Newspaper Page Text
I Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Notice is hereby given to all creditors
of tbe estate of Fannie M. Groover, late
of Thomas count/, deoeaeed to render
in an account of their demands to me
within tlie time prescribed hr law,
properly made out. And oil persons in
debted to said deceased are hereby
requested to make immediate payment
to the .undersigned. This 13th day of
April 190.4
4-16 6 Jaheh M. Busins,
Administrator Fiancis M. Groover.
' Handsome patterns,1 Ready-to-wear
Hats, Plotters, Laces, Ribbons, Orna
ments, Untrimmed and Lace Hats of
all the new and pretty shapes. Pleas
ant sales ladies Experienced Trimmers.
All will be foond at Sirs J. A. Epnly's
Millinery Store in Masnry Hotel Block.
'Phone 171. Gentleman and ladies
straw and felt bats Jilso cleaned at 50c.
For Infants and Children,
Tbe Kind Yon Have
Always Bought
Bears the / %
Signature /A XT
Application for Support.
GEORG! A—'iuouab OofDfTT :
Mrs. O A, Alcorn, having made ap
plication for twelve montg rapport ont
of the estate of W. M. Alcorn, and ap
praisers duly appointed to set apart the
same, having died their return. All
persona concerned are hereby required
to show cause before the court of Ordi-j
nary of said cooflfy. on the first Monday*
in Juno. MH4, why mid application
should not le* granted
This I3rh day of April HKW.
4-10 4 YV. M. Jones,
ANtsetaUe Preparation for As
similating UKFoodandRcguIa-
Promoles DigestionJCheerful-
ness and Rest .Contains neilUer
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral
Not Hah c otic.
lion .Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
nrss and Loss OF SLEEP.
Dost s
* I. « tun„.i l-lrmilr MmtmUUket
Annins tire Minlmt*.
In every (termini university there Is
■till ducIlijK, slid there will be ns long
u Ueruntu universities exist. Bach
bus Its qupta.of HghUug.elubs, ivhieti
Curresiiond to our own secret societies.
Every student Is anxious to lie Invited
to Join one of'these chilis, and. having
been initiated, It Is not long before be
Is assigned to n ihiel. The members of
tbsse various organisations are distin
guished by their colored bands anti
caps, as our fraternity, men ure hy
their Greek letter badges. The. most
•ristoerntie of the lighting corps ure
tbe Itorussln at Bonn, to wlik'h nil the
Hohonzollciu princes beiong, anil the
fiaxo-Borusslit at lielilelherg. of wldeli
most of the German prf/ii-es outside of
the llohenzollerus arc mcmboni. Other
prominent flghtlng corps nre the Rbe-
-Hauls of the tinlvefcty of. Wurtshurg,
Nofumnln of Berlin, Franconia »f Mtt-
Bleb anil the famous corps of llguno-
vere, In which nismarek wns a famous
lighter, of Gottingen. Every corps has
Its own olBeers, its own laws, rules,
regulations, but all are bound by u Uni
versal "code of bonor."
Tbo customs and ceremonials inci
dent to these student duels sre queer
'and peculiarly fascinating, tbe cos
tumes and flghtlng attire unique and
interesting. Tbe duels ure of two
kinds—the one an "bonor duel,” where
sue student bus Insulted another, and
bouor has to be sstlsfled by s little
blood Jelling, but these are often not
TuCrequontly tbe result of purpose
rather than of actual Insult Just for tbo
sake of a little fighting.' The German
student, like Pat, Is often "spoiling for
s fight” Tbo other kind of duel is gen
erally a more serious matter and is
known os "by agreement” It is by a
thallengo from one corps to another
and partakes of tbe tournament order.
A list of dates Is drawn up, and on t
certain day of each week a member of
the one corps meets a member of the
other for "dio mensur."—Fritz Morrli
In Illustrated Sporting Mows.
The Prices at Which Things Buy
and Sell-Corrected Weekly.
ThomaaviUe, Gp.,-April 15, ’04-
Eggs per dot, 10' to 18o. Best butter
$ffio. Medium butter, 90o to —o. Olitok
ens, fries, 40 to 45o; hens 55 to 40c,
Sweet potatoes, 60 to 65a per bn. Fodder
per 100 lbe, 90o to 11.00. Oonntryhay,
per 100 lbs. 50o. to 76c; New Syrup,
25 to 27o: country hums, 11 tolSJfa;
vountrj lord,® </, to 10a.
ThomoavlHc, G»„ April 15, IC04--
Oofloc, arbucklos ISO, Green doffee, fair
10c. choice 11 1-So, Whit* granulated
sugars l-9oenta,Brownsugar 5 l*4o.Sue.
aoda per lb. 6o| crackers 10 to We. stick
candy 10o| Keroseno oil Wo—5 gals Wo.
