Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, March 25, 1904, Image 5

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HOW TWO BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ESCAPED Cotton Gin DREAD CATARRH BY USE OF PE-RU-Nfl- M achinery Of 0)0 metal uted la gone.' The elaa- tie atrength of metal doit commonly used IB larger guns la about 50,000 pound* per iquare Inch, and is the ■mailer guna It runa aa high aa 76,000 pounda per iquare inch. Thta, hoar- over, la need only aa aa additional margin of aafety, largely baeaune the recoil of guna when fired la ao great Catarrh Robs Women of Health and Beauty. Pe-ru-na Makes Women Healthy and Beautiful. now and the reaction (hereby act up In the carriage la ao aerere that noth ing: would be gained by lightening , Miaa Amanda Johnson, Fairchild, Wu., writes: "1 write to toil you how much Peruna benefited me. For a number of yean I had pain in my bead around my eye., and 1 thought it waa because my eyea needed treatment, ao 1 went to an oculist and had glasses fitted to my eyes and wore them for some time, but felt no relief whatever. In fact, 1 felt worse than before, and came to the conclusion that the trouble was not with my eyel, but with my head and that it must be catarrh. Aa so many of my friends had used Peruna with.benefit for this trouble, I thought 1 would try It. I waa not sorry that I did so, for in a short time 1 began to improve, and in four weeks my eyes were in splen did condition, my general health was much improved and all the catarrh of the head was gone. I was glad to get rid of this trouble, and am glad to endorse such a good medicine as Peruna."—Miss Amanda Johnson. the gun. Lightening tho gun would only mean putting additional weight, and perhaps a weight greater than that saved in the gun-carriage and foundation. Many are of the opln- Ion that the advance In the strength of gun steel should be pushed fur ther, hut It would be hard to do this without lowering to tome extent the elongation asked for In the metal at rupture. ThA now runs In the neigh borhood of eighteen to tweaty-Ore per cent, and It could wisely be lowered for the sake of gaining a harder and stronger metal, because the entire ope ration of the gun la within its elastic llfnlt When It moves outside of this and becomes permanently enlarged, a comparatively slight enlargement would give warning, and the gun would be laid aside and not used any more.—Scientific American. MUNGER. > SIMTH. PRATT. &AGLC. Mis^ AH«e Bafley, of “ a, Oil, escaped the sup- knife, by using Lydia E ini’s Vegetable Compound. LB Mas, Pihsbaks—I wish to my gratitude for the restored md happiness Lydia E. Pink- Vegetable Compound hua ENGINES and BOILERS, LINTERS lor OIL MILLS. «s sell every Hunt aeesed about s Couoa Gin. Write for Illustrated CateJoCue. Continental Gin Co., Birmingham, Aja. brought into my life. u I nod Buffered for three yearn with terrible pains at the time of menstrua tion, ana did not know what the trouble waa until the‘doctor pronounced it In flammation of the ovaries, and proposed'an operation. ** I felt ao weak and sick that I felt aura that I could not survive the ordeal, and ao I told him that I would not un- Vegetable Compound in such ao emer gency, and so I decided to try it. Great waa my Jov to find that I actually Im proved after taking two bottles, so I kept taking It for ten weeks, and at the end of ihpt time I was cured. I bad What Jamaa G. Blalna Said. James G. Blaine onoe said: "The farmers of the republic will control Its destiny. Against, the storms of popular frenzy, agalnat frenzied mad ness that aeeka oolllalon with eatab- liahed order, agalnat the aplrlt of anarchy that would aweep away the landmarka and safeguard* of Chris-' ttan society and republican govern ment, the farmers of the United States will stand as a shield and bulwark, themselves the willing subjects of law,” To strengthen this