Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, May 27, 1904, Image 11

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Constipation 80
Liver and Blood
"■ Syrup
Purities the Blood,
Thousands have used this reliable remedy with perfect confidence and
success for 62 years, because they know just what it contains.
The formula consists of Buchu, Hydrangea, Mandrake. Yellow Dock,
Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Gentian. Senna and Iodide of Potassium.
Any doctor or druggist will tell vou that this is a scientific and reliable
diseases having their origin in the Liver,
combination of great merit for all
Kidneys oi — *
Thacher so
Kidneys or Blood. After years of experience and patient experiment. Dr.
Thacher ao perfected the process of manufacture, that it never fails to bring
the expected relief when taken according to directions.
Thousands of sick ones to whom life has been a burden have written grate*
ful letters of thanks. Braun. Musissirri. Oct. IT, !•«.
constipation, also a severe liver trouble,
-' ict.bad no enerry to work or even
md, was easily exhausted, aatil 1
rnica neiped me almost from the first dose.
I leit tike a different aun. and I knew that
ed In all three bottles, and consider myself
time my appetite Is good. I sleep well, and feel strong and
refreshed on arising in the morning T. I.. Bmcei*.
If geu *• serf s medicine trrUf tm-dng fer o Free tempt* bottle end “ thr.
Tkncher’* llmlch Honk." tUrr egmptome for erieiee. W* limply mult gen to fruit
atmur rxpenet. He knot* trhnt U will do. At all druggiMo, 50 rents aid $1.00.
Thacher Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tenn.
•• I have suffered greatly with indigestion, constlpat.
with loss of appetite. Could not rest well at night; in fact, bad no energv-to work or even
walk around. I felt like 1 was packing a heavy load an * " *-—"* J —*" *
took Dr. Tbacher’s Diver and Blood Syr*
When I had taken one and one-half bot
it was due entirely to your medicine. I used in all
perfectly cured. At this
-Ona Negro Killed end Othere Wound
ed on Excursion. '
The uegro excortiou to Bainbridge
Friday resulted In the death of one
negro and the cutting of aereral others.
Everything went quietly nntU the Bain-
bridge booze whioh the coons had im
bibed began to work while tliejr were on
their way home.
Jnsttlio other side of the Thomas
county line, Ohaa Coleman, a Thomas-
ville man wlio worked at the basket
factory began to flourish a razor pro
miscuously and eat several people as he
inarched through the ears. John Till*
Paepla are Preparing far a Big Tim*
In Naar Future.
The suggestion made some time ago
by the Tlmes-Enterprise, Mint a big
political pionic should mark the open
ing of the new Jones' Bridge to traffic,
has met with marked favor.
The idea has grown on people the more
they havo thought of it, and several
are already at work on fie pro-
ject. Next Friday hits boon suggested
as a date for the affair bat it will pro.
bably be pat off until a week from that
day in order that everybody may hare
am£le notice and that the Thomas
man of Quitman shothlmand he died (who are the best in
with the razor in his hand.
Tillman surrendered himself, and ho
was arrested here by the officer* who
had been telephoned of Hie nffr-ir. He
ia now in jail, aud is suffering from
several serious razor wouud*. He will
bo taken back to Iterator county for
Another negro wn* shot in the foot
and several more were cut. The only
wonder Is that among the 1000 negroes
on the excursion more trouble did not
A June Wedding.
Mis* Ava Johnson of Con ele, for
merly of Moultrie, will marry Mr.
Thomas J. A)cock of Moultrie, on June
8th. Bath of the young people are well
known litre. Mi** Johnson hss often
visited friends in this ci»v aud Mr.
Aycock, who is a lumberman comes
here frequently on business He is it
member of the local lodgo of Elks.
Nothing has ever equalled it.
Nothing can ever surpass it.
Dr. King’s
New Discovery
A Perfect For All Throat and
Cure: Lung Troubles.
Money back If it falls. Trial BotUss frwa.
the world) may see to it that a big
well-filled basket accompanies every
The picnic will be for everybody, not
for town people, or for country people,
but for country people and town peo
ple. The candidates will be on hand
and will be the center of interest. Those
who have no opposition haveaunouncod
their intention of being present and
those who do hare opposition are sure
to be there. There are some great
stamp speaker* among the array of
pirauin for offioe. and an interesting
time seeuis assured.
