Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, April 29, 1904, Image 10

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Is the Word
M»,i50, 4.01,4.54,5.M and 4.H.
Mr. Richard Pearce of Cairo waa in
the city Monday.
Mr. R. R. Miller la at home after a
' ’week apent in Tallaljaaaoe.
M. K. Fntrell came over from Whig-
ham and apfent the day on Friday.
Miaa Leila Pattenon, of Ochlockonee,
,ma visiting relatives and friends hero
Mile week.
i i j . I.:..... r i—;—|
v.*>" Ilona Ronchclle left Monday
taftbmoon to ai»nd aereral weeks in
^Jscksonvillo. , ]
■ Mm. M. J. Terrell and Miaa Willhj
Mr. John O. Blalock who-waa formerly
'with the Atlantic Ooaat Une, la now
Writh tlio Son Life Aaanranoe of Canada.
- - Mat A. IV. Stuart, Miaa Mario 8toart
and Miaa Mataie Hopkins came home
Sunday evening from a viait to Babcock,
•Oa. • '
Clothing manufactories in the world.
All Well Made, Stylish and Durable in Men'e Suita.
Pfcces-$4,50, 6.75, 7.25, 8.00, 9.50, 10.00,
10.50, }2.50, 13.50, 15.00, 16.50,
l&OO and 121.00.
In the history of your , city has the price of
White Goods
been cut so deep.-
Will witness the greatest slaughter the
• Haa known for year..
Hon. S. G. McLendon
• * ' •' ■ • ' r ’~l ' >
Presents Petition Signed by Scores
of Citizen* end Clearly Defines His
Position Against Bar Rooms and
Sale begins Monday 8 o'clock; lasts until
Wednesday 5:30.
NO Samples Cut to City Trade.
PUCES IN YOUTHS’ SUITS—$5.0f, 5.54, 4.25
7.00,7.5#, 8,01,8.54, MO and 150.
Juvenile-Two style, the Buster Brown and
' Norfork, from $2.50 to $5.54.
* SOI High Art Shirts to go while they last for
IMMeacb )
Mr. 8. M. Beach of Bnaina apent Mon
day In ThomaariUe. Mr.‘Reach ia ouo
of tho county'" boat oltlzeua and hla
,vWte are always a aonroe of pleasure to
Mends here.
t The local lodge of UddFoUowa wore
Invited to join with the Fitegerald
lodge in observance ot Uio 86th anni-
Snuaiy of Odd Foliowahip in America.
Mono of the local member, could attend,
I however, oa tlioy Imd juat ^returned
front a trip to Bainbridge
A. A C. Offlolala Say Injunction Makaa
No Difference to Thom.
Waycroaa, April 90.—Oouiyrning tho
roceiTorahlp of the Brnnawick and Bir
mingham road, Mr. George Dolo Wad-
loy, vico president ot tiro Atlantic and
Birmingham, aaid yesterday morning
that that tiro matter did not concern tho
Atlantic and Birmingham.
The Brnnawick and Birmingham or
ganization atandu hot ween tiro Atlantic
rind Birmingham and tho conrta and
Mr. Wadley did not anp|»ao tlio o[>oru
tiou would bo interfered with.
Mr. Smith, tho recoivor, war* aeon and
lio confirmed Mr. Wndloy’a idea of the
Tlio Bruuawick and Birmingham waa
put In tlio hand, of aruceiver yeaterday.
White Madraa, sold everywhere at 18c, 3 daya fur |g |-2c
26c English Nainsook. 8 daya for |0q
Persian Lawns, 92 l-2c quality, 3 days fer I7I-2C
Dotted Swlaaea, sold at toe. 3 daya for I 28c
50c Mercerized Waiatinga, 3 daya for.. I.. 30c
Mercerized Piques, elsewhere 46c, 8days for., 37C
Beantifnl Cotton Wash Chiffons, sold easily at 60c, 3 daya tor*
60c quality Embroidered Swias, 8 days for— I...48c
90c Long Cloth, for 3 daj e. • y • • I5c
Checked Dimities, worth 30c, 8 days for. i .’— r |5c
White Piques, a bargain at 90c, 8 daya for
Sheer quality 40 in Lawn, 16c regular price, 3 days for.
