Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, March 18, 1904, Image 6
TIMEb-ENTKRPBSBJBFHOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, MABCH 18, 1984. m ANNUAL REPORT, PRESIDENT OF BOARD TALKS INTERESTINGLY. President Whitney Show* the Prim* Need* of th* Hoepltal to be Mor* Room. Forty Person* Treated L**t Year With Eminent Su Splendid Report. To the Member* ot the Hoard of Trustee* of the City Hospital Gentlemen:—Although the first of the year has some time passed I beg herewith to present to y. t my annual report of th* work of the Hospital for the year 1008. have delayed making this report in the ;hope» of being able to make a definite statement in re- gardjto certain"matters concern ing the proposed erection ef a new building which have long been under advisement. Iam yet no able to make any snch definite st atement or say that the special committee is ready to report! and suoh statement os I have to make on that question I prefer to ran dor orally and informally, I can say this, however, that tho committee has not been inac tive and that they have reason hope of being .able to offer e dofinite Jpropoaition within ort time. The iund* in hand well oared tor and are \ small interest. While efforts are being made by friends of the hospital to add to funds as rapidly as possible, matter of this kind it iUar ttor to go slowly than to make , mistako. Even with our small plant and st; equipment, the hospital has been doing excellent work while the de mands upon it grow eaoh month Wo have fairly outgrown our pres ent quarters, for during this past month patients have had to wait for rooms to be vaoated. The Woman’s Board has con sented to render the same faithful and efficient supervision of tho in ternal affairs which come undor their management, while the house keeping and nursing service has been ' quite as Satisfactory as our limitod arrangements oan provide. It is a gratifying fast that almost ovory patient leaves tho hospital with expressions of gratitude and] appreciation of the kind and efficient oare they have received. Two or three times in the courso of the year wo have been com. polled to call in'the assistance of ujeolored nurse for oxtra work. In foot I t thi»k the time has some when we should regularly employ a good intelligent colored woman as assistant nurse and helper in the colored ward. Aenmofmon. ey was given last year by a genor- ous friend toward the ourrent ex penses, a portion of which remains and whioh I' think oonld most ap- ’ proprlately be used for this pur pose. From Jan. 1st. 1008 to Jan. 1st. 1004 forty oases were treated, few more white than colored. (I have not the book at hand to ' quote exactly.) As eaoh case is on reoord, I will not enumerate the case* in detail but simply state that 85 were medical case* and 15 surgical, many of them serious and some of them remain ing in th* hospital for a number of week*. ' Daring the past year only deaths have ooourred in th* hos pital and both were hopeless cases ’ ‘when entered. I may add that during th* week or ten days just past three very serious operations were performed and all have made V good recoveries. The hospital > has not lost a surgical case in more than two years. I consider that the time has come when wo ought to systematize our medical service and either arrange for a regularly elected staff of physi cians or arrange a scheme by which certain physicians should be in charge of the hospital for a certain length of time and should like to *«• this matter placed in 5 PER 1000. REPORT SHOWS THIS TO BE THOMASVILLE’S MORTALITY. Qov»mm*hl Report Proves Thomaar villa to b* on* of th* Healthiest •Cltlooln All tbo Country. Only Flvo Out of Each Thousand Local Resi dents DI*d!La*t Year. The government report on Thom- Seville’* mortality for 1908, has just been made publio. While pre senting no surprise* to those who are acquainted with the real con dition of affairs, the report will be astounding to many soreheads who have thought that Thomas- villa is a hot bed of consumption. Th* report'shows that during lOOSjthere were five death* to eaoh tttouiand of resident white* and sixteen to each thousand of res! dent negroes. There was not single death among tbs resident white* froto consumption in the entire twelve months. This report U issued to the Uni ted.Statp* government by Dr. A. P. Taylor representative of this district Jon the state board of health. It ooinoide* almost ex. aotly with the record kept for many yean by both himself and Dr. T, 8. Hopkins* THREE CONVICTIONS. County Court Pswa Expanses Frl- Frlday was hard look day for oulprits in oounty oourt. So licitor Luke made a olean sweep up to tbs last ease. Joe Hauoook tried for a misdemeanor, was eon- rioted and fined 96.00 and oosts. He wst defended by Judge Rod- denbery. Gut Harrison was put,on trial for riding a hone without the owners oonsent. He was repre sented by W. H. Hammond, but the evidenoe (bowed him guilty and he will pay IMXOO and ooste or be employed by the oounty for time month*. Geo. Edwards, a ebony hued son of Ham, whipped hi* wife. Olroumstanoes seemed to ehow that the only reason |the charge was not reversed wa* because madam Hsirrie wa* dimiuntiv* in •is*. Col. Hopkins in defending the whipper showed his provoca tion