Free Samples
You Can Get One.
BLACK W3ED, the great vegstabis
remedy for Rhaommtism, Cstarrh, and
Kidney aud Bladder complaints, has met
with almost ini tauten sous success b«-
sanso it has mads some noteworthy
ouree of very eevere cssea
Mr. John Poat, of the Atlanta Fire
', write*:
" For months I suffered with, my kid
neys. I made every effort to get relief,
but failed until I accidentally came in
possession of a bottle of Black Weed.
Tho relief obtained from its Vse was so
great before half the first bottle had
beau used, that I put wide all other
medicines and am now sound and well,
having been cured completely by Black
Weed. At the same time I had an ag
gravated case of Catarrh of tlic head
and throat.' Black Weed lias completely'
cured this, and my head is now a* clear
as a beU."
BLACK WEED is sold by all drug
gists at $1.00 a bottle, or we will send
prepaid upon Teceipt of price.
Send Your Name
• trial sample of this pent remedy,
which will be sent absolutely free, to
gether with oar book oentalnlog valua
ble information and endonemanta.
Plesse mention tide paper. Artfirses,
Stack Weed Medicine Co.,
Atlanta, Go. .
Many Hundred Excursion Devotees
Turn Facos Fiorldav/ard
Tho animal Tampa excursion went
oat Monday ovening. It seemed ns if
a large percentage of the inliabitauts of
South Georgia had niado up their minds
to make a trip to the south. Tito ex
cursion went in three sections, one at
seven, one at eight, and one at niue
o’clock. Each section carried several
baud red people. One came in from Al
bany and intermediate points, another
from the west, and the third made up
h rc. i
A larger jntr tentage of white ftooide
than isenstomary on excursion (rains,
marked this trip. The Thomasville peo
ple who made tho journey were com
fortably domiciled in Pullmaus and
formed a merry party Among /the
number were Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Grant-
ham, Mrs. Bon Herring, Miss Sarah
Ball, Miss Clara Wind, Mr. John Wind,
Mrs. Harley*, Mrs. Tom Roberts, Mrs
John Kvorett, Miss Booth, Miss Sally
Newsome, Mr, Wolf, Miss Carrie
Wolff, Mika Rhoda Lester, Mr. and Mrs. |
O. C. Batloy.
Many of tho Thomas villo peoplo go to
visit relatives and friends in Tampa.
Others Itavc sight seeing as their object.
The tickets allow a stay of five days and
many attractive side trips from Tampa
are offered.
Ha baa a Million an* a Quartsr Llfo
Inauraneo Three-Fourths ef Which
la tor Estate. This will Nearly Sat
isfy Ind.btodn.i.
Macon Ga. May Si 11KU
(Special to Tlms.EnlrrprL»e.) f
Mr. R. H. Plant, the head of the
Plant bank, and the First National
which recently suspended here, shot
himself through the head. The deed
wee done at a quarter before'four
o'clock this afternoon, and death resul
ted instantly. Mr. Plant has been ill
for the pest six months, and sinco tho
bank failures it lias been rumored that
Ills mental condition was sffectod. It
has been rumored that lie was contem
plating suicide end he hss not been left
alone for an instant.
This sftemoon he wheedled his none
into leaving the toon, for a few mo
ments. He then stepped oat on the
beloony of his residence and committed
the droedfol deed. The sot threw Ma
con Into a turmoil aud tho utmost ex
citement prevails. Mr. Plant hud one
million two hundred and fifty thous
and dollars of life insurance. Tills im-
mense vam was lsrgoly cyriod in the
New York Life of whioh ho wav general
agent of Georgia for many years. A't
of that oompany's policies are incontes
table end the mnuner of his death will
not affect tho value of tliu policies.
Throc-foartlis of this amannt, or moro
than *800,000 is in favor of his estate,
and this amount will go far toward sat
isfying his indebtedness and will In-
able both banks to pay almost dollar for
The Franklin Life Insurance Cc..
.Springfield, Illinois.
A satisfied Policyholder is a company’s best advertisement—Read the following which arc
specimens of thousands of others written about the Franklin:
Thomasville, Ga.Ocf.1, *03.
Mr. D, C. Barrow, Gen. Agt. ’ . ■ •!
