Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, April 01, 1904, Image 1

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—South Georgia Iprogressi SaS*.^bmmHWmK •;: m f .•*•*?%'{ ' THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, APRIL THOMAHVM,LR Ti MIX VoL. :d TH0JIA8VIU.K ESTEKFRIsE, VUI.. <7. FORMAL TRANSFER MAOE.. N EW SCHOOL HOUSE OILY TRACKS. THE LATE PRIMARY. Spy* City Attorney of Proposed Meth- ' od of Payment for' Light Plant Brunswick ana Birmingham Now Be longs to A. onaB. Wanted at Oehiookonee, Other Nswa from there. Cause Wrack of Two Freight Trains at Pldcock. Ooesn’tSult Berwick Man who Wants K Moved Up. RA L AND HORSE FOOT Brunswick, Os., March 80.—The tockbdders of the Brnnswick and Bir mingham Railroad Company met lien yesterday' for the purpose of confirming the sale of the read to the Atlantic and Birmingham. The following state ment was issued after the meeting: “The stockholders snd directors of the Brunswick and Birmingham Bail- toad Company held meetings to-day, tor the purpose of considering snd rati fying the proposed sale of its proper ties and franchises to the Atlantic and Birmingham Railroad Company. The contracts of the sale wen duly author ised and the Atlantic and Birmingham Railroad Company ha* assumed charge of the Brnnswick gmd Birmingham Railroad and will operate it on and af ter this date." i The offices of Superintendent Alex Bonneyman will he in Brunswick. The other general office* remain in > City Attorney, W. 0. Snodgrass has rendered an opinion in regard to the 1 legality of the proposed method of pur- : chasing an elec trio light plant by the city. A number of citizens recently signed a petition ask' ing that an election be ordered on this question. Tile method intended is, in brief, for the oity to borrow sufficient money to bay or build an eleotrio light plant, giving the plant as security. The amonut now .paid as rental i. e., $4,000 per annum, together with any profits which may aoerne from it is to be need to pay the interest on the borrowed money, and to reduce the principal aa rapidly as possible. The city attorney says tliat tills plan can be carried out by the city council with entire legality and that the City wonld be within its rights in snch action. This opinion wilt be incorporated in the report of tbs special investigating com mittee which will be presented to the council on next Monday night. A prominent city official in discussing the matter yesterday said: "There is no cause for hast* or whrry about this matter. The oommlttee will present a full report next week. The people will bare an opportunity in tbs near future to decide whether or not they wish the municipality to own the plant, and to pay for it in the manner sug gested. If they do vote in favor of mn- nlcipel ownership, the city council can than decide whether it is bass to buy i the plant of the Thomasville Eleotrio Light company, or to build a new one. But the last question does not properly enter into the question at present and should not be considered until the people have voted for municipal owner ship. ‘ i THIEVES AT MERRILLVILLE. Mr. H. V. Boutin will. open a fresh, np to date line of fancy toilet goods, ci gars, groceries and all the cold drinks that will be needed. Mr. Bnntin has had quite a bit of experience and will be prepared to give the best of servioe. We all weloome him back to Oohlockouee and hisooming will doubtless he a pleas ant surprise to his former customers, whom here faithfully served when he was to the employ of Mr. J. R. Ander- We hear a great deal of dissatisfac: tlonln regards to the late primary We See no reuson why the county primary was not set for the same time as the state primary else there are other can didates who desire to enter the race for some of the offices. If snoli be tile oase, they should have made up their minds in time to have gotten them selves before the people to time for the April election. However the late prl- mary is no disadvantage to any of the osndidatea who had previously announc ed except oar present representatives who had oil reanhoencet^ before the miss meeting. Viewing It from, tlielr situation, we see a fine opportunity for a new set of candidates for representa tives to come in if they wonld desire the advantage, for oar representatives will all he off about two months before the election as the legislature will not adjourn until a few days before the election. We believe to fair play and are satis fied that the voter all over the county are just, thinking men; therefore, if putting off the primary to this late date was planned for that purpose, we think it will have better effect if they will change the time of primary until just before the legislature meets. The peo ple are not so eesy fooled and it may hare the opposite effeoL •Mr. and Mn. J. B. Rountree wishes to extend to the people of Berwick and community their most stooero appre ciations for their extreme kindness to the sad affliction and loss of their child. Mr.J.T. Barrett, oame down from The'ponrlng of oil upon troubled w»- ters brings peace and quiet but it lias a very different effect npon railroad trains. Wednesdaym< mi gaboatoight o'clock a freight train with an oil ear attached backed into the main line from a siding at Pidoock. Pointers and Personals About." H Folk* and Stnngara-Yau3and ; ' People and Where You Are Gel A ping oame oat of the tank and the Coast Line track was plentifully besprinkled with Rockefeller field for a mil* or more. A few minntes later freight number 816 oame along to the wake of the other train. The engineer sighted it on the trsok to front of him and whistled for brakes. The brakes were applied bat the track and wheels were so slippery that the wheels simply slid along the track. A collision resulted in which the engine was demolished, and the caboose and one box ear wrecked. Mr. J. M. Black-shear Jr. was hero from Susina on Tuesday. Willis Barnes the Tonratoe mill man spent Tuesday in town. - ■ ■ ' . Wm William Miller of