Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, March 18, 1904, Image 11

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Mr. J. H. Wade Is Building one of tne
Most Magnificent Residences In
the South.
Bean-Eating BaU-Tosssra Will Arrive
Here on March Twentieth.
The Boston bass-ball team of
the National League will arrive
1 in Tbomasville on Sunday March
j 20th. for their spring practice and
. training. They wiil come twenty
strong and have secured quarters
| at the Mitchell House. Their
practices will be held at the Fait
1 Grounds.
1 The Boston team is one of the
! leaders in the National League
and they play good base-ball.
Much of their prowess may be
attributed to the good start that
' Thomnsville’s climate gives them.
1 The members of the team .are no
1 strangers to Thomasviile as they
1 have trained here for the last two
'seasons. The St. Louis and Pitts
burg teams have also limbered up
iu Thomasville’s sunshiny weath-
! er.
The team will be accompanied
by a number of newspaper men,
sporting editors of Boston papers
aud others who are anxious to get
a line on the men.' Their pres
ence affords no small amount of
amusement for the visitors and
Georgia is becoming a favorite
For Infants and Children.
pay any visitor or resident of
Thomasviile. Mr. Wade is one of
the wealthiest and most promi
nent of Cleveland’s oitizens, and
has large business interests in the
oity of New York. He is a son
of the man who gave the beauti
ful Wade’s Park, to the city of
He came here aa a guest of Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Morse and was so
much pleased with Thomasville’s
climate and natural advantages
AVbgefabie PrepacationforAs
similating the Food andRefluta-
Promotes DigeadonJCheerful-
ness andRest.Contains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral.
Vctw "V In rvmvn
that he determined to make this
His first
oity hiB winter home,
aot was the purchase of about two
thousand, acres of. land from the
Linton and MacIntyre places His
next was to begin the erection of-
a residence that will be second to
none iu the south.
Thomasviile is already famous
for its show places. Of these one
of the most recent and finest is In
wood, the home of Mr. Morse.
It is said to be excelled in size
an beauty only by “Biltmore,”
the Vanderbilt mansion at Ashe
ville and Henry M. Flagler’s home
at Palm Beach. Mr. Wade’s resi
dence will perhaps be more mag-
nigcent than any of these.
A corps of workmen are already
bnsy at the place. The founda
tions have been laid and tha walls
are rising. Tl.e house is being
built on a grand scale, and will
take considerable time for its
completion. It is being built of
Georgia pressed brick. The out
side dimensions are 185 by 176
•The walls will bo of brick and
the otitsido will be covered with
stucco work. The building will
be in the Moorish style of archi
tecture and will enclose a court or
area, in the interior. The build
ing will cost approximately.$150,-
000 and will be complete and
magnificent in every dotail.
The house is located on a beau
tiful residence site three miles
southeast of the city on what is
known as the old’ Linton home
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
Headaches are,
caused by disor
dered stomachs.
Ramon’sPiUs cure
I om [bother folks.who
HU.5 M occasionally* use
J, \ Ramon’s Pills. 25c
Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured
William Shaffer, a brakcrnan of Den
nison, Ohio, was confined to his bed for
several weeks with inflammatory rb6u- j
matism, "i used.manv remedic-."hc says.
..v-:_-t.“ t *- drug 8tore
Pam Balm
Board of Young’s Fomalo College In
Session Ycstorday.
Opon From 6 a. m. until .12 p. m.
European and American Plan
Regular meals, fiCc.
Pine Mobile Plant Oysters* Fish,
Game aud Wostorn Stakes.
Service First Class, Quick and
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Epply,
The Board of Trusteos of
Young’s Female College held a
meeting at the office of C. Pi Hau-
sell Friday. The general wel
fare of the college was discussed,
and routine business was transac
ted but nothing of special impor
tance was done.
for a bottle of Chamberlain’- - -
at Which time 1 was unable to use hand
or foot, and in one week’s time was able
to go to work as happy as a clam.’’ For
sale by J. W. Peaeock. ! dw
Get Prices from
him before
Oar language contains a word ending
with "3" that denotes anxiety, v
etc., add to this word another "S”
it will denote affectation, joy,
Find this word in the ’
"Caros” bring am
, etc.
arograph below.
>ty and worry,
„ it of the diges-
tlvo organs, usually resnltinginindiges
tion. Uydalo’s Stomach Tablets corn
indigestion. It matters not whether
your stomach trouble is caused by wor-
| ry, over work, neglect, malaria or any
other cause, Rydide's Stomach Tablets
will onre yon. They insure perfect di
gestion and assimilation. ’They tone
and strengthen the digestive organs, re
storing them to health. Use them and
good health will bless yon and fortune
"Carets” yon. J. W. Peacock.
There will be
an important meeting of the board
at the meeting of the Macon Pres
bytery next mouth.
The gentlemen of the board
who were oresentjwere Hop. John
E. Doualson, of Bainbridgo; Rev. |
R. E. Douglas, of Maoon, W. G.
Moultrie j J. W.