Our Embroidery stock will be greatly reduced.
You know how pretty it is.
Frict it Hay, My ul Wednesday.
3 Days Only Will this Gigantic Proposition Remain in Force.
Do Not Let it Pass Unheeded, Bnt Profit Thereby.
Th* Medal Content.
Tho Thomasville yonug pdoplo who
took part in tho medal contests at
ho , Albany ’ Chantanqnn made a
eroditabie showing bnt did not win tho
first prises. In tho oratory oontest Mr.
Honry A. Stoyerman apoko “Marco
Bozarris.” Tlio prize waa won by Jo-
sopli Elliott of Albany* Miss Ethel
Dekle who took part in tlio rnuaio con
teat waa defeated by Miss Clara Froo-
mnn, of Camilla.
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
There is a disease prevailing in this
country most dangerous because so decep*
‘ *** tive. Many sudden
deaths are caused
by it—heart dis
ease, pneumonia,
heart failure or
Louis Steyerman,
Corner Broad and Jackson Street, Thomasville, Georgia.
To the Honorable S. G. McLendon:
We, the undersigned citizens and vot
ers of Thomas county, respect:folly and
earnestly request ttiat you allow your
name to bo presented as a candidate for
tho office of Representative from Thomas
County for the ensuing term of the leg
islature, subject to the action of the
Democratic Primary to be held August
19th, next. ,
We are prompted to make tliif request
on a&oaut of the high regard we have
for yon personally, and the opinion we
entertain for your ability to till the
office. Respectfully,
A H 8 Cooke, A P Harley, H W Les
ter, J L Trull, T J Bali. R J Miller.
J B Chisholm, C G Swift. Chaa Wolff,
8 M Wolff, Louis Steyerman, 8 Ricliy,
L Leeb, R G Fleetwood, T L Watt, C T
Gaudy, W ,T Taylor, C h Ward, J E
White, R Thomas Jr* E M Mallette, C
C.Stone, Leo Neal.L H Jerger, W Fein-
berg, Joseph Jerger, C. R. Poole, H. T.
Poole, E L Alderman, S Law Mallard,
Heeth Varnedoo H. E. Cochran, Tho#
McCartney, James Miller, W L Ball
James Watt, Win A Watt.Han.sell Watt
Robt Alexander, W M Reese, S Samp
son, Cbas P Hunsoll, W C Snodgrass,
A W Ball, M R Mallette, R H Neel, W
H Rockwell, W D Horgravo, J H Mer
rill, Jay O Morse, C A Hancock, J W
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce mysrif «.....
date for re-election to the 01
iff of Thomas cotiuity, subject ti „
action nt the Democratic primary. Jf
re-elected I will combine ter give the
office my personal attention and will
discharge its duties to the test of my
__ T.J..^i*hl>
For Sheriff
I heaeby announce myself as a candi
date for Sheriff of Thomas county, s ab
ject to the action of the Democratic pri
mary, and solicit the support of the vo
ters of the conufy. If elected I will'
give my personal and undivided at ten-
tion to the duties of the office and will
discharge those duties to the best of my
ability. J. J. Cone, tf
For Representative.
1 hereby announce myself as a can
didate for representative subject to the
action of the Democratic primary. If
re-elected I pledge myself to a faithful
performonce of all the duties of the offi-
ce. My past record in the office is open
to inspection and relying upon this I
submit my claims to the voters of the
county and solicit their support.
John R. Singletary
For The Legislature.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the Legislature sub
ject to the Democratic primary. Hav
ing served the people te the very best of
my ability in the last legislature, I feel
that 1 cun confidentially and conscien
tiously solicit their support in tlie ap
proaching primary.
J. B. Rountree.
For Representative.
To the people of Thomas county:
Appreciating the past honors you have
confirmed upon me I take this hum hod
of announcing that 1 am a candidate for
re-election t<* tho House of Representa
tives of Georgia. In the discharge of
my duties in the post us your represen
tative I have to the best of my ability
worked for your interests uud the in
terests of the whole people of Georgia,
I again ask your support. My candi
dacy is subject to the action of the
Democratic primary. .
Fondren Mitchell.
For Tax Collector.