bulwark Is the work of the grange. It the quoted remarks are true, then the work of the grange appeals to the patriotism of all: Alim norm nauser, iuo* o. now uw i i sey street, Indianapolis, Ind., writes: “I think I must have been ! troubled with catarrh ever since I ! teas very young, aggravated each! time I caught a cold. This did not I prove sufficiently serious to be o&- I noxious until last winter. Then ms head and nose were iso stopped I up that I felt I must do something. < Peruna woe recommended to me ' by a friend, I used it for four | weeks, and found to my relief that | it cured me: 1 have not had a bit of trouble since. My head is dear, and 1 can safely affirm that Pe runa cured me.”—Hist Flora Hauser. No Woman ! Afflioled With : Catarrh j Can Be Either Beautiful or Attractive. I inilon Dollar Gram and Alfalfa. I When we introduced Billion Dollar Graab three years ago, little did we dream it wou\d be the most talked of grass in Editors wrote about it. Agr. Col lege Professors lectured about it, Agr. In stitute Orators talked about it. while in the farm home by the quiet fireside, in the corner!grocery, in the village poetofflee. at the creamery, at the depot, in fact wher ever farmers gathered, Salzer’e Billion Do!- lr - Grass, that wonderful grass, good for B to 14 tons per acre, and lota of pasture besides, is always a theme worthy of the ^ wiirbr“'We.U6re F.m., PS.,write.: * I have 60 icrei in Salzer’a Alfalfa Clover. It ii immense. I cut three crop, thin act ion and hava lot. of pasture bcaidec.” *OTT BIND THIS NOTICE AND 10O. IN STAUPS to the John A. Salter S«ed Co.. La Crow, Wia„ and receive their big catalog and lota of farm aecd inmples free, [A.C.L.] Some men trust to luck in this world, and *om* others art lucky to get trusted. WEALTH AND HEALTH. Mrs. Jllson—I see Mr. Brewer has been advised by his physician to go to Carlsbad for his health; ifs a good thing he has plenty, of mousy. Old Jllaon—He wouldn't hare any thing .the matter with him If he didn't —Cleveland Leader. Hundreds of Women Cured by Fe-rn-na of Annoying Catarrh. D R. HARTMAN, has probably done more than any other pbyaieiaa to ward popularizing a means of escape from the facial deformities, euch as watery ey*. twisted nose, ofleuaive breath, dry cracked lips, due to the ravaging effects of catarrh. He baa made chronic catarrh a life-long study. Hit remedy, popularly known aa Peruna, is the meat famous remedy for catarrh in existence. Probably there ia not a man or woman, boy or girl, within the boundi of the United States that has not heard of Pe runa. By far the largest' majority hava used Peruna. . The multitude of people that have been oured of chronic catarrh by using Peruna can never be known. QUICK ACTION. Fin* Ruffian—You fay the Hglit was quickly overt Second Ruffian—Tee; it wan finish-, ed before yon could say Jaekopollnaky Rdbinsonopolotowfky! —New Orleans Tlmee-Democrat. and not wait until catarrh ha* fastened it self in aome part of the system. Peruna acta quickly and beneficially on ' the inflamed mucous membranes hning the different organs of the body. Thus it will cure catarrh wherever located. If you do not derive prompt and satisfac tory results from the. use of Peruna. write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state ment of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartmann, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Many a girl has regained her faded beauty, many a matron hat lengthened the days of her comely appearance by using Peruna. * Peruna produces clean mucous mem branes, the basis of facial symmetry and a perfect complexion. The women have not been slow to dis cover that a course of Peruna will do more toward restoring youthful beauty than all the devices known to science. While it is true that Peruna cures Ca tarrh wherever located, yet it is advisable for everyone to use Peruna as a preventive Reeder—“Scott said a clever thing to-day; said that luck is a good bit like lightning;, for It seldom strikes twien in the same place.” Heeder—. “Yes, and as a “role neithsr of them needs to."