Newspaper Page Text
course every body l» for Capt..
Political foulp 1* ■Imoet "unknown”
Our people ore too bn»y »r elee
i not Interested inflate or nation
They will become nweke
l the county pot bepine tobdll, liow-
tor they hate aome prime favorite*
Mitchell, Sheriff Hipht
awl otlien.
hie race and (or Parker (or
S pneldeot.
Nearly onr entire population ia in at
tendance upon court aa witneaaea in tlie
Nelson-Miller case,
The new brick stores will soon be
ready (or oocnpaney. Dr. Crow will lit
Mm up a nice suite of rooms in the rear
'tff hla drug store in one o( tlie new build
Mrs. Evans is having the residence she
purchased of her son, 3. W. Evans, com
pleted. When finished if will be one ot
prettiest homes in town, and we under,
stand tlmt she and her two daughters,
Minos Mamie and Lottie, will then
make Goolidge their place of residence,
-instead ot Merrillville.
Ur. O. O. Tide has gone to Feraandi-
na, Fla., to accept a portion with tjie
■Southern Bell Telephone Oo. Mrs. Tate
and children are boarding with Mrs M?
A. Barrow.
Mr. A. W. Craig and family have
moved to Moody, Fla., wliere Mr. Craig
accepts a position with some lumber
Protect your, Ilfs and property. Sac
Bell,' he will do the rest”
Mr. H. Newsome’s many friends were
glad to see him In town Monday and
Tuesday. ,
Mr. B. Megalieee spent Wednesday in
la TbomasvUle on boafnejM.
. Crops are flno in this section, and the
fume's ire all bnsy. Gardens are also
good, and especially those of Mrs. T. O.
Smith, Mrs.' W. L. Daniel, Mrs. Deariso
and Mrs H. B Nesmith.
You are nevar aafa from fire. Get al
the. protection yew ean from Ineur-
anee. Bell’e Insurance Agency will
write you a policy Inlthe Aetna. ■
Dr. and %a. Crovatt have returned to
their home in Thomasville, aftitr spend
Ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. A. W
<Jr*lg. '
We would Jike to have some Parker
batioui up thigway.
T Insure your life and property through
Bell’e Ineuranee Agency. They repre*
cent only reliably compenlee.
' Dr*. Crow and Ward were called eaj-
ly Tuesday morning to dress the wounds
of two negroes at Morphy who were
shot about one o’clock. The shooting
la supposed to have been done by anoth
er negro whose discharge had been
brought about by these two men a few
days before. They were shot from a
window while asleep, receiving only
slight wounds in each man’s ahoylder.
.The perpetrator has not been appie-
Tlto Kind Ton Haro Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over SO yean, has borne the signature of
. and bos been made under bis per
sonal supervision slnco Its Infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you In tills.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and «Jnst-as-good'* are bod
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment,
Costoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narajtio
substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness, it cores Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It believes Teething Troubles, cares Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the
Stomach anil Dowds, giving healthy and natural sleep,
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
There wee no election held here Wed
nesday, Justice Smith was absent in at
tendance upon coart at Thomasville. -
Miss Hattie Allen of Murphy viaited
Mrs. G. W. Kennody last week.
Mr. J. L. Baldy made a bsslnesa trip
to ThomasvOlo Mouday, returning
Tuesday morning.
The Prices at Which Things Buy
and Sell-Corrected Weekly.
txx'.it. BUYtxo I’Ricfs. «'
TbomasvUle, Ga..—J^pril 91, 'C—
Eggs per do?,, 15 to 16c. Best butter
> 25c. Medium butter, 20c to —*o, Chicl-
ens, fries, 35 to 10c; liens 3l, to 40c.
* Bwcet potato.',, lio to «5c per bn. Fodder
per 10t> lbs, 50 to 00c. Country Imy,
per 100 lbs. 50e. to 75e: New Syrup,
SO to country liamt, 11 tol3o;
country to 10yjc.
ThomsevlU,.. On., April 15, 1904.—
Coffee, arbuckle* 15c. Green coffee, fair
’ ,10c. elioice 12 l-2e, White granulated
auger5 1 2eents,Brownsngar5 l-4c.Suc,
m-i-j eoda per lb, .V; crackers 10 to 20c. stick
canlv UV: K. rr.-eit,. ei 2f>c—5 gals Dfo.
