Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, May 13, 1904, Image 1

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->' a *S'Wit, n "
■e^Hnb South (Beovoia iprooress.^^
' New Series, Vol XIV—No. 42.
How Iho Soventeonth Century Church
told Out Us Money*
Thomssvillo Guards are Making Ev
ery Preparation to Go.
Mr. 8. M. Beach, a well known resi
dent of Basina, and the Tiuies-Eutor-
| The national encampment of soldiers
i at Manassas, Virginia, next fall is the
prise representative iu Clime parts, was ! *" nb80rbin * “P ic of inl<W,t "> miUt *‘
the reoipieut recently of a very j r - ’'•irrien. _
ddcuiaene. It was a copy of. bill I Borgia's qoota for tl.o encampment
found among the ruin, of Wem worth j^ I Jac6d b J t,le “» Uo “» 1 K° ven >-
Abhev which in the curly ! “ c,,t 1500 nM,n - Iu rn "P°" ee to ‘ ,1 -
put of the seventeenth century. The j < * niriw ^ " ie Adjntout Ueueraj»o lee.
bill is dated November ,, 16M iB j thui 2400 troops have exprewed a de,ire
from James Jones to Her. J. Macguire,
pastor, for repairs to Roman Catholic
"For repairing St. Joseph 4d. For re*
pairing Virgin Mary before and behind
and making her a new child 5s Gd. For
making a now nose to the devil, puttiug
a born on his head and gluing a piece to
his toe Gs Gd. Total 12s lOd.
J. Jones."
Such a bill toilay would startle a mil*
Mr. J. R. Salter Produces Another Cu
riosity. /
Mr. J. R. Salter gained considerable
notoriety hook weeks ago by snuoun-
oing that he liad on exhibition a piece
of wedding cake as old as some people’s
parents. He lias come upon the scene
again with a cariosity no less startling.
The freak this time is a sunflower
head with » diminutive millet crop
growing on it. The son flower was rais
ed last season on a plat of groand im
mediately adjoining a millet jutcti. Ti«e
aan flower tiead was cut down at ma
turity and was stored away just like
any otlier ordinary sunflower woo W ex
pect to be.
On stirring up Ms pile of son flower
seed several days ago Mr. Salter noticed
a peculiar *ippearanco about tliem. On
examination be discovered that an tin-
usual coalition had been formed and
that a young millet patch was flourish
ing on a sun flower head.
Mr. Salter says that this runouty
too is open to the inspection of skep
Inquiries at the offices of Or. A. P.
Taylor, Foadnen ’Mitchell, K. M. Mai-
lette and T. D. Wiun failtnl to obtain
responses this week. Upon investiga
tion it was found that tho quarts hud
silently folded their tents nud Wed
themselves away from tl»e hnstlc and
bustle of business botliers for a week's
vacation. They are limiting rest and
courtiug philosophy on the
river in Florida.
to take part in the encampment. This
has made the competition severe, a^d
for any organization to get in, it will
have to show squarely np to the stan
The Fonrth regiment to which the
Guards belong has made application for
the admission of all twelve of its com
panies. A minimum requirement of
fifty enlisted men has been made, and it
is announced that no company will be
allowed to go which cannot carry with
them at least fifty soldiers.
Very few, it any, companies, iu the
regiment now have as many as fifty
men available, imd it is feared that this
requirement will out out some of the
best companies. The Guards already
have an enlisted strength of about forty
five, and they are exerting every effort
to work this strength np to sevonty. A
number of very valuable men have sig
nified their intention of entering tho
service immediately.
No man who does not enlist by the
fifth of Jane will be allowed to make
the Virginia trip, and for that reason
enlistments will be coming thick, and
fast for the next two weeks.
The encampment will be valuable not
only from the standpoint of the soldier
hut it will .give an opportunity for many
a good young man to see his nation’s
capital without .expense. Manassas is
only a few* miles from Washington City,
and such an opportunity seldom comes
into the life of ordinary men.
