Newspaper Page Text
Is the Word
Clothing manufactories in the world.
All Well Made, Stylish and Durable in Men’s Suits.
10.50, 12.50, u
18.00 and 21.00.
PRICES IN YOUTHS’ SUITS-$5.M, 5.54, #.25'
7.00,7.59,8.09, 8.58, IN and 150.
3,00, 3.50,4.00,4.50, 5.00 and MO.
Juvenile-Two style, the Buster Brown and
Norfork, from’$2.50 to,$5.50.
.500 High Art Shirts to gojwhile they last for
$1.00 each
A. P. Spence of Camilla Is in the city.
. Mr, D. L. Bulloch was in. the cit, on
J. M, Sohsokelford of Mobile is risit.
lag relatives here.
B. A. Wheolcss of Pelham spent Son-
day and Monday in town.
J. O. Mardro, wife and chlld-of Macon
are guests of the Stuart.
R. B. Torroll, the Whlgham attorney
ia transacting legal business in town.
Mr. J. A. Pope of the Akridge neigh,
bnrhood was in town on Monday.
People to Albany.
week April, 88.
will be in Valdosta at that time.
Mrs. J. B. Scott left Monday morn,
ing to spend a week in Baltimore.
Miss Laura Barnes, who is now
Valdosta spent Sunday at home.
Mr. Zeke Alderman, Pavot's well
known resident, spent Tuesday in town.
B. O. Milligan, a well known Boston
merchant, visited Thomasvlllo Tuesday,
Tom Bottoms says the annual Tampa
excursion will be ran on May 33rd tills
Mr. A. Oonnallyof Ochlockonee shook
hands with his Thomasville' friends
I Mrs. Richmond of Manistee, who has
been at Oak Hill, left yesterday morn
ing for homo. ‘ i
A. M. Tyler-of Moultrie and J, D,
Wade of Colquitt were visitors to Thom-
asii'ie Monday.
7:15 a. m. and wUl be boarded here by
the local military oompany and a hoot
of their friends. ItwiUmake the ran
to Albany without stopping and will
reach tho Ohantanqna city at 8:00
m. The train will return after aU ( of
the amusement* of the day are over.
This will give Thomasville people a
quick and convenient Journey, and
ohanoe to view the crowning events of
the Ohantanqna at small expense.
The fare will be one fare pins fifty
cents for the round trip and the tloket
will admit holder to tho Chautauqua.
OrganisatlonK-of twenty or more will
tr&vel for one oent a mile.
Experience is a dear teacher, as those who pin their
faith to Mercury find out sooner or later. Thu power
ful poison combined with Potash, is the treatment gen-
.r .. . . -- * * ‘faflnra
erally prescribed for Contagions Bipod Poison, bnt 1
and disappointment is the invariable result. These min
erals drive in the sores and eruptions, and apparently the
disease ia gone and the patient believes the cure penna-.
sent, but soon learns better when the old symptoms 1
return almost as soon as the treatment is left ofi. Yon
must either keep the system saturated with mercury or endure the tortures
of sore mouth, ulcerated throat and the mortification that one natnrally
feds when the body is covered with disgusting sores, rashes, copper-colored
splotches and other aggravating symptoms of this vile disease.
Mercury and Potash are poor cratches, and their use eventually breaks
down the constitution, rains the digestion and cause the bones to decay.
S. S. 8., a guaranteed purely vegetable remedy, is the
only antidote for Contagions Blood Poison. It de
stroys every atom of the deadly virus, overconies the
bad effects of the mercury and cleanses the blood and
system so thoroughly that never after are any signs
of the disease seen. Nor is the taint ever transmitted to others.
We will send free oat book on Contagions Blood Poison, which is inter-
' citing and contains fnll directions for treating yourself at home. Medical
advice or any special information desired given without charge.
The Southern League base ball sea
son opens on Thursday.
Judge IUlman of Quitman says anger
cane ia the beet paying crop that the
farmer can raise.
