Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, May 20, 1904, Image 12

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Notice of Sale.
./•' if
Will be sold beforo lira court lionse
door in the >ity of Tlinmasville, On.
utihiolito legal hours of sale on the
firrt Tuesday In Junt- 1904 tl.« follow
ing deaeribed property to-ivlt: f>7iSi>o.
lbs of aecond hand nilron'i iron more
particularly deacribod ns follows; l.M,
Bars SO feet long 19 burs *9 fort long,
8 bars 28 feet long, 6 bars 27 feet long,
3 bars SO feet long, 4 bars 25 feet long,
7 bar* *4 feet Ion;
1 bar 22 feet '
4 bars 93 feet long.
3 hors ai feet long.
the abore aggregating 5.789 lineal feet
and known as 80 lbs rail per each lineal
yard, also 1481-8 pairs whole ftsli plates,
f faWpairs broken fish plates, said rail-
lofid iron being ucd for from rail road
porposM on lota of land 204, and 205, in
. the 18tli district of Thoron* county Ga
Also 200 bars40 feet long. lOhors J9 feet
! long, 5 bars 28 feet long, 1 bar *7 feet
long, 8 bars JO feet long. 3 bam 35 feet
long. The abore aggravating 8,h5U
lineal feet and known as aolbe. rail that
la SO lbaeaclt lineal yard together with
-anclt bolts end fastenings that may Ik
with add rail, the last described rail
nod Iron la to be laid on lots of land
number 90S, and 1G3, in tlie IE district
of Thomas county Ga„ near the town
Levied on as the property of the Local
Lumber Company, nnder virtue of a
mortgage foreclosure in favor of the
Parrott Lumber Company against the
said Local Lumber Company. The
property being difficult and expen
sive to transport will not be brought to
or exposed at the Court Home door bu t
delivered at place where now located.
Property pointed oat intbe mortgage.
Sheriff of Themes county Ga.
Application for Support.
TJEORGIA—Thomas Ootntrv;
pralsors duly appointed to set apart the
came, having filed their retain. All
persona concerned an hereby required
to show cause before the ordinary of
said oonnty on the flret Monday In Jon
1904, why said application ahoold not be
granted. This April 91st 1901.
The Kind Yam Hare Always Bought, and which has been
In uge for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has tieen made nnder his per
sonal supervision since its Infancy.
Allow no one to deceive yon in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-os-good” are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castorla Is a harmless substitute tat Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Gollc. It relieves Teething Troubles, cores Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Wk. If. Joses,
Application Leave to Sell.
Georgia, Thomas County:
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has applied to tho Ordinary of
said oonnty for leave to syll land belong
ing to the estate of *—‘
Moore, for
the payment of debte and distribution.
Said application will be heard at the
regular term of the, Court of Ordhiary
for said county to be held on the first
Mondny lu June 1901. This May 2nd.
1904. M. A, Fleetwood, Administra
tor upon the estate of Joseph Moore.
Application for Support.
Georgia. Thomas Oonnty;
Mis. 8. Alex Smith, having made op-
'pUeation for twolve months support out
of the estate of Dr. S. Alox Smith, and
appraisers duly appointed to sot apart
the same having filed their return, nl
persons oonoernod are hereby required
to show cause before tho Court of Ordi
nary of said oonnty on tho first Monday
. Is June 1904, why said application
shoald not be granted.
This 29th day of April I1KM. Wm. M.
Jokes, Ordinary. 5-6-4.
Land for Sale.
For sole MX) notes of land in the 18th
district of Thomas county to bo snbject
to a lease to Ed and Sam Lnrry, and
Henry Mitchell, Snslna, Ga. Expiring
Deo. 81st. 1907, prioe $8,500.00. All pet;
sans Interested will please commauicnte
with The Southern Mortgage Co.
24 South Broad St. Atlanta On.
Georgia, Thomas Countv,
To all whom it may concern: s. If.
Plrico lmting, in proper form, applied to
me for permanent Letters of Adminis
tmtioii on the estate of Miss Amoy
Mnrphey, late of snid county, deceased,
this is toeite nil ami siugular the cred
itors and next of kin of Amoy Miirpluy
to bo and appear at my office within the
time allowed by law, and show cause,
, if any they can, why permanent Admin
istration should not U> granted to S. II.
