body
In Sunday's Atlanta Constitution ap
pears an articlo well worth reading by
every citiren of Thomas county It is
from the gifted pen of Mr. John M.
Corrigan, one of the best known young
journalists in the statfs and doals with
Mitchell comity iu general and Pelham
In particular. It saya in port;
Tiiesonthiswldelyacknowledged as
the most favored sectioirof the Ameri
can continent. It truthfully boosts of
offering the most tempting field for in
vestment and scientific cultivation: it
is acknowledged to yield the richest re
turn for labor and oapital rightly com
bined and enegetioally applied, and for
all classea and conditions of people, it
is the most amiable section of the conn-
try in which to pass one’s existence.
By the same token, sonth Georgia is
the most delightful portion of Georgia.
The development# of the post few years
Id cotton and corn Bud timber, the am-
pie return from money put into native
enterprise and the promising sugges
tions of profit in natural resources which
are ye* ^ut partially developed, speak
very forcibly of the generally awaken
ed interest in this section, and of great
er thing* to follow a* the result of the
tnereased energy everywhere witnessed
and of encouraging and widespread ac
tivity; Cattle raising, cane enltnre, pe
can growing and an extended frait pro
ducing area, are some of the recent de
velopments that account' for the pre
vailing hopefnl spirit encountered every
where. ,
Ho section of sonth Georgia is more
noted for its healthfulness and attrac
tive surroundings than ThcmasviUe. It
is the meoca of many millionaires, and
the chosen winter residence of hundreds
of northern tourists. Its popularity is
proof of the healthfnlness of the Mnth
Geqrgia piney woods as a residence
Jnst to the northwest of ThomasvlUe
and boundod on the Booth by Thomas
Scrofula manifests itself in many ways. Swelling of the glands of the
neclt and throat. Catarrh, weak eyes, white swelling, offensive sores and ab-
' scesses,skin eruptions, lossof strength and weakness in muscles and joints.
It is a miserable disease and traceable in almost eyery instance to some
family blood taint.
— Scrofula appeared on the head of my
little grandchild when only IS-month,
old, and apread rapidly over lier oociy.
The diaease next attacked the eyes and
we feared aho would lose her si?ht. Em
inent physicians were consulted, but
could do nothing to relieve the little in
nocent. It was then that we decided to
Scrofula is bred'in the
bone, is transmitted
from parent to child,
the seeds are planted in
infancy and unless the
blood is purged and pu
rified and every atom of
the taint removed Scrof
ula is sure to develop at
Moxne period in your life.
No remedy t
try 8. 8.8. That medicine at-
a spesdy and complete cure. She is now
a young lady, and has never bed a sign
of the disease to return. ...
ISO South Eth Street. Satina, Kan.
remedy equals S. S. 9. as a cure for Scrofula. Itcleanses and builds
tip tbe blond, mahcait rich and pure, and under the tonic effects of this
great Blotql Remedy, the general health improves, the digestive organs are
strengthened, and there is a gradual but sure return
to health. The deposit of tubercular matter in the
joints dnd glands is earned off as soon as the blood
is restored to a normal condition, and the sores, erup
tions, and other symptoms of Scrofula disappear.
S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable and harmless; an ideal blood
purifier and tome that removes all blood taint and builds up weak constitu
tion* Our physicians will advise without charge, all who write ns about
their case. Book mailed free.
For #15.00, #30.00 and #80.00. Several hun
dred Discs toselect from; also a good selection of
Musical Merchandise, Sheet Music 10c. np. A
No. 1 Guitar for #3.75. Mandolins #3.00 np.
Banjos (3.50 np, etc., con be loond at
The boy or girl with a
Has the joliiest vacation,
Ever tried making pictures
from start to finish? It’s fun
with the right material. Let
its show you!
$i and $2.
Brownie Developing Machine,
10 Copies of Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage’c
“Travels in the Holy Land" .
—Will be—
givkn away
In the Times-Enterprise “Dot” Contest.
These books are on exhibition now at
our store. They are splendid works,
which sell for #3.75 .each and will be an
ornament to any home.
J. E. Robison & Co's,
Book Store, •
Broad Street, • Tliomasville, Ga
Tuttle's Jewelry Store.