The founder of the Fitzgerald colony
ia talking about trying aother one in
Valdosta ia to have two plants for the
extraction of spirits of turpentine from
lightwood knots, stamps etc. A new
manifestation of the Valdosfa spirit.
On Sunday, April 84, a formal appeal
Will be made in ail Methodist churches
in Geotgia in behalf of the Wesley Me
morial hospital, which it is proposed to
oitabiish in Atlanta.
Buys Branch Globe Store From M.
Mr. E. D. Mend.taiB of Thonmsville's
prominent^ inter Visitor*, left for his
homo in Indiana yesterday.
Mr. J. B. Klhvrll of Ochlockoneo and
one of the best men of his noighboik
hood was in town Monday. * *
J. M. Merritt, senior member of tbe
firm of MerritA Son of Cairo \Vis a
visitor to the city Monday.
deal of considerable moment on
Jackson street lias been consummated.
Mr. Ben Schoenig has purchased the
Branch Globe Store from M. Rosenborg,
and an exchange of signs has been made.
Mr. Schoenig came to Thomasville
six years ago from Savannah and enter
ed the employ of Sir. Rosenborg. Throe
years since Mr. Roseuberg made hint
manager of hisbrancli establishment and
now* he becomes tlie owner of it m his
Special Se
# FOR ae
This Week.
All i2>£c Colored Lawns
18c Colored Dimity
Our 50c Mercerized Madras
Our 45c Mercerized Piques. .’
25c Popeline Rayee
• ••< 21c
30c Cotton Voile
20c MercerizedJChambray
30c Embroidered Madras
All^our 25c Gingham
12 l-2c
6 pieces Scotch Suitings
/lot Figured Madras Suitings
1 lot PlainJWhite Madras
■ 15 l-2c
Positively no samples cut of these goods to city trade.
Louis Steyerman,
Comer Broad and Jackson Street, Thomasville, Georgia.
$5s?-This store closes at 6 o'clock.■*=g5$)r **
A London newspaper gives iijs tittle
item of American news. “If a white
man kills a negro in the town of Lake
Charles, La., he fit fined 50 cents. This
hai led to a good deal of grumbling
among the white inhabitants."
The Elks of the State have their eyes
on Cincinnatti, where the next national
convention of the order will be held in
Jnly, and an effort is on foot to carry
to the national gathering the largest
delegation of Georgia Elks that ever
left the State.
tneTallahasseansays: “We hear that
that one man has already began to chop
cotton. Mr. Bob Gweltney is the man
For Sheriff.
i hereby announce myself as a cqudi-iA
date for re-election to the office of sher-Wr,
iff of Thomas county, subject to the -■
action Ilf the Democratic primary. If
re-elected I will continue to give the
office mv personal attention and will
discliarse its duties to the test of my
ability. _ -
i T. .1. Hight.
For Sheriff.
I heaeby announce myself as a candi
date for Sheriff of Thomas county, sub
ject to the action of the Democratic pri
mary, and solicit the support of the vo
ters of the couni j. If elected I wiH
give my personal and undivided atten
tion to the duties of the office and wiH
discharge those duties to the best of my
ability. T T " **
J. J.Coitx, U
For Representatives
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for representative subject to the
action of the Democratic primary. If
re-elected I 1 pledge myself to a faithful
performonoe of all the duties of the offi
ce. My past record in the office is open
to inspection and relying upon this I
submit my claims to the voters of the
county and solicit their support.
John R. Singletary*
For Tbe Legislature.
1 hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the Legislature sub
ject to the Democratic primary. Hav
ing served the people te the very best of
my ability in the last legislature, I fe&
that 1 can confidentially and conacien-
tionsly solicit their support in the ap
proaching primary.
J. B. f
For Representative.
To the people of Thomas county:
Appreciating the past honors yon havaj
upon me I take this methoa
confirmed upon r
of announcing that I am a candidate fa
re-election to the House of Represent*-1
The Umonia correspondent to the tataedST^Tf’
my duties in the past as your represen
tative I have to tue best of my ability
worked for your interests and the in
terests of the whole people of Georgia,
and lias chopped twenty acre* Wel^ «
dacyis subject
have seen several fields of cotton that Democratic primary.