Side meat per lb 10 o 12 l-2;Moil *5cper
. hn. Floor ; :r.t, 4<t.;5jwr bbl. Western
hams 15 to lTc. Lard. compound lCc.,
Leaf IS 1-2; lev, si .25 per lot) lbs. bran
11.35 per 100; . ,
■w too lbs. CO- tea teed hnlla 60c I or 100 ‘ion bud diswtses coup stiou. It ernes
'"Ukr. , 1 — „ . , lamt«*ess, stiffness, soreness of joint or
vMti t beaus $3.00 per bn. mnit ,| 0 braises, swellings, contusions
kOO iier bu. German Mil- and sprains FnU half pint bottles, 25
Field p«a?. 62.00 . {cents. J. W. Peacock
For $15.00, $20.<» and *80.00. Several hun
dred Discs to select from; also a good selection of
Musical Merchandise, Shoot Musio 10c. up. A
No: 1 Guitar for *0.75. Mandolins. $2.00 np.
Banjos $2.50 np, etc., ran he found at
Tuttle’s Jewelry .Store.
Thomasville. Georgia.
Engines Stand Supreme
For All Power Purooses.
SIMPLICITY Itself. Buy a
BLAKESLEE and keep your re
ligion. No profanity nrcesMry,
Stationary, Portable, Pipim
anfl CoaiBCtion Outs.
You can see every movement. Nothing hidden or complicated about the
BLAKESLEE. . Positively SAAE. Strictly high grade.
' Write for our catalogue and pricea
• Birmingham, - - Ala.
Has opened a now «todlo in tho old Field’s Gallery, Broad 8t„
where ho is ] rennred to make all kinds and sires of
Photogi i ph i, especially of babies and childrens.
gjThe finest instruments; The best material; Beautiful cards; 3
B Careful lighting; Gracefnl posing. 2
B a„ .spurt Photographer and superior photographs. Come and tec for S3
E yourselves. S'
R. bb d The Gihv
A startling incident, is narrated by;
Joan Oliver ol Philadelphia, as folio'' - ,: i
‘ 1 was in an awful condition. My skin
wan almost \c!low, cycisunkcn, tongue
coated, pain continually in back and
sides, no appetite, growing w eaker day
by day. Three physicians bad given
me up. Then I was advised to usedtc*
trie Hitters; to mv great joy the first
bottle made .a decided improvement. I
continued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well man. 1 know they rob
bed the grave ot another victim. ’ No
one should fail to try-them. Only 5*;
cents, guaranteed, at J* W. Peacock s
diug store.
Rub theKWOtleu. painful joint or mus
cle with Elliott’s Emulsified Oil Liui-
meut. Relief will come in a few min
utes and a permtfhenf cure result if its
use Is persisted lit- Elliott’s Emulsifkd
OU liniment is very penetrating and
. C otton Feed meal 41.4<I soothing- It quickly relieves iufiama-
Tax Receiver.
I will be At;
-Coolidgo, April, 2o.
Pavo. April, 26, a. w.
Patten, April, 26, \\ ni.
Boston, April, 27.
Glasgow, April, 28.
Metcalfe, April, 2D. v
Thomasville, April, 30.
Doncauville, May, 2.
Cniro, May, 3. '
Speuco, May, 4.
Meigs, May, 5.
Oeldockouee, May, 6. #
Piue Park, May 7, a. m.
I will have with me, hm provided by
law, a book for iieople to register their
lands on which hunting-la forbidden.
JcJjn K. Howard. T. B.T.O.
Application for Charter.
