Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, April 08, 1904, Image 12
—pmwmmmmwmm mmsaurn Items, p County ComTUiioueti Smith . Pringle riritrl the convict camp ot tlie [ T. J. Hell linmbei ■Co. near here since onr lent letter. Itiapretnuni-d they foand the prison on well cued for, Thoy we a eleek end seemingly well satisfied lot of negroes. Min Burnette, tut efficient teacher in the aeboot jnat opened here, gave lier popile an Easter egg hunt Friday uftei noon of hut week, which was enjoyed by the little folks. We are pleated to note that the at tendance continues to increase, ant everything points to a fine school anoth. er term. The town council last week appointed the following gentlemen to constitute n hoard of health: Dr. W. H. Crow, chairman, T, J. McUahee, and J. L. Baldy. Messrs. J. P. Cay and J. O. Bell spent Saturday In Thomatville on business In connection with our school. Mrs. T. J. Bell and Mist Bessie Bell visited Thomatville Saturday. Protect your life and property. See Bell, "he will dp the rest ” Mrs. W. M. Killer is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Henry Kennedy Touraino this week. Mrs. Kennedy la quite 111, but her manr friends hope for a speedy recov ery. His. Dr. Orovat It visiting Mis. A. W. Brain this week. Mrs. Orovstt has re cently moved to Thomasvllle. Mitt Belle Benton hat returned from an extended visit to her brother at Moultrie. Mr. R. Newsome, wife and little son, have recently moved to Funtton. They are missed by allot our people. Mr. Mewtame was one of tho town’s conn- oilmen and nntil recently the saMcrin- tendent of the Sunday school. You are never cafe from fire. Get all the protection you can from Ineuranee. Bell’a Insurance Agency Will write you p policy m tb* Aetna. Mr. T. J. Crow hat the contract for potting Pine street and Japonlca ave. In good oondttion. They are the two main streets of die town and need to be kept np, leading at they do Into . the public roads of the county. W. A. Jonos, Sr. with friends num bering about twenty eix went to tho river about dark and at a late hoar en joyed all the flsli they were looking for, the repast having been prepared by tho .ladies of the party. The friends of Mr. Wm. Alcorn Pore shocked to leant of his death at Merrill- . He and Ms oharmlng . l here last yeu. The be- 1 wife and children have sympa- rof oveiyoue. ) Saturday night and Sunday, aaure your lift and property through ill’s Insurance Agsnty, They rep- ' Mr. K. Wincoy visited Pavo Sun day. Mr. O. O. Tate was among the visi tors to Thomatville recently. There was s meeting at Tlie Baptist church Wednesday afternoon of tlie la- dtM of the town and community inter- ' 1 In the new school building for tlie I of arranging for a scries of on- menta. We trust every one will co-operate with them. Mr. 3. Pope went down to Thornas- vllVe Wednesday. Thomairille merchants should appre ciate the patronage of tho ]ieople of tho smaller towns. FOR SALE.—Blacksmith and repair bnalneaa. Good thing for the right uian. Cheap on easy terms. Address Black smith, Box VB, Quitman, On. Tlio Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been In use tor over 80 yean, has borne the signature of ■ and has been made under hi* per sonal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and «Jnst-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of infants and Children—Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Oastorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Para* gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. IS contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narco tie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness, It cores Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAY8 Bean the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. tMmTMMMSMn, IfWIWHflmT. MWVOMIOIW. JL NEW COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONES For 115.00, $00.00 and $10.00. Several hun dred Discs to select