Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, June 03, 1904, Image 6

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The Portable Saw Mill Is tie Comine Mill.
It is a portable null that is really portable. M
lumber. Capacities 2,000 to 6,000 per day.
Can be set and ready to saw In two boon. Variable Fric
tion Cable Feed. Stationary Mills, any capacity. Portable
and Stationary Engines, Railway, Hill and Factory Supplies.
'The “lore at first-right" microbe trill
begin to get busy in Jane.
Naims:* (VifKfrom tbs 5 may South
It seems that Ward's—worth mutt be
Judge Pert ex'* favorite poet.
The children are coanting the honn
until (be last day ef'ekWe." .
aEtawJbdfclarias w. Efc
The cooking school graduate wlU soon
make (ndgo a drudge on the market.
An optimist In Booth Georgia U a
man who t|tlll thinke it will rain tomor
Familiarity breeds contempt and moat
folk! are growing aweary of the war
new*. j v
John Giver of the Waycross Journal
wanU Georgia to manufacture wagon*.
Ih. times If aba msslkrd or cooking hotter for frying and shcrtsnfn»
The treat medical and cooking authorities of the ceuntry say so; they
endorse, Oottslene aa tha moat palatable, healthful and economical cook
ing fat on the market The following namee of Cettolena anderaert
*ri household words t
Mr,. Sank Tyson Rarer. Mrs. Emma P. Ewing. Marlon HartanA
Mrs. Size. R. Paflctr, Lida Ames Willis, Mrs. Janet M Hill, Dr. Mary E.
Green. Miss Margaret Witter, Mr*. Elizabeth O. Hiller, Mra. Helen Arm*
^ Equipped
GRIST TTf1HTTI~> T Boiler Works
ISeMM toirm Fence, Fire Freer Reegnr, J»r«» Pamgs, *•»«'>, Istse
Wt win Hsks It Is Tear Intutitts Figment Us.
Shops AM
My pretty maid? I'm going to Tybae, Sir, she said. Andj
that’s the place where the people are going thia year toj
bare a goon time. ■
ay attractions, its fine oreheetra. lta tjJendid:
its excellent cuisine is the most popular seaside |
the Sooth Atlantic Ooast. Hates |J.50 per day; \
818.00 per week. \
House. j
place in Savannah and should ha yonkS
Write for Illustrated booklet =
F. GRAHAM, Proprietor. =
The boll weevil does not affect hog,
hominy jor Angora-goats. Fanners
should retbemberthla.
Among the attractions at the World's j
Fair is a stalne of Roosevolf done in
hotter. Please pan the oleomarga
The way some people who oogl.t to lie
sensible are rooting for Hearst, would
make a pessimist oat of a laughing
Water sells for five cents a glass In St.
Louis, ns if any exoose were needed to
make the men drink beer.
The Valdoeta Timea thinks it Is safer
to hug delations thsn pretty women.
How aboat when one is both?
Hon. Pope Brown says he will not he
aoandidste for re-appointment on the
railroad commlastoo when lilt present
term expires. Jf his mantle should f all
upon ns .
Those people who are rood of quoting
"the pen ie mightier than the sword
should remember that Jefferson prefix
ed the danse, "in the hands of men on*
tirely great.”
Tills it the time of the year when the
sweet girt graduate appears on the stage
and solves every old problem in exit-
i, says an exchange. Especially
the dd bachelor problem.
Body of P. H. Carson Found In Way-
cross Railroad Yard.
Waycross, Gil. May » -P. H. Oar-
•on, a young white man, was Instantly
killed by a switch engine in the railroad
yard hero at 8 o’clock last night. The
body was ran over by at least two trains,
ant. it was tome time after the accident
before the dismembered remains were
Genoa was about 86 yean old, and
oatte to Waycroas from Boston, Ga.,
where his relatives reside, about two
months ago. He was employed aa
switchman in the Atlantic .Coast Line
yard. It is not known Just how the
accident occurred, as no one ««it, and
the yoang man was not missed from hit
work for half an hoar. A search reveal
ed the lifeless body by the tide of the
track. The top of the liead was mashed
enthrely off and the brains scattered for
some distance along the track.
