Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, April 29, 1904, Image 12

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Containing Starting«t)cs D.llv-
D *r*d at Court Houto Wednesday.
' Ool. O. P. Goodyear of Brtuuwick,
f|, •" fm’il thodcw attention of several wore
TliomanvilloV citizen., f >r un boor at
the coort hooae Wednesday morning.
He spoke on the development of trade
•wtth Cuba. Pcrto Iticonnd South Amor-
tea. It baa been M.d that atallatir. are
dty. but the forte and import of some
jaeaonted by Col. Goodyear made thorn
must interesting to Ids audience. He
3» mi that the trade of tlte West Indies
•with tilts country was greater tliau that
of Japan and China combined. Since
•the Panama Canal la a certainity this
Cade is sure to increase many times,
tbs trade belongs by rights to tlm South
susd to Georgia.
Oar ports an many hundreds of miles
usurer to tbs West Indies and Booth
America than are New Orleans or Hew
Toth. Again Brunswick and Savannah
are on tlte extreme westward curve
the continent end have an advantage in
distributing imports to interior cities of
the United States. The trade that by
Mghta should be sent through our Geor
gia ports now goes through Hew York
and other northern cities. Southern
good* are sent there for export. To
remedy this oondtiion, and to take ad
Wantage in future of the wonderful op
portunities presented should be tho task
UK Onorgian*.
The above are some of the point*
made hr the speaker in his eloquent ad.
dreaa. The statistic)* bearing out these
point* will be printed in pamphlet form
eeid a number of oopiee will bo sent to
Shomaevllle for distribution. There are
aosne waking-op thought* In the address
and no doubt the work dona will beat
good fruit.
CM. Goodyear is a gentleman of pleas
lag personality, and wide information
During his stay here he wsa the guest of
CM. S. G. McLendon. 1
Mr. O. E. Looney Hue Been Missing
from IHome a Month.
Mr. 0. E. Looney n gentlemen well
known here left more than a mouth ago
and for the lest three weeks his family
have haa heard nothing from him. Mr.
looney la* earriago palnt'or by trade,
madwas formerly employed by A. VV.
Palin and Co. He left home four weeks
ago last Monday in search of work. One
week afterward Sis wife received a let-
ter from him, dated at Valdosta, raying
that ho had not yet found eniploymei/t,
and would go to Montgomery or Troy,
Ala., where lie thought lie would fljid
something to do. Since that time not n
word linn come to relieve the auxioty of
hie wife, and five children who livo on
Colton aveLuo in East End.
Mr. Looney has been married for
twenty years. HU clomestio relations
were of the most dovoted type and his
wife is unable to understand Ids pro-
longed silence. Sho naturally suspects
that he has been a victim of fonl play,
or U in trouble some where. Ho was
the ecle support of Ids family and they
are naturally much exercised ovor Ids
A Thnughtful Man.
M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind ,
knew what to do in the hour of need.
His wife had sucli an unnsual case of
atomach and llrer trouble, physicians
cooldnotaidlier. He thought of awl tried
Dr. King’s New Life Pills slid sho got
relief at once and was dually cured
Only die, at J. W. Peacock's Drug
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the . / A \
For Over
Thirty Years
For $15.00, 120.00 and $10.00. Several hun
dred Discs to reluct from; also a good selection or
Musical Merchandise. Sheet Music 10c. up. A
Ho. 1 Gnitar for $2.70. Mandolins $2X0 up.
Banjos $2.50up, etc., can be found at
Tuttle’s Jewelry .Store.
■ Thomasville. Georgia.
Engines Stand Supreme
Tor All Pi wor Purooses.
SIMPLICITY ite-lf. Buy e
BLAKESLEE and keep your re
ligion. No profanity necessary.
Stationary, PcrtaWe, Pomps
You can see every movement. Nothing hidden or complicated about the
Bl.AKESLEE. Positively SAAE. Strictly high grade.
