Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, May 27, 1904, Image 1

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,Enb South Georgia progress f885SKfci£ ^K'sAou.*. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1904. New Series, Vol XIV—No. 44. PRESIDENT HUNT. VIRGINIA MAN AT HEAD,YOUNG’S C0LLE6E. Prof. I. C. Hunt Elected as Mr Ow noa . Successor, A'Graduate of Hampden Sidney. MMO Vauakan. OraOuata of Vaaaor Succaoda Mr. J. P. Allan. Mr. L 0. Bant of SbelbyvtUe Ky. hsebeen ehoaan aa theaoooaaaor of Rev. W. R. Owing, aa president of Youag’s Mr. Bant la a graduate of Hampdan. SMnay College in Virginia, and ia an educator of proved ability. He donee to Thomaarille from Kentucky where he w.i at the head of the Shelby. Title Latin School for boy*. Mr. Hunt waa in Thomatrilie looking over the Held several week* ago and he^nade an excellent impression .011 the people whom lie met. He ia a young man of good presence and acholariy atlainmenta. He i« expeetd to come to ThomnrviUe perautaeutly during the drat of. June. Hi* wife undone child will follow him later Mira Martha D. Vaughan ol Pelerr- bnrg Virginia will be among the corps of teachers, occupying the place held doping tho early part ol lout .year by Mr. J. Preeton Allan. Mim Vacglin i* a graduate of Vasrar college, her class being the same a. thnt of Mrs. S. l>. McCarty of this city. She bar been teaching in the Southern Fe male College at Petersburg and ia well qaaljflcd to ocoupy any chair to which aha may be assigned. Although details Imre not yet been completed, Mis probable that tho re* maintler of tho faculty will be made up aa it it now constituted. Thomaarille people will lie delighted to know that the prospect* .for Young's Female College next year an onmaally igood. THE GRADUATES. Fourteen Young People Leave High School Neat Week. At this He aeon «f the year tlw grad* ■ate oocupie* the center of the stage, and is tho oboorred of all observers. Foortoen young people, six boys and eight giri* will noeive their diplomas from tho Thomasvtlle High 9c bool on Friday night Jnne And. Tito . claas is an — n.nsily brig Us ooe and luu made a fine record dnriag its coarse. Ita members an; Rob Balfour, Rath Burch, Ethel DeUe. Murv Jorger, Row Hrewten, Bessie Parker, Bessie Libby, 1 vender Varnedoo, Remer MacIntyre, T. O. Mitchell, Fnd Boyer, Cyras Mal lard. Pauline Smith. Grace Beverly. They an iortonate in having received efine ednnation from skilled inttracton and have bright auspice* ouder which to begin life. SPONSORS APPOINTED. Qan. Sweat Announce# Representa tives far South Georgia Brigade. Goa. J. L. Sweat of Wayorosa who hi ia command of tho Sooth Georgia brigade U. O. V. waa in tha city Tnas- day. Us stated that arrangements an rapidly-being perfected for the Confed erate Veterans noniou at Nashville next month and that it promises to be ooa of tha most snooeasfnl in the history of the organisation. General Sweat has chosen the sponsor and maids of hooor for bis brigade. The sponsor is Mim Dupont of Savannah and bar mnlda of honor an Mist Barca- looof Branswiok and Mist Lily Stuart of Thomasvillo. The last appointment is especially pleasing to the people of this city. The charming daughter of one df tho ooa- fedemey’« moot gallant veterans will be a fitting re ore so illative of Sooth Geor gia at the great gathering. Mr. 0. T. Btoart and Mias Stnort will both be at Nashville. BIG CREEK PICNIC Participant Tells of Capt. Maeclean’a and Prof. Matthew'a Talk. PORT ARTHUR SAFE. Japp Repulsed with Heavy lose Makes Capture Impossible. St. Petersburg, May 99, —It is report ed that Foreign Minister Lamsdorf has j received a montage from the Russian consul at Che Foo saying that tlie Jap anese have made a laud attack on Port Arthur and thnt in doing so they loti 111,000 men killed or wounded. The Rnssinn lone is placed at 90,000 men The