Newspaper Page Text
Notice to Jail Contractors.
Sealed proposal, will bo received
T/icinasvilie, Ga . by ilro Hoard of Coi
mksionersof Koati- and Revenues
Thomas county Ga.. until It o’doi
noon Tuesday Jcly 6 lor an addition
the Thomas county jail. Flans and
spenliratione now on file at the office
ot the Chairman of Board.
Mach bidder will bo allowed and ex
peeted to furnish with his bid specifica
tion for steel oaC iron work describing
material and construction he proposes
to furnish conforming to sire of cell,
shown in plan.
Bidders must furnish with prop'
» certified check for I500 made pa table
to K M. Smith Obairmen to assure mio
county if his proposal is accepted, that
fee will furnish-with his contract a «
curity bond foe double amount of his bid
fas thelaw directs), iame to he satis
factory to the Board otherwise said
• check will be forfeited to the county.
: The right Is reserveu to reject any
and all proposals.
£. M. Smith.
CbVm. Board of Com; of Roads & Rev
Notice of Sale.
Will be eold before the court home
door in the dtr of Thotnasrllle. Ga.
within the legal boon of tale on the
am Tuesday in June 1904 the follow-
ing described property to-wit: 87*90,
lha of aeeond hand railroad Iron mon
particularly described as follows; 181,
ban 80 feet long 13 ban 39 feet long.
8 ban 18 feet long, 8 ban 37 feet long,
Shan88 feet long, 4 ban IS feet long,
7 bars 31 feet long, 4 ban IS feet long,
1 bar SS feet long, 1 bars 11 feet long,
the abort aggregating 8,718 lineal feet
aud known as SO lbs rail per each lineal
' purposes on lota of land 104, and 308, in
tho 18th district of Thomas county Ga.
Also 980 ban 40 feet long, 10 bars 29 feet
long, 8 ban 18 feet long, 1 bar 17 feet
long, 1 ban 20 feet tong, 1 tars 25 feet
long. The abort aggregating 8,869
lineal feet and known m 801bs. rail that
is 30-fba each lineal yard together with
I such bolls ami fastening! that may be
with said rail, tho last described rail
rood iron ta tob* laid on lota of land
number 808, and 108, fu the 18 district
of Thomas oounty Ga., near the town
of Coolid*o,Ga.
lithe property of tho Local
■puny, under virtue of a
foreclosure in favor of the
Parrott Lumber Company against the
■M Bocal Bomber Company. The
property being difficult and expeu
sire to transport will not be brought tq
or ezpoted at the Court Bouse door but
delivered at place when now located,
j’roperty pointed out lntlis mortgage.
Sheriff of Thomas connty (is.
Application Administration.
Georgia, Thomas County,
To all whom it may concern: & H.
Price haring, in propar form, applied to
me for permanent Letters of Adminis
tration on the estate of Miss Amey
Mnrphey, late of said oounty, deoiased,
this la to eits all and dngulnr the cred
itors and next of kin of Amey Mnrphey
to be end appear at my oHoe within the
time allowed by law, and show cause,
why permanent Admin-
Vctparalian Toe Ax-1
simUating thcFoodandBeguia-
I Ung the Stomachs andBomls of
Promotes Dfgesfion£hperfuF'
I ness andBeatContalns ndiber I
(Mum.Moraine nor Mineral I
Not narcotic.
Hon, Sour Stomach,D1
Wbrms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss or Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
rxisrr copy of wrapper, /
For Infanta and Children,
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
i not be granted to H. H.
Amey Murpliey’s estate.
1 my hand, ana offlelal signs-
tad day of May 190j.
M. Joxxa, Ordinary.
Application (or Support.
GEORGIA—Thomas Ootntrr :
Mrs. Carrie G. Hall, having made ap
plication for twelve month’s support
out of the estate of D. J. Hall, and ap-
prataendtUy appointed to eel apart the
asms, having lfied their return. 'All
persons oonoeraad are hereby required
toebow cause before the ordinary of
said oounty on the first Monday in Jon
Wm. U. Jonts,
Notice of Local Legislation.
At tbs suasion of the General Assem
bly of Georgia to ooovane in June 1904,
the^following local bills will Be Intro-
A bill to amend the Charter of the
Olty of TbomasvIUe in the oounty of
Thomas, so aa to provide for the
election of the Clerk of Oonnoil by
the quallBed voters of said city.