Thomasville, Ga. 1 . a
Dear Sir—I have for several years carried a $5,000 policy in the Franklin Life.
I am familiar with the plans of insurance of the different companies. I took this
policy because I considered it the best to be had,and that opinion'has never been changed.
The recent examination of the company has strengthens my confidence in its finan
cial prosperity and the high character of its management.
The Registration and Deposit law of Illinois gives double security, as it requires the
deposits with the state of of gilt edge securities to cover the full reserve, thereby sur
rounding each policy with greater protection than those of any other compatffes.
Yours truly,
W. H. Rockwell.
Mr. Rockwell is cashier of the Thomasville National Bank.
I* this tho Man?
The article in the Timoft-Enterprbe
regarding Mr. Dinkine, brought forth
an immediate response from Mr. W. A.
Rohberg of Ochlockoneefwho writes that
a John Dinkins i* now a residont of
Madison county, Fla., two miles from
Lee post office. Tho daughter has writ
ten him in hope* that he is the man
sought, though she fears he iv the fond
er Brook* county resident who boars
ho same namo as hor father.
Mils Mae Taylor the cliarniiug little
daughter of Mr. aud Mr*. W. J Taylor
entertained a number of her young
friend* in a most delightful fashion yes-
torday afternoon. Dainty ref rcslimeuts
were served aud all present report a
most enjoyable time.
Elk Delegates.
The state convention of B. P. (). E.
meet* in Savannah next mouth. Rep
resentative* from 10 lodges in the si xtn
will bo present and tho Savannah Elk*
are prejiariug to give them a warm re
ception. The delegates from tho Thom-
aaville lo<lgo are Messrs. Harry Ains
worth, L. H. Jerp^r, S. W. Mays, J. D.
McCartnoy, J. F. Hyde, F. W. Boytr
and Will Deuliam.
J. W. Peacock. Will’ Return >
Money if Mi-o-n^ Doe* Nut Core
Yon. ,
September, lit. 190U.
To whom it may concern-
A proposition of Life Inaurancc wax presented to me by Mr. J. F. Eight, General Agent for tbe Franklin
Lire Insurance Oo , of Springfield, Illinois, and after satisfying myself of the standing of the company and its.
management I gave him my application for a $10,000 00 policy.
The registration laws of Illinois requiring all policies issued by state companies to be registered by the
State is a protection and assuranoe of stability to policy holders. Cordially yours,
Mr. Levering is President of the Columbia National Bank, of Indianapolis, Ind.
Mortimer Levering
To whom it may conoorn:—
Having taken a policy in t hranklln Lire Insurance Company of Springfield, Illinois.
I take pleasure in common ng it to any one desiring insurance. The plain boainess like liberal feature
of the contracts, and the absolute security under tbo Illinois Policy Registration Law, make them superior to
the policies of any compuny .1 havo any knowledgo of Yours very truly,
>-*XP JSd L. Chapman,
mr. Chapman is Cashier of the First National Bank, Great Bend Kansas.
J '
A few good Agents Wanted.
DAVID C. BARROW, General Agent,’
For Southern Georgia,
Thomasville, Ga.
Wholesale Massacre In Phlllipines
Manila, May, 23.—Tho report lias
been received here from Camp Over
ton, Mindanao, under date May 15, that
a massacre had taken place on the 12th
near Malabcrg on the cooth eastern
coast of Mindanao. Fifty Filipino men,
women aud children, families of em
ployes of the military government at
Malaberg, were surprised at midnight
by Datto aliens, and a band of Moro*
from the Rio Grande valley and slaugh
tered. The chief and his followers es
caped before the alarm was given.
Sheriff T. J. Hight, wae out Monday
receiving the congratulations of hie
friends, upon hie recovery from an ill*
oe*i of several day*.
Tliero are hundreds of peoplo in
Thomasville who were not the least bit
surprised when' they read in tho Tynos-
Enterprise that J. W. Peacock is sell
ing Mi o-na on a guarantee to refund
tho monoy in case it did not cure. This
marvelous dysiwiwia remedy will enro
tho worst caso of indigestion, headache,
dizziness or the general played out con
dition that afflicts every one Buffering
with stomach trouble.
