Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, May 13, 1904, Image 4

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Doily, One Year *0.00
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Official Paper of Thomas County
Guaranteed Circulation 3,350.
Mrs. PenOergass and Mrs Cheshire
Pass to Their Reward.
Oclilookomw, Os , May II 1004.
The death snpel made a tour through
our vicinity last week and' .Saturday
'Ira Pendeigaas sod Mrs. Oliashire were
railed to tlieir rewards. Quite a lot
nf sickness Is retorted in the community.
Mrs p. A. Hendry end Mrs. Saunders,
both of unr town, hare been <|uito sick,
although reslcrday they were reported
to be eonaidnrsbly better. Mr. D. L
Bulloch's little son has heeu i|nite slek
of fever but Is now Improving.
Mr. T. J, Bottoms of Thouuuvilln was
in town yesterday handing out circulars
adrerttsiiig the great annual excursion
to Tsmlsi, on Monday Msy Silrd. ■
Ur. D.'R. Anderson It getting “away
behind'* with Ids (lulling since lie lost
his ti-hing polo, he says.
The tnrpenUne distillery of ,1. K. Ma
con near Meigs was destroyed by Are
yesterday, bnt I am enable to glv^lie
particulars, •
Mr. Jeff W hite of near Cairo. is in
town with a new cultivating two horse
plow, which lie mys is goiqg tike hot
• ales. He Is agent for them.
The clever Timos-Kuterprise man.
Ur. Chestnut was in town Monday
talking news, taking news snd hiking
Kihecribers. In the last lie is always
Mr. Richard J. Jackson of Valdosta
was In town Monday hartog boon called
'9o the Mdsidoof his father who for
some days past has been quite sick.
However, we aro glad to state that he
> is improving now and we hopu£to see
v him out in a few days.
2 Mist Olivia Lindsay returned from
- ansxlenstve visit to Pine Park yester
Mr. Olias. Stringer anil family of Pino
Park vicinity were tu towu yesterday
the guests of Mr. sod Mrs. F. J. Singh
Him Olive Quattlebeum reform d
L Monday from Atlanta whore she bus
r some lime boon in the employ at
• millinery business.
Miss Jessie Buntiu spent Sunday with
, retnrne I to Thomaavillo Sunday
* Mr. J. R. Audersoujof Wliigliam was
££P*nwn Svtn -day and |Sunday. He re
nd Mood ty hut tint rest of Ids fami
ly will not go until today.
.Tbs Russians sink mines but the Jspa
bink ships.
a«Whtchie the be«t;itrnst banting or to
pjl^Ttnl Tigilauoti U thu price paid to
eternal hunliiiK is the price
tifOt money, nnd eternal eleop isthel
0 paid for life.
Cairo, G*., May JOIIi, 1®W.
At a meeting of leading Democrats
sod supporters of Col. Jno. B. Single
tary held here today presided over by
W. 8. Wight as ohairman. and B. W.
Adkins as Secretary tho following open
letter to the Democratic voter, of the
county was adopted ea being the best
moans of expressing the sentiments of
our people in the present legislative eon-
tost and to set at naught any rumors
to the contrujr:
Jo the Democratic Voters of Thomas
In view of the many rumors that have
gained circulation relative to the post
lion our people octupy in the race for
representative, "we. tlie undersigned
citizens and voters of the Cairo district,
desire to inform our friends throughout
tiny county tint our present representa
tive from this section, Hon. Jno. R.
8iugletiirr, lias our entire ooulidence;
and that liis- course in the present Leg-
islntuei meets witli our heartiest ap
proval, snd that we unanimously en
dorse Ids candidacy for re-election to the
nett Hoaso and aek oar friends every-
where to support hint.
W 8 Wight. J W Booth, W Y Bryan,
GV Butler. FT Brown. HJOriner,
K M Maxwell, T W Wood, W H Me-
Manus, W G Baggett, L G Merritt,
G W Hurst, O T Davis, I, O Free, J M
Miller, W W W^tts, WO MoManus, F
A Richter, J B Worrell, T A Stringer,
J T Pearce, Edward F Richter, O Sapp,
J ESapp. H J Hart, R W Pearce, W
H Robinson, Walter Davia D D Gwalt
nay. J W Wldddou. 8 R Davis, J R
Evstuf. W. H Roddenbery, J E Hall,
W.J White, E E Hurst, Jas T Led, T
H. Hester, W T Merritt, O A
Wight, J T Glower, T J Browne.
K P Wight, Thomas Wight, J L Oliver,
D F Oliver, John L Pooik, Is M Johu-
son, .1T Dunbar, J M Pouik, M O Poulk,
O K Mauldin, F B Walsh, B F Powell
J A Powell, WO Hontaby. T H Belolier,
M B Sapp, Harris Davis, James L Maul
din F M Brannon, H A Hudson, C M
Mnggrldge WE Sanders, FA Belcher,
OF Kandem, R L VanUndinglism, Z R
Jones. W T Crawford. F J Wind, E G
Kolbic. Kodar Powell, S B Singletary.
