Newspaper Page Text
'\ w t jy>yr; *g^.^ vp^ Jjj}!y8?feS** l £ f'-,,
.25, 1904.
Not# ana Comment from the “Hub”
of tha County.
r iT'p.rad
Text of the Leuon, a Cor
quarterly Review —G<
.Mult, lr, 23-Comiuenlo,
"hr Bar. D. K.furru.
[Copyrlfht, 1501, Ijr America Pna, laodrUoo.)
Lxieox I.—The boyhood of Jeatu
BoUdlngl. (Luke it, 4052). Golden Text, Luke 1L
“And Jeaua increased In. wisdom
stature and In favor with God and
The heart of title lesson Is, to
my mind. His first and only recorded
■anco until He entered upon Hlt
le ministry—“I must be about my
i have boeu loug together,
' each others society
who have-labored
r the common good, find no
i the ordeal of parting and
a omit the filial goodbye. Even
e writer like to e«cnpe{frora
i duty,
• iBSue,'my active connection
i will cease,
be interested both
y in its welfares
1 with tlie Ttmee-
somo weeks
t idea of leav-
. Indeed it seeni-
a responsible po-
I learned
l the printing business,
i months I find my-
> the frec-
1 pablishor.
>, sufficient oxpe-
> in the daily
Olive sought a
and woll watered,
bamo I lmvo found
Lesson II.—The preaching of John
the Baptist (MattUU-12). Golden Text,
Uatt lit, 2, “Repent ye, for the king
dom of heaven la at band.” It bad
been foretold that the Messiah would
have a herald, even Elijah the propbet,'
who would prepare Hie way before
him. Gabriel told Zacharlas that bis
sod whom God would give him should
be called John and that he would ber-
i Messiah In the spirit and power
of ElIJnh (Luke I. 17). •
Lgeso* III.—The baptism and temp
tation of Jesua (Matt ill, IS; IT. 111.
Golden Text. Matt 111. 17, "And, to, a
voice from heaven, faying. This la my
beloved Bon, In whom I am well pleas
ed.” Consider the aamc wordn aa those
of the Golden Text In Matt xvil, D,
with the addition "Hear ye Him” and
ace how Impoaalble It la to pleaae God
unless we give heed to His Son. With
His first' words In Lesson I put His
second recorded words of verse 15 of
this lesson and concerning all tempta
tion take comfort from 1 Cor. x. 13.
and overcome aa Jeaua did.
Lesson IV.—Jesus rejected at Nas-
areth (Luke Iv, 1(1-30). Golden Text,
John 1.11. "He came unto HI* own. and
Hla own received Him not." Declar
ing Himself to be the one of whntS the
Spirit by Isaiah spake, tljey would not
adcepl Him. hot were » enraged at
Him that they would fain linve killed
Hlip. With n word He could have kill
ed them all. but the day of vengeance
wna not yet. Ho came to save, not to
Lesson V.—Jesua calls four disciples
(Luke r, 1-11). Golden Tex^ John vlll.
a^"lf ye continue in my word then
tro ye
With stilljjt per-
a continuance of the
onago of my friends,
lently eloquent and
to mo at Glia mouinut
of gratitude to the
i and city, for their
and kind patronage. I
will etor seem as muoh like
and if loan Ioto Alabama
as I lore Georgia and
andmaytho Lord
jronaa he does with all who
commit Jtbeir ways unto him.
S. B. Blanton.
r The political situation lias (boeu com
plicated by the Introduction of the con
tention Uiat a Southern man should be
aoffltnatad for the prei^dsnoy. That is
IcanUfal in theory, and uutmpsaoha-
bio aa to Jnatloo, but would not work oat
Right;may have* made
»good old times, bnt right
) lies toRtako a back scat for
M,|The eleventh) hour is too
) for the Injoctton of Jthis question
j tlmjdeytons windings of the present
1 campaign. If the south Jwill
itself, disseminate widely the
» of a southern man for president
» and work aa well as wait daring
tfonr years, ave may see this
t Wished communication at tliat
t Jpresont however wo)must
l man whom Now 'York wants',
for him with thel_bost grace
ye my disciples.” Not HUTfirst bnt
Illis second or third, call to those men,
as we snw when studying the lesson,
and each time n call to follow more
fully. Our bodice arc vessels, and If
fully yielded to Rim Ho will not fail
lb fill them. It In oars to trust and
Lesson VI.—A Sabbath in Capernaum
(Murk t, 21-34). Golden Text. 'Luke iv,
40; “He laid His bands on every one
of'them and healed them.” Anointed
with the Holy Ghost and with power,
going shoot doing good, covers all His
dally Ilfs (Acts x. 38); teaching, bast
ing, comforting, always full of com
passion, never considering Himself;
In the synagogues. In private bouses
or by tho wayside revealing God to
sinful men; tho words and works of
God manifest In Him that He might
win men to God.
