Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, April 22, 1904, Image 2
Just nt present oar ptotforihl* (.lined in the word* "Delegate John Triplett.” The Macon New* contribute* to the slogan symposium "Set (Together and Keep Awake.” Tlwj-JsayJJodgoJParker hae 2 rod hair, andjthat’e another thing that makee hit atlenoe seem etrango. The Alabama oandldatea are aetttng good example to the world hr accepting ■defeat graoefolly. The man who know* it all will soon ggwiteh from prescribing coogli remedies o mosquito pretentires. If William J. Bryan should drop ont of public view no one would say that he had token a drop too much. An appreciative subscriber says “Pori ■ Arthur had as soon go without its daily bombardments* 1 without'your paper.' The Pclli*in Journal say* It wants no genial chair warmers in the House of Representatives. It is rather dillionlt to be {ixrsslmtetio when the roses are in bloom So we don’t try. But your grouch away -with your winter clothes and be sunny in the spring time. Jim Novin of the Rome Tribune is getting np n King Ned Club. Of eonrse his princl|>al plank will "Kentucky' booaeflghtiug.” The shining ebony countenance of the professional scurslou goer will soon peer from the windows of the crowded aellway coaches. . ......... The Baiubridge Democrat throng) typographical error refers to "dele gates" us “dolegnses." Foxy printer. Borne delegates do gas loo much. April illowers bring May florists’ bills. —Atlanta Journal. Except in South Georgia. Hore’tliero are enough for evotyone. rtie stomach Is mightier than the mind. That's why everyone prefers flah ud ooro bread at a flail fry to nil even ing with Browning. Aknan naniod Iloruhlower is rupport log Jddg» Parker for president. He aaems t^o liave several kinfolks In each of' the Parker dubs to Atlanta. _^Bolts,^J'boomi" and other war like words are common in'the]Hearat oamp. They will’alto loam to know a term apeUedi"nDeonditional snrrendor.” JimVciikins a negro who has jnat been hanged at Moultrie warns hfs race agalnat carrying guns and pistols. Good advice and shnnld be followed. TOddy'S Uncle Robert says "the days ef Jeffersonian simplicity have gone forever.” Oh no, Unk, your nephew won't always be to the chair. “What is a dollar good for?” asks Wil liam J. Bryan. 0,900 people thiuk it is goodjtogi't the Weekly Times-Ruter- priae. Jndge Russell's friends say that he is sow man. . We heard a man "say he considered Tom 'Johnson JJn remote possibility. “Remote" is good. Dr. H. F. Harris secretary of .the state Board of Health>ajs there is less small pox ic Georgia now tlinn there has been been for many months. This will 2bo glad newa for crery one. | William R Hearst is carrying a half page advertisement of Ids candidacy in Barker is adrortisod by ;his 'quarreling friends. The folks that are flxol for Hearst in the Sooond district may got nuftsed by the duw ‘people next ;time. Politi* t eians ought to remember that there is always a next time. William Shakespeare’s contributions to oam.ia'gu literatureJJlias beenjdiaoov- ared to be "Naw’is :;the Iwioterllof onr discontent'made 'glorious j snmmer by yiiis son of.York?* ~B at lie did not state Whether he raferredJ,to — Parker, 2 Hearst or BooeereTt. BY CONTRAST. Tlie Ueseings of any particular situa tion seem brighter by contrast with oth or oonditions ten fortunate. This is but natural, and there is no objection to such a spirit unless it is carried to an extreme and the Pharisaical attitude whioh exclaims, "Thank God, I am not a i this other man,” is aammed. Jut at this season of the year when the mocking bird makes moonlight mel ody, when the roses bloom and the son stoats and the beauties of nature in spire the n^et prosaic /heart to poor forth poetic platitudes; it is a Joy to be a'lve, and a Joyous f Joy to lire in Booth Georgia. Once haring Ured here it s isms that no one is ever | quite satisfied a lywhero else, and well may this be true, for no where else are fonnd so many things that go to make existence a thing of pleasure rather than a a dre- ry round of monotony. In addition to snperb climate and rare nstnral advantages, the coltnre, kind hearts, nod genial temperaments of the peophvmake it truly a latter day Eden. There is a danger in all this, however. We may be too well satisfied with onr situation. Contentment