Not only every expense will be paid,
but every man will be paid tin. .stniu
wages us ore given members of the reg
ular army and his time will bo countajl
from the day he leaves Thomas? ills un
til he returns.
Cantaloup** Reported as Large aa
Marbles at Merrillville.
Taken to Laurens County.
Mr. Juo D. Prince came down from
Dablin Tuesday uight for the purposo
of getting Dick Duller, a stale convict,
and taking him I Nick to Ijaureu*.
Bailor was convicted of hog
at the April term of Superior court here,
and sentenced to two years. He
the only criminal convicted of a felony.
Laurens comity is working her own
convicts, as well as a part of the state
convicts, on her public roads and But
ler will be pat among the number.
Adjudged Insane.
Mr. Robert Bradshaw was Wednesday
afternoon adjudged a lunatic before
Judge W. M. Joucfi and a court of lu
nacy organized to try him. He will be
sent to Milledgeville as soon as lie can
be vaccinate!!, being confined in the
meanwhile at the home of his brother.
Mr. Bradsltaw is well known among the
people of Thomasville and he has the
sympathies of everyone. Religion is the
subject over which he .is most exercis
Miss Pay Bell Williams, a popular
young lady of Boston, has returned
home after a short stay with lier sister,
Mrs. M. R. Mai lette, on Remingtou
There is an -effort being made to unite
four, schools iu a oulebrulion and picnic
at Big Creek cknrch on Friday the 20th
Among tho schools are tltoaeof Coolidge
and Merrillville.
Watermelons aud cariitnlopoa seem to
be doing well. Mr. J. M. Dykes nqiorts
cantaloupes as large as mamlos. Howls
that tor this time of tlie year.
Mr. Henry Alcorn rutarued here
Wednesday evening and .will possibly
make this his home iu the future. We
are glad to have Mr. Alcorn as a citi-
Thomasville Ladies Join Boating
Party on Suwanee-
Misses Bessie Blaekshear, Lucile, Lin
ton and Rosalind Davis left yesterday
Afternoon for Valdosta. Prom there
they will go on a very dclight-fnl trip
down the Suwaneo river to the Gulf ou
board the yacht of Mr. Juo. Yonug,
Other members of the party will be
Miss Venita Pendleton, who joins them
at Quitman, Miss Mec Young of Val
dost a, Mrs. Will McRee uud Mr. Ed
McRee of Kinderlou.
The party will be gene some ten days
Their itinerary as mapped out* by one
of the ladies, includes Gibralta, Algiers,
Ping Yang and/ Oakefeeuokee. The
pleasure that is in store for them is
434 *OS.
Miss Rees White Clips Tlmes-Entsr-
prise Ads and Wine.
Rosa Lee White won the girls prize in
Churchwell’s advertisement contest. She
turned in 434 advertisements. Herbert
Wind headed the boys class aud won
tho watch.' Mrs. S. Sampson hoarded
Times Enterprises nud is now the pos
sessor of a handsome rag.
The contest depended on the greatest
number of advertisements clipped from
thu Titnes-Enterprisc. It w as a great sue
cess, demonstrating not only the wide
spread circulation of the daily inper,
but the popularity of the bustling firm
of A. F. Clmrchwell and Go. *
Atlanta Wins. Georgia Defeats Tech
and Wins Series.
Atlanta 3, Birmingham 1, was what
the board showed yesterday after a close
Montgomery displayed the ha 1 ton act
nud made 11 Scores while 17 wore credit
ed to Nashville. New Orleans took the
game from Little Rock with a score of A
to 3. Slue report won from Memphis
by a ft*to 8 score.
Georgia today defeated Tech by a
count of 7 to 4, tlms wiuiqug the series.
There is yet to bo some hard playing
for the state championship aud there is
much doubt about the final result. Geor
gia and Mercer are scheduled for the
next two games iu the race.
Dr. D. C. Montgomery aud Mr. J. J,
Tumor took iu the Tliomasville picnic
at Momkxjllo last Friday. Thoy report
an exceedingly pleasant trip.