Coroner Grimes lias been notified, bat
it is not likely that an inqneat will ha
bald. Tha remains were shipped to
Boston today and Interment took place
then on Tlinrsday afternoon.
The young man belonged to one of
Thomas county's prominent families.
His death will cause great regret In
Thoroasvllle where he wae well known.
The Macon bank muddle has gotten
into the oourts. Months will pass and
thousands will he consumed in fees and
charges before the depositors realise
anything exoept their disappointment.
Daring the past year 18 new Rebekah
lodges have been farmed. In fraternal
society circles, as in other things, the
principal activity has been in South
Georgia. This la the section where
things arc done every day.
Hon. D. H. Mays, a defeated candi
date for Governor of Florida says that
if be had used more printers Ink he
would have polled a bigger vote. The
moral is obvious, and should bo stowed
away in the memory of possible Georgia
candidates for future use.
Government experiment stations in
Use South are learning that oar native
plants tarnish better hay than any we
oan bay from oilier states says the Flor
ida Tlmee-Dnlon. God gave to the beet
the best of all things she will need and
then gave here people to develop, per
fect and then use them. lithe people
do their doty they will be rich and hap
py—if they make themselves worthy of
their land they must be the wisest,
freest, happiest and best on earth. Be
gin now to do all thia—we have made a
good beginning and need only go oar
own way.
It Has Rut Crops Everywhere In
The government crop report says:
"The drought in a faw localities in Hie
■oath and weat was partially relieved
by showers early ih the week, bat else
where precipitation continues greatly
deficient. Tie situation at present is
serious. Crops however are generally
well cultivated. Cotton msde slow
growth daring the week; lice are infest-
ingmauj fields; late plantings are ger
minating badly; oltopping Is in progress
in nearly nil distrleta; cultivation con
tinues in the south and la beginning in
the middle counties. A fair yield of
fall oats la being secured, hot spring
Sowings are very poor—practically a
failure In many sections. Corn is back
ward, but in theronth has good color.
The indicated yield of peaches is still
promising. Tlie condition of sugar cane
and melons Is poor—the latter are blos
soming in the south.”
Treasurer Parte Wants to Know If
Legislators Can Draw Salary.
Atlanta, May 86.—State Treasurer R.
E. Park, by letter, requested an opinion
of Attorney General John C. Hart as
to whether the coming session of the
legislature can be legally held, and
whether he can lawfully pay the per
diems of the members, and otner ex
panses incident to the session.
While there has been a good deal of
talk about the right of the present leg
islature to ait for a third term, this
la the first time the question has been
formally raised, and the issue is
decidedly an interesting one.
fyaw Residents.
Mrs. J. B. Carrol of Carrolton, Ga.
boa rented Mr. H. M. Cave's residence.
She will occupy it with her family
oooslsting.of a son and two dnoghters.
Mrs. Carrol la a sister of Mr. John
Chastain and will be warmly welcomed
ns a resident of Thomasville.
Qoaa to Enlist.
Mr. Joe Mitchell left for Savannah
Friday morning. He went to enlist
in the Marine Corps of the United States
Navy at that point. He is a bright young
mail and will doubtless make a name for
himself In his ehosen branch of service.
His friends at home will wateh his
career with interest. He iathe second
Thomasville boy to enlist daring the last
tew weeks. Mr. J. H. Poole was the
Florida’s Famous
"Chicago & Florida Limited.”
St. Augustine, Jacksonville to Chica
go. sod St. Louis.
This train is operated over the short
est line between St. ‘ Augustine, Jack
sonville, Chicago and St. Louis, and a
fords the quickest schedule by nearly
two hours.
This train is the standard of perfeo-
tionin passenger servioe. consisting of
Pullman Vestibuled Drawing Room.
Sleeping Compartment, Dining and
Observation Cars.