Price, on Amoy Murphoy’f? estate.
Witness mv hand, ami official signa
ture, this 2nd day of May 11)01.
Wm. M. Joxfcs, Ordinary, ft-4*6
Application for Support,
GEORGIA—Thomas County:
Mrs. C."A. Alcorn, having made ap
plication for twelve moots supjHirt out
of tho estate of W. M. Alcorn, and ap-
praisers duly appointee! to set apart tho
.same, having filed their return. All
'parsons [concerned are hereby required
to show cause before the court 'of Ordi
nary of said county, on the first Monday
in Jnne, 1904, why 'said application
should not 1)0 granted
This 13th day of April 1904.
4*16-1 W. M. Jonks,
In Use For Over 30 Years.
For 315.00, 320.00 and 380.00.
dred Discs to select from; a\Ao a gc
Musloal Merchandise, Sheet Jluslo 10c. npj
No. 1 Guitar for 32.75 .Mandolins 82.00 np.
Banjos 32.50 np, etc., . iin^bo found at J
Tuttle’s Jewelry .Store.
ThomnsviUe. Georgia.
Engines Stand Supreme
For All Power Puroose'8.
SIMPLICITY itself. Buy a
8LAKESLEE and}keep you* re
ligion. No profanity necessary.
You can see every movement. Nothing hidden or complicated about the
BI.AKESLEK. Positively SAAB. Strictly high-grade.
Write for our catalogue and prices
Birmingham, - - Ala.
Local Growers Expect to Have Mal
one entire Market.
Watermelons ore developing very
rapidly. Mr. Jno. Stuart' of across the
river, was exhibiting a healthy speci
men about three inches long on Tues
day, but yesterday Mr. S, L. Horn from
the same neighborhood, brought in one
that was mote than twice oe long. Mr.
Horn has been the first to put ripe mel
ons on the streets ot^Tbomasville for
several years, and he expects to sustain
his reputation this season. The. sample
he showed weighed 2'5-K pounds and
was seven Inches long s
Both Mr. Horn and Mr Stuart enlli-
vote melons for the home market, the
latter stating that he sold last year al
most 3200 worth from a single acre.
He tins fonr acres this year. Mr. Horn
two acres of Thomas melons
for the home market and a mncli larger
patch for shipping.
Miss Mamie Parker of Boston is lien
at the bedside of her grandmother, Mrs.
John I. Parker! who Is seriously ill ut
her home on Remington Avenne.
Thesr’i Just Much Proof as In Nrarby
Towns. ,
Fully us many cures at home
By Doan's Kidney Fills,
As in Albany and other nearby towns,
But Thom.uville people shun pubii
Proof is passed from mouth to moutn
Malty cases here live this.
H. Y. Ferrill, veterir
living at 47 State street
says. ‘'Although 1 have never been
A golden opportunity for en.
ergetic boys and girls to get an
|g karat Solid Gold Watch ab
solutely free with pay besides.
Address, with stamped envel
ope. Matthews Medicine Co.
Americns, Ga.
Carries a complete line of Drugs,
Medicines, Toilet Articles, Sta
tionary, Fine Perfumery, Soaps
Combs, Brushes . . .
The only up-to-date Soda fount
in town, serving all kinds of cold
and fancy Drinks and Ice Cream,
A fine lino of Tobacco and Cigars,
Fandy and Family Groceries.
Thanking you for past’ patronage
and soliciting same in future.
Ocklockonee, Georgia.
F^rrili, veterinary surge :n,
Albany, Ga.,
, . — f e never been
laid up by kidney complaint, I have
suffered a great deal with a latne and
aching back, and felt like going to bed
on that account often enough. The
dull, heavy pain was witb me for sev
eral years. The urine was also verv
dark and sluggish and contained a thick
sediment I tried till kinds of reme
dies. and used prescriptions of my own
but without success. Nothing seemed
to taxe hold until l procured Doan's
Kidney Pills. They were exactly suited
to my case. Since using the Pills I hav#
not been bothered with those pains and
the kidney secretions have been restored
to^i normal color anti consistency.'
Emphatic endorsenum can be lino
right here in Thomasvilic, l)ro:» inir.