I most respectfully announce /myself
as a candidate for re-election to the Of
fice of tax collector subject to the ac
tion of the Democratic primary. In
making this announcement I beg to ex-
Dillon. A C Davenport, Jas Foss, H MI tend my thanks to tlie voters of Thomas
...... .. , I county for their kindness to me during
Cave, M M Unchingsou, Jas McKinnon, \ the past and to solicit a continuance of
$3t=*This store closes at 6 o’clock. -=^0
Hw opened a new Studio'iu the old Field’. Gallery, Broad St.,
where he i> prepared to make all kinds and sires of
Photograph i, especially of babies and childrens.
E —^
s=The finest instruments; The best material; Beautiful cards; 3
3 Careful lighting; Qracefnl posing. 3
—- An expert Photographer and superior photographs. Come and tee for —3
C yourselves. ' 3
Many Picnics.
j Tuesday was enjoyed as picnic day
'by a number of Thomasvillo people. A
party who went to Lake Miccosnkio in-
elided Misses Paulino Mitchell, Louise
Hayes, Lncilo Ansley, Carrio Jones;
Mketsra. Clyde Noel, Georg© Neel, Fred
Jonas and Rdwnnl Jerger.
i result of kid
ney disease. If
kidney trouble is
; allowed toad vance
* the kid tiey-poison-
ed blood will at-
- , causing catarrh of
Will Speak at Convention, j the bladder, or the kidneys thcmsclvr**
Tlio Georgia State Horticultural Asso- i 1,r « k *>»“ »nd woite away cell by ccl
' , , > Idadder troubles almost always resu
Nation will hold its tuiuuul eouveutuui j from a derangement of the kidneys an
Mk tJ.ia year on August j ^Jn^.hekhln^lf^r'eS:
4thand 5tli. Mr. M. B. Joues who is. itig badly you can make no mistake t
*CNM of tho best known farmers in »»<o taking Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, th
great kidney, liver ami bladder remedy.
S has boon invited to spook on the j
* ‘Watermelons.” The water-j
ill Team Practicing
Heart-burn results from an acid c
sour condition of the stomach. This
acidity is caused by indigestion. The
food is only partly digested, the indiges
ted portion fonueuts, produces lieart-
bum and soar stomach. R/dale’s Stomi
nch Tablets si)eodily relieve theso condi
tions. They neutralize the acid and
food, restoring normal conditions. Ry-
dale’s Stomach Tablets OURE all forms
of stomach trouble. J. W. Peacock.
Bridge Burned.
Nows reached the ,city Tuesday
morning of the burning of four spaus
of the railroad trestle on tlie A, & B. be-
twoen Merrillville nud Coolidge. Mr;
Peter Morphy discovered tlio fire and it
soon extinguished. Tlie delay in
transit and the necessary repairs were
tho only dnningos done. Tlio origin of
the fire is not known but it is supposed
that it started from >parks thrown by an
ugine. . - *|
Will Go on tho Road-
Mr. J. K. Archibald, the popular clerk
at th^tuart House, who lias been be
hind rae desk for several years, will
leave the position on the first of May to
go ou the road He will represent the
D. H. Spencer Tobacco 'Conipauy. Mr.
Archibald*!* frietuU will be glad to learn
that he will make his headquarters in
Thomasvillo. His place at the Stuart
House will be taken by Mr. Long the
present night clerk.
M C Ball* T H Mitchell, Wertz & Son,
S A Jones, F A Joues, J W Blanton, D
E Blanton, W L Adams, O F Coleman,,
W N Austin, T L Spence, S R Robison,
F H Smith, C C Smith, George 8 Cox,
J W Peacock, B. A. Daniels, Clias G
Goehring, J T Culpepper, S W Davis
P O Dickey, C E Martindale.C E Smith,
Arthur Patton, G W Herring, A W
Stewart, J E Archibald, JR Salter, C T
Stuart, W II Mitchell, Jas F Evans, J S
Clifton, M Bracey, C M Smith, John H j
Mitchell, W E Beverly, W E Cochrau,
J F Lamb, W B Hunter, L C Dultant,
E M Fleming, S P Tucker, E M Brown,
W R DuBant, W A Wheeler, J T Drake.
