Newspaper Page Text
The excellent address delivered here
recently by Mr. O. V. Goodyear of
Brunswick ie etUl freeh in the mind* of
the people. Mr. Goodyear has Jnst'ls-
sned is pamphlet form hie argument in
No diaeaee canaea ao much bodily discomfort, or itchc*. ^ ]v
me and (tings like Eczema. It begins often with a
ght redness of the skin, followed by pustnles or litis- p i '
s from which a gummy, sticky fluid oozes, which dries WkQ
d scales off or fonns bad looking sores and scabs, it * '*>*/■
pears on different parts of the body, but oftenest upon
! back, arms, hands, 1ms sir«:-I fsel is ■ydasxtowr
d face, and is a veritable you know whats.b.b. tu «•*•£*.
ment at times, especial/ SSSf&JPhbPtiSitiLfSItdiat«*'
night or when overheated. r£”o«t eu3£ P Kswwd
««« of Eczema is ■ aad SiArest Wads of Mad ««?<?,»•
“Total cotton manufactories In Booth.
1908, 718, more than for entire United
States for 188a
Total spindles United States 1881-S,
18,HO,000. For 1001-2, 11,400,000. In-
crease in 10 years, 8,80a000. Of this
8,800,000 of increase 4,880,000 In the
Sooth, giving her supremacy in cot too
manufacturing in the United States.
Total investment in all classes of man-
nfaoturing in the South in 1880 8 887,*
In 1800,80 years later $1,188,000,000.
Per oent increase in manufactures
for the entire United States 1880 to 1900,
838 per oent.
Same period increase for South, 818
per oent.
Lumber products in the South 1880
8839.000. tiOO.
Lumber products in the Sooth 1900
188.000. 000.
South’s increase in farm products
1880 to 1900,881,000,000 per year. In-
crease per year 1900 to 1908, $115,000,000.
Southern prodnotion Pig Iron 1880 to
1908,900 per oent.
Goal mined in South 1880 8,000,000
People got to the bridge and crossed
over yesterday, something they hadn't
,been able tqdofor some spaces of time.
Bussell Sage says vacations are bad
things for people who have to work—
and have the vacation thrust upon
A plain poor man has been adjudged
insane out west because he thought him-
saif a presidential candidate. William
B. buys exemption with his gold.
j-eeis-- •
Roosevelt is not a hopeless oase. He
baa seen the good effect of Parker's
“say notbiug" policy and has adopted
it as his very own for tbs space of three
whole days.
Coii|if nun of Roms, who
made a most brilliant race for delegate
from the state at large, it considering
the gubernatorial plum Judge Mad.
dox is a gentleman in politios and tv*
are in too great need ot his like to allow
him to stay out. Hit retirement from
oongreat will only exalt him to greater
Ninety per oent. of the tree Geor
gians want Parker to be the party lead
er, bnttf he isn't they will all turn
around and say 'Dam yo^; bat right or
wrong Fm with yon, even if your name
is Hearts.”
Rev. Newell Dwight Hlllit of Brook-
lyn thinks that in another generation it
will be considered vulgar to be rich.
Newspaper nr on always have thought
so, don’t you know.
— ” — —
A man on the outside would have
thought that Parker caucus in Atlanta
to be s hen party. Trox Bankstone,
Masalngale, the gentleman from Deoa-
>ur, and all the rest talking at the same
The judldal department of the United
States government Is beoomlng a men
ace to the liberties of our people. The
danger is yet in ita embryonio stage and
the word montoo is almost a misnomer;
bntlf the freedom of America la ever
enslaved tha Judiciary is the avenue
down whioli the yoke will be borne.
The power of injunction, at times an
almoat Indispensable right, has Increased
In extant and application at so alarming-
ly tepid a pace in tbs last decade that
thinking people are beginning to stop
and my, where will it tod.
The Untied States courts tlxmgh are
tha ones at which the conservative clti
«n looks aikauoe. United State* Judges
are appointed by the preeident end in
the hands of a despot could be largely
■ad* hit creatures. At this very mo
ment e Florida judge is going through
the long ball of tap* to impeachment,
and although he is notoriously worthy
of removal it was only aftar at
trials by those he peneouted that he
tree brought to amount.
Only laet week a United States judge
In North Carolina Hoed the editor of the
K&Jeigh News and Observer 8J.000 for
criticizing an appointment that the
judge had dado. i
In most cases. United States Judges,
as state, circuit and petty judge*, are
juM ami fan-, but the power of the des
pot mM ba too great It U a matter for
^ . .jSgeght and will profit investigation.
Ton have heard of all-embraolDg char
ity. Club women of Now York have
It. They defend the and seat hog.
No state primarr will be held hereof
Irreariiar than July 10 nor later than
September 1st. A good thing.
