Newspaper Page Text
Tlio Russian nary doesn't even 10cm
to be a»f olMbcoTBchooncr*.
Tim hue ball and the moth tall and
tltothree talla'are all In demand Jtut
now - _________ '
Tim old form 1 ’Morte d’ Arthnr’ 'might
be ecllpeed by a new one called'‘Porto d’
Arthnr.” '
Grarer Cleveland didn’t Join that fra-
ternal society after all. Ho tally Is >nt
cl jwlitics.
Big hats arp faahinnoble tliit year.
•So’will big one* worda ta In -the then-
K The golf war it more interesting to
the people 01 Thomasvillo than the .Tap
war. jnst at present.
Prctldnnt Roosevelt is not going to
St. Lonia and the dental diaplay la rob
bed of Eihlbit, A.
' Mormon Smith might rood about now
only-live or thirty of hia fdmily to help
A man who woa wise enongh not to
nin for guvernor ought to be wiae
enough not to support Hearat.
One good thing ia that wo haven't yet
liad any moving pictures of tho Japo-
Hmwiauovtloh affair.
! . . ,'J
A fortune awaits the inventor of a
'‘Post-Primary nerve tonlo,” gUirau-
teed to remove disappointment.
ics will take anything but
,re too hard to find and
heavy to carry.
seem that somebody ought
ididato Hoarat a marked copy
The esteemed editors of tho Atlanta
Sown and tho Mnoon Telegraph are do-
log tho "Lay on.MaoDuff," act.
Insomnia Is Said to bo epidemic' just
now In Washington. Staying awake
•t nights planning how to he re-elected.
Sunday sermon about the im-
i manners might not be
„ manners arc al-
Kjrtant as good morals. Good
:e care of yon in the world to
come. Geod manners make things
pleasant for your friends in this word.
Tims it U seen that there is no conflict
between good morals and good man'
nets. - ,
The old idea nsed to be that bad man'
nsre were a sign of religion, and the
austere Christian was the aooepted type.
That ideabas passed away,and the gospel
aa now Interpreted prevents no one from
having a pleasant smile and a polite
bearing. There are still some good peo
ple however whooling to the delusion
that their righteous walk in life entities
them to be disagreeable, and Intolerant.
And to these we would say met in good
manners with your good morals-
Of course we refer to good manners
In the broader sense. To have good
manners Is not merely to bow and scrape
like a Trench dancing master, keep your
list off till you catch pneumonia when
yon recognize a female acquaintance,
and comport yourself in a manner cal
culated to irritate by a superfluity of
gushing affability. To be good manner
ed is to never be too tired to have a
pleasant greeting for the passer-by, nev
er too selfleh to disregard the rights of
others, never too.thoughtless to pay due
deference to the fair' sex, tt|0 aged and
the infirm, nover so snobbish as to dis
criminate as to rank and station in treat
ment of others.
This aooording to the dictionary of tho
sunny in spirit is real good manners.
Now Why shouldn't they ta adopted by
every one. There is no preferred stock
In Wall street that pays as well as com-
mon courtesy. That’s from the selfish
tandpoint of return,and from tho inner
and tatter standpoint of the soul,
rewards are even greater.
Editor Times-Enterprise: I noted
with interest your editorial of a few
days ago saying that the matter of a
municipal electric light plant should not
bo hurried into, and counseling careful
consideration and, deliberate—action-
think the advice is good, bat the people
are awake on this question and demand
that some action ta taken sooner or lat
er. They are not willing to have the
matter indefinitely deferred, aa . has
been the movement for betterjstreets,
better health regulations, and other im-
The city of ThOmasville pays |8,88 per
month for each are light. The city of
Columbus pays $1.16 per month.JJnst
half our present rate. It may ta that
the oooncil committees will find that it
is Impracticable to boy orbnlldaplant,
though this is hardly probable. In ease
it cannot be done, they can at least in-
sist and endeavor to have the city and
the citizens pay reasonable rates for
their lights and, no more than reason-
able rates. . JUSTICE.