thus to be great, - and the judge let him ofljwitb a contribu tion of $15.00 and costs or four months. Dennis Btntiy Jand John Hes ton, accused of laroeny from the person, wen alio defended by At torney Hopkins. Their oase wai dismissed. t Court adjourned late*in the af ternoon. Dr. and Mn. G. B. Cheater have taken rooms at the Black place on Olay street. They have been at the Msaury for several month* and an ao delighted with Thomaevill* that they havedeoid- edto make a permanent home hen, at least through the sum. met. the hand* of a committee at ouce. I further recommend that the committee and supplies be auti>. orised to purchase a good rolling chair for th* use of oonvaleeeeuts. also recommend that arrange ment* b* made as soon as ponible to put elsetrio light* in the hospi tal, provided it can be don* at a reasonable rat*. We especially need them io th* openting room Eaoh yean work serve* to more clearly demonstrate th* great need of a well equipped hospital in this community and section, and there no cause mon worthy of your time and attention and the inter est of th* pnblie in general. I trust that th* next meeting oalled will be for the purpose of setting definite plans for our futum and grantor hospital. Beept. Submitted *•». Whitney, Pres. I Natures Gift from the Sonny South or cooking bettor for frying sad shortening. Tbo great medical sad cooking authorities of tho country say so; they •adores Cottolsn* u the most palatable, healthful and economical cook ing fat on th* market lb* following names of Cottolene endorsers m household words t Hr*. Sarah Tyson Ronr, Mrs Emma P. Ewing, Marion Harland, tbs Eliza R. Parker, Lida Am** Willis Mrs Janot M. Hill, Dr. Mary & Often. Miss Margaret Wistar, Mrs EHxabeth O. Hiller. Mrs Helen Arm strong, Christine Terhune Herrick Mrs F. A. Benson, R. Ogden Doremit, HDUtUD, J. Hobart Egbert, A.M.M. D., Ph. D„ and hundred, of others prominent in household economy and th* medical profusion. UK fi MSS. Cottolene bring richer than either lard or cooking PBBwj w mini ices m rcqtBrtq. FREE M Hide only t* THJS It. X. PAUIBJUnC COUPAHY, Dart. 826 BEHIND WIRE8. Partition Put InYTalaphona Offlea. Tbo hello girls were pot behind the wire* Thursday. A neat par tition on which Contractor White he* been working for several days wa* completed and installed, out- tingithe office in taro parte. A new fleor aud a window seat were put into the front division aud when the painters finish up, Superintendent Stone will be as protid as he oan be. Much to their pleasure, the tel ephone girl* will now be seen from the aide walk only as through a screen darkly. Laid to Raat Thurarday. The funeral of Dr. S. Alex Smith took,'place at the Presby terian church Thursday morning, The church was orowded by sor rowing frienda of the deceased and many carriage* followed the remain* to Laurel Hill. Rev. S. L. MoCarty ooudneted the services at the churoh, and Rev. G. S. Whitney, at the cemetery. The Baptist morning service was waived in houer of the sad event and both Messrs. Bealer and Upshaw attended the funeral. Dr. Smith waa one of Thomas- ville'a leading oitixena, sud his universal popularity was attested by beautiful tributes from hun dreds of sorrowing friends. The floral offerings were particularly beautiful. LONGER COURT TERMS. CRACKERS REORGANIZE. Local Gun Club! Prepares for Actlva Sport This Summer. An organization that affords a great deal {.of pleasure to local sportsmen is the Craeker Gun CInb. It has not been very active during the last few months bnt the members have reorganized and are determined to keep things moving along the Jiue of marksmanship this spring, and summer. They will hold weekly shoots every Friday afternoon, and will meet, a number’ofjtho clubs from other cities in matches. These matches almost invariably'result in a victory for Thomnsville as this city jins some of the host shots in the state. The first shoot of the season.was held Friday afternoon. Eigh teen members of the club took part and Mr. Pliny'jHeeth, Jr. made the best score. ~ Colquitt and Barrlen to Have Two Weak* Session. At the next session of the legis lature an effort will be made to have the dates ohanged for the regular setting of Superior court iu Colquitt and Berrien counties. This object ot the change will be to make it poseible to continue the seeeion of the court over into the second week, when there is more business than can be trans acted in one week. Under the present arrangement of dates for holding court this cannot be done. i There is a great deal of lititrst- tion in Berrien and Colquitt and it has reaohed the point where ad journed terms have to be fre quently held to oatch up with business. It is not expected that there will be any objection to the proposed ohange of tho court cal endar. Mr. A. K. Smith, Jr., was her* fcamPidooek Friday. Th* McKinley Trees. The court house yard iu Thom- asville is rarely and radiantly dif ferent from the hare and unat tractive surroundings whioh usual ly mark a Georgia temple of jus tice. The trees and flowers are unusually attractive. Of special mterest to those who visit tho yard, are the trees sent from Washington by President ond Mrs.] McKinley, and named in their honor. Tho tree sent by the martyred president has grown large and