Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, June 17, 1904, Image 10
p. Wight of Cairo sprat Tuesday Pmco of Florida waa in town TIJtBS-EJTTBBPBlSB, THOMASVILLE GEORGIA, JUNE ,17 1904. lira. J. U. Spence of Camilla waa in i Tuesday. W. F. Way. s Mopl trie attorney epeut Tuesday here, Jno. W.DnUes waa a visitor from Bainbridge Friday Mrs, T. J. Bail is at home again from White Springs. . - Master I.aclan Taylor lias gone [to Macon for a visit. Dr. J. B. Palmer was hero from Och lockout* on Tuesday. Mrs. Albert Grant is (he attractive guest of Mrs. Jno. Grant. Mr. Eli Mallette was an interested spectator at Boston Friday. Hits' Anna Ramsey went home 'to Groovervilie Friday afternoon. Mr. L. Collier has returned to Meigs after speudiug the week ltere. Mrs. Frank Walker, from Mutcalfe spent Tuesday Write city witli friends. Mrs. E. J. Walker, and daughter, are visiting Mrs. Dickey on Oollogo street. Miss Gertrnde Gaskins is among the teachers who have returned to Pa- M. L. Collier a leadiug oitison of the Ochiockotieo vicinity, waa a vi titor laat week. Mr. Irwin Molutyni went to Qnltman Friday to attend the fnnerai of Jndgo Turner. .Miss Lilia Forest returned to Boston Friday. She baa been attending the institute. * Mrs. A. J. Callahan of Newton Ala. 4s the gnestof Iter sister Mrs. 0. R. IPeole. Mr. aid Mrs. j. 8. Bydboteu have tgone to White Springs for a weeks rcc- , lcntlon. l 1 ■ Mrs. W. McKay andfantUydiave loft for a severalday’a,visit to Macon, their 'former liome. , teachers' examination. All Applicants for Places In Com mon Schools to be Examined. Op next Friday and Saturday Com missioner Maclean will hold examina tions for t teacliers who wish licenses to teach in the common schools. Every county school teacher is reqnir cd to pass the examination before it is possible to be appointed to a school, Many of those who pass, however, are never given appointments owing to other possible shortcomings. Only new applicants, and those whose licenses liavo expired must tske the ox animation. Col. Willis Sheffield of Bainbridge is in Hie city. Colonel Sheffield was a delegate to the recent state convention, and had the honor of introducing the resolutions that caused the stampede of the famons Tuesday night canons. Mr. Ohas. Lane, who bun been the gnest of commissioner Maclean during the institute left for Ids home at Hole ua Friday afternoon Mr Latte's lec tures for the benefit of file library net ted some $25.1X1. Mr. li. L. Redfearu. who Is one of the most prominent teachers in the connty, and who took a leading part in tlie institute lias returned,homo. SKIN DISEASES The Outcropping of Bad Blood. P ainful th “ e aggravating beyond expression. With few exceptio ns thev are worse msoiimr skfnTs^tin^ ac I 1 '' 6 ", y -' Stem be2in i to thaw out a “d tl,f miinnathrax!* d making extra efforts to tit row off the hav * accumulated during thewinter months ceivable kind maklrteir ap and P ,al P Ies ’ a " rf eruptions of ev-erycon- ? earance, and Eczema and 8. S. 8 i* * etter—the twin terrors of hop** all t h«.while.It an cxloMoS^Lnio tS skin diseases—Nettle Rash, •‘▼•■tiength to the system ard tone to all the Poison Oak and Ivy, and appetite and enet-ary and makee such other skin troubles as an excellent btoodhnurTfini For'months I wax usually remain quiet during troubled with an itchinar akin eruption on the the cold weather, break out f rl x?A B o e « f. nd “ auy remediee to . . _ i «. get a onre, bats. S. S. i» the only medicine that afresh to torment and dlS- aeemed to relieve. I am now comparatively free tract by their fearful burn-, ofthia eruption. I think a 'groat doal of your jtifr itchimr and stininn? medicine, believing it to bo the beet blood purl* a ^ do ** fier and tonic known to the world to-day. A course of S. S. S. now will mbs. frank hornbr, purify and enrich the blood, 1330 Baet Seventh st. reinforce and tone up the general system, and carry off the bodily impurities through the proper channels. The skin, with good blood to nourish it, remains smooth and free of all disfiguring eruptions. w Send for our book on’diseases of the skin, and write us if you desire medical advice or any special information,t This will cost you nothing. fHE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. - ^ \ June 3i, 1904. Will witness the wind up of the Mis* Annie Cook, utter a visit to Mrs. 0. M. Roblnaon, ha* gone to Pine Park for a short w liilobefore returning to her home lit Cairo. Professor B. C. Reuse has gone liome to Pavo after attending very cloeuly [on the s'-ssions of tho Instltate. Messrs Jno Biagletary and R. L. Red- fearu were repairing political fence* in the