The Times-Enterprise voices the
sentiment of the people of the county
when it expressed satisfaction at the
purchase of the Brunswick and Birm
ingham by the Atlantic and Birmlng-
u Ever since the T. T. and G. waa
built the people have felt a pride and in-
it in what they regarded as a Thom-
asvllle road. This same spirit is felt
toward the A. and B. Any projeot
looking toward its development and
larger usefulness Is weloomed The B.
and B. a needed outlet to the
sea, arid Is a stop toward the greater A.
and B. for which the people of this sec
tion hope.
No woman’s happi
ness can be complete
without children; it
is her nature to love
and want them
as much so as
it is to love the
beautiful and
pare. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must
pass, however, is so fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger,
that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror.
of life to bo either painful
•r dangerous. Tho use of Mother’d Friend so prepares the system for
the coming event that it it safely pasted without any danger. This
greet end wonderful
remedy it always
•ppliedext era ally, and
Mt carried thousands
•f women through _
the bring crisis without suffering, jjf - _ _m » —.FT
Vit Brurttd Bsyilstsr Os., Atlssts, ta. m — -w-
if it
There ia no necessity for the reproduction of lil
The use of Mother’d Friend so i
For |15.00, $20.00 and $80.00. Several hun
dred Discs to select from; also a good selection of
Musical Merchandise, Sheet Music lOo. up. A
No. 1 Guitar for 33.75. Mandolins 13.00 up.
Banjos (3.80 np, eto„ can be foond at
Tuttle’s Jewelry Store.
- Thomasvllle. Georgia.
The following list of South Georgia
Have got d'newspepers that do not favor the nom
morals and with your getting, get goed lnBtlon ofH e*rat fur president is com
plied by the Quitman Tree Press, itself
There is a great scramble far places
on the Parkor band wagon in Georgia.
A Parker olnb has been organized, com
mittees appointed and work started.
Now It transpires that certain newspa
pers, and people think that the move
ment was too hasty in oonceptiou and
execution, aud they suggest, another
Parker olnb. We think that there
ought to be Parker enough to go round,
bat another olnb could do very little
harm. Somebody once sold that of
■pora aro Mucking mooli ado over making of book, there Is uo eud. The
’ «■ ■ ., „ revised vorsiou reads "of
fucttliat Queen Alexandra ate
dinner. Doubtless she could
formon Smith, alias General Pa,
mid Join General Ma In the Orient
ogs of war would hustle under the
i Republicans held a scrappy coo-
Atlanta. It will be good
training for their scramble for tne pie
• 0r,iPB - ‘
• \
Ifau luive a positive Renin* for dis-
soveriug ugly patterns in spring clothe*,
wt watch them for the next] few
If there is to be a scramble for Judge
Parker between the two Goorgiu'clubs
bearing hi* name wo want our club to
Is silence.
id Parker dabs coutiuno'to or*
very supporter of tho New York
tH have an office in some clnb or
er, an i be entitled to Imre his name
. *
le Uuirofftity of Georgia is oiTeriug
for the student who writes the
lay, on an agricultural topio.
ofc a prize for the one who con
ow the straightest farrow?
all over the district come word*
mendafcion for that veteran De-
iptaiu John Triplett who
as a delegate to St, Louis,
is goiug.ioo.
i to
t Raynor, the riewly-eloctod sen-
m Maryland, bod a Jewish fa-
t married a Presbyterian wife,
a been^descrifcnd by one Baltimore
as ttalbiank pego between the
Sew Testaments.
rannah Press faootlonsly re-
“There’s one thing, if William
nlaafed for President
• election tickets printed
fhto yriH
} expense."
making of
clubs tliere is no end.” But the great
New Yorker would feel good no doubt
if he could see how people are t rumb
ling ever themselves to obtain seat re
servations in tho musio cart. .
Feed pale girls on Scott's
We do not need to give all
the reasons why ' Scott’s
Emulsion restores the strength
and flesh and color of good
health to those who suffer
from sick blood.
The fact that it is the best
preparation of Cod Liver Oil,
rich in nutrition, full of healthy
stimulation is a suggestion as-
to why it docs what it does.
Scott's Emulsion presents
Cod Liver Oil at its best,
fullest in strength, least
Young women in their
“ teens ” are permanently cured
of the peculiar disease of the
blood which shows itself in
paleness, weakness and nervous
ness, by regular treatment
with Scott’s Emulsion.
