Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, June 03, 1904, Image 4

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"HOMASVILLE, GEORGIA JCNE 3, 1904. Published miy Friday fir (be Times-Enterprise Publishing Co. Wilson M. Hardy, President. John D. McCartney, seo. * trace. At the Time-Enterprise Bnildlng. Thomaaville. Os. Entered at the poatoOoe at Thomas- Title, Os., m second class mi ~ / ■ siJsscaiPTIoH aaTit*. WeeUr, Om Year .*1.00 •• Six Months SO •• Three Months 35 Daily, One Year ..*8.00 •• Six Months 8.6o *• Three Months 1.35 « One Month 80 Official Paper of Thomas County Guaranteed Circulation 3,350. How the Ooaaaoka hare shrank since -the war began. One day of Jana gone and no Jane bridei In Thomstrille. 'Georgia politicians, no matter which way the wind blows, keep oloaetothe •pie counters, Now they hare discovered hypnotio music. Thai's not the kind yonr neigh bor plays, is it? •Starr,, the profoasor of anthropology at the University of Chlaago favors a return to the primitive method of car rying infants strapped to their mothers’ backs. When wo were an infant tl e strap was applied to our hark. Melvill^ Stone of tbs Tress, onght to be endoj negte hero medal if t(er«j^uuu8l^fi anything. He stated to the federation tof Woman's Clubs lhatidU the yoapde' fin the newspapers was dee to woman's .desire for Jt. SCHOOL ClibSES AT METCALFE, Metcalfe, jJnne 1, ill04. _ The aohool hare taught by Mr. T. S. Dixon and Miss Elia QoaUea came to asnuoassfal dose yesterday. Daring •the daw there was ,-a picnic on the i^ronnds which was largely attended and greatly enjoyed. Free lemonade was served and this added much to the oooa- aton. At night the school bnUdlug was 'thronged by an intimated andienoe who •were treated to a carefully prepared 'program consisting of recitations, plays and tableaux The whole program, lasting for two lionrs, was admirably ■ exeented and relloeiod credit alike upon •tochers and implls. Both Mr. Dixon and Misa Qneilvs have labored faithful ly anil well In the interest of the school here and riddy deserve the high esteem in which they ure hold by our jioopta. Among the ThomasviUe peopl^who attended the school closing hero Toes- day were Misses Nellie Weldon, Laura Wyly, Grace Jenkins; Messrs. James stud Robert Dixon. Messrs. James Hall and Fred Rase drove up from Suainn and spent Satur day in town circulating among Mends. Mias Rosa Howard, from “Oakland tarn" gladdened the^heurtaof tier many -Itienda here the first of the week by a pleasant visit. Mm. J. S. Summer of Sunset in a Quest of bar aunt, Mrs. O. B. Copeland. Mr.-Sommer, who for several | year ■waaooa of onr moat daslrahls dtiaaos, aooompanied her down, hot was] oom- pellad to return on acoount of basinets . An Early Growar. Mr. A. A. Braswell was here from *Meigi on Wednesday. Ha Is one of the fcest melon growers in the county and ways be will begin to ship on Jane 10th. He brought with him a IS pound beanty vrhieh is a fair sample of the 3000- or ■sore that ha baa ripening in his patch. CASTOR IA Per Infants and Children. She Kind Yoo Han Always Bought r 4&082S J. 55. Fitzgerald of Quitman waa hare last week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mm. Jaa. Fitzgerald. Mrs. Dr. Everett Daniel o( Moultrie waa bare since onr last epistle, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Taylor at their home in north Boston Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Btede of Brooks county visited ThomasviUe last Wed nesday week. Mias Florida Darraoott aooompanied by Hasten Guy and Olvde Wood of Macon left for Tampa Fla., lalt, weak, to visit the former's sister. Mr. Moaes Kingsley of Brooks oonnty waa here last week visiting bis son. Ster ling J. Kingsley. ‘ .Sheriff Hlght name down last Wed nesday week and caMed back with him Joe Hagans who waa arrested under » warrant charging him with a heinous offense. W. O. Snodgrass a leading lawyer of the county's eapitol was hare last Thnr- day looking after some legal buslneaa. Mre. Lola Clark and chUdren are in Tampa visiting lier slater. Mre. J. M. Rushln and the two oliild- reu of the late Mrs. Fanuie Groover ue at White Springs Fla. Rev. W. E. Mnmford and' his band of boys from the Georgia Iniustrial Homeware in oar city last Friday. They nude a line appearance and die oonrsed some moat excellent mnair. Bro. Mnmford it engaged in a moat commendable and praise-worthy ob ject. J. B. Daniel and wife after a very pleasant visit of 3 weeks to the form ers parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Daniel left. Inat week for Savannah, their home. O. T. Begga the ncstor of the drag business and representing Jno. B. Dan- iel of Atlanta wan selling goods in onr elty since onr hut letter. Mlaaes Belle and Francis Bird Daniel, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dan- iol to Savannah, their home, last week. Tho Mister Daniel will remain in tha Foreat City some weeks before return ing home. Tha quarterly aueting of the Salim Singing Convention convened at Ber wick last Saturday and 8uhdsy. One of the largest crowds ever seen at a ting ing wan jftesent. Boston was very largely in evidence on the occasion. A most eumptuooe.'dlnner waa spread upon the grounds and everyone present did ample jnstioe to tha viands. Dr. M. R. Mellette of ThomaavlL't waa hare last Tuesday looking after Ilia various interests. Mias Bailie Neel of Thomaaville waa here tliis week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mre. J. O. Neel at tlielr home in southeast Boston. Jno. L. Wheeler of Pavo one of that clty'a most pryraiuent business men was in onr city last Tuesday. The tragic death of Paul Carson which oocnrred inJWaycrosa last week removes another one of Boston's good and noble yonng men from tho active works of life. WMle it la sad to lose onr loved ones, yeNt is doubly so when we are caUed npoa to giro them up un der such trying and sad dronmstanoea aa aooompanied hiq death. The subject of this sketch was killed at Wayoroa* on Wednesday night week by being ran over and crushed by some care, white he waa acting as iwltchman^n the yards of he A. O. L. railroad, bat how the ac cident oooared no; non knows aa his death waa not known until his lifeless remains were discovered npon or near the track of the railroad. Paul was In the 33nd year of his age, having been born and reared In this city. He was nnivenally loved and esteemed by every one, be was active and energetio and fiUed every trust committed- to him with honor and fldeUty. He has gone oat from ns. his face wUl never greet ns again, however we can meet on the other shore when pain and death are feared and felt no more. His death has cast a gloom over onr community and many hearts are made sad by his un timely demise. We tender unfeigned love and sympathy to the bereaved in this sad dispensation of an all wise crea tor. HuTramains were brought to Bos ton for interment. Harry Noel of Jacksonville Fla. who holds a most responsible position with Mrs. P. B. Mills who haiEbemi tho gaaat of Gapt. J B. Way,' and Judge W. H. Geiger's families at Mavview loft for Himnjllle. Liberty Co. her home but Tuesday. Mr. Lewis of the Arm of Lewis and a<f«m, who baa been visiting in Florida for several days has returned home. WHOOPING COUGH. “in the spring of 1901 my children bad whooping cough,” says Mrs. D. W. Capps, of Oapps, Ala. "1 used CBara- berlain's Cough Remedy with the most satisfactory results. 1 think this is the best remedy I have ever seen for whoop ingcough. This remedy,keeps tht cough loose, lessens the severity and frequency of the coughing/spells and counteracts any tendency toward pneu monia. For sale by I. W. Peacock. To Farmer aad Stockman, For farmers and stock owners, use Elliott's Emulsified Oil Liniment—is the best ever produced. You get a full half pint for 35c. and you'll find it a very satisfactory liniment fur use in the lain lyand-on animals. On* of life greatest blessings a modest man can vAsh for is a good, reliable set of bowels. If yon are not the happy possessor of seoh an outfit yon can great ly improve the efficiency of those have by the judicious use of Chami Isin's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are pleasant to taxe and aggreeabie in effect. ForsalebyJ, W. Peacock, d. TO WORD’S FAIR. Special Rates via Atlantic Use. On Jons *r 1, •. 14, 16,31,35,38 and 80, 1904, the Atlantic Coast Line will sell ittand trip coach exconi ion tickets with ten day limit at very low rotes. Fore from Tfcomasrille to 8t. Louis 118.15. For foil particulars call on or address. A. N. Turnbull T. A T J Bottoms T. P. A. Thomosrille. W. H. Looby D. P. A. Savannah. ilwtd. TOO NEAR HOWE. Tbomssvilte feopttf C*ft S*i* that Fraud Could Not Id ait- mp rJ. Residents of Albanv which in near enough to Thomasvillc so that any at tempt to deceive would be fuiile. de clare that Doan's Kidney Fillsctirwkid ney diseases and backsdhe and ih % stand by what they «oy. It io easy foi any ThomasviUe sufferer t.