Newspaper Page Text
The boy or girl .with a
Has the joliiest vacation.
Catarrh begins with a stubborn cold in the head, inflammation or sore
ness of the membrane or*' lining of the nose, discharge of mucus matter,
headaches, neuralgia and difficult breathing, and even in this early stage
is almost intolerable. Bat when the filthy secretions begin to drop heck
into the throat and stomach, and the blood becomes polluted and the
by the catarrhal pois- CSS
on, then the sufferer sickening and diartutln* oSor, an h I coughed
begins to realize wbat a
disgusting: and sicken- J*w nmrer sinoa had tha•Ugkte«*«7mptom ofth*
ing ffisease Caterrh is. TrS&Vsrt Oor 7th aud V.lir &5.7sr jSiphTIto.
It affects the kidneys
and stomach as well as other parts of the body. It is a constitutionsl
disease and as inhaling mixtures, salves, ointments, etc., are never more
than palliative or belpfnl, even in tbe beginning of Catarrh, what can
you expect from such treatment when it becomes chronic and the whole
system affected? Only such a remedy as 8. 8. 8. can reach this obsti-
/—N nate - deep-seated disease and purge the blood of the
CO' (CS (CS catarrhal poison. S. S. S. purifies and builds up the
"The Farewell to the oyster” will
soon be in order.
Ever tried making pictures
from start to finish? It’s fnn
with the right material. Let
us show you! *
$i and $2.
Brownie Developing Machine,
10 Copies of Her. T. DeWitt Tslmage’f
“Travels in the Holy Land”
—WiU be-
giveiv away
In the Time*-Enterprise “Dot” Contest.
These books are on exhibition now at
om- store. They are splendid works,
which seU for *3.75 each and wfll be an
onuuntnt to any homo.
J. E Robison & Co f s.
Boole Store,
Broad Sweet, • Thomasrille, Ga
A few deeds mixed in with word re
ligion improves tbe product. *
Maybe since Solly broke the gardens
won’t be planted in cotton.
PrejudiM often masqaermdat as Judg
ment when it comee to voting.
Good news indeed to Georgia is that
embodied in the [optimistto declaration
of J. H. Hale, the “peach king,” to a
Constitution reporter, that the peach
crop of the state is not only sa?e for
tbe season, but that it promises to bo
phenomenal in point of yield sad quail-
"spring lines” the
The campaign liar has brightened ep
in Thomas’ county. He ha* five fat
months to exercise his wiles.
[ machine isn’t always a
me times it slips a cog.
To quote Mr. Hals's literal words;
“Georgia's peach crop, which will be
the largest and finest ever raised, Is
safe from oold weather. Even a drop
In temperature to 36 degree* above zero
would not seriously damage the crop."
The Hearst headquarters in Thomas-
rille are aa lonely as the store' of the
merchant who does not advertise.
The Atlanta News
man falls in lovqtud-
is Writting about
“the romance in th-> life of William R.
Hearst.” It sounds Uke.'romance al
Nature is lavishing her sunniest smites
upon the tourists in the south. It would
be unwise and ungrateful to. turn yoar
book upon them and go home to face
the frown^of old Boreas. Tennyson
made a remark once that he preferred
twenty years of England to a cycle of
Cathay and In very truth sooth Geor
gia lias the. north beaten in regard to
climate as far as England had the ottysr
place. > , ’ •
A Republican named Finley op
pose Congressman Erantley in the ele
venth. That “Fin” part of his name ie
appropriate for such a sticker.
The Cairo Meseengerb lligerently in
vites any candidate who lias not an-
nonneed in its ootemna to coma down
that way on a campaigning tour.
mense blocks and martial rows of shade
trees. It hae>.pe>liap9, more attractions
to the square yard than any city iii the
country, and> its climate, while temper
ate all the year round, is particularly
delightful in. summer. Tbe Great Salt
a town called "Slip np.”
r of Goorgia candidates
tor April 20th.
Congrcaa will probably adjourn about
the middle of May, but the Georgia
legislature will oonveno soon thereafter
so olMs not yet lost.