It is a true blood food arid
is naturally adapted to the cure
of the blood sickness from
hick so many young women
suffer. .
an atni-Willie organ: Savannah Morn-,
lag Nous, Savannah Press, Brunswick
Journal, Thomasvllle Times-Enterprise.
Valdosta Times, Quitman Tree Press,
Bainbridge Democrat, Moultrie Ob
server, Fitzgerald Enterprise. Quitman
Advertiser, Adel News, Oconee Enter
The state has recently bad the amoa-
lng bat not edifying spectacle nf seeing
men supposed to ta leaders in public
life engaged in a most undignified scram
ble to get on the Parker baud wagon.
The support which finds its main spring
in a greed for a -paltry office is not apt
to be of much value to their favorite
nominee. Men are bat children of a
larger growth and; the quarreling Par
ker! tesprore it.
The Times-Enterprise eeepia to think
the campaign liar has brightened up a
bit since the date of the primary has
been set for a late date in-Thomas.
He don’t seem to be very bright yet as
candidates are coming out but slowly,
and the liar it usually tho causo of
thorn coming out.—Cairo Messenger.
Quitman is to have a rural telephone
line connecting the homes of the far
mers for miles around. With rural free
delivery, ami ratal telephone services
the fanners will soon enjoy all the con
veniences of town life. There is noth-
iug too good for the formers.
Tho Timed-Enterprise is in receipt of
a bulletin describing the Farmers’ In
stitutes in Georgia lield under the bus-
Platts of the University of Georgia dar
ing the season of 1903, by Harvle Jor
dan, the director. It allows that lunch
good work was accomplished and gives
great promise for the coming year.
We ars on the Parker oxocntlvo com
mittee for the second congressional dis
trict and we expect to bo Secretary of
State if he is elected. We will try to
tarn out a few Parkergraplis every day
in the meantime,
The song entreats "Take me down
down where the Wurzburger flows,
flows flows.” Take me down where the
s bloom, i:e; South Georgia—is
tatter advice.
Boiler Works
Shops and
■ Win Penes, Win PnsfResAnp, tpny Pumps. Msmsri. RuPss. Separatee*
w« will Maks R ts Torn Msrsst Is Fifor* wttfc 111.
Over Thirty Years- Experience.
.., .Expert Handlers of Sea Island as well as Upland Cotton
Liberal cash advances against Consignments.
Money loaned Cotton Shippers on Approved Security.
Large dealers in Sea*Island and upland Bagging, uga r
Cloth Twine and Ties.
"Write For TerauT.
126 East Bay Street, :v : Savannah Ga
Need Anything in Our Line?
Rough and Dressed Lumber,
And we Manufacture Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantles; all kinds of
Mouldings and Railings,
And everything needed for building mid repairing.
Spend your money with as and keep it in circulation here at homc.where you
canget some of it tack.
Come to toe us when needing anything in our line.
Thomasville Variety Works,
’Phone 139.
The boy or girl with a
Has the joliiest vacation.
Ever tried making pictures
from start to finish? It’s fun
with .the right material. Let
us show you!
$1 and $2.
Brownie Developing Machine,
$2.00. '
10 Copies of RevTT, DeWitt Talmagrfs
“Travels in the Holy Land”
—WUl be-
given away
In the Times-Enterprise “Dot” Contest.
These books are on exhibition now at
our store. They are splendid works,
which sell for 93.75 each and will be sd
ornament to any home.
J. E. Robison & Co’s.
Book Store,
Brand Street, - * Thomasville, Ga
Quaint, Queer and Curious Salt Lake
The late Col. John Cockerell in The
Cosmopolitan said ‘‘There are three unit
que cities in America, and one of these
is Salt Lake City.” It is not only 'ini.
que in its temple, tabernacle and otbet
Mormon church institutions, but qutiai.
in appearance, with its wide streets, im
mense blocks and martial rows of shade
trees. It has, perhaps, more attractions
to the square yard than any city in the
country, and Us climate, while temper
ate all the year round, is particularly,
delightful in summer. The Great Suit
Lake, with its magnificent Saltair resort,
where the water is "deader and denser"
than that in the Dead Sea in Palestine
is an attraction in itself that people
come miles to see. There are many
cool mountain and lake resorts near by,
also numerous very pretty canon and
park drives, and hot sulphur springs.
