Newspaper Page Text
It is a tw-horse riding cultivator and without
doubt the best one made. It took first preminm at
Georgia State Fair.
None of our customers who have bought one
would be without it.
We also have a good supply of other farm tools
such as Disc Harrows, One-Horse Cultivators, Cot
ton and Corn Planters, Chilled Plows, Avery Stocks,
Dixie Boy Plows and in fact anything you heed for
We want your trade and, are willing to make
low prices to get it.
OF ,
Is located on Broad street, opposite
Piney Woods Hotel,
is an up-to-date Hospital for for sick horses, mules and dogs,
TJp-To-Date Implements
for performing all kinds of operations on animals.
Examination free. Board at cost.
Address, .
J. C. Schwencke, D. V. S.,
Thomasville, Ga.
Local and Personal.
M. Baum was here from Quitman Sat
Our Valentine.
We fnrnish IT, either ROUGH or DRESSED, and that too of the VERY BEST
This yon already knew, the words we speak are surely TRUE.’ We are too
busy filling orders to look yon up, bnt if you want the best of any thing in our
line quick, ’Phone 264, and the old mandrill do the rest. \ V
Out by the Crate Factory on Boston road. Visitors are welcome, day or night
Get Prices from
him before
Thoroughbred Chickens.
Barred Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte
ReV; jb. R.. Jenkins spent Friday
At Odilockonee.
Mr. Cannon of Cairo was in the
city Saturday.
F.A-CollinsofCordele was hereon
business Thursday.
Mr. E. H. Thompson, an old Thom-
asvillian, is in town.
Mrs. E. H. Smitli lias returned from
a visit to Jacksonville.
Mr. O. P. Stewart of Quitman was
in the city Thursday.
R. M. Rogers of Pelham was a hast*
ness visitor on Friday,
E J. Polhillof Quitman was domi
ciled at the Stuart Thursday.
H. P. Stewart of Quitman was among
the city’s visitors on Thursday.
Mr. J. H. Brown a popular rural mail
carrier from Ochlockonee visited town
Some needed street repairs have been
made at the k Const Line crossing on
Jackson street.
' Miss Susie Kirkland of Waycross is in
the city, the guest of her brother, Mr.
A. W. Kirkland.
Mr. Geo. P. Butler of Livo Oak Fla.
passed through Saturday afternoon en
route to Camilla.
Mrs. It. K. L. Spence aud iter sister
Miss Genie Underwood were hero from
Camilla on Saturday.
Dr. S. S. Gauldon, Brooks county’s
representative lit tho legislature came
Qver from Quitman aiid spent the day
L. Tucker of Albany, a prominent
wholesale milliner was a recent visitor
to frienejs In this city.
Mrs- Palmer of Main Street, River
side, has as her. guest, her daughter,
Mrs. Hambleton of Thomasville, On.—
Jacksonville Tlmes-Unlon.
Mr. Roscoe Luke left for Atlanta
Thursday morning. He will be gone
about a week, looking atter legal aud
political business in the state’s capital.
Mr. and Mrs A. M. Watson, of Thom
asville, were the guests this week of
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Gridin at the Ocean
Pond Hunting and Fishing Club,—Val
dosta Times.
Mr. Wardlaw Has Been in Thomas-
viile two Yeare and has Done a Groat
Work for the City School—Successor
Not Yet Appointed.
More drummers come to Tlirimosville
on Saturday thau any other day iu the
week. Tills iu because of the excellent
hotels which make tnis city a desira
ble “over-Sunday” stopping place
EGGS. Price $1.00 per setting 15 eggs.
C. W. COCHRAN & BRO., - Thomasville, Qa.
Evans & Son
Sell th* best
The best
(Studcbaker and Tennessee.)
The best
Call on us before buying
Tlw Mason family drove up from
tliei^country home at Sonina,.Saturday
and spent the day. ill town. They will
go north for the summer, which they
will spend in Philadelphia, next week
Hcv. W. E. Mmuford and Ids hoy’i
band pawed through Thomasville Frl
day on their way to Cairo. Tiny
have been making music for Hie Odd
Fellow* Qrdnd Lodge at Valdosta and
played at Cairo Friday night.
Tlie black “mortar-board” caps of a
number of Nonnan Institute girls were
seen on our streets Friday. They
were on their way from the college at
Gbe to their homes in the npiier part
of the countyr •
Messrs Edward. Lake and Fred Janes
arrived, home Friday morning after
a visit of several days to tile World's
Fair at St. Louis. They say the expo
sition is a wonderful affair, and that
the exhibit, will soon be all iu place.