—Pennsylvania Punch Bowl. Write us a postal card for a free sample of wpwa nep, Liver, Heart, Bladder and Blood dlMaaea ”a reqneat. It will do all that we elalm for It. Tnll direction, with .ample rant. Mention JM* pawn Address stu/rt DRUG M'ro. CO- WWall Street, ATLANTA. OA. There Is men Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last lew years waa tnppoaed to be Incurable, Torn great many years doetors pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly (ailing to ran with local treatment, pronounced it In curable. Bdenoe baa proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F, J. Chancy <k Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is tbe only constitutional ran onthemsrket. It la taken Internally In doles from 10 drops to a tsSapoontul. It acts direct ly on the blood and mueous aurfaoes of the system. They offer ops hundred dollars for any cose It falls to ours, geud for circulars md memorials. Address F. J. Casxsi A irita’SaB^iami'lyPUlifor constipation. "Gradoua," sighed Mr. Da Bpepaey, "I wish I could aeqnlr* an appetite.” “For goodneaa' sake!” exflatmed hi* Wife, “what do yon want with an ap petite? It would only giro yon more dyapepil*.”—Philadelphia Preaa. ALABASTINE W. L. DOUGLAS *3.£3 &*3 SHOES ffil W. L. Douglas — shoos have by tUeir / bv excellent style, fi I& easy-fitting, and . M superior wearing mm The Only Sanitary and Permanent Wall Coating A LABASTINK Is not a dlaeaae-breedlno. hot water glue wall flninh; furnlah- , log a lodgment and harbor-ground for disease germs; it fa a natural, rock-base composition, ip white and many exquisitely beautiful tints; in powder form, ready for use by simply mixing with eold water. Anyone can brush it on. ALABASTINE oeaonts to walls,dlatroys dlaaaae germs and vermin,and naver rube off or analog. Other wall coating* under fanciful items*, sod usually mixed with hot water, are unhealthful koloomlnoo, stuck on the wall, with jolua, whloh soon rots, nourishes germs of deadly disease, rubs and scales, spoiling walls, clothing and furniture. When it is necessary to reflnlsh, the old ooats must be washed off-an expensive, noaty, disagreeable job, making the rooms damp and unfit to live in. Consisting of Cuticura Soap to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales,’ and softer the thickened cuticle; CUTI CURA Ointment to in stantly allay itching, irrita tion, and inflammation, and soothe and heal; and C U TI- CURA Pills to cool and cleanse the blood and expel humor germs. A SINGLE SET, costing but ONK DOLLAR, is often suffi cient to cure the most tor turing, disfiguring skin, scalp and blood humors, ec zemas, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, from infancy to age, when the best physicians and all other remedies fail. Reid throuebont tbe world. Cotlema RmoI. ▼ent, BOc. (la form of Chocolate Coated 1M11*. 25c., per vial of Cot. Ointment, 60c'.. rtoap 26c. lift- U: London. 27 Charterhouse So : ran*. 6 Ro« <!« la 1’tlx: Doiton. 137 Columbia Ave. sr.jsr ..... iey are lost as good t&oae that cott yon .*0-1*—Utoonly fersnee la tbe price. 8.1, lMr,wton. ALABASTINE tlM Dura bate Wall Coating, Won't Run otr; WHY? Beciuue it oomonta to, and is not stuck on the wail with deoaying, animal glue, aa axe tbe Tariotu to-called “wall fin ishes,” which are kalaominea iWild pwdar fanciful names, Ym eta apply Alabistine. Not and Cold Water Kalsomlnes Have No Merit Seme declare try to sail them, buying thorn eheop,'oad trying to toll on Alahestine's demand until rack time an their enztomers learn of the imposition. THEY ARE WORTHLESS .PREPARATIONS If you ounnot buy Alatoatlne of your hardware, point or drag dealer, refine an Imitations, and writs no. We will tall you whore you eon (ot Alnbaatlnt without delay, or MU It to you dlitot. *600.00 OIVEN AWAY. Write for particular!. - -- Alabastine Company w,'& H ’ Cotton Must Have Is the contracting of cold, which often results seriously to the lungs. Never neg lect s cold, but take in time Taylor's Cher okee Remedy of Sweet Gam and Mullein- nature's great cough medicine. At druggists, 30c., 00c. and $1.00 a bottle. Any wits little fish begins business on a Potash Potaah is an essential plant food V^lch mast be added as a fertilizer MBf become ex- V !