Newspaper Page Text
Practice Improve* good moral! jut
Ike it does everything else.
H Doing the bard thing first' makes the
day easier. Get np this morning.
Thu Macon bank fellnroa teem to call
for tome revision in oar banking laws.
Tlu-baoxt’flgiiterjcan't hope to he as
successful in his campaign, at the Japs.
Blackberries am coming in. let the
politicians rave. What oare we?
And when it does beoome a Hearsed
boom maybe this pan will die ont.
They say AnheosenBosch to a very
popular shrnb hi St Louis there wprm
days. ^ :
. Pivotal poinw prefer Parker. There's
speck of political P’s that mean Some
_ The Csar intends to start fortiw front
Soon. Tlie front will moot him mom
titan half way.
Tie summer ream poster girt is oocu-
pjing tlie show window. If there wore
only some like her on earth!
- They say that tlie World's Pair to
now in fall blast, and is blasting the
pocket-books of tlie visitors.
We wouldn't recognize theBainbridge
Democrat if w« came across on Issue
that did not contain some spicy slums
at. Jim Griggs.
We won't feel that spring lias reall]
sprang its Has! sprang until an organ
grinder with a monkey, itinerates
through tlie city.
Those FI nr Pin newspapers are waving
fat and pros|iemus. There is to be a
eeeood primary and all the candidates
believe in printers ink.
The Gairo Mewonger expresses its ad-
miration for filial Jim Griggs hut dtxi
not feel that lie Inis any special fran
tiitoo up,on Ids sent in congress.
A mail named Jim ICey is rnnmug
(or mayor of Atlanta. Ho is not
wuhce-wasliee man as Ills name might
Indicate bat a rent Meliean, and au ex
eellent citizen.
- The last graiui jnry in progressive
Decatur recommended the alternative
road law. At this rate tlio roads in our
South Georgia paradise bid fair to rival
the goldon streets.
It isn’t always tlio fruit cau with the
prettiest, labol that has tlio best contents,
nor yet tlm handsomest women who is
bMt-natnrci). Bnt a lot of men judge
them jnst that way.
The boll weevil to advancing from
Texas at the rate 'of fifty miles a year
and is due here in about ten years. Thou
we will know how to sympathize with
i he Russians. *
Had you ever uotloed ( that most of
those doctrines about the sim|ilo life
were promulgated nt banquets where
the menu would wreck the pocket-books
of a salaried man and the digestion of a
Judge rafter's mother declares that
she gave her .<uu a guod Switching when
ever lie needed it, and this induces the
Indianapolis Journal to think that "at
some time or other she must havo whal
ed him half to death for talking too
Judge Purkor does not talk much hat
when lie does opuu his lips ho says some
thing, Here is his opinion of Southern
ers} “They are a great people; tlioy
are the countrymen of Washington and
Jeffersou, aud Madison and Jackson and
Lee. Their courage and their 1 constancy
have never failed. They have changed
velvet for liomespan and endured tho
pinch of honorablo poverty end are just
now beginning to reap tlie reward of
their great sacrifices. I- luivc implicit
faith in their ability to solve rightly and
righteously the difficult problems with
which they are confronted, and I be
lieve it to the dety of their countrymen
at the North to ^permit them to solve;
thorn problems unmolested hr intrirm- j
ting political interference from the ont-1
j Tlio Reunion Committee sends
Souther press the good new* that all
arrangements an perfected for enter-
tabling the United Confederate Veter
ans at Nashville, Jane 14-16.
The fact that these conventions had
beoome so expensive to cities entertain
ing, so deterred action that it waa left
for Nashville to beoome boet again soon
er than waa expected. But the capital
of the Volunteer State, aided by adja
cent commonitiee, to ready. Allot the
people an in. hearty accord, and
rangamenta are each that this invita
tion, to Confederate Veterans every,
where, to extended without misgiving
in any particular. Arrangements are far
better than ever before for Veterans
to meet In their old oommanda—on the
campus of the Vanderbilt University.