ultimate oatdom* of the fighting is not stated. Mr. A. W. Stnort left Tuesday af ternoon for Savannah. From there be anils today via the "Oily of Macon” for New York. After a few days in the metropolis he will go on to Canada. Mr Stnort ban the potent righto in the Do* minion for the famous Livingston in- vention, end trill go to look after his The four schools Pine Grove, Cool, idge. Litt le Creek and Merrillville agreed to have a picnic at Big Creak charcli on last Friday the 90th hut. for tlie see- nation of tlie pupil*, teachers, patrons and friends of the schools. By 10 o’clock a large crowd of child ren and grown people had assembled in the grove and just as. they began to en joy the day in picuic stylo they were called into tho hoase. After o song and prayer by Prof. L. H. Boutin, Measrs J. P.Ooy, of the Oooiidge school. H. V. Owen, of Pino Grove; W. H. Pers ia ore. of Little Creek end W. J. Mat- thews, of Merrillville, were appointed a* a mmmlttun to arrange tlw rowreire* of the day. Prof. W. J. Matthews had the pleasure of introducing to the au dience our genial and efficient Oocnty School Commissioner, K. T. Maclean, who delivered an address on Eds cation that waa very fine. We aimeiely hope diet all who heard him, especially tlie fathers and mother*. wUI heed hi* ad vice and arouse themselves to the im portance of giving their childsen a bet ter education by establishing better schools throughout the oonnty. The-house took a roams of two ihonrs dnnng which time o bouutifal dinner Was spread in the grove and everybody enjoyed it. The good woman of Big Creek and the suraonding community will Hog be remembered for the talent they eahibited in preparing and serving each ariidou eatables. At two o'clock the crowd nrae again called ee the house and after several beautiful songs coodacted by Prof. L. B. Bautin. Prof. W. J. Matthew* in belialf of Miasm Vallie and Belle Shelly gave the children a parting talk after which we were dismissed. Patrons let ns have more union picnic* for there is nothing that will arouse onr interest more than mingling togodier and discUMtng die best interest* of our children. M.J.W, OFF THE TRACK. CARS CRASH THROUGH OPEN SWITCH. Train Number 12 kaa Wreck at fifi Mite Post Five Mllaa Boot, But ao Lena of Lift, Small Damagv to Pro perty, and Little Delay to Traffic. JL Sheriff Hight snot op to Meigs to serve some paper* Tnetday afternoon. o Presbyterian Assembly Goes to Fort Worth. Mobile, May 94.—The general as sembly of tlw Presbyterian church in the United States today decided hold tlw next meeting of, die amotubly at Fort Worth, Texas, selecting the Texas city over Greenville, S. Cl„ bv a vote of 97 to 78. Mrs. Polos Ooad. News reached the city Tuesday of tho sadden death in Valdosta of Mr* Ohas. Paine. She was an estimable la dy who was well known hen. Before her marriage she wot Mia Ada Jonas Miss Locilo Linton will leave this week to visit her sister Mrs. Gerald Green in Athens and will go north for the summer from dial city. Tlw east bound train ou the Atlanta Const Line leaving hero at 8:16 a.m. ran into an open switch at the 96 mile post flvb miles oast of town, Wtdnegday morning. The accident was caused by tha taking of a pm, from a oonneot- ing rod on the switch arm whieh eageed die signal block to torn, bat did not dose the twitch. The train waa ranuing at high speed. Some gentlemen who were on tho train, any that their attention was attracted by die unusual guit, uul lluit tho due arts a mile a miuute, according to dieir watches. Lota of life was' entirely averted. The negro fireman JuHHjt and was unhurt. Engiueer Cliandler stuck to his post, and a] the emergeucy sir brakes. These brought the train to a linlt after it bumped along the cross tics for a fow yards. All the cars left tho track but only tlie eugiuu jjwux overturned. Except a shaking np none of the isuaengrrs weie injorr-l. Mr. I'bundle.