A W Kirkland, J G Crovat, S L Hayes,
J B Mitchell, E Humphrey, K P Want,
H T Masii, K II Dixon, J E Dean, F YV
Boyer, J F Pittman,O W Ferrill, W H
Bibb, T N Hopkins, S. H. Price, Harry
Ainsworth.P H Milton,Jno R Hinson,W
C Pittman. J T Pittimyi, J D Carroll,
B H Wright,J M Dekle,M A Fleetwood,
S Steyerman, J A Davenport, A W Palin,
A li Palin, J C Schwencke, oSv Cooper,
L J Sturdivant, Chas M Tuttle,
F H Butler, J W Fateh, T W Mallard,
G M Smith, M D McKinnon,R L Wylly,
S;B Van Dyke, H Williams, T J Bot-
their support.
P. S. Heeth. .
For Tax Receiver. ,,
I hereby announce myself as a 4 Cau-
didate for re-electiou to the office of
Tax Receiver of Thomas conuty subject
to the action ol the Democratic primary.
If re-elected I will give the office the
same careful attention us in the past.
I solicit the support of the voters of the
John F. Howard.
For Commissioner.
I hereby aunounce invwMf a caud
for re-election lo tlio office of Coni
missiotisir of Hoards and Revenues
Thomas county, subject to tlio action of
the Eemoomtic primary, .and solid the
supjiort of tlie Voters,
d&w . / v /J, D, Barrow.
■■ t 4"| t* — ’[• . ,s *—Tt*^+*/ r\ “•———
v For Or^ffv y/ ^
Desiring lirat to tlhiiik my o.'d coqi-
rades, «nil friends generally, (or tiioir
fb.nrySiirs gift of the »illice oi'f>itUuary,I
hereby nunoanco myaolf as u c.-vudidate
for re-election, ^abject to the the Demo
cratic primary. prvmiMng it < :tod, to
do my utmost to perform all tU* duties
of tho office faithfully in fntuio ns I
have tried to do in tlie iia<*t.
For County Treasurer.
1 respectfully Announce that 1 am a
candidate *or re-election as Treasurer of
Thomas county, subject the action of
the Democratic Primary.
I am very thankful to the people for
tlio favors and confidence shown me in
» a a a., tv « t,ie I* 18 ** aml pledge, if elected, my
toms, J S Montgomery, WD Sills, B very best and most conscientious effort*
It corrects inability to hold urine ami
scalding pain iff passing it, and over-J Nine timres out of ten, that moutal
conics that unpleasant necessity of being | condition which results iu depression,
is A good thing and Mr. Jones, compelled to go often through the day, ) despondency-!ho bines—is clbsed by a
■W&l make tlie socielv u good siiotk’h j-ind to bet up tnanv times during the toriiid action of tho liver. In fact, the
_ 1 ! Jhc mild and the extraordinary conditions dose, ibed a»>ove are nsuallv
*' u ' - effect of SwamjvRoot is soon rcali/cxf.»the first mi,niftstations of a sluggish
It stands the highest for its wonderful liver. If the attack continues, sallow*
euros of the most distressing cases. | will soon spi'ear, Tho next time
h.11 ream fo „i„v I. Swamp-Root U pleasant to Like and Is I Ton feel "blue” take Rydalo’a Live,
■ieed a boll teani play Voimeello OH sold by «U dngnaU in tifty-ceut ami Tablets. Von will to surprised to rea
hoot plcJ O” 0 dollar sue bottles. • - 1
y A nnpiber of young men have organ- cu ^ cs of lh . v u, °? t ea:
^inad a ball team to play M«
'Ma^ Ctli/whon Ho. Stimlav
haven how qhickly the blbes vVjll vnnish and! K
:>v dts- how bolgiit ami cliiierful.y^U LWflLl fool; j J?
. lay hav
11 ■■ r • jl sample bottle of this WMudcrful new ms-
«oSo teke© place lp that city. They held covery and a book that tolls all alwut it,
first, practu* Tuesday afternoon J ^ymail. Address Dr. Kil- healthy nud kVep it healthy. ‘Tfiev rCg.
f . J n, ^A t Wngh,aniton,«N. \ . \YTiw ,nlatc tlio l^wids and kcepthemfeegnlAr,
fiTboroare ^number of fast players oi^; wntiug mmiUon .lUs generous , Fifty tuldets tor aj wuts. J; Pea-
0-k’ht to return uSl^'reS^tortton.^amf'
null Root. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamt>-Root, and the
ail drew, Binghamton, IN. Y.,‘ on <•'•»>--
'bottle. !L .-I .