To the Honorable the Superior Court of
said County :
The petition of Charles 8. Hebard,
Daniel L. Hebard, Mary O. Hebard,
Mary E. Hebard, and Julia H. Mareden,
respectfully represents to the Court:
1st. That yoor petitioner, desire to be
incorporated and made a body politic for
a period of twenty years, with the privi
lege of renewal at the expiration of said
te rn, under the name of "Hebard Lum
ber Company,” and with a -capital of
Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, to be
divided in shares of One Hundred Dot-
lari each, and with the further privi
lege of increasing the amount of said
capital to Fire Hundred Thousand Dol
lar* whenever inch increase shall hare
been authorized by stockholders repre
senting Three-Fourths of said original
capital,voting at a stock holder', meeting
tone called for ths
2nd. Petitioners
the object of their Association is the ac
quisition of peenniary profit to them and
to their associates; ana the host Dee. to
bo carried cn, that of buying, selling,
leasing and holding timberand timbered
lands, in the counties of Camden, Chari
ton, Clinch, Echols, Glynn, Mclntosli
and Ware, and in inch other counties,
and at such other places in said State as
may be hereafter selected by them; and
the manufacture, purchase and sale of
sawed inmber; the ereotion and opera
tion of steam saw-mills, trai
kilns, lumber yards, and
structure, machinery and appliances as
may be nooeeoaty to the successful pros
ecution of said business; with the right
to nse and have a Corporate Seal, to
open Books of Subscription, to adopt
by-law*, elect officers, to plead and be
impleaded, and to have and eierdae
each other powers and privileges as are
incident to private boil ness corporations
a nder the laws of Georgia.
ird. Yoor petitioners farther show
that their trlncipal office will be located
sod kept in the city of Thomasville,
County of Thomas in said State; not
they desire authority to open branch
offioss for tlie transaction of the hash
neskof the corporation at such other
mints in avid State aa the stockholders
may hereafter see fit to establish.
4th. Yoor petitioners farther show,
that of the capital to be employed by
them in the proeecntion of said business,
more than Ten Percent has already
been subscribed and actually laid in;
and they desire the privilege of accept
ing payment of subscriptions to their
capital in timberand timbered-lands in
such proportion, and at snoh valuations
as may be fired and determined by the
stockholders voting at any meeting or
meetings that may be called and held
for that purpose.
5th. Petitioners further show, that
ills their pnrpcse fn good faith to enter
npott and proseente tho bnainew afore
said aa noon aa the powers herein prayed
for .ball have been conferred open them;
nud they as in duty bound wilt over
. Hammond & Hammond,
Attornoya for Petitioner.
True copy of the original no«4 of file
in this office.
J. W. Groover, Clerk.
Petition for Charter.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To the Honorable the Superior Court of
said county:
The petition of I f . A. Adam?. D. 1).
Pear or i\ R. H. Harwich and O. T
Beggs all of said state and, county re
spectfully shows:
First. That they desire for themselves,
their associates, successors tnd. assigns
to become incorporated under tne name
and style of M Pavn Telephone Com
pany," for the term of twenty year* with
the privilege of retiewal at the end of
that time.
Second. Capital stock to be five hun-
dred dollars, divldedgnto shares of Jen
dollars each,^petitioners 1 desireT”how
ever, the right to increase - said capital
stock to a sum not exceeding fifteen
hundred dollar*. The whole of said
capital stock has all been actually paid
Third. The object of said proposed
orporation is pecuniary profit and gain
to its slock stockholders. Petition
ers propose to establish a telephone
busintss for local and long distance
connection and purposes; they desire to
purchase such property real and person
al as may be necessary to establish and
operate such business; to build in the
n of Pavo and extend its lines else
where; to buy and lease instruments and
O’her equipments. Petitioners desire
the tight in borrow such nionev as may
be ncccssaiy and execute security there
fur, and such other authority as might bo
necessary to a proper conduct of the
proposed business.
Fourth The principal place and of
fice of business shall be in the town «*f
Pavo, Thomas county, Georgia.
Wherefore petitioners prny to be
i/»dc a body corporate under the name
tnd style . fore>atd, entitled to th»
rghts. privileges and imnibnitics and
subject to the liabilities fixed b/ law.
S. A. Roddenbcry..
Petitioners Attorney.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
1, J. W. Groover. Clerk SuperiorConrt
Thomas County, do hereby certify
the foregoing i a true nnd correct copy
of petition filed in myofiicc ‘hisday.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture. this April 19, 1904.
J. W. Groover,
4-20-4 C. S. G.
Application for Guardianship.