- was knocked breathless and had a flesh wound in tho hip. His Injuries were not dangerous. A irelief train took Doctors McIntosh and Ainsworth down to tlw aoeoe of dn wreck but they found little to do. This train brought the passengers back to town. Mr. O. M. Smith who hod start- ad for Bavanonah was tlie-mily Thom asville man an hoard. The wrecking train want oat imme diately and did aoum wonderfully quick work in straightening sad repairing die track. The 4 o'clock I rein west bound roach ed here abordy after 8 p. a. Tho 9;S6 eat bound, and tho 4;10 stoat bound went through on time and die usual oourae of traOb wa .but slightly im- deded. The damage to the (least Line's, roll ing wa* only about fiMOO. The acci dent aeemi to belong In the category designated a* "fortunate." The switch had bean tampered with, evidently. In soother column 8opt. Kirkland offers a tewsnd of 2960 for tlm eouriedou of the guilty gardes. A NEW RAILROAD tr Pass Through Thomao County on Way to Gulf from Savannah. 8IX TENANT MOUSES. Will hu Built et Onon on Madison will be bollt on Madison street, adjoining U. W Cooper and Go's atone Tlw hot sc will be well famished, ceiled and painted, and will rent readily to the hatter ciese of negro tenant*. Thom ieaeteedy lie- nutud for good tenant house* by Tlioui- aaville's colored population. All of die good I loose* are rented and more ate needed. Several gentlemen realizing that thin Isa profitable field for invest ment, are back of tlw proposition. The lot was formerly uted by the "Morse Manufacturing Company" a* a furniture factory aud variety work* Tlie company belongs to tlie "light that failed” data, and tlw lot has been va cant for a number of years. Material is oTresily ou the ground aud work will be commenced this week. 'The South Atlantic and Mexican Gnlf Railway Company,” with a capital of 2MOO.OOO, with the privilege of in- ^ cg it to 28,000,000, lisa filed ar- of Incorporation. According to the petition it is propot- ll to construct s railroad 898 miles in laugth, beginning at Savannah and run ning in a southwesterly direction through tlie oouuties of Chatham, Bry. aa. Liberty, Tainall, Appling, Coffee, Berrien, Brooks, Tlioraaa and Decatur la Georgia, and the counties of Leon, Gadsden, Waakula, Liberty, Franklin, Oallioun and Waihlngton in.Florida we to a deep water port on the Golf ofMaxioo. The principal offices of the company an to be located at Savannah and the following are givon ns the petitioners for incorporation: Captain D. G. Parse and Messrs. D. G. Purse, Jr., John J. McDonough and K. M. Frank ot Savan- Messrs. P. M. Coiuss and O. W. Dealt of Appling county, Messrs. F. L. Sweat amt John Mclsiau ot Coffee county suil Messrs. W. .1. Rogora and J. W. Pnr- dnm of Berrien comity. Capt. Parse is the promoter of tho road an.l it is said that Chicago capilul is behind the project. He saya this is no "paper read" but that it will hu "boiit as quickly as possible. Future developments will be awaited with in terest. FIRING HEARD. Something Happening Around Port i Arthur Soya Dispatches Chee Foo May, 9.1. HeaVy firing wa* heard from tlw fit- fcctto« of Port Arthur yesterday, indi cating that a load attack had .been com menced as the Japanese fleet ia not to be seen off Pori Arthur. Daluy refu gees my that General Stoessel hat taken all the oath from Port Arthur aad Dal ny banks, so that depositors an -unable to cash cheeks. Yazoo City Mlea. Has >2 Bloeko Doo* troyed by Fire. Memphis May 98.