Board and lodging will be provided
witlioot charge for as many as desired,
The only variation from former rules
of entertainment is that of giving tlie
"old soldiers” preference. This action
will be approved by every loyal, beauti
fa! woman Who comes to do tlmm lion,
or. While sponsors and tlieir maids of
honor will be entertained by tlieir'De
partment, Division, and Brigade Com,
menders, provision is being made for
many of them iu the homes of tlie beat
people, so the committee is confident of
as delightful a reunion as lias ever been
The Confederated Southern Memorial
Association—that of tlie "Mothers of
tlie Confederacy” who never ceased
tlieir labors after caring for tlie sick
and wounded, bnt went right on erect
ing monuments for tlm dead—will hold
tlieir annual convention. Tlie United
Sons of Confederate Veterans will also
hold tlieir annual convention, with
promise of more uctive service aud zeal
than over before, hence the importance
or this reunion is second to none iu the
history of tlie organization.
An imprcaainn prevails that only a
few more of these general reunions will
be held, and us this meeting will bo the
first since the death of that magnetic
aud matchless mau. the only comman
der in Chief wliilo living, Gen. John B.
Gordon, it will be fitting to do his
memory honor by tlio largest* ntten
douce possible.
Rev. Alex W. Bealer Talks in an
Interesting Fashion of Great
Rev. Alex W. Bealer returned from
the Soothers Baptist Convention last
Wednesday and will All hto pulpit at
both the morning and evening services
In quaking of tits Convention to the
Tlmes-Enterprise Mr. Bealer arid: "It
to the greatest deliberative body in the
United States. There were present at
this meeting shoot eleven hundred dele
gatee. ' In addition, there were several
hundred visitors as well as the members
of the Woman’s Missionary Union, aax*
iliary to the Convention. The Associa
tion lusted for four days and was un
doubtedly one of the greatest conven
tions ever held by the Baptist.
One tiling aboot oar conventions U
that people do not generally understand
them. Each Baptist clinreli to an indt •
pendent organization, and the conven
tion, simply a combination of Baptht
churches from the different states with
no power to make laws or to bind the
churches in anything that it does. All
the slates from Florida to Oklahoma
Territory and from Texas to Maryland
are represented in tlie Convention. In i
And While not always painful are aggravating beyond expression. With
few exceptions they are worse in spring and summer when the system begins
to thaw ont and the skin
with Icmos ef tbs hands
asm face tor ovsr a vsar, it was ase only
until X rend in ’ft. paper of
tuffire it ft month's fair trial at least.. X
mm pleaaed toetate that I soon noticed a
improvement, sufficient to decide
tfter the nee of six bottles my akin
sett as a baby's. This waa a yean'
ir had any trouble since.
is reacting and making
extra efforts to throwon
the poisons that have
accumulated daring the
winter. Then boils and
pimples, rubes and
eruptions at every con
ceivable’ hind make
O* “<* m. to k««x> it up.'
BcremaandTetter—the ms a* smooth r
twin terrors of akin •«•“*
and such other Skin troubles u usually remain quiet during cold weather,,
break out afresh to torment and distract by their fearful burning, itching
and stinging. A course at S. S. S. now will purify
and enrich the blood, reinforce and tone up the gen
eral system and stimulate the sluggish circulation,
thus warding off the diseases common to spring and/
summer. The skin, with good blood to nourish it^
remains smooth and soft and free of all disfiguring eruptions.
Send for our free beok on diseases of the skin and write us if yon desirr
madlr.1 advice ar any special information. This will cost yon nothing.
The editor of the Cairo Messenger
nther deprecates a dull time. He says;
Occasionally a tiny new ripple will «)»■<-
tnrb the surface of Thomas county's
political pot, hut llko tho circles which
follow the splash of a stone* they
widen and widen until they disappear
around the edges. As for our jmrt
wo want to see the waters boil.
Rev. Madison C. Peters of Now York
aooonuts for the fact that there are four
million bachelors in the United States
by sayiug that it is dno to "the extra va-
gnoco aud incomjieteuoe of modern
yonng women. ” Possibly the extravag*
anco and incompetence of modern yonng
men has something to do with it.
The Plaut bank failure iu Macou may
not be so bad as was at first feared. The
rocelvor reports assets of 91,390,177 aud
liabilities of $3,243,233.
We miw a heading in tho Rome Her*
aid yesterday entitled Moony—Dew.
Tliis referred to a marriage aud uot to
any natural phenomenon.