Bide meat per tb 10 to M M;Mosl 75o per
bu. Flour (5.05 toW-TSparbbL Western
hums 15 to 17c. I«rd, < oompuund lOo.
Loaf 11 Mi haj,$l.lflper100lbs. Igan
ll.SS per 1001b*. Cotton seedm*ol $1.40
per 100 lb*, cotton seed hull* 60o per 100
lbs saok. Velvet bean* 13.00 per bu.
Sorghum soed $100 per bu.Germon Mil
let $2.00 par bu. Field pea*. $2.00
Free Samples
'You Can Cot One.
BLACK WEED, the great vegetable
remedy for Rheumatism, Catarrh, ami
Kidney and Bladder complaints, lias mot
with almost instantaneous success be
cause it has made some noteworthy
cures of very severe esses.
* ur. John Post, of the Atlanta
Dept, writes:
"Formonths t suffered with uy kid-
. ways. 1 matte every effort to get relief,
but failed until I accidentally came iu
ijcinilnn nf a bottle of lllack Weed.
The relief obtained from its use was so
great before liolf the first bottle had
Sian used, that I put aside kll other
medichiM sud am now sound and well,
Weed. At the same time I had an ag
gravated case of Catarrh of the head
and threat. Black Weed has completely
anted tide, and my head is now as dear
as a bell.”
BLACK WEED is sold by sll drug
gists at 51.00 a bottle, nr we will sond
prepaid upon receipt of price.
Send Your Name
• triM sample of tliis great remedy,
trhidi trill bo sent absolutely free, to
gether with our book containing vsluu-
ble information aud endorsements.
Fl««e mention tliia paper. Address,
Black Weed Medicine Co.,
Iltanla. Ga.
Bydale’a EUxir cores weak lungs. If
you think you have 11 bronchial affec
tion, or. if you fear yon liaro consump
tion, rely on Rydale’s Elixir. Tiiis
MtgH ditv-ovory kills the
■emu that anno chronic throat and
imw diseases and assists nature to re-
store these organs to health. „ Rydsle's
Eiirir is also a dertuiu cure for urate
throat and lung trouble, such as coughsi
l"Tjr etc. Bvdnlc's Kiixi
■W, etc. Rydale’s Elixir
_ fumily remedy for young or
r. Peacock,
For Over
Thirty Years
For $16.00, $10.00 and $50.00. Several hun
dred Discs to selnot from; also a good selection of
Musical Merchandise, Sheet Muslo lOo. up. A
No. 1 Guitar for $1.75. Mandolins $1.00 up.
Banjos $1.50 up, etc., can be found at
Tuttle’s Jewelry .Store.
Utotnssville. Georgia.
Hus opened * new Studio in the old Field’* Gallery, Broad 8t.,
where be Is prepared to rusks all kinds and slsm of
Photographs, especially of babies and childrens.
•The finest instruments; The best material; Beautiful cards;:
Careful lighting; Graceful posing.
: An expert Photographerjmd superior photographs, Como and see for;
Engines [Stand Supreme
For All Power Purooses.
SIMPLICITY Itself. Buy a
BLAKESLEE and keep your re-
llgloo. No prof.nlty necessary.
Statiooary, Portable, Pupi
You can see every movement., Nothing hidden or complicated about the
BLAKESLEE. Positively SAAK. Strictly high grade.
Write for our catalogue and prices
Birmingham, - - Ala.
Sheriff's Sale.
GEORGIA-Thomss C'dunty.
Will be sold before tbe court house
door itfc-ThomasviUc. Thomas Co., Ga
within rne F
legal hours of sale on the
first Tuesday in May, 1904, the following
described property to-wit: All that tract
or parcel of land situated, lying and be
ing in the city of Thomasville, Thomas*
Go., Ga., being part of Lot No. 40 in the
13th district of said countv commencing
on Stevens street at a point 150 feet N.
W. from Lester street and running north
westerly of said st.from said starting p-it t
the ditch;
30 feet.tbence south-westerly to the
'.hence along the ditch toward Lester
street 50 feet; thence north easterly to
starting point; levied on as the property
“ - — • ----- * by virtue
of Rosa K. Davis, under and
of a State and County tax fifa.' Levy
made and returned to me by H. J. Bla
lock, L. O. This March loth, ny»4-
Sheriff Thomas County, < »a.
Administrator’s Sale.
Byreirtuo of an order of the Honor^
able Court of Ordinary of Mid county I 1
will sell on the first Tuesday in Mav
1104 before th* court house door in sold
county, between legal hours of sale to
the highest bidder for cash, the follow
ing described property belonging to the
estate of William R.. Moore to-wit: A
certain city lot, in the city of Thomas-
ville, said State of Georgia, County of
Thomas, described in tbe surrey and
plott by E. S. Law aslot No. 10, being
on the corner of Bartow and South Sts.,
fronting 60 feet on Sonth St., and ran-
lot being forty five feet, tbe same
being a fractional part of subdivision
No. 8 of the 8. A. Smith estate sold by
John L. Finn to James F, Pompelly.
