Newspaper Page Text
South Georgia Progress.
Published every Friday by the
Times-Entcrprise Publishing Co.
'Wilson M. Hardy. President.
John D. McCartney, aao. A treat.
At the Tlme-Knterpriae Building.
ThotnasvUle, Ga.
Bntered at the poatoffloe at Thomae-
«riHe, Ga., at aeoond elate mail
Weekly, One Tear 11.00
- Six Month* 50
»* Three Month* 15
Dally, One Tear «6.00
*• Six Month* «.6o
~ Tim* Month* 1.J5
•• One Mouth 50
Victim of Ochiocknae Sheeting Be-
. covering. Other Items.
Official Paper of Thomas County
Guaranteed Circulation 3.3J0.
>Hoch der Parker!
Pot the lazy germ, iu oleohul during
the tumtner month*.
Die men who are iu seemed to unit
Thoma* county.
The comity Mood by the Hon. Joe Hid
ta gnat shape. '
Governor Doe* ought to be hi* brevet
title a* he polled 88 vote*.
TUebattleofballot* wa* aiugnlarly
gieacetnl in Tlionia* county.
Judge Parker'* uominatiou aeeiUH as
aura to come *« the July convention.
Yon never heard c( a hoy who want*
ho be a deutlet or aee a dentiat.
„ Tife know our work In behalf of Par-
Wvr would tiring result*. Look at New
^Cliore are IKS duys iu tho War ami
Wliommnillo ia a good place to apemi all
Of them.
It ha* developed that there were no
wlfneme* to tlte ihootlng *crmpe Monday
a* at flrat reiorted. The victim ia here
iu town and aeema to be gutting along
fairly weU. Dr. J. P. Carreker of this
place draaaed the wounded man'* limbs
and he mi then placed In a houae here
Dr. J. B. Palmer, of Augusta, Ga.,
ha* recently located In oar town and la
now ready to answer any and all call*.
He oomee to us with "gilt edge” recom
mendation*. He hold* a letter from the
Mayor of Augusta, and also from Dr. H.
Clay Foster, formerly of this place that
should win for him a place in the homes
of our people. He lied five or six calls
Mouday to begin with. He seems to be
quite a young man, ha* a wife and one
child. It will be no longer necessary to
call physicians from other towns ns Drs.
Carreker and Palmer are hero and are
well prepared to take cam of ihc public.
Dr. J. B, Oarniker returned Mouday
from Tifton, where he has been for snv-'
oral days on business, I suppose.
Messrs. D. B. and J. II. Anderson and
families spent Toesda.v on the river,
gnesteof the "flatly tribe," where they
were treated royally
Mrs. Mary Hunt, of Tifiou, has been
spending some time will: her sister, Mrs.
J. A. Bulloch of ibis place. She return
ed home Sunday.
Mile Olivia Liudsay is visiting at Piue
Park this week. She left hero last Wed
nesday and will retnrn perhaps the latter
part of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Stone, of Thomas-
vllle, were tn town i'aosday. It seems
they had is eu out driving and in their
drive accidentally come n|*n a I a rye
coop of young hens
The soul and other internal organs
uai deriving sweet satisfaction from
Month Uoorgia moonlight and fish fry*.
'MVe’alackberry and the wiitormelon
will soon make life ia Snath Georgia an
trrideseett dreaui of Joy.
What la Going on In the Thriving
Town of Boston.
She Russians are doubtless ready to
rngard General Hhcriuau'a remark about
war as a prophecy.
The'Wlte northerners who are still in
Thotnaarlllevtre enjoying tho prettiest
Mart Of tbe year.
Fifty-three Thomas county voters re-
fused to vote for Governor .Too _ What
Mm he done?
And William Hearst wouldn't liave
an as well as Roseell did If Id* name
md breu on the ballots.
Ten men deserted Commissioner Obe
' yesterday la Thomas county's primary,
l it was on account of Hearst.
AxaUrcad president says marring*
lead work are the two greatest things in
■ha world. GonfldentlaUy, wo wish we
•ml a little more of the former and a
i of tlte latter iu ours.
'the people of the second congression
al dhtvtet want Oapt. John Triplett to
mgseasut them at the 8t. isiuis eonven-
Bsl an,I if lie it defeated l>j |x>Iiti<-al
xaathhialkuis thrro will be a reckoning.
Tin energetic citizen* of Qnitmnu
an itnnning etv*t tilings for tlieir town.
vri«li to extend tlte Booth CKnwgia
nMnil from Adel to a point on the
Mil feetwvcn Sparks and Nashville.