Need Anything in Our Line?
Can you see good? If not, have yi
eyes tested and oorreotly fitted by J.
Salter, Proprietor of The Eclipse O]
cal Medicine Company, next to Tim
Enterprise offioe, Thomasviile, Ga.
Transfer Line and Depot for A. A B. at
Wheatiy, of Americus and C. P.
Hansell aud Rev. S. L. McCarty,
the resident members.
Rough and Dressed Lumber,
And we Manufacture Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantles; all kinds «f
Mouldings and Railings,
, Tifton, Ga., March 12.—The
new line which .connects the Tif
ton and Northeastern road with the
Tifton, Thomasviile and Gulf,
both now the property of the At
lantic and Birmingham Railway,
is nearly completed, and the At
lantic and Birmingham will ran
its first trains over it Sunday,
March 20. This will give the At
lantic and Birmingham a through
line from Wayoross and Montezu
ma through Fitzgerald and Tif
ton to Thomasviile without the
troublesome and time-killing
train transfers heretofore necessry
at Tifton.
. The Atlantic and Birmingham
crossings on the Atlantic Coast
Line and the Georgia, Southern
and Florida were pnt in by those
roads yesterday. It will be re
membered that at first (he Geor
gia Southern and Florida vigor
ously fought this crossing, and for
a time a lawsuit appeared inevit
able, but all this has been amica
bly settled aud the crossing was
pnt in.
In a few dnvs the Atlantic and
Birmingham will begin the erec
tion of a handsome freight and
passenger depot at the point
where it crosses Main street. The
freight depot will be 40 x 100
A Favorite Remedy for Babies.
Its pleasant teste and prompt cures'
node Chamberlain’s Cough Reme-
nrorito with the mothers of smaU
m. It qufoklv ouras thetr coughs
Will be Arranged Forth# City Fathers
In the City Hall.
and colds and prevents any danger of
pneumohla or other serious conse
quences. It not only cures croup, but
when given as soon aa the oronpy cough
appears will prevent the attack. For
safe by J. W. Peacock. d&w
And everything needed for building ond^epairing.
Speqd your money with as and keep it in circulation here at home where yen
get some of it back.
Come to sco ns when needing anything in'ouiflino.
Thomasviile Variety Works,
’Phone 139. •
The board of aldermen have de
cided to fix themselves ajjperma-
neut homo. Hitherto they have
been a migratory body. For the
lust few years they have met in
the directors’ room at the Citizens
Bank Building. Since Mayor
Culpepper writes “ex” before his
name, they (have been meeting in
Mayor Roddenbery’s office. They
have uow appropriated the snm
of one huudred dollars to be ap
plied to fixing up a council room
in the city hall. A corner of the
A New scleiHfle Discovers
for (he
Fur, Beeswax, Etc.
The. Thomasviile Ice Company
Wood, soft and hard Coal, Texas Rust Proof Seed Oats, Corn’
Hay, and Feed Oats, Cotton “Seed Meal and
Hulls, Soda Water and Siphons.
’Phone Number 6
It purifies tho blood by eliminating the
waste matter and other Impurities and by
destroying the germs or microbes
infest the blood. It builds up tho blood
by restoring and multiplying the red cor
puscles, making the blood rich and red.
It restores and stimulates the nerves,
causing a full free flow of nerve force
throughout the entire nerve system^ It
speedily cures unstrung nerves, nervous*
ness, nervous prostration and all diseases
of the nervous system.
Office at Williams’ Stable 228 Wti
Jackson St., Thomasviile, Ga.
Howard N. Stanton,
Plans and Specifications furnished.
Estimates cheerfully given.
Personal attention given to all work.
Ofilce: Parker Building, next door to
Timea-Enterprise office.
Thoroughbred Chickens.
Barred Plymouth Rock and White Wyandott
EQQS. Price Si.oo^per setting 15 eggs. ,
feet with offices 20 x 40 feet.
There.will be two waiting rooms
for passengers, and a long pas
senger shed, extending to the car
Best Remedy tor Constipation.
"The bejt remedy for constipation I
ever used is Chamberlain’s Stomach
and Liver Tablets,” says Mr. Eli But
ler, of Frankville, N. Y. They act
gently and without any unpleasant ef
fect. and leave tbe bowels in a perfectly
natural condition.” Sold by J. W. Pea
cock. dw
II m hnv a k««aa’S
i 1 1 T\ 1
; For Men
% For Ladies *
who cannot come to the oity
when in need of clothes we
make a specialty of fitting
you at your borne. We
oarry the finest makes of
Clothing, Hats, Furnishings
and Underwear,'and no mat
ter wbat your size is, stout,
slim or short,
We Can Fit You.
who do not find it conveni
ent to come to the city. ;
We make buying an easy
task by sending to your
homes two or three style's of
garments to select from,
We carry
Sole Agents for
In Our Boys’ Department
can be bad everything
ready-to-wear for boye, ex
cept Bhoes.
B. H. LEVY, BRO. & CO.