Write for our catalogue and prices
.Birmingham, - - Ala. x
River and Northeastern
Railroad Co.
Effective April 6, 1904
Daily except Sunday.
Leave Petbam 10*10 a in
Arrive Ticknor 12:30 pm
Leave Ticknor 2:00 p m
Arrive Pelham 4:10 p m
D. M. Rogers, Gen'l Supt.
Rydale'e EUzircares weak lungs. If
yon «Mna yon have n bronchial affec-
sinn. or. if you fear yon have consump
tion] rely on Rydale'e Elixir. Tide
jaodern ecientiffo dieoovery kills cite
mrmi that oaua* ohrooic throat and
EgdiaonMand assists nature to re-
tin there organa to health. Rydale'e
■M.I.U also a certain nor* for acute
t and lung trouble, eoch a. M
, *La. Rydala'e
r remedy for young or
Application for Guardianship.
GEORGIA—Tliomas County.
J. L. Bnldv a resident of said state,
having duly applied to 1* appointed
gunrdtnu of (lie persons and properly of
ISmmn, Msry anil Cora Zoiglcr. minors
under tho age of fourteen yenrs, reel-
dents in wild eonnty, notice is hereby
given that said application will be pass
ed on at tho next regular term of the
court of Ordinary for said county, to be
held on the first Monday in May IWH.
4-8-4. Wm. M. Jones. Ordinary.
Application for Support.
GEORGIA—Thomas County:
Mrs. C. A. Alcorn, having made ap
plication for twelve nioutt support out
of tlie estate of W. M. Alcorn, and ap
praisers duly appointed to set apart the
same, liaving filed their return. All
persons concerned are hereby required
to show pause before the oourt of Ordi
nary of said county, on the first Monday
in June, 1901, why said application
should not be granted
Tills lfitli day of April 1904.
4.KI-4 W. M. Jon us,
GEORGIA—Tiiohas County:
Mrs. Carrie G. Hall, having made ap
plication for twelve month's support
out of the estate of D. J. Hall, and ap
praiser* duly appointed to set apart the
same, leaving filed their return. All
persons concerned are hereby required
to show cause before the ordinary of
•aid oounty on the Bret Monday in June
190L why sail application should not be
granted. This April 2tet 1904.
Wm. M. Jones,
Siicrin’s bale.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in Thomasville, Thomas Co., Ga.
within the legal hours of sale on the
first Tuesday in May, 1994. the following
described property to-wit: All that tract
or parcel ol land situated, lying and be
ing in the city of Thomasville, Thomas-
Go., Ga., being part of Lot No. 40 in the
13th district of said county commencing
on Stevens street at a point 150 feet N.
W from Lester street and running north
westerly of said at. from Mid aUrting point
$0 feet ;thcnce south-westerly to the ditch;
thence along the ditch toward Lester
street 50 feet; thence north easterly to
starting point; levied on as the property
of Rosa R. Davis, under and by virtue
of a State and County tax fifa. Levy
made and returned to me by H. J. Mia-
L. O. This March 10th, 1904.
Sheriff Thomas County. Ga.
A big dual ie pending In which
the interest of everv person is more
or lees involved. The future talll be
mot* pleasant to tboa. who have a
broken B'cycle, Gan, Revolver,
Sewing machine, Typewriter Cash
Register, in fact, IS year* actual
experience enabler me la offer too
the very beet of service. Mr faeill-
tior for repairing are second to
uoue mi trig lit up 10 now. Johnnie
gat your watch cleaned out and mg-
mated fir only 60 cent*. Satisfac
tion nil yoore.
Parnell's General Repair Btisintea
No. J2I West Jackson Street near A.
C. L. depot. Phone No. 446-1.
Application for Charter.
Thomas. .