Pishing and hunting can be had in every
direction, The trip from Denver to
Salt Lake City and Ogden, via the Den-
ir & Rio Grande and the Rio Grande
11 es'.ern, is one oi unsurpassed pleas
ure. Here nature is found in her stern
est mood and the whole line is a suc
cession of rugged canons, waterfalls
and picturesque valleys. No European
trip can compare with it in grandeur of
scenery. During the entire summer
there will be low excursion rates to Salt
Lake City and contiguous country. It
is on the road In the Pacific coast, -if
that be your destination. Write S. K.
Hooper, G. P. & T. A., Denver, Colo.,
for beautifully illustrated pamphlets,
etc 8-1-03-unios.
R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
good prescription
For mankind.
The fi*ceut packet is enough for usual
occasions. The family bottle [ftOcta.J
contains a supply for a year. Ail drug-
gists sell them.5.9
This is not k gentle word—but when
you think how liable you are not to
purchase the only remedy universally
known and a remedy that has had the
largost sale of any medicine in the
world since 1868 for the cure and treat*
mentof Consumption and Throat and
Lung troubles without losing its great
popularity-all these years, yon wifi be
thankful we called your attention to
Boschee's German Syrup. There are so
many ordinary cough remedies made by,
druggists and others that are cheap and
good for light colds perhaps, but for se
vere Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup—and
especially 'for Consumption, where
there is difficult expectoration and
coughing during the nights and morn
ings, there is nothing -like German Syr
up. The 25 cent size has just been in
tro dueed tliis year. At S. H. Price O
12 inch Cane Mill,
14 inch Oane Mill,
16 inch Cane Mill,
18 inch Caue Mill,
914 00
.18 00
24 50
29 4.
LfiMll A H DR * MOTT’S
mmmmmmwm m mm nervine pills.
Opium whtch leadi to Consumption mill Insanity. \V lib
- T - * J “-id at 41.00 par box. 0 boxes !
The Great Remedy fo
ner gmuntion andy for
all disease* or either sex
■ nch a* KervoiM Prostra
tion, Mental Worry, ex.
refdud the money. _
DH MOTTMCHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland. Oht«-
Attention, Cane Planters I
We can furnish the above In iron
frames at a small cost. It will pay you
to call git us before you buy.
tor (Loo.' By-ftmewoV-*T>rug'’ co Works near A. 0. L. R. R. Depot.
P. O. 102; Telephones 184 and 210.
More Riots
We will h« glad to sead
a simple to any sufferer.
Re tttr* that this mature fo
the tortu nt « W»el It cn the
it St. New York.
Mercer students are so anxious to sap-
port Judge Parker that they are fight
ing to get into the club that bears his
Georgia bail a negro who is a floe
Wonder If
We are prepared to make contracts
for the purchase of cane for fall deliv
ery. Price 93.50 per ton. Those in
terested will please write in at once a
contracts are nearing completion.
A. L, Smith, Supt.,
dw32Un Thomasville, Ga.
rR W. Adkins of the Cairo
A Favorite Remedy for Babies.
Us pleasant taste and prompt cares Disturbances of strikers are ndt near-
have made Chsmberlain’s Cough Reme- ly ns grave as aa Individual disorder of
dyafavatite with the mothers of small the system. Overwork, loss of sleep,
chUdren. It quickly cures their coughs nervous tension will be followed by
andco-ds and prevents any danger of pttercoUapse, unless a reliable remedy
pneumonia or other serious conse- is Immediately employed. There’s no-
qnences. It not only euros croup, but thing so efficient to cure disorders of
when given as soon as the croupv cough the Liver or Kidneys as Electric Bitters
appears wiU prevent the attack. For It’s a wonderful tonic, and effective
sue by J. W, Pesoock. •* f — 1 »*-— —- -—a—. »• - •
d&w nervine and the greatest all around
medicine for run dowu systems. Hdls-
’ pels Nervousness, Rheumatism and
aft W-. Hauldtathafriro mutant 'XSW&.SeEjj******
eacock, druggist.