Newspaper Page Text
for Charter.
r\G!A—Thomas County.
: Honorable ihe Supjrlor Court of
J count) :
The petition of 1'. A. Adame.-D. D.
peacock. R. H, nri',1 O. T.
i all of eaid state and county fo
ully shows:
r nit. That they desire (or themselves,
their associates, successors ami assigns
to become incorporated under the name
and style of "Pavo Telephone Com
pany," for the term of twenty year, with
the privilege of renewal at the end of
that time.
Second. Capital stock too* five hun
dred dollars, .divided into snares of ten
dollars each, petiMcoe/s co-irc, how
ever, the right to fptssvK said capital
slock to a sum not exceeding fifteen
■hundred dollars. The whole of said
capital stock has all been actually paid
• Third. The object of said propoied
corporation is pecuniary profit and gain
to its .stock stockholders. Petition,
era propose to establish a telephone
business for local and long distance
connection and purposes; they desire to
purchase such property real and person
al as may be necessary to establish and
operate such business; to build in the
town of Pavo and extend Its lines else
where; to buy and lease instruments and
other equipments. Petitioners desire
tbe right to borrow such money as may
be necessary and execute security thete
for, and such other authority as might be
necessary to a proper conduct of tbe
proposed business.
Fourth The principal place and of
fice of business shall be in the town of
Pavo, Thomas county, Georgia.
Wherefore petitioners pray to be
made a body corporate under the name
and style aforesaid, entitled to tb-
rights, privileges and Immunities and
* to the lisl
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use • for over 30 yean, has borne the sfgnatnre of
. and has been made tinder his per
sonal supervision since Us infancy.
Allow no one to deceive yon in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and «Jnst-as-good” are bob
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Intent* and Children—Experience against Experiments
Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narco tio
substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
Bean the Signature of
abilities fixed by law.
S. A.. Roddcnbery.
Petitioners Attorney.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
I, J. W. Groover, Clerk Superior Court
Thomas County, do hereby certify that
tbe foregoing ir a true and correct copy
of petition filed in my office this day.
Witness my hand and official signa-
tu t, il 1, Ap*iltj,qo4.
J. W. Groover.
.4-20-4 C. S.C.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Notice U tfornby given to all creditors
of tho estate of Fannie M. Groover, late
of Thomas count/, deceased to render
in an account of their demands to me
within the time prescribed by law,
proporly made oat. And all persons In
debted to said deceased are hereby
requested to make Immediate payment
to the nndondgned, This tilth day of
April 100.4
4-106 Jamf.b M. Bushin,
Administrator Fiands U. Groover
Application for Guardianship.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To all whom it may concern:
Mrs. Sarah W. Hayes having applied
Tor guardianship of the persons and
R ropctty of Sadie R. Hayos, Artie J.
layet, Hattie J. Hayes and MaryE.
Hayes, minor children of Kobt. T, Hayes,
late of said county, deceased, notice 1s
< .i given that said application will be heard
at my office at ten o'clock a. m. on the
firat Mommy In May 1004. This the 30th
day of March ioos.
4-8-1 Wn M Jones, Ordinary
In Use For Over 30 Years.
For 816,00, $20.00 and $80.00. Several hun
dred Discs to select from; also a good selection of
Musical Merchandise. Sheet Music 10c. up. A
No. 1 Guitar for $2.76. Mandolins $2.00 np.
Banjos $2.60 np, eto., can' t be fonml at
Tuttle’s Jewelry .Store.
ThomasviUe. Georgia.
Application for Support,
GEORGIA—Thomas County:
Mis. O. A. Aloora, having made ap
plication for twelve monte support ont
of the estate of W. M. Alcorn, and ap
praisers duly appointed to set apart the
rams, having filed their re torn. All
paeons oonoeraod are hereby required
to show oanao before the ooort of Ordl
nary of said oonnty. on the flntMonday
to Jane, 1004. why said application
should not be granted
This 18th day of Apnl 1904.