GEORGIA—Tbonuw county. , ,
To all whom it rony concern: *
W. T. Owens, having applied for
guardiunship of tlie persons aud proper*
erty of Wm G. Owens, Jas. B. Owens,
Edwin P. Owens and Lula Owens, mi
nor cliil Iren of Mary L. Owens, lat«* of
saiA eonuty, deceased. Notice is pi' cn
that tiid application will bo heard at
my office at ten o’clock a. m. ou the first
Monday in May next. Tbia March 17,
^1904. Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary.
Sheriff’s Sale.
GEORGIA—Thom »s County.
Will be sold before the court heusc
door in Thoms,Title, Thomas Go.. Ga.
withinthe legal hour, of sale on the
first Tnesday in May, 19C4, the following
described property to-wi»: All that tract
or parcel of land situated, lying and be
ing in tfic city of Thomasville, Thomas-
Co., Ga., being pan of Lot No. 40 in the
131b district of said county commencing
on Stevens street at a point 150 feet N.
W from Lester street and running north
westerly of said st.from said starting point
50 feet whence south-westerly to the ditch;
thence along the ditch toward Lester
street 50 feet; thence north easterly to
starting point; levied on as the property
of Rosa R. Davis, under and by virtue
of a State and County tax fifa. Levy
made and returned to me by H. J. Bla
lock. L. O. This March loth, 1904.
Sheriff Thomas County, Ga.
Administrator’s Sale.
GEORGIA -Thomas County.
rfy virtue of an order of the Honor
able Court of Ordinary of said county I
will tell on the first Tuesday In May
1904 before the court house door In sold
county, between legal hoars of sale to
the highest bidder for oaab, the follow
ing described property belonging to tho
estate of William B. Moore to-wit: A
oertain oily lot. in the city of Thomas
v ills, laid State of Georgia, County of
Thomas, described in the survey and
piatt by E. S. Law as lot No. 10, being
on the corner of Bartow and South Sts.,
fronting 50 feet on South St., and tun
ning book easterly one hnndred and fif
ty four and three ooe hundredths (164 -8
100) feet on Bartow itreet, the rear of
said lot being forty five feet, tbeaame
bring a fractional part of subdivision
NO of the 8. A. Smith estateaoldby
John L. Finn to James F. Pompolly.
4 8-4. M. A. Fleetwood, Admr.
Application for Guardianship.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To nil whom it may concern:, r\.
Mrs. Sarah W. Hayes having applied
for guardianship of the persons and
propelty of Sailie R. Ha>es, Artie J.
Hayes. Hattie J. Hayes and Mary E
Hayes,minor children of Robt.T. Hayes,
late of said county, deceased, notice is
given that said application will be he rd
at my office at ten o'clock a. in. on the
first Monday in May 1904. Thi*» the 30th
dav of March 1904.
4-8-4 Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Notice Ik liercby given to all creditors
of the estate of Fannie M. Groover, late
of rhoinuft county, deceased to render
iu an account of their demands to me
within the time pre* ribed by law,
properly unmlo oat. Aud all persons in
debted to said deceased ore hereby
requested to make Immediate payraeut
to the undersigned, This 13th day of
April 100.4
4-16 6 James M. Rubhin,
Administrator Fianris M. Groover
Application for Guardianship.
GEORGIA—'Thomas County. A
J. L. Baldy a resident of said state,
having duly applied to he ’
guardian of <im pereon. and property of
Emma, Mary and Cora Zelgler, minors
under the age of fourteen yean, reel-
dents in aald county, notice is hereby
„ d application will be mus
ed on at the next regular term of the
opart of Ordinar^ for aaid county,Jo be
Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary.
Georgia —Thomas County. ,
To all whom it tn»y concern. y'
Mrs. W. K. Moore having in proper
form, applied to me lor letters of ad
ministration on the estate of Joseph
Moore, late nf add county Deceased, to
issue to M. A FI etwood of said coun
ty, by her us next of kin nominated thl..
is to cite all and •ingutarthe creditors
and next of kin of Joseph Moore to be
and appear at my office within the lime
allowed by law, and show cause, if any
they can, why-permanent administration
should not be granted to M A. Fleet-
wood on Joseph Moore’s estate.
Witness my hand and official sigature
April I u-.|.
4 0-4 Wm. M. Jones.Ordinary.