metropolis yesterday. Miss Mabel .Tatqes wiio visited tier nude, Mr. James, daring the institate left for Boetou yesterday. Mis. Katie Cooper who lias been at- 1 tending Young’s Female College left -Ratalday tor her borne in Pelham. Mlw Annie Lie Rogers who has at- - tended oollogo here' through the winter took her departure for Americas Satur. •day- _ ’ _ Among the prominent oitiseus of the county who are doing jury duty bore this week is Mr. S. B. Singletary of Cairo. Miss Bailie Stark will leave curty to morrow morning for Savannah, from where she sails later In the day for New York. She goes to Maine for tho sum- Edwin* Matletto went to Boston Saturday for a day. Miss Mallette is enjoying the pleasures of liome again After spending several years at eollege. Her presence here will add much to tho social circles of Tliomasvllle. Mr. an 1 M ■*. .Tames Polk Stewart, who recently rotor ied from St. Louis, where they attended tho World's Fair, have moved back to ThdmasviUe to res ide in fntare. Mrs. Stewart made many friends during her stay’ in Waycross, who regret that Mr. Stewart’s business necessitated a change of residence. —Waycross Journal. Dr, J. T. Culpepper aud his daughters, Mitsui Aramlnta and Susie left Sunday afternoon for Lookout Mountain, Ten nessee, for a two weeks’ outing. Dr. Col pepper will 1* attend the meeting ' there Of the Supreme lodge of tho A. O U. W. i MissFlorri# Rapp, who has been at tending Young Female College this past winter left for her home in Atlanta Sat- ■rday. Mine Florrie Rapp is a most bentlfol nnd charming young ladies, and made a moe&deiightful impression while hern. She is the niece of Dr. and vm, Bamsey of this city, and lier many fricuds bopeto ete her retnrn in the ' . MissJAgncs Owens after spending the institute went liomu to Pidoook Fri day afternoon. Another of the Same Name. Tho friends uf Mr. John Wade iiave t*sm nuking him wlip Iw waa afraid of, that lie alionkl be “toting a pistol.” He didn’t kuow until 'he looked in the Timea-Enterprise and saw tliat John Wade had been fined $15.00 on a plea of gnllty last week for carrying a gnu con oonoealed. Asa matter of fact. Mr. Wade was at home attending to his crop and the Jno. Wade wiio contribut ed to the support of tho court was a lus ty negro turpentiuer. Dr. A. P. Taylor made n professional visit to Cairo Monday. *. Messrs. K. T. Terrell and F, O. Jones spout Sunday pleasantly in Quitman. Mrs. W. P. Blasinguuic is in the city for a two weeks visit Her friends ate glving^ierjijordialjielcome^^^ RYDALES TONIC A New Selenitic Discovers (or me BLOOD and NERVES. It pt’rifie* the blood by eliminating the waste matter and other Impurities and by destroying the germs or microbes that Infest the blood. It builds op the blood by restoring and multiplying the red cor puscles, making tho blood rich and red* It restores and stimulates the nerves, causing a full free flow of nerve force throughout tho entire nerve system. It speedily cures unstrung nerves, nervous* ness, nervous prostration nnd all diseases of the nervous system. MALARIA. RYDALES TOKlG is a specific for all forms of Malaria. It'acts on a new prin ciple. It kills tho microbes that produce Malaria. The cause being removed the disease quickly disappears. RYDALES TONIC is guaranteed to cure the most obstinate cases of Malarial Fever, Chilli md Fever, Ague, etc. We authorize all dealers handling our remedies to refund the purchase price for every bottle of RYDALES TONIC that does not give satisfaction. IHe Badlcal Bemeng Comm ' HICKORY. N. C. *5. W. PEACOCK. A SILLY 8MILE. Water Melon Sticks to Negro’s Hands Costs S10.00. City treasurer Mitchell has been dis consolate of Ute. He btu s pet water melon patch, in which smiled a beanti fal pet melon. Now s eertsin*ebony lined devotee of red sweetness discovered the existence of that pet melon, nnd he too began to pet it. The melon grew to liking him so well thst it stock to his hands on. dsy-as it is also snspicioned that some of its mates did. Mr. Mitchell grew jealous, and Judge Hausell of the county court was Sstorr- dsy called upon to arbitrate. He gave the negro, Ed Peters, $10.00 Bnd costs, and now Ed doesn’t think that melon was smiling after all. Peters is an A & B. porter. , This is a good warning at a good time. Announcements. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself as a esndi date for re-election to the office of sher iff of Thomas county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If re-elected I will continue to give the offioe my personal attention and will discharge its duties to the beet of my ■ ability 7. J. Hlght. For Sheriff I heaeby announce myself as a candi date for Sheriff of Thomas connty, sub ject to the action of the Democratic pri mary, and solicit the support of the vo ters of the county. If elected I wilt give my personal and undivided atten tion to the duties of the office and will discharge those duties to the best of my ability. J. J. Coke, tf If you have not purchased all you want in the way of Dry Goods, Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Bed Spreads, etc. at the prices quoted you are to be numbered among the unfortunate. ,—^’ — This, is an Opportunity. that seldom presents itself to the Thomasville public and if you fail to take advantage of it, its your loss. Everything has been marked down to a price which makes it impossible forZhe.goods to stay in our shelves, and if you don't hurry you will be left. Remember June 31st 1904 is the last day of the sale. After that day prices will be advanced and it will be useless to say. How is that! Why JMrs. So and So, bought this same piece of goods at.such and such a price a price, for then it will be too late. Louis Steycrman. More Prices in a Day or to. flQE^This store clffses atj6 o’clock. \ - Our Valentine. EVERYTHING GOOD IN C* llO'M.7 We furnish IT, either ROUGH or DRESSED, and that too of the VERY BEST This you already kuew, the words we speak are surely TRUE. We are too busy filling orders to look you up, but if yon want tbe best of any thing in our line quick, 'Phone 264, and the old man will do the rest. Out by tile Orate Factory on Boston road. Visitors are welcome, day or night Thoroughbred Chickens. Barred Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte EQQS. Price.Si.oo per setting 15 eggs. C. W. COCHRAN & BRO., - Thomasville, Oa. WALKER-MATH IS. Wall Known Young People wed at Susina This Weak. Miss Lillian Monk wiio lias been teach ing school most successfully at Hickory Head School, having completed the school term, it was decided by the pat rons to hold a school picnic in her hon or. Friday morning people from Thom asville, Cairo and the vicinity met at Walden Bridge, an ideal spot for such an occasion. Messrs Hal Mitchell, Gsorge Howard, L. M. Brinson and Henry Hines voted themselves a com mittee on refreshments, and the unlim ited supply of iced lemonade which they made showed thst they were past masters in the art of concocting inch a compound. We are not going to forget to mention the dinner, for that would be impassible. Thomas county’s house wives are renowned for the exoellency of their oooking. If yon do not believe tbie, jnet get invited to a picnic held eomewhere in the oonnty, then yon will know. All preeent seemed to have ■pent a very enjoyable day, and the children wilt long remember the pleas ant time they had. Prof. Z. E. Dixon and Mr. FI. C Cope land of Metcalfe, passed tlirongh on on their way to Cairo last Friday. osn W. I. McIntyre and Frank Jones of Thomasville, and Ed McRee of Kinderion spent Sunday at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Blackahcar. Mr. J. O. Harvin and his sister Mils Hattie Harvinof Houston, Texas reach* ed hero last Saturday, and will spend some time visiting relatives and friends. They are now visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Blackshear. Mrs. S. M. Beach, and sister Misa A. L. Blackshcnr, went to Tliomasvllle Monday. Married on the tilth Inst at the home of tlie bride five miles nortii of Cairo, the BovJ H. P. Stubbs officiating, Mr. Robert H. Walker and Miss Bertiia O. Mathis. The groom was born and rais- -d here, and is one of our best citizens. Tlie bride ism daughter of Mr. William Mathis. We wish this roung couple all tlie joys and lmppiucss married life brings, and none of its trouble and sor row. For Representative. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for representative subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If re-elected I pledge myself to a faithful performonce of all the duties of the offi ce. My past Tecord in the office is open to inspection and relying upon this I submit my claims to the voters of the county and solicit their support. John R. Singletary* . For The Legislature. 1 nereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the Legislature sub ject to the Democratic primary. Hav ing served the people te the very best of my ability in the last legislature, I feel tliat I can confidentially and conscien tiously solicit their support in the ap proaching primary. J. B. tor the Legislature. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for representative in the legisla ture from Thomas county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If I am elected I will give the duties of the office my most careful attention, and will conscientiously endeavor to serve the people to the best of my abili ty. I respectfully solicit the support of the voters of the conntv. J. B. WAY. SUCCESS SODA. Directions for Making Good Bread: ■Use one leveled teaspoonful ■SUCCESS SODA _ Would Gall Attention To the Columbia Disc Graphophone which is bringing so much pleasure to thousands of homes throughout this broad land of ours, and which you can en joy Just aa well; they ate proving everything that have been eaid of them, an en tertainer in the home. A number of tho newest models can be seen at OHAS. G. GOEHRIYG, Jeweler, * 130 Broad St. to a quart of sifted flour;7add enough sour milk to knead tlie dough. When sour milk is (not) used, two part* of Cream of Tartar and one of Snooess Soda are the cor rect proportions. SUCCESS SODA Best and Cheapest. For Representative. To tlie people of Thomas county: Appreciating tlie nut honors yon have confirmed upon me I take this method of announcing that I am a candidate for re-Meotlon to the House of Representa tives of Georgia. In the diaohargo of my duties in the past as your represen tative I have to the beat of pry ability worked nr your interests ana the in teresta offtbe whole people of Georgia, I again ask your support. My candi dacy is subject to the action of th* Democratic primary. Fondren Mitchell. For Tax Collector. 1 moat respectfully announce myself u a candidate tor re-election to tbe of- floe of tax collector subjeot to tbe ac tion of tbe Demooratio primary. In making this announcement I beg to ex tend my thanks to the voters of Thomas county for tiieir kindness to me daring the past and to solicit a continuance or their support. P S. Heeth. For lax Receiver. > I lioreby lumouuce mvaeif a- a can didate for re etecrlou to tho office of Tax Keoolvsr ef Thomu county subject to the motion o< tbe Democratic primary. If rs-elected I will give the offioe the same oareful attention u in the past. I solicit the support of the voters of tlfl connty John F. Howard For Ordinary Desiring lint to think my old com- rades, and friends generally, for their fonryeare gift of the office of ordinary,! hereby announce myself u a candidate for re-election, subject to tlie the Demo oratio primary, promising if eteoted. to do my utmost to perform all the dutim of the offioe faithfully in fntare u I have tried to do in the past. WM.M. JONES. For Commissioner. I hereby anuonnee myself a candidate for re-election to tlie offioe of Oommia- miaalonerof Rnards and Revenues of Thomas county, subject to the action of the Eomoeratic primnry, and solict the support of tlie voters, d&w J. D. Barrow For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for election to the office of Commis sioner of Roads and Revenues c f Thomae county, subject to the action of the Demooratio primary. I solicit the sup port of the voters of the county. M. D. Redfearu. For Coroner. I take tills means of announcing for re-election to the office of coroner of -Thomu county subject to the action of the primary. If elected I • will give the duties of the office the same careful at tention that they have heretofore re ceived at my hands. I appreciate the snpport that my friends have always given me and their many kind expre*. Mona of satisfaction Thanking slimy supporters and hoping for a renewal of the raoport. I am faithfully, Oh is. Oivnv. For County Treasurer. I respectfully announce that 1 am a candidate .’or re-election as Treasurer of Thomu' county, subject the action of the Democratic Primary. 1 am very thankful to I is people foe tlie favors and confidence shown me in the put, and pledge, if elected, my very best and most conscientious efforts to give them falthfnl, efficient, and'sat isfactory service. « I earnestly solicit yonr support and friendly co-operation. Gratefully and faithfnlly years, JNO. F. PARKER For County Surveyor. I announce my candidacy ror re-elec- tion to the office of county surveyor of Thomas county subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If re-elected I will continue to give the office my bee* attention. I solicit the snpport of th* voters. A. J. STANALAND For County CommissionerTT I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Commis sioner of Roads and Revenue of Thomas county, rabject to the action of the Democratic primary. I solicit tlie rap- port of the voters of the connty. E. M. SMITH. For County Commissioner. I hereby annonnee myself a for re-eletion to the office of Commie- •iQiier Roads and Revenue of Thomas octontj, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. I solicit the sup- port.of the voters of the county. H. O. Copeland,