4-10-4 W. M. Jones,
Petition for Discharge
GEORGIA—Thomas County:
M. A. Fleetwood, administrator upon
tbie estate of Leon Sauls, late of said
county, decoascd, having tiled his pe
tition for discharge, this is to cite nil
persons concerned to show cause against
ibe granting of this discharge, at the
regular term df the court of Ordinary for
said county to he held on the first Mon
day in April 1904.
Win. M. JONES, Ordinary
GEORGI A-—Ti iomas Cor xty :
Mrs. Carrie CL Hull, having made ap
plication for twelvu mouth's snpport
out of tho estate of D. J. Hall, and ai»-
praisers duly nppoiutcd to set apart the
name, having tiled their return,
peroous concerned are hereby required
to show cause Irefore the ordinary of
said county on the first Monday in Jnu
1004, why said application should not V
granted. This April 21#t 1904.
\Vm. M. Jaw*,
Georgia—Thomas County.
ToaJJ whom it may concern:
Mrs. W. R. Moore having in proper
form, applied to me for letters of ad
ministration on the estate of Joseph
Moore, late of said county deceased, to
IhM to M. A- Fleetwood of said coun-
by her as next of kin nominated this
o cite all and singular the creditors
‘ next of kin of Joseph Moore to be
tar at my office within the time
by law, and show cause, if any
can, why permanent administration
' ‘ not be granted to M. A. Fleet-
ph Moore's estate,
hand and official ligature
Wo. M . Jones,.Ordinary.
Engines Stand Supreme
For All Power Purooses.
SIMPLICITY Itself. Buy a
BLAKBSLBE and keep your re
ligion. No profanity necessary.
Stationary, Portable, Piping
and Connection Outfits.
You can see every movement. Nothing bidden or complicated about the
BLAKESLEE. Positively SAAE. Strictly high grade.
Write for our catalogue and prices.
Birmingham, - - Ala.
f Notice to Jail Contractors.
Sealed proposal? will be received at
ThomasvtUOs Oa., by the Hoard of Com
missioners of Roads and Revenues of
Thomas county Gu.. until 12 o'clock
noon Tuesday July “> for an addition to
the Thomas county jail, l'lans and
specifications now on tile at the office
dthe Chairman of Board.
Each bidder will he allowed and ex
pected to furnish with his bid specifica
tion for steel ~.tto iron work describing
material and construction he proposes
10 furnish conforming to size of cells
shown in plan.
Bidders must furnish with proposal
a certified check for $500 made pax able
to K. M. Smith Chairman to assure said
county if his proposal is accepted, that
he will furnish with his contract a se
curity bond for double amount of his bid
• as the laxv directs), Same to be satis
factory to the Board otherwise siyd
check will he forfeited to the county.
The right is reserved to reject any
and all proposals. PRQL'T? I
E. M. Smith.
•’m. Board of Coni.*of.Roads’«N: Rev.
Application Administration.
(jporgia, Thomas County.
To all whom it may coucem: S. H.
Price haring, in proper form, applied to
tun for permanent Letters of Adminis
tration on the estate of Mias Amoy
Ylurphey, late of said county, deceased,
this is to cite all and singular the cred
itors and next of kiu of Amey Murphey
to be and appear at my office within the
time allowed by law, and show cause,
if any they can, wliy permanent Admin
istration should not bo granted to B. H.
Price, on Amoy Mnrphey's estate.
Witness my Itand, aud official signa
ture, this 2nd day of May 1904,
Win. M. Joxks, Ordinary. 3-4-3
Application for Support.
Georgia. Thomas County:
Mrs. S. Alex Smith, having made ap
plication for twelve months sup)x>rt ont
of the estate of Dr. 8. Alex Smith, and
appraisers duly appointed to sot apart
tho same having filed their return, all
persona concerned are hereby required
to show cause before tho Court of Ordi
nary of said county ou the first Monday
in June 1004, why said application
should not be granted.
This 29tli day of April 1204. Wm. M.
Jones, Ordinary. 5-6-4.
Application for Charter.
! Thomas.