Woman Wlrm IffMw, Mlro Proof Roofing, Spray Pumpa, JIMmm,
Ws vflr Iffit'M Is Yssr lolsrsst ts Flfsrs «Mb*Vs.
that territory there are more B»pti»tH
than in all tlie rest of the world put to- j
gather. Prom the last statistic* eolJw- j C||ppi ICC'
ted by Dr. Borrows, the Statistical Sec- OUrrUtO'
rotary of the.couveution* tliere are in
thoSontli 1,905*800 white Baptist* and
*00*000 negro Baptists making u total
of 2,800,708. In the wliole world the
are 4,760,000 Baptist*. The negro Bap-
tlsts have au organization seimrate from
their whits hretlieren.
Tlie meetings that are itchl each year
are for the purpose of carrying out the
last great commission of onr Lord, “(Jo
ye into all the world and preach the
gospel to every creature." Everything
that has been done in tho Convention
has this for its final object. Preacher*
aro educated that they may preach tho
gos|>el* churches are instituted that tho
gospel may bo extended, roissiogaries
aro sent out that the gospel may le
preached by them, money is raised that
tho gospel may be preached, colleges aro
endowed iu order that those receiving
tttt education from them may be better
fitted to preach Hie m>»t»t whh ti««-ir Mathews Medicine Co.,
10 Copies of Bav. T.DeWitt Tihnags'i
“Travels in the Holy Land”
—Will be- '
In the Timcs-Enterprtoe "Dot” flattest.
These bonks are on exhibition now at
onr store. They are splendid watts,
which sell far 16.76. each and wiU be an
ornament to any home.
J. E. Robison & Co's.
Book Store*
Broad Street. ThemasriUe, Ga
Greatest Discovery of the Age,
"Secret ol Health.”
A fruit ami vegetable compound for
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach.
Heart Burn, end all diseases arising from a
disordered stomach or torpid liver-
A grt j*i appetizer and flesh procurer. Nothing better a* a spring ionic.
— Price, 50 cts. ami $1.00 per bottle.- •
For *nlcby nil first- lam dealer*, *“ **nt piebaul, in lots ef 3 large bottle*, ur 5
nftot 1 ! ones, :n receipt ot price.
Wholesale rate* on ;.ppht:at:oti. lUhftble agent* wanted t
United States.
en town in tbc
live* hh well u* their lip*.
Great progress has been made iu the
denomination for tho lust year. $10,000
was raised for foreign missions by Geor-
giualoue. She leads every other :tato
in the South in contributions for mis
sions. Dicing tho conventional year
that has just began Georgia w ill raise
not less than $50,000 for the enuso cf for
eign missions. Last year 2ft new mission
arieswere cent to the foreign field by
the Baptists Moro than 2,000 Baptisms
have been reported from the foreign
’fields. At a great meeting of tho
veution, when the Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary at Louibvillo was
under consideration a collection was
takeu which was a surpriso to every
body as it amounted to the munificent
sum of $50,000. This refutes tho charge
that has been made that "Buptists have
no money.” They have money and they
are learning how to give it to carry
tho work of the Lord. Tho highwater
mark of the convention wns reached at
great Missionary Mass Meeting at
which there were 12 or 15 men and
tutu who ottered themselves tVr the
eigu field. Most of them will bo accep-
ted aud daring tho year it is confidently
oxpocted that uot loss than 50 new Bap
tist missionaries will bo sent to the for
eign field from tho Southern Baptist
Convention. $35,000 has been appro
priated for uplifting tho negroes and
giving thorn a moro practical religion
tliuu they now pomes*.
• .It would take a long time to go fully
CAU get it—-take jfctb the deittils of the meeting. It was
atesc missionary gathering that
ever been seen in the South. I wish
fbtho Thomas eouuty Baptists coaid
have been there. As it was, I had the
pleasure of being accom]>auied by only
one of them, Mr. David C Barrow. He
was enthused over the meeting and felt
moro than repaid for having xt tended.”
Americus, Ga.
Qaatot, Queer aad Curious Salt Laka
The late Cal. John Cockerell in The
Cosmopolitan said "There are three uni.
que cities in America, and one of these
is Salt Lake City." It is not only uni
que in its temple, tabernacle and other
Mormon church institutions, but quaint
in appearance, with its wide streets, im
mense blocks and martial rows of shade
trees. It has, perhaps, more attractions
to the square yard than any city in the
country, and its climate, while temper
as, ail the year round, is particularly
delightful in summer. The Great Salt
Lake, with its magnificent Saltair resort,
where the wales to “deader and denser”
than that in the Dead Sea in Palestine
isaa attraction in itself that people
come miles to see. There are many
cool mountain and lake resorts near by.
also-numerous very pretty canon and
pash drives, and hot sulphur springs.