from; also a good selection of Musical Merohandlae, Sheet Music lOo. up. A No. 1 Guitar for $0.70. Mandollna $2.00 up. Banjos $2A0 np, etc., can be found at Tuttle’s Jewelry .Store. Thomairille. Georgia. Eggs For Sele. Brown Leghorn eggs for sale, citing of IB. , Boston, Ga. per setting of 15. Address Mnt. J. O. Neel, Boston, Ga. 3-24.B TO HAVE AND TO HOLD. To ha vs and to hold a beautiful com plexion is desired by every woman, young or old. Few women ere blessed with nature’s most desired gift—a good complexion; but evory woman can Im prove her complexion by the Judicious use of Rydalo’s Liver Tablets. These Tablets prevent the blood becoming with bile which deposits in the & a had complexion, > the skin clear and white, the eyes bright, the step bouyaut. They are pleasant io take, pleasaut in effects. Fifty Chocolate Coated Tablets in each box. Prioc SB cents per box. J. W) Feeecek. Sheriff’s Sale. GEORGIA—Thomas County. Will be sold before the court house door in Thomasville. Thomas Co., Ga., within the legal hours of sale on the 4tr*t Tuesday in May, 1994. the following -described property to*wit: All that tract parcel of land situated, lung and be- f in the city of Thomasville, Thomas Ga., being part of Lot No. 40 in the rtfh district of said county commencing x>n Stevens 6treet at a point 150 feet N. W.from Lester street and running north westerly of said st.from point cb feet; thence south-westerly to the ditch; thence along the ditch towaid Lestei street 50 feet; thence northtcasterly to starting point; levied on as tho propcrt> of Rosa R. Davifc under and by virtue of a State and County tax fifa. Lew mode and, returned to me by H. J. Bla leek. L. O. This March Sheriff Thornes County, Ga. Has opened e new Studio in the (rid Field’s GelleVy, Broad St., whore he is prepared to make all kinds and vires of is Photographs, especially of babies end childrens. 25 The finest instruments; The best material; Beautiful cards; 2* Careful lighting; Gracefnl posing. ~jj E ! as An expert Photographer end superior photographs. Conte and see torZS C yourselves. ZS fimmmmmiimiiimmimmmiiimiK “Blakeslee Engines JStand Supreme For All Power Purposes. SIMPLICITY itself. Buy a ltl.AKE.sLEE and keep your re ligion. No profanity necessary. —A FULL LINE OF— Stationary, Portable, Pompine and Connection Ontfits. You can sec every movement. Nothing hidden or complicated about the H1.AKESLEE. Positively SAAE: Strictly high grade. Write for our catalogue and prices WHITE-BLAKESLEEjMFG. £0., Birmingham, - - Ala. County Commissioners’ Proceed* ings. Thon.asville. Ga., April 5, 1904. Board met in regular meeting. All present. * Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Mr. Chat. Minims who was appointed read commissioner Thomasville district not being a resident of said district is Ineligible. T. J. Vann waa appointed in hia stead. The consideration of the petition for new militia district at Merrillville post poned nntil next meeting. Commissioner Smith given further rime to report on Patent Shelves for Ordinary and Clerk’s office. Commissioner on the Miller Mill bridge make following report: To tlie honorable Board County Com missioners—We recommend that the bridge be n oved down about fifteen feet on the mill race then turinpike about sixty-five yartla with bridge about the center of the turnpike about 20 feet long also tllittle bridge to tie rebnilt. We think tlie job can be completed with one hundred and twenty-five dollars. Besprctfnlly submitted, J. D. Barrow, M. D. Bedfearn. J. J. McCann. Committee on turpentine road near Bedfearn made following report: Road near v C. Redfeara’a we recom mend that the bad piaoeon road be urnpikea about one hundred and fifty rards then ran ost to nothing the turn- dike to be put on a ridge between the wo old roads with one bridge 20 feet long in tho center of it. We think It can x done with about one hundred and twenty dollars the road hands to cut rat right-of-way. Respectfully