Alio, to amend the Act approved Nov.
*0, 1900, rotahUthlng a system of pabUo
schools in the City of ThomsavUle,
Thomas oounty, so ss ty provide for the
written examinations of teaobers em
ployed In mid school by the Board of
Bdacatlnn thereof. M8-4.
Application Leave to Sell.
Georgia, TbomajConnty:
Notiee ta hereby given tliat the nndei*
signed has applied to the Ordinary of
add county for leave to sell land belong
ing to the estate ot Joseph Moore, for
the payment of debts and distribution.
Bald application will be heard at the
regular term of the Court of Ordinary
for said connty robe held on the first
Monday in Jane 1904. This May 2nd.,
1*04. M. A. Fleetwood, Administra
tor upon the estate of Joseph Moore.
Application for Support,
GEORGIA—Thomas County:
Mrs. C. A. Alcorn, liavihfc made af
plication for twelve monte rapport oat
af the estate of W. M. Alcorn, and ap-
prataers duly appointed to set apart the
same, having filed their return. All
Ptrseoe concerned are hereby required
to show cease before the court 'of Ordi
nary of (aid oounty. on tin first Monday
hi Jane, 1904, why raid applies Roe
should not be granted
This 18th day of Apnl 1904.
4-18-4 W. M. Jones,
For $18.00, $30.00 and $80.00. Several hun
dred Discs to eeleot from; alto a good selection of
Musical Merchandise, Bluet Motto 10c. op A
Ho. 1 Guitar for $1.76. Mandoline $1.00 np.
Banjos $1.60 up, etc., can’be found at
Tattle’s Jewelry Store.
Thomaeriile. Georgia.
Engines Stand Supreme
For All Power Purooses.
BLAKB5LBB andjjkecp your r<
I If Ion. No profanity necessary.
Stationary, Portable, Pup*
anil Connection Ontfits.
You can sec every movement. Nothing hidden or complicated about the
BLAKESLEE. Positively SAAE. Strictly hlghfrade.
Write for our catalogue and prices.
Birmingham, - - Ala.
Carries a complete line of Drugs,
Medicines, Toilet Articles, Sts-
tionary, Fine Perfumery, Soaps
Combs, Brushes
The only up-to-date Soda fount
in town, serving ell kinds of cold
and fancy Drinks and lee Cream.
A fine line ofTobacco and Cigars,
Fancy and Family Groceries.
Thanking you for past patronage
and soliciting same in future.
Ocklockonee, Georgia.
Land for Sale.
For ml* M0 acres of land in the 18th
Patriot of Thomas oounty robe eahjeot
to a leas* to Ed and 8am Burry, and
' Henry Mitchell, Basina, Ga. Expiring
Doc. list. 1907, price $8,800.00. AUpu{
My pretty maid? I'm going to Tybee, Sir, she said. And —
tliat'. the place where the people are going this year to 3
have a good time.
Witn its many attractions, its flue orchestra, its splsodid
bathing and Its excellent cuisine is the most popular seaside
reeoct on the Sooth Atlantic Ooast. Ratea $1.80 per day; ~
$13.80 and $16.00 per week.
ThelPulaski House.
Is the most popular place in Savannah and should be yoor~
: headquarters when in the city. Write for Illustrated booklet. ~
CHAS. F. GRAHAM, Proprietor. =
CoollCflo.Booming Matrimonially and
CooUdge Ga May 28. 1904.
There were two marriages lie re Sun
day. Miss Leola Desrtao
and Mr. Henry Knight were married at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Denriso.
At 4 p. m. Miss Ethel Pope and Mr.
Everett Noocrief were married at the
home’of Mr. and Mre. J. C. Pope- pa
rent! of the bride. Rev. H. B. Nesmith
performed both ceremonies in his usual
happy manner.
The couples an- among onr mast pop
ular young people and have a boat of
friends who join oa in all good whites
for their fntnro happiness.
Coolidge was almost dessrted Snndsy
on account of the tent meeting at Mor
phy conducted by Reverends Massy and
Wadklns who were at Coolidge for ten
days, including the last two Sundays.