Naahvilfo there i# a road rnnniug
m IWatoo, a point on the A. C. L. be-
Mwoen .Brouswick and Albany. Tlu*
Douglas people propose to build from
ItfUtouto Douglas. This would give
^oilman rownivtiou to Douglas. From
Dougin* to North Augusta there
Sa » chain of railroad* with occasional
Imaaks, and by building fifty or sixty
mOm of road, connection would be
aaade From Quitman to Augusta, a dis
tance of nearly two hundred uud fifty
T«fiW doch a plan carried out would
aaeau much for this section.
For Infants and Children.
|Dta KM Yoa Hm Always Bought
Messrs. T. O Beverly and W. S. Bnl
loch are very bnsy intending court iu
Tlioniasville, this week.
Mr. E. R. Singletary, of Meigs, was
in town Tuesday eiirnule lo Thomas-
rille, wliero he will transact important
Dr. J. B. Palmer made a business trip
to Tliomasvllle Tuesday.
the shirt, so <
louts STKYXXUAN .. .
Vll,Ut anon CO., sad other .tore*.
Msde and Guaranteed by
Ool. J. W. Dillon of TbomasriUe waa
a visitor toThomasvlUe last Wednes
day week.
W. T. Nesbit of Lew^enoerille Ga.,
who is repreeenting theDnnn Machinery
Company of Atlanta was here last week
tn interest of his house.
Col. W. H. Hammond of Thotnaa-
viUe was here leet Thursday week at
tending to legal burineai.
Mr. Isluun Dole of Starke, Fla., ia vis
iting his brother, A. B. Cole at home
corner of Stephens and Adams streets.
Judge M. Bdum of Quitman waa here
last Thursday week attending Justice
Sheriff Higlit waa here last Friday
looking after legal business.
Mr. W. 0. GrifHn of Decatur county
Ga., and a brother-in-law to Mr. J. B.
Roberts of oar city died but Saturday
and was buried iu Baiubridge Sunday.
It is probable that Mrs. Griffin will
mako her iuture homo in Boston.
Mr. B. D. Harris of Waycross, a
troiher-in law of Rev. J. M. Rnsbin
visited the latter last week at hia home
on West Jefferson street.
Mrs. M. L. Wane returned last weak
from White Springs Flo., whither the
liad been for recut e atiou.
Misses Mabel Baum and Edith Hart,
two pretty and intelligent ladies of Quit-
man were here since onr laM epistle, vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor at tlieir
home oil East Jefferson street.
Dr. M. R. Malletto was here last Sat
nrday from Tliomasvllle looking after
his business interests.
Judge W. M. Jones our good and ef
ficient ordinary, accompanied by his
wsfe, was here last Saturday visiting
Ids sous, J. M. sud Juo. W. Junes.
J. Fitzgerald of Qnitman was here
lust week vlailiugjhia mother, Mrs. H.
K. Fitzgerald at her home on Stephens
street. Mre. Fitzgerald lias hoell qnfte
sick, thongli we are glad to report her
convalescing at this time.
J. E. Marilre uud wife of Macon were
visiting ids brother, R. B. Mardre and
•amily and other relative* ia onr city
last Sunday. Hr. Mardre is, and ha*
been General Manager for B. G. Dunn
& Go’s. Commercial Agency for many
Tlie district Conference of the A. M.
E. church, Thomasrille district was in
sessfam hare last week, Presiding Elder,
Glass of Tliomatville, presiding. Tbe
Conference did some good work while
session. A total of $>85.87 was raised
for the yarions church activities.
Free Samples
You Curt Get One.
BLACK WEED, the great vegetable
remedy for Rheumatism, Catarrh, and
Kidney and Madder complaints, haa met
with almost nxtuutonoons incceaa be-
vuasc it ha* mrulo «omo noteworthy
cure# of very severe cues.
Mr. John Poet, of the Atlanta Fire
Dept., writf’x:
“ For niontlia I Buffered with my kid
ney#. 1 ma.le every effort to get relief,
.but failed until I accidentally came in
pos#e*uou of a bottle of Black Weed.
The relief obtained from it# n#o waa so
great before half the first bottle hod
been n#ed, tliat 1 pet aside all other
mediciuee and am now strand and weU,
having 1*h n cored completely by Black
Weed. At tho same time I had an ag
gravated cus.* cf Catarrh of the head
and throat, black Weed haa completely
erred this, and my head i# now as clear
a# a bell."
BLACK WEED is #nfd by all drag-
gists at $1.00 a bottle, or-we will wend
prepaid upon receipt of price.
Send Your Name ?£z
a trial sample of this greet remedy,
which will be sent absolutely free, to
gether with onr book containing valua
ble Information and endorsements.
Ploaae mention tills papar. Address,
Black Weed Medicine Co.,
JMamta. Ga.