K, Thomas Jr's drug store anti ask wh*t
his customers report,
For sale by all dealer-. Fos^r-Mil-
burnLo, Buffalo, N. Y. sole agents tor
the United States. Price ?<» cents,
Remember the name—DoanS— and
take no otl e.\
Mrs. Andrew Hamby of Savannah is
visit ing her sister, Mrs. Hemh Varm-
doe on llanfcll street.
Leading ThomnsviUe Druggist Urges
You to Try Hyomei, the Unarnutoed
Caro for Catarrh.
Am* reader of tho Times- Enterprise
who suffers with catarrh, or whdis sub
ject to catarrhal colds, is invited to J.
W. Peacock's store for a complete Hyo-
mol outfit on approval. So confident is
lie that Hyomei will cure tl^e worst ami
most deep-seated case of catarrh that ho
will furnish a full month s treatment of
Hyomei on trial.
While it would Ik* unreasonable to ex
pect a chronic case of catarrh
Application for Charter. ;
To tho Honorable tlie Superior Court of j
snid Oonnty :
The petition of Charles S. Hebarrl,
Daniel L. He bard. Mary C. Hebaid, ]
Mary E. Hcbanl, and Julia H. Marsdeu,
respectfully represents to the Court
1st. That your petitioners desire to Ixt
incorporated and made a body politic for
a period of twenty years, with the privi
lege of renewal at the expiration of said
te.m, under the name of “Hebard Lum
ber Company,” and with a capital of
Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, to be
divided in shares of One Hundred Dol
lars each, and with the further privi
lege of increasing the amount of said
capital to Five Hundred Thousand Dol
lars whenever such increase t-luUl have
been authorized by stockholders repre
senting Three-Fourths of said original
al,voting at astockhold
called for that purpose
2nd. Petitioners farther show* that
the object of their Association is the ac
quisition of pecuniary profit to them aud
to their associates; and the business to
be <*»rriad on. that of baying, selling,
leasing aud holding timber and timbered
lands, in the counties of Camden, Chari*
ton. Clinch, Echols, Glynn, McIntosh
and Ware, and in such other counties,
and at such other places in said Stite ss
m*>y be hereafter selected by them; and
the manufacture, purchase and sale < f
»a el lumber; the erection and opera
tion of ►team saw-mills, tramways, dry-
kilns, lumber yards, and such other
stnmturi s, machinery and appliances as
may be necessary to the successful proe-
emtiouof said basilic**; with the right
to use and have a Certiorate Seal, to
opeu Books of Snb*«ription, to adopt
by-laws, elect officers, 10 plead and be
impleaded, and to have and exercise
such other powers and privileges as are
incident to private business corporations
under the laws of Georgia.
3rd. Your petitioners further show
that tlielr principal office will be located
and kept m the city of Thomasville,
County of Thomas in said State; out
they desire authority to open branch
offloes for the transaction of the busi
ness of the corporation at such other
points in said State as the stockholders
may hereafter see fit to establish.
4th. Your ^petitioners further show,
that of the capital to be employed by
them in the prosecution of said business,
more than Ten Percent has already
been subscribed and actually paid in;
and they desire the privilege of accept
ing payment of subscriptions to their
capital in timber and timbered-lands in
such proportion, and at such valuations
as may be fixed and determined by thft
stockholders voting at any meeting or
meetings that may be called and held
for that purpose.
5th. Petitioners further show, that
it is their purpose iu good faith to eutor
upon and prosecute the business afore
said os soon as t he powers herein prayed
for shall have been conferred upon them;
and they as in duty bound will ever
Hammond & Hammond,
Attorneys for Petitioner.
Trtie copy of the original now of file
in this office.
.1 W Groover, Clerk.
Water Melon
We will give the above
amount in gold to the first
person bringing us a ripe
watermelon growu in Thomas
More| Watermelons.
We will give another $2.50.
for the largest
melon deliveted at our store
before July 4th, 1904. Some
one will get this money. No
strings to it, so to speak.