Petition for Discharge
GEORGIA—Thomas County:
M. A. Fleetwood, administrator upon
c estate of I.eon Sauls. t.*\tr of gairt
county, dn0.1.'*co, having filed hi> pe
tition for discharge, this is to cite nil
persons concerned to show cause against
the granting of this discharge,* at the
regular term of the court of Ordinarv for
said county to be held on the first Mon
day in April 1904.
VVm. M. JONES, Ordinary.
Applicatioa for .Support.
GEORGI \—Thomas County:
Mrs. C. A. Alcorn, having made ajv
plication for twelve mouts tropport out
nf tho estate of W. M Alcorn, and ap
praisers duly appointed to set apart the
same, having tiled their return. All
persons concerned are hereby reqnired
to show cau-e before the conrt of Ordi
nary of «»id county, on the first Monday
in Jnne. ItMM, why said application
should not be granted
Tliit* 18th day of April 1964.
4-16-4 W. M. Jones,
River and Northeastern
Railroad Co.
Simpson’s indigo blue cali
coes, and otter high grade
brands. We recently bought
several cases of an auction
purchase, and as long as it
fasts, offer it at less than pres
ent wholesale cost,
Yd. 5cts.
All new, clean goods.
.Men'* brogans, tome with outside half
sole, some inside half sole, single solas,
buckles, etc, good heavy stock, and
worth $1.25 anywhere in the world, but
we cut the price to pair 98c.
Elastic Brogans, good $1.2; value.$■.!&
One box assorted kinds, Ladies
Shoes worth up to $2, choice....50c.
Infants’ Patent Leather Sandals i-5's 49c
Children's good leather Ox fords and
Sandals, rizes 6-8’s 49c.
Same Shoe, sizes. 9-12*8 " 69c.
i.T3’s 89c.
Ladies good leather 1 trap Sandals. .75c,
Guaranteed solid leather Slipper... 98c.
"Dixie Girl," "best in the world" at
the price, six styles to choose from,
heel and spring heel, patent tip
or plain toe, blucher cut. Southern
Tic, etc., all guaranteed everr j
whit solid leather, and to wear f
ns lonif as any $2 shoe on the (
market, we «*ut the price to $1.49 l
ALo h ive a solid leather low cut in (
se\crai styles, fully guaranteed,
but not finished quite so well as
the "pixie Girl." you’d pay at.50_ I
for this shoe anywhere else but f
here, our bargain price 77$l.J3
hieh grade low cuts, on all of %
which we cut the price.
CAN VASSSHUES--They are quite
popuUr. We have them in sever
al stifei, you’ll find we slaughter
prices on them the same as other
goods. *
come in black, tan and gray; wo
cut from the regular price of 50c
to pair
Rubber Bottom Shoes, same colors.48c*
Faqcy Trimmed, leather
canvass Shoes and Oxford for \-
dies and men, $1.2; anywl. xtbit
here, at pair \.gfc.
36 inch White Lawns
27 inch Almeria Batiste Fancy Lawns,
pretty figures and polka dots, worth
8c yd now, but wc bought early and
give you the advantage at yd 5c
toe LAWNS, a variety too numerous /•
to describe, worth all the way \
up to isc yd, we cut toy a 10c
GIRDLE CORSETS, al) the new i
models, Batiste Girdle, Tape Gir
dle, Summer Girdle, any kind of a f
Girdle to gird the pretty girls. £
Two prices 33 «nd4ic
v tmi-hed. heavy
straw aoublc brim, tnc very hat
you are looking for at 50c, you can
get here fo.
Glassware, Crockery ware, Etc.
Effective April C, 1904.
Daily except Sunday.
Leave Pelham . 10:30 a m
Arrive Ticknor !.. 12:30 p m
Leave Ticknor 2:00 p m
Arrive Pelham 4:10pm
D. M. Rogers, Cen’1 Supt.
Glass Tumblers, a limited quantity,
ju?t a little, small but all rij,'ht to
use at, set 10c
Fancy white Cup-* and Saucers, set .39c
Fancy white 9-inch Plates, set 39c
Bowl and Pitcher, extra fancy pat-
t ra, would be considered a bar
gain at $1.25. wc cut to 98c
When they tell you our goods are
shoddy, call ’em i» liar, tell us, a no we’ll
do your fighting. They just can’t stand
A. F.
& Co.
Stark Corner,