* verify thi- proof. / Mrs. Annie Woodall, of i$7 Broad street, Albanv. Go., says; **1 have de rived a great benefit Irons the ntr'ot Doan's Kidney Fills. My bac* wa cau*ing me almost continual misery The pain was right across the small o» it—a heavy, dull, hearing down pain and n weakness. I used many different medicines, without apparent result, and tried limnieu s. but the pan wi l .... lined. 1 saw Doan's Kidney fills advertised and got a boa and gave the a thorough trial. I am very much pteav ed with the results. The pain bos lei» md I teel very much better in every wav. You are welcome to use in/ name as a reference." Emphatic end«rsem nt cat* he had right here in T homaaville. Drop into K. Thoma* Jr's, drug store and ask what his customers report. For sale by all dealers. Foster-Md* hum Co., Buffalo, N. Y. sole agents ioi the United Stales. Komcmber ihe name— Doan s— and take no other. A GREAT RULKR. Om* of the gruatesi of ruler* U tin* liver. It govttrns tho human orptuisui. When the liver is oat of order the whole system becomes diseased. Keep your liver healthy by using Rydale’s Liver Tablets. They enro all livor trouble. They euro constipation. Your, money back if thev do not give satisfaction. For snlo by J. W. Peacock. ARB YOUR LUNGS WEAK? Doea the cough, left by tiie grippe—or the oold contracted during the winter, still haifg on? Rydale'i Elixir will cur** your cough and heal ypur weak lungs It killa the germs that cause chroiic throat and lung disease and helps nature r store the weakoued organ** to lie il h frial sire Ski. Family size 0O0 Fo,* sale by J. W. Peacock. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSOR X, SECONO QUARTER, INTER NATIONAL SERIES, JUNE 6. i.oe. Murk xv, 1-lt. X,,.rr Verse., 1S-14—tioldex T.xl, Lake xxlll. 4 - Commentary Pr«- hr Rev. D. X. itearxe. (Courritht, U0t, by Aeurtcu Pne amociitfon.) After the jpeeeorer end the Inatlta- lion of the rapper Id the ta.t leeeon our Lord .poke to the eieveo the wonderful word# of John xiv to xvi and prayed ee recorded in John xrlL Then He went forth over the brook Cedron with Hie faithful few to tlw Mount of Olive, and into the garden of Gethiem- ane. caat off by Hie eon Iarael (Eta. It, 22, 231. Thfo wae forcehadowed In David when He, with Hie faithful few, croaeed the lame brook, caet out by bis •on Abealom (II 8am. xv, 23, 30), but In that caw the wicked ton waa (lain, while here in our leuon the righteous King ia to auffer in the atead of Hta enemlea, the Juat for the unjuat (I Pet iU, 18; Bom. v, 8). The agony and conflict in Getb- acmane, the sleeping diaciples, the be trayal and arrest of our Lord, 8lmon Peter's blunder with tbe .word, the dis ciples nil fifelng, Jeans before Annas and Caiapbaa, tbe (alee witnesses, the blindfolding, .mocking, smiting, spit ting. Peter's denial—these are some of tbe events and Incidents of that awful night, but who can tell what they men nt to Him who war the center of all. Ihe Lamb of God, oppressed and afllleled. brought ns a lamb to tbe •luugbter and aa'a sheep before her ibeurers, opening not Hta mouth (Isa. HIT,. The morning earns, tbe morning of earth's darkest day, and the council, haring condemned Jeaus to death, bind Him and lead Him away and deliver Him lo Pontlua Pilate, tho governor, ybe King of the Jews, rejected by His own people, treated by them as an evil doer and condemned to die. silent and suffering, He allows them to act their pleasure. About the time that our Lord waa brought before Pilate Judas brought tbe thirty pieces of silver, testlfled to the chief priests and elders that Jeans waa innocent, threw down the money in the temple and went and hanged himself (Matt xxvIL 8). For a more full account of all that passed between Pilate and the Jewish rulers and see Luke xxiiL 4-10; John xrili, 28, lo xlx, 15. It Is possible thus os Pilate, the representative of tbe great world power of that time, asked Jesus, "Art thou the king of the Jews':'' he uuiy have thought Him lo be some poor, harm leas, weakmlnded person, for even now when some true believer speaks of Jeaus aa the King of the Jews, soon to return and ait on David's throne, asserting that bo also expects to reign with Him. ho In apt to be coneldered by many very re ligious people to be ah ignorant, weak- minded person, notwithstanding such Scriptural statement, aa Luke L 32. I; Bor. t. 9.10; OoL ill, 4. Having confessed before the high print and before Pilate that Ho is the till riot, tbe King of tbe Jew* (Mark xlr. *1. US; XT, 2). He has nothing more to say. ao now to chief priests and FUate He answers nothing, bnt patiently awaits their disposal of Him. It waa the governor's custom to re lease to the Jews at the lime of tho pasaorrr a prisoner, whomsoever they desired, and, having a notable prisoner, a murderer named Barabbas, be asked whether be should release Barebbos or Jeaus, the King of the Jews. He prob ably thought that they would rarely choose Jesus, but be knew neither their murderous hearts nor the God of Love who was overruling all these things (Acts tv. 27. 