Mrs. M. J. Evans aud her daughter,
Miss Lottie, spout a few flays ill Cocl-
idge this week.
Misses Bflbnie aud Frankie Carter
Were at homo a few days this week to
the delight of their many friends.
Mrs. C. A. Alcorn went down to
Thomasville Saturday shopping. *
Mr. aud Mrs. [Cliarley Matthews paid
Thomasville a visit Saturday.
Miss Tester Sheffield came down from
Norman Park Friday and spent a few
day days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. C. Sheffield.
Hon. N. E. Turner paid Thomasville
a business call Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. L M. Dykes spent the
day in Thomasville Taeeday shopping.
Mrs. Bennett of Camilla istlieguett
of her daughter) Mrs. A. P. Taylor.
Little Rock
The uiuuy friends made by Miss Ros
alind Davis of Maeou during her brief
ft iy here will bo delighted to know that
■he expects to return to Thomasville af
ter her river trip is finished. Miss Da
vis has been one of tho most popular
visitors of all tbe season.
County Court has Interesting Day. A
Half Yet to Come.
Jesse James has at last been brought
to bay. The man with the outlaw
name goes down, not With a notorious
murder, bnt olac and alas a plain as
sault and battery charge. All this
shows what’s in a name. Jesse is a col
ored namesake that started out to mean
well, but in oouuty court yesterday he
was cornered and required to pay $30.00
or work ten months.
Joe Evans plead guilty to three charg
es, iMiinting a gun. wife beating and
carrying concealed weapons. Tho sum
total of his day’s expeuse aggregates
$75.00 and costs.
tJhns. Reufroe is tho negro who was
made to fall by tho lowness of Dr. Wat-
kiu's chicken roost. Olios, contributes
twenty five, and the pretty point is that
Dr. Watkins got bis chickens back.
Toil! Everett was caught gambling
by officer Marlin. Necessarily lie was
convicted. •
The Cases against Bam Guyton aud
Pat Finerty for a misdemeanor were
nol pressed.
Milton Bodiford plead gnilty to dis
turbing public worship. Ho was fined
$ 10 aud costs. Bodiford’s and Finerty’s
were the only white cases tried.
Crops Looking WoU in Spite of the Dry
To the Country.
Mr. aud Mrs. G. S. Whitney, Mbs
Bailie Starke and Mr. G. J. Starke mov
ed yesterday to the Thorne place for
the summer. The Thorne home, only a
short distance iu the country is one of
tbe most complete homes in ail the sec
tion and Mr. Whitney’s family have a
delightful season ahead of them.
To NasjAille.
Mr. D. C. BarrowJMt Wednesday to
attend the Southern Baptist Convention
at Nashville Tennessee. The conven
tion will be in session for several days.
The Thomasville church will be repre
sented most ably by Rev. Alex W.
Bealeraud Mr. Barrow. The annual
gathering of the southern Baptists isone
of tho most important ecclesiastical
events of all the year and their doings
are watched with the greatest interest.
A Wagou load of Berwick folks went
to Hroomo’s fish -panel to a fish try yes-
terdaSrf"Those who weut reportrpUuty
of fish and a good time.
Mr. V. L. Hopson, of Pavo, was slink
ing hands with friends here Tuesday.
Mr. Mira Barrett and his sister. Miss
Ellen, visited the county's capital Sat
Some of Pavo’s young people came
down to Use singing Sunday afternoon.
We were glad to see you. Como again.
Mr. Josh Wilkes and his sister, Mbs
Oarrabel, spent Saturday and Snuday in
Qnitmau with friends.
Mrs. Tnppau, of Uacouton, in visiting
in this community, the guest of Mrs. J.
B. Roauure.
The Safow singing convention will
hold a quarterly session with Barwick
ftaptist church the fifth Sunday iu Jane,
aud the .Saturday before. A very large
attendance is expected.