4 8-4. M. A. Fleetwood, Admr.
Application for Guardianship.
GEORGIA—Thomas county.
To sll whom’.it may concern:
W. T. Owens, I having applied for
guardianship of the persons and proper-
erty of Wm. G. Owens, Jus. B. throw,
Edwin P. Owens aud Lula Owens, mi
nor chil Iren of Muy L. Owens, loteof
"fotioo is given
raid county, deceased. Notloo
that said application will be heard at
my office at ten o'clock a. m. on the first
Monday in May next. This March 17,
1104. Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary.
Georgia—Thomas County.
To all whom It may concern:
Mrs. W. R. Moore having in proper
form, applied to me for letters of id
itlon on the estate of Joseph
Moore, late of said county deceased, to
ood of said coun-
Issue to M. A FUetw
ty, by her as next of kin nominated thi.
is to cite all and singular the creditors
and next of kin of lowph Moore to be
and app' nr at iny office within the time
allowed bv law, end show cause, if any
they can, why permanent administration
should not be granted to M A. Fleet-
wood on Josrph Moore's estate.
Witness my hand and official ligature
April i n.04.
494 Wm. M.Jones,Ordinary,
Application for Guardianship.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To all whom it may concern:
Mrs. Sarah W. Hayes having applied
for guardianship of the persons and
propeuy of Sailie R. Haves. Artie J.
Hayes, Hattie J. Hayes and Mary E.
Hayes, minor children of Robt. T. Hayes,
late of said county!, deceased, notice is
given that tfaid application will be heard
at my office at ten o'clock a. m. on the
first Monday in May 1004. This the 30th
day of March 1904.
Robb d The Grav
A startling incident, is narrated by
Jonn Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows:
"1 was in an awful condition. My skin
as almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue
ated, pain, continually in back and
sides, no appetite, growing weaker day
by day. Three physicians had given
me up. Then 1 was advised to use Elec
tric Ritters; to mv great jov the first
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued tfcctr use for three weeks, and
ant now a well man. 1 know they rob
bed the grave ot another victim.” No
rfntfihduld tail to try them. Only 5 ;
cents, guaranteed, at J. W. Peacock’s
drug store.
Good Spirits
Good BgiritB don’t all come from Ken
tucky . Their main source is the Uver—
and all the flue spirits ever made in the
Blue Grass State could uot remedy a
bad liver or the hundred aud-one ill ef
fects it produces. Yon can’t have good
pints aud a bad liver at the same time.
Yours liver must be in fine condition if
von would feel boayanr, happy aud
and hopeful, bright of eye, light of itep,
vigorous aud successful in your pur
suits. You can put your liver in flue
condition by using Green’s August
Flower- -the greatest of all medicines
for tlio liver and stomach aud a certain
cure for ^dyspepsia or indigestion.
. Jones, Ordinary,
Application for Guardianship.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
J: L. Baldy a resident of said state,
having duly applied to be .appointed
guardian of t he persona and property of
Emma, Mary and Com Zeigler, minors
under the ago of fourteen years, resi
dents in said county, notice is hereby
given that said application will be pass-
01 the
ed on at the next regular term
court of Ordinary for said county, to be
held on the first Monday in May 1081.
4-8-4. Wm. M. Jones, Ordinarv.
Our well selected stock of
South Georgia’s Up-to-date Jew
elry Store.
South Broad Street. Tltonimcyille
He had it set the old pay, tire taken
off and heated red hot, put on the rim
and burnt it; then when cold water was
poured an it to cool it, tbe boiling water
scalded the wood and ruined iu
strength; lire also was close fit and
heavy and was too hot so that it shrunk
too much thus mining the hub as well
ss tbe fellow, but bring jour tires to u»;
king them off the wheel. We do not
burn the wood nor min the hub; we use
no water but set your tire without heat
in ( minutes, and this setting is worth n
dosen done in the old way and much
cheaper Formers Shop on Stevens St.
Cow Hides
Fur, Beeswax, Etc.
- Office at Williams' Stable 228 We*
Jackson St., Thomasville, Ga.
To Nashville, Tenn., for the Annual
Southern baptist C invention and Aux
iliary Society, May 12-18.
Atlan.ic Coast Line announces rates
one fare plus twenty-five cents for the
round trip; tickets to be sold May ioth~
12th, 1 (,04, with return limit ten days
from date of sale See ticket agents for
full information.
HM Emerson, Traffic Manager. Wil
mington, N.C; W J Craig, General Pass
enger Agent, Wilmington, N. O; YV H
Leahy, Division Pass. Agen', Savannah.