To the Honorable the Superior Court of
said County :
The petition of Charles B. Hebard,
Daniel L. Hebard, Mary C. Hebard,
Mary E. Hebard, and Julia H. Marsden,
respectfully represents to the Court:
' 1st. That
a period of twenty yean, with the privi-
lego of rcueunl at the expiration of said
te;m, ouder the name of "Hebard Lam-
her Company,” and with a capital of
Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, to be
divided in shares of One Handled Dol
lars each, and with the farther privi
lege of increasing the amount of said
capital to Five' Hundred Thousand Dol
lars wlieuever sticn increase shall have
been authorized by stockholders repre
senting Threc-Foorths of raid original
capital,vo<ing at a stockholder's meeting
to be called for that purpose
2nd. PetiMovers further show that
the object of their* Arrecia:iou is tile ac
quisition of jo-rnmnry prrfit totiiem turd
to tlielr associates; and the business to
be carried rti. Hint 1,1 I, virtu, selling,
leasing and bolding timber aud limbered
lands, in the counties of Camden, Chari
ton, Clinch, Echols, Glynn, McIntosh
and Ware, and in each other counties,
and at such other planes in said State as
may be hereafter selected by them; end
the manufacture, purchase and sale of
sawed lumber; the erection and opera
tion of steam saw-mills, tra
kilns, lumber yards, and
strnctnrts, machinery and appliances as
may be necessary to the successful pros
ecution of said basiness; with the right
to ore and have a Corporate Seal, to
open Books of Subscription, to adopt
by-laws, elect officers, to plead and be
impleaded, and to have and exercise
-uch oilier powers and privileges a* are
incident to private business corporations
under the lulls of Georgia.
8nl. Yo»r petitioners farther show
that their principal office will be located
and kept in the city of Thomasville,
County of Thoms* in said State; DM
they desire authority to open branch
offices for tlie transaction of the tori-
tiers of tlie corporation W- such other
points in said State as tlie stockholders
tuny hereafter eee fit to establish.
4th. Yonr petitioners further eltow,
that of tho capital to be employed by
them in the proteentionof said business,
more titan Ten Percent liae already
been subscribed and actually paid in;
and they desire the privilege of accept
ing payment of subocriptions to their
capital in timber and timbered-lamb in
such proportiou, and at inch valuations
aa may be fixed and determined by tlie
stockholders voting at any meet!
meetings that may be called end
for thil purpose.
Sth. Petitioners farther show, that
itb their purpose In good faith to onter
upon anti proeeoote tho business afore
said as soon as the powers herein prayed
forehell liavo been conferred upon them;
and they at in duty bound will ever
Hammond & Hammond,
Attorneys for Petitioner.
True copy of the original now of file
in this office.
J. W. Groover, Clerk.
Application for Guardianship.
GEORGIA—-Thoma* county.
To all whom it may concern:
W. T. Owens, having applied for
guardianship of the pereous and proper-
orty of Wm. G. Owens, Jas. M. Owen*. P. Owens and Lola Owens, mi
nor chil Iren of Mary L. Owens, late of
said eonnty, deceased. Notice is given
that said application will be heard at
my office nt ten o’clock a- m. on tho first
Monday in May next. This March 17,
1904. Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary.
3 18-4
$ioo i
Petition for Charier.
GEORGIA—-Thomas County.
To the Honorable the Superior Court of
said county: '
The petition of I*. A. Adams, I). I).
Peacock. R. 11. and C. T
Begg« all of kaiu ttulo ami county re
spectfully shows:
irst. That they desire for themselves,
their associates, successors and assigns
to become incorporated under the name
and style of "Pnvn Telephone Con -
pany," for the term of twenty >ear- with
the privilege of renewal at the end of
that time.