Some one lisa snggestod graded sala
ries for Congressmen. If thdy are grad
ed according to merit tbe country will
save a considerable amount each year.
u pant, are going ont of style,
conclude to stay In this conm
I if Rooaevolt is re-elected. “
ig man’s fancy will haVe' to do
turn this spring and think of
GINNING 114s. —
OUTFITS .835XJKI -w»A Newly
where the water is "deader and denser”
than that in tbe Head Sea in Palestine
is an attraction in itself that people
come miles- to see. There are many
■-ool mountain and lake resorts near by,
also numerous very pretty canon and
park drives, and bet sulphur springs,
Fishing and hunting can be bad in every
direction. The trip from Denver to
Salt Lake City and Ogden, via the Den-
:r & Kio Grande nod tbe Rio Grande
western, iaene of unsurpassed pleas
ure. Here nature ie found in her stern
est moodaad. the whole line is a suc
cession oi rugged canons, waterfall*
and picturesque valleys. No European
trip can cetupacc wish it in grandeur oh
scenery. During the entire summer
there wiU.bc law excursion rates to Salt
Lake City and contiguous country. It
Is on tbe read to the Pacific coast, if
that be year destination.' Write S. K.
Hooper, Ct P. ft T. A., Denver,’ Colo,
for .benariMty illustrated pamphlets,
etc 8-i-oj-utnes.
Captain John Tnptett is a candidate
for the position of delegate from tlie
second congressional district to the. No
tional Convention At tho Democratic
iparty at St, Louis la July. This paper
to for him, and would be so, no matter
who else offered for the position, though
ho lias no opposition and probably will
havonoae. His faithful yean of ser
vice to the Democratic party )»ve been
offorod without “fear of punishment or
hope of reward.” He ought to have
anything he wants and would grace any
position to which ho might be called.
We are heartily glad thak he hae allow
ed tho uso of bto name, and congratu
late the Democratic mam, meeting on
its enthnslastlo endorsement of ldm for
The (Soutttry Club of ThomasvHle to
an InstiSntion in whtobthe people of the
oity feeha deep Internet. The high per-
eonel of ite members, the beanty of its
gropnds,-the good it does for tbe town,
and the pleasure It affords the winter
visitors; all conspire trimake ilo success
dear to the heart of the Thomaeville
people. Ibis therefore with great pleas
ure that we note the internet and sue-
oesa of the anneal open golf tournament
lost dosed.
Tho Bainbridgo Democrat floats tho
mime of Henry G Turner of Georgians
its candidate for vice president.
“You candldato hath a lean'and hun
gry" almost suhl William Shakcspoaro.
And he still lias— 1
MILL Shops and
Ip MM riwlno, firm Proof Hoofing, J>r«» Pumm*. Mmmort, Rakmo.Jmp*rm M
W* will dSUa It to Trer bitsrnt Is Ft|m» with Us.
A Boston boy of 13 yoars to said to
write verses equal to Kipling's. Notico
that unlucky linmbor, 23.
toea» ' MACON. CAj*.
Tho candidates who have opposition
will vibrato botwoon glowing liopoXand
dark despair for five long montlis.
The Hearst boom haa swallcared np
the Geo. Fred. William* party, but that
"singular” bite didn’t give it dyspepsia.
It to suffering from starvation and the
wind diet isn’t good for that.
An Atlanta man named Golightly will
run for judgo of tho city oourt. He will
probably conduct a gum shoe campaign.
mua bocsd.
I will beat:
OlaatahkAfsil 1, a. m.
Coolidg* April 1, p. In.
Coolldge April 3,-a. m.
Merrillville April 2, p. m.
Fatten April 4, a. m.
Favo April 4, p. m.
Over Thirty Years Experience.
.. .Expert Handlers of Sea Island as well as Upland Cotton
Liberal cash advances against Consignments.
' Money loaned Cotton' Shippers on Approved Security.
Large dealers in Sea Island and upland Bagging, uga r
Cloth Twine and Ties,
"Write For Terms.
126 East Bay Street, : : Savannah Ga
A country vrhoro tho floweri bloom
a~th* birls fflngfcnd the girls areprot-
tysnlto u* mighty w*U: That’s soutt
Soienttota aar that a quart of good
whtokey weights exactly two pounds,
bat we have teen some men with a tatf-
piut oargo.who acted aa if It weighed-
a ton.
Consumption is a human
weed flourishing best in weak
lungs. Like other weeds it’s
easily destroyed while young;
when old, sometimes im
Strengthen the lungs as you
would weak land and the
weeds will disappear.