Do you know where Pauline wore the
looketf Weil that’s where the Hear at
people get it.
The yellow peril sometimes falls into
perilous ways. Vide the Hearn boom
in Georgia. N
The peaeh crop geta bigger and sweet-
The City Hospital.
Editor of the Time*- Enterprise:
1 beg the favor of a little of your
space in which tossy a word directly to
the people of ThomasviUe in regard to
their City Hospital. 1 say “their” Hos
pital because the point I want to em-
pha*ixe U that Hospital does not
belong to me, nor to the Boardof Trus
tees, nor to the City Connell, nor to the
County Commissioners, nor the north
ern residents, bnt just to the people of
TbotnasriUe for the care of their sick.
And sol feel that they should be kept
informed as to what the Board, noting
as their stewards an doing, snd oath*
other hand that the citizens of Thomas
villa should take a more active interest
than they have done. There are many
who do not even know where the pres
ent Hospital is located.
The present status of affairs is this
We realised long ago that oar prsgtnt
quartan and eqoipmeat were totally in
adequate both to the charity work of
this vicinity and to the increasing do-
minds of persons able to pay, who de
sire Hospital attention without going
890 or 1,000 mile* to get it. For the pest
three yean we have been using every
effort to accumulate funds for anew
site and a new up-to-date Hospital. By
the active work and generous donation*
of our northern friends as well as by
the co-operation ot a limited number of
home perple, we hare accumulated
nearly 8>,00Mn oath, enoogh to start on.
Two or three available sites an being
considered and ooe will soon be purchas
ed. Plans have not yat been drawn for
the boildlng.but the ids* likely to bt fol
lowed It that of tha modern "pavilion'
hospital, with a two story administra
tion building an1 several on* story ward
buildings oonnaotsd ^vlth it by corri
dor*. Tbs building of tha hospital then
is assured and tha means partially lrr
hand. The quattaii for os at present to
the providing of an adequate support
the' running expanse* That they
will ba vsrv much .-greaterthan at pre4>
eat is. self trident. Pa'y patients will
help a little but the charity work
virtually be supported by contributions.
Fpr the past sight or nine years the La
dies Board lias had a list of about thirty
persons from whom they have collected
eaeh mouth sums varying tram 10 oonta
to 81-00. By tha closest ooonomy they
have managed to make both ends meat,
helped oak by occidooillj oatsidodonft-
But think of it! Thirty sab*
ecribersto* Charity Hospital in a city
of 8,800 or morel We ought to have at
least 800. In faot every family in town
ought to give something regularly.
Now at a coal of much tlm* and labor
tha Ladies Board intend to make an
•Sort at ono* to oall upon every family
and individual in town. They will ask
to tnroll your name in thsir books
member of tbo "City Hospital Also
elation” with a plsdgt to pay jnat such
amount per month aa yon may tw fit
There are very few in our town who
not able to give at least Ite per
month, or 81A9 per year for the can of
the sick. Wo need this Increased in*
oome at once for next month our ex.
pentes will ho increased by the employ
ment of a graduate nurse greatly need*
ed. You can save the committee trou
ble by lending or 'phoning your name
to Mrs. J. H. Merrill Prea. or to Mrs.
W. O. Snodgrass, Booty, of the Ladies
Thomanriile at present lias no pobUe
institution or monument whijh stands
aa an evidence of the loyal pride and
public spirit of her citizens, (not even
streets, free from cattle.)
Let na all work for the Hospital, ao
that when it is dooe, we can point it
ont with pride to our visitors and say
“That is our Hospital, ws helped to
build it, wu support it, we can care for
our sick and suffering within oar own
G. 8. Whitney.
. . Thomas 8t.* Lonl*. Mo.
ortho's try pDtonsVrithwhich the Mood-current is overloaded. Whilecx-
os tne nery pro „ washes. s<»ps. salves
and powder*are toothing and cooling* they do not
enter into the blood itself or touch the re*l cause of
the disease* butS. S. S. does, and purifies, enriches,
—- j—p. and atrengthena the thin acid blood
general ayatem,’when the skin clear* off and Eczema and all it* temlying
symptoms disappear. Book on the Skin and ita diseases free. No chirge
lor medical advice. FMC SWIFT SPECIFIC CO,, ATLANTA, BA,
10 Copes of Bov. T. DeWitt Talmage.v
“Travels in the Holy Land”
—WUl be—
given away
In the Timee-Enterprise “Dot” Con tent
’■’Itcse books are on exhibition now u
our store. They are splendid works,
whicli sell for 83.76 each and will be an
ornament to any home.
J. E. Robison & Co's.
Book Store*
Broad Street, ThomasvUle, Gs
ifnrnmrnm^rnmmmimn mmmmmmmmmmmnfe
My pretty maid? I’m going to Tybse, Sir, the said. And 2
that’s the place where tha people are going this year to 2
have agoodtima.