Why People Lost Kb Fegr or Forest
Do Kot Go Straight On* . ,
It 1. a matter of common knowledge j To tbe Honorable the Soperior Coort of
that when a man is walkiug blindfold- j saidCounty :
ed Of Is lost in a fog or fu some up-: The petition of Charles 8. ’Hebard,
known forest or desert instead of paniel_L._ Hebard, Mary C. _Hebnrd,
walkiug straight bo has always
tendency to work round in a circle. The
most commonly accepted explanation
of this curious fact is tbe slight in
equality of a man's legs. The result
of one limb being longer than the
other will naturally be that a per
son will unconsciously take a longer
step with tbe longer limb, and con
sequently will trend to the right or
to the left, according as the left or
right is tbe longer, unless the tendency
to deviation is corrected by the eye.
This explanation Is supported by the
fact that in tbe enormous majority of
cases the human legs are proved to be
of unequal length. The carefdi meas
urements of a series of skeletons
showed that no less than 00 per cent
had the lower limb* unequal In length:
R5 per ii»nt had the right limb longer
than tbe left, while in 55 per cent the
left leg was the longer. The left leg
being, therefore, more often the longer,
ft is to lie expected that the inclina
tion should take place more frequently
to tbe right than to the left, and this
conclusion is quite borne out by ob-
Mary E. Hebard, and Julia H. Marsden, Q ne little word tells the Story
respectfully represents to the Court:
— • , ’ non ot ►team saw-mills, tramways, dry-
rarvallon, mafioou « number of per. kjIngf lttmber yanJgi , nc f, other
1st. That your petitioners desire lo 1st |
incorporated and made a body politic for
a period of twenty years, with the privi
lege of renewal at the expiration ot said
teim, under the name of “HebardLum
ber Company,” and with a capital of
Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, to be
divided in shares of One Hundred Dol
lars each, and with the farther privi
lege of increasing the amount of said
capital to Five Hundred Thousand Dob
lore whenever such increase shall have
been authorized by stockholders repre
senting Three-Fourths of said original
capital, voting at a stockholder’s meeting
tone called for that purpose
2nd. Petitioners farther show that
ilio object of their Association is the ac
quisition of pecuniary profit to them and
to their associates; and the business to
be carried on. that of baying, selling,
leasing aud bidding timber and timbered
lands, in the counties of Camden, Chari
ton. Clinch, Echols, Glynn, McIntosh
and Ware, and in such other connties,
and at such other places in said State as
may be hereafter selected by them; and
the manufacture, purchase and sale of
sawed lumber; the erection and opera
tion of .team saw-mills, tramways, dry-
sons when walking blindfolded.
Tli.v Are
The Korei
suited to any
'table Neither In
je ot architecture if
!g but an extreme cli
mate such as prevails there. During
the winter months it is very cold. The
houses are made of bamboo frame
work, plastered within and without
with adobe mud. Tbe roof is thatched
with rice straw, which is weather
proof. The inside may be made into
one room by tbe sliding back of a
screenlike partition. Just why these
were introduced It is impossible to
say, for they are but rurely used, as
privacy is never desired In Korea.
This open space becomes tho living
room, and c-ven when travelers are
passing along and must halt for the
night they arc invited to share a com
mon sleeping place on the floor with
the entire family. The discomfort of
such an experience is extreme during
the summer. In the kitchen, which is
Just without the living room, there Is
located n most curious kind of stove.
From this clny pipes extend under the
floor to the living room. They warm
the house summer nnd winter alike,
for it Inis never entered their minds
that gome means could i»e devised
whereby the heat could be turned off
from the other quarters.—Housekeeper.
i st she tuns, machinery and appliances as
j may he necessary to the successful pros-
jccntiouof said bin-iness: with the right
; to%se and have » Corporate Seal, to
open Bcokaql SuhH'iiption. to adopt
by-laws. eWBillirci-g, to plead and be
impleadcdlVu U> have and exercise
sucti other powers and privileges as are
incident to private business corporations
under the laws of Georgia.
3rd. Yonr petitioners further show
that their principal office will be located
and kept in the city of ThomasviUe,
County of Thomas in said State; nut
they desire authority to open branch-
offices for the transaction of the busi
ness of the corporation at such other
points iu raid State as the stockholders
may horenftei* see fit to establish.