Fondren Mitchell.
has come np.
In Tampa, Fla., on May 4th. a con
veution will be held to secure an inter
change of ideas as to how the South
may derive the greatest posible advan
tage from the improved commercial con
ditions which sliall obtain when the
Panama canal shall be constructed.
Governor Terrell will name delegates
from Georgia.
Mr. Schoenig is a hustler and that ho
will succeed is a foregone conclusion.
Miss Ethel Ki-lley who has spout the
sptotcr with relatives in this city, line
returned to her homo in Atlanta.
■ W* G. Ferrell of Nc
fttlttt of his cousin, t;i
North Carolina is the
receiver John F.
Mn. W. E. Koato
Keaton Jr., of Pi ll,
in Thomaavi!l<.
t and Mrs. J. M.
w spent 'Tuesday
Mr. Addison Way, Jr., who is men
tioned as* probahY candidate for the
legislature was in town shakiug hands
Monday. He live* in Patten. H
Suicide Of Lucius Quinn.
News has reached tho city of the sui
cide of Mr. Lucius Quiun, which took
place Monday night iu Starko, Fla. Mr.
Quinn had relatives here aud was well
known in Thomafvillo, The tmforfcu-
nate occurrence will be learned of with
regret h^re.
A New ’Phone-
The Times*Enterprise has a fine now
’phono ,th«l makes everybody’s voice
Marriage in Oecatur.
At tho residence of Mrs. Isabella Brown
iu Decatur Ga, Tuesday night there
occurred a marriage of interest to Thom
usvillo people. Miss Bernice Chivers
wed to Mr. Buford Smith of Ten-
uillo. Miss Gertrude Brown was maid
of honor, woro white chiffon and lace
and carried ros-s. l}o:h Mrs Brown
ami Miss Brown have often visited rel
atives iu ThomasviHe aud ore well
known hero.
a»Of. Always h?t!abli\ ask T>nif*t«t fbt
fill ICIlKvr tilt* KNULIMI to Red and
. UolU metallic boxes, seated with blue ribbon,
sound sweet.. The number is still 18 j
CM ns up and tall ns tho news. ! S.-rail*;* 1 .? SmSR^JSf^SSP'JSSS:.
by return Mali. IQ.OOMTestimonials. Hold by
; tu Dnittikts.
M. Pope was hero from Akridge j c 'ichbster chemical co.
tiff '^kditon Sqiure,
Directions for Stoking Good Bread:
Use one leveled toaspoonful
Tho following new industrial enter
prises were organised last week in Geor-
Eastman—Cotton gin.
Senota—Oil mill.
Atlanta—$50,COO compauy to manu
facture railway rail joints.
Carrollton—Shirt and overall factory.
Dawson—$30,000 oil mill.
Lawrencevilie—Lath factory.
Abbeville—$10,000 shingle mill.
J. D. Heard a resident of Washington,
Ga, hasbeen writing of his travels to the
Gazette. He dismisses this town with
the brief statement that' “Thomasvillo
has seven large hotels and is a great
winter resort for northern tourists.’ 1
This is not so bad but hearken. to his
words abont Albany: “Albany is an
old town, founded In 1880. There are a
great many whiskey saloons and negro
esting houses there. They have many
fine artesian wells. We heard one man
say that Albany is a very wicked place,
and a perfect Sodom. There arc a
great many beantiful residences there,
It lias a now court house that cost forty
thousand dollars. We think it is the
most convenient building of the kind we
ever saw. It has a grand and imposing
Respectfully referred to Editor McIn
For Tax Collector.
I most respectfully announce myself
as a candidate for re-election to the of
fice of tax collector subject to the ac
tion of the Democratic primary. In
making this announcement I beg to ex
tend my thanks to the voters of Thomas
the past and to solicit a continuance c
their support. P 8. Hebth.
