Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, June 17, 1904, Image 7

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QCHLOCKONEE’S NEW DRUG STORE. Carries a complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Sta tionary, Fine Perfumery, Soap3 , Combs, Brushes The only up-to-date Soda fount m town, serving all kinds of cold and fancy Drinks and Ice Cream. A fine line of Tobacco and Cigars, Fancy and Family Groceries. Thanking you for past patronage and soliciting same in future. “ iTOUNTIN l COMPANY - - Ocklockonee, Georgia. nmHUT HOSPITAL OF DR. J. C. SCHWENCKE. Is located on Broad street, opposite Piney Woods Hotel, is au up-to-date Hospital for for sick horses, mules and dogs. TJp-To-Date Implements for performing all kinds of operations on animals. PIME8-ENTERPRISE,THOMA8VILLE, GEORGIA, JUNE 17 1904. Local and Personal. Mr. aud Mr*. M. Bracy, are home from the lake. Mr. Juo. M. Deiile is at home from a visit to Hampton Spring*. Dr. Walker of Cairo was in town Thursday on his way to Atlanta. Miss Mamie Ret»«e left Thursday, for St Unions for a fortnight's outing. Mrs. W. L. Ball aud children returned Thursday afternoon from White Springs Fla Mrs. Anson. W. Ball, went to Bums- wick Thursday for a visit to Inn* home people Miss Elizabeth Denham is a guest, at the residence of Judge Augustin F. HamHl, COMBINED PRIMARY SCHOOLS MOVED TO SOUTH GEORGIA COLLEGE Contract Let For Alterations In The Main School Building For Acconv modation of Lower Grades. Four Additional School Rooms. Messrs. R K Lester, M M Huching- son and W (1 Pittman,the building com mittee of the city school board, have let a contract for important alterations in the South Georgia College building. The board reeentjy decided that if the changes were practicable it would be Misses Jennie nud Fiov Met -lain passed through Thomusvillo on their from Bainbridge to Pelliam. Mrs. J, T. Wood who has been visit ing her father, Judge W. H. Bibb left Thursday for her home in Oamilla Miss Ernstine Purdom, from Black- shear is the attractive guest of Mrs 1?. M. Fleming on Remington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Blalock came home Thursday from Florida where they have visited, Mrs. Blalock's parents since Sat urday. advisable to combine the firimary with the grammar grades. The buildihg committee investigated I lie matter* and on the strength of their iuves.igation closed a contract with Henry Arnold in volving some $1100.00, According to the plans, the large au ditorium will be floored over at the level of the balcony, thus making additional floor space for four large recitatiou rooms and.a hall. Two of the rooms wifi be 20 I-a by 25 feet and the two others 25 by 8b feet. The door space of the auditorium will not be diminished in the slightest, and its ceiling wilt still In* Id feet high in the clear ami 12 high over the stage. The acoustic qualities of the hall were very bad before and it is hardly probable that they will be any worse after the change. The Kind Yon Haro Always Bought, and which has been m use fop over 30 years, has borne the signature of /y ,,y — and lias been made under his per- YT&Jtzfas 801101 «»P<«vteton since its Infancy. '"oe-yjr. Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and «Jnst-as-good” are but Experiments tbnt trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute tor Castor Oil, Pure, gone, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Examination free. Board at cost. Address, J. C. Schwencke, D. V. S., Thomasville, Ga. Thomasville, Georgia, —SELLS— Machinery. Get Prices from him befiie /. - —YOU BUY — Messrs. B. H. Wright, M. M. Cooper and H. H. Brandon formed n mnfiml aid society Thursday, with the seeing of St. Louis a* their object. They will be joined in Atlanta by Mr. David Bran don. FOREMAN GUILTY. County Court Handles Many Liquor Cases. Dan Foreman was found guilty in county court yesterday of the charge of selling liquor. He will be*sentenced to day. Foreman in a leading negro mer chant on Jacksou street. Jno. Wade was found guilty of carry ing concealed weapons and wastlnod $15.0n aud costs. Rachel Anderson, the negro who burned tJio cat received $20.00 and costs. Allen and Mattie Ju nior, charged with cruelty to animals, forfeited their bonds. Juo. Davis, charged with a misdemeanor, was found not gniltv. The case agaiust Mr. R. M. Wads worth for pointing a pistol was coni in ued. Calvin Poe. Mary Goodwin and Jno. McNeil, who were connected with the case against Mr. Garbett