Fishing and buntiog can be had in every
direction. The trip from Denver to
Salt Lake City and Ogden, via the Den-
:r 3k Rio Grande and the Rio Grande
I’cstern. is one of unsurpassed pleas
ure. Here aature is found in her stern
est mood and the whole line it a suc
cession of rugged canons, waterfalls
and-picturesque valleys. No European
trip-can compare with it in graudeur of
scenery. During the entire summer
there will be low excursion rates to Salt
Lake City and contiguous country. It
is on the road to the Pacific coast, if
that be your destination. Write S. K.
Hooper, G. P. & T. A., Denver, Colo,
for beautifully illustrated pamphlets,
etc 8-1-03-nmos.
R-I-P-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
good prescription
For mankind.
The 5-cont pocket is enough for omul)
occasion*. The family bottle (ftOots.)
contains a supply for a year. All drag*
gists soil them. 5-9
Shylock was the man who
wanted a pound of human
flesh. There ate many
Shylocks now, the convales
cent, the consumptive, the
sickly child, the pale young
woman, all want human flesh
and they
Scott’s Emulsion.
Scott’s Emulsion is flesh,
and blood, bone and muscle.
It feeds the nerves, strengthens
the digestive organs and they
teed the whole body.
For nearly thirty years
Scott’s Emulsion has been the
great giver of human flesh.
Wc will send you a couple ot
ounces tree.
SCOTT * BOWNE* Chemists.
400-416 Pearl Street. New Vovfc.
jr. ta4«M*a eU «reRisia
The reading publie can cordially com-
mood to tlie Russian generals the coon
song “I’d like to change your namo.”
Summer seems to be trying to make
up for lost tube.
It Will Bear Inspection.
. Plumbing,. Tinning, and Sheet Metal Work we Do.
Why uot lmvo your work done so you will not be liable to a case of typhoid fever
in your family? We know how to do
Z^irst-Cleuss TXTo±2sz
and that is nil tho kiud we expect to do. Wheninaeed of that kindcallonua.
W<> cunmntee nil ns«w work foi-lyear.
!0? Mndt*on”Strcet. *Phone*351.
For Sale. W
One 2'* H*. I*.
•« 20 “ •*
rlv Overhauled.
Tubular Boilrr
The Best Cow Fo* d to be
Cost less and is the greatest
milk and butter producer
on the market.
" 10 "■ " Vertical •*
" 8 " * Locomotive •• on
One 10 H. P. Vertical boiler and en
gine detached on wheel3.
1 No. 3 DeLoach Saw Mill, Duplex
F ecd.
1—48 inch Inserted tooth circular saw.
1—28 inch crosscut saw.
I—*1 inch cross* cut saw. ^
1—8 x 12 Watertown engine, centre
1—35 H. P. centre »nnk Brio Engine.
3 Button Saw Moulders.
Works uoor A. C. L. R. R. Depot.
P. O. 102; Telephone* 1&4 and210.
Put up by the Ralston Pu
rina Co.
Handsome patterns. Ready-to-wear
Hats, Flowers, Lares. Ribbons, Orna
ments, Untrimmed a»ul Lace Hats of
all the new aud pretty shapes. Pleas
ant sales ladies. Experienced Trimmer*.
All will be found at Mrs. J. A. Epply't
Millinery Store in Masury Hotel Block.
'Phone 171. Gentleman and ladies
Come down and let us talk to you.
W e have just rectived a car of Woold-
bridge Jellico.
The Thomasville Ice Company
Dealers in la, Soda Water, Wood, Coal, Hay and Grain.
New Livery Stable, Cow Hides
ID. SsLr"bex- Fur, Beeswax, Etc.
Special attention to commercial travelers.
Barber’s Now Stable,
highest cash prices paid.
j. W. WATKINS & CO.,
J. B. WATKINS, - - . Maatg
Cairo, Ga.i Office at Williams’ Stable 238 W
— • Jatitta St., TVnaaiviUe.Ga.