I.icsson VII.—Jeans forgives sins
(Mark II. 1-12). Goldsn Text, Mark U,
10, "The Son of Man hath power on
earth to forgive sins.” The man car
ried by hla friends and 1st dawn
through tha root into tha presence, of
Christ as Ha preached to a crowded
hoots certainly needed healing tor hla
body, but our Lord saw that be needed
more the forgiveness of Ms sins, and
(hla He attended to lint
Lesson VIII.—Jesus and the Sabbath
(Matt, xtt, 1-13). Golden Text, Matt
xU, 13, "It is lawful to do well on the
Sabbath day.” These self righteous,
religious people were making a god of
the Sabbath day instead of worshiping
the living and true God an that day,
and our Lord by Bis healing oh that
B. F. McIntosh of Moultrie visited
friends and relatives hare last Saturday
and Snnday. ,
Edgewood, a superb of north Boiton,
is noted for its pretty flowers, trees and
ahrnbbery/bnt more especially for .Its
pretty, vivacious and sweet yonug ladies
domiciled there.
J. It. Groover visited the Ooolidge
district last Monday to look after some
important business.
Miss Bhetta Neel returned last Satur
day from Thomasville where Mis had
been visiting her sister, Miss Sallie Neel
and other relatives.
Mr. W.J. Smith and wife of Honti-
ooilo, Fla., visited Dr. and Mrs. B. W,
Daniel at their home on West Jefferson
street last Sunday'.
Mr. J. B. Cole ot Harralson, Ga.
waa here hut Snnday and Monday visit
ing his daughter, Mrs. B. A. Norton.
The Wizard Oil show people are ill
our city giving exhibitions at tho Opera
House. Notwithstanding the cheap en-
trance fee charged, it is a good show.
Mrs. M. L. Wads who has been quite
indisposed for several days is,-we arc
glad to say improving.
Mrs. Howard Stacy left last Tuesday
p. m. for Folkston, Ga, to visit her
daughter. Mrs. Hand Bruasou.
The pnlidpal of Boston's Whittling
Club la not on doty this- week—too
busy gardening,
Mr, O. Nelms had'far hl» gnest this
week Mr. H. H. Grimsou of New York.
. John Cain, Sr., from Brooks county
and located at Quitman, spent last Toes-
day in Boiton.
The'ladies of tho Presbyterian Aid
Society gave a dinner last Saturday at
Hotel Knby and realized quite a nice
aum of money. This money ia being
raised to build a new churob.
M. E. Uroover, one of Key.JGeorgia's
most prominent basiaese men. left last
Taeiday for Savannah to attend D. S.
The members of the Presbjterian
obnroh an last Sabbath called Rev. E.
B. Witherspoon to the pastorate at the
chtuah this year. He haa served the
olmreli very faithfully the past year.
Mn. A. H Thompson of Valdosta,,
who has been visiting her daughter,
Mrs. J. T. Rogers at her home on Ste
phens street, left for her home last ;8*t-
nrday. ,
Mrs. Probes of Birmingham, Ala,, is
vlsiting.Mr. and Mrs. M. S.. Groover at
their home some two miles south-east of
'i The heart of the small boy will pal
pitate with joy now, os the Flying Jen
ny or Merry-Go-Round has arrived in
the city.
Should the blackberry crop prove to
be a prolific one tide year, yon editors
must come to see no. This pencil push
er wflthave to depend somewhat on
said crop, as all the widows in tins neck
at tlie woods have gone back on him,
and he feels like "one who treads alone
some banquet ball diserted,” &o.
Hon. J. B. Rountree of Berwick was
hire last Wednesday ia the interest of
his candidacy for the legislature. He
will get a large vote in tlie Boston dis
trict and there is no reason-why he
should not as he has been a faithful
Suaina News Items.
Messrs. W. J. McIntyre, John ^Mont
gomery, and H. C. Qnarterman came
down Monde/on bnaineaa and pleasure.
Dr Robertson of Iamonia went to
ThomasvUle Monday.
Mrs.,H. C. Qnarterman of Thomas-
vSlle came down to see home folks, Mon
day. '
Mr. oud Mrs. Curtis Hancock went
over to Cairo Thursday.
Mr. and-Mrs. John Thomason, who
were recently married, hdme over from
tlietrhomeacrose the river to attend
services at New Ochlockonee Baptist
charoh, Snnday. It is not too late for
na toextend congratulations.
There is geu4ral satisfaction with the
denittod to hold the primary election
for county offloers Ut August, or later
than April, “'VS' fl
A good nany of oar farmers ace
through planting cane and earn, and
have ■tartorTTb plant cotton,
Mr. B. F. Bowman who has been snf.
feting from an attack of pneumonia,
diqjl Monday night. Mr. Bowmau yind
just arrived at man’s estate.
dnstriooa and honest, we regret to lose
from our midst suoh a promising young
man. He was the eeoond son of Mr.
Lncioa Bowman, who met such a tragic
death hers a few years ago. We extend
sympathies to^ the «nrviving brothers
and Olsten at the deceesod in their time
of tremble and sorrow.