J B Hawthorn. R t, Nicholson. M M
Poulk. J H Pearce, J K Arline, Juiuoe
Deklc, Z F Booth, Jonoe Mnnyhan, Ira
Llluret, R L Forester, J M Merritt Jr.
Jno H Hudson. M D Dollar. W E Chcs-
shlre. Dr Eugene Olower, Perry Baggett,
WJH Muggrldge, Joseph Ohsson,; W T
Odom, John H Barwiok, Dr J A Lind
say, W B Brawn, Dr A B Cook, JW
Anderson, T W Brown, J W Southall,
R H Green, if J Willis, J A Hornsby
F G Brown, J L Powell, J I Guqdy,
J 8 Gandy, HM MoManus. W H Col.
Ilns, H A Vanlaudlnglmm Dr W E
Oliver, R W Cook, J D Thomahou, P
B Gray, B G Willis, H V Brinson Cas
per Walker, J L Robison, Thoa Davis,
J N Barrow, J W Hurst. R T Uluson,
OliasE Grinor, JH Massey, Thoe F
Graves James Johnson. I S Fnlford,
Friday on official basinets.
A. T. clnnell one of Brooks county’s
meat substantial farmers, was lime
last week transacting business with our
Miss Hallie Neel, a quondam citizen of
Boeton, bnt now of ThomosvUle waa in
oar city lest Saturday and Snnday visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Neel in tooth east Boeton.
Mr. snd Mrs. J. B. Daniel of Savan
nah ore visiting the parents of the for
mer, Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Daniels at
their home on west Jcffereou street.
Alex Rice of Luraviile, Fla. who once
lived a short time in our city was lien
several days, since our hut letter.
Horn left hut
for TbomasviUe to visit her pArenta. Mr.
snd Mrs. S. G. Covington.
D. Horn, wife and ohildren of Live
Oak Fla. are visiting the former's moth
er, Mrs. Missouri Horn at her home on
east Jefferson street.
Vslck Arrest,
J. A. Gulledgeof Verbena, Ala. was
twice in the hospital from a severe case
of piles causing 25 tumors After doc
tors and all remedies (ailed, Bucklen's
Arnica Salve quickly arrested further
inflamation and cured him. It con-
querr aches and kills pain. 15c. at
W. Peacock’s, Druggist.
Summer Colds.,
Summer colds, usually bang eg stub
bornly and are bard to cure. Rvdales
tsnxir speedily cures summer colds and
• lingering coughs This modern sciOnti-
has revolutionized the harvesting
iness/ Save your mules and get a
W. A. Parker left last Mouday for
LowndeH county’s capital. g
Jesse L. Thompson one of the c«-a-
ductors'of tlie-A. C. L. with head qunr-
tors at Valdoata was visiting Ins sister.
Mrs. J. T. Rogers at her home on Ste
phen street last Sunday and Monday.
Dr. and Mn. R. A. Shine of Tnlla-
haaseo Fla. after a pleasant sojourn of
several days with the pa routs of Hie
latter, Mr. and Mrs. W. .11. Brook*, left
for their home lost Monday. \
Mr. T 8. Leak one of Boston’s prom •
neat citlsens left last Mond ly for Pnta-
goals Sooth America to visit one of Ins
great nuclei. We Insjienk for Bro.
Leak Journeying mercies during Ids ub-
•eucu in that faraway county.
Rev. T. J. Heart of Doerun Uoiqiiitl
county tilled his regular apiiulntmeui si
Antioch clmrch last Snnday, prcu-liiug
to large und attentive cougicgatiuus.
Mm. Davis of Valdosta is visiting iter
sister Mn. D. Ingram at her lionm on
west Jefferson street.
R H. Gray, reprmeu iig n Nashville
candy and cracker lionsc Wes exhibiting
hie wane to onr merchants last Tues
day. He baa handled candy no long
that lie lias got really sweet.
Tlie annual picnic at McKinuou's
pond north of Boston came off last Sat-
nrday, a large crowd as usual attend
ing. It was supplemented by a eon-
tfugent nf Boston's most Iwnutifal
yonng Indies. A most exeoUeni dinner
wns spread. In \i liieli all were invtlcd.
lie remedv is a prescription, especially
adapted 10 ihc successful treatment of
all chronic, throat or lung diseases. If
you are atllicted with a summer cold or
a lingering cough, get a trial bottle of
K>dale's Elixir. You'll- be surprised at
the remit. Trial size. 25c. Family inc
hick headache results from a disorder
ed stomach and is quickly cured by
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
let-. For sale by J. W, Peacock. d. &
litres'a Jest Much Proof na In Nearby
Fnllv as many cures at home
llv Duan's Kidney Pills,
A< in Albany and other nearby towns,
llui Thom i-ville people shun pubii
Proof is passed Iron mouth to mouth
Many cases here liae this.