The following gentlemen are among
the excuraionlats to Tampa this week;
ReV. H. B. Nesmith, T. C. Smith, L J
Smith, H. Megahee.C. B. Brim, Jodie
White, Lint Bannister and Wealey Carl
It la said that Mr. & P. Megahoe de
cided nt the last moment that he prefer,
rod to'tnke in the Worid’aFair.
Mr-. C. E. Deariso la visiting her
daughter. Mre. Will Mims, near' Odel
Ida week. Mrs. Mims lias heen quite
ill Several days.
Mrs. L. .1 Smith and children nre
visiting their uncle. Mr. Allen, of Moul
trie, while Mr. Smith is In Tam;>».
Miss Belle Benton has just returned
from alnleasant visit to her brother,
Mr. G.fE. Smith at Mon!trie.
Miss Bessie Bell left Tuesday for an
extended visit to friends In
Mr. H. M. Collins spent*fsevaral days
last week with his brother near Arab).
Mr, Collins la aoon to loave Coolidge,
but baa not yet decided where he will
locate. He resigned as marshal at the
oouncil meeting Tuesday nigl t.
Mrs. Geo. H. Kennedy visited Them
aavtlle Tuesday.
Mr. H. Nankin spent several days in
TbomasvIUe this week.
Mr. F. E. Berrie who has been onr
clever and efficient railroad 'agent for
several mouths has given up his posh
Uon and has been raceeeded by Mr. N.
H. Haro from'Lecsbnrg, Ga. Mr. Ber-
rie waa ever courteous and acocomodat-
lng and onr people regret to sea him
leave. Mr. and;Mrs. Berrie are still here,
as Mr. Berrie has not decided whan 1 a
will go.
Mr, W. H. Moncrief has moved from
hie farm to the mill of the T. J. Bell
Bomb » Co.
srnmwmmTTTrmTimmfnm mmmmmmtmnminmmid
In order to arouse more interest in our Watermelon
prizes and.incidentally in our business as ad
vertised in this space, we have decided to offer:
Three Prizes,
Three Largest Watermelons,
' Brought to us before July 4tb, I99L
12.50 For the largest.
$1.00 “ “ second largest.
50 “ “ third largest.
They must be ripe enough to eat, and grown in
Thomas county.
The weight of no melon offered for the prizes 3
~ will *be pnblished until the prizes are awarded, when 3.
the weight of all and name ot grower, will be publish-
<• in this space. • ' 3
All melons offered will be sold to highest bidder zst
£ and proceeds given to some charitable institution of
the county.
$2.50 in gold for the First Ripe Melon deliver
ed to our stand.
I Watermelon* are Not All
the good things we’ll have around our store ilur-
£ ing the hot months ahead of us.
£ " 1 "
| Anything to Wear
that’ll make the weather more comfortable and at
prices to make the closest of buyers feel like buying
Mr. .Tamm Barrow haa moxad oat
mm the river and will go into the tor*
peatine business.
Mr. Erie Roberson and family, in.
eluding hie mother and younger brother
and elater, have recently moved hate
from Whigam. Mr. Roberaon le a fine
,w mill nun and la with H. A. Janet
tin. Coker and her chUdreu with the
man Hammond for whom aho ia said tj
hare left her h nr band created qnite
atlr in onr little town l»«t week on two
or three occasion!. Mr. Hamnioud haa
a brother living at the milt of tho Bocal
Bomber Co. and lie and Mre. Coker stop
ped with him on their repeated tripe be
tween Moultrie and Thomsaville. Mr.
Hammond endeavored to to jure employ
ment here and alao to purcliase the basi
nets of E. J. Rosser, but lie learned, no
doubt, tlut the people were not in eym-
pothy wiih hit Jmaunor of securing a
wife and come to the conclusion that
it would ha well not to stop here. Our
people were struck with the beauty aud
sty lull appearance of Mrs. Coker and
the neat drees and manliness of her two
little boys, and are at a loss to account
for her strange fascination for Ham-
The T. J. Dell Lumber Co. are^nak-
lug several improvements in their raw
mill plant here. They have recently ex
changed their logging engine for a large
locomotive with a capacity of eight or
ten loadad log cars. Then will he com
pleted this week a dry kiln and Mr.