The best lung fertilizer is
Scott’s. Emulsion. Salt pork
is good too, but it is very hard
to digest
The time to treat consump
tion is when, you begin trying
to hide it from > yourself.
Others see it you won’t
Don’t wait until you can’t
deceive yourself any longer.
Begin with the first thought
There to an intonating race for public
favor between the violet and the atraw-
berry. .The strawberry aeeuu to have
the inridu track.
Duncanville April 9
Cairo April 11
Abridge Aprl 12 a. m. -
R. Singletary’* Store April 13 p. m.
Spence April 13
Mslg* April 14
Oehloekuee April 15
Fine Park April 16.
I will be in ThomacviUle at the court
honee tho third week in April.
I will have with me a book, aa pro
vided!* law, for people to register
A Northern authority «ay» that eating
applet will elevate the moral*. Time*
have changed since Eve did that little
horticultural riant in the garden of
The Now York Pro** contend* that
no man knows how hi* own voice
sound*. Thto may b* the reaaon *ome
people talk ao mnoli. -
~ No man who ha* filled the office of
vice prerident ha* been eteeted to th»
higben plate elnoe Van Boren. We
hope the rale will hold gold this time.
If Omar Khayyam waaoltre he would
be implied to write a golfer'* Rub ijrait
about Thomssvffie link* and Thomas-
villa weather.
Thi* to the season of book agent* and
candidate*. Little children are apt. to
get proud from continuous adulation
showered upon them.
1 v as surprised to find to many
odd* and ends of tuple dinner
ware patterns on my shelf, I don't
want them there, do you want
them.ifyoudoyou can have them.
Inst come down and get them.
/What about the price you say;
” well I will sell them for so Uttle I
would bate to publish the price.
Don't you know what it is, well I
will tell you, it is tbe little house
wife that has one—the Wheeler
& Wilson or New Home Sewing
Machines. All sunshine and hap
piness where C. B. Quinn sends a
W. & W. or New Home.
A how counterfeit 31000 hill is said, to
he in droalatton. It to not probable,
than any candidate will attempt to pan
knoW and a remedy that has had the
largest sale of any medicine in the
world since 1868 for the cure and treat
ment of Consumption and Throat and
hung trouble* without losing its great
popularity »U these yearTyon wiflbe
thankful we called your attention to
Boechee’e German Syrup. There are bo
many ordinary cough remedies by
druggists and others that are cheap ana
good for light colds perhaps, but for bo-
vere Goughs, Broncliitls, Croup—and
especially for Consumption, .where
there is difficult expectoration and
coughing during the nights and morn-
ings, there is nothing like German Syr
up. The 25 cent size Jias jost been in
troduced this year. At 8. H. Price O
to take Scott’s Emulsion. If
Jim Griggs ha* been "poking" fan at
'the Republicans *»y the -Washington
paper*. We have heard; that Jim is
good at poker. 1 «t£
- Your health very largely depends
upon your own prudence and ctu-
- tion. It isn’t enough to be care
ful about exposure, etc.
The system to bound to get ont of or
der and ran down, and then yon need
toning up. Prevention is better than a
pound of cure.
Our Dr. Radam’s Comp. Ext. Sar
saparilla is an excellent tonic. 76c
per bottle. ,
There are 4QOOOO cases of grip in fhi«
country and tho grip tliat Roosevelt has
on the presidential chair to the worst of
TUb voters tof Worth county prefer 1
business to sentiment. They have mov-
, ed their county sent from poetic Isabella
to commercial Sylvester. , ' - it
c. B. QUINN.
Another newspaper has declared for
Hearst. It to bis Boston American
which was started Monday.
Banator Olay says that Hearst to not
and that Parker will be nomi-
sted- We will shed no tears if Mari-
ga SkeVU’t prophecy come* true.
Sole Agent Jacobs Candies;
R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
good prescription
For mankind.
The ff-cent packet, to enough for usual
The family bottle [OOcts.)
contains a ropply for a year. All drug
gist* sell tlem. 6-9
The candidate* are making votes and
the house wive* are making gardens.
Uriel lias just gone to the
in, who says she will
dries more trouble than
l lift ns hope the public
sneh about them.
The flying jinny arrived Tuesday,
and was .the center of attraction at
Fletcher and Madison, where it to being
put np. The stream of nickles will soon
Sow in great volume, toward that neigh
Hearth Take oat the 3 end yon have
the Heart of the matter.
i for its publish-