Thomnsville. Georgia.
and Decatur counties, i^ Mitchell coun-
givug more tune lor discussion aoout, ; — | cotton fields and tho delightful summer
municipal ownership of tho electric I USSUeS, not OtllV Ifit. JCOttI S J days ore tempered and the nights made
light plant. And almost every one is EmUBIOn »!CrC3S€S them all, | pleasant and refreshing by the oool
bone, flesh, blood and !
i taut."
talking about that selfsame subject.
The Times-Enterprise but an open
door policy. It will print with pleas-
■ore any citisen’s views on any subject
Of public interest, provided tho com*
muni cation is not personal or unparlla-
Dr. Gaolden of Brooks announces
that be will not be in the raoe for sena
tor, fronrtye seventh. He suggests 9.
V Bennett, Mayor of Quitman for the
Senator and L. W. Branch, a young
■> Quitman attomay for the House.
In another oolomn appear, a very in- .MM.. Ana ih worm res Annie
For Invalids, for con
valescents, for consumptives,
far weak children, for all
who need flesh, Scott’s
The article goes on to tell of tho geni
us of Hon. Judjimi L. Hand, of whom
Mr. S. It. Blanton of tho Times-Enter*
prise *nid “The judgment of J. h. Han^
is better and his insight deeper into
^mulsion 15 3 ricH uiict com* different problems than that of
fortable food, and a natural ”“ yothBrm “ 1 “* oq “ 1 “ te d wi,h '"
Scott’s Emulsion for bone,
flesh, blood and nerve.
V M. Heath the city Missionary tolling of {
work of the city mission society am!j
Vaahti Home. The report Is well'
and the cause worthy of
4<>9 Pearl St ,N.Y.
[, SOt. sad 311 sD drafijlsts.
The uriicle further tolls of the trade
in general merchandise, the guano fac
tory, cotton seed oU mill, cotton mill
timber and pine products, now railroads
and oilier indnstries until a feeling
pf cuvy makes ns exclaim “Would that
Thomas connly would do like-wise.
And in pasting we wish to pay a
sincere tribute of thanks to Georgia’s
great newspaper which is doing so ranch
for tbe development of the entire state,
and which U jnst now devoting especial
attention to Math Georgia.
it might not bo out of place here to OUTFITS
note an. interesting geographical fact
that will probably appeal especially to
sonth Georgians. Palestine, the prom
ised Cnuaau, designated by God Him
self to bless the labors of a favored poo-
plo, lies in tho same relative position on
the globe as sonth Georgia. It is well
enongh to note and felicitAte onrselvcs,
however that neither the topography
nor the sgricnltnrnl products of this
favored sectiou of Georgia ore similar
to those of the land of Canaan. There
Is here no Dead Sea, with a wild, bar
ren and rockey waste of country bor
dering it, while the dates, bananas, figs,
olive and almonds that are sufficient to
sustain the Mohammedan, vronld not,
and fortunately need not, satisfy the
natural yearning for food of the nor
mal healthy Inhabi tant of the wire gross
region. Though not so itch in lilatory
aud having none df the revered sight*
and world-renownod wonders that
Domaacns and Syria and Lebanon And
Jerusalem pleasant to the sightseer and
preserve for} Christians and Moslems,
sonth vastly richer in those
material things whereby men spbeist,
and isjincomparably a more comforts,
ble’placo revive in for those not bound
by the code of the snltun.
The dimate of Mitchell comity is
well-nigh ideal. Its winter climate ii
identicallwith that of famed Thomaa-
ville, only 34 miles away, natural con
ditions being In practically all respects
the same. Iu winter thorn is hardly
more than enongh frost to dear the
Boiler Works
Shops and
Dims Dirt Asm, (In Ho.flni, Spray Pump,, Mem.r., Rap". Assrslm
Wt (III Dtkt It is Ytw IMsnst it Flairs silk Vs.
Over Thirty Years Experience.
Expert Handlers of Sea Island as well as Upland* Cotton
Liberal cash advances against Consignments.
'Money loaned Cotton Shippers on Approved Security,
Large dealers in Sea Island and upland Bagging, ugar
Cloth Twiue and Ties.
“Write For Terms. -
: : Savannah Ga?