submitted, J. D. Barrow, M. D. Bedfearn, J. J. McQann. On motion the above reports were idoptcd and Commissioner Barrow with ■oad commissioner of Pavo district are requested to secure bids in accordance vlth reports and submit at next meet ing. committee on Snodgrass road request ed *0 confer with road commissioner md report at next meeting. Apotition to remove road Com missioner White was read. Commit ,loners mled that he conld not lie dis- •harpod unless charges ba profered and sustained. Mrs. Wright Warren was on motion planed on Pauper list and voted $5 n month. On motion Mr. Ad Way Jr. was in structed to liavo brick pillars built on- tor Justice court bouse at Patten. Mr. John D. Martin filed a large peti tion asking permission to stmigheu road near his place, petition was on motion granted. B. C. Johnson resigned as road com missioner Ways district. Mr. J. B. Lancaster was appointed in his stead. Bridge was ordered boilt over Rndy Creek on road from Coolidgs to Pavo. The matter of placing Electric Lights tn Jail referred to W. A. Pringle and E. H. Smith. Contract for printing minntes award ed Timcs-Entoipriae for ensttlng year at Bosnia a line. Citation having bean Issued for the establishment for the following public roads and no objections being filed there to It is ordered that they be granted. “Beginning at J. M. Pilcher’s place and lnterreettng the Cairo and Meigs road near Hall’s place.” “Starting at Doundary line of E. J. Bedfearn and R. L. Redfearn and con tinuing through lands ofR. L. Red- fearu in a southwest direction to south east corner of J T. Redfearn’s land thence along the boundary line of R. L Redfearn and J. T. Redfearn to lands of Mre. Mary Redfeara and croeelng the Greenfield and Boston road and thence along tlie boundary line between R. L. and J. M. Redfearn to tile Tallahassee public road.” Beginning at Dekle’s and running to John Folson’s.” Report Jonnty Physician: Healthful conditions obtain at jail and uoor house. At tlie latter one lias been received; none died or discharged. Both places liavo been visited Severn! times weekly. L. B. Bouchclic, M. I). Rcpott County Judge; April 4, 1.404. To Hon. County Comnmstoncrs: Gentlemen—1 have the honor to re- port that for the month of March I have collected and paid over to the County Treasurer: From lease of convicts # 2cI 00 From county court costs 15 00 From fines and forfeitures 147 5*> WAGON WHEEL RUINED. WHY? lie had it set ‘.he old way, tire taken JT and heated red hot, put on the riiv and burnt it; then when cold water wn< noyred on it to cool It, the boiling water scalded the wood .and ruined its strength; tire also was close tit and heavy and w as too hoi so that it shrunk too much thus ruining the hub as well »s the fellow, but bring your tires to u>; we shrink them just right without ta king them ofi the wheel. We do no: burn the wood nor ruin the hub; we us« no water but set your lire without heat in ; minutes, and this setting is worth a dozen done in the old way ami much cheaper. Farmers Shon on stevcr.r S: It is Up To You. *38.150 tours truly, ' Chas. P. Hansel), Judge C. O. T. C. the month ending April i. 1904. receipts. From balance on band as per ast report $12 n>5 95 From Clias P. Hansell, J. O. C , po. court costs. .$ 15 00 Jail fees 000 Lease of convicts 221 00 Fines and forfeitures. 147 50— 383 50 From P. S. Heeth, T. C. T. C. Gen’l Taxes for 1903 IS7 00 roni E. P. Clay, Road Fines Cairo District 8 00 $12,769 45 DISBURSEMENTS. I For building and repairing | court house, jail, bridges. | ferries, and other public im provements ! For Sheriff’s, jailer's, and oth- |, er officers’ fees | For bailiffs at court, non-resi- ! dent, witnesses in criminal cases, servant hire, station* j cry, and the like....» j For jurors at court ( For support of the poor of the county...