Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, June 17, 1904, Image 4

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South Georgia Progress.
Published every Friday by (be
Times.Enterprise Publishing Co.
Wilson M. Hardy, President. ..
John D. McCartney, see. * trees.
At the Time-Enterprise Bonding.
ThomasrUle, Go.
Entered at (be poftofflce at Thomae-
ville, Ga., as second hlafa mail
ecnaosiraox BATES.
Weekly, One Year............... *1.00
“ Six Months SO
Three Montlis 26
Daily, One Year .*5.00
“ Six Montlis V. 2.5o
“ Three Months 1.26
•' One Month 60
Official Paper of Thomas County
Guaranteed Circulation 3,350.
Melona, Lomter, Croaa Ties and
Lobs Being-Shipped.
The rush is now on and for tiro next
three or foor weeks Merrillville will be
one of the busiest little towns in sooth
Georgia. Loading melons, lumber,
cross Ues and logs, together with all
Other kinds of shipments makes onr lit-
tie town hare some life about it
The-railroud comimny has completed
its tide track. ’
Mr. Jorl Onenl is now a citizen of onr
Mr. Albert Dixon of TiioinasrillH waa
bore Friday
Messrs. J. G. Knapp, 0. L. Bruner
and J. E. Brown of the A. & B. spent
Thursday hero
Mr. J.. M. Dyke carried to Tpornas-
ville Thursday, a fine ohance of cuts,
lonpot and vegatabUs, which he diepoe-
edof for a goodprioe,
Mrs. & A. Fanrrr vi.itml Thomssvllie
g.Unrday. /
Mr. nmt Mrs. M <t. Sheffield mid
t . eec’ithlMi »|«-in Sainru*.v ami Smi-
u.y in* V Sal I lie.
Ml.s’.’lih ii. ferttu of Tliomeiville It
hen oa a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Donaldson spent
Thursday in Thoinasvllle.
Mr. F. N. Carter spent Mouday in
Mr. and Mre. Charlie Matliia loft Sun
day evening for Ochlockcuee to spend a
few days.
Mr. O. O Wolfle, rente agent tor Uie
Southern Express Co., wss here last
Tuesday. While here he oheoked'ln
Mr. J. N. Donaldson as express agent.
Tlnjtinglng waa good and Prof. Ban
tin gave ns some good manic.
Boston Votes Against Bonds. OUwr
News From Mis Hub.
’.Judge M. Baum one of Qu^man’s
leading attorneys was here last week
attending the Justice court.
Mr. D. E. Horne and children of Live
Oak, Fla. who have been the guests of
Mrs. Missouri Horn at her home on
East Jefferson street for some weeks re
turned home last Saturday.
County Surveyor A. J. Stsnslsud was
here last Saturday spying out the land
like Caleb and Joahuaof old.
G. W. Chestnut the a tile and efficient
representative of Thomas county's great
paper, Times-EnterpHte was here last
week wearing out Boston's sidewalks
wilh his number 10’s.
The “colic bombs” sailing under the
euphoulons Jnarae of Kolb Gems will
soon be going forward to regale the
anatomy of our New England brethren
Master John Roberts, one of the Lest
boys in Boston is enjoying the sea
breezes and bathing at Tybee. John
was accompanied by his'grandmother,
Mrs. Averitt of Fowlslown Us.
The agitation of yonr widely ciicn-
is ted paper of the free pan and mileage
question lusted one of our candidates
for the General Assembly to eschew the
very appearance of tills existing evil.
Which of the ethers intend to do like-
wise? Don't nil speak at once.
J. B. Colb of Harrison Ga . w as v sit-
lng ids daughter, Mrs. B. A. Notion,
at her home on South Main street lut
Min Fannie Willis lett last week to
visit friends and relatives in Quitman,
Onaley and Valdosta. She will make an
extended vixit and will be stuentjwvoral
weeks ere she returns home.
Mrs. Dopson left lut Sunday after
noon for Onaley Ga., to visit her fathor.
Mr. Willis.
D. G. Malloy of Ferry, Fla, and a
large naval store manufacturer was-at
tending to basinets in onr city this
we are glad to report, convalescing.
Min Sallie Hnletto, a very pretty
young lady of Pavo was the guest of
her aunt, Mre. J. O. Adams at her home
on Jackson street this week.
Judge W. H. Geiger of Mayview was
a visitor to onr city Ink Wednesday.
M S Gioover who has occupied one
of the Taylor stores on west side of
Maiu street has removed to the old
stand of Whaley & Daniel on the east
side of said street.
Rev. J M Rnshin, Prof. A Q Moody,
BI Beasley, W R Foster and others of
Horeb Lodge left last Wednesday morn
ing for Albany to attend the Masonic
Postmaster Fred Feltliapi wife and
children and Misses Lilia and Gasaie
Forrest left last Wednesday night for
St. Lonistosee 'ilie big fair.