II. V. Fernll, veterinary surge M,
living at State street Albany. Ga*
says. "Alihoegh 1 have never been
laid up by kidney complaint. I have
suffetdd a great deal with a lame and
aching back, and tclt like going to bed
on that account often enough. The
dull, heavy pain was with me for sev-
machine that will last you a lifetime.
The hinder that has & record 391,
000 bundles without missing a single
bundle, and without perceptible wear
of any of its parts.
A mower that for speed, light draft
and durability cannot be equaled.
For sale *nd on exhibition ^at my
stables at Boston, Ga.
Planete Jr.
eral years. The urinr was also very
a thick
dark and sluggish and contained
sediment I tried nil kinds of reme
dies. and used prescriptions of my own
but without success. Nothing seemed
to take hold until 1 procured Doan's
Kidney Pills. They were exactly suited
to my case. Since using the Pills I have
not been botberedwith those pains, and
the kidney secretions have been restored
to a normal color and consistent '
a normal color and consistency.
Emphatic endorsement can be had
right here in Thomaaville, Drop into
K, Thomas Jr's drug store and ask wbst
hit customers report,
all dealers. Fos'cr-Mil
W. E. Yost aiul J. E. Myddletoi.. two no mher.
For Kile by
burs Co, Buffalo, N. Y. sole agents for
the United States. Price 50 cents,
Kcmuinher the name—Doan's—and
J.t is the verdict of every farmer
that has ever used one or even seen
one used that the
is the greatest laber savor and grass destroyer that ever
wi:nt into the field.
It does the work thoroughly, quickly and witli ease t*
the operator.
If you are not already using them get yourself right and
call on or write
Way’s Building.
} are raising conn down in south
jr* Says the Atlanta Count it u-
Ye« f brother, both kinds—ribbon
|Vlr Infant! and Children.
i Kind Yon Hm Ahrajs Bought
0 Singletary, Jok Worley, E E Prince,
Cary Griffin, W J Horst, W C Mat
thews, JO Matthews,RJ Norton,Oul.J F
Stone, R H Briusou, G W Hinson, J J
VoMsans, J J Horst, W J Middleton,
H R Hurst, M A Horton, T. A. Mathews,
J H kfnll, Dr T J Arline. E AParrtsh.W
G Lewis J B Watts, E A Williams,
J G Kohborg. W F Key, J F Spooner,
1 Q Lewis, J t Gaudy, Jr, Wra Howze,
James McKowu, A B Connell, J E Mc
Manus, R L Butler, D W Olisson, M D
Thereby, Wm Walden, J G Thereby,
0 O Miller, C E VanLandlngham, O G
Lewis, Lcauder-Smitli,-Dr WM Searcy,
11 Vanlaudingliam, W D Burlier, I T
rnylor, J E Hurst, A Williams, J W
Clifford, Prior Lowis Sr, A Poulk, W L
Lewis, Algie Baggett, B F Williams H
1 Dougherty, R Y Hurst, W O Barrow,
i B Sutton,Dr W A Walker T W Brin-
*on, Asborry Siuglotary, Harvey Sin-
jletiry, A J Blitoh, J A Hinson. J R
Iinson, L A AUbritton, W S Harrison,
vl Cltasou, J W Hanley, J A Ailkisson,
IA Grant, O Singletary, Ed Sliolar, B
r Cook, W T Woolfolk, D W Tyus, J
.V Nicholson, W L Puffer, J H Lewis,
3 W McManus, H J Vinsou, A 0 Fon s-
;er, B W Adkins, John H Miller, John
latter, A M Hartley, L. B. Powell, Jas.
.1 Moore.
Boy's Blue Serge Coats, Youth's Blue Serge
. Coats, Men's Blue Serge Coats, Preach-
• er's Coats, Boy's Stockings, Men's
1-2 hose in plain lace Stripes
and Fancy Colors.
“F®r what Is worth in anything
But so much money as ’twill bring,”-Butler.
We desire to call attention of our customers this week to a larow
line of
Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements.
-We bundle the— —
Weber Wagon and the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford Buggies
and the Rex Buggies, and the McFarlane Buggies and
We have combination corn and cotton planters and comhina-
tion guano and corn drills.
We have the best line of Fertiliser Distributors we ever saw. Yoo
can put out with them from one hundred to two thousand pounds
of fertilizers per acre. ,
We also carry a full line of two horse riding aud walking cultivator*
aud weeders.
ArtUtic dexigts ia shoes aud hosiery
trill be displayed after tlie lint rain.
The 51.25 High Art Shirts
the BEST in the World |S1.0i).
We are still offering bargains i
—Flour, Sugar and Tobacco
and have ou baud yet some select North Carolina Seed Finders
Remember that we give with each 25c cash purchase a ticket en
titling you to a chauco at the beautiful Ames stick seat run about on
display in our window, which will be giveu away on May 23th. One
of our customers will get this beautiful run about. Yon mav be the
lucky one. COME to see us. '
Comfort Trading Co,