Second. Capital stock to be five hun
dred dollar:*, divided imo shares of ten
dollars each, petitioners desire, how
ever, tho rij*ht to increase said capital
stock to a sum not exceeding fifteen
hundred dollars. The. whole ol said
capital sto* k has all bun actually paid
Third. The object of said prepos d
corporation is pecuniary profit and giin
its stock stockholders. Petition
ers propose to establish a telephone
businrss for local and long distance
connection and purposes; they desire to
purchase such property real and person
al as mav be necessary to establish and
operate such business; to build in the
town ol Pavo and extend its lines else
where; to buy and lease instruments and
other equipments. Petitioners desire
right to borrow such money as may
be necessary and <*x*»cnte security thee
for, and lu.U ulLci authority as might bo
necessary to a proper conduct of the
proposed business.
Fourth. The principal place and of
fice of business shall be in the town of
Pavo, Thomas county, Georgia.
Wherefore petitioners pray to be
made a body corporate under the name
and style Hforcsaid, entitled to the
rights, privileges and immunities and
object to the liabilities fixed b/ law.
S. A. Roddenbery.
Petitioners Attorney.
GEORGIA—Thomas Oounty.
I, J. W. Groover, Clerk Superior Court
Thomas County, do hereby certify that
the feregoine i< a true and correct copy
°f petition nled in my office this day.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture. this April 19,1904a
, J. W. Groover,
4-20-4 C. S.C.
Robbed The Grave.
A startling incident, is narrated by
Jonn Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows:
‘ I was in an awful condition. My skin
raa almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue
coated, pain continually in back and
sides, no appetite, .growing weaker day
by day. Three pnysicians had given
me up. Then 1 was advised to use Ef
trie Bitters; to my great joy the first
bottle inaac a decided improvement. I
continued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well man. 1 know they rob
bed the grave of another victim. No
oae should fail to try them. Only co
cents, guaranteed, at J. W. Peacock’s
Georgia—Thomas County.
To all whom it n»i*y concern.
Mrs. W. R. Moore having in proper
form, applied to me for letters of ad
ministration on the estate of Joseph
Moore, late of said county deceased, to
issue to M. A Fleetwood of said coun
ty, by her as ntxt of kin nominated thi.>
is to cite all and singular the creditors
and next of kin of ioseph Moore to be
and apptar at my office within the time
al|n*ea bv law, and show cause, if any
the* 1 an. w hy permanent administration
should not be granted to M A. Fleet-
wood «.n Joseph Moore's estate.
Witnesrfny band and official sigatuic
April 1 1004.
4-0-4 Wn*. M. Jones. Orrftharv
Petition for Discharge
GEORGIA—Thomas County:
M. A. Fleetwood, administrator upon
the estate of Leon Sauls, late of said
county, deceased, having filed his pe
tition for discharge* this i> to cite ail
persons concerned to show cause against
»be granting ot this discharge, at the
regular term of the court of Ordinary foi
said county to be held on the first Mon
day in April 1904.
Wm. M JONES, Ordinary
Land for Sale.
For mle f>00 acrea of land in the iKrli
district of Thoma* county to be subject
to a lease to Ed and Sam Lurry, and
Henry Mitchell, Busina, Ga. Expiring
Dec. Slat. 1907, price $8,500.00. All per
son >1 interested will please communicate
with The Southern Mortgage Co.
24 South Broad St. Atlanta G*.
Application for Guardianship.
GEORGIA—Thomas Oounty.
To all whom it may concern:
Mrs. Sarah W. Have*, having applied
for guardianship of the persons and
property of Sallic R. Haves. Artie J.
Hayes, Hattie J. Hayes and Mary E.
Hayes, minor children of Robt. T. Hayes,
late of said county, deceased, notice is
given that said application will be hc*rd
at my office at ten o’clock a. m. on the
first Monday in May 1904. This the 30th
dav of March 1904.
4-8*4 Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Notice ia hereby given to all creditors
of the estate of Fannie M. Groover, late
of Thomas county, deceased to render
in an account of their demands to me
within the time prescribed by law,
properly tundo out. And all jierconH in
debted to said deceased are hereby
reqne«ted *rt make immediate pa v incur
to the Undersigned, This 13th day of
April 190.4
4-10 0 .Tamps M. Rustin',
Administrator Frauds M. Groover
Administrator’s Sale.