Iring Us tiis First Hips
M’iss, or tbs Largest
Cos aid THE ill IS
Petition (or Charter.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To the Honorable thb Superior Court of j '
said county: j ^
The petition of I’. A. Adams. I). I).] THE HOTTER THE WEATHER
Peacock, R. II. Bittwick and O. T j
Beggs all of said staPT'and county re
spectfully shows:
First. That they desire for themselves. I
their associates', successors and assigns- “
to become incorporated under the name
and style of "Pavo Telephone Com-1 Oil all OU1* Si: 111 11101* goods,
pany," for the term of twenty year.* with |
the privilege of renewal at the end of t Just remember that when you
that time.
Second. Capital stock to be five him- j trade with US, you '3o HOt help
dred dollars, divided into shares of ten j
dollars each, petitioner, desire, bmv-. pay some bad account. We
ever, tho right to increase said capital
stock to a >uin
hundred dolla
tapll.d fttin k 11H
lot exceeding fifteen don’t have RCCofltltS.
The whole of *aid {
til been actually paid I
Third. The object of said proposed
corporation is pecuniary profit and gain
to its stock stockholders. Petition
ers propose to establish a telephone
business tor local and long distance
connection and purposes: they desire to
purchase such property real and pjirson-
i mav be i
hut 1 i
con Id ’
W. P'tiaet
at . da
a growing w
cured within :
ok fot»a
month, yet J,
that that tho
ill convince ti e
hicli operate such
| town of Pavo
to huv
One Price
the r
Notice of Local Legislation.
At the session of the General Assem
bly of Georgia to eonveue in June i904,
the following local bills will be intro
duced .
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Xotiee is hereby given to all creditors
of the estate of Fannie M. Groover, late
of Thomas comity, deceased to render
A bill to amend the Charter of the | in an account of their demands to me
Thomas, so as to provv .
elecrioii of the Clerk of Council by t properly made out.
tlie qualified voters of said city.
Also, to amend the Act approved Nov.
Aud all persons in
deb ted to said deceased are hereby
hser that Ilyomet is infallible iu driving
catarrhal poisou from Lite system.
There is no dangerous stomach drug
ging when Hyomei is used. Simply
breathe its healing balsams through the
neat iuhalor that comes with every out
fit, and tlje germ-killing and health-giv
ing air will penetrate to the most re
mote cells iu the air passages of ti e
head, throat aud lungs, and drive ca
tarrhal poison from the system. Noth
ing else will so quickly cure a cold in
tho head or stop an ordinary cough.
Singers and public speakers will fiud
Hyomoi iuvaluablo. It strengthens the
voice aud gives it a rich, clear toner Ca
tarrhal deafness is cured when Hyomei
aud and the special* Hyomei balm are
The complete outfit costs only one
dollar, aud if, after using, you can say
that it,did not help you J. W. Peacock
will return your money.
30, 1900. establish...;? a system of pabUo ! r8 fl nest « d t0 n,3ke immediate l
schools in tlie City of Thomasville, j to the undersigned, This i:Uh day of
Thomas county, so as ty provide for the j April UK),
written examinations of teachers em- 4-16-fi
ployed in said school bv the Board of I
Education thereof. ft-13-4. j
James M. Risuix,
Administrator Fiancis M. Groover
Reports from the Grand Lodge
Knights of Pythias, now in session at
Albany indicate that a lodge of that
| order will be founded in Boston.
for, aud such other authority as
necessary to a proper conduc
proposed business.
Fourth The principal place and of
fice oi business shall b^* in the town '>f
Pavo, Thomas county, Georgia.
Wherefore petitioners pray to be
made a body corporate under the name
and style aforesaid, entitled to th*
rights, privileges and immunities and
subject to the liabilities fixed by law.
S. A. Roddenbery.
Petitioners Attorney.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
!, J. W. Groover, Clerk SuperiorCourt
Thomas County, do hereby certify that
the foregoing G a true and cor-ect copy
of petition hied in office this day.
Witness my hand and official signa-
nature, this April q, 904.
j. W. G
C. S. C.
Flint River and Northeastern
. Railroad’Co
Effective April 6,1904.
Daily except Sunday.
Leave Pelham, 10:30 a m
Arrive Ticknor 12:30 p m
Leave Ticknor 2:00pm
Arrive Pelham..,. 4:10 pm
‘ D. M. Rogers, Gen! Supt.
ures to all
A. F.
i & Co.
Stark|Corner, ' *
’ IThomasvillejGa]
New IdeaJOc caper patterns, :