—A telephone mes sage from Greenwood, Mias, saya that the town of Yasoo City is burning, and that tha last communication was that the fire was completely beyond tlie oootrol of volontear firemen and citiaena. Trains with fire apparatus are being rushed from Jackson sad Greenwcod It is reported that twelve bloaks of res idence and business houses have al ready been destroyed. The fire originated in the block occu pied by the Western Union and Postal Telegraph companies and the telephone exchange and soon after all commanici [ lion with the city waa cat off. It ii reported that tlie home of Gin gressinau John Sharp Williams, the minority leader of the honse cf repre sentatives ha* been bnrned. Yazoo Gity is a town of six thousand population forty-live miles front Jack- son on the Yazoo At Mississippi Valley railroad-. JUNE THIRD. la Dato Set for Big County Picnic at Jonas’ Bridge. MORNING SHOTS. Off by Fir* cot Plucky Young Lady. The noaal calm of Seward atreet was rudely disturbed at 9 o’clock Wednesday morning by several shots, la tlw neigh- borhood of Mr. G. J. Huron's reside Doe. Tht cause of tho show waa tho prowling about, of aa unknown penan, probably »negro. > Mr. Huron was away, and his family heard voices and found an open window about ten o'clock. They were natural ly disturbed sod wakeful, and when the notae* won repeated st 9 a. m. Mil Jon* Huaoa filed two pistol shots through tho door. Tlw plucky action frightened tlw burglar and also area led the neighbors, wlio fired at Mm as be ran. There ia-no clue to tlw midnight marauder. No article* of valae’ were takeo, Teacher’s Entertainment. The last teacher's meeting of tlw year W>* held Wednesday afternoon st Super inteudect WanUaw’s office in the Times-Enterprise building. The meet- klg had * pieaasnl sequel aa tlw super intendent was tho host at an informal ftist of ioo cream and cake. That Mr. Wardlaw ia a pud neighbor, hi* next Hon. D. H. Mays Here. Hon. D. H. Mays of Moutioello' was in tlie city Tuesday. He is Florida’s most prominent citlxens and made a fine race for governor in tlw ft- cent primary. He told many intsrimt- ing incidents of tlie campaign and jays tlw fnu is not over yet. Tlw tttjHpa of tlwwhole state it on the race I N. B. Broward and Robt. Davis for Governor in the seoood primary. To the surprise of everyone the first named gentleman lead tho ticket by several hundred votes. Mr. Maya seams to think that he will duplicate the perfor- mance in the neit primary on Jon* 7 th. Col. E. M. Davis returned to Ills doorites on either side an prepared to j home in Camilla Weduesdaymo ningaf- •attfft , ter a short stay in TiiomasvUlo, The date for the eagerly awaited coun ty picnic at Jones' Bridge has been set for June third, one week from tomor- row. The people nil over tlie conuty are urged to attend. Everyone is winitid. everyone ia expected and all are remind ed to bring along their children mid a well filled basket. Tlw day ought to be one of great ou- Joymeut for there are no better people ou earth than Thomas oonnty folks. They enjoy each others company, aud will welcome the opportunity for a day of rest,and merriment. Several speeches will be mode and Uiey will be good ones. Allot tlw five txndidatos for the legislature, have promised to be on hand and will say a few word*. All in all the occasion promises to be one of the good old fash ioned kind, that everybody like*. Tlie Timeo-Bntorprise la authorised to extend to all it* readers in the coun ty aud city, an Invitation to be present. Every district in the county should send a representation. Remember the details, Friday Juue 8rd, at loots Bridge and bring a well INS AND OUTS BY RAIL AND HORSE ANO FOOT Pointers and P«rtonal« About Home Polks and Str»n~or»-You and Your Pdobte and Where You Are Coin*. Mr. O. James of Pell’em trod Thom* nsvillo’s street* Wednesday. Mi** Annie Sanford is ytaitiiif? bar sister, Mrs. P. W. McRae in Moul trie. B. W. Adkins scribe of the Cairo Messenger ►pertt Tuesday afternooa in town. The condition of Mr. G. U. Goeliriof who in ill with fever at the City Hospit al wok reported »« somewhat (improved yesterday. Miss Pat Manning and Mis* May Manning wont down to their home near Inmouia Wednesday after sending a short, time here. Miss Lulu Bnmwnnan of Thomasville rutnrued homo yesterday* after a few day*’ visit to her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. • W. T. Muniierinnn of this city.