They report Warm weather there also,
so it seems that Sontli Georgia ft not
tlie only place in the torrid zone.
Jas. .F Evans & Son,
Thought They Were Ripe.
Mr. J. R. Johnson of the Ochlockonee
neighboi hood brought into town several
watermelons that were very nearly ripe.
He thought they were ripe and he was
almost certain those Times-Enterprise
and A. F. Church well prizes were his.
Neither melon however came quite up
to the standard, and tbe prises are yet
to be won.
Mr. J. C. Wardlaw Thursday hand
ed tlie following letter of resignation
to the city school board.
Hon. Chas» M. Smith, Chairman Teach
ers’ committee,
Thomasville, Georgia.
My clear Sir:—
1 hereby tender my resignation of the
Superinteudency of ttte Thomasville
Public School to take effect June the
80th. Allow me to express to you, aud
through you to tlie Board of Education,
my yery sincere appreciation of every
kindness that lias ever been shown me
since my connection witli the system. I
commend to you for sympathetic, cor
dial support and cb-opcration the splend
id body of teachers who, have labored
faithfully with me for the upbuilding
of the school here. *
With best wishes for the prosperity
of the educational interests of the com
munity, aud with gratitude for every
courtesy extended me ami the confi
dence manifested in me, I am,
Yours very respectfully,
J, O. Wardlaw,
Mr. Wardlaw was elected to the su-
jierinteudency of the Thomasvll e pub
lic schools in 1902, and for tlie past two
sessious he lias labored indefatigable
for the advancement of the educational
interests of Thomasville. , His labors
have borne fruit iu one of the best pub
lic school systems in Georgia
Mr. Wardlaw is an organizer of unus
ual ability and he has brought into his
work here all the system and science of
the most modern school methods.
Thomasville people can feel an espe
cial pride iu their schools. They were
organized only three years ago t and iu
this iiiort time they have established a
state-wide reputation. A diploma from
tlie Thomasville High School is a pass
port to college doors and business
booses where bnt a few otheis can gaiu
The public school system was organ
ized in 1901 with Mr. Edgar Broadhorst
as superintendent. After three months
Mr. Broadhorst resigned to aeoopr the
superintendency of the schools ofGreens-
boro, N. O., and W. C. Jackson succeed
ed him Iu tho following June Mr.
Jackson also went to Greensboro, and
Mr Wardlaw came from the Dublin,Ga.,
s i|ierintendencv to take charge of the
Would Gall Attention
To the Columbia Disc Graphopkone which is bringing so mnoli pleasure to
thousands of homes throughout this broad land of oars, and which yon can en
joy just os well; they are proving everything that have been said of them, an en
tertainer iu the home. A number of the newest models can be seen at
4P(? * 120 Broad St.
Churchwell & Co. Will Have Bette i
Display Room.
Dr. T. M. McIntosh is having some
important chtngo* iqade iu bis build
ing on the old Starke corner.
The building is occupied by the hust
ling firm of A. F. Churchwell & Co.,
and to better allow the display of the
goods the firm advertises, a half parti
tion in the rear of the store is being
removed. The office will be placed in
a more convenient part of the house,
and a large amount of now shelving
pat in.
Mr. C. R- Poole, manager for
Ohnrchwell & Co., is one of the most
scientific advertisers in Thomasville,
and he has built up by this means and
by his own personality a splendid bus
iness. Dr. McIntosh proposes to take
first-class care of so good a tenent.
Tics Is tht kind people vast Yrhm eat wogjy
it worth of hit money bt It tattrttd tad tomat iflk
Our Work
Murt please our eottoKtrt. IT* I
an who "knew how/
Carriages, Buggies and Wagqtia
Repaired, Painted Sand Trimmed.
, Opposlto Pint,.
Wood* Hotel
Will go to Quitman.
Rev. W. R. Owing. lias accepted a
call to tlie paitorate of the Prexbyte-
rian charchea at Qnitman and Morven.
He bat resigned iiis position os presi
dent of Young's Female College to take
effect at the close of tlie college year on
June Mb. Mr. Owing. will take bis
family to Qnitmon about the middle of
Jane. Pterions to coming to Tliomas-
rille he was pastor of the Presbyterian
church at Oordele. During his year in
this city he and his family hare made
many frienda who will regret , tlietr de
parture bnt will be glad they are to re
main cUiaene of South Georgia. Si
Boy's Blue Serge Coats, Youth’s Blue
Coats, Men’s Blue Serge Coats, Preach
er’s Coats, Boy’s Stockings, Men’s
1-2 hose in plain lace Strijpes
and Fancy Colors.
The $1.25] HighSArtJ Shirts
the BEST in the World |$l.0«.