Mr. J. L. Baldy'and Miss Belle Ban-
ton Wed at Coelidgs. ,
Yesterday evening Rev C. E. Alli-
good united in the holy bonds of matri-
Miss Belle Benton and Hr. J. L. Baldy.
Min Benton la ono of Thomas coun
ty's most beautiful young ladies. Mr.
Baldy is a prominent merchant of
Coolidge who recently moved there from
Cairo. The marriage la of Interest to
scores of people in the county whochper-
ish a warm friendship for the yoong
One of the greatest blessings a modest
man can wish for is a good, reliable set
of bowels. If yon mre not the happy
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They
are pieaaant to tame and aggreeable in
cfToct. For sale by J, W. Peacock, d.
& w.
"My mother has been a sufferer for
many veari with rbeumaii«-u,"says W.
From the Chapin. 8. C. News: Kurly
in the spring my wile anil I were taken
with diarrlioen and hi severe were the
pains time we colled a physician wlio
prescribed for ui-, but his medicines
failed to give any relief A friend who I H. Howard, of Husband. Pa, “At times
ludn bottle of Ohamberinin'e i^ewa a unabl-to move at all, while at
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand j wim il^t .WchimJ.a^™
gave each ns a dose and we at ou«6 j Halm and after a few application j she
felt the effects. I procured a bottle and i decided it was the most wondnrfu! pain
before UHinjt the entire content* w* j rc, ' evtfr *he had ever tried, in fact, she
were entirety cored. It i* a wondurtul • w . , ! ever w |u° U a 1 now an< * '? at a , I,me ‘
remedy and should be found in every 10 , An occasional application
household H; O. Bailey, Editor. This, 0 , *" n ‘ ,a,m k f c P* *W hc . P*» n *£ al
remedy is for sale bv ,1. W. Pence** * h0 v ;! as . f0 i v tr0 « Wcd * or
* j sale by |. \V. Peacock. d&w
N.rve fmaiun.
A too to Imsltli i< iii-rvr tension, Hum*. >
timesili.u to hurry uucl worry, but unis- an thngood old summer time, when
time- not of leu don to jxxir luuigi miou j Mevols throng thoroughfares, and farm
a bad stomach, a torpid liver or const!- animals anil roadsters are all kept busy,
I a Hon 'I'll,.6 couilittoua all react on; ncoWents to man and beast are of fre-
■ he miud and will keep yoer nerves on nuent ooonranee. ElUott'a Emalaiffed
edge if y-u do uot remove thorn by ne-1 Oil Liniment is the most serviceable sw
ing Green's August Flower. There is cident and emergency liniment in use.
10 Letter stomneh mcdiuino in the world j It relievee quickly and heals speedily
than August Flo-ver, aud Uo surer care : onts. contusions brnisee, sprains, eto.
far Indigestion or.dvsiwpsia Trial hot- 1 Yon get one-half pint for 26c„ and yon
tie, 75o At 8. H. Price & (Jo. gut yoor money,back if not satisfied.
For sale by J. W. Ppacock
, An Old Fsshlonsd Picnic.
The picnic at the the Waldron bridge
lait Friday was a snoceas in every sente
of the word, end will linger long in the
memory of all present, as one of thoee
“good old time'' picnics which Use over
the river folks, as they are called, are
noted for having. It wm given by the
Hickory Head school.
When tile hoar of noon arrived din
tier was auuonnced, and we all sal
down to a bountiful repast of snob dain
ties as would tornpt tho appetite of the
moat f.tstldinns. We did justice to it.
Old Ann*, i-1-,, as alio is coiuiuouly
known, presided over the coffee urn in
her usual pleasant manner, aud that, to
gether with plenty of free lomonado,
furnished us refreshments lit for a king.
Those present from Cairo wore: W. J.
Powell, a W. Mauldin, W. Y. Bryan;
From Tbomasrtlle: Mrs. Monk, Mias
Monk and brother, Mr. Jim Mitohell,
Amos Bottoms; from Snsina: Misses
Hattie, Liizie and Annie Lon Black-
shear, Mr. 8. M. Bosch, Mr. Leroy
May weaU be fortunate enough to
gather on the banks of the grand old
river and enjoy many more audio
Mr. Moses Kingsley of Brooks county
was here last Monday, the guest of
his son, L. J. Kingsley.
J.' Walter Everittai- old Bwtnn hoy.
liui now uf Memphis,Tenu., is suttiug
I’ts parents, Mr. aud Mre J. B. Kverllt
at their home corner of Adam and
Stephens streets.
Matt L. Stanaland of Monticcllo, Ga ,
was visiting Ills parents. Mr. and U r,
J. G. Stanaland last Sunday.
Mr. Bright Adams a former dtixen of
this oounty and dlstriot, bnt lately of
Perry Fla., died at tiln home In said
town last Sunday and his remains were
brought to this county and interred et
Summer Hill chnrch£Honday. A good
citisen and Christian lias gone to rest.