Heart burn results from an acid or
soar condition of the stomaohi This
oddity is caused by indigestion. The
food is only partly digested, the indiges
ted portion Torments, produce# heart-
bnrn and sour stomach. Rydaie’s Stem*
sell Tablets speedily relieve these condi
tions They neutralise the.acid and
food, restoring normal condinon*. By-
dale's Stomach Tablets CUREall forms
of stomach trouble. J. W. Peacock.
Take Advantage of
And the Good Weather to buy a
Or $ome other piece of harvesting
machinery. Don’t wait until summer
when you will have wasted your time
with worn out Machinery
I have just taken up the machinery
business. Come and see my
Plano Machines
at my stables in Boston, Ga.
3ci«Uc Kheumatum Cured.
1 have been subject to sciatic rheu
matism for years, «ay# E. H. Waldrow
of Wilton Junction, Iowa. "My joints
were stiff and gave me much pain and
ducomfort. My joints would crack when
raightemd up. 1 used Chamber-
tain’s l’nin Halm and have been thor
oughly cured. Have not had a pain or
ache from the old trouble for many
month#. It is certainly a most wonder-
follintnun’." For sale byj. W. I
Saw Mill For Sale.
One Saw Mill complete, conRistinj
oue 20 H P Boiler, ono No. 25 H P
giuc Saw Mill, Frick make. Three Log
Carts; 8 yoke oxen#. Mill now iu uso
Can give possesion May 1st. This ^ma
chinery has betMi iu use oulv teu moths.
4-22-2 M. Wilkes, Meigs, Ga.
“D * It Today "
Tlte time-worn iujunctiou, ‘Never
pnt off ’til tomorrow what you can do
today,” is now generally presented iu
this form: “l)o it to-day!” That is
the teiNo advice we want to give vou
about that hacking cough or demoraliz
ing cold with which you have been Strug
gliug for several days, perhaps weeks.
Take some reliable remedy for it TO
DAY— and let that remedy be Dr. Bos-
choc’s German Syrup, which has beeu
in use for over thirty five year#. A few
doses will undoubtedly relieve your
cough or cold, and its continued use for
a few days will cure you completely.
No matter how deep-seated your cough,
even if dread cousnmtiou has attacked
your lungs, Germau Syrup will surely
i-ffect a cure—as it ha# doue before iu
thousands of apparently hopeles# eases j
of lung trouble. New trial bottle#, 26c; 1
tegular size, 75c. At S. H. Prico Co. 1
From Factory Direct
To Consumer
All like Ice Cream—It’s a treat to most people—a Sun
day dish. Have it every day in the week if you like and twice
on Sunday if you use a
Peerless Iceland Freezer
It*i my to keep clean. Cream can make do lodjfmeutou dasher*
Bcrapers are not attached to arm# by iron clasps which allow cream to
•oak in between wood end iron and become putrid and soar*
Dasher is thoroughly cleaned by simply scalding, ft will freeze cream
In 3 minutes by tbo watch Will pay for itself in one season by eaving
in freezing material over all other freezers.. For sale by
Way’ll Building.
-osvZftfrAnd a story of Commercial opportunity
A comprehensive Lice Operation, such a one onlyjjthe
largest business houses in the country could engage in, was
closed by us several weeks ago, but on account of Custom
House Entanglements the Laces did not reach us until now.
The largest buyers of celebrated American stores envied us for
this transaction, because Laces in this tremendous purchase
are not alone owned cheaply to the poiut of incredulity, but
more so they are the pick and cream of Fashion, and not a
yard among the ten thousand of dozens is anything but the
season’s choicest productions.
“For what is worth in anything
Rut so much money as ’twill bring.”»Butler.
We desire to cnll attention of our cuatoiriera this week to n lurg*
line of
Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements.
We handle the
WebeiNVVagon and the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford Buggies
and the Rex Buggies, and the McFarlane Buggies and
We have combination corn and cotton planters and combina
tion guano and com drills.
We have the „beat line of Fertilizer Distributors we ever saw. You
can put ont with them from one hundred to two thousand pounds
of fertilizers per acre.
We also carry u full lino of two horse riding and walking cultivators
and weedera.
We are still offering bargains in
—Flour, Sugar and Tobacco—
An exceptional combination purchase through an Eastern White :
| and have on hand yet some select North Carolina Seed Binders
Goods trust, placing us in the possession of the most startling white goods
value ever recognized in this section of the country. Never before was .
. . . . ,. \ i . , | Remember that we give with each 2oc cash purchase a ticket en-
tliere brought under this roof such mountains of snowy whitewash materials. „i,„ - , . ,V . tn
“ titling you to a chance at the beautiful Ames stick seat run about on
display in our window, which will be given away tm May "8th. One
of our customers will get this beautiful ran about. You may bo the
lucky one. COME to see us.
The opportunity of a life-time is here presented.
We have just received a fine line of VOILE in all colors.
Roval Worcheiter Corsets best on earth.
Comfort Trading Co.