Leaves St. Augustine 6:20 a. m„ Jack
sonville 8.40 a. m. Arrive Chicago 4:10
p. m„ St. Lonis 1:35 p. m.
Two Successful Clonings.
Two of Thomas county’s most suc-
oessfol teachers are Misses Zeola and
Brie Hand. The Lewis school taught
by the former closed with a delightful
picnlo on May 80th. The exercises 1 y
the pupils were most enjoyable aud i.u
address by Judge S. A. Roddenbery was
a feature of the oeoaslon.
On the afternoon of the same day the
Pine Summit school, taught by Miss
Brie Hand, held lta final exercises nndi r
equally auspicious circumstances, Judge
Roddenborry also spoke there.
“Du It Today "
Tim time-worn injunction, 'Never
put off 'til tomorrow what yon can do
today,” is now generally presented in
this form; "Do it to-day!” That is
the terse advice we want to give von
about that hacking cough or demoraliz
ing cold with which yon have been strng
gllng for several days, perhaps weeks.
Take some reliable remedy for it TO
DAY—and let that remedy he Dr. Bos-
chee'a German Syrnp, which has been
In use for over thlrty-flve years. A few
doses will undoubtedly relieve your
cough or cold, and its continued use for
a few days will cure yon completely.
No matter I10W deep-seated your oougli,
even If dread oonaumtlon has attacked
your lungs. German Syrnp will surely
effect a core—aa it has done before in
thousands of apparently hopeless cases
of long trouble. New trial bottles, 8So;
regular size, 78c. At S. H. Price Go.
VILLE, TENN„ MAY 12-18. 1903.
To Delegates and Their Friems:- ,
Your attention is called to the offi
cial route, for the above meeting. South
Georgia, North Georgia, North Carolina
and South Carolina has selected the
Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis
Ry. from Atlanta to Nashville aa the of
ficial route (The Battle Field Route.)
The special train will leave Atlanta
Wednesday morning at 8:20 May 11th.
I he Florida delegation can join this
party in Atlanta by leaving Jacksonville
at 8:05 p. m, May loth., via the “Dixie
Flyer Route"; through sleepers Jack
sonville to Nashville; no change of .care
or transfer via this route. Tickets on
sale Mav 10th., nth and 12th, returning
limited to ten days. Ticketscan be ex
tended nntil Jane fith, by depositing
them with Special Agent, at Nashville,
and payment of fee 50 cents. The rate
from your city is one fare (first class)
plus 2$ cents.
Ask the Ticket Agent to sell you a
ticket via the "Dixie Flyer Route.
E. J, Walker. Fla. Pass. Agt.
Jacksonville, Fla.
It is understood that it is the purpose
of Hon Martin V. Calvin, member of
the lower house from Rtohmond county,
to Introduce at the sasrion of the legis
lature which convenes on Jane 88, a bill
which will provide for the Inspection
and examination of private hanking in
stitutions, just as is the case now with
the chartered state banks, by the state
bank examiner, and to further require
the private banking houses to make and
1 a statement of their condition
from time to timo, as the state banks do
Faw people will question the
wisdom of Mr. Ostein's bilL
Wllllama-Carter, Waycroas.
Waycross. Ga., May 84.-Mr. N. O.
Williams of Thomaavllle, and Mias Bee-
ale Oerter of thia city, were married
here last night. The ceremony waa per
formed by Justice Htghamtth at hia
residence on Parallel street. Imme
diately after the marriage, Mr. and Mrs.
Williams left for Thomasville, where
they will make their home.
Horae Auction.
A do* fight or an anotion sole always
attracts a big crowd. Tha corner of
Broad and Jackson was thronged Thurs
day by Interested walohers of a sale
of two fine hones and a pony. The
steeds belonged to Judge Hopkins and
: waa brisk, Chas. Davis pur
chased one hone at 881. A fine road
ster waa told to John I. Parker for 8165.
The pony went to M. R. Elder at 888.60
Homa From College.