4th. Your petitioners further show,
that of the capital to be employed by
them in the prosecution of skid business,
more than Ten Percent ha# already
been subscribed aud actually paid in;
and they desire the privilege of accept
ing payment of subscriptions to their
capital in timber aud timbered-lands in
such proportion, and at such valuations
as may be fixed and determined by the
stockholders voting at any meeting or
meetings that may bo called and held
for that purpose.
3th. Petitioners further show, that
it is their purpose iu good faith to
upon and prosec ate ttio business afore
said as soon as tbe powers herein prayed
for shall have been conferred upon them;
and they as iu duty bound will ever
Hammond & Hammond,
Attorneys for Petitioner.
True copy of the original now of fllo
in this office.
J. W. Groover, Clerk.
ot our succes.
And that the lowest that
the lowest that any one can
give. Isn’t it reasonable
that you will be fairly treat-
at a store using a system
like onrs?
Administrator’s Sale.
GEORGIA —Thomas County.
By virtue of an order of the Honor
able Court of Ordinary of said county I
will sell on the first Tuesday in May
1004 before the court house door in said
couuty, between legal hoars of sale to
the highest bidder for cash, the follow
ing described proporty belonging to th®
estate of William R. Moore to-wit: A
certain city lot, in the city of Thomas-
viUc, said State of Georgia. County of
Thomas, described in the survey and
piatt by K. S. Law as lot No. 10, being
ou tho corner of Bartow aud South Sts.,
fronting 60 feet on South Sc., and run
ning back easterly one hundred and fif
ty four aud three one hundredths (154-3
100) feet on Bartow street, the rear of
said lot being forty five feet, the same
being a fractional part of subdivision
No. 8 of the S. A. Smith estate sold by
John L. Finn to James F. Pompclly.
4 8-4. M. A. Fleetwood, Admr.
I*at to tho Test.
great crowd has assembled to
cheer the boy prince Alexander on bis
arrivel at Belgrade by steamer. ‘‘Why
do these people make so much noise
when they see me?" cried little Alex
ander. “Because they love you, my lit
tle sou.” Immediately be almost
spraug out of tbe minister’s arras, call-
in* ont: “They say you love me. Show let g 3(X) ^ bn ; y io ‘ W pww . 42.00
me your Jove by throwing all your bats
into tbe water." The bats were
thrown.—From “‘Belgrade, the White
City of Deatk,"
and Sell-Corrected Weekly.
Tho It cotton Tl:*y StSn" Mo When
They Prick tin- t’leali.
The stinging bails of the common
nettle, which can easily be seen by the
nakiHl eye, stand out under the micro-.
•cope as rigid, transparent, tubular I The Prices at Which Things Buy
prickles, highly polished nnd exqui
sitely pointed. At their bnee* these
hair, are furnished with bulbous reser
voirs, which arc charged with formic
acid, nn acrid, poisonous fluid, which is
discharged Into tbe wound after tbe
sharp points have pierced the skin.
Mr. Curlls, In bis “Flora,” gives tbit
graphic description of tbe process:
Placing tbe foot sulk of s nettle leaf
on the stage of a microscope, I pressed
tbe bulb with s blunt pin and found
k liquid ascend in tbe prickle, «■quick
silver does when n warm band' It ap
plied to tbe bulbgf a thermometer. I
raw the liquid ascend and flow from
Its extremity. I was tbe more anxious
to see this, as 1 funded tbe poison
might proceed from an aperture to tbe
able of tbe sting near Its point, and
bare It appears to be placed ratber
than quite ut tbe end, that It may not
take off from its necessary sharpness.
ThomasvUle, Gn.,—April 21, ’04—
Eggs per doz., 12 1-2 to 16c. Best batter
26c. Medium butter, 20o to —c. Chick
ens, fries. 86 to 40o; hens 36 to 40c.
Sweet potatoes, 60 to 66c per bn. Fodder
per 100 lbs, 20c to $1.00. Countryhay,
per 100 lbe. 60o. to 76c; New Syrup,
20 to £8c: country hams, 12 to 13c;
country lard, 8 to 9ljo.