< bL' ' .*•** many cotton them free to any^ farmer yrho asks at for them. GERflAN KALP WORKS, NswTarit—0S Kobbm Street, «r 'f ' f ; | Ailamim, Ga.~*8# Ss. Bread SS Malsby & Co. 4| South Forsyth SL, Atlanta, fla. A decayed apple eaten by a schoolboy in Dublin caused a fatal attack of ptomaine poisoaixig. FITS permanently cured. Ho fits or nervous ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline's Orest KerveBestorer. $2 trialbottleandtreatlscfreo Dr. B. B. Bins, Ltd., Ml Arab SL, Phils., Fa It is said that gray horses live longer than those of any other color. Variable Friction Food at* *,ooo feet per day. AU , Deloach Smngle Mills, Sulk Water Wheels, Lath Mills, Wood Sews. Our handsome new Catalog will interest you. DsLoach Mill Mfg. Co.. Box fu. Atlanta. Os Portable and Stationary Engines, Boilers, . Saw Mills AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY OompleU Unt atrrUi fa riooi/br IMMEDIATE MpmnL But MmchtDTr, LoTMl Frio., rad B.n Tina. Write us for catalogue, priced, etc., before buying. 10,000 JHmmU Tor lto. This is a remarkable offer the John A. Salxer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., makes. The/ will send you their big plant and seed catalog, together with enough seed “iSS fine colid Cabbages. dalkioes OrroU. , 2,000 Blanching, nutty Celery, *000 rich, buttery Lettuce, 'Phis great offer is made in order to> in duce you to try their warranted seeds— for when you once plant them you will grow no others, and ALL FOB BUT 100. POSTAOB, providing you will return this notice, apd if you will send them SOc. ia postage, they will add to the above a package of the fa mous Berliner Cauliflower. [A.CJL] Nothing worries a woman like forgetting a secret she wants to tell.. 310 bo. Baker's New National Oats per A. 80 bu. Salxer Bpeltx and Macaroni wheat. 1,000 bu. Pedigree Potatoes per acre. 14 tons of rich Billion Dollar Grass Hay. 00,000 lbs. Victoria'Baps for sheep—per A. 160.000 Ibe.Tcosinte, the fodder wonder. 64,000 lbs. Baker's Superior Fodder Cora —rich, juicy fodder, per A. Now, such yields you can have, Mr. Farmer^ in^lOOj, if you will plant Balter's JUST SEND Tins NOTICE AND IOC. in stamps to John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis.. end receive their greet catalog and lota of farm seed samples. A physician in Germany has discovered a method of obliterating wrinkles. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Byrtip (orchildren teething, soften the gums, reduces Inflamma tion allayspain,cures wind epj|c, 25c. abottlo Iropsyfll novas all swelling In ttese a t effects a permanent care ,oto todays. Trial treatment en free. Nothlngcan be fairer frits Dr. H. H. Green's teas, ciallsts. Box B Atlanta, Qc. CAPSICUM VA ISAWMILLSks with Hege’s Universal Ix>g Beams,Rectilin ear. Simultaneous Set Works and the He*- coek-Klng Variable peed Works are unex celled fpr acmjOAcr, simfucitt. nusasif^ ITT AND «ASI or OTMUTIOJf. Writ# for full descriptive circulars. Manufactured by the SALEM IRON WORKS,WtaetonSalem.N.O. “olLHT^ CLOTHING fortt,, rcr Til A T S ttrt - Bwe V' ' nr * d br royal foot wash. L L I I ii A I odor » o''««, azmpits, eto. Iioepa the feet cool. If ” *■ * i 1 not at druggists .end toe to Eaton Dana Oo., Atlanta, Oa.. fall alee, postpaid; aample, poatpald, fox Coitamp. One appUeation proves Its merit, j - Give the name of thla paper when writing to advertiser*—(Atll-04)