28). Tiie chief priests moved the people to nsk for the release of Rarabba*. nnd when Pilule asked wluit he should do with Christ, the King of the Jews, they cried, "Crucify Him!” ami ns Pllntc nuahi asked. "Why, what evil hath lie done':'' they Tied the more exceedingly, "Crucify Him!" It appeurs from a harmony of the gospels (one being before mo as f write and quote from one or tiie other of the evangelists) that Pilate Inter ceded for Jesus and offered to set Him free not leas than seven times on that eventful morning. Peter aaye that Pi late was determined to let Him go (Acta ill. 13). in John xvitl, 88; xlx. 4. 0, we bear Pilate say three times. '1 And no fault in Illm.’V Pilate's wife, because of a dream which the bad. sent this message to her hnsband: Have thou nothing to do with that JuttNnan" (Matt, xxvii. 19). There seemed to bo ao one against Him bnt His own nation, and they ao hate Him that they prefer a murderer to tbe Holy Lamb of God. Bo Pilate, wilttng to content tbe peo ple, yet acting contrary to hta own con science nnd against bis wife's entreaty, released Barebbas. tbe murderer, and dellrered Jesus, the innocent one, to be crucified. Bnt ilnce Pilate held Him to be Innocent and washed his hands of the affair (Matt, xxvll. 241. why scourge Him? It Is ail too awful to read, bnt what must the actual oc currence have been? Was it at this time, aa the plowcrs plowed upon His back and made long tlielr furrows, that tbe cruel ihongs flew round His face also and made His vtsuge to be so marred more than any man? (Pa. cxxlr, 3; Ian. IU, 14.) I do not know, bnt I hare often wondered. People are daily choosing a mur derer, the devil, or the Christ of God. Erery one must face tbe question. "What ahall I do with Christ?" We cannot get rid bf It any more than Pi late canid, nnd no amount of niter or soap nnd water can amah away our guilt (Jer. II, 22), nothing bnt the blood of Jesus. As He died in the stand of Rarsbbss. so He died In my stead, bnt how can I ever thank Him? j The Light Running PLANO has revolutioDized the harvesting bus iness. Save your mules and get a machine that w ill last you a lifetime. The binder that has 8 record 391, 000 bundles without missing a single bundle, and without perceptible wear ot any of its parts. A mower that for speed, light draft and durability cannot be equaled. For sale and on exhibition at my stables at Boston, Ga. Planete Jr. Cultivator. Jt is the verdict of every farmer that has ever usad one or even seen one used that the PLANETE JR. CULTIVATOR is the greatest labor savor and grass destroyer that ever wmt into the field. It does the work thoroughly, quickly and with ease to the operator. If you are not already using them get yourself right and call on or write JOHN Gr. BURNEY, Wav’s Building. BOSTON, GEORGIA. “For what is worth in anything Rut so much money as ’twill bring.”-Butler. We deeire to call attention of our cnatomere this week to a large line of Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements. We handle the Weber Wagon and the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford Buggies and the Rex Buggies, and the McFarlane Buggies and Surries. We have combination corn and cotton planters and combina tion guano and corn drills. We hare the best line of Fertilizer Distributors we ever saw. Yon cun put ont with them from one hundred to two thousand pounds of fertilisers per acre. We also carry n fnll line of two horse riding and walking cultivators and weedert. We are atill offering bargain! in —Flour, Sugar and Tobacco— and have on hand yet xome select North Carolina Seed Pindera. Remember that we give with each 25c cash purchase a ticket en titling you to a chance at the beautiful Amea stick seat ran about on display in onr window, which will be given away on May 28th. One of onr cnatomere will get thii beautiful run about. You may be tha lucky one. COME to see na. Comfort Trading Co. BOSTON,K- I-BGEORGIA.