ThomasviUe, Go., April 16, 1904.—
Coffee, arbnckles I6c. Green coffee, fair
lOo. choice 12 l-2c, White granulated
sugar 6 l-2ceute,Brown sugar e l-4c.Snc.
soda per lb. 60; crackers 10 to 20c. stick
candy 10c; Kerosene oil 20c—6 gals 00c.
Side meat per lb 9 to 11; Meal 76c per
ba. Floor $6.70Jto$8.60p$r BbL Western
hams 15c. Lard, compound 9c„
Leaf 10 1-2; hay, $1.25per 100 lbe. bran
$1.25 per 100 lbe. Cotton seed meal 31.40
per 100 lbe. cotton seed balls 60c per 100
lbs sack. Velvet beaus $3.00 per bu.
Sorglinm seed $2.00 per bn.German Mil-
” Wire|hat frames, all styles,
15c. Solid color crepe hat
paper, full 10 ft. rolls, 5c,
"Artificial J flower, assorted,
10c. Big lot hat laces—all
the go now. Get the habit;
wear a lace hat. Lace per.
yd. 5 and 10c. Simpson’s
calicoes, others getting 6
and 7c yd, our price, yd. 5c.
40 inch' lawn, fine quality,
worth • 5c yd; good size
remnants, yd. 10c. Panama
style men’s hats, 50c quali
ty, 25 and 39c. Be sure to
see that $2.50 Oxford we are
selling for Jr.25.
. •. Shoe Bargains . .
MEN'S OXFORDS, worth from Si.50
up to $2.50. Bought at auction,.a A
•izes, several kinds, just to try ad
vertising, we are going to offer
them up to May loth, per pair,.$1.23
WOMEN’S OXFORDS. Solid leather
line, {absolutely guaranteed solid
leather throughout, heel or spring
heel, light or heavy sole, latest
style lasts, our price $1.23
$3.50 shoes. A limited quantity
at $1.63
Men's good Brogan Shoes —
Men'# good Sunday Shoes....
A full line of low cut# and latest
styles oxfords.
Good assortment
all styles trimming, cheapest
one in lot is cheap at price
some woith up to $2.50.
Application Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Thomas C.mnty:
Notice is hereby given that the under-
0 , - _ . sigued lia# applied to the Ordiuarv of
Land for Sole. ' said county for leave to sell land belong-
| ing to the estate of Joseph Moore, for
For sale MX) acres of land iu the 18th the payment of debts aud distribution,
district of Thomas county to be subject I Said application will be heard at the
to a lease to Ed aud Sam Lurry, and f regular term of the Court of Ordinary
Henry Mitchell, Susiua, Ga. Expiring, for said county to be held ou the first
Dec. 31st. 1907, price $3,500.00. All per-, Monday in June 1904. This May 2nd.,
son# interested will please communicate 1004. M. A. Fleetwood, Administra-
witli Tho Southern Mortgage Co.
24 South Broad St. Atlanta Ga.
Choice'as long as they
Solid; color CrepegPaper
for,summer hats, full
io feet rolls....... .'HIS5C
Every mother feel, •
great dread .of the pain
and danger attendant upon
the moat critical period
of her life. Becoming
• mother should be a aobree of joy to all, but the (offering and
danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of miterr.
lUUier’ar ‘
pain and <
severest trial fa not only made painless, hot ell the danger
by Its esc. Those who use thi, remedy are no longer despondent or
gloomy; nerreuenees, nausea and other diitreaeing conditions are
overcome, tb* system is made reedy for tho coming event, and the
eerioes accidents so common to the critical
beer are obviated by the use of Mother’*
Friend. “It it worth it* weight in gold,”
sews many who have naed it. $1.00 per
bottle at dreg atone. Book containing;
valuable information of interert to all women, will
he tent to any address free upon application
Baby Mine
■ should bo a source of joy to
ncidont to the ordeal makes its
. Friend la the enly remedy which relieves women of the great
danger of maternity; this hour which is dreaded aa woman’s
;rul is not only made painleas, but ell the danger is avoided
- mend
Bargains all the time,
A. F.
& Co.
Stark Corner,
ThomasviUe, Ga^
New Idea 10c paper patteri