*. jr insolvent costs ar other lawful charges 753 00 423 29 E. M. Smith H. C. Copeland J. D. Barrow.. WA. Pringle J. Q. Bryan 5 00 Judge C. P. Hansell 8333 L. B. Bouchclle prof, aervicea 20 72 Joe Callaway J. S. Montgomery Ellison Broom pauper Gordon Hattiway pauper P. A. Adams, pauper....a. .. E. Carter, pauper Redden Carter, pauper P Haskins, pauper Jim Pettis, pauper Mrs. Wright Warren Fambrough Sc Kent Marshall & Bruce Thomasville Variety Works... Curtis Brown I. H. Way & Co ; City of Cairo Win Hurst guard *30 00 Mize Lumber Co 11650 Wiglu Bros for Henry Lee.... 7 30 WLBall 49 45 WHBurcu&Son 600 Wight Bros 25 55 Watt Supply Co 64 75 Coleman & Adams 9 95 JJCone 1000 Evans & Son 10 50 A W Palin 27 50 Curtis Brown I7 50 J E Robison Sc Co 3 75 Robt McMiilon H CCook M D n.J> JG Burney 0 75 fames Watt Sc Bro 17 64 BGiiffin 35 W R Pittman 28 Times-Enterprise 31 75 .5 Steycrman 31 00 B Singletary 270 95 J. T. Pittman & Son, p’r house 38 53 A J Oumbest.. Chas Gantw... K NMoore... W A Pringle.. J F Parker.... I Higbt -FROM- 29 50 29 UO 9 10 13 16 48 44 20o 90 8 91 8 45 T J Hight Rcnricr Nicholson TS Copeland 105? Board adjourned to meet April 15th 10:30. J. b. Montgomery, E. M. Smith, Secretary. Chairman. Notice'to Del tors and Creditors. Notice fa hereby given to all creditor, of tlie eatote of William Moore, late of. rnidyentity, deceased, to render in an account of their demnnda to me within the time prescribed by lew properly made out. All penona indebted to aald deceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment to tne undersigned, M. A. Fleetwood. Administrator of Wm. Moore. 8-4 fit. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA -Thomaa County. By virtue of an order of the Honor- able Court ot Ordinary of said county I will aell on the first Tuesday in May 1204 before the court lionae door in aald county, between legal boon of sale to the highest bidder for aash, the follow ing described property belonging to tha estate of William R. Moore to-wit: A certain city lot, in the city of Tliomaa- villo, aald Stato of Georgia, Ounnty of Thomas, described in the survey and plait by E. 8. Law as lot No. 10, being on the corner of Bartow and 8onth Sts., fronting 00 feet on South St., and run ning back easterly one hundred and fif ty four and three one hundredths (154-5- 10.') feet on Bartow atreet, the rear of said lot being forty five feet, tho sumo being a fractional part of subdivision No. 8 of tlie 8. A. Smith estate sold by John L. Finn to James F. Pompelly. 4 8 4. M. A. Fleetwood, Adm'r. Application (or Guardianship. GEORGIA—Thomas County. To nil whom it maj concern: Mrs. Sarah W. Hayes having applied for guardianship of the persons and property of Sallie R. Hayes, Artie J. Hayes, flattie J. Hayes and Mary E. Hayes, minor children of Robt. T. Hayes, late of said county, deceased, notice is given that said application will be hesrd at mv office at ten o’clock a. m. on the first Momtay in May 1904. This the 30th dav of March 1904. 4*8*4 Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary. Application for Guardianship. GEORGIA—Thomas Couuty. J. L. Baldy a resident of said state, having duly applied to be appointed guardian of 'ho person* and property of fimiua, Maty mid Cons Z#igler, minors under the age of fourteen years, resi dents in said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be'pass ed on at the next regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in May 1904. 4-8-4. Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary. 1 \ as surprised to find so nmny odds and ends of staple dinner ware patterns on my shelf, 1 don’t want them there, do you want them, if you do you can have them. Inst come doftn and get them. What about the price you s.iy; well 1 will sell them for so little I would hole to publish the price. THE GREATEST?™ING IN THE WORLD. . , Don’t vou know what u is, well 1 will tell you, it is the little house wife that has one--the Wheeler & Wilson or New Home Sewing Cash—Balance on baud 10 897 36! Machines. All sunshine and hap-} j •iness where C. B. Quinn send* a 4| , 1 & W. or New Home.