For Tax Receiver.
I hereby announco myself as a can
didate for re-election to the office of
Tax Receiver of Thomas county subject
to the action ol the Democratic primary.
If re-elected 1 will give the office the
same careful attention os in the past.
I solicit the support of the voters of the
John F. Howard.
For Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate BvC
iF tn tlm rttllrn sit Flnmtnla.
for re-election to the office of Commis-
m’Ksiou jr of Boards and Revenues of
Thomas county, subject to the action of
the Eeinocrutic primary, aud solict tin,
support of the voters.
J. D. Barrow.
For Ordinary.
Desiring first to thank my old com
rades, and friends generally, for their
four years gift of the office of ordinary,I
hereby announce myself as a candidate
for re-election, subject to tho »ho Demo
cratic primary, promising if elected, to
do my utmost to perform all the duties
Of the office faithfully ia future as I
have tried to do iu the pant.
This observation coming from the
Daily Tallahsssean in Judge Swarne’s
district is especially pertiucut. ‘‘Some
body asks if there is "any justice in pol
itics.” No, bnt there is often any
amount of politics in what is sometimes
called “justice.” ”
to a quart of tufted ,flour; add £
enough soifr milk to knead tho k\
dough. |
When sour milk is not used, £•
two parts of Cream of Tartar aud £
one of Success Soda are Vhe cor- 4!
rect proportions. fi
\ f 8
Best and Cheapest.
Miss Nell Bullard of Camilla was here
phiiLL, PA* Tuesday on her way to Whigham.
New York’s actiou has clinched -the
Democratic nomination for Parker.
With tho Empire State of the North
and the Empire State of tho South,
heading the procession, all other states
ought to fall iu behind.
The Hearst followers were turned
down in Ware county's mass meeting by
a vote of 58 to 18, aud Editor Greer fell
fighting fiercely for Saffron Bill.
For County Treasurer.
1 respectfully announce that I am a
candidate lot re-election as Treasurer of
Thomas county, subject the action of
the Democratic Primary. '
lam very thankful to the people for
the favors and confidence shown me in
the past, aud pledge, if elected, my
very best and most conscieutioua efforts
to give them fuithfnl, efficient, and sat
isfactory service.
I earnestly solicit yonr support and
friendly co-operation.
Gratefully aud faithfully yours,
For County Surveyor.
1 announce my cuudidttcy for re-elec-
tinn to t he office of coutiry surveyor of
Thomas county BUbjoot to the action of
the Democratic primary. If re-elected
I will continue to give the office my best
atteution. I solicit the support of the
voters. A. J. STAN ALAND
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for election to the office of Commis-
loner of Roads aud Revenues of Thomas
rouury, subject to the actiou of thb
democratic primary. ! solicit the sup
port of the voters of the county.
.M. D iledfearn.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
r re election to tho office of Commis
sioner of Roads and Revenue of Thomas
couutv, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary. I solicit the sup
port of the voters of the county.
• H. C. Copeland
For Coroner.
Bacon and Turner are variously men
tioned as vice presidential candidates.! x . . .. .
t 1 take this means of announcing for
Either suits ur. ’■e-election to the office of coroner of
— —- Thomas county subject to the action of
- . - . . : the primary. If elected I will give the
For County Commissioner. (duties of the office the same careful ut-
i tent ion that they iiave heretofore re-
' ceived at my hands. I appreciate the
Pport that my friends have always
I hereby announce myself a candidat
for re-election to the office of Commis w A44CMW> uo , c
si oner of Roads and Revenue of Thomas i given me and their manv kind e 1
mnnfr antinn nV .1. - • o , ■ , . *1'
si oner oi reoaos ana ne venue or -iJiomaw i given me and their many kind expres-
county, subject to the actiou of the j sions of satisfaction. Thanking all try
“-21 the *“I" j sppportere aud Uoiung for a renewal of
port of the voters of the conn tv.
the k sunport.
Chab. Gandy.