atombers through life, and happiness goes wide eyed to grasp tlie duel ing opportunity of mere. The smirk ol self-satisfaction J ingles like out a sweet bell ont of tone, when viewed tun often. The Lethean draughts of easy living and tlie lotus buds of a happy-go-lucky mode of exit- tenoe, are pleasant bat dangerous. * Without introducing the snake of blighting materialism, Into the Para dise of this region, without call tog down the flaming sword of grasping greed, it is possible, it is right that wo should be alert, alive, and active for every ad vancement of onr city and section. Tlie siren song of flowery ease tolls into Oes- uctnde toe many bright aud energetic plans. God lias done much for this sec- lion, let it not be said tliat man Ims dine little. The langoarons lassitude of the sum mer season should be commanded to re nt tin to the book ground, and every en ergy of every eltlxen should be bent to- ward progress daring the months that are to come. Diversiflod industries, paved streets, bolter roods, health regu lations Instead of the howling Mice that now masquerades uuder that guise, more tourists, latter advertising, good railroad schedules. These few words are ont of place to a seraphic symphony nf heavenly liarmouy, bat they have a groat deal to do with the hspptoosa anil prosperity of ovory day life. They rep resent pounds of endeavor bnt the effort will bo rewarded by tons of success. The question is will we have the en deavor? ENTERPRISE ECHOES. H>e Worshippers. (From The Hswklastllle News-Dispatch) Events of tho year prove that Glover Cleveland lias the power of attaching his followers to htori with a devotion amounting almost to idolatry —Thom- asviile Times-Enterprise. That is a fact, and if he only had enough of them there is do doubt -bnt what he would be the next nominee for president, for many would never con sent to the election of anybody else. In fact, they don’t seem to think that any other man Is big enough and smart enough to be president. A Good Nota- iFrotn the Home Tilbuue.) The Thomasville Times-Enterprise is getting np a political barbocne. Those Nprtb Georgia boys know a thing or two. If Editors McCartney and Hardy are allowed to run things down there, the next we hear they will he getting up singing conventions. And right there that Booth Georgia governorship trick will be turned. It's looking more like Parker every <Uy. The Angueta Chronicle to reply,to onr lament that Roosevelt (a coming to Georgia uext year, aronchee the com forting answer, “8ufflciont onto the day-" - Glrlolog/ (Prim, tl-.e Home Tribune.” The Atlanta girl is at her best only to the spring, says John Temple Graves. The Savannah girl is at her best all the time.— Savannah Press. We know them both, and the Thorn- asvlle girl is a little better than the beet.—Thomaeville Times-Enterprise. Aw. pshaw if yon fellows are really looking for the superlative supreme qnalityof female lovliness and sweet ness, come no hero and see onr Rome girts. Married Women Every woman covet* • shapely, pretty figure, and many of thorn deplore the lost of their girlish forms after marriage. The bearing of children U often destructive to the mother’s shapeliness. All of this can be avoided, however, by the me of Mother's Friend before baby comes, as this great liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and preserves the symmetryof her form. Mother’s Friend overcomes all trie danger ef child-birth, end carries tbs expectant mother safely throegh this critical period without pain. It i* woman’s greatest blessing. Thousands gratefully tell #f tho benefit and relief derived from tne aae of, this wonderful _ E&sHk Mother s bookstefiiag aU about this liniment, will be tent free. Hi BnAU knhta Ca, Atiuti, Ot Friend The boy or girl with a Brownie Has the joliiest vacation,, Ever tried making pictures from start to finish? It’s fun with the right material. Let us show you! BROWNIE CAMERAS, $i and $2. Brownie Developing Machine, $2.00. TAYLOR STEAM ENGINES COMPLETE GINNING OUTFITS GRIST MILLS MILL SUPPLIES TAYLOH SAW MILLS 1 10 Copies of Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage’l “Travels in the Holy Land” —Will be— GIVEN AWAY Newly Equipped Boiler Works Machine Shops and Foundry Wooo n Wtr0 Ponem, firm Proof Roofing, Spray Pumpo, Momoro, Mmkoo, Jopmrmtoro, Ws wifi Kate MoToor Mart* la Fi«art wttk Ua. Like to Mont'or (Krum ih«M«nl*oiiK*ry AdverlUcr.) • Tlie Tlioma*|llloTinie*-Kntcn>risc in timates that tho Hearst barrel may turn out to be a beer barrel when tlie hot weather comes. Very likely, for there’s lots of gas to s beer barrel. MALIARY BROS. MACHINERY CO. M MACON. C*. , A Swell Affair. (From the .Montgomery Advcrtl Greatest Discovery of the Age,' •‘Secret oi Health.