| 912 /0 ° 45 I Application tor Guardianship. GEORGIA—Tliomas county. To all whom it may concern: W. T. Owens, 'having applied for guardianship of the persons and proper- ertv of Wm. G. Owens, Jas. B. Owens, Edwin P. Owens and Lula Owens, mi nor children of Mary L. Owens, late of said county, deceased. Notice is given that said application will be beard at my office at ten o'clock a. m. on the first Monday in May next. This March 17, 1904. Wm, M. Jones, Ordinary. 8184 Bargain^, GATLING GUN The only cash store and the biggest BARGAIN store in Georgia, .South of Albany. We are expecting trade to be natural ly a little dull just after Easter, but w e are going to keep our store busy by of fering the following Special Prices. SHOES. Men’s brogans, some with outside half sole, some inside half sole, single sole*, buckles, etc, good heavy stock, and worth $1.26 anywhere in the world, but we cut the price to pair 98c. Elastic Brogans, good fi.25 value.$1.18 One box assorted kinds, Ladies Shoes worth up to $2, choice.... 30c. Infants' Patent Leather Sandals i-f/s 49c Children’s good leather Oxfords ana Sandals, sizes 6-8’s 49c. Same Shoe, sizes, 9-12’s 69c. sizes 13-2’s 89c. Ladies good leather strap Sandals. .73c. Guaranteed solid leather Slipper.. .98c. ••Dixie Girl.” "best in the world" at the price, six styles to choose from, heel and spring heel, patent tip or plain toej Hlucher cut. Southern Tic, etc., all guaranteed every whit solid leather, and to wear as Jong as any $2 shoe on the market, vc cut the price to $1-49 Also have a solid leather low cut in several styles, fully guaranteed, but not finished quite to well as the "Dixie Girl," you’d pay ft.50 for this shoe anywhere else but here, our bargain price $1*33. JULIA MARLOW.ROXJE WARD GIRL GRADUATE and other high grade low cuts, on all of which we cut the price. CAN V ASS SHOES—i’bey are quite popular. We have them io sever al stvlci, you’ll find we slaughter prices on them the same as other goods. RUBBER BOTTOM OXFORDS, come in black, tan and gray; wr* cut from the regular price of 50c to pair 43c. Rubber Bottom Shoes, same colors.48c. Fancy Trimmed, leather bottom, canvass Shoes and Oxfords for la dies and men, fi.25 anywhere but here, at pair 98c. DRY GOODS, ETC. 36 inch White Lawns gc 27 inch Alnieria Batiste Fancy Lawns, pretty figures and polka dots, worth 8c yd now. but we bought early and give >ou the advantage at yd......5c loc I.AWNS, a variety too numerous to describe, worth all the way- up to 15c yd, we cut to ya 10c GIRDLE CORSETS, all the new models, Batiste Girdle, Tape Gir dle, Summer Girdle, any kind of a Girdle to gird the pretty girls. Two prices 35 and 43c CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS • a* Straw Hats, nicclv finished, heavy straw double trim, the ven hat you are looking lor at 50c, you can get here foi »....39C Glassware, Crockeryware, Etc. 151 86 j 1 47 50 1 296 95 jiinc C B. QUINN. Respectfully submitted. JaN’O. F. PARKER,\. Treasurer. Georgia—Thomas County. To all whom it may concern : Mrs. W. R. Moore having in proper form, applied to me lor letters of ad ministration on the estate of Joseph Moore, late of said county ueccased, to issue to M. A Fleetwood of said coun ty, by her next of kin nominated thi., is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of loscph Moore to be and apptar at my office within the time alio*eel by law,-and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to M. A. Fle'et- wood on Joseph Moore’s estate. Witness my hand and official sigaturc April 1. I0O4. Glass Tumblers, a limited quantity, just a little, small but all right to use at, set loc Fancy white Cups and Saucers, set.39c Fancy white 9-inch Plates, set 39c Bowl and Pitcher, extra fancy pat- t rn, would be considered a bar gain at #1.25, we cut to 98c When they tell you our goods arc shoddy, call ’em n liar, tell us, ana we’ll do your fighting. They just can’t stand our prices. A. F. CHURCHWELL & Co. Stark Corner, Thomasville, Ga.