We teuder sympathy to his bereaved
relative in Hits sad dispensation of an
all wise Ureator.
Mr. J. O. Neel who llvee in aoutheaet
Boston had the misfortune to lose a very
valuable horse a week ago.
Mrs. J. P. Smith of Quincy, Fla., nee
Mias Ernie Carson, after a moat delight
ful sojourn of a weak or ten days with
relatives and lriends, returned to her
home last Thnnday.week aooompanled
by her-husband.
John Blocker ef New York a nephew
of Mrs. T; 8. Leak la visiting the latter
this week.
Miss Maggie Barney aocompanied
Miiw Wesaie Ansley home lest Smnrrho ,
afternoon both returning Mouday. These
two young ladies are among Boston’s
moat popular ones.
Ami many other painful and serious
ailments from which moat mothers
suffer, can be avoided by the nae ef
“Mrtlll'l Frifift" This great remedy
is a God-send to women, carrying
ilissi through their most critical
ordeal with safety and no pain.
No woman who uses ‘‘Mother’s Friend” heed fear the suffering
and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror
and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in
a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is
“Motherhood,” is worth PWSNJ g ffllr Eli
its weight in gold toevery
woman, and will be sent free in plain
envelope by addressing application to
BrodflehJ Regulator Cp. Atlanta,Ga.
Oplam which leads to Constmipi
cure or refund the money. Ho'd $1.00 per box,
OH MOrTrtCHEMlCAL CO..K;ievwi an d. «»lii<*.
,1U 11 ,n ».ich as Nervous Proatm
tlon, Mental Worry, ex
cesstvc uso of Tobsweo or
cry order we gnsrauee to
*5.(0. By Pm^en “
Drug Co
Planete Jr.
J t is the veroict of every farmer
that has ever used one or even seen
one used that the
is the greatest labor savor and grass destroyer that ever
went into the field.
It does the work thoroughly, quickly and with ease to
the operator.
If you are not already using them get yourself right and
call on or write r
(Junta fur i.h i
-ill wool.
Just arrived a line oi extra
pants, In alt wool
■ Homespun,
Eastland wash pants.
-ale auila 8-'.t“ l’ci- suit mul upward. Our Uiue Serge
Youths mid men are etill the go at $2.60 and upward.
Way’s Ituilding.
“For what is worth in'anything
But so much money as ’twill bring.”
For Infant* sad Children.
Thi Kind Yoa Han Always Bob#!
I Beam the
Prof. Rnthetford of Richland, Ga,
who waa lately elected by tho Board of
Education of Boatoo'a Graded School
aa Brat assistant teacher, waa here last
Tneaday taking in the eitnation and
anrronndinga. Prof. Rutherford comer
highly roeommendod ae a first-class
teacher and wiU no doubt give general
R.L. Lewis of Boston‘and Ped Adams
of Pavo are at Hampton Springi, Fla.,
At an election held on Monday the
Utli for the pnrpoee of bonding the town
of Bomdo to eetabUah a xyatem of water
work!, tho vote wai 11 far bonda and
Wagainit bonds, hence we will have
Loyd Groover, ran of alderman J. M.
Groover, who hat been quite tick- is.
Just received today a line of all wool 2 piece suits $12.00 vilue to sell
I'ur §8 60 right frem the milkers.
A full line uf boys knee p-uits in all wool Summer weight are expect
td by ihe middle uf next week
A new line of Trunks, Hags und Suit cases.
tlnr $1.2.'- High Art Negligee Shirts are going like hot cakee at One
Dullur. S' come and g-.t your share of the best shirts on earthjTor
fine Dollar.
It Will Bear Inspection.
Plumbing, Tinning, and Sheet Metal Work we Do.
Why not have yoor work dooe so you will not bs liable to a care of typhoid fever
In yonr family? Wa know bow to do
IFixst-Cleuss “ T ^7"ox3s:
and that is all tha kind wa expset to do. When in need of that kind call on oi
"We guarantee all mew work lor lyear.
im ■ 107 Madina Street. ’Phone 851.
We desire to call attention of our cuatomers tiiis week to a large
line of
Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements.
We handle the— —
Weber Wagon aud the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford Buggies
and th4 Rex Buggies, and the McFarlane Buggies and
We have combination corn and cotton planters and combina
tion guano and corn drills.
We have the beat line of Fertilizer Distributors we ever saw. Yon
can put out with them from one hundred to two thousand pounds
of fertilisers per acre.
We also carry a fall line of two horse riding and walking cultivators
and weeders.
We are still offering bargains in
—Flour, Sugar and Tobacco—
and have on hand yet some select North Carolina Seed Pindere
Remember that we give with each 26c cash purchase a ticket en
titling you to a chance at the beautiful Ames stick seat run about on
display in our window, which will be given away on May 28th. One
of our customer* will get this beautiful run about. You may be tha
lucky one. COME to see us.
Comfort Trading Co.,