Wm. Miller the Thomaaville deep well
contractor, ta boring them an arteeian
weU. It ta a busy place around
I i f. (keliwfl & lii„
£ ThomasviJle, - - Georgia,
= - Sole Agents
~r Best Paper PaHcrnsj'lade,
S All Sold at lie.
their mills and with these improvements
3 le output of the mills will be greatly
We had a good tain here hut week
after a droogtb of nearly two mouths
hot wa nre needing more. The etreama
me aU about dry aud many well* refuse
to famish their anal soppty. The crop*
Notice ta hereby given- that applica
tion will be made to the next erosion of
the General assembly for the pasaage of
tho following, towit:
to be entitled an act to amend the act
approved October, 8, 1889, entitled:
‘An act to re-ineorporaie tlie uwn of
„ ' , Thomaaville ae the Olty of ThomasviUe.
have suffered considerably, bat Frank’ j for other purporee"-ro as tootm.
and James Megahee can boast of an ex-
oeeiingly fine crop of both com aud
Miss Abbott, a blind mnslcian gave s
recital at the acliool house Friday even
ing last, assisted by Miss Enla Kennedy.
Following as it did the picnic at Big
Creek that day, the attendance waa
■mail. Htaa Abbott should come again
an 1 allow Coolidge to redeem herself.
Miss Urta Baker of Dothan. Ala s
visiting her uncle's family, Mr D. M.
Nervous Dyaprpsta Cured by Rydale’s
Stomach Tablets.
r. R. E. lone-, buyer for Barker and
Bridget, whose large department stores
,tc located at qtb aud Penn. Avc. Wash
ington, D. C. writes, under date of April
14. '04, as follows: Last February, one
year, while in New York on business for
mv house, I caught a severe cold, which
laid me up for several weeks and left
me weak and nervous. I hsd little or
no appetite, and my digestion was very
poor. My physicians could not get at
the cause of my trouble, as my digestion
seemed so much impaired. I decided
ta try Rydalc's Stomach Tablets, being
assured by a friend, they were a good
dyspepsia medicine. After using them
fora few days, 1 began to rcaiire that 1
was getting better. I gave np the doe
's preeoriptioo and have gained 10
r _unds while using two boxes of these
tablets. I never felt better in my life,
and accredit Rydale'a Stomach Tablets
with having cured me. I can recom
mend them, most heartily, to sufferers
from nervous indigestion and general
run-down conditions of the system.
fer upon tlie City of Thonutaville the
authority to bay or boifd and equip aa
Electric Lighting Plant in said olty for
the purpose of famishing Electric Lights
for tlie eueets and buildings of said city
and with power to operate rach a plant
for her own benefit and to eell Electric
Lights aud power to consumers, and I
elect all neoemary officers and employe »
to operate mid phut and to control th.
Thomaaville, Ga. May 18, 1801.
Petition for Discharge. ’
GEORGIA—Thomas county.
J. C. Stanalaud, Guardian of John G.
Culpepper and Foy Waldren (nee Oul-
pepper) haa applied to me for a discharge
from Ids fnuii .tmusliip of John G v Oul>
pepper and Foy Wuldren i om Oalpep-
per.f This is tlimvftuc to no ifv all
persons concerned to tile then objections
u any they have, on or before the first
Monday in July 1904, else I e will be
discharged from his guardianship as aa>
pUed^for. Wm. M. Jones, Ord.nary.
Fainlns E;e Water.
Application for Support.
Gaonria. Thomas Connty:
Mia. 8. Alex 8mith, having made ap
plication far twelve month* support oat
of tho estate of Dr. 8. Alex Smith, and
appraisers duly appointed to set apart
the rame having filed their retain, el
penatu oonoerned ere hereby required
to show cense before the Ooart af Ordi
nary of raid connty on the first Monday
in Jane 1901, why said application
should not be granted.
This 39th day of April 1904. Wm-jM. p . „ . _ .. . „
Jokes,Ordinary. s-C-4. y * ““>*• For *U “T Dreggtat*.
A quick end safe core, a certain cue, a
painless core for
Ita^qnal has never been discovers! for
Prepared only by
Dickey Eye Water Co.,
Manufacturing Chemists, Eufaula, Alb.
.Successors to; Dr. J. A. Dickey,
Bristol, Tenu.