Miss Edna Crenshaw, of Pavo, aud
Mrs. I. N. Johnson, of Quitman wore
the guests of thu Misses Barrett Monday.
Barwick was visited^ Monday evening
by a refreshing shower of rain. The rain
was light; nothing like a season.
Messrs. T. M. Massey and B. F. Mas
sey left last week to spend a while at
Hampdou .Springs.
Mrs. Talley of Milltowu is visiting her
parcuts, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Wilkes.
Miss Lou ltcdfearn spent Sunday in
Pavo with relatives. *
Mr. J. A. rilierrod, of near Pavo, was
a visitor here Monday.
The spring term of the Barwick
school will close on tho 20th.
Mr: J. T. Barrett spent Snuday with
Crojw iu this locality are looking well
notwithstanding the continuation of the
dry spell.
Mr. J. W. Evans Is Probing the Cause
of His Wife's Death,
. Prosecution is being waged an the
physicians who attended Mm. J. W.
Evans during her late illness at fampa
It will be remembered that Ur. and
Mrs. Evans moved fromCoolidge to Tam
pa only a few weeks ago, and that. Mrs.
Evans died there very suddenly Inst
week. Mr. Evans was iu tho city yes
terday ou hi* return from Coolldge,
whore he carriod his wife to be bnried.
and be talked freely of the ease.
Doctors Hampton, Stafford and Sax
ton were called in by Mr. Evans to at
tend his wife and after hor death lie
was so dissatiiflod with their manner
of treating tho ease and its results that
lie had a (lost mortem examination hold
by ton of tbeleading physicians of Tam
pa. On the strength of their examina
tion an iuqoost was held by the ooroner
and ills report is being hourly expect-
An operation was performed by tile
physicians aud Mr. Evans felt that it
waa both badly advised and badly ex*,
onted, and feeling this way about the
matter he regarded it as Ids duty to
probe it to the bottom.
If mntpraotioeis proved against the
doctors, wiiiohisnot at mil unlikely,
they will be severely dealt with.
N.gross Accused of Incendiarism
Goes to Superior Court.
Tile,three negroes, Wade, Gilley. aud
Jefferson, who were aoensed of having
net Are to Wm. Cargell's barn near
Metcalfe on Saturday night, were given
n preliminary trial Wednesday liefore
judge W. H. Bibb.
Captain W. M. Hammond defended
Wade and Gilley.. They were bound
over nnder a $200.00 bood to appear lie.
tore Hie October term of Sniierioropurt.
Both gave bond.
Evidence seemed to be mnclt more
telling against Jefferson and lie will
bs required to fnrnisli atluOObond before
he can go oat. W. O. Snodgrass i* hie
lawyer. Hoddonhery aud Lake were
the prosecutor*.
Mr. Lonnie Milton Olos on Wednes
day and le Burled at Little Flock.
Miss Clifford Copelan.l of Thomas*
villa was recently a pleasant visiror lien,
guest of Mrs. Frank Walker.
Mise Maye/Manning of Mauuington
Fla. after having spent a few days with
Mr*. Ausol Dokle has returned homo.
Mr. C. S. Russell, one of our enter
prising citizens, is having some exten
sive additions mode to his already com
fortable home. The additions add mnoh
to tho desirability of the property, and
to the town. )
Dixie, Dixie.
Dr. G. W. Randolph, the noted spe
cialist. who is coring no many atom-
merer* at his voice school at Atlanta is
now at the Waverlj House, Thomas
ville. Ga., to cure many stammerers
who desired him to come. He is highly
endorsed by leading papers all over the
south. 5-13-d2&w.
r. L. J. Campbell who lias been
spending the winter iu Thomasville
wilt leave today for his home in
Yonngtown Ohio. Mr. Campbell has
made many filends daring Ms stay
here, and it is to be hoped he will re
turn next winter.
His many friends will learn with sad
ness of Mr. Qdns Powell’s illness in
Qnitmau. His mother Mrs. Henry Pow
ell left Snuday to be with him for a few
On Wednesday, May 3, 1904, Lonnie
Milton, a son of Mr. and Mrs. N. J.