Q Mint, Queer and Curious Salt Lsk*
The late Col John Cockerell in The
Cosmopolitan «aid 'There are three uni*
que cities in America, and one of these
is Salt Lake City/' It is not only *jni- in its temple, tabernacle and. />ther
Mormon church institutions, but quaint
in appearance, with its wide streets, im
mense blocks and martial rowi of shade
trees. It has, perhaps, more attractions
to the square yard than any city in the
country, and its climate, while temper
ate all the year round, is particularly
delightful in summer. The Great Suit
Lake, with its magnificent Saltair resort,
where the water is ''deader and denser”
than that in the Dead Sea in Palestine
is an attraction in itself that people
come miles to see. There are many
ccol mountain and lake resorts nearby,
also numerous very pretty canon and
park drives, and hot sulphur springs.
Fishing and hunting can be had in every
direction, The trip from Denver to
Sait Lake City and Ogden, via the Den
j *r & Rio Grande and the Rio Grande
Western, is one ot unsurpassed pleas
' ure. Here nature isjound in hef stern-
I Cat mood and the whole line is a sue*
cession of rugged canons, waterfalls
and picturesque valleys. N'o European
trip can compare with it in graudeur of
J *cener\. During the entire summer
j there will be iow excursion rates to Salt
Lake City and contiguous country. It
is on the ro^i to the Pacific coast, if
that be your decimation V\ rite S. K.
Hoop.r. G. P. & r. A., Denver, Colo*
for beautifully illustrated pamphlets,
Miumsv le > ei p»- .an Letrti Mow
To Light n ih>m
126 East Bay. Street,
It is Up
To You.
I \ as surprised to find so many
odds and ends of staple dinner
ware patterns on my shelf. 1 don’t
want them there, do you want
them, if you do you can liave ’hem.
last come down and get' them.
What about the p ice you s<y;
well I will sell them for so little I
would hate to publish the price.
R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
good prescription
For mankind.
Thb 5-cent packet is enough for usual
occasions. Tire family bottle [COcts.J
contains a supply for a year. All drug
gists sell them. 5.9
Woman bears a heavy burden.
Doubly heavy when the kidneys fail,
Backache rets in to
Rob her of needed rest. ,
And urinary troubles distress her.
Doan's Kidney Pills cure such ills.
Here is evideuce to prove it.
Mrs. G. Nunuu of 8avannah, Ga.,
wife of G. Nunan, carpenter, residing at
18 East Duffy street, says: “Doan’s
Kidney Pills belied my back wonder
fully. They drove all the backache out
of it and made it feel like a new back.
My back caused me a lot of misery and
I havo had to lav ip bed with it many a
day although it ached just as much
it did when I got
when I was in bed ns
up, but it was so weak I could not get
i o
Don't you know what it is, well 1
will tell you, it is the little house
wife that has .one—the Wheeler
& Wilson or New Home Sewing
Machines. All sunshine and hap-
. & W. or N,ew Home.
ft.IMA -
Mr and Mrs- A. B. Ghamlter of
New York are among the di-tiu-
gaiahed guests at the Mitrhnll
house. Mr. Chandler is president
of the ' Postal Telegraph Cable
Company. •
Now :s tlie time to leek utter tlie san
itary condition of yonr preuiiees.
Jnst received a barrel of
up without, help. There was a constant
pain acro-s the small of my baf k, and
up in my shonlders, my eyes \ watered,
the kiduey secretions were strong smell
ing and contained a thick sediment,
looked like mush and there was a con
stant desire to pass it. I used herb tea
and rubbed it with liuiment until it was
raw, but it was all the same until I got
a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills and tried
them. I never sow anything act os
quickly as they did, and since using
them my back has gotten stro.ig, I cun
go around as well as I ever could aud
the kiduey secretions do net bother
Emphatic endorsement can Tw* hod
right he-e iu Thomnsville. Drop into
R. Thomas. Jr’s drug store and ask
what his eostomprs rejiort.
Sold for 50 cents per 1m>x bv nil drug
gists. Foste -Wilburn Go., Buffalo, N.
Y., sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name—Doan’s aud
ake no substitute.
the "fin deseide” dienfei iant. Alao
Moth Balls, Chloride of Lime,
Sole A Rent Jacob* Gandies.
1: inch Cane Mill,
14 inch Cana Mill, ■ 1
15 inch Cane Mill, 2
18 inch Cone Mill,
We con furnish the above in
frames at a small cost. It will-pay
to call on as before you buy.
Works near A. O. L. R. R/Depot
*.0. 109; Telephones 114 and31C
* >
- -