Mi o-na does not simply relieve; it
cures. J. W. Peacock can tell you of
many well kuowu peoplo in this city
whom this remedy has restored to health,
often after they had tried many other
methods of treatment with little or no
Tho best kind of advertising is the
praise of a plea sod customer. A nd f here
are hondrod* in.Thomasvillo today prais-
iug Mi-o-na becauso it cured them. A
few months ago they could eat nothing
without woudering what tho result
would be. Since using Mi-o-na they eat
what they want up when they want
with no fear cf suffering.
This medicine is in the form of a small
tablet, very pleasant to take and cost*
only 50c a box. It is a ,pore medicine
that speedily and permanently cures all
forms of stomach trouble and is the
only one that can be sold under a pos
itive guarantee without any restriction,
o refund the aooey if it doe* not cure.
Mr. Hammond Denies That He Alien
ated Affection* of Married Woman
It seems that there is another side to
the story of domestic [tragedy told by
Mr. J. D. Coker, who claims that his
wifo deserted him last Wednesday. Mr.
Frank Hammond, of Moultrie, who was
mentioned as the causo of Mrs. Cokers'
leaving home was in tho city on Satur
day. He had'With him two letters and
a telegram from Mr. Coker bearing date
of May », 10 and 14th. Each urged him
to come to Thomasville. Mr. Hammond
M I have known tho Cokers for a long
time. I ranted them the house in whioh
they lived while in Moultrie. The hus
band andl were tho best of friends.
They did not leavo Moultrie on my ac
count. I was to follow thorn and Coker
and I were going into business.
I sold my business in Moultrie be
cause Cokor urged me too. I did] not
come to Thomasville until May 17. I
found that the Cokers were without
funds, had no furniture and little to eat.
Mrs. Coker told me then that she was
going to leave her husband, and sho did
I am going to holp hor get a divorce,
and aftor sho is free I may marry her,
but she loft becauso lie did not provide
for her and not on my account. I think
Coker is glsd to get rid of her.
She is not in Moultrie now and I have
not neon her since I wns here lest Tues
day. I am looking for her now, aud
will do any tiling I can for hor. But I
am fc>t the caase of tho troablo.
Took Prisoner Book.
Sheriff A. W. Fordbam of Docatur
county camo over Saturday afternoon
and took tho negro who killed Charlie
Coleman on the excursion train Friday
back to Baiubridgo. Further investi
gation reveals tho fact that tho man’s
name was not John Tillman bat Bail
Harvey. The witnesses say that Har
vey tried to avoid trouble aud shot in
self defense. It is predicted that ho
will go free.
Messrs. Floyd, Howell & Co. have lo
cated a turpentine still near Pleasant
Hill about six mile* south of Thomas
ville. Their turpentine orchard readies
from the Tallahassee road via Sunny
Hill to the Tallahassee reed,
For Men
who cannot ccme to the city
when in need of clothes we
make a specialty of fitting
you at your home. We
carrr the finest makes of
Clothing, Hats, Furnishings
and Underwear, and no mat
ter what your site is, stout,
slim or short,
We Can Fit You.
Sola Agents lor
For Ladies
who do not find it conveni
ent to. come to tbe city.
We make buyiug an easy
task by sending to your
homes, two or three styles of
garments to seleot from.
• We carry
In Our Boys’ Dspartmsnt
o a n be bad everything
ready-to-wear for boys,; ex-
cept shoes. - -_j
B. H. LEVY. BRO. <6 CO.
Cairo, Cairo.
My stock of General MerchandiseTat Cairo must be sold -
out aj once. I have sold my store building and must give
possession by August, ist.
Shoes, Dry Goads, Hats, etc. s
Less Than Actual Cost.
Money is scarce and it will pay you to investigate my
stock at once. Produce accepted in payment for goods. .
0. L. DUREN, H. W. Moncrief, M’g’r.
Cairo, • • • Georgia.
5-26-2iu w
They overcome Wear!
and reaches wrath from ThotSivi”; MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS »«*3aCfWK
.boatthirteen miles. At the stiUnte 1 1 u 1 u,l,| UVini I ILLW .
located twi
which th*
Uve. Of oourae they have a "commie-
— Taffghanaii
are -LIFE SAVERS," aiding development of organs end body,
dy equals them. Cannot do harm—tile becomes a pleasure. St.
MAIL. Sold by Patterson Drag Co. DR. MOTT’S CHEMI
and, Ohio.