in Boston for selling liquor, were not prosecuted. The cases againtt them were destroyed by the clearing of Garbett. While the jury was out on the cose of H. Howell, charged with furnishing li quor to a minor, ouo of the jurymen was taken sick, and with consent of the oounsel, a mistrial was declared. The cases against Gracie Mitchell, and Messrs. Walter Partin, Huo and N. L. Monk were nol prossed For the first years of the public school’s life the primary grades were housed at the Young Female College buildings After the institution was re organized last fall, the Baratte building of Jefferjon street was rented at a ( oat of $80 per month and converted into a school house. Mr. Arnold's contract calls for the work to be completed by August 80th aud for the first time, the little tots will go to school next year in the same build ing with the high school pupils. TO ALBANY. MR. J. C. WARDLAW HAS AC CEPTED THEIR SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENCY. Mr J. C. Wardlaw has accepted the position of superintendent of the Al bany Public Schools. The place was offored to him by the unanimous vote of the Albany school board and he has decided to accept and has commu nicated with tho Albany people to that effect. Thu Albany school system is aboa the same size as that here, though the salary paid their superintendent is ap preciably higher. For the past seven consecutive years Mr. S. K. DeJarnette, au old school mate of Mr, Wardlaw's, has held the position with eminent sat isfaction. Ho retires this year to enter business. Mr. Wardlaw’s resignation iu Thom asville does not take effect until the 80th of this mouth, and from that time TAYLOR STEAM ENGINES COMPLETE GINNING OUTFITS GRIST MILLS MILL SUPPLIES TAYLOH SAW MILLS Nowly , Equipped Boiler Worko Machine 1 Shops and ' Foundry Evans & Son ■tic!i ill' rest MOWER, (MrCnrinick.) The best WAGONS, (Siml.-Inker :iml Tennessee.) The best BUGGY, (liiibcoek.) Call on us before buying. , F. Evans & Son, liHlIraHHKI as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble prey* upon the mind, discouragesandleasensambition; beauty, vigor and cheerful ness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to he born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the child urinates toooften, if the urine scald* the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet ting, depend upon it, the cause of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of 5wamp-Root is soon realized. It is soh 1 by druggists, in fifty- “ cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a Em* j9emo*om. K Mct telling all about Lwamp-Root. ing many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y„ be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Ropi, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N, Y., on every until tlio 5th of August he will be en gaged iu the University Summer School at Athens, it is probable that tie will then go west for a short vacation, re turning in time to t ike up his duties at his new home about the first of Sep tember. * Albany is to be congratulated on se curing so excellent a man to direct her educational system. Mr. Wardlaw came toThomusvllle os superintendent iu 1U02. aud he has proved himself to be not only a skilled educator but a man with whom system is second nature, and honest determination first nature. He has accomplished a work in Thom asville that will live after him and he leaves behind a great muny friends who think of him, as tlmv think of his fa ther Rev. J. P. Wardlaw, us a gentle man and a scholar. They will be de lighted to know that he and his inter esting family will still be residents of wiregrnss Georgia, if not of Tlumias- ville. Thomasville Business College. Now is the time to enter so os to be ready to accept a position in the fall. Take a course in either the book-keep ing or shorthand and typewriting do- Weeen Wire Fence. Fire Proof Roofing, Spray/ Pump*. Mowers, Rake*, Separators. Wa will Maks It to Vow Intirest to Fl$ut# wtth U». MALLARY BROS. MACHINERY CO. MACON. CA. pnrtBMOt For ternw, nddros. or o*U OB AN80H W. BALL. President. I . Satisfactory l eorrlco 1* tho Mod pooplo wash WhM oa. roc^roo /’ tit, worth of hi* money he l, «»ti«J »d end ooaee tilth. Our Work Mutt pleas# our customers. Wa kMf mete tout MM mom who "kaaw how.** Carriages, Buggies and Wagons Repaired, Painted and Trimmed* HORSK-SHOEINd AND OBNEKAL RUOUHRMNS A. W. PALIN, U4-2M COUTH BROAD, THOHACT1LLB, OA.* Pln*T Wood* Hot*!. . - (KBIHtiBgMKr