Ga. dwtf
CHILL fr an
The onlv cash store and the biggest
BA riCi A IN store in Georgia, South of
YV’e arc expecting trade to be natural-
ull just afu
ly a little dull just after Easter, but
are rising to keep our store busy by of-,
fering the following
Special Prices.
Men’s brogans, some with outside half
sole, some inside half sole, single soles,
buckles, etc, good heavy .stock, and
worth fU.2fi anywhere in the world, but
we cut the price to pair 98c,
Elastic brogans, good fi.2; value.$1.18 5
One box assorted kinds, Ladies
Shoes worth up to #2, choice 50c.
Infants' Patent Leather Sandals i-5's 49c
Children's good leather Oxfords and
Sandals, sires 6-8's/. 49c.
Same Shoe, sizes. <>- r2-s 69c*
sizes 13-2’s 89c.
Ladies good leather ttrap Sandals.. 73c,
Guaranteed solid leather 81ipper.. 98c.
••Dixie Girl,” “best in the world” at
the price, six styles to choose from,
heel and spring heel, patent tip
or plain toe, Itiuchcr cut, Southern
Tie, etc., all guaranteed every
whit solid leather, and to wear
as long as any £2 $boc on the
market, ue rut the price to $1.49
Also have a solid leather low cut in
several styles, fully guaranteed,
but not finished quite so well as
the ‘'Dixie Girl," you’d pay 91.50
for this shoe anywhere else but
here,our bargain price
high grade low cuts, on all of
which we cut the price.
CANVASS SHOES-They are quite
popular. We have them in sever
al stvlej, you’ll find we slaughter
prices on them the same as other
come in black, tan and gray; wo
cut from the regular price of 500
to pair 43c.
Rubber Bottom Shoes, same colon,48c*
Fancy Trimmed. leather b**»*a> (
canvass Shoes and Oxford* for v
dies and men, ft.2^ anywhtRtb-it
here, at pair ...98c.
36 inch White Lawns 5c
27 inch Almeria Batiste Fancy Lawns,
pretty figures and polka dots, worth
8c yd now. but we bought early and
give >oa the advantage at yd 5c
10c LAYVNS, a varictv too numerous
to describe, worth all the way
up to i^c yd, we cut to yu 10c
GIRDLE CORSETS, all tbe new
models, Batiste Girdle, Tape Gir-
T kinc
die, Summer Girdlo, any kind of»
Girdle to gird the pretty‘girls-
Twoprices..' a3 and43c
Work Shirts. Big job, good values,
choice 35
Straw Hats, nicely fim«hed, heavy
straw double brim, tbe very hat j
you are looking for at $oc, you can
get here foi 39c
Glassware, Crockeryware, Etc.
Glass Tumblers, a limited quantity,
just a little, small but all right to
use at, set 10c
Fancy white Cups and Saucers, set.39c
Fancy white Q-inch Plates, ret 39«
Bowl and Pitcher, extra fancy pat-
t rn, would be considered a bar
gain at $1.25, we cut to 98c
■When they tell you our goods, are
! shoddy, call 4»m a liar, tell us, ana'we'U
' do your fightjng. rhe;
They just can’t stand
Heart-burn rvsulti^from an ucid or;
Unr condition of tho stomach. This
icidiry i* caused by indigestion. The
[food is only portly digested, the indiges
ted portion ferments, produces heart
burn Mid soar stomach. Rydale’s Stom
ach Tablet* speedily relievo thero condi
tions. They neutralize t lie acid and
food, res ton n g normal conditions. Uy-
dale's Stomach Tablet* CURE all
of f ronhh*. .T. W. I eaeuyk.
has beeu. a favorite household* remedy
for over thirty-five years. August
Flower will make yt nr liret* healthy
and active ami thus insure you a liberal
supply of “good spirits ” Trial size, $oc,
regular bottle*. Too. At all druggists.
“I have used Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets with most satisfactory
results," says Mrs. F. L. Phelps, Texas.
For indigestion, biliousness ami consti-
these tablets arc most excellent
Sold h\ J. W. Pear -»» . r’w
“I have been subject to sciatic rheu
matism for years, says E. H. Waldrow
of wilton Junction, Iowa. “My joints
were stiff and gave me much pain and
discomfort. My joints would crack when
1 -raightened up. I used Chamber
lain’s Pain Balm and have been thor
oughly cured. Have not had a pain or
ache from the old trouble for many
months. It is certainly a most wonder
ful liniment.” For sale byj. W. Pea
county: I would be glad to make you
prices on your Fertilizers. Cnn give
something good at reasonable prices.
O. M. Robinson & Go., next to Times-
A party of young people enjoyed a
straw ride to the home of Messrs. Mitch
ell and Frank Jones last night. Tlio
fish fry accompaniment added to their j Stark Corner,
& Co.