tall, while that named for bis wife is but half the size. An Honast Act. The Pullman porter on the run between Thomasville and Mont gomery is an honest negro, and waa receiving praise from a good many people. Friday. A lady who arrived on that car Friday morning left a parse containing some money and a number of val uable diamonds in her berth. Instead of making way with them at a less houest negro might have done, he carried the purse to the Kentucky stables, inquired there where the hacknian had taken the lady and delivered the diamonds to her before she had discovered her loss. He ought to have a gold medal. Executive Commltteo Hera. The Executive Committee of the Mercer Baptist Association met here Friday. They at tended the services at the Baptist chnroh in a body and afterwards met for the transaction of buai- naaa at the paatorium. Hunting | $ Of Of it) * W it it w 1 Your’e it for big values it QS and $ We’re Hunting ffl for you. | We'll Meet You $ m W i with more and better ^ — values than ever. (fi * 9\ . If You’ll find genuine fa m Maine Seed Irish Potatoes, dif- — Jft ferent varieties,something tlwfc jyi you can rely on. The 1 T. N. HOPKINS, Attorney-at- Law, Office 104 up stairs, Broad St.. Thoninevillo, Ga. At My Store three goods' is advancing, bnt I shall sell at same old price— a very low price. A WORD MORE- Don’t forget that I keep complete line of all goods kept in a First Class Grocery Store. Prices low as tho lowest. J. T. DIXON "Phono | No, 311 C, 30, 1 Jackson St, Thomasville. - Georgia. GOGHRAN & BROWN, ...DENTISTS... Office over national Bank, Thomasville, Ga. FhoM ua-a, (yWork Guaranteed. STANLEY'S i BUSINESS COLLEGE THOMASVILLE, GA. All Graduates Successful Every student taking combined course goes direct to a posi tion. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING Executed at any ' time by MISS W. S. WHITNEY, Experienced Stenographer Work Called for and Delivered... A Wonderful Saving. The largest Methodist Chnrcbin Geor gia. calculated to use over one hundred gallons of the usual kind ol mixed paint in painting tneir church. They used only 3> gallons of the! man & Martinet Paint mixed with n gallons ot linseed oil. Actual cost o taint made was less than $1.20 per gal n. Saved over eighty ($80.00) dollars in paint, add got a Dig donation besides. EVERY CHURCH will be given a liberal quantity whenever they paint. Many houses are well painted with four gallon* of L & M. and three gallons of linseed oil mixed therewith. Wear* and covers like gold. These Celebrated Paints are told by O. W. Cochran, Thomasville, Ga. G. L. Duren, Meigs. Ga. Low One-way Settlers' Rates to the Northwest and California. From September IS until November SO, 1903, the Burlington make* vary low one-way oolonlst rate* to California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana. Tile reductioa is from IS to 40 per oent. from the regular rate*. The Way to Go. The Burlington, with lta strong mam tinea and free chair can, beat reaches the West and Northweat via Denver. Billing* or St. Pool. "Tho Burlington-Northern Paciflo Express" is the great daily through train with chair oan and tourist sleepers via Billings, Montana, to Poget Sound and intermediate points. Homeseekers’ Excursions These are ran the first and third Tues days of eaoh month at approximately half rate* for tho round trip. It will bo a pleasure for os to give yon an aoenrate and informative reply to any inquiries. J. N. Merrill, Gen'l. Southern Agt., Atlanta, Georgia. Ij. W. Wakeley, Gen'l. Pm. Agt , Stj Louis, Mo Registration Notice. I will he at the following places on dates named, for the purpose of registering the legal voters of the conn- ty. All of thoee registering when they raid their taxes for the year 1903, are cgally registered for the election* of Duncanville, Monday, March 14. Boston, Tuesday, March 15. Glasgow, Wednesday, March 1*. _, March 91 p. m. y, March 99. Pavo, Ochlockonee, Wednesday, March 23 Spence, Thursday, March 24 a. m. Renter Singletary’s store Thursday. March 34 p.m. Cairo, Friday, March 25 p. m. Cairo, Saturday, March 2# a. m. Metcalfe, Monday, March 28. Thomasville, March 31st to April 9th. Respectfully P. 3. Heetb, dwtd T. O. and Registrar A northern visitor discussing the cog* nomens of the city—says that tha City of Pines" and the City of Health" may do very well, but that the prefers to call it the "White City.” The reference if to the number of homes painted white, which gives the town a much prettier appearance than the variegated aspect ot many bam premted by some Headquarters for Hay, Corn Oats and Bran, Meal And Hulls. Field Seeds of all Kinds. 'Phone 180—a 129 Jackson St., • Thomasville, O* Texas, Arkansas, Louisians, Ok* California, Cloorado, Utah, Wyoming, Oregon, Montana, Washington and other points West, Northwest and Southwest I. G. HOLLENBECK. Din. Passenger Agent, LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE HR. H. S. LIBBEY, Rspreeente *11 Maks* PIANOS ««o ORGANS, Oath or Installments. Hutroment Oot of°tovro”ordsri^oUoit*dT* ^Address, Mastuy House, Thomaavflla, A n6w business in Coolidge. —We have established a— Fire, Life and Ac cident Insurance Agency, me insure year Life And Property. SEE U8 FOB KATBi. BELL’S INSURANCE AGENCY J. 0. Boll, Maiigor,