Coolidge was among th» visitors to the oity yesterday. ' Mr. D. P. Ward, of the firm of Ward Brothers, Pice Park, was 4n town sn Wednesday. , Mr. J. H. Anderson has Jest returned from a trip to Florida where he has been to the interest of the Cane Stripper business. He left today for an extended trip through the southern part of the Miss HUdah Stephens returnnedto Cntlibort tills morning where she has been attending college. . Mies Annie Lucas who has been vislt- iting Mr. and Mrs. Stephens for the past few days returned to her home to Oordele today. Mrs. E. W. Stephens of Madison, Fla., is the guest of her son, Mr. J. K. Stephens. i Mr. E. Berwick, of Dothan, Ala., is yisittog here for some days. Mr. T. O, BAverly very quietly return- Misses Lillian and Rosa Belie Cooper of Pelluun are guests of their uncle Mr. O. W. Cooper on Dawson street. Messrs. C. W. Cochran and Jim Bri ley came home from a stock buying trips to Atlanta yesterday. The wreck occurred on 'the main track. It was jnst at the town of Pidoock however, and through trains were run around the wreckage on a side traek. There was bnt slight delay on number 89 at 11 a. m. and number 35 oame on time at 4:80 p. m. Mr. Jos, L. Hull of Athens Ga, i guest of friends in the oity. Mr. bss visited here before and Thomas haspr warm weloome for him. Little Daughter of Dr. Miller Deed and Funeral la Teddy. Mrs. Kate Robinson who has guest of relativos here for sot returned Tuesday evening to to Cairo' Caroline McIntosh Miller, the seven months old daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Royal J. Millar died at the family resi dence Tuesday night at half past eleven o'clock. The funeral was held at the Mr. Fred Taylor who ered from an attack of pi home Wednesday evenit nali, to rest and recuperet Mr. John A. Frazer of Colt the oity. Mr. Frazer is vice-i the Whitaker Candy Oompi makes the candy that is so Thomasville. Mr. snd Mrs. L. P. Roberts, who J been gnests of the Ptoey Woods for eral days, left yesterday morning Washington where they will spe: week on their way to their home to ft port, R. L Mr. Roberts formerly n aged the Mltobell House here. Rev. and Mrs. Ed. F. Cook c home from Atlanta Wendesday evou Ur. Cook has been (here tor. some c having his eyes treated. All will I< with pleasure that he is mooli impro He will fill the pulpit at- the Mcthc olmrch on Sunday. nity are extended to Dr. and Mn. to their sad bereavement. Quitman's Election. Qnttman, Ga., March 80.—At the mn. aidpal election held here today the fol lowing ticket was eleoted without oppo sition : Mayor,Dr. E.L. Jelks, Aider- men, G.W.AveTOU, J. B. Avers, J. 0. Wilson, J. DeLoach, W. W. Walker, E. O. Bridget.' This ticket we* nominated on Monday at a mass meeting. Dr.Jtlke was opposed by R. 0. McIntosh and M. Baton, forth* nomination. Mr.Qhapln Wins The Cup andSweee* Are Shot. The members of the Cracker Can Club were the 1 guests of the Country Club at tlm trap* of the latter organisa tion yesterday. Aoup was offered for the best marksman and this was won by Mr. Charles M. Chapin. Afterwards several sweeps were shot, and the after noon was passed most pleasantly by all present. The Mends- of. Miss- Mayday ore regretting her departure to< Wayoroas, where she will visit prior to going to Thomasville, 1 mer home, to reside. She was panted by her sister, Mrs. J: C. and daughter, who will visit ix cross snd Thomasvilte.r-Bn Journal. Reports From Georgia. Alabama and New Odd Fellow* Lodge. Arrangements are now under way to Install a lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Batobridge, Georgia. About sixty of the best citizens of that town have signified a desire to beoome members of the “three link" brother hood. Messrs. B. Edwards and T. J. McCartney went to Batobridge Wednes day morning to make arrangements for the installation of the lodge. Within the next few days a degree team from the Thomasville lodge will go over to i.i tlate the members of the new lodge. Chattanooga. March, 88— Reports from the fruit growing section of North Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee ad jacent to Chattanooga: show that the promised immense peach crop is safe. Rhea county, Tone., reports one hun dred thousand dollars damage there, Judge H. O. Sheffield circuit of the Superior C city Wednesday. Jndg well known Jurist, and 1 to political circles, throu] He tells some interesting to the political tltuition congressional district. Mr. W. J. Neel peered through Thom asville Wednesday on his way bank to Rome. It will be remembered that Mr. Neel spent several days here lest week prospecting. He ha* now completed his toor of Investigation and goes home to bring down Mrs. Neel, to whom |ie will submit the comparative advantages of several South Georgia cities. Thom- Seville appeals most pleasantly to Mr. Neel, and its advantages are expected to weigh even more heavily with his wife. Congressma Hon. James M. I from the second din for a short time and Tuesday night, man was looking w Times-Enterprise Audition. Mr. Frank R. Speight of Quitman ar rived to town yesterday to accept tho position of bookkeeper with the Timee- Enterpriee. Mr, Speight has bnt re cently left Mereer University and is a yoong man of energy snd ability. He is already well known in Thomasville. FOR SALE - bastoves. Good i Cheap on easy t Rev. Alox W. Beeler lias been invited to assist Rev. S. B. Rogers of Marianna ' Fla. to a protracted meeting. Hr. Busier has accepted aud will leavo on the 11th. of April for Marianna. The meeting will last from ten days to two weeks. Marianna is a hustling town and its people will unquestionably show fall appreciation of Mr. Beeler's efforts. Mrs. Fred K. Brown who has been in Thomasvilt* since early in January left yesterday morning for Lexington, Mare. She was much pleased with TbonuievUJo and will probably return next winter. H n. John B. Singletary was mlng ling with tho voters liore, Tuesday. Mr. Singiotary and B- W. Adkins have form ed a partnership for tho practice of law to Cairo.