GEORGIA —Thomas County.
By virtue of an order of the Honor-
aide Court of Ordinary of wild county I
will sell on the first Tuesday in May
1904 lreforo the court linage door iu said
county, between legal hour* of sale to
the highest bidder for cash, the follow
ing described property belonging to tho
estaio of William U. Moore to-writ: A
ertaiu city lor, iu the city of Thomus-
ille, said State of Georgia, County of
Thomas, described in tho survey and
plart by E. 8. Law ns lot No. 10, being
on the cornor of Bartow and South Sts.,
fronting tto feet ou South St., aud run
ning back easterly one hundred and fif-.
ty four and three one hundredths (154 -8
H>') feet on Bartow street, the rear of
paid lot being forty five feet, the same
being a fractional part of subdivision
No. 8 of the S. A. Smith estate sold by
John L. Finn to .Tames F. Pom pel ly.
4 8-4. M. A. Fleetwood, Admr.
The Prices at Which Things Buy
and Sell-Corrected Weekly.
Thomasville, Ga.,—April 21, '04-
Eggs per do*., IS to 18c. Beet bntter
25c Medium bntter, 20c to—c. Chick
ens, fries, 35 to 40c; bene35 to 40c.
Sweet potatoes, 60 to 85c per bu. Fodder
per 100 lbs, 90c to $1.00. Countryhay,
per 100 lbs. 50c. to 760; New Syrnp,
20 to 26c: country bams, 12 to 13c;
oountrj lard, 8 to 9J$c.
Thomasville, Go., April 15, 1904 —
Coffee, orbuckles 16c. Green coffee, fair
10c. choice 12 l-2c. White granulated
sugars l-2cente,Brown sugar 5 l-4c.Suc.
sod* per lb. So; crackers 10 to 20c. stick
sandy 10c; Kerosene oil 20c—5 gels 90c.
Side meat per lb 9 to 11; Meel75oper
bu. Flour $5.70*10 $6.50 per bbl. Western
kanj* 15c. Lard, compound 9c..
Leaf 10 1-2; bay, S1.26per 100 lb*, bran
$1.25 per 100 lbs. Cotton seed meal «M0
per 100 lb*, cotton seed hulls 60c per 100
■ck. Velvet beans $5.00 per bu.
Sorghum seed $2.00per bu.German Mil
let $2.00 per bu. Field pens. $2.00
Prove th'at we make au as
sertion in our advertisements
which we do not live up to, or
advertise an article we haven’t
got, or advertise au article at
one price and sell at another
—prove any of these-and claim
Your $100.
advertise facts, if we Lave the
goods we advertise, and sell
them at published prices, isn’t
it to your interest to read these
advertisements and take ad
vantage of our offerings?
RUBBER BOTTOM Canvass Oxfords,
others’ prices qoc Ours
MEN’S OXFORDS, worth from $1.50
up to $2 50. Bought at auction, all
sizes, several kinds, just to try ad
vertising, wc are going to offer
them up to May loth, per pair. .$1**5
WOMEN’S OXFORDS. Solid leather
line, absolutely guaranteed solid
leather throughout. l>eel or spring
heel, light or heavy sole, latest
style lasts, our price
$3.50 shoes. A limited quantity *
at $3.65
Men’s good Brogan Shoes*. j..9®*
Men’s good Sunday shoes QSc
\ full line of lo.v ats and latest
styles oxford.-.
Good assortment
all styles trimming, cheapest
one in lot is cheap at price
some woith up to {2.50.
Choice as long a* they
last 98c
Solid, color Crepe Paper
for summer hats, full
10 feet rolls 5c
Bergeins all the time,
A. F.
& Co.
Stark Comer,
Thommilte, 6a.
Raw Idea 10c paper pattens.
• -