Take Advantage of Spring
And the Good Weather*to buy a
Or some other piece of harvesting 1 ,
machinery. Don’t wait until*summer
when you will have wasted your time
, / *
with Worn out Machinery. ,
, I have just taken, up the machinery
business. Come and see my
Plano Machines
at my stables in Boston, Ga.
The city ooonsil has acted wisely in
referring tbe petition tar an election on
the elec trio light question, to the com
mittees on light andflnanca. There gen-
tlemen are familiar with, tha city’s af
fairs, end know the pepper method cf
procedure, the forms ta bs observed, etc.
The matter is on important one. It does
not demand Immediate Judgment
much aa careful oonridsration. Still there
should be no vexations' delay. The re
port of the oommltteee will be awaljed
with interest.
day would, teach them that to know
abbath. who Waa in
Stepens, commissioner
r the state of Georgia
Stevens is ono ot
■ t in the state, »ud in
as in every othor Georgia
' hit friends by the
the Lord of the Sabi
their midst, *was better than all their
self righteous doings (Jer. lx, 23.24).
Lesson IX.—Hearers sod doers of the
word (Matt viL 21-20). Golden Text
Jos. L 22, “Be ye doers of the ward and
not hearers only.” A lot of so called
religion in mere talk and an offense to
God and man. It it true that there is
no salvation by works revealed in
Scripture, but only salvation by tbe
precious blood of Christ as God’s tree
gift to tbe penitent sinner.
Lesson X.—Jesus calms the storm
(Mark In 35-41). Golden Text. Ps. cvlL
2D, “He maketh the storm a palm, so
that the waves thereof are still.” Fear
and alarm should have no place In tbe
heart of a child of God, for the perfect
love of.Uod cuts out all fear (I John
Iv, 18). Bnt; like the disciples In tbe
boat, we are apt to aee with the nat
ural eyes only and merit His “How la
It that ye have no faith?"
Lesson XI.—Death of John the Bap-'
Bat (Matt xir, 1-12). Golden Text
Rev. 1L 10, "Be thou faithful unto
death, and I will give thee a crown ot
Ufe.'; The ungodly prosper In this
world, for the whole world lleth In the
wicked one (Pa. Ixxtll, 12; I John v, ID).
Tbe righteous are called to walk with
Him who haa chosen them and to naf
fer with IUm and not to think It
strange (John xv, 18-20; I Pet Iv, 12,
13; Phi!. L 20). Seeing Jeans only, In
□Is hand for Hit pleasure, and saying.
"Even ao. Father,” this Is tho believer’s
way. —
Lesson XIL-Jcsue feeds the five
thousand (Matt, xtv, 13-23). Golden
Text John vt 35, "Jeaua raid unto
them. I am the Bread ot Life.” Full ot
compass Ion, seeing tbe multitudes. as
sheep haring no shepherd, feeding
them as to their bodies sod speaking
to them of the kingdom of God, this
was His way and should be ours, for
He Is sttll saying, “Give ye them to
eat” We may seem to have no re
sources. no power toido anything, but
He who sued and multiplied the lad's
res and Ashes still Urea.
r i
Novelty Showing
-Showing of Spring Weather.-
Ths sunshine of this week brought DRY GOODS buyers galore. They
were more than surprised at the extent, beauty and scope of the
showing here. It is to be our most brilliant season—
we are sure’of-it.” The stock presages success;
its mirrors admiration; it appeals to
the. intelligent minds—to the lovers of exclnsiveuess and novelty; and above
all, the prices are fair to you.
In u very 4 few days we will have a fall line of '
If you expect to buy any of these goods we only ask you to wait.
. Yours respectfully,
I hayejist received a full
line trf Johnson Bro’s. Eng
lish Pasaline and Granite
ware, Iron Stone China,
trom across the water.' This ware is
all guaranteed against crazing, turn
ing CQlor, etc., and is of the very latest
patterns and decorations. It is beauti
ful and it is a pleasure to us tq have
our patrons call in and look through
the line.and should you need anything
you will find the price low.
Yours, etc.,
Way's Building. BOSTON, GEORGIA. 7
"For what is worth in anything
But so much money as ’twill bring.”
line Sf* of our customers this week to a large
Buggies, Wagons, and Farm Implements.
-We handle the-—
Weber Wagon and the Virginia Wagorf. the Oxford Buggies
and the Rex Buggies, and the McFariaue Buggies and
We have combination com and cotton planters and Combina
tion guano and com drills.
We have the best line of Fertiliser Distributors we ever saw. Yon
can put out with them from one hundred to two thousand'pounds
of fertilisers per acre.
Wq.also carry a full line of two horse riding and walking cultivators
and weeders.
We are still offering bargains in
—Flour, Sugar and Tobacco—
and have ouhaud yet some select North Carolina Seed Pinffers.
Remember that we give with each 25c cash purchase a ticket en-
titliug yon to a chance pt the beautiful Amen stick seat run about cn
display in our window, which will be given nway on May 28th. One
of our customers will get this beautiful run about. "You may be tha
lucky one. COME to see us.
Comfort Trading Co.,
ki -