Mte Horidiau' ■ acaljia dangling from!
r+iU t .«;•/
.( f) .$ .T
J; H. Daniel of t^uitihun was ihTown,
Directions hr Making Good Bread:
Use one levelod teaspoouful
to a quart of sifted fiour; add
enough sour milk fo &ncad the
dough. .. t ...
When sour milk is not used,
two parts of Cream of Tartar and
one of Success Soila are the cor- fcj
rcct projiortions.
Best and Cheapest.
Griffin, C F Davis, YV H Jetur, P E
Murphey, T M McIntosh, H Wise,
Henry Arnold, John E Baker, T C Me-
Matii, J A McKinnon, Dunk MqKiunon,-
R E Lester. J M Blockshear, Jr., B
F Betjeman, J G Parnell, J Gribben. J
B Eason, J M McKiunon.T B Chisholm.
Clias E Miim, W C Lumbert, T C Dureu,
A Bennett, John G Worst, J L Briley,
M Pope, W N Hannan, J T Spongier,
B W Stone, John C Blalock, W S Black-
shear, Harry Steyerman.
Mr. McLendon’s Card.
Thomasville, Ga., April 21, 1004.
Editors Times-Enterpriso:
I wish to express to each and all of
gentleman whose names aro signed
to the foregoing, most grateful thanks
for this agreeable evidence of their good
will and to auuouuce ray willingness to
serve as a member of the House of Rep
resentatives, if nominated nt the prima
ry in August. I have been asked if I
would favor a disjiensary iu this county
to give them faithful, efficient, and sat
isfactory service. • w3
I earnestly solicit your support knd
friendly co-operation.
Gratefully and faith tally yours, 1
For County Surveyor.
I announce ray candidacy for re-elec
tion to »l,e offie»- of ru.tiiiy Mirv«*voF»,0f
Thomas county »unjeot lo tJje action ot
the Democratic primary. If re-elected
I will continue to give the office my best
attention. I solicit the support of the
voters. A. J. STAN ALAND.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a candidaf
for election to the office of Commjp-
sioner of Hoads and Revenues of Thom*#
county, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary. 1 solicit the sup
port of the voters of the county.
M. D. Redfearn,
For County Commissioner.; •
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to the office of Commia-
if elected. I have answered that *i. . ... ,
would not, nor would I favor the sale of i 8,oner of Hoads and Revenue of
whiskey iu this county iu that or any | ^ uut . v ' subject to the action of!-®
other way. The people of the county Democratic primary. I solicit the su
have settled that question twice and sec-1 ^ )ort °* 1 • tlie county..
tied it iH>nunueutly. K. U. SMITH.
1 wish dot only fo th*uk the signers !— r_1 —* j —
or the foregoing request, but the many c n ,
others who 'have kindly offered me as- ■ uOrOnCr.
M»ran.» o£ G I take this mt-sns ot aimoprcing fc
1 ‘“election to the offlttM.f eoronerc
~ : : ! Thomas count)- subjwt to the notion t
the primary. If olreted I will Rive tl
duties of tli© office tltB fame cttrefol’i/
i tention that J.n**..
. coived nt m
for re.eiectioait<tthe btiice of Commis- !,snpj>ort tliat my friends'jiavoalwal
mouoe of Bonds, and Revenue of I lionisf K'von me ami their many kind exnre"
coenty, subject to the action of the sions of satisfaction. TTiunkUm all n
Democratic pnmary. I solicit tho sop- ( snplxvftens and hopin* for a renewal
””*“ f 1 theaunport. lam faittonliv
'FotCounty Commissioner. T _
| r , , / . , t- „ j tention that they have^heraSfHHf
$ ^ i. l . a candidate ; coived nt my hands. X aj>pr»H?u|e |t|
port of the voter* of the county.
.. li G *•uud,
■*V gCOltr'H ,
,u*JhhMtol el v*‘D
,*J .T il .T JjisWOH M it fcl