** A fruit and vegetable compound for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation; Biliousness, Sour Stomach. Heart Burn, and all diseases arising from a disordered stomach or torpid liver. A great appetizer and flesh producer. Nothing better as a spring tonic. —Price, 50 cts. ancf fr.oo ptr bottle.— For wale by all first-elan* dealer* *—-nt prrbaid, in lots of 3 large bottles or 5 small ones, on receipt of price. Wholesale rates on application. Reliable agents wanted in every town in the Unit* d States. In the Times-Enterprise “Dot” Contest, Tliese books art* bu exhibition now at oar store. They are splendid works, which sell for $2.75 each and will be an ornament to any home. J. E. Robison & Co's. Book Store, Broad Street. • ThomanvUle, Ga The editor of the Times-Enterprise iMathews Medicine Co., mnst be hungry. He wants 1 barbecue. Wo can stomach swelling in feast. political dw Americus, Ga. Qjslnt, Queer sod Curious Silt Lake City. The late Col. John Cockerell in The Cosmopolitan said “There are three uni que cities in America, and one of these is Salt Lake City.” It is not only *jni- que in its temple, tabernacle and other Mormon church institutions, but quaint % in appearance, with its wide streets, im mense blocks and martial rows of shade trees. It has, perhaps, more attractions to the square yard than any city in the country, and its climate, while temper ate all the year round, is particularly delightful in snmmer. The Great Sak Lake, with Us magnificent Saltair resort, where the water is “deader and denser** j than that in the Dead Sea in Palestine is an attraction in itself that people j come miles to see. There are many cool mountain and lake resorts near by. » : also numerous very pretty canon and | park drives, and hot sulphur springt- j Fishing and hunting can be had in every i direction. The trip from Denver to • Salt Lake City and Ogden, via the Den- ! »r & Rio Grande and the Rio Grande 1 " cstern, is one or unsurpassed plems- • urc Here nature is found in her stern- | est mood and the whole line is a sue- end oftho car?” are 00 tho Hearst band wagon. either extremity. trees?” These are tlie words of a pub- {prise man yesterday. Little Tommy Hardwick lias announ ced with an air of finality that Hon. H.! Two car loads of minerals, will be the next member of the National Democratic committee from Georgia. We shall noon hare a chance to see what sort of a political prophet little Tomlet SOFTCORE I.ike tlie running brook, the red blood that flows through the veins has to come from somewhere. The springs of red blood arc found in the soft core of'the hones called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy hone marrow and healthy spleen re full of fat. Scott’s Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the hone marrow and the spleen with tlie richest of all fats, the pure od liver oil. For pale school girls and invalids and. for all whose blood is thin and pale, Scott’s Emulsion is a pleasant and rich blood food. It not only feeds the blood-making organs but ives them strength to do ieir proper work. Send foi free sample. SCOTl & lluWNE, Chemists. Ptarl Mrret, New York, jov. and fioo; all druggists. -- Tlie Best Cow Fo d to bei cut Had. u. Cost less and is ihe g-.eate-tj milk and butter producer; on the market. Ml. Put up by the Ralston Pu rina Co. Come down and let us talk to you. We have just rec> ived a car of Woold- bridge Jellico . The Thomasville Ice Company •PHONE NUMBER O. Dealers in Ice, Soda Water, Wood, Coal, Hay and Grain. i for tho Georgia building luu been for warded. The Atlanta Constitution sayn ‘ it in by no means impossible that John M. Slaton of Fulton may have an unoppos ed race for speaker of the house.” But oil! how improbable. Remcmlior Mitchell of Thomas. The Douglas Breeze truthfully ob serves that the cane crop of Thomas county is said to surpass any ever growu there, and an attempt will be made by tho farmers to raise a larger cotton crop than ever. The ice men of South Georgia were recently banquet ted nt Waycross. This is one ease where wo would have liked j to be tlie ice man. and picturesque valleys. No European scenery. During the entire summer there will be low excursion rates to Salt Lake City and contiguous country. It is on the road to ihe Pacific coast, if that be your destination. Write S. K. Hooper, G. P. & T. A., Denver, Colo., for beautifully illustrated pamphlets, etc 8-1-03-1 linos. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find good prescription. ■ For mankind. The 5-ccnt packet is enough for usual occasions. The family bottle [GOoto.] contains a supply for a year. All drug gists sell them. 5-9 HEALTH AND VITALITY Upturn which lead* to Con no mpt lon^M n c? Uam uTt >\** ^hu’i « ----- —id m *■ — ■--- ' all til wane* of either *nch it* Nervous Proetra* tkm. Mental Worry, ex- ceMiveuaeof Tobacco or guaraure to or refund the money. Hold at 11.00 per box. tt buxea for l&l DK MOTTSOHEMIOAL CO..»Olev«iund. Ohio. Honest confession may bo good for j the soul, but it won’t bo popular this j week while the grand jury is in session, i This is spring, and that tiled feeling is apt to attack merchant*. Printer’s Ink is the only sure cure. “Spring Fever" calls for a Tonic. Don’t drag yourself through long, weary days aunoyod by that “used up” feeling. You need a Tonic; your blood is in bad condition. Thomasville’s building boom is far more substantial than any of the presi- dential affairs. OUR TONICS have done wonders for others and are to help you. S. II. PRICK CO. Our candidate for President is Mr. X. O. Minee. Sole Agent Jacob* Candies It is Up To You. Caution. This is not a gentle won!—but when yon think how liable you are not to mown and a remedy that has had large** sale of any medicine in tfi© world since* 1868 for the cure and treat ment of Consumption and Throat Lung troubles without losing its great popularity all these years, yon thankful we called yonr attention Boschee’s German Syrup. There are so many ordinary cough remedies made by druggists and others that are cheap and arnggists ana others that are cheap and good for light colds perhaps, bnt for a*- vere Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup—and especially for Consumption, where there is difficult expectoration and coughing daring the nights and mom- : iugs, there is nothing like German Syr- ’ np. The 25 cent size has Just been in tro dneed this year. At S. H. Price C 1 1 as surprised to find so many odds and ends of staple dinner ware patterns on my shelf, I don’t want thorn there, do you want them, if you do you can have them. Just come down and get them. What about the price you say; well I will sell them for so little I would hate to publish the price. THE GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD. Doa t you know what it is, well 1 will tell jou, it is tho little house wife that has one—the Wheeler & Wilson or New Home Sewing Machines. All sunshine and hap piness where C. B. Quinn seads a & VV. or New Home C- B. QUINN. 5-9-d&w Makes A Clean Sweep. There’s nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Cf all the salves you ever heard of, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve is the best. It sweeps away and cares Barns, " es, Braises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers, skin iptionsand Piles. It's only 25c and gnaranted to Rive satisfaction by J. W. Peacock Druggist. NOW IS THE TIME. 12 inch Cane Mill, 14 inch Cane Mill, 16 inch Cane Mill, 18 inch Cano Mill, $14 00 18 90 24 50 29 4 We can furnish % tne above in iron frames at a small cost. It will pay you to call on us before you buy. THOMASVILLE IRON WORKS Works near A. C. L. R. R. Depot. P. O. 102; Telephones 134 and210. Nothing Equal to Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy lor Bowel Com plaints in Children. "We have used Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in our family far voir.- " ^ — t family for years," says J. B. Cooke, Nederlands. I\*xas . "We have given it to all of our child rcn. We have used oth er medicines for the same purpose, but never found anything to equal Qiamber- Iatn s. If you will use it as directed it will always cure. For sale by J. W. Pea- C° ck - dw