Witn its many attractions. Us 8ne orchestra, it* splendid —
bathing and It* excellent cuisine Is the most popular seaside 3
resort oa the Soqjh Atlantic Coast. Rates $3.60 per day
* $18.60 and $16.00 per week. -
The Pulaski House. \
Is the most popular piaoe in Savannah and should be your 3
headquarters when in the city. Writ* for Illustrated booklet. ~
CHAS. P. GRAHAM, Proprietor. =
For $16.00, $20.00 amt $30.00. Sevtrsl hub-
dred Discs to select from: also a good selection of
Musical Merchandise, Sheet Untie 10c. up A
Na 1 Guitar for $8.76. Mandolin* $8.00 up.
Banjo* 83.60 up, eta, canjDt found at
Tattle’s Jewelry -Store.
ThomasviUe. Georgia.
“Blakeslee” Engines Stand Supreme
For All Power Purooses.
SIMPLICITY itaolf. Buy a
BLAKESLEE and’[keep your re*
I giou. No profanity
anfl Connection Oatfiti
Nothing hidden or complicated about the
Strictly high-grade.
Write for our catalogue and prices.
Birmingham, - - Ala. . ,
You can see every movement
BLAKESLKF.. Positively -SAAE.
Quaint, Queer tad Curious Salt Lake-
The late CoL John Cockerell in The
Cosmopolitan said “There are three uni
que cities in America, and one of these
is Salt Lake City.” It is not only uni
que in its temple, tabernacle and other
Mormon church institutions, but quaint
in appearance, with its wide streets, im
mense blocks and martial rows of shade
trees. It has, perhaps, more attractions
to the square yard than any city in the
country, and its climate, while temper
ate all the year round, is particularly
delightful in summer. The Great Salt
Lake, with its magnificent Saltair resort,
where the water ist"deader and denser"
than that in the Dead Sea in Palestine
is an attraction in itself that people
come miles to see. There are many
cool mountain and lake resorts near by,
also numerous very pretty canon and
park drives, and hot sulphur springs.-
Fishing and hunting can be had in every
direction, The trip from Denver to.
Salt Lake City and Ogden, via the Dea-
:r & Rio Grande and the Rio Grande
Western, is one of unsurpassed pleas
ure. Here nature is found in her stern
est mood and the whole line is a suc
cession of rugged canons, Waterfalls
and picturesque valleys. No European
trip can compare with it in grandeur ol:
scenery. During the entire summer
there will be low excursion rates to Salt
Lake City and contiguous country. It
is on the road to the Pacific coast, if
that be your destination. Write S. K.
Hooper, G. P. & T. A., Denver, Goto,
for beautilully illustrated pamphlets,
8-1-03-1 imos.
R-I-P-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
good prescription
For mankind.
Tha 6-oent packet it enough for uaaat
occasions. Tha family bottle [60ota.T
contains a supply for a year. All drag,
gists sell them. 8-9
For Salt. Newly Overhauled.
One 35 H. P. Tubular Boiler
» " *> - -
" 10 " •• Vertical “
“ 8 “ • Locomotive “ oa
One 10 H. P. Vertical boiler and en
gine detached on wheels.
t No. 3 DeLoach Saw Mill, Duplex.
1—4* inch inserted tooth circular saw.
1—1* inch cross cut saw.
i—*4 inch cross cut saw. w
1—8 x 13 Watertown engine, centre
1-35 H. P. centre tank Erie Engine.
3 Button Saw Moulders.
Works near A. O. L.R. R. Depot.
P. O. 103; Telephones 134 and310.
We love an op-to-date railroad. The
A. A B. bun nothing but the latest
Disuse takes no summer
If you need flesh and
strength use
Sccftt’s Emulsion
summer as in winter.
sea.ea48i.eel e»ku**ln.
Due Congrcaaman, one farmer and
two newspaper men compose Georgia's
big four.
We certainly are glad we didn't have
to eat crow, and Hearst crow at that.
The beet way to keep cool is to keep
year temper.
How do-you suppose John Temple
Vaerrioe le the Mad people want When one (Metres
k . the worth of hi* money be is satisfied and comas agita
Our Work
■aa whs tin how. 1
o«r tartacstra. Wo Ih* moms hat 1
Cow Hides
Fur, Beeswax, Etc.
Carriages, Buggies and Wagon*
Repaired, Painted and Trimmed.
j. w. WATKINS &
Office at Williams’ Stable rr8 W
I * g> *°n fit.. ThomasviUe, Ga.
114-211 iOCTH BROAD,
Opposite Piney
THOMAsrnxM, oa
Test your eyes
Fit them with the
Proper glasses and
adjust the frames
aaxu WOrK
Walter, proprietor