Mist Martha Merrill, after a year's
study at Agnes Scott Institute in At
lanta is at home for the summer vaca
tion. She will return next year to com
plete her course and will fraduate in
June 1806.
Mias Merrill it editor-in-chief of “The
Aurora." the college magarine and did
■otne splendid work on that publication
during the year.
Masters Graham Miller, Boff Hayes
and Reid Lae went up to the camp of
tha Ball Lumber Co., at Ooolidga
•pant last night.
Weekly Times-Enterprise.
Weekly Times-Enterprise I year and
a splendid man of Georgia, the United
Statee and the world, 81 00.
(The map alone is worth the money. >
Weekly Times-Enterprise and the
Semi-Weekly Atlanta Journal, both one
year tl 40.
Weekly Times-Enterprise and the
Semi-Weekly Savannah News both
year 81 60.
Weekly Timee-Enterprise and the
Three Timea-Week New York World,
both one year II 50.
Weekly Times-Enterprise and
Boston Times, both one year |1 86.
Weekly Times-Enterprise and
Sonny Booth and the Weekly Atlanta
Oonstitntion, all one rear 88 00.
Almost any other combination yon
can want at a price to suit yon. If one
of then* combinations doesn't salt write
ns what yon want.
ThomaaviUe, Ga
Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, 0k»
California, Cloorado,
Utah, Wyoming,
Oregon, Montana, Washington
and other points
West, Northwest and Southwest
Dist. Passenger Agent.
Eggs For Sals.
Brown Leghorn eggs for sale. 11.00
per setting of 16. Address Sirs. J. O
Neel, Boston, Ga. S-84-6
Test your eyes
(Fit them with the
iproper glasses and
adjust the frames
to your face property. Goods and work
guaranteed by J. B. Salter, proprietor
of the Eclipee Optical and Medicine
Company, ThomaaviUe, Ga. Next to
Times-Enterprise Madison street.
River and Northeastern
Effective April 6, 1904.
Daily except Sunday.
Leave Pelham 10:30 a m
Arrive Ticknor 12:30 p m
Leave Ticknor 2:00 p m
Arrive Pelham 4:10pm
D. M. Rogers, Gcn'l 8upt.
THE LADIES fatfor painting their
churches, and therefore we urge every
Minister to remember we give a liberal
quantity o( the Longman & Martinez
Paint toward the painting.
Wearaand covers like gold.
Don’t pay 81,50 a gallon for Linseed
Oil (worth 60 rents) which you do when
you buy other paints in a can with a
paint label on it.
8 & 6 makes 14, therefore when you
want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only
eight of L. & M., and six gallons pure
Linseed Oil with it, and thus get paint
at less than 81.20 per gallon.
Many houses ate well painted with
four gallons of L. & M. and three gal
lons of Linseed Oil mixed therewith.
These Celebrated Paints are sold by
0. W. Cochran, Thomasville, Ga
G. L. Duren, Meigs, Ga.
Low Ono-way Settlers’ Rates to
the Northwest and California.
From September 16 nntU November
80, 1906, the Burlington makes very low
one-way ooloniat rates to California,
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montano.
The reduction it from 86 to 40 per cent,
from the regular rates.
The Way to Go.
Thd Burlington, with Us strong wmi,
lines and tree chair cars, best reaches
the West and Northwest via Denver.
Billings or St. Pool. ’
“The BnrUngton-Northern Pacific
Express” la the great daily through train
with chair can and tourist aleepera via
Billings, Montana, to Paget Soaud and
intermediate point*.
Homeseekers Excursions
These nro ran the first and third Tues
days of each month at appraximaMly
hall rates for the round trip.
It will be a pleasure for us to give yon
an aocnnte and informative reply to any
J. N. Merrill, Gen’l. Southern Agt.,
, _ _ Atlanta, Georgia.
L. W. Wakeiey. Gen’l. Pas. Agt.,
St Louis, Mo
Thoroughbred Leghorn Eggs, 81.00