— 1 Tulla- lianaoau. Mr. J. D. Carroll who left here a few weeks ago for Dallas Tex. lias been transferred to Pensaoola'.Fla. where he Its* charge of tlie business of the Cuda hy Packing Co. JsL Mr. W. C. Hodnett, Judge of the city court of Uarrolton was in tho city Toes- day. Hewn* on Ills way to Valdos ta wliere he will represent his city at tlw Grand Lodge of L O. O. F. CAIRO VISITORS. Boll Team and Enthusiastic Support er* Haro ou Way to Folhom. Oar neighboring city, Cairo, t* a town that does things, and doe* thbm with a whole heart. They havou good base ball teem and rapport it in a splendid Thursday wa* s general holiday in at town. A largo perooatage of tho population went to tlw Sunday school piooio at Weldon’s Bridge. A party of forty visited Pelham in company with the base ball team. They urrivadoo the 0:18 a. m. Inin, and wont on to Pelham at 9:98 Tlw young people cre ated much favorable comment by their appearance and aotioos while bore. Each member of the team won a white hat, and all were adorned with rod and white ribbons. The pnoonco of a num ber of ladies added graoe and beauty lo the party. Among those in tlw party besides the team were Professor and Mrs. W. H. Seamy, Mr. and.Mr*. K. G. Kolbio, Mr. and Mrs. Jak. L. Mauldin, and J. L. Mauldin, Jr., the maaoot, Mimas Lottie Jones, Mattie Saunders, Ollia Hudson, aoldln, May Crawford. Messrs. B. M. Johnson, T. J. Brown, T. R. Mo- Kachiu. H. J. Hart, T. L. Rubin, J. E. Hall, E. E. Hoist, G. W. Hunt, Robe t n, O. F. Saunders, W. E Dunn, P. L. Nicholson and H. W. Mon- eritf. Thejteam ia oompoeed of R. W. Pearce, O. M. Butler, O. A. Wright, P. M. Baggett, Dr. W. M, Searcy, M. A. Brown, W. H. Searcy, Jr„ J. W. Hud- aw, W. J. Powell and W. T. Crawford tho manager. Bar. and Mrs. JT - P. Wurdlsw. of Americas surprised end delighted their friends hen by oom ng in Wednesday morning for a visit of a few days. They are guests of their son Mr. J. O. Wank law. - Mr. H. O. Jordan, who contrives with his many other dot!** that of Ba ton representative of tho Times-En- terpriae, ia ill this weak and fa that reason the breesy Boston Budget is mis sing from these column*. Mr. William Proctor whose good tu tored countenance beam* perpetually is more than usually radiant. Tha third young Proctor, a very recent arri val is tho oanw. He is a floe boy, pid bean the name of Sylvester after his grandfather, Jlr. B. B. Van Dyke. Mr. Z. L Fitspatriek of Morgan coun ty, who I* nbw writing np Booth Goae* gin town* for tho Atlanta Journal! waa in the city Wadneolay. Mr. Fitspatriok state* that he Is assured of a position aa delegate to tint Democratic National eooveutlou from the eighth coogrturion al district. Hi* relative* unit friends ht-i e will be glad to koow lids. Found Hor Father. Mr. John Dinkins the man who waa so eagerly sought by his daughter Mrs. May Dinkins, telephoned the Tim**. Enterprise Wednesday morning that he was st Pelliam and was anxloos for his daughter to come there. Tho lady and Iter little child had been hare tor s week without funds aud in great mental kn. Is gnish at being tumble to find Iwr peo ple. The Tim**-Enterprise aariotedher in identifying herself, and ia aoeer-’ . mining that the Pelham man was tlw right party. She left at four thirty Wed- torday afternoon for Pelham and wad mat thereby hor father and taken to Ills bourn four mile* from that city. Odd Fallows Leave. A Jolly sextette of Odd Fallows wont oyer Wednesday afternoon to tho big gathering at Valdoata. Theta in tho party were Messrs. Ed. Ward, Black- The boy* bad defeated Felbum twice I shear, A. A. Taylor, Arietta, Milry Kdj aad went with high hope*. wards, and Milton Battle.