Milton of Glasgow neighborhood, died
after an illness lasting only a few days.
At the time of his death Lonnie was
twelve years old and had, by his win
some ways, won a place very near the
liearts of those who knew him best. He
was bnried at Little Flock church the
following day. We trust that he is in
the bright home of onr Heavenly Fa
ther above.
Pointers end Personals About Hoots
Folks snd Strsn-ers—You and Your
People and Where You Are Going.
•Sum Hayes returned from Montioeilo
Captain J. B. AVay was ou the streets
Mr. and Mrs. A M.Hartley of Abridge
were Wednesday visitors to town.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ferrell of Snnny
Hill were shopping in the city Wed-
d»T- '
Mrs. J. H. Aud^-sou uud daughter,
Dora, of Whighum are;visiting Mrs. W.
H. Vann.
Misses Laura Jones uud Stella Wil
liams left yesterday fora ten days visit
to White Spring*.
blood, red bone breed.’ itf.OO per pair.
Apply W. C. Thomason, C'niro, Ga.
DeWItt Udberts, traveling salesman
for tlm Forbes Piano Co., of Montgomery
is at the Smart.
Mr. Joe Donaldson of Merrillville was
shaking hands yesterday witli his old
time Thomasville friuuds.
FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Berkshire
pigs, sired by the celebrated boar, “Co-
ltunhia'e Leo" from Hie Vanderbilt herd
at Bilrmorv, N. O. Apply to J. B. Tal
bot. Snstna, Ga,
Mrs. G. W. Parker and daughter
Mamie are Hie guests of Mrs. Frank
Cochniu on Washington street.
Dr. J. 1, Wilson of Monltrio passed
through Thoinusvillu yesterday on 'his
way to Tampa. He mak locate there.
Mrs. M. J. Evans was in town Wed
nesday witli her son, Mr. J. W. Evans.
Blie returned to her home at Merrill*
villn In the afternoon
Miss Olivo Quattlebuam of Ochlbek-
onee who has been in Atlanta for the
pdst two months learning the millinery
business is at home again.
v Dr. W. A. Walker of Cairo
tlirongh Thomasville Wednesday on bis
wat to AHanta to undergo an operation.
He has been suffering very severely
with an abscess in Ids head. Dr. Walker
was accompanied by Mr. Lem Powell.
Mr. P. G. Lewis and family have
moved book to Thomasville .from Bain-
bridge and are at home at tlieir residence
in Feruside. Mr Lewis lias never -cm
ed to be a Tiiomnsvillhm notwithstand
ing his temporary sojonrn in Balnbridge.
He says ho feels at home.once more.
Mrs/ F. P. Rice and little granduoph
ter who have been spending the pel t
week with Mia* Kittie Mitchell and
Mn. Platt returned to Atlanta Monday,
pleased with Thomasville and much
improved iu health. She has promised
t > retora again next winter.
Hogs Strayed.
How and six pigs. Mark on sow is
split in right ear. Pigs unmarked, 2
months old. Will give as reward the
choice pig of the bnnob. 5-IL2
Pavo, Ga. W. M. Drew.
Mrs. G. F. Brown, with her son, ar
rived early this morning to be with Mr.
G. F. Brown, her hatband. Mrs. Brown
is from Chicago, but it is the intention
of the family Co nuke Thomasville their
permanent home. Mr. Brown is o'
brother,of Captain Jas. H. Brown. For
Hie present they will be with Mias
Bessie Mays.
b ack mare male with split in one ear.
Answers to the nanis of Kit. Return to
Cochran * Son and receive reward.
Mr. B. M. Comfort visited the co ant» .
capitol Wednesday. Mr. Comfort is one
of the county delegatee to Atlanta to
the State Democratic, Convention. He
asserted hie willingness